File down nails. How to file oval fingernails correctly. Treating toenails correctly

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If you file your nails at home on your own, you provide them with beauty, perfect shape and health. But for this you need to learn how to do it correctly. Otherwise, you will end up with awful flaking plates.

Read our article and you can do a manicure at home no worse than in a salon.

You will need:

Choosing nail files

The best are plastic-based files (1). The second place - glass (2) and ceramic (3). Metal (4) spoil the natural nail.

Glass and ceramic are dishwasher safe.

  • Use a sanding file with an abrasiveness of 300-600 grit. This will keep the edge of the nail smooth.
  • Too hard files (80-100 grit) can only be used for extended ones. Natural they will spoil beyond recognition.

If you have very short nails, and it is not possible to make a shape, apply oil to them every day or to strengthen the plate and to enhance growth. And soon you can choose a shape for them.

Preparing nails

  1. First of all, you need to wash your hands with soap, removing sebum, which will make it harder to file.
  2. Then dry well with a towel.

Before the procedure, you must leave the bathroom, as nails may break due to the too soft surface of the nails.


Cut the length with nail scissors. There are certain rules for how to do a trim manicure.

  • If you want square ones, don't cut too much. A square can only be made on a long nail plate. They cut them straight, leaving sharp edges, which will subsequently be filed.
  • Cut oval to an oval shape.
  • To get an almond shape, trim the edges of the nail slightly more than the tip.

To avoid breaking the nail, keep the file parallel to the side of the nail that you are filing.

The sides are filed the least, since there they are the thinnest and can delaminate. It is necessary to saw off the edges until the desired result is achieved, while keeping the file straight (to achieve square shape) or rotated at the edges (to obtain an oval or almond shape).

Move the file smoothly from edge to center in one direction. Do not move the file back and forth, damage the structure. Just lift it up, remove it and return to the place where you started to file.

A file is passed over the nail no more than ten times so as not to damage it.

If you are filing from the side to the center, hold the file perpendicular to the top of the nail plate. If the file is tilted, the structure will deteriorate. For thin nails, the location of the file should be perpendicular to the surface of the nail, slightly wrapping it under the nail.

If after completing the procedure there are “residues” around the edges, remove them by placing the file under the nail, directing it smoothly “up”.

Private questions-answers

    How to cut correctly round nails?

    To obtain rounded shape, the nail must first be given a straight shape. Next, file from the edge of the nail plate to the center, giving the edge a semicircular shape.

    How to file soft square nails?

    Using the same technique as square ones, only with small roundings along the free edge of the nail.

    How to file nails with a spatula?

    Owners of trapezoid nails that expand at the top should avoid the square shape.

    How to file sharp nails?

    First, make an oval shape. Then the edges are filed until they are sharp. With a file, move from top to bottom along the sides of the nail.

    How to file stiletto nails?

    Start filing from the end of the smile line. Guide your movements to a center point on a straight cut of the nail. When the center cut point and the point at the end of the smile line are on the same straight line, start sawing the other side of the nail in the same way. Make a right angle at the tip of the nail. Round it up. The easiest way to get such a form is from triangular.

    How to file your nails the same way?

    To get your nails the same length, look at them from time to time from the inside of your hand, bending your fingers into a fist (do not bend your thumb). Then the length of the nails can be compared and determined which ones to correct. Compare the nails on both hands.


To do this, use a buffer (buff) - a volumetric file rectangular designed for polishing nails. Use it to add shine.


Now you need to apply hand cream and cuticle oil. Do this as often as possible to improve the condition of your hands and nails. Especially do not forget about it after washing your hands.

More detailed instructions you can watch it in the video on YouTube.

Private questions-answers

    Can I file my nails every day?

    It is forbidden. This will damage them, as they will not have time to grow back normally. You can do this every two to four weeks.

    Can painted nails be filed?

    Forbidden! Sawing the nail and varnish together provokes the delamination of the plate. If the painted nail is broken, you can just easily remove the "excess" with a file.

    Can I file my nails from the side?

    How to cut nails from the side correctly?

    It is not recommended to file too much on the sides, since the nail is too thin there. This could damage it. Do the least amount of movement. But if you do acute form, in this case, with a file on the sides of the nail, move from top to bottom.

    How do guitarists file their nails?

    File - only highest quality with a steel blade with a notch and diamond (or other. precious stones) coating. Hold the file between the nail at an angle of 45 °. Movements are short in a straight line in both directions, in contrast to regular manicure... Make the edge of the nail plate even, round the corners. Sand your nail sandpaper top quality to smooth out sharp edges and remove rough sharpening marks. Buff to a shine.

    Can a baby's nails be filed?

    Babies and older children can, even need to, file their nails. This should end the nail clipping procedure. The nails are filed with a nail file until the uneven edges are smoothed out. Use a file with a soft dusting and rounded edges.

    How to file properly man's nails?

    For men, medium abrasive and polishing files are used. You can remove the length with both scissors and a file. Start with the little finger. Move from the sides to the center. Hold the file only perpendicularly, this is the only way to remove all layers nail plate... Do not file a man's nails at the root.

    How to file toenails?

    Take a regular nail file, just not a metal one. Saw in a straight line. Do not cut the corners at the root, they may start to grow in. Do not leave your nails too long, they can bend. Do not cut the edges of the nail plate, but file it.

Artificial nails

Coated with shellac / gel polish

If you don't like the shape, you cannot change it with a file. This will cause the coating to flake off very quickly. At home, and only then file.


Opinions differ as to whether they can be filed. Most experts claim that after sawing, they crack, break off. You can only file lightly to remove excess glue.

Overheads have different thicknesses, unlike natural ones. If you want to file, prepare yourself for not looking very pretty. This is their plus - they do not require special care always neat. Correction is necessary only at the site of the growth of your nail. There it is easily filed to make the transition less noticeable.


To do this, you definitely need to buy files and polishers for artificial nails... This cannot be done with a metal file. Despite their strength, it is better to entrust filing to a manicure master.

Correct nail filing is the basis not only for a beautiful manicure, but also healthy nails... The wrong sawdust can not only complicate the manicure process and worsen its result, but also significantly harm the nails and weaken them. The photos and videos posted in this material will tell you how to properly cut nails in a square, oval or other shape.

General rules for filing nails

There are several simple rules that will help not only create beautiful manicure relatively quickly, but also maintain the health of the nails. They cover not only the sawing technique, but also the selection of materials and tools for this. In order to properly cut your nails, you need to know the following:

  • Sawing can only be carried out on dry nails;
  • Choose the file carefully according to the degree of abrasiveness and material, as well as ease of use;
  • Do not use iron files, they tend to delaminate the nail, even when correct technique sawdust. Most acceptable optionglass files;
  • Sawing nails must be strictly in one direction on each side. It is impossible to alternate the direction of the sawdust, as this promotes delamination and significantly weakens the nail.

In order to learn how to properly file your nails straight, you can watch the video below. It shows all the stages this process, as well as its nuances.

Square and trapezoid

The square shape of nails is currently the most fashionable and popular. She is quite glamorous, it is easy to design on her and it is she who is chosen by many girls. However, it is also the most difficult to create from natural nails and it is brittle and can break and crack during use, even if the nails are strong enough. So, how to cut square-shaped nails will be correctly described in the instructions below.

In the same way, a trapezoid shape is created, but when filing the sides, it is necessary to ensure that they go to the descent to the desired degree. It is not recommended to round and make the trapezoid soft.


The stylet shape is a very sharp nail. Such plates are also quite fragile, but can last long enough if you are careful in their use. Often also this form coated with gel for greater reliability and strength of the nail. But if you know how to file nails of this shape correctly, then this can also contribute to greater stability of the manicure.

It is convenient to form this type of free edge from a triangular shape. However, a similar statement applies to almost any other form of nails. Square nails have clearer and more even sides, and therefore you can cut out any shape from them as evenly and clearly as possible. In this case, you do not have to worry about how to file your fingernails correctly.

Oval and almond

If you are thinking about how to beautifully file short nails, then perfect shape for you there will be an oval and an almond. These forms differ from each other in only one. Almonds have a slightly more pointed tip, as if tending to the stylet. Whereas the oval has only a smooth rounding, which can accurately follow the shape of the smile line or the base of the nail. Plus, almonds are flawless on slightly longer nails.

The oval is very easy to file. Most often this is natural form nail, which only needs to be slightly corrected. The sawdust starts from the center, it is necessary to move with soft rounded movements towards the ends of the smile line. The main difficulty in in this case- strict adherence to symmetry.

Almonds are sawn off like a cross between a stylet and an oval. It is necessary to avoid such sharp and straight lines as with the stylet, however, the sides should also go off, but to a lesser extent. When the desired angle between the sides is reached, start cutting from the center point of the saw cut of the free edge of the nail in two directions. The movements should be pendulum-like, their amplitude should increase with each new touch of the file.

These forms are the least fragile compared to the rest. Thus, you do not have to worry about the safety of such a manicure if your nails are in normal condition... In addition, the shorter they are, the stronger manicure since the load is less. You can watch the video below how to sharpen nails of this shape correctly.

When you start caring for your nails, you must definitely learn how to file them correctly. Thus, you will not only get rid of faults, but also have beautiful shape nails. Those who do not seek help from a specialist must first choose the right tools with which they will do their own manicure.

How to choose a nail file?

Professional nail files can be divided into several types: for grinding, for processing natural and extended nails, as well as for sealing the nail plate. When choosing a nail file, they first of all pay attention to how rough it is, and this will completely depend on what kind of material this tool was made from.

1. Paper based nail files. They are usually only used once. At their basis, the manufacturer uses special paper, and graphite or other material is applied to it, due to which the surface becomes rough. After that, they are disinfected. Such nail files are used in beauty salons and are immediately thrown away after use.

2. A nail file with a plastic base. These nail files are very suitable for real nails, because they do not injure their structure. They are good for filing soft nails or very thin ones. They also do not require special care... It is enough to rinse them with heated water or disinfectant and wipe it off.

3. Metal based nail files. This type of nail files is considered the most durable, but they can be used only when you have healthy and very strong nails... In other cases, possible delamination and damage to the nail plate. If you have fake nails, then a diamond-coated metal nail file, which is too strong for real nails, is suitable for you.

4. Glass based nail files. Such tools are ideal for weak and damaged nails... The only thing that many may not like is that they can break very easily.

5. Silicon or ceramic based files. They are used to seal the tips of nails. They are also quite fragile, so it is worth stocking up on a soft cloth cover to store them.

Today you can find a nail file of absolutely any shape. But despite this, most women prefer to use extremely long and straight nail files or those made in the shape of a banana.

How should you hold the file so as not to harm your nail?

Many will think that this question is stupid and not worth talking about, but in fact it is not. It will be correct if you put your thumb on the bottom edge, and the rest will remain on the top. When you file your nails, remember that your hand should be tense to the limit. This will help you avoid wrong movements and careless filing. Most women start with their thumbnails, but get in the habit of starting with the last finger - the little finger. After each pair of movements, it is worth looking at whether the shape of the nail is symmetrical. If you have long and thin fingers, then you are very lucky, because you can choose any nail shape for yourself, even if they are as short as possible. The rest should be given a lot of attention to the question that concerns the choice of the shape of the nails. For example, if the fingers are short, it is best to keep the nails long. This will make your fingers look more feminine and graceful. It is also worth paying attention to ensuring that your nails have the same shape and length. It will be very beautiful, because if the nails are not the same, then it is not very aesthetically pleasing and looks very ugly.

Nail plate and do classic manicure, every second woman knows. But there are a number of common mistakes made in home manicure which subsequently negatively affect healthy nails. In order to avoid this, you need to know some tricks and features.

Great value a properly selected nail file plays a role in nail care.

It is preferable to purchase ceramic or glass nail files. They are the ones who do not delaminate nail plate when filing. Especially carefully the choice of files should be taken by those who have thin nails... Not everyone knows how to properly cut this type of nails.

File down free edge you only need a fine-grained file, moving in one direction. Metal files are considered very harmful to nails. In the process of filing, they form grooves on the cut of the nail, which subsequently contribute to delamination.

Types of nail files

File with a paper base. They are usually disposable. Made on the basis of paper and covered with graphite on top.
Metal-based files. This type is used only for hard and healthy nails, in other cases delamination is possible.
Plastic-based nail file. Perfect for natural nails, does not hurt when filing. Also, these files do not require special care, it is enough to rinse them warm water or a disinfectant.
Glass nail files. Great for damaged and weak nails... Their only drawback is that they are not very durable.
Ceramic based files... Used to seal the free edge.

Tips for Treating the Free Edge and Improving the Look of Nails

In order to look healthy and well-groomed, there are certain recommendations on how to improve your nails.
How to cut a free edge correctly:

  • hold the nail file correctly: four fingers on the bottom, big on top;
  • observe the direction of movement, namely from the tip of the nail to the hole;
  • Move in one direction only.

In order for the nails to look more impressive, you must:

  • choose the length and shape of the nails based on the shape of the fingers and the condition of the nails;
  • remember that narrow and long nails visually reduce plump fingers;
  • for long and narrow fingers, choose an oval shape of nails;
  • give nails the same length and shape.

In order to acquire nails beautiful view, you must remember how to properly shape them and how to saw. sawn down starting from the sides, only after that they go to the end. In order to give the shape of an oval, you need to proportionally narrow the sides, and then grind the tip.

What should not be avoided when sharpening nails

There are some mistakes girls make when grinding their nails.
How to properly cut the free edge without harming the nail plate, and also what should not be done when filing the nail:

  1. Use nail files Bad quality, especially diamond-coated.
  2. Repeat the filing motion more than 10 times on one side.
  3. Make sawing movements from one side to the other.
  4. File your nails too often.
  5. Saw varnish-coated nails.
  6. File your nails after soaking your fingers in water. Many girls, doing nail manicure at home, often make this mistake. It must be remembered that the nail is grinded only before immersion in water, otherwise there is a risk of delamination.

How to file nails correctly

For novice manicure masters, these tips will come in handy.

  1. You need to cut your nails, starting from the edges and gradually approaching the center.
  2. The movement of the file should be directed along the nail, and not across, otherwise fragility and delamination can be provoked.
  3. When filing, observe the length of the nails. Avoid a situation where one nail is longer than the other.
  4. When filing, slightly round the nails at the edges so that they do not break off.
  5. Movements should be carried out smoothly, without pressure. Position the file so that mainly the outer side of the nail is processed.

Polishing the nail plate

Not many women know how to properly polish their nails.
Before you start polishing, you need to cut your nails to the required length, remove old varnish(if available). Make a bath for nails, while you can add either lemon juice or salt to the water. These components will help to significantly strengthen the nail plate. Keep your hands in the bath for about 10 minutes. After the skin has steamed, dry your hands and apply nutritious cream... After that, you can start polishing your nails.
In order to polish natural nails, you need not a nail file, but a grinder. For the first stage of polishing, you will need a coarse grinder. With its help, you need to remove dead scales, then take a medium-grained one and continue processing. It is necessary to finish polishing with the softest side of the grinder, in order to give the nails well-groomed appearance and shine. It must be remembered that it is not recommended to polish too much. soft nails... If the nails are strong, this procedure can be carried out no more than once a month.
Thanks to such simple recommendations you can not only improve appearance and the condition of natural nails, but also to promote their healthy growth.

The nail file is the most popular and frequently used manicure tool... Cutting a chip or crack on the nail plate, aligning the jagged edge can be done in a few seconds without special efforts, the main thing is to have a nail file at hand. Using this tool, you can give your nails a beautiful and well-groomed look, or you can spoil the aesthetics of a manicure. How to file your nails beautifully on your own - read on, the article gives practical advice for manicure at home.

Choosing a nail file so as not to spoil the nail

First of all, we choose the right nail file so as not to harm our beauty. An improperly selected tool can ruin the nail, depriving it not only of health, but also external beauty... Traditional metal nail files are suitable for strong and healthy nails, and they will damage a thin and painful nail plate immediately. Please note that diamond- or ruby-coated thin metal files are intended exclusively for extended nails. If you have thin and fragile nails, buy files based on foamed plastic - they delicately affect the nail plate and help to avoid delamination. Per plastic tool easy to care for, it can be washed and disinfected with alcohol. For unhealthy nails glass files are also suitable, but keep in mind that they are rather fragile and therefore short-lived.

There are nail files on paper backing... A fine abrasive is applied to the cardboard, which is erased literally in one go. It is impractical to buy such products for personal use, they are usually used in showrooms with subsequent disposal. The so-called nail sealing procedure is carried out with a flint or ceramic file. These files are used as prophylactic files, with their help it is possible to prevent the separation of the tip of the nail. At the end of the manicure work, use a special file for grinding, which is used to process not the edge, but the very surface of the nail plate.

We study technology to file nails beautifully and correctly

After the tool is selected, we study the technology of the procedure in order to file the nails ourselves, not only beautifully, but also correctly, without disappointment in the final result. Before filing your nails, remove any remaining polish from them. You do not need to soak your fingers in water, a wet nail is most susceptible to damage and delamination.

Take the file so that your thumb is on one end of it and the other four are on the opposite end. Do not squeeze the tool and strain the brush, the movements should be smooth. Start treating your nails from pinky to thumb... There should be no back-and-forth movements - always file your nails in one direction, preferably from the sides to the center. In the place of contact of the lateral side of the nail and the skin of the finger, it is better not to overdo it with a file, so as not to injure the skin. The procedure should be carried out no more than once every 6-7 days, otherwise the marigolds will become fragile and thin.

You don't know how to file your nails beautifully - the photo will help you determine the shape of your nails. Pay attention to the structure of your hand. For short fingers and full of hands oval or sharp marigolds are suitable, and visually balance long fingers will help square or round form... An almond-shaped manicure will make your brush graceful and elegant, but not everyone can do it carefully on their own. It is very important that all ten marigolds are the same length, and their shape coincides. It is equally important to make each nail absolutely symmetrical, with the exception of a deliberately asymmetrical shape, for example, a beveled edge.