Pregnancy after 35 years old second child. If the doctor is overly concerned. but on the other hand

From point of view modern medicine"late birth" is the first birth of a woman over 35 years old. But it was not always so. Back in the middle of the last century, women who gave birth to their first child over the age of 24, official medicine called old-born.

Then the boundaries moved, and ideal age for the birth of the first child, they began to count not 18-22, but 20-25 years. Further, the doctors started talking about the fact that up to 30 years old a woman can give birth to her first child without any fear, and the concept of "old-born woman" with 24 years old at first it moved back to a 28-year-old, then to a 30-year mark, and then disappeared altogether.

Now women after 35 years are called "age primiparous", and childbirth at 40 is no longer something out of the ordinary.

According to statistics, women who gave birth to their first child between the ages of 30-40 are now 3 times more than 20 years ago, and average age primiparous women in Russia are approaching 30 years.

Partly "fashion" for late labor came to Russia from Europe and America, where it is customary to get married after 30 years and even later give birth to their first child. This is due to the fact that a woman must find herself in life, make a career, fully realize her potentials, and only then approach the moment of the baby's birth with all responsibility.

However, the reasons for late childbirth are not only this. Less and less becomes completely healthy women that can get pregnant and give birth to a baby without problems. V this case high reproductive technologies come to the rescue.

Pros of late motherhood

It has been proven that if physiologically optimal time for childbirth occurs at about the age of 22 years, then psychologically and emotionally a woman becomes ready for motherhood about 10 years later, that is, just at 30-35 years. Perhaps that is why women who become pregnant and have given birth to a child after 30-35 years old perceive their condition more positively, less likely to fall into depression, pay more attention to bearing and raising a baby.

There is also an opinion that late pregnancy and late childbirth rejuvenate a woman. On the one hand, this is true. And the reason for this is in the production of hormones "pregnancy", mainly estrogen, which tone up muscle tissues, give them elasticity, strengthen bones and reduce the risk of hypertension. Pregnancy and breastfeeding late child- this is indeed, even in physiological terms, the time of a woman's second youth. Psychologically, a woman who has given birth to a late child can also feel younger than her peers, because in her 40s she is not a grandmother, but a young mother.

There are other benefits to late labor. After them, menopause passes more easily, menopause may occur later, the aging process is perceived less painfully. In addition, late labor can lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of stroke or osteoporosis. Have late mothers As a rule, urinary tract infections appear less frequently.

Pregnancy after 35 years, of course, cannot be completely risk-free, but in many cases this risk can be minimized if a woman prepares herself physically for the upcoming process in advance. The organs of the fetus form in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, at which time the fetus is most vulnerable. Therefore, women planning to give birth should eat right, refuse bad habits, caffeine. You should take vitamins and exercise physical exercise... This will increase the chances of easily and well tolerating pregnancy and childbirth. healthy child... But it's worth remembering that pregnancy is not the time to start. physical activities... You need to physically prepare in advance, then it will be easier to cope with problems if they arise. Correct assessment real risk can help an older primiparous woman reduce pregnancy stress, which often leads to complications during childbirth.

Cons of late motherhood

For a not too young woman, if she wants to give birth for the first time, first of all, it is worth considering that it can be difficult for her to get pregnant.

There is documentary evidence that after 35 years, the ability to bear children gradually decreases. It may take 6-12 months to conceive. instead of 4. But the big danger that lies in wait for a primiparous older woman is associated with the birth of a child with genetic abnormalities, especially with Down's syndrome. Statistics show that for a 40-year-old woman, the risk of having a child with Down's disease is 9 times greater than for a 30-year-old woman.

Women over 35 are more likely than younger women to have health complications during pregnancy and childbirth. This is especially true for diabetes and high blood pressure, which are generally characteristic of older people. This type of complication is observed in about 6% of women over 35, compared with 1.3% in younger women.

Women over 35 are at increased risk of developing problems with endometriosis and fibroids, which can affect fertility and pregnancy.

Arising during late pregnancy and late labor complications are often associated with insufficient production hormones, tissue changes. Complications such as premature or post-term pregnancy, toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy (preeclampsia), premature discharge amniotic fluid, weakness generic activity, placental abruption and pathological condition fetus demand medical intervention and can have very serious consequences for maternal and child health. The likelihood of miscarriage also increases.

Such serious condition, like fetal hypoxia, which in most cases requires the use of a cesarean section, occurs in old primiparas 7 times more often than in young ones. Number of indications for caesarean section in older primiparas it is generally higher. This is due to the fact that by the age of 40, the tissues of the female body become less elastic. And this is not only about soft tissues the vagina or perineum, but also about the muscle tissue of the uterus, which begins to work less intensively as a muscle organ. Old, not elastic fabric do not allow to achieve full opening the birth canal, in particular the cervix - the head squeezes the umbilical cord, there is a risk of asphyxia and fetal death during the final moment of childbirth. As a result, childbirth can be more difficult and protracted, even if the pregnancy itself was proceeding normally. Therefore, late childbirth, especially in primiparous women, is most often carried out by caesarean section.

In addition, late mothers are much more likely to have problems with postpartum period: bleeding, infection. Difficulties with lactation and establishment are also common. breastfeeding: many babies from the first months of life are transferred to artificial nutrition.

Senior women of childbearing age do not recover from childbirth as quickly as young women.

Some women find it difficult to get used to the demands of caring for a child after decades of caring only for themselves. Some opponents late birth children indicate that parents often spoil their children too much, especially if the child is the only one. However, this trend can be observed in any age group.

In any case, if you approach the issue of pregnancy with all seriousness and responsibility, it is quite possible to give birth to a healthy child after 35 years. And specialists will help any woman in this.

The new trend may have many reasons, but the facts are clear: many women postpone pregnancy until their 30s or even longer. If you are worried about getting pregnant after 35, you should know that your chances of conceiving and having a healthy baby decrease after age 30. But that doesn't mean you can't give birth healthy baby.

First of all, if you are over 35 and have never been pregnant, there are several things you can do to increase your chances of having a baby.

Increasing your chances of pregnancy

You can improve your chances of conceiving in several ways.

Men should:

  • Refuse tight underwear and wear loose boxers.
  • Avoid hot baths and saunas.

Men and women should:

  • Reduce your activity level if both are usually involved in intense sports.
  • Have sex every 36 hours maximum.
  • Do not use lubricant during sex.
  • Monitor ovulation and plan to have sex during this time.

Women of any age who want to get pregnant should start taking 400 micrograms of folate every day, preferably before conception. Folic acid Is a B vitamin that helps prevent birth defects in the head and spinal cord(so-called defects neural tube) in the fetus. While these types of birth defects are the most common, you can significantly reduce the risk to your baby if you start taking folic acid right away.

The next step is to consult with your gynecologist to discuss your health and medical history. If you have persistent health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes, you will need to control them. After pregnancy, both you and your baby will need to be closely monitored to help prevent complications from developing or eliminate them on early stage if they arise.

If you have tried unsuccessfully to conceive for one year or longer, you should see a specialist for help.

Features of late pregnancy

After pregnancy, you should follow your doctor's advice to increase your baby's chances of having a healthy baby. The importance of good antenatal care is often underestimated by pregnant women over 35. However, even if you follow your doctor's instructions, you will still not be able to control everything that happens during pregnancy.

Pregnancy after 35 years carries certain risks. For example, women of this age are more likely to have children with Down syndrome. They are also more likely to develop complications such as preeclampsia, a condition in which a woman's blood pressure rises sharply in the third trimester of pregnancy. This condition can cause premature birth or low weight baby at birth, as well as disrupt the blood supply to the baby and become the reason that he will receive an insufficient amount nutrients.

Gestational diabetes is also a concern. In this condition, as a rule, healthy women develop high level blood sugar. Women with gestational diabetes often have very large babies, which makes childbirth more difficult.

Additional analyzes

During pregnancy, your doctor may recommend additional testing for you to see how your baby is progressing. Amniocentesis is usually given to women who will give birth after the age of 35. For this test, the doctor takes a sample amniotic fluid which is then examined to see if there are chromosome problems, such as Down's syndrome, and other conditions, such as spinal fractures and other neural tube defects, are checked.

Now that you understand the risks and challenges you may face, it is very important to take care of your health while you are carrying your baby.

The birth of a child after 35 years is the most common thing today, you will not surprise anyone. However, in medical language, such births are called "late". Does this “late” pregnancy have specific risks? Do I need to somehow prepare for it? What complications can arise? By Marina BLINOVA, obstetrician-gynecologist of the 1st qualification category of the Novosibirsk Center for Reproductive Medicine of the Mother and Child Group of Companies , ultrasound specialist.

Conception after 35 years

Over the past 25 years, the number of women who become mothers over the age of 35 has grown by 90%. If fifteen years ago unpleasant word"Old-born" was called twenty-five-year-old women in labor, but today the "late" age has shifted to 35.

Specialist comment

Everything more women postponing the birth of a child to a later age. This is due to economic and social prerequisites: financial security, housing, stable work and career, the presence of a permanent partner. This decision is often advocated not only by women themselves, but also by their employers.

” - For example, Microsoft pays its female workers for cryopreservation of germ cells and storage until the age of 35.

It is important to understand: after 35 years in female body decline begins reproductive function, the number of eggs decreases. Several cycles per year for a woman do without , and the older the woman, the more often her ovaries take a "vacation". Therefore, after 35-40 years, the chances of quick conception decrease.

Specialist comment

With age, natural physiological changes associated with the gradual extinction of reproductive function, despite the regular menstrual cycle... V late age infertility examination should be started within six months of unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child. Special attention is given to the assessment of ovarian reserve according to ultrasound and hormonal profile. The survey is best done in specialized clinic from a specialist dealing with issues reproductive health- fertility specialist.

Carrying a pregnancy after 35

In principle, carrying a pregnancy after 35 does not differ from this process at any other age. But, the older the woman, the higher the likelihood of miscarriage - a spontaneous miscarriage.

Specialist comment

It is statistically proven that with age, the percentage of spontaneous miscarriages... Among the main reasons for miscarriage are:

Of particular note is the initial quality of the germ cells, both women and men. Risk with age chromosomal pathology increases, therefore, from the first weeks, it is necessary to observe an experienced doctor and, possibly, hospitalization to maintain pregnancy in critical deadlines... Mandatory holding : biochemical markers of chromosomal pathology and ultrasound, according to indications, if available high risk pathology of the fetus is invasive diagnostics.

The risk of chromosomal abnormalities during pregnancy after 35 years

The risk of genetic pathology in the fetus exists in any pregnancy, but the risk increases with age. That's why (Ultrasound diagnostics and a set of laboratory tests) are strongly recommended to all pregnant women over 35 years old.

Specialist comment

Age is a significant factor in itself increasing the risk of chromosomal pathology. At 40, the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is 1 in 100. It is worth paying attention to the conduct prenatal screening... It consists of two stages and is based on biochemical markers and ultrasound data, which allows you to identify a high-risk group for .

Multiple pregnancy and maternal age

Age-related pregnancy has an unusual feature - with the age of the mother, the likelihood of having twins (especially identical ones) increases.

Up to 40 opportunity reaches a maximum and then begins to decline.