All shades of blue: palette and combinations. Names of colors and shades

The blue color in clothes for people is very familiar. For many, this is their favorite color, moreover, the base color, that is, they collect their wardrobe, relying on this particular shade in clothes.

Blue is considered quite formal. Uniforms, business suits, overalls - all this is not at all difficult to imagine in blue, but not in red, not in purple. At the same time, this shade, in a lighter, airy incarnation, easily transforms in our imagination into a bridesmaid dress or into a beautiful prom gown. It is with this color that little girls most often paint the dresses of painted princesses.

It's hard to even imagine how many shades this color has. However, for some nationalities, the designation of this part of the solar spectrum is completely absent from the lexicon. So, in Japan, blue and green colors began to be distinguished in educational aids only in the middle of the twentieth century. There is no such color in some peoples of the African continent. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the nature surrounding these tribes there is no blue color at all, with the exception of the blue of the sky.

Basic shades of blue

There are few colors in the palette of colors that have as many shades as blue. Depending on the penetration of purple, green, yellow, designers have fun creating tables of shades of blue, coming up with amazing names for many of them: steel blue, niagara, heavenly, royal blue, and even “the waters of Bondi beach.” And if you are one of those who previously knew only blue and blue, we bring to your attention 7 main shades of this multifaceted color:

  • Navy blue;
  • midnight blue (navi);
  • sapphire;
  • ultramarine;
  • cobalt;
  • an electrician;
  • blue.

From cold to warm

Blue color has a unique ability to give coldness to any shade adjacent to it. Nevertheless, it is also possible to distinguish tones in it that radiate a weak, almost impalpable, warmth, and others that only real Snow Queens should have in their wardrobe.

The colors of the spectrum, such as yellow and May green, will add warmth to blue. The intervention of purple and cold greens will make it cool. Although, precisely in relation to blue, this division into degrees is extremely arbitrary.

Who will go for blue?

Due to its low temperature, it is believed that the choice of blue is the prerogative of only those women who can be attributed to cold color types: winter and summer. However, "warm" beauties should not avoid this tone in women's clothing - just the colors will be a little different, emphasizing the natural beauty of spring and autumn.

Color type Winter

This contrasting type of female beauty has two main qualities: radiance and coldness. No pastel, muted tones of blue should be let into wardrobes - dusty, devoid of contrast, they will do a poor job for. In blue, it is better to pay attention to shades of bright blue, electric blue, blue-violet, turquoise, ultramarine.

Color type Summer

A woman who is the embodiment, on the contrary, does not need excessive saturation and a game of contrasts. The best blue is the one you want to describe with the word "calm". Whitened shades of the summer sky, grayish blue or gray-blue, the color of a low-hanging thundercloud, that blue that is called royal - these are the main trump cards in the wardrobe of summer ladies.

The contrast is not so typical for autumn as it is for winter, and yet, girls and women should beware of slurred, pale tones in clothes and accessories. The selected shade of blue should be quite complex, in which you can see two or even three subtones at once: greenish-blue, blue-black, deep blue with a purple tint. Pure colors will argue with the complex range of autumn women. Ultramarine, electric blue, as well as pale blue, azure, faded tones should be avoided.

Spring color type

Blue shades for are those that necessarily include a yellow undertone. They must be bright, joyful, no mutedness and midtones - bright turquoise, aquamarine - especially advantageous for the skin tone inherent in spring, as well as cornflower blue, sky blue. It is permissible to wear the last color whitened, but not so much that the honey scale of spring fades under its coldness. Gray notes in blue in spring should be avoided without fail.

What goes with blue?

Many sets of clothes become winning and complete as soon as blue appears in them. The main thing is not to upset the balance and correctly combine this color with others. Despite its versatility, with a careless and thoughtless appearance, the blue color can make you a “blue stocking”. And it's not about the brightness of the shade.

Blue and white

The combination of black and white is considered classic. However, in addition to this quality, a pair of these colors determines the formality, severity and some detachment of the whole image, while the use of blue instead of black in clothes will make your appearance at the same time restrained, but not boring, business-like, but close and understandable, without a strict distance. Therefore, trouser suits in dark blue are so loved by business women. In combination with a simple white blouse and small elegant accessories, they remain feminine even in the most formal office setting.

As a rule, the combination of blue and white suggests a darker bottom and a lighter top: blue jeans - a white shirt, a blue skirt - a white blouse. But, after trying just once to put on the colors in reverse order, you will understand how this non-standard connection makes you stand out from the crowd.

Blue and red

A very odd combination. In this case, it is preferable to focus on: a handbag, a strap on a dress, gloves and a scarf with blue outerwear. The red tone is always expressive, it throws a challenge, which the blue must accept with its inherent restraint and equanimity. Red on bright ultramarine, on intense turquoise will hurt the eyes of others, and your set will fall apart into separate components of incongruous clothing items.

Also, be careful about the proportions of two colors in one outfit: there should be more blue. And don't add too much white here. It will look very patriotic - it will remind everyone around about the Russian tricolor. But it is appropriate, probably, only on the podium of the fans.

Blue and orange

But this combination, in contrast to the previous one, is quite welcome in any ratio of colors in the outfit. Orange is the main antagonist of blue, it is at the opposite end of the rainbow spectrum, therefore it always emphasizes and separates the contrast of the combination. Dark orange, peach, orange in combination with alternative blue make the image light, fresh, memorable.

Blue and brown or beige

If you choose two dark shades of these colors, together they will look too heavy and will surely add age to you. Therefore, the best option would be to give one tone - brightness, and the other - restraint. The exception to the rule will be dark blue - it looks equally harmonious with any of the shades of brown, but with dark chocolate it will still look formal. But maybe that's exactly what you're looking for?

Beige will support both light and dark shades of blue well. It has long been noticed that beige is perceived as a symbol of sophistication, elegance. In combination with royal blue, he will make you a lady from high society. Experience this combination by visiting an expensive boutique where you have not dared to go before, or sitting at a table in a cafe where service is usually not too rushed. The beaten truth - they are met by clothes - in this case it will work in your favor as it should.

Blue and yellow

In combination, the main thing is not to overdo it with the color saturation in the kit. In fashion, there is such a thing as color blocking, where colors of the same intensity are combined. It always looks rough, so reduce the brightness of some parts of the clothing. Dark blue seems to be created for an alliance with mustard, light yellow, amber. But all the same colors with blue or turquoise will look pompous.

Blue and purple (lilac)

Despite the closely related relationship between these two colors, combining them without being an experienced stylist is not as easy as it seems. Here you need to take into account such nuances as the brightness of both shades, their temperature, the scale ratio in the outfit. In order not to miss, start simple - combine dark blue with soft lilac or bright purple. The best solution would be to wear a dress of one shade and to it - an accessory, or a jacket, or a coat of a different color.

The combination of blue and purple in dark colors will create a too gloomy, depressing image, and a bright cobalt or electric with a lilac or purple color of the same brightness will give rise to an incredible contrast, which is called “pull out the eye”, which is unlikely to decorate you.

Blue and pink

In this tandem, it is also important to maintain the same color saturation. Moreover, the whitened tones of both shades are combined more successfully than the darker or too bright ones.

The only blue that goes with absolutely any other color is dark blue. A bright pink color and a delicate, almost transparent color will suit it.

In order not to spoil the outfit for sure, add neutral colors to it - white or gray, but not black, which, although considered achromatic, will look too heavy against the background of blue and pink colors.

Blue and Silver/Gold

For special moments when you need to shine, the combination of blue and one of two sparkling colors - silver or gold - can turn you into a bright star of celebration. It should be noted that silver enhances the coldness, and gold smoothes out this effect of a blue tint. Depending on whether you want to be admired from afar or seek to see closer, choose the right gloss.

It should be borne in mind that large scales of gold and silver fabrics in clothes - in the form of a dress, skirt, blouse - look appropriate only on the catwalks. There is a huge difference between the concepts of “shine” and “shine”, so pick up a silver clutch, golden shoes or just jewelry from your preferred metal in a pandan blue dress or an elegant suit of the same color. Your appearance will certainly be discussed, but it will not become the subject of ridicule.

Blue and green

These two colors have an innumerable variety of shades, so there will be exactly the same number of combinations. However, this combination will not suit every woman. If your skin is pale or has a pronounced pink tint, veins are clearly visible on your hands, the whites of your eyes have a natural yellowish tint, as well as tooth enamel, discard an outfit that has too much blue and. Use accessories or shoes in these two colors to stay on trend and at the same time not harm yourself.

Blue and black

In this fusion of colors, let the blue be bright and prominent. The pale blue, pastel, whitish shade of this beautiful color in tandem with black will look disadvantageous for any type of appearance. Bright sapphire, electric, ultramarine, thick turquoise color will create an active contrast with black, and, of course, will suit only women with a contrasting color type. In order to soften the sharpness of the borders, break this combination with a suitable white for you - with a hint of blue for a cold group, with a slight creamy tint for warm spring and autumn.

It looks especially impressive against the background of a black-white-blue set, any accessory of the same shade in brightness: bag, shoes, necklace. It is important to observe the expressiveness of colors: with an electric blue in a shade, choose an equally expressive decor element. With a calm dark blue - let the handbag or scarf be soft red, burgundy, noble malachite.

Blue and gray

Unlike the previous combination, this combination looks more standard, even ordinary. This can be a casual outfit for work: a dark gray skirt and a blue blouse, blue dress pants and a calm shirt or jumper of the same color. In a similar consonance of colors, you can go for a walk with friends if it involves an ordinary meeting, and not a solemn exit: jeans in any shade of classic denim - a gray T-shirt or T-shirt, sweatpants - and a sweatshirt. But it is worth adding a little shine to this combination, as the image immediately ceases to be everyday and becomes elegant, even defiant. We leave the blue office trousers, change the jumper for a gray blouse made of thin organza, softly iridescent asphalt-colored satin or smoky silk - and the evening outfit is ready to go out!

Trendy shades of blue 2018

It is known that every year designers choose for themselves a dozen primary colors that will be considered trendy for some time - in order to then change their authoritative opinion to the diametrically opposite one and force fashionistas around the world to rush around the shops in search of new collections.

Two shades of blue top the hit parade this season, according to color and color expert Pantone Color Institute. The first color is called "river bank" - it is a smoky blue color, based on cobalt, with a subtle ash touch, really beautiful and deep, suitable for both women and men to create a stylish fashion look.

The second color, ice-blue, frosty, airy, is called “air-blue”. It is especially recommended by fashion designers for use in outerwear, but will be appropriate in casual wear and evening wear.

Accessories - the finishing touch

Until now, there are women who believe that blue earrings, beads or a necklace of the same color must be matched with a blue dress or such a blouse. And even better if all this is of the same tone and brightness.

In fact, for more than a dozen years, fashion has insisted that the details of the outfit in most cases should be contrasting or matching in color with the detail of the ornament, if there is a pattern in the kit.

Blue, due to its rich palette, is a little out of this rule. It will not be a fashionable mistake to take a blue handbag with a navy blue dress, or tie a turquoise scarf over a navy coat.

At the same time, don't try to ride the waves of blue hysteria and grab things that are considered trendy from store shelves. At the whim of designers, blue shoes become popular, which are difficult to attach somewhere after the season has passed, or clothes of the color of some “blue dust” that disappear from the pages of glamorous magazines after a couple of months, and continue to live in the wardrobe for years, sadly reminding the hostess that following fashion is ridiculous ...

Choose classic shades of blue and your clothes will never stop being trendy. Well, except maybe vintage.

Shades of blue

  • Aquamarine
  • Blue
  • blue powder
  • Lime
  • lagoon
  • forget-me-not
  • morning mist
  • Moon rock
  • Turquoise
  • Cornflower
  • Delphinium
  • capri blue
  • royal blue
  • Azure
  • Chinese blue
  • sky blue
  • Pagoda
  • Sapphire
  • Ultramarine
  • Klein color
  • Tradescantia color
  • An electrician
  • Denham
  • cobalt
  • kerosene
  • Lupine
  • Prussian
  • lead blue
  • gloomy
  • Bilberry
  • Blueberry

The adjective "blue" is formed from the Old Slavic noun "blue", which is akin to the verbs "shine", "shine". This is how our ancestors imagined the sky, on which the sun shone. The word "blue" comes from the word "dove" and meant "the color of the neck of a dove."

Muted soft blue Dark blue tint Bright blue tint, cornflower blue.

The color of the blue paint produced from woad Turquoise color with a greenish tinge Bright blue color.

Gray-blue shades, the name of which appeared due to the development of metallurgical production

Light blue tint. So in the Middle Ages they called blue powder for rinsing white cotton fabrics, which protected them from yellowing. Blue paint, the name comes from the German word Kobold, the so-called spirits of the mines. Deep blue with purple hues. The color of the English royal family A shade of blue, the color of the mineral azurite and the dye azure, the color of the sky on a clear day. Bright blue, saturated color, which was obtained by dyeing the fabric with the mineral lapis lazuli (lapis lazuli). A vibrant ultramarine color patented by artist Yvam Klein An ecclesiastical word meaning "all blue". Blue, the color of the peacock's tail Sky blue, the color of which comes from the Greek word kuanos, which means "blue".

Shades of blue - tones

Bright hues

Pleasant and peaceful. They seem to exude coolness, freshness and purity. Delicate blue shades combine calmness and sophisticated elegance.

bright colors

Active, energetic, luxurious, bold and cheerful. Their intensity attracts attention, invigorates and relaxes at the same time.

Dark tones

Restrained, balanced and conservative. They demonstrate authority, dignity, power. The darker the shades, the more authority they have.

Shades of blue - characteristic

  • Soft muted blue hues - gentle and sophisticated, like spring twilight. Powder blue, French blue, baby blue, lime, moon create a romantic mood. They behave like neutral colors but retain the softness and delicacy of pastels.
  • Light colors in combination with gray echo the shades of the dawn sky. They are light, elegant, translucent. Gray-blue shades are full of bliss and peace. These are very gentle, feminine colors.
  • Light saturated shades, such as sky blue, forget-me-not, are peaceful, fresh and charming. These are the most popular shades in the world of business shirts and blouses, as well as frivolous summer dresses.
  • Light hues with a touch of green, such as soft aquamarine, lagoon, and aqua, evoke confidence and calmness. These pleasant colors suggest coolness, cleanliness, freshness. Thanks to the presence of a blue tint in them, they create a positive mood, and a green tint adds naturalness to them.
  • Bright blue, light blue, blue-green colors are the most popular among others. Sapphire, royal blue, ultramarine, indigo - dazzlingly rich colors, energetic and cheerful, they are real blue jewels. No wonder since ancient times it was believed that the blue color brings good luck. He was chosen by decisive, self-confident people. Beautiful piercing deep and bright shades of blue are never vulgar and are associated exclusively with the July sky and the bright sun. The rich color of Prussian blue is incredibly refreshing, the bell color creates a playful, mischievous effect. Neon shades of cornflower blue, electric blue give dynamics to the blue color. They are ideal for sportswear and outdoor activities. Vivid blues may have purple or green hues. For all their brightness, they invariably remain refined, but the impression they produce is different.
  • The presence of a purple hue in a vibrant blue creates an imposing, regal and slightly mystical effect. The darker the blue, the more magical and mysterious it seems. Juicy purple-blue tones are extremely intense and can act as accent colors.
  • The presence of green in bright shades of sea wave, delphinium, teal, turquoise, capri blue, pagoda gives blue charm. They reflect the brightness of the blue sky and the purity of the wave surface. These are vibrant colors, complimentary, emphasizing the beauty of the skin. They demonstrate good taste, create a great mood and therefore are simply irreplaceable in a summer wardrobe.
  • The blue color represents devotion and loyalty. It is associated with calmness and concentration, conservatism and dignity. The darker the blue, the more authority it has. As blue approaches black, it becomes more significant and influential.
  • Intense cobalt - the color of heaven, a symbol of meditation and eternity. Prussian blue is the color of solidarity. These strong enough colors subjugate any others that are nearby. Patriotic is the color of strength. We sculpt - democracy.
  • Navy is used in office workers' clothes and uniforms. This color speaks of restraint, moderation, hard work and dedication. This dark shade is also cool for sad occasions - funerals, commemorative events.
  • Dark blue-black shades, such as inky, blackberry, are the elite of blue. They make you remember high standards, inspire trust and respect.
  • Blue-violet hues are majestic. The presence of a purple nuance in them gives them royal dignity.
Tatiana Kulinich

Blue color is considered to be one of the most noble. Looking at it, we remember the shades of the sky and water, the elements that can be watched endlessly. Blue has also been used in art and jewelry since ancient times. It was considered the most expensive, since for a long time blue paint was made from the precious stone lapis lazuli. Accordingly, only rich people could afford blue clothes. Perhaps that is why this color is associated with something regal and majestic for many on a subconscious level.

Shades of blue

This color has many different shades, but three of them are most often used. These are cyan, azure and ultramarine. The first shade, cyan, is a cross between green and blue. For this, it is often called the shade of the sea wave. Azure is a shade of blue that is close to blue. This is what the sky looks like on a cloudless day and clear sea water. Ultramarine is the most intense, deep, magnetic shade of blue. Sometimes it is also called an electrician. Ultramarine is also a coloring matter, a mixture of silicon, sulfur and aluminum. Thanks to his invention, the blue color gained great popularity. Other shades of blue have no less euphonious names. For example, sapphire, midnight blue, Prussian blue, denim, etc.

The symbolic meaning of blue

Blue is the color of the sky, literally and figuratively. Please note that even on Christian icons, blue almost always dominates the color scheme. This is especially true of images of the Mother of God. Blue is the color of purity of body and spirit, aspiration upward, spirituality. In this it is the opposite of red, the symbol of passion. The image of red and blue together, which can often be found on icons, denotes the subordination of the body to the spirit. The negative side of blue is puritanism and stiffness. Hence such expressions as a blue stocking or a blue beard. Here blue appears before us as a symbol of coldness and detachment.

This color is also one of the symbols of royal power, noble origin. "He is blue-blooded" - so often they say about the representatives of the upper class of society. In the ancient world, blue clothes were most often worn by priests and kings. Thus, they made it clear to the common people that they are connected with the sky, belong to the highest caste. Traditionally, blue is considered a masculine color associated with willpower, logic, and spirituality. In our culture, boys are introduced to it from a very early age, dressed in blue or blue clothes, buying toys of this color. However, it is worth remembering that women can also possess these conditionally masculine qualities, strong intellect and developed will. Therefore, the monopoly of men on this color is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Physiological and health effects of blue

Blue is known for its special effect on the central nervous system and other organs of the body. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it invigorates and calms at the same time, that is, it harmonizes. If a person's excitement prevents him from working, he has high blood pressure, blue will relax and calm him down. A tired, exhausted person with a weakened immune system, blue, on the contrary, can cheer up.

It is worth remembering that the darker and deeper the shade of blue, the more pronounced its sedative effect. Such shades lower blood pressure, slow down metabolic processes in the body, and make you sleepy. Therefore, it is better to use them in the afternoon. Light and bright shades of blue have the opposite effect, invigorate and stimulate. Therefore, before the start of a working day, an important meeting or an exam, it will be useful to meditate on lapis lazuli. This stone is painted in a beautiful, heavenly blue color. It is also the color of a strong will, so working with it can help those people who exercise a lot, diet, etc.

The psychological impact of blue

As mentioned above, blue is an energy harmonizer. It reduces excessive nervous tension and adds strength to those who lack them. Blue improves memory. It has been observed that in rooms painted blue, people work and study better. This color mobilizes, helps to focus on the goal, discarding everything unnecessary. Therefore, psychologists advise using it for people who are quickly distracted, restless and absent-minded.

The blue color unobtrusively disposes to trust, emphasizes the strength and authority of the person using it. Perhaps that is why this color is most often used in the dress code of various serious companies. It is the color of security and protection of the highest level. Please note that it is used by almost all international defense organizations, for example, NATO or the UN. There is a lot of blue at airports, train stations, that is, places with an increased risk of danger.

Blue color in clothes, image

Blue clothing and accessories are an essential element of business style for both men and women. It emphasizes such qualities as professionalism, seriousness, wisdom, reliability. It should be used to make a good impression on the employer or your business partners. Recently, however, blue has been increasingly used by fashion designers to develop collections for casual and festive wear. With it, you can create the image of a real lady, elegant and mysterious. Blue is not very conducive to communication, but it weeds out inappropriate, obsessive fans. The lady in blue wants to be treated as courteously as possible. On a subconscious level, this shade emphasizes the intelligence of its owner, her restraint and nobility.

The blue color in clothes is quite versatile, suitable for women with any skin or hair color. However, owners of pale skin with a pinkish undertone should not overdo it with this shade, it can emphasize their imperfections. Women with an aristocratic porcelain complexion or owners of a golden undertone, tan, can wear it in any quantity. Makeup using blue shadows or eyeliner is appropriate only in the evening. Use blue shadows only if your skin and hair tone is cool tones. Blue mascara is often chosen by young girls to emphasize their originality.

Blue color in the interior

This color is a leader in the design of various work spaces, offices, reception rooms, etc. Designers advise those companies that work with law, medicine, and information technology to use its dark options to the maximum. It uses combinations of blue and white, gray, black. For other areas of activity, an excess of blue and these color combinations may be too heavy. With the right supply, blue looks great in a home interior, especially in a newfangled high-tech style. Blue and silver as the main colors are suitable for both the living room and the kitchen, made in this style. However, it is worth remembering that hi-tech will appeal only to those people who prefer minimalism and rigor to home comfort.

In the living room, this shade will look stylish, but it can somewhat fetter guests and households due to its formality. Blue in moderate doses is good for the bedroom, because it calms and makes it easier to fall asleep. However, it should be avoided by those couples who have problems in bed. Blue can aggravate problems with sensuality. This shade is also perfect for decorating a home office, especially for those people whose work requires mental stress. In small doses, blue of lighter and warmer shades (azure) can be combined with yellow, green.

blue in advertising

According to statistics, this color is most often used in advertising. This is especially true for information technology. Remember the most popular social networks, their logos are blue. Psychologists believe that in this way their owners convince users of the prestige of their service, that their data is reliably protected. For the same reason, blue is often used by banks.

Color and character: love for the color blue or its rejection

If a person considers this color to be his favorite, this indicates his seriousness, restraint, and reliability. People who love this shade are used to relying on logic and intelligence. They cannot stand strong emotions, considering them a manifestation of weakness, they can hardly be called romantic. These people are purposeful, clearly know what they want and will do a lot to make their dreams come true. However, they will never go to meanness. Moral standards are sacred to them.

If someone does not like the color blue, this can mean two things. Either he lacks the qualities of the blue color (reliability, seriousness, spirituality) or he is tired of his own obsession with them in the past. Blue is often disliked by people who have been "blue stockings" or nerds in the past and hide it. If a person does not like the blue color throughout his life, this may indicate that he is used to taking life lightly, "without bothering."

The hue of the azure sky fascinates and attracts humanity in the same way as it did thousands of years ago. Looking into it, we reflect on eternity, the meaning of life, spirituality. He makes us grow and develop, reach up to the sky. The color blue reminds us that we are all children of the universe and should be proud of it.

Tatyana Kulinich for All rights reserved. Reprinting of an article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

Shades of blue are the sea, sky, ice, night, clear water and distance. Psychologists have proven that the blue-blue palette sets a person in a calm mood, makes you think and dream, has a beneficial effect on health and promotes good sleep. At the same time, blue tones are much softer than shades of blue, they do not exert psychological pressure, they evoke a feeling of coolness and spaciousness.

There are many names and varieties of shades of blue. It is impossible to remember everything, but those who want to independently develop fashion designs or make accessories, sew clothes, you need to at least understand the features of each tone in the blue palette.

Psychology of heavenly tone

If we talk about the blue palette, then there are dozens of shades, all of them have their own names and features. Even among these cold tones, you can find warmer ones, there are both saturated and pastel shades.

All the colors of the blue palette are quite deep, they fill the space and can put some pressure on the person. This is especially true for the darkest tones, such as indigo or blue dove - you need to be careful with such options, it is better to use them in accessories and minor details.

Blue trim is suitable for rooms such as an office or bedroom, because it contributes to peace, helps to make informed decisions.

Attention! An excess of cold tones can cause melancholy or even lead to depression. Therefore, it is better to prefer dark blue to more blurry pastel colors from the same palette.

The color scheme in the interiors is preferable in light blue tones. Blue shades are close to blue, but they are more delicate, not so saturated, giving more light and space.

Psychologically, the blue palette is perceived much easier, such shades can be safely used in the dining room, living room, bedroom or children's room. At the mention of blue hues, most people's imagination draws the sky or the sea. This range is also associated with coolness or ice, it fills the room with air and transparent light.

Important! It is interesting that since ancient times, the palette in blue tones was considered purely feminine. Today, shades of blue and blue are often perceived as masculine colors.

Palette of blue shades

All shades of blue are very different from each other, each of them has its own name. Remembering the full color palette of blue is almost impossible, because it starts with very light gray-blue shades, and ends with blue-black or blue-gray deep colors.

Blue shades are considered the lightest spectrum of the blue palette, if you look at the color tables, they will be at the very top. Like all other colors, blue tones fall into two broad categories: warm and cool. It is clear that it is in this range of cold shades that there are much more, but there is also enough warmth here.

So, the cold tones of the blue spectrum include:

  • pale blue;
  • pure blue tone;
  • protective blue;
  • sea ​​wave;
  • azure;
  • Persian blue;
  • lavender;
  • cornflower;
  • the waters of Bondi Beach;
  • cobalt.

The cold colors of the blue range are associated primarily with cold, frost, snow or ice. Therefore, it is quite easy to identify them among the rest of the gamut.

There are much fewer warm tones in this spectrum, but they are very beautiful:

  • heavenly;
  • pale blue;
  • periwinkle;
  • pale turquoise;
  • green turquoise;
  • topaz turquoise;
  • aquamarine;
  • cyan (very deep and dark shade of blue).

Attention! The shade names are constantly changing. In addition, there are English or international "names" of colors, there are special names that people of one profession or another use: interior designers, fashion designers, motorists or artists.

To understand all the shades with complex names, it is better to use design tables, color wheels and other special tools. And the names of blue tones can be very exotic: from rock dove to underwater reefs and muddy waters.

In addition to warmth, designers focus on the saturation of the shade, and the blue color, in turn, can be:

Attention! Both in interiors and in clothes, a combination of different undertones of blue looks great. And yet, you can play with the color of the sky, combining it with the most unusual tones.

Where to use the sky palette

As already mentioned, the blue color palette is suitable for absolutely any room and style. Without these shades, it is impossible to imagine noble classic interiors; they also fit well into modern designs that are at the peak of popularity today (Provence, Mediterranean style, Scandinavia).

In an apartment or a private house, shades of blue can decorate absolutely any room. You can use the sky and ocean palette in such details as:

  • walls or ceiling (paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster, suspended or suspended structures);
  • furniture, both upholstered and cabinet, modern, classic or aged;
  • textiles in the form of tablecloths, curtains, bedspreads or pillows;
  • accessories such as vases, flowers, lamps and other interior details.

A color scheme

Almost any color from the palette can be combined with a heavenly tone, and the photos used in the article clearly prove this. But the best companions for the blue range are:

Every shade of blue deserves attention. This palette is very natural and the vast majority of people like it.