Graduation kindergarten scenario characters. Unusual and cheerful graduation scenario in kindergarten. Dance "I am the most, you are the most, the best"

How cool when the last spring Month. First, it's a little bit and the summer will come. And secondly, the end of May is the beginning of graduation in Dow. Do you prepare them? If you still think, then look at the ideas that we collected to spend graduation in children's garden. In our script included the most cool Games, contests, scenes and other ideas. And so, we look and choose only the best.

At the beginning of the holiday, all children enter the hall. They are under fun music in a circle and stop, becoming in a car. Each child has a small bouquet of flowers in her hands.

Children take turns read poems:

After last words, Pro: Drink and flowers, children run up to caregivers and give them their bouquets with flowers. After returned to the place.

Good afternoon, our respected parents! Hello children! Today we have wonderful and sad holidayToday we have graduation in children.
For the years, that your children spent in kindergarten, they became our native daughters and sons. And so I do not want to say goodbye, but what to do, life goes on and stop time. And so, let's start our common holiday with you!

Applause sounds, children are seated in their places for the chairs.

All these years did not just go to kindergarten, but learned every day. And here is the next our scene will show what children learned for the years spent in kindergarten.

Scene - harmful councils or what we have learned.

Two girls and two boys participate from the scenes. And one more child who has the main role, but there will be no words. Also need to cook:

Big (adults) boots and than more Size, all the better.
The bottle from under the spirits can be empty, you can with spirits.
Tube from cream for shaving, but if there is no, then any tube.
Bottle with the inscription "Fish Fat". That is, take a small bottle and stick this inscription to it.
Bottle with the inscription "Black Mascara". Also take a bottle and stick a piece of paper with the inscription.
Big pan you can take in the kitchen.
Big alarm clock, or big hourglass. Everything is clear here.

When everything is ready, the scene begins. Baby boy playing main rolenor says not a word, but only listens to the advice of the remaining scene participants and fulfills their requirements. Do not forget to pause, so that all the advice is made:

Yes, surprised, so surprised! Are we taught you in kindergarten all these years? Let's fix it!

Game - vowels.

In this game, children must remember what kind of vowels. The game goes fun and fast. Children stand in a car, master reading their words, and children perform what is needed from poems.
These are poems:

Scored? Then we suggest to dance!

Here the children show a pre-prepared dance. It can be your any formulation. And you can choose from the existing one.

For example, this dance is the waltz, where boys and girls are dancing.

But this dance is Spanish dance. Such a latino in a children's holiday!

How do you dance beautifully! Probably, you will all become dancers when grown! Not? And who then?

Game - who I will become when I grow up.

For the game you need to cook pictures of the most different professions. All the pictures lay out on the floor so that the images be below and have seen them. To the music, children are circling around the pictures, and when the music is completed, they take each one by one picture.
After the teacher comes up to every child and he says that he has a picture in his hands, what is this profession and I would like to get such a future life.

It is time songs. And now our young graduates sing for you!

Well, it's time to say goodbye to us. A little more and you leave the door of the kindergarten and do not come back here. So let's do it solemnly!

Children under solemn music come out of the kindergarten, and on the street they are given in hand balloons With inscriptions: Goodbye kindergarten!
When all the children gathered, then under a loud cry: goodbye, favorite kindergarten! - Children produce balls into the sky!

Graduation scenario 2012 year.
Kindergarten number 33 Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg.


Spring days have come,

Birds sing cheerleys.

We are glad to see in kindergarten

Loyal and good friends.

Tears from joy in our eyes

And in this solemn hour,

The heart is zoked, and then stand up,

Everyone is worried!

Music sounds (kids come out due to the curtain)


1. Attention! Attention! Listen to everything! Everything!

2. On this day, the solemn, the sun shines.

3. Kindergarten today in the school children escorts!

4. We will go to school too!

5. When a little bit right here! Although I'm ready!

Girl: As not modest! (threatens finger)

Boy: Oh sorry! Invite graduates!

(The girl calls the bell, the kids sit on the chairs)

Entrance of children preparatory group Under the song: "Goodbye, kindergarten!"


Congratulations to the kids today from the soul!

In the first class, go boldly, a big deal ahead!

You are already very big, you are beautiful and smart.

So that you will reach us -

On the socks to get up.

We are a little jealous

You are student almost.

And we wish you from the soul,

We are a good way!

Lead 1.

Today Impossible is impatient.

The hall does not accommodate everyone who gathered guests!

We are in school in a friendly

Dear our children!


1. What is? What happened? Children are all embarrassed!

2. Probably the summer came to us! (children laugh)

3. It is not funny at all!

4. We gathered in our hall,

5. To say to everyone, goodbye!

6. Why do we say goodbye?

7. We just came.

8. We grabbed, they became older!

9. To school, we have to go!

10. And today with a kindergarten

12. We must say goodbye.

Song: "Today is a special day"

(After the song, children sit down in their place)

Lead 2:

You parted with a kindergarten

With a magic mischievous country.

But you do not need to forget it,

After all, kindergarten - your home is the second!


1. Yes, there is something to tell us today,

For what to glorify and thank.

Kindergarten, you are our favorite,

We can not live without you!

2. How to live without dancing, without loads,

Without physical education and from,

Without noise, gama, running group,

Without days filled with excitement, bustle!

3. And so we grew up, fastened, realized

As in the nest of caring chicks.

We all learned almost to fly

Here is the door open and - Letim, fly!

Dance with birds.

Lead 1:

Yesterday you were kids,

And now it's time to school!

When will you grow up?

Lead 2:

It was not wanting to remember?


1. So we grew up, and the school is waiting for us, in the very first class!

2. And remember, five years ago, how did we go to kindergarten?

3. What are you! Did not go, in the strollers we were drunk.

4. I remember, I cried every day, I waited for my mother, I looked into the window.

5. And someone went with a suite, and someone wore diapers!

6. Yes, we were all good, but what we take something, kids!

7. And I got it out, at dinner over the soup fell asleep!

8. It happened, I drove badly, I fed from the spoons of me!

9. Saved the whirlwind of us from the porridge, from tea, soup, prostrochashi!

10. And remember, I built the cities from the sand from the sand!

11. We are all baked hips, not very smoothly as they could!

12. And together we played, treat each other!

13. Such were shaluns, swatched with their hands and legs.

14. And someone even teeth. All this in the past, and now:

All: We are found in the first class!

Song: "Oh, how good!"

Lead 1:

Parents came to us for the holiday -

And with excitement look at you!

As if everyone saw for the first time.

Mussed children now!

Lead 2:
Until late in the evening, the windows are burning.

Parents to school are preparing guys!

What bothers them in the late hour?

Let's look at the apartment now!

Scene: "Wires to school"


Soon his daughter to school, in the first class will go,

I wonder how she behaves there?


I remember as the first time a daughter in the kindergarten without us,

Tooching and missed, even cried - it happened!

For all babes for the first time, difficult in kindergarten without us!

Mommy do not be afraid! Dad rustle!

I boldly go to school, we were taught to a kindergarten:

Do not rob and not shy

And friends help try

And in all the affairs of their

Be no worse!

Lead 1:

The year there are different holidays.

And today we have a holiday!

You will soon become first-graders,

Let's say goodbye to the garden now!


1. In the morning, only the sun will throw,

The first ray of golden

All the guys are resorted

IN kindergarten Your native!

2. Here friends, girlfriends

You can open your secret.

With a good teacher

Soul to talk!

3. Really love children's kindergarten

This paradise.

But you need to say goodbye

I call us a call to school!

Dance: "Kindergarten"

Lead 2:

If a real trouble suddenly happens to you.

Who will come to your aid? Next will be who always?


1. Kindergarten meets us

Here we play and sing.

Time quickly flies

We are still growing rapidly.

2. Here we love and caress.

Here cozy us, warmth.

We read a lot of fairy tales

Here friends are full of full!

3. A friend in life is very necessary for us.

With a friend to live weers with a friend.

Next to him in any stub

It gets warm!

Song: "We want you to say a secret ..."


Educators, relatives,

We love you from the soul.

Mischievous and funny

Shalunashki kids!

Dance: "Shalunshi"

Lead 1:

We were rushed, and you have greatly grown.

Summer will fly quickly, and you will go to school!

Lead 2:

And who will look after you after the lessons?

And so we decided to advertise in the newspaper:

"Requires a governess for first-graders, loving children.

Contact at any time! "

There is a knock at the door!

Probably she!
(Freken side with a cell in his hands appears to the music)


Hello! Do you need a governess? So! Not a governess, but a domain, this is just me! And here is my Matilda!

(Everyone greets)

Hello! Hello! Is this your apartment? Wow, a suitable apartment!

Even the piano is! I love, you know, all sorts of symphonies play!

Get to know! These are our children!


Is that all your children? And I have to raise everyone?
I never tried to raise so many children at once!
I will work with each individual.
Well, let me, vo why a chatty boy! Well, kid, say hello to the aunt!


If you came to someone,

Do not greet anyone.

Words "please", "Thank you"

Do not tell anybody!

Throw back to questions

Do not answer anyone

And then no one will say

About you that you are talking!


Here you go! Already plot! Well, okay ... Children are pedagogically launched, but you can still cut out some of them. I'll do it seriously!


Not! Children we have good, brought up and fun!


No fun! Education is a serious thing!

Okay, Mom! Go to the sideline, do not interfere with the children to raise.
(educators go)


Children! You have done the charge today! (YES)

Well nothing! Once again, and we will check!


1. We are accustomed to childhood every day

Come to your favorite kindergarten.

Wake up early in the morning - laziness,

What do you do, if necessary!

2. We are in a hurry, hurry here

In the kindergarten our favorite.

The brightest and always

The best and unique!

3. Here we always have a game. Dancing from the morning!

Dance: "Banana - Mom"


Oh well! Walk around the vocal, (approaches the tool).

And you, leave, do not interfere with children to raise! (Press the key).

Children, sing: La la-la ...

And now with accompaniment: ("Breaks ...")

Children! I do not hear you, you have come to your ear.


You're wrong! Our children learned to sing wonderful.


1. All famous artists

Among us, of course there.

How many songs are quail.

We all do not count them all!

2. We are from our pop stars

Do not fall behind a step.

We are without any phonogram

Better the valley we sing!

Since we have a cool choir

Performing just - class !!

Song: "Song - Wonderland"


Ha, Ha, Ha! Surprised! That's all you can!


Our children smashed!

I learned a lot interesting!

And English studied.

They can easily say phrases in English.


1. On 5 learning English

I promise me at school.

And soon everyone will see

How can I know English!

(English teacher material)


About the future - what dream of a defector? Who should you want, eh?


1. Schools in St. Petersburg a great set,

How we are not confused. Where to go to us?

2. I think the school is the same as the Institute.

Behind the desk put on and 11 years old are trained!

3. And what are we learning to? We know a lot!

For a long time we write and read books!

4. How to teach it? The most important thing is to be!

5. And I have long known.

I do not sleep in a quiet hour, and dream.

Great to become a football player!

6. And I am a pop artist!

7. And I am a steep financier!

8. And I want to control the plane.

Be on the plane, the first pilot!

9. I want to become an artist. To perform on stage!

So that there are always flowers to give. About me only talked!

10. We can dream long! Let's get better to dance!

Dance: "Little Country"


Here are our children!

Everyone wants to know in the world!

We wish them good luck

To solve all the tasks!

Song: "Floats our boat"


So what do you want to go to school?

Matilda, did you see them? Well done!
And now they sat down, the hands were put on his knees and do not move until your mother comes or as it ... no matter.
Matilda! Watch them, and I went to the supermarket! (FB leaves)


Guys, what are you sitting! Need to act if there was

Carlson, he would help us!

(Carlson appears due to the curtain)


Hi guys! And what happened to happen again?


Hello, Carlson! Save us from the housekeeper. She wants us to sit quietly and did not move.


After all, I am the world's best training specialist in the education of householders.

Therefore, you do not need to worry! Better a little pierced!

(Game Carlson - "Photographer")

Freken appears, Carlson hides.


What is it here for the Taram? Children you beat back from the hands?

(puts buns)

Pouge I seagull!
And you can not, from the flour - the figure is spoiled. You, kids, better come across choreography. Cavalers invite ladies!


1. We grew up big

We go to the first class.

Today for farewell

Dance Waltz for the last time!

2. Farewell waltz -

Slightly sad.

It is not easy to spin in it.

3. Farewell waltz -


IN light dress graduation.

Dance: "Farewell Waltz"

(Carlson unnoticed buns from the table)

The presenter appears:
What is your fun! I see you put with children.


Of course, I was given (notes the missing buns)

Who ate my buns? Are you nasty children?


What are you, the children could do this could not!


Well, nothing, I will make real people from them!

I'm leaving, but still come back! (goes out)


Well, what I told you!

Who is the best tempering of the world housekeeper?

Carlson, again your tricks!


Of course, my who is still capable of such heroism! Something is very much like!

We will definitely treat you, and now look - what our children are deft and how they skillfully eat apples without the help of hands!

Competition: "Let's eat apples"

Returns Freken.


Children! I returned to take up your upbringing with new forces! (Notes on the Table of Bun)

So who graded my buns!


Let me introduce myself! The world's best specialist in raising children!


Children, I'm terribly glad that I found so smart, Cute Gutener!

And I am pleased to go, we will rest from you. Matilda, we are time!


Madame, let me spend you! Well, all guys learn well at school, and if you need me, I'm on my roof! Until! (go)

Lead 1:

With kindergarten

This morning,

Sadness in the heart will call

This bright time.

Bored in cabinets toys,

Children are not up to the game,

There is no time to talk to girlfriends

Stoyed everything here for the time.

Children, you have become big,

Soon to school, in the first class,

And today in this room

We are in a hurry to congratulate you.

Lead 2:

Do not be sad, guys,

Leaving kindergarten

Novelty school rich

Wait for new awards.

Goodbye, kindergarten,

Our - invaluable miracle treasure.

Children with couples:

Paired phrases:
1st boy, 2nd girl.

1. How sorry to part with you forever!

2. You remember me - at least sometimes!

1. Can I see you again?

2. Yes, in the photo that you have in the album!

1. To part with you for me is a big stress.

2. I will miss I - you came SMS!

1. Let the school be in your school as if in a fairy tale!

2. Thank you, for good words and affection!

Dance: "Do you love me?"

Lead 1:

Yes, friends, four years

Not noticeably swept!

There were only reoxoiths,

And now - students!

Lead 2:

Matured, wisely,

Like roses bloomed.

Knowledge, skills, skills

Many you purchased.


1. That's it! Goodbye my kindergarten.

With you go childhood in a little

Childhood memories saved

Particle will take them on the road!

2. We say, thanks to everyone big,

For told us in life

For what everyone loved us,

What our poles, always forgiven you!

All children:
Bow you and thank you!

Song: "farewell"

Congratulations to children: the presentation of albums and gifts.

Congratulations graduates, educators and parents!

Works by the music director in preschool educational institution: GDDOU CRR kindergarten No. 33 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg since 1992, has the highest qualification category.

Summer is so close! Therefore, in schools and kindergartens, the preparations for graduation and matinees are in full swing. We offer you your graduation scenario in kindergarten, the most beautiful and interesting. All will be involved in it!
By the way, we have recently suggested.

Start of the holiday. On stage - inscription: "Happy holiday, our dear children!
Solemn call sign holidays sound. But, instead of the usual leading the scene, two "grandmothers cleaners" come out)
Cleaner 1: Oh, and the mess was divorced!
Cleaner 2: And the truth, you look, what dirt! Oh, and how many people were going to the people! And what are they, I wonder, all looked here?
Cleaner 1: What? Perfect waiting! Graduation ball wanted!

Cleaner 2: What? Representations, graduation? And how many mud and how much will apply! Drain! Candy wrappers! Boxes from cakes! And to clean it!

Cleaner 1: Everything, we decided: I will not have a graduation here, there is no holiday here. Do not wait! We did not ask you to gather! We need to get out with Nadi! Why did you see here? So, together got up, and gone!
(Wash with mops, solder)
Cleaner 1: What? Beloved? And we just joked. Just, it became sad to us! We will miss our Shalunam!
Cleaner 2: Yes, it's time for a farewell. But we are very sad to part with our guys.
Cleaner 1: just grew, smart steel - we do not want to let them go, from our kindergarten to let go of the world!
Cleaner 2: But what to do? What can we say? It's time to us to start our holiday!
Holidays sounds, caregivers come out

Educator 1: Well, dear Parents, Children, that is the last, graduation holiday in this cozy and friendly assembly hall.

Educator 2: Forgiveness with his native kindergarten, preschoolers always hurry, and we, of course, do not hesitate, meet their applause, friends!

Under the solemn music of "Polonza" graduates senior group Garden.
Educator 2: Meet the most beautiful, smart and fun graduates of 2016: (calls names and surnames)

Child 1: A year there are different days, and today - we have a special
Child 2: Soon we will become schoolchildren cool!

Boy 3: Sun rayer cheerful in kindergarten having fun knocking,
And we are proud of the kindergarten, like school graduate.

Child 4: Our parents came for the holiday,
gladly look at us
Child 5: As if you still have not seen -
Matted your children now!

Child 3: We all have fun in the kindergarten,
Songs sang with charging friends
Maybe sometimes Shalily
Our garden loved together!

Child 5: We lived with friendly family
Played, and with the song were friends!
Maybe sometimes Shalily
Our garden loved together!

Educator 1: Well, of course, this is a fairy tale!
Like a flower princess going to school

Educator 2: Everyone knows that learning in our garden you have studied a little mathematics, letters, learned to draw and sing. And you want, now I will reveal the secret? Even fairy-tale heroes certainly learn at school! Do not believe? Then, see yourself!

Flower Queen: Well, lovely my students. It's time to keep the exam on a miracle. And let's start, probably ...

Ignorant: with me!

Flower Queen: Do not hear Never! Hurry up again! Go, answer, kolden start!

Ignorant: I am all the famous sorcerer,
And not some brake, I can do so (twice chlurs in the palm of your hand)
And the plane will arrive! (see from under the palm)
So that every kids can smoke all
And gifts visas elephant us here.
Chew more cheerful, keep all the louder,
Then I will say the words "I want to make the princess of flowers appear!
(waves with a wand)

Flower Queen: Well, where is your miracle?

Ignorant: I need even louder to scream "I want to do so that the princess appeared"!
(Comes harm)
Ignorant: oh, no longer happened. Who are you?

Harm sings the song "Harm"
Harm: I do not want to read, I do not want to write I do not want to wake up early me. I just would sleep and jump a little - the harm in the world I am the biggest!
I would only jump, eat candy, there is no more harmful in the world!
In the country Lazhii, in the town of the idleness, my favorite edges. Find me easy. I know everything about the affairs of the kindergarten.
You all come to visit me, Lazy 2016 courses open.

Ignorant: Who is so harm? I wanted the princess of flowers to appear.
Harm turns away.

Flower Queen: As she taught, it happened -
Instead of princess, harm appeared.

Harm: And so it's you, guys, gathered to school: then listen to my riddles - Guess - go to school!

Harm: a lot of toys in the ass - dolls, cars and parsley. It all has it, to play with my toys with my own! Do you have a famous trouble? Our Nadia -

Children together: Zhardde

Harm: very smart you, as I look. I will go, look for other graduates!
(Goes out)

Flower Queen: See, guys, what to learn a bad lesson. I wonder how our little princesses are doing.
(Comes out of the flower queen: and princesses)

Flower Queen: Well, learned a lesson?
Princesses: Yes!
Flower Queen: Then, let's help create a real miracle!
Dance with flowers
Flower Queen: So, create now let's start
Flower Queen: Dew slots slightly
Flower Queen: slightly add stars stars
Appear, princess colors: for everyone!

(A princess of flowers appears)
Princess colors: How beautiful you have:
Fluffy clouds float across the sky, in an expensive distant call. It would be nice to find friends rather, it will be fun with them!
Leading Look, Princess Flowers, it seems to visit us a cinema flies
Dance cinikek
Bin :: Hello, girl. For a long time I fly here - and you, not knowing
Princess Flowers: Princess Colors Everything is my name.
Bin: What are you doing here?
Princess Flowers: Here I walk.
Tiny: And where are you from?
Princess colors: I do not know.
Tiny: Well, how old are you?
Princess colors: I do not know!
Tiny: I will give you one advice - Hurry to school rather!
There you can find friends, learn to count
Books read, draw!

(Comes harm)

Harm: What is it - everything is around only about school and say! With the child would play, have fun, jump - so there is no, in school Vali! And here I am with a princess and work out.

Princess Flowers: Who are you?
Harm: I am harmful, yes yes yes
I am your friend at least where! You will not disappear with me.
Come, Princess Flowers, I will introduce you with my friends beetles!
They visited everywhere, saw a lot.
Dance Zhukov

Princess Flowers: I was harmful to me that you are in different countries We visited. Could you teach me how to live correctly?

Beetle: I don't know where to take time on you, hurry to all we have to all have time.

Princess colors: Well, although approximately what should I do and when?

Beetle: In the morning, only I wake up, I already carry coffee, flying among the trees is called. Here, fly, to girlfriends I have time to do
Princess colors: What about the school?

Beetle: What do I hear? Worse school words are not. Read, write, I just want to sleep.
Princess colors: I would like to learn ...

Beetle: And I'm singing and have fun.
Princess colors: So, we are not on the road.
Beetle Well, then go to the mole. With him a conversation about the school lead!
(Goes mole)

Princess colors: I came to get to you to get up.
Mole: Something strange is performed: the girl wants to teach.
Well, we will teach you. But then no longer cry, try to solve several tasks.

Mole: On the road Bunny running. Nose five apples on the cake. One fell, rolled. How many apples are left?

Mole: Well done, princess flowers. And here are your girlfriends.

Princess Flowers: Princesses, I learned you.
Flower Queen: How are you here without us? Missed?
Flower Queen: How are your business go?
Flower Queen: What did you do here?
Princess colors: I did not have to miss - that, I learned a little to count, and a good man becomes.
Flower Queen: Oh, how good it happens when the girl matures. Wanted - and was able to learn

Flower Queen: I wanted and was able to make friends!

Flower Queen: Who, Say, Your Friends?

Harm how, who? Usually I! I am the best friend of our princess. He taught her everything, and learned a lot!

Princess Flowers: What did you do?
Harm: I learned the mind with the defiana, the mind was taught. Chute and teaching abruptly?

Princess colors: Yes!

Flower Queen: You will disappear with damage, only the bad she teaches.

Harm seems, now someone will get (threatens the queen)

Educator: We still miss the scuffle. You go, harm, from here.

Harm: What about me without you? Without you - nowhere. I have become quite good. True, Princess?

Princess colors: No you come to me!

Harm ah, so! Then I do nothing here. Then regards! And only I will not be near me.
Harm reveals his umbrella and offended leaves.

Flower Queen: Do not be sad, princess colors. Harm would not have taught you anything good. Does not leave a friend in trouble sincere word Comforted, that's what it is a real friend!

Flower Queen: Exercise faster around - friends next to you.

Flower Queen: Friends are our guys. They will be your first graduation waltz in your honor. After all, they are from now - future schoolchildren!

Song "First Waltz"

Here is such a scenario of the most beautiful prom in kindergarten "graduation with princess" we decided to offer you.

Look another one

Fanfare. The hall includes leading.

Leading 1:

Day cloudless, clear and clean,
There are many elegant guests in the hall!
Our kids have grown quickly,
We accompany the school of children!

Leading 2:

Remember the first tears,
That the pea rolling down
And even millions of questions,
If you do not know something - hold on!

Leading 1:

We care for children lived,
You made up our kids,
Every day they hurried towards them
Giving a particle of the soul!

Leading 2:

Today here they are beautiful and stylish,
And freezes in anticipation of the hall!
The applause is sound everywhere,
We open the graduation of our ball!

1.Turily children's entrance. "MENUET" (Collection of A.Burnino)

Children are included in the music of couples and become in place

1 child:

Well, that's all, that hour has come,
Which we all waited!
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy hall!

2 child:

Decorated brightly light hall
Bouquets are alive.
We in kindergarten came to the ball
With friends and relatives.

3 child:

We lived here so much
We sang and danced ....
And did not even notice
How suddenly big steel.

4 child:

Elegant now stand
Words, worried, speak,
How to sadly leave our garden,
But this is already a school start.

2. Just "Today the school meets us"

Leading 1:

You have imperceptibly matured
Became a kindergarten, like home native,
We attached to you with all my heart
And loved all souls!

Like a minute of parting
Getting closer closer every day.
We do not want to say goodbye
And we are a little fracture!

5 child:

Yes, we are sad quite a bit!
But time does not return back!
And it's time for us, it's time to the road!

All children: - Goodbye, beloved, kindergarten!

Song "Educator"

6 child:

We honestly say: our life in a kindergarten

Bright, wonderful, very interesting.

And I dream for a long time,

About life such with a movie!

7 Requirements:

What? And, however, in fact!

And we wanted to shoot a movie!

Leading: Cinema?

All children (choir): - Cinema!

Leading - long ago?

All children (chorus): - For a long time!

Lead : Well, remove, I decided!

All children (Choir): - Hooray! Cinema is allowed! Children are seated in places.

Lead : Attention!!! In the studio, it's strictly prohibited !!! Shooting the movie starts !!! And now you will see the most interesting frames from our film.

Reb: So, the frame is the first - infant!

Child : And remember, 5 years ago, how did we come to kindergarten?

Child: Why did you, did not go, we were drunk in the strollers.

Lead : And then you have grown, in the childish garden they led. Now I remind you of how it was. I will need help your parents.

Causes parents in Panama, with toys, with a ribbon brings into the hall.


1. Das carried, carried somewhere

2. Go to kindergarten

3. Everything was very strange here.

4. Cover us back!

(Children begin to "cry")

Leading: Oh oh oh! And who is crying here?

Look, bunny jumps! (Shows the toy)

Well, removed handkerchiefs, wiped the noses - and the point.

Here are such kids, we met in the garden.

3 children come out in the middle:

1 child:

Days over the days passed.
It was hard and easy ...
But everything learned everything here
And now we are about-go!

2 child:

Childhood flies so quickly and flies

What awaits us ahead?

Maybe to be happiness

Maybe sadness?

3 child:

I will not think about it.

Whatever it was

In my life,

Children. Your childhood will not forget!

Child. ( It comes out with a clapboard) - the frame is the second - hysterical.

All: What ???

Child. Oh, No! - Historical!

Leading. We remember everything: like a young mother,
Alarming and excitedly breathe
Secret, perhaps tears rubbing,
Transmitted to us in the hands of the baby.

And so I went to the baby my dear,
Steps of flood floors,
He eaten porridge, straightened little.
Puffed he, his own pantyhose,
So unnoticed years flew,
I was smelled - you won't look back.

Oh, our kids, how are you matured here!
You have a children's garden now!

Today you, graduates, congratulate the children came junior Group, meet them!

Congratulations to kids. Children come to the music of "............... ..".

Children alternately:

1. in the kindergarten of the turmoch and noise

Everyone prepares its best suit.

2. On the graduation, we all gathered,

But everyone was not allowed, and we broke out.

3.We dresses were put on and cheeks washed,

Beautiful steel and hurried to you.

4. The speech is tired we wait

We want to dance on the holiday.

5. Dance "Ladus times, two palms!


Here thank you guys

This dance is just a class!

Here, accept, come in handy.

Here is a gift from all of us!

Give a gift to kids


And babies on a farewell

You will tell you together "Goodbye!"

Children go to the music.

Child: Frame Third: "Theatrical ... .."

Leading: The third frame will now open and rehearse

Miracle games will spend !!!

But .. who knocks at the door, come to us soon!

(Ring Pepppy Long stocking)

Peppy: Allow me to introduce my peppy-long stocking!

I-Peppy, I love to see, turn, finite and tumble!

So that there were thoughts of racing-on my head stand all day!

Hello, girls and boys! Hi, funny kids!

You have a terrible heat! Well, the bastard stood!

Everyone took everything for ears Turnors!

Turnors, irregularities, here and ears ... flew off!

And who did not fly off - all over me flew!

Dried, died! The legs were flooded, everyone shook his hands!

And now dance with me new dance Wrong!

Dance " Eternal Engine»Slies.

Peppy: Turn everything to each other, and make hands to a friend.

Hands up all lift

And at the top stir.

Krymmy fun: "Hurray!"

Games to start time !!!

You help each other

Answer questions

Only "yes" and only "no"

Give me a friend.

If "no" you say

Then knock on the legs;

If you say "yes" -

Chlock's hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is it true or not? ..

(No - children knock on legs)

Grandson leads it there?

Answer friendly ...

(Yes - clap your hands)

Ice - frozen water?

Answer together ... (yes)

After Friday - Wednesday?

Together we will answer ... (no)

Graduation - a little sad holiday? (Yes.)

Are you waiting for you, songs, dancing? (Yes.)

What are you who you are so together answer.

Game: "Once, two, three-stand three"

1 part Children move in pairs by the "boat" side hunch.

2nd part . Stop. Two cotton knees and two in your hands each other.

Cotton repeated. Circling with "boating" in place. Music stops.

The leading says: "Once, two, three-stand three!".

Music sounds again, children dance one by one.

The presenter says: "Once, two, three, four, stand four!". etc.

Peppy: When I grow like this, no, here is this ...

i will become a marine robber! And who will you become?

Girl: I don't know yet!

Peppy: Do not pine, do not want! But I'll find out now!

I have a chamomile - Magic! (shows)

Who is the petal tumble - that future will call!

(Petals tear off who you will be, we read!

And now try you - what will be there in front!

Well, any choose - pets tear off)

Poems of children

1. I grown me,

It will be seventeen.

Who to work me then

What do I do?

To the knowledge to strive.

To be very smart to become

To go abroad!

3. I will work

President of Our.

I will ban across the country

Manna I porch!

4. I want to say the guys

Become I want a lawyer,

In the meantime, not a lawyer,

I fuck all in a row.

5. And I want to sing Galkin,

I can, I can handle it!

Maybe Alla Pugacheva,

Also, I like it!

6.o, do not think about her,

Time spend gift.

You for Alla Pugacheva

Already very old!

7. The consipient I would become

Let me teach me!

8. Did you think what I said?

Children will suffer!

Peppy: Look, parents, what an interesting future from your wonderful children! Petals no longer left. I want to know yet - a boy who do you want to become?

Boy: The director want to be, and I want to live beautifully!

Peppy: This is a desire! But ...... It seems your desire Now will be!

Staging "Lazy and Pillow".

(On the bed lies and snuggles. The pillow is attached to his head)
Veda: In bed who lies it
And asking says?
Lazy person: Eh, cruel fate!
All tormented me!
(Grandma is suitable for lazy
Grandmother: Wake up, nice,
Get up soon, breeding!
To be always healthy
I spare five times from the floor,
Tight and tighten
Wrap a towel.
Lazy person (displeased): Wake up, nice,
Get up soon, breeding.
Eh, cruel fate!
All tormented me!
(Grandma is departed to the side. Mom runs to the lazyway)
Mum: Need to hurry to school,
To learn objects.
To be able to count, write ...
Lazy person: I mile all the bed!
I do not want to get up completely!
Mum: I myself myself, and I will cover your bed,
Your briefcase I will collect and spend the school.
In the class are waiting for you friends ...
Lazy person: Oh, leaving me!
I have a girlfriend - a soft pillow.
(Grandmother and Mom are taken after the heads, ahaut, hurt, swing heads)
Grandmother: Mount to do not say!
What awaits us ahead?
Mum: We will not be unexpected,
Will started in life!
Lazy person : Eh, cruel fate!
Okay, okay, I will stand!
(Lazy gets up with bed, feeling his head, frightens, trying to tear the pillow, but he does not work)
Mum: Who will help us now?
Grandmother : Dr. Zovi soon!
(Mom goes to the phone. Grandma Soothes his grandson)
Grandmother: My granddaughters dear, calm down, I'm with you!
It is good that only the pillow rose to your painshche.
If it takes a bed, you could not even get up!
(Lazy begins to cry, grandmother strokes him on the pillow on his head)
Mum (speaks by phone) Cute Doctor, come,
Son from trouble Save.
To his round maquer
Para-pa-pillow risk!
(Mom sobs, stutters, wipes tears. Lower the phone, comes to his son. All three hug and sobs. Included Dr.)
Doctor (listens to the phonedoscope): So, listen to the child.
Here is the liver, spleen ...
Now you turn left.
Nose tongue tame.
(Lazy performs everything that Doctor says. Doctor touches the pillow.)
Doctor: Now I will tell you a diagnosis, I think I will not surprise.
Shenvis, Lododaris, Friendly, -
(Lazy with fear repeats words)
Lazy person: Sleavis, Lododaris?
Doctor: Firmly increased pillow,
Do not delay from the top.
You will give you the Council:
We must cut! With your head!
(Dr. Energetic movement holds his hands on his throat. Grandma pushes the doctor from the lazy).
Grandmother: No, I will not give, do not touch the grandson!
Doctor: That lazy to him science!
Veda: On the defense of the grandmother got up.
Claw! And fainted fell!
(Mom raises her, waving a handkerchief)
Doctor (Changing the back): There is another advice.
Tell you or not?
Grandmother: There is no sun silhouette
Speak quickly!
Doctor (threatens with your finger): if you throw you to be lazy
If you go to learn,
Miracle will happen again
And the pillow will disappear!
(Doctor, Grandma and Mom go)
Lazy person: So you have to try,
To break up to part.
My shirt I put on
And I'll do it rather:
I will be charged
(makes several movements),
In a briefcase, a notebook(takes the wretched, clothes),
In the room, all the subservit (straightens bed)
On the lessons run!
(Lazy leaves the hall. He has a wound behind his back, on his head - pillow)
Veda: Everything is fulfilled our lazy, and the pillow disappears!
(Runs by a lazy without a pillow)
Lazy person: No pillow, beauty!
Hello, school! Hello, I!
Veda: Well done!
Never be lazy, always worry and learn!
(Scenes heroes go to bow)

Leading: Every child is our little bright asterisk. And today, on May 27, 20156, the new countdown begins for our stars, which, and we hope so, will turn into big, kind, talented!

Child. - Frame Fourth - Parental!

Child Mom's first grader
A bouquet in the hands of clamped.
Mom's first grader
The knees are slightly trembling.

Well, here and the school is nearing,
And school porch!
Mom's first grader
Anxiety.(L. Fadeeva)

Mommies, do not be afraid, Moms calm down!

I will not let you down at school, for you will be stacked and sing!

Dance with balloons.

Leading. Well, here and comes to the end of our film. And we left to make the last frame.

Child. Frame last - farewell!

Leading. - Time flies, and it is not possible to return it, became big guys.
We lit the stars, send you on the road,

you forgive you with a kindergarten.

1. Break.

Our kindergarten, goodbye,
It's time to part with you.
And allow us for goodbye
IN great love To confess you.

2. Bares.

For so much for long years and winter
You became my relatives for many.
We "Goodbye" say,
We are waiting for us to school.

3. Break.

We do not swear, but we will learn so
So that everyone learned about us finally.
So that you hear such you everywhere:
"Once from the" Fourth "- So well done! ". (together)

Song "" Kindergarten, do not be sad!

Leading. - And now the epilogue of our film.

Attention! The solemn moment is:

Hand the children document, he is called a diploma,

For all your life, he is for memory. Everything will be: school, institute,

Your first diploma is here! And try to learn so

To be proud of diplomas!

The presentation of diplomas and gifts.

The word is provided by the head.

The word is provided to parents of our graduates.

Parents come out