Task for the attention of children 6 years old. Picture tasks for the development of the child's attention. Materials and visual aids for the game

Concentration games

Card games

"Tricky numbers"

Option 1

To play you need 20 cards, on which you need to write numbers from 1 to 20.

2 people participate, for example an adult and a child. The cards are shuffled, half is given to the child, who lays them out in front of him in random order. The adult places one of his cards in front of the child. Having seen a number on it, the child must choose from his cards a card with the nearest number in ascending or descending order (this must be agreed in advance) and put on top. If he also has the next number in order, then he puts another card, etc. Then the adult lays out the second card. The child performs the same task. The game continues until one of the participants runs out of cards.

Option 2

To play you will need the same 20 cards with numbers.

The cards are shuffled and laid out in front of the child in a square of 3 in 3 rows, that is, 9 randomly selected cards out of 20 are used. The child must rearrange the cards so that the numbers are in ascending (or descending) order, starting from the upper left corner.

As you train with cards, the tasks become more complex: more of them can be used, the time for completing the task is limited.

"One after the other"

To play you will need a set of cards with all the letters of the alphabet.

Place the cards in front of the child. In this case, put some letters not in alphabetical order. The child should carefully look at the cards and swap them so that the alphabetical order is restored. You can start classes with 3-4 incorrectly positioned cards. Subsequently, the tasks become more complicated, the number of movements required increases.

The ability to concentrate is well trained when playing a game to accurately copy the original pattern. We suggest that you use the letter material for this, this will help the child to accurately complete the tasks in the Russian language.

"Don't lose the letter"

For the game, you need cards on which you need to write combinations of letters that are similar to words, but are not.

The child is given the task to accurately rewrite the lines. The variations of this game vary in difficulty levels. At the initial stage of the lesson, you can carry out the first and second versions of the game, making up the lines by analogy with the ones below: a total of 7-8 letters are used in a letter combination, of which 3-4 letters alternate.

Option 1


Option 2


Option 3


Option 4


Option 5


Option 6


Analogs of the third-sixth options are used at those stages of classes with the child, when he will already easily cope with the first options of the game, that is, he will learn to concentrate to a certain extent. A classic game for developing attention is the task of finding differences in pictures. We suggest looking for differences in combinations of letters, numbers, geometric shapes. This will develop the vigilance required when doing written work in class.

"Find differences"

You need paired cards to play (see sample below).

Comparing the cards, the child must find the indicated number of differences in the signs.

Option 1

Look closely and find 3 differences.

Option 2

Look closely and find 5 differences.

Option 3

Option 4

Look closely and find 6 differences.

Concentration and attention-shifting games

To train concentration and switch attention, it is very useful to periodically play "Cipher". For first graders, simple encryption options with keys are suitable. For older children - "Encryption" with permutations and omissions, where a higher degree of ability to concentrate and switch attention is required to complete tasks. It is very important for a child to learn how to switch attention from one object to another. This will help avoid mistakes when performing various tasks in the classroom: from cheating from the board to solving examples in mathematics.

"Encryption" with keys

To play, you need cards with encryption keys, which represent the correspondence of letters to numbers, for example: A - 1.

Numbers from 0 to 9 are used, that is, you can encode 10 letters, of which words should consist. You give your child the task of encrypting words using a key. The simplest variants contain short words and uncomplicated keys. These options are used in the early stages of class with first graders. On a piece of paper, you write words in a column, give it to your child and offer to write its secret code next to each word.

Option 1

river - 0564; squeak - 7216; oven - 7598; sneakers - 34762; brush -62138

peach - 750126; print - 759438; brick - 620729

Option 3

cake - 4734; labor - 4359; grass - 43212; sleeve - 35021; item - 47123

cow - 073712; gate - 173742; turn - 8717374

screwdriver - 74163402; horseshoe - 8790712; square - 0129324

You can play and vice versa. In this case, it is necessary to encrypt the words in advance, give the child the key and offer to decrypt. It will be very interesting for the child to solve words by replacing numbers with letters.

"Encryption" with permutations and omissions

To play you will need a sheet of paper on which you need to write words and sentences in advance, leaving free space for recording the encryption.

Various encryption options are offered.

Option 1

Encrypt words and sentences by writing the words back down.

sleeve - wakur

It's cold outside today. - Yandoges an etsilu ondolokh.

Option 2

Encrypt the words by swapping the first and last syllables.

good - rustle; weather - dagopo; mathematics - katematima

Option 3

Encrypt the sentence by omitting all vowels.

We go to school. - Zhdm in shkl.

You can think of other encryption options.

Attention development games for children 6-7 years old


Target : development of observation, attention, memory. Creation of a positive emotional background. Formation of a sense of confidence, as well as the ability to obey the demands of another person.

Description. (and then the child) shows the movements that all the players must repeat after him.

Instructions: “Now I’m going to tell you a story about a monkey. Imagine that you are in a store with many large mirrors. A man entered with a monkey on his shoulder. She saw herself in the mirrors and thought that these were other monkeys, and began to make faces at them. The monkeys made exactly the same faces in response. She shook her fist at them and shook her from the mirrors. She stamped her foot, and all the monkeys stamped. Whatever the monkey did, everyone else exactly followed her movements. We start to play. I will be a monkey and you will be mirrors. "

Note. At the stage of mastering the game, the role of a monkey is performed by... Then the children are given the role of a monkey. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that over time, each child can fulfill this role. It is necessary to stop the game at the peak of the children's interest, avoiding satiety, the transition to self-indulgence. Those "mirrors" that are often mistaken can drop out of the game (this increases the motivation to play)


Target: development of auditory attention.

Equipment: objects that make sounds familiar to children; screen.

Description: The presenter invites the children to listen and remember what is happening behind the door or screen. Then he asks to tell what they heard. The winner is the one who more and more accurately identifies the sources of sound.

Instructions: "Now we are going to play the game" What is heard? " and find out who is the most attentive. It is necessary in complete silence for some time (I notice it) to carefully listen to what is happening behind the door (screen). At the end of this time (1-2 minutes), it is necessary to name as many sounds heard. In order for everyone to be given the opportunity to speak, it is necessary to name the sounds heard in the order of their turn. You cannot repeat sounds when naming. The winner is the one who names such sounds most of all. "

Note. You can play with a group of children or with one child. The order of the game can be set using a counting tool. Items that can be used for the game: a drum, a whistle, wooden spoons, a metallophone, a children's piano, containers with water for pouring it and creating sounds of pouring water, glass objects and a hammer for knocking on glass, etc.


Target: development of voluntary attention.

Equipment: piano or audio recording.

Description: Each child performs movements in accordance with the sounds heard: a low sound - becomes in the "weeping willow" position (feet are shoulder-width apart, arms are slightly apart at the elbows and hang, the head is tilted to the left shoulder), a high sound - becomes in the "poplar" position (heels together, toes apart, legs straight, arms raised up, head thrown back, look at the tips of the fingers).

Instructions: "Now we are going to play the game" Listen to the sounds! " and find out which of you is able to listen carefully to the sounds of the piano. There are low sounds (listening) and high sounds in sound (listening). We will play like this: if you hear low sounds of the piano, you will have to stand in the "weeping willow" pose (show with comments). Let's all take the weeping willow pose. Like this. Well, if you hear high-pitched sounds of the piano, you will have to take the poplar pose (show with commentary). Let us all take this poplar pose. Be careful! Let's start playing. "

Note. It is necessary to alternate sounds, gradually increasing the tempo.

Target: development of auditory attention, the formation of the ability to recognize each other by voice.

Equipment: a handkerchief or blindfold.

Description: Standing in a circle, the children choose a driver who, being in the center of the circle with a blindfold, tries to recognize the children by their voice. Guessing the player by the voice, the driver changes places with him.

Instructions : “Now we are going to play an interesting game“ Recognize by voice ”. To do this, you need to stand in a circle and choose a driver who, with a bandage over his eyes, will carefully listen to the voices of the players. The one to whom I give the sign will pronounce any word with his own voice. The driver must guess the player's voice. If he guesses the player, then he must change places with him: the player becomes the driver, and the driver becomes the player. If he doesn't guess, he continues to be the driver until he recognizes the next player by the voice. Let's start the game. "


Equipment : a large circle drawn in advance on the floor, a shawl for blindfolds.

Description ... Running in a circle, children carry out the commands of an adult. The selected driver, standing with his back to the children, guesses by the voice of the one who called him by name. In case of guessing, the driver changes places with the person who called him by name.

Instructions : “Now we are going to play an interesting game. We will choose one of the players as the driver. At my command "Run!" you will run around the playground. To the words: "One, two, three, run into the circle!" - all the players gather in a circle, and the driver becomes blindfolded with his back to the circle and listens attentively. Children standing in a circle say: "You guess the riddle: who called you, find out."

At the end of these words, the one of you to whom I give the sign will call the driver by name. The driver must guess who called him. If the driver guesses, he changes the place with the child who named him. If the driver does not recognize the voice, then I will invite him to recognize the voice of another child. "


Target : stimulation of attention, development of reaction speed.

Equipment : tape or gramophone recording of S. Prokofiev "March".

Description ... Each child must perform movements in accordance with the commands of an adult: "bunnies" - to jump; "Horses" - hitting the floor with a hoof; "Crayfish" - to move back; "Birds" - to run, arms outstretched; "Stork" - to stand on one leg.

Instructions : “We’ll play now. You need to be careful in this game. Stand in a circle one after another .. Listen carefully to my words - commands. When I say bunnies, everyone should be jumping in a circle like bunnies. When I say "horses", everyone should show how horses kick their hoof. When I say "crayfish," everyone should show how crayfish move backward. When I say “birds,” the players should turn into birds and run in a circle with their arms outstretched to the sides, like wings. When I say "stork", everyone should instantly turn into storks and stand on one leg. Well, when I say "children" - everyone should become children. Let's start playing. "


Target : development of attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Description ... The players sit in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the words: "earth" - hands down, "water" - stretch your arms forward, "air" - raise your arms up, "fire" - rotate your hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

Instructions : “For this game, you need to sit in a circle and listen carefully. If I say the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water" - stretch your arms forward, the word "air" - raise your arms up, the word "fire" - rotate your hands in the wrist elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser. "


Target : development of auditory attention.

Description ... Children sit in a row or in a circle. The presenter says quietly (in the ear) to the player sitting next to a word, he passes it on to the next, etc. The word must reach the last player. The presenter asks the latter: "What word did you hear?" If he says the word suggested by the presenter, then the phone is working properly. If the word is not right, the leader asks everyone in turn (starting with the last one) what word they heard. This is how they find out which player messed up, "ruined the phone." The "delinquent" takes the place of the last player.

Instructions : "Now we are going to play 'Broken Phone". Sit in a circle on the carpet so that you feel comfortable. The first player says something quietly in the ear to the player sitting next to him. The player who has learned the word from the leader transfers this heard word (quietly in his ear) to the next player. The word, like a telephone wire, must reach the last player. The presenter asks the latter: "What word did you hear?" He calls him. If the word coincides with the one that the presenter invented and named, then the phone is working properly. If it does not match, then the phone is damaged. In this case, in turn, starting from the end of the row, each must name the word he heard. This is how they find out which player messed up - "ruined the phone." The "guilty" player takes the place of the latter. Let's play".


Target : formation of attention, education of endurance.

Equipment : pre-designated circle - "nest", hat or mask of an owl.

Description : In accordance with the commands of an adult, children should either move or freeze. A player who has not completed the command in time is removed from the game (the owl takes him to the "nest").

Instructions : “Now we are going to play an interesting game. Whom we choose as an owl-owl, he will live in a "nest" - in a circle. The rest will be called bugs, frogs, butterflies and fly or jump like they do. At my signal, "Night is coming!" everyone stops and freezes. At this time, the owl flies out to hunt. Noticing the player who has moved, the owl takes him by the hand and takes him to the "nest". When you hear the signal "Day!", Then start moving again. This game has rules that must be followed:

1) the owl does not have the right to watch the same player for a long time;

2) it is impossible to escape from the owl;

3) if the owl does not notice the players who have moved, and the signal "Day!" Sounds, then it flies off to the nest without prey. "

Note ... The role of the "owl" at the beginning of the game can be assumed by... To increase interest in the game, you can use an owl mask and costume.



Equipment : big ball.

Description : Each child, freely moving around the court and hearing his own name, should run up, catch the ball, throw it up, while saying the name of one of the players.

Instructions : "Now we will play the game" Whoever was named, that and catch! ". I have a big beautiful ball in my hands. As long as I hold it in my hands, you can run, jump, walk around the site. As soon as I throw the ball up and say the name of one of you, the one whose name I will mention should run to the ball as quickly as possible, catch it and throw it up again, mentioning the name of the other player. This is how the game goes on for a long time. Let's start playing. "


Target : formation of attention, development of reaction speed.

Equipment: cubes, balls (half the size of the participants in the game).

Description :

a) The players are divided into two teams. Each child, at the direction of an adult, performs various movements in place (sit down, arms up, to the sides, clasp hands to the chest ...). Depending on the adult's command - "crows" or "sparrows" - all players rush to the corresponding objects (cubes, balls). Items are delivered to the attentive and quick. At the end of 2-3 of these games, points are calculated and the winning team is announced.

b) Children are not divided into teams, everyone plays for himself. A child left without an object is eliminated from the game.

Instruction: “Do you want to know which of you is clever and attentive? Then let's play one game called "Sparrows and Crows".

a) Now we will split into two teams and each of you will remember which team he got into. Cubes ("crows") are laid out to your right, small balls ("sparrows") to your left. At my direction, you will perform various movements on the spot.

(sit down, arms to the sides, up, etc.). When you hear the word "vo-ro-ny", then for the syllable "ny" you should all have time to grab a cube, and when I pronounce the last syllable of the word "vo-ro-bei" you will all have to run to the balls, trying to grab one subject. At the end of several of these games, we will calculate the winning points for each item and announce the winning team.

b) Stand in the column one at a time. Cubes ("crows") are laid out to your right, small balls ("sparrows") to your left. At my command, you will perform various movements on the spot (sit down, arms to the sides, up, etc.). When I utter the last syllable of the word "vo-ro-ny", each of you must have time to grab the cube, and when pronouncing the last syllable of the word "go-ro-ny", each of you must grab the ball. Whoever did not get the item leaves the game. Let's start playing. "

Note ... For the game, you can use sandbags, rattles, flags, etc.


Target : formation of attention, development of reaction speed.

Equipment : There are pre-drawn circles on the floor according to the number of players.

Description ... Following the driver's commands, the children, holding hands, walk one after the other, and then scatter, trying to take empty circles. Whoever is left without a circle becomes a leader.

Instructions : “Do you want to play an interesting game? I will be the driver. Each of you will take a circle and listen carefully to me. I will walk between you "snake". For some players I will give the command: "The sea is worried!" Everyone to whom I will give such a command line up in a chain and, holding hands, follow me along the remaining children. As soon as I give the command: "The sea is calm!", You must run and occupy any circle. I will also try to take one of the circles. The one who is left without the circle becomes the driver, and the game repeats itself. Are you ready to play? .. "

Note ... Circles for group play can be cut from felt. If the game is played outdoors, circles can be drawn with chalk on the asphalt.


Target : development of voluntary attention.

Equipment : tambourine, player for musical accompaniment (E. Jacques-Dalcroze "March").

Description : Holding hands and moving in a circle to the music, children, at the signal of an adult, make four claps and change direction. For incorrect execution of the signal, they are removed from the game.

Instructions : “We’ll play now. Join hands and walk in a circle to the music. Listen to the signal (an adult beats a tambourine). Having heard the signal, you need to stop, clap your hands 4 times and, turning around (in the opposite direction), continue moving. The "onlooker" who made a mistake leaves the game. When all the onlookers leave the game, the most attentive will remain - they are the winners. "

Attention is the most important part of the cognitive process, which begins from the first minutes of a child's life. Where and how does the baby direct his attention? It depends on many factors: his temperament, character, preferences, hobbies, natural abilities, genetic predisposition. Is it possible to develop attention and concentration on the object? Sure. This can be done easily and simply with the help of games.

"Guess Who Shouted"

This fun game can be played on the playground or at a party. Children stand in a circle, they will be "sheep" and "shepherds". The driver stands in the center of the circle. He closes his eyes and spins around, saying the following phrase: "Who is a sheep, who is a shepherd - I choose by ear!" All the children scream as loudly as possible. The driver's task is to choose one "sheep" and one "shepherd" and repeat what they shouted. If the driver guessed the word or phrase of another participant, he takes his place. This game develops auditory attention well.

"Master and Shadow"... Invite your child to be your shadow. Depict various images (just not very difficult) and various actions (swim, run, jump, dance), and the child should repeat your movements as accurately as possible. Then switch roles and test how easy it is for you to be the “shadow” of your child. In addition to developing attention, this exercise gives a good "attunement" to another person. We learn to feel and understand people more by mirroring their postures and movements.

"Body parts". Point your finger at different parts of the body and name them. For example: "This is the ear, this is the knee, this is the forehead, etc." The child should look at you, listen and perform the movements at the same time. Then use a trick: name one part of the body and point to another. The child's task is to listen and point out what is named. When the child understands the essence of the game well, switch roles. This game has a rule: reactions must be quick.

"Name the pictures"... To carry out this game, you will need blanks: 10-15 pictures with images of animals, household items, flowers, trees, clothes, etc. Tell your child about the rules of the game: “I will show you pictures, you must first look at them and only by tell my team what is shown in the picture. And the command will be the following phrase: "One, two, three - ... (child's name), speak up!" Of course, at the beginning of the game, the child, seeing a well-known object in the picture, will "jump out" and break the rules. Then he will become more attentive. After all, he will have a good incentive: he will receive pictures as a gift if he calls them not only correctly, but also on time. This game develops well both concentration of attention on the object and auditory attention. This skill will come in handy for your child when he becomes a schoolboy.

"Dwarfs and giants"... This game is good to play at a children's party when there is a large company of children. The facilitator (adult) says: “When I say the word“ dwarfs ”, you have to squat. When I say giants, you have to stand up. " Participants can be easily confused by pronouncing consonant words and words beginning with the syllables "ka" and "ve". For example: "Ve ... ter, ve ... dro, ve ... sleep, ve ... losyped!" Or "Ka ... rtoshka, ka ... pitoshka, ka ... reta, ka ... is empty!"

"Don't say no" "... Agree with your child (or several participants in the game) that you will ask different tricky questions, and he can give a variety of answers. But there is one agreement: you can not say the word "no".

Examples of trap questions:

"Do you sleep with your eyes open?"

"Are chocolates falling from the sky?"

"Are you wearing trousers over your head?"

"Is a man sleeping in a doghouse?"

"Do you need a nose to hear?"

"Is the bread baked in the refrigerator?"

“Can a heavy weight float on a river?

"Do the birds fly to the moon?"

"You can fly?"

"Is sweet food not tasty?"

"In the animal world". The driver stands in a circle. It rotates around its axis with closed eyes, with an outstretched hand and says the phrase: "Fish, birds, animals!" Then he stops, points his hand at the first person who comes across and says any of the three words: "fish", "birds" or "animals." The one to whom he pointed should pronounce the appropriate name of the animal. If there is no correct answer, the participant leaves the game.

Tips for parents

"Games, exercises for children 6-7 ... years old for the development of concentration and self-control"

Proofreading tasks.

The child is asked to find and cross out certain letters in the printed text. This is the main type of exercise in which the child has the ability to feel thatmeans to be mindful and develop a state of inner concentration.

Completion of proofreading tasks contributes to the development of concentration and self-control when students perform written work.

To carry them out, you will need any printed texts (old unnecessary books, newspapers, etc.), pencils and pens. For children 6-7 years old, it is advisable to use texts with large print.

Corrective exercises should be carried out daily for 5 minutes (at least 5 times a week) for 2-4 months. The lesson can be individual or group.

Instruction. Within 5 minutes, you need to find and cross out all the letters "A" encountered (you can specify any letter): both small and capital letters, both in the title of the text and in the author's surname.

As you master the game, the rules become more complicated: the letters you are looking for change, they are crossed out in different ways, etc .; two letters are searched for at the same time, one is crossed out, the second is underlined; on one line, letters are circled, on the second they are marked with a tick, etc., all changes are reflected in the instructions given at the beginning of the lesson.

Based on the results of the work, the number of gaps and incorrectly crossed out letters is counted. The indicator of normal concentration of attention is 4 or less gaps. More than 4 gaps - weak concentration.

This task is recommended to be carried out in the form of a game, adhering to the following rules:

1. The game is played in a friendly atmosphere. Younger children can be additionally interested in these activities by inviting them to train and be attentive in order to become good chauffeurs, pilots, doctors (having previously found out who they want to be).

2 ... Losing should not cause feelings of displeasure, so you can introduce funny "penalties": meow as many times as you make mistakes, crow, ride on one leg, etc.

3 ... For toddlers, the rate of allowed passes in each lesson should vary and approximately equal to the actual number of passes that the child makes.

4. In no case should the duration of the lesson exceed 5 minutes.

5 ... The volume of the viewed text does not matter and may be different for different children: from 3-4 sentences to several paragraphs or pages.

Exercises based on the principle of accurately reproducing a sample.

"Children are offered some kind of graphic pattern (a sequence of several letters, numbers, a geometric pattern made in cells, etc.) and are given the task to reproduce it accurately (for example, to the end of a notebook line or on several lines).

The game "Mirror" also serves to develop concentration of attention, in which children are invited to follow the leader to repeat his movements (both individual movements and their sequence).

Distribution of numbers in a specific order.

The left table contains 25 numbers from 1 to 40. You need to rewrite them in ascending order into the empty table on the right, starting from the top left square.

Find the words.

Words are written on the board, in each of which you need to find another word hidden in it.
For example: withfur, Wolf, table b, scythe, regiment, bison, fishing rod, stranded, set, prick, road, deer, patty, jacket.

Munsterberg's method (and its modifications).

Words are inserted into a meaningless set of letters (more often nouns, but there can be verbs, adjectives, adverbs). You need to find them as quickly as possible and without errors.

The child is given a form with 5 lines of randomly typed letters printed on it, following each other without spaces. Among these letters, the child must find 10 words (3, 4, 5 difficult) and underline them. The entire task takes 5 minutes to complete; an indicator of success can be the number of correctly found words and the speed of the task.

Job example:

2. Increase in attention span and short-term memory.

Exercises are based on memorizing the number and order of the arrangement of a number of objects presented for a few seconds. As you master the exercise, the number of objects gradually increases.

The game "Notice everything".

7-10 objects are laid out in a row (you can display pictures with images of objects on a typesetting canvas), which are then closed. Having opened the objects for 10 seconds, close them again and invite the children to list all the objects (or pictures) that they remembered.

Having opened the same objects again, for 8-10 seconds, ask the children in what sequence they were lying.
Having swapped any two items, show everything again for 10 s. Invite the children to determine which items are transferred.

You can come up with other versions of this game (remove objects and ask the children to name the disappeared one; arrange objects not in a row, but, for example, one on top of the other, so that the children list them in order from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, etc.) .).

Game "Search nonstop".

Within 10-15 seconds, see around you as many objects of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.). On a signal, one child begins the enumeration, the others complete it.

3. Training the distribution of attention.

The basic principle of the exercises: the child is offered the simultaneous execution of two oppositely directed tasks. At the end of the exercise (after 10-15 minutes), the effectiveness of each task is determined.

"Each hand has its own business."

Children are asked to slowly turn over a book with illustrations for 1 min with their left hand (memorizing them), and with their right hand to draw geometric shapes or solve simple examples.
The game can be suggested in a math lesson.

Account with disadvantage.

The child calls the numbers from 1 to 10, while writing them down on a piece of paper or blackboard in reverse order: says 1, writes 10, says 2, writes 9, etc. The time taken to complete the task and the number of errors are counted.

Reading with disruption.

Children read the text while tapping out a rhythm with a pencil. When reading, children also seek answers to questions.

Exercise for training attention distribution.

The child is offered the following task

Cross out 1 or 2 letters in the text and at the same time put on a children's record with a fairy tale. Then they check how many letters the child missed when crossing out, and ask to tell what he heard and understood from the fairy tale. The first failures in performing this rather difficult task can cause protest and refusal in the child, but at the same time, the first successes inspire. The advantage of such a task is the possibility of its game and competitive design.

4. Development of the skill of switching attention.
To train attention switching, it is recommended to use proofreading tasks with alternating rules for deleting letters.

A frequent question that arises among the parents of a future first grader: is their 6-7 year old child ready for school? And if not ready, then how to correct the necessary knowledge, abilities, skills, what developmental tasks to work with your son or daughter at home? Some parents will entrust the solution of this problem to a kindergarten or a preparatory group at school, while others will independently take on this hard work. And, of course, the latter will benefit. Neither school nor kindergarten will be able to take into account the individual characteristics of each child. And nowhere, except at home, will be created the most comfortable, relaxed atmosphere, so necessary for the development of the baby.

How to print job cards

On any image you like, right-click and in the window that opens, select "save picture as", then select where you want to save the card, for example, your computer desktop. The card is saved, you can open it as a normal image on your PC and print it out to make it easier to deal with your child.

Continuing the theme of the development of children 6-7 years old. Experts have identified three components of the readiness of a 6-7 year old child for school: physiological, psychological and cognitive.

  1. Physiological aspect. The characteristics of the development and readiness of the child to attend school are determined by the doctor. Of course, in case of severe health deviations, there is nothing to be done, you will have to study in correctional classes or schools. If the child is prone to frequent colds, then parents can try to fix it by hardening.
  2. Psychological aspect. Age-appropriate memory, speech, thinking. A child should be able to communicate with peers, calmly respond to comments, respect adults, know what is bad and what is good, strive to gain new knowledge.
  3. Cognitive aspect. There are several groups of knowledge and skills that a future first grader should have.
  • Attention. The child should be able to work according to the model, perform tasks for attentiveness, and also look for similarities and differences.

Attention is one of the most significant ways of knowing the world. By the age of 7, voluntary attention is formed. If this does not happen, then the child needs help, otherwise there may be problems with concentration in the classroom.

Tasks for the development of attention in children 6-7 years old

Task 1. "Parts of the body"... Parent and child sit opposite each other. The parent points to his body part and pronounces its name, the child repeats. Then the adult makes a trick: he shows, for example, an eye, and says that it is an elbow. The child must notice the catch and correctly indicate the part of the body.

Task 2. "Find the Differences". One of the most popular games. It should be discussed in advance how many differences there are in the selected picture. It is convenient to use a pencil to mark the found elements. If the child cannot find all the differences, you need to tell him what to look for.

For example, in the following picture, you need to find at least 10 differences.

Task 3. "Find the way"... The child is asked to answer a question, for example: "What path should the bus take to get the children to school?"

  • Mathematics and logical thinking. The child should be able to count from 1 to 10 in forward and reverse order, know the arithmetic signs "+", "-", "=". Also find patterns, group objects according to one criterion, continue logical series, compose a story with a logical conclusion, find an extra object, that is, analyze, synthesize, compare, classify and prove.

Child task: count tens

Child task: compare numbers, put the sign "greater than", "less", "equal"

Mathematics is a fundamental factor in intellectual development. Logical thinking is at its root. It, in turn, forms the ability to use logical methods, as well as build cause-and-effect relationships and draw conclusions based on them. Therefore, it is so important to start developing logic even at preschool age.

Quests for smart people

Tasks and games for the development of logic for children 6-7 years old

Developing task number 1. Draw the numbers up to 10 on a blank sheet of paper, draw the number “7” three times and the number “2” three times. Invite the kid to color all the numbers 7 blue, and the numbers 2 green. After completion, ask the question: “What numbers are more? How much? " Such tasks develop the ability to analyze, generalize and compare. Similarly, you can ask your child to count tennis, handball, basketball and soccer balls, to name more or less.

Developing logical thinking task number 2... Find an extra vehicle. The child classifies objects on one basis: a bus, a scooter and a car run on fuel. But, of course, you first need to introduce a 6-7 year old child to the topic of "transport", tell and show what types of transport are available and who drives them.

Developing task number 3 ... Children are offered a problem: “There are as many red notebooks on the shelf as there are blue ones. The number of green and red notebooks is the same. How many notebooks are there on the shelf if there are 3 green ones? " Such a task develops the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare and order their actions.

Developing task number 4... You can invite your child to answer trick questions. Children like these tasks very much. They help develop the imagination.

Masha weighs 20 kg on 1 leg, how much will she weigh on 2 legs?

Which is lighter: a kilogram of fluff or stones?

How many candies are in an empty bag?

What kind of dish can you not eat anything from?

There were 5 apples and 3 bananas on the birch. How many apples are left if all the bananas have fallen?

At this age, children easily solve problems with hidden meaning, for example: “The wolf invited piglets, kids and a red hat to his birthday party, count how many delicious guests the wolf invited to his birthday? (you will be surprised how a child of 6-7 years old will quickly answer "11 guests" to this problem).

  • Memory. You need to be able to recite a poem by heart, retell a small text, memorize 10 pictures.

At the age of 6-7, an arbitrary memory is formed, which is necessary to obtain a large amount of new knowledge at school. Together with figurative memory, the verbal-logical memory develops, that is, what was understood is well remembered. Parents can help to develop memory and prepare for school with the help of correctly selected tasks.

Tasks for the development of memory for children 6-7 years old

Exercise 1... Remember and repeat. An adult pronounces any words and asks them to repeat them. The number of words is gradually increasing.

Task 2. The child is asked to remember what is shown in the picture. Then the picture is turned over and the questions are asked: “How many people are shown in the picture? What do children play with? What is grandma doing? What's on the wall? What is mom holding? Does dad have a mustache or a beard? "

Task 3. Game with objects. Arrange toys and objects in a chaotic manner. After the child remembers their location, ask to turn away. At this point, remove something and ask: "What has changed?" This game involves not only memory, but also attention.

  • Fine motor skills. The child should be able to hold a pen correctly, paint over objects without leaving the contours, use scissors and make applications. The development of fine motor skills is directly related to the development of speech and thinking.

Finger gymnastics can be used to develop fine motor skills. The child is asked to repeat the steps for the adult. The parent puts his fists on the table, throws his thumbs to the sides.

“Two friends met at the old well” - thumbs “hug” each other in turn.

"Suddenly, somewhere, a crash is heard" - fingers knocking on the table.

“Friends scattered to their homes” - fingers hid in a fist.

"They won't walk in the mountains anymore" - with the thumb of one hand, you need to press the joints of the other hand.

Such hand exercises are mainly aimed at the thumb, and as you know, its massage has a positive effect on the brain. Therefore, this gymnastics can be performed before class.