Abdominal pain at 29 weeks. I week of pregnancy: necessary medical examination. Video: why uterine hypertonicity occurs

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At the twenty-ninth week, the main task of working expectant mothers is to take care of the design of maternity leave. It is very good if a woman has issued it earlier, adding time next vacation to maternity, but if this is not the case, you must free yourself from doing job duties at least now, because the 29th week of pregnancy is a rather serious period in duration, and childbirth is just around the corner.

While at home, you should not indulge in complete idleness. Prolonged sitting or lying down adversely affects the development of the fetus, therefore physical activity women should be moderate.

The future baby will only benefit if mommy waters the flowers, cleans the dishes, sorts things in the closet or chest of drawers. Regular walks in the fresh air are also very important, as they contribute to the normalization of metabolism and blood circulation in a woman's body.

Growth and development of the fetus

The body length of the unborn baby at the 29th week of pregnancy usually reaches 37 cm, and the weight is 1250 g.

Baby size now

Like Chinese salad

Height38.6 cm

Weight1 kg 150 g

At this time, the following happens in the body of the fetus:

  • The body of the fetus looks almost the same as that of a newborn, that is, it is quite proportional.
  • The content of adipose tissue reaches 4% of the total body weight of the baby.
  • Tooth enamel begins to form, but the teeth are still located deep in the gums, and the process of their eruption is activated a few months after the birth of the child.
  • Mucus plugs are removed from the nasal passages of the fetus, in this way the body prepares for independent breathing. Now the nasal cavity is washed amniotic fluid which contributes to the development of the sense of smell in the unborn baby.
  • The location of the fetus at this time, as a rule, is head. At breech presentation there is still a chance that the baby will fit correctly in the tummy.
  • The movements of the baby are well felt by the woman, because the fetus often makes movements with its arms and legs, periodically hiccups, turns its head.

When early delivery the child will have a fairly substantial chance of survival. At a period of 29 weeks of pregnancy, the probability of a positive outcome of childbirth is more than 90%.

To increase the likelihood of a positive outcome, it is advisable for a woman not to go to long journey, to the dacha and to other places where high-quality health care may simply not be available.

In this case, doctors will be able to take delivery in normal conditions, and the baby will immediately be connected to special equipment. Therefore, expectant mothers should know: if the child was born when the 29th obstetric week of pregnancy was going on, without a qualified medical care and additional equipment is simply not enough for him.

Many expectant mothers are interested in the question, the 29th week - how many months is it. Given that the embryonic age of the fetus is approximately two weeks less than the obstetric age, then we can assume that the baby is now a little over six calendar months.

Changes in a woman's body

At 29 weeks in female body the following changes may occur:

  • Body mass future mother during the week it increases by 300-500 g. Weight gain from the day of conception to the present is normally from 8 to 10 kg. When pregnant with twins, a woman may weigh slightly more.
  • The uterus is located at a level of 8-10 cm above the navel, so the tummy at the 29th week of pregnancy looks even more impressive.
  • A slight swelling may appear even in those women who have never complained of such symptoms. If the swelling has become too noticeable, it is recommended to consult a doctor, as they may be associated with the development of preeclampsia.
  • Many pregnant women may experience increased sweating, especially during the hot season. With the aim of effective disposal from the smell and traces of sweat, it is recommended to carry out more often water procedures, and it is better to refuse deodorants, because similar means contain many chemical compounds, which may be potentially dangerous for the unborn baby.
  • Allocations at week 29 should not be too plentiful. The appearance of traces of blood in them may indicate an incipient placental abruption, and too liquid discharge is a sign of possible leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Perhaps the appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids. To eliminate itching and other discomfort you can use special ointments and other means, but only a doctor should prescribe them, taking into account possible contraindications. And you should not be ashamed of this disease, because during pregnancy similar problems do not occur very infrequently.
  • If the baby begins to move or push too hard, you can try to carefully change the position of the body to a more comfortable one. It is possible that in this way the child asks his mother to give him more free space to get comfortable.
  • The feeling of pain or itching in the mammary glands, especially in and around the nipples, may increase. Similar manifestations occur as a result of exposure to the hormone prolactin, which takes Active participation in preparation female breast for the upcoming feeding of the child.

You can learn more about what is happening with the baby and mother on the forum. It contains a video about how the fetus develops at the 29th week of pregnancy or at another period, there is information about how much it should weigh at this time.

    29 Twenty-ninth week of pregnancy!

    My pregnancy is 29 weeks.

    29 weeks pregnant, stirring, heartburn, constipation, hemorrhoids, supine position



You can see photos of the tummies of expectant mothers, study the calendar of tests, use the advice of the video guide. You can also find a description of the birth process, but it is better for overly impressionable expectant mothers not to read such records too carefully so as not to acquire unreasonable fear before this important event. After nine months, any, even the most difficult, pregnancy ends, so the state of intense expectation in due date replaced by the joy of having a baby.

Analyzes and examinations

Ultrasound at the 29th week of pregnancy, as a rule, is not performed, because the period of the third prenatal screening will come a little later. But in those cases when the expectant mother feels that the baby is moving very little, there are pains in the lower abdomen or other anxiety symptoms, it is necessary to undergo the indicated type of examination, since only with the help of ultrasound it is possible to accurately determine the cause of the ailment. Additionally, during the ultrasound, the doctor will check how the fetus is located, assess the condition of the placenta.



Also, if necessary, a woman can be prescribed some tests to determine the level of glucose in the blood, hemoglobin, etc.

Possible dangers at 29 weeks pregnant

Despite the fact that the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy is not the most dangerous period, it can not be called calm and serene either. It is at this time that the risk of the following complications increases:

  • Premature abruption of the placenta, which can be caused by some chronic diseases women, falls, injuries and other adverse factors. The main symptoms of incipient detachment are bloody issues and increased tone uterus, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Because similar condition may lead to the development of fetal hypoxia or cause premature birth, seek immediate medical attention.
  • Late preeclampsia, accompanied by the appearance of edema and dysfunction of many organs. Treatment consists of taking special medications and following a diet.
  • Feto placental insufficiency arising from the presence of infectious diseases in the mother, disorders in the development of the fetus or under the influence of other factors.

To reduce the risk of the above anomalies at 29 weeks of gestation, it is recommended to devote enough time to sleep, organize good nutrition avoid heavy lifting, heavy physical work and stress.

At 29 weeks pregnant, the mom-to-be may benefit from some practical advice:

  • Since the stomach is already quite large, you should protect yourself as much as possible from infection. respiratory infections. Even a common cold can cause considerable discomfort to a pregnant woman and even pose some danger to the fetus, because when strong cough muscles are overstretched abdominals. If it was not possible to protect yourself from infection, you should at least hold your stomach with your hands when coughing and sneezing.
  • On the recommendation of a doctor, you can perform special exercises designed to better preparation organism to upcoming birth.
  • You should not stand too long in one position, especially for those pregnant women who often have lower back pain. It is harmful for the back to stay in any position for a long time, therefore different types activities need to be rotated.
  • If sleep in bed has become too restless, you should take a closer look at your bedding. Maybe it's time to get a new mattress or a custom-sized maternity pillow.
  • The 29th week of pregnancy is a rather serious period, and at this time a woman should not lift weights. It is undesirable to lift and carry even not very heavy bags, for example, weighing 5 kg in the third trimester. The permissible weight of the carried load, at which there is no danger to the fetus, is 3 kg.
  • For a period of 28-29 weeks, it is very important to take measures to prevent hypertension and the appearance of edema. To prevent an increase in blood pressure, smoked, spicy, salty and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. Too high-calorie and fatty foods can also cause nausea, which is not good for the body. It is better for coffee lovers to forget about this drink at least until the very birth. In addition, walking in the fresh air and other physical activity at a moderate pace contribute to the normalization of blood pressure. To control blood pressure, it is advisable to purchase a tonometer. Another important measuring device in the house are floor scales. It is better to measure body weight daily at the same hours, preferably on an empty stomach. To remember what weight was yesterday or last week, the results must be recorded, and also reported to the doctor. A sharp increase in body weight may be a characteristic sign of the appearance of latent edema.

You can also take weekly pictures of your belly to monitor changes and remember how you felt during pregnancy years later.

Maternity leave is coming soon! Only a week left! You will be able to pay maximum attention to yourself and your baby, attend a school for young mothers, concentrate on final stage pregnancy.

If you are still working, try not to get overwhelmed. If the work is sedentary, be sure to do a light workout several times a day. An enlarged tummy may already interfere with work - try to find the most comfortable position, and it will be easier for you and the baby. Even doing household chores, do not refuse the help of relatives.

You already have to visit the doctor more often, and it's time to finally choose a maternity hospital and an obstetrician.

The baby has grown a little! His weight at the 29th week of pregnancy is about 1200 g, and his height is about 37 centimeters.

How many months of pregnancy have passed? 29 obstetric week of pregnancy is already seven months plus one week!

What's happening?

The body of the baby acquires the proportions characteristic of a newborn. The layer of subcutaneous tissue increases, the baby no longer seems so thin. This contributes to the improvement of the thermoregulation system.

Despite the fact that the baby's teeth are still in the gums, tooth enamel is already forming. A baby at the 29th week of pregnancy already has a well-developed immune system, but receives most of the antibodies from the mother's body.

The baby becomes more and more adapted in extrauterine life. If a premature birth occurs at this time, the child has a high chance of survival - more than 90%! His lungs are not yet completely formed, but the alveolar apparatus, bronchioles are already quite developed. The maturation of the surfactant continues - a component that ensures the expansion of the alveoli during inspiration.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Below you can see a few interesting examples with ultrasound baby at 28 weeks.

The fetus at 29 weeks of gestation and its development

Pregnancy 28, 29 weeks is the period when the baby already hears well. Mom feels well how he reacts to noises. He shudders, and the ultrasound shows how the baby blinks in response to a sound stimulus. And every day the hearing is getting sharper. The kid also distinguishes musical sounds, and from this period it is useful for him to turn on calm music - he gets used to it, he nervous system develops better.

Eyelashes are already appearing on the baby's eyes. With the help of a phonendoscope, a mother can even listen to her heartbeat on her own. The activity of the baby is so high that the mother clearly distinguishes when he is excited, hungry or, on the contrary, calm.

The baby's digestive system is well developed by this time. The kidneys already produce about half a liter of fluid daily. The baby's skin begins to clear of the lubricant that protects it in a liquid environment, and the baby swallows the elements of this lubricant. Subsequently, they become the first stool - meconium.

Photo of the fetus

The belly becomes more and more rounded. The bottom of the uterus rises 29-30 centimeters above the womb or a palm above the level of the navel.

The abdomen is already quite large, the enlarging uterus is squeezing neighboring organs. This is especially reflected in the work of the bladder - frequent visits to the toilet have probably already become habitual.

When you rest, try to lie on your back less - this will prevent compression of the vena cava and circulatory disorders. Many expectant mothers note that in the supine position, even the baby becomes restless - he receives less oxygen and feels unwell.

Mom during this period should monitor her weight well. The normal increase for this period is 11–11.5 kilograms. Then in a week you can gain no more than 400g! If weight gain more than normal, it is important to know that this is not due to edema. If necessary, the doctor will limit the amount of fluid consumed, determine whether this is a symptom of incipient preeclampsia.

Fetal movements at 29 weeks

A child at 29 weeks of gestation (video confirms this) is very active. There is less and less room for him in the uterus, and many movements - hitting the heels, fists - can bring discomfort. Mom understands well what position the baby is in, because the head is the most active part. Mom feels all the movements of small arms, legs, shudders, hiccups of the baby. If you are 29 weeks pregnant, the position of the fetus changes less often.

Mom's Feelings

Mom's feelings during this period are determined by the ever-increasing size of the uterus. It’s getting harder to do your usual work, and this can cause inconvenience, so be sure to involve your loved ones in household chores. Very often, expectant mothers note increased pain in the lumbar region. The reason for this is the increasing load on the back muscles, the bone apparatus. This requires more rest, it is very useful to massage the lumbar region.

A woman should pay attention to the discharge. At the 29th week of pregnancy, they can be plentiful, but should be liquid, transparent. curdled, bloody, yellow discharge- this is not the norm.

Due to the pressure of the uterus on gastrointestinal tract very often a woman is worried about heartburn. Try to adjust your diet, and if the sensations are too intense, consult your doctor - if special medications are required, the doctor will select safe ones.

This period of pregnancy is a period of very high activity of the baby. This is due to the fact that he is already strong, the movements are gaining strength, and the place is getting smaller. It is during this period that the mother feels very strong shocks, and blows to the liver and bladder can be especially noticeable and even painful. Try to rest more in a comfortable position. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, use special pillows, mattresses.

  • Be sure to do special gymnastics for back muscles, and also wear a bandage - it not only prevents sagging of the abdomen, the appearance of stretch marks, but also perfectly relieves the load from the lower back. Maintaining a growing belly will help you move around more easily, reduce pain, and reduce fatigue.
  • A great activity for mom during this period - pool visit. Absolutely all doctors recommend that expectant mothers go swimming. In water, body weight is felt differently, the load on the back is reduced, the pressure of the uterus on nearby organs. At the same time, the muscular frame is very well strengthened, which is simply necessary in preparation for childbirth. If your city has special swimming courses for pregnant women, sign up without hesitation!
  • Very often in the third trimester hemorrhoids occur. For his prevention already from the beginning of pregnancy, you need to monitor nutrition, be sure to include foods that improve digestion in the diet. If this problem has arisen, it is absolutely impossible to solve it on your own - use ointments, suppositories. Consult with your doctor, together you will choose a safe and effective treatment, which will help to avoid problems in childbirth and after them.
  • Sign up for courses for expectant mothers. Maternity leave is very close, you can devote time to this. because of large sizes the uterus becomes difficult to breathe, and learn breathing exercises simply necessary! You also need to learn how to relax, fight prenatal depression, and courses will help you a lot with this.
  • If your baby's active movements cause severe discomfort, change the position of the body, stroke the tummy, talk to him - this is very calming for the baby. If the baby is not hungry, everything is in order, and the movements are still too active, consult a doctor - there may be another reason for increased activity.
  • Necessarily watch your diet. On the this stage the baby already has a well-formed immune system, so you need to exclude allergens from food. Limit spices, sweets, bright colored fruits. At the end of pregnancy, many mothers note cravings for chocolate, but this is just one of the strongest allergens. And if you want to avoid allergy problems in the future, pay due attention to nutrition now.
  • The third trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by a very high load on the venous system, especially lower extremities. Do unloading exercises for the legs(lie down for 5-10 minutes with your feet on pillows), light massages, watch the posture in which you sit (do not cross your legs), be sure to do hiking, since muscle contractions improve the outflow of venous blood, use compression stockings if necessary.

Pain at 29 weeks pregnant

As the pregnancy progresses, so does the pain. The weight of the baby, the amount of amniotic fluid increases, and all this can cause concern to the mother. Especially often, mothers note pain in the back, more often in the lumbosacral region. Back pain at this stage of pregnancy is due to the fact that the body is gradually preparing for childbirth, the pelvic bones diverge. Pain in the pubic region is associated with symphysitis. That is why the gait becomes a duck.

Stretching the ligamentous apparatus can cause abdominal pain, which increases with increased activity of the baby. But not all pain is normal during pregnancy. Pain in the lower abdomen may be associated with a urinary tract infection, headache- with an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, you should discuss any changes in your well-being with your doctor.

Required research. Analyzes

Usually only general tests are scheduled this week (,). Ultrasound at the 29th week of pregnancy can only be prescribed for special indications.

Useful video

Questions - answers

I am 29 weeks pregnant, my stomach hurts, especially on the sides. Especially severe pain - when the baby kicks in the liver area. How to deal with it?

Such sensations in the third trimester of pregnancy are described by most women. This is due to an increase in the size of the uterus and is quite normal. Try to rest more, find the position of the body in which pain decrease. It helps many expectant mothers to stand in a knee-elbow position for a couple of minutes - this reduces the pressure of the uterus on neighboring organs. But the pain can be associated with the tone of the uterus. Only a doctor can accurately differentiate these conditions. If necessary, he will limit physical exercise and sex, may prescribe special medications.

I have a small belly at 29 weeks pregnant. What is it connected with?

If on ultrasound the size of the fetus corresponds gestational age, there is no oligohydramnios, then the reason small size belly - individual characteristics. At the 29th week of pregnancy, the photos of the bellies of all mothers are completely different, and if you short stature, you wide bones pelvis, then small belly may well be normal.

I was at the appointment with my doctor about pain in the abdomen, he made a conclusion - the tone of the uterus. What is the acceptable load mode?

You should rest as much as possible. It is strictly forbidden to lift weights, do intense exercises. As motor activity choose slow walking, if the doctor allows - swimming. Carefully monitor your well-being, and you will understand what loads are acceptable. If there is no feeling that the stomach is turning to stone, such a load is right for you.

Tell me, is a cold at 29 weeks pregnant not dangerous?

If it's really just a cold, then no, it's not dangerous. The danger is associated with self-administration of treatment - only a doctor can determine which drugs at a given time are safe for mom and baby.

The development of the fetus at the 29th week of pregnancy is directly affected by your diet. Therefore, the most important thing at this time is good nutrition, filled with all the necessary beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals, and, of course, good rest.

All internal organs fetuses are already formed and are developing more rapidly than on early dates, in the formative period. They are gradually combined into a single harmonious system in the body, working clearly and harmoniously.

If the baby is born now, then his chances of survival will be quite high.

However, it will be necessary to use special equipment that creates the conditions in which the baby will be, as if in the mother's womb.

Weight, height and external data of the child

At the 29th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is already a little more than a kilogram - about 1200 g, and its height is approximately 38-40 cm. Outwardly, this is a fully formed child. He is quite ready for birth, but still it is better to wait a little. Carefully monitor your health and well-being to prevent premature birth.

What's New in Baby Development

The development of the fetus occurs every second, preparing it for independent living outside of your body. So, you will probably be curious to know what happens at the 29th week of pregnancy with the baby?

  1. Hair on the head slowly grows, while the fluff of lanugo on the body disappears. At the same time, the amount of original lubricant on the skin decreases;
  2. Appears subcutaneous tissue, which will protect the baby after birth, regulating heat exchange processes in the body. First of all, white fat accumulates in the cheeks, so they already look quite plump. This is necessary to maintain the baby's ability to suckle at the breast after birth.
  3. The head is actively growing, brain cells are growing;
  4. The fetus in the womb is increasingly consciously responding to loud sounds and bright light. Open eyes are already trying to focus on something, but it will be possible to do this perfectly only some time after birth;
  5. The child, swallowing amniotic fluid, trains the digestive system and develops a swallowing reflex. He can already taste salty, sweet, bitter;
  6. Your baby's kidneys can excrete about 500 ml of urine per day. Part of it enters the digestive system not only through the mouth, but also through the nose (mucus plugs from the nasal passages have disappeared);
  7. The most important thing at this stage of development is the functioning of the child's immune system. Antibodies that will serve as protection for the baby after birth, he receives from the mother's blood;
  8. Tooth enamel is formed, but the teeth are still located inside the gums;
  9. The bone marrow is formed and successfully produces blood cells. The baby's blood already has a constant composition;
  10. The heart beats at a frequency of 120-140 beats per minute;
  11. The genitals are well-shaped, but they still continue to improve.

Movements, movements and tremors in the abdomen

The baby has grown and now occupies the entire uterine cavity. In part, he is already preparing for birth and takes a position with his head or buttocks down. Movements change their character, they cease to be chaotic. You may feel active jolts in your arms or legs.

Also, when the mother is at rest, the baby can stretch, move his elbows and knees, often getting into the hypochondrium, which causes pain. In connection with active development the baby’s muscular system, movements at the 29th week of pregnancy are becoming more and more noticeable and distinct.

No surprise and shudders in the stomach, they occur when the baby hiccups. But hiccups usually don't last too long and pass quickly.

The condition of the expectant mother and discomfort

Due to the growing size of the fetus at 29 weeks of pregnancy, your weight gain should not exceed 350 g. From the beginning of pregnancy, you could already gain up to 11.5 kg. If this indicator exceeds the norm, consult a nutritionist about the selection of an individual diet, because extra kilos grams You don't need anything!

Relieve any unpleasant symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, back pain, insomnia - in your power. It is enough to eat fractionally, do not sit or lie in uncomfortable positions, wear comfortable shoes and clothes, sleep in a well-ventilated room.

Symptoms and sensations at 29 weeks

Typical symptoms and sensations may include:

  • Increased discomfort. The twenty-ninth week of pregnancy is characterized by increased discomfort. It is due to the fact that the fetus presses on the stomach and diaphragm;
  • Frequent urination. The uterus presses on the bladder, which leads to frequent visits restroom;
  • Fatigue. You may feel tired even if you woke up only two hours ago. This is due to active blood circulation. In addition, if your hemoglobin level is low, you may often experience fainting and dizziness;
  • Edema, mild nausea and heartburn. To get rid of them, it is important to eat well and balanced healthy food in small portions;
  • Training bouts. Your uterus is preparing for your upcoming birth, so you may experience contractions called practice contractions. They are not accompanied by secretions and quickly pass, it is enough just to lie down to rest;
  • Decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Such symptoms at the 29th week of pregnancy are due to an increased load on the cardiovascular system;
  • Itchy skin on the abdomen. Often, pregnant women complain of itching of the skin of the abdomen, the irritant of which is skin stretching. To prevent this, it is necessary to use special moisturizers and emollient creams for the prevention of stretch marks;
  • Breast swells. You should also pay attention to the chest - it may look slightly swollen. normal phenomenon are also allocations yellow color when pressing on the nipple. Colostrum - prototype breast milk containing all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and antibodies that will protect the baby's body during the first days of his life. However, you should not specifically squeeze out colostrum! You just need to wet your chest with a clean, dry napkin or put special pads inside the bra cups;
  • Allocations. At the 29th week of pregnancy, you need to continue to closely monitor the discharge. Watery spots (red or colorless) on the linen may be leaking amniotic fluid. The main thing is not to panic, but call an ambulance in time or contact your doctor for advice;
  • Hemorrhoids and constipation. The most unpleasant thing during pregnancy is the appearance of hemorrhoids. In this case, you need to tell your gynecologist about it as soon as possible. He will prescribe the necessary treatment and help relieve the symptoms, accompanied by discomfort and burning in the anus. Constipation can be the cause of hemorrhoids. To prevent them, stick to a clear diet. Completely eliminate or reduce the consumption of rice, flour, oatmeal and semolina, radishes, pomegranates, blueberries and pears. The chair should be daily and natural.

The size of your belly and uterus

Closer to childbirth, the growing belly will become the main center of gravity of your body. The uterus already rises above the navel at the level of 8-10 cm or about 30 cm above the pubic joint.

Please note that the baby's head, located at the bottom of your abdomen, should be protected and not squeezed by tight-fitting trousers.

And the tummies at 29 weeks of pregnancy look like this:

Necessary medical examinations and ultrasound

The twenty-ninth obstetric week of pregnancy does not imply any additional medical examination. The doctor can only prescribe general analysis blood and urine. And as part of the inspection, he will measure:

Do you want something interesting?

  • arterial pressure;
  • pulse;
  • abdominal circumference;
  • the height of the bottom of the uterus;
  • Your weight.

If there are indications, they are assigned additional tests blood:

  • on the hCG hormone and progesterone;
  • on the Rh factor;
  • for sugar.

In view of the fact that at week 30 you will have to undergo a second scheduled examination the main specialists and pass the relevant tests, the obstetrician-gynecologist can give referrals to them right now.

Ultrasound at the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy is performed exclusively according to indications.

Remember that frequent ultrasound examinations negatively affect the child. Therefore, for the entire period, their number should not exceed three times if the pregnancy proceeds normally.

Possible complications during pregnancy

  • Threat of late miscarriage. This pathology can be provoked by a violation hormonal background mothers, nervous disorders and stress, cervical insufficiency, infectious diseases. The main symptoms are discharge with blood, as well as drawing pains in the lower abdomen, often accompanied by spasms;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. It is characterized by a rapid heartbeat, pale skin, weakness, fainting and increased fatigue. The circulatory system changes a lot during the third trimester. Before pregnancy, the uterus accounted for only 2% of the total blood volume, and now this figure has increased to 30%. To avoid the diagnosis of anemia, eat red meat, various nuts, liver, and also give up green tea and dairy products;
  • Preeclampsia or dropsy of pregnancy. The first signs are considered: the appearance of edema, weight gain, increased blood pressure, headache. Most often, gestosis is associated with impaired functioning of cardio-vascular system and deterioration of blood flow caused by thickening of the blood;
  • Hypoxia or oxygen starvation of the fetus. Lack of oxygen can adversely affect the development of the fetus at the 29th week of pregnancy, so it is very important to carefully monitor blood counts by taking tests in a timely manner. Hypoxia is accompanied by low blood pressure, fainting and dizziness. To prevent this, it is important to be less likely to be in stuffy rooms, more often to be in the fresh air, get enough sleep and perform simple physical exercises;
  • Threat of preterm birth. The first signs and causes of occurrence are the same as with late miscarriage. The only important difference is that the fetus is born alive and with proper medical care able to survive;
  • Polyhydramnios. Indicates the presence of excess amniotic fluid. The reason for the development of this pathology can be acute and chronic infectious diseases, pathologies of fetal development, Rh incompatibility;
  • oligohydramnios. Represents, accordingly, a lack of amniotic fluid. The reasons are considered: obesity, placental insufficiency, high blood pressure and infectious diseases.

  1. Observe the regime of the day, make sure that the food is correct and complete, walk more in the fresh air;
  2. Take vitamins and minerals as recommended by your doctor;
  3. If you feel tired after a long walk, lie down so that your feet are slightly above the level of your heart. To do this, they can be put on a cushion from a pillow or blanket. A foot bath with cool water also helps to relieve fatigue;
  4. Wear a bandage. It allows you to support the stomach and reduces the load on the spine. Correctly put on the bandage in the supine position. At the same time, you do not need to pull it hard, you should feel comfortable support in the back and lower abdomen;
  5. If you have not been able to find a comfortable position for sleeping, use several pillows or purchase a special pillow for pregnant women. Good rest and quality sleep are essential!;
  6. 29 weeks pregnant is the perfect time to start reading about parenting and newborn care. It is unlikely that you will be able to do this after giving birth for the first months !;
  7. Pay more attention to your loved one! Control your weight, eat right, do gymnastics for pregnant women. Visits to the hairdresser and manicurist are not prohibited. Being beautiful and well-groomed, you will remember your beautiful position as one of the most wonderful states In my life!

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

Congratulations third trimester begins, which means that soon you will be able to hug your baby. Because the obstetric month is 4 weeks, then the 29th week of pregnancy is 7 obstetric months and one week.

At this time, the fetus is 27 weeks old. On the this moment 8.5-11.5 kg is considered normal weight gain. Every week a pregnant woman gains about 400 g.

What happens at 29 weeks

Belly and uterus grow every day, and now there is an increased risk that the uterus will put pressure on the vena cava, especially when the woman is lying on her back. This phenomenon can lead to circulatory disorders, and, consequently, to and even fainting.

Due to the large belly and the growth of the baby in a woman center of gravity may shift. This increases the risk of falls and possible injury. Another reason for a possible fall is ligaments and joints relaxed under the action of hormones. If you still fell, there is no need to panic, as the placenta and amniotic fluid protect the baby. Seek medical attention if bleeding occurs and severe pain in a stomach.

On the later dates pregnancy is very it is important to monitor blood pressure, at week 29, 120/70 mm Hg is considered the norm. At this stage, about 6 liters of blood circulate in the woman's body. Due to the fact that the volume increases, the load on the heart becomes more and more, and it must work in an accelerated mode. This in turn helps to lower the pressure. Read more about blood pressure during pregnancy

During pregnancy woman feels constant warmth. The reason for this is the metabolism, which is increased by 20%. This contributes to an increase in sweating, which, on the one hand, is unpleasant, but on the other hand, harmful metabolic products come out of the body with sweat.

preterm birth

If a child is born, he will be considered premature if his body weight is less than 2.5 kg. Statistics show that out of 1000 babies born at week 29, only 10 will not survive.

The latest data says:

  • that children weighing 500 to 700 g survive in 43% of cases;
  • that children weighing from 700 to 1000 g survive in 72% of cases.

The reasons for giving birth this week include the following factors:

  • problems with the development of the child;
  • placental abruption;
  • serious illness in women.

Read more about preterm birth.

Well-being of a woman at 29 weeks

For each representative of the weaker sex, pregnancy proceeds individually and sensations, both physical and emotional, may differ.

The most important thing is to understand that everything that is happening now is normal process through which millions of women go.

Possible physical sensations

The woman's body continues to actively prepare for the upcoming birth in the near future:

  1. Stomach. An increase in the abdomen causes not only pain, but also itching and peeling of the skin.
    1. With an increase in the growth of the abdomen, the skin is stretched and due to not enough elastin, the subcutaneous tissue bursts and provokes the appearance of stretch marks. To reduce their manifestation, it is recommended to use special moisturizers or alternative methods. Read about how to choose a cream for stretch marks for pregnant women.
    2. Allergies can also be the cause of itching, in which case it is necessary to purchase hypoallergenic products.
  2. Uterus. At this stage, it has risen above the navel by a distance of about 10.2 cm, and above the pubic symphysis by about 29 cm.
  3. Breast. The breast begins to grow and the first colostrum may appear from the mammary glands. This watery liquid will be your baby's first meal. Colostrum will be released for a few days, then it will be replaced by milk.
  4. Movement. Due to the fact that the place in the uterus becomes all less baby can no longer rotate completely. Now the woman can feel the baby pushing and pushing. separate parts body. Now you can easily feel where the head is, where the leg is. Read about why it is necessary to monitor the movements of the child.
  5. Pain sensations. The closer to childbirth, the more various pain sensations a woman has. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus and the growth of the fetus, serious pain can occur in the back, legs, spine, lower back. Pain in anus indicates a possible occurrence of hemorrhoids. The body is intensively preparing for childbirth and because of this, the bones begin to diverge, and the ligaments soften. All this directly affects the occurrence of pain.
  6. Constipation. These problems arise because abdomen filled with the uterus, which presses on the internal organs. In addition, the body actively produces progesterone, which relaxes the muscles. gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Edema. The insidiousness of edema lies in the fact that their presence may not be noticed, since they occur on the internal organs. To determine them, the doctor may advise you to control the amount of fluid you drink and excrete. If you find that the amount of urine is less, then most likely this indicates the presence of edema. Fluid retention in the tissues indicates that the kidneys are not doing their job well. In addition, edema may indicate the development of late toxicosis, which can become a threat to the life of the mother and her child. Read more about swelling during pregnancy.
  8. Allocations. Normal have a uniform consistency, odorless and light in color:
    1. if you find a small amount of excess fluid in the discharge, then you should consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. To accurately determine leakage, there is a special test that can be purchased at a pharmacy;
    2. you should also consult a doctor if you notice a change in the color and smell of the discharge. Such signs may indicate that a woman has an infection. It is very important that the birth canal is clean and does not become infected during childbirth;
    3. if the discharge turns brown and you notice blood in it, then you need to call an ambulance, as this may indicate placental abruption.
  1. Braxton Hicks contractions. For several weeks now, a woman may periodically feel tension in the uterus, which, in fact, is training contractions that prepare the body for the upcoming birth. Training contractions do not last long, and you may not even feel them. How to distinguish training contractions from the onset of labor, read
  2. Seizures. Quite often, a phenomenon at this time is cramps in the calf muscles. The reason for this may be a lack of calcium and an excess of phosphorus, or a long stay on your feet. To avoid this problem, add daily menu foods that contain calcium, and also get more rest.

Possible emotional experiences

experiences at 29 weeks of pregnancy are intensified due to accumulated fatigue. In this case, it is recommended to change the situation, for example, go to the cinema or theater, if possible, then out of town or on vacation.

Positive emotions will certainly improve your condition.

To get distracted and get rid of negativity, use these tips:

  1. Relevant literature will help you get rid of the fear of future childbirth, in which you will find answers to all questions.
  2. Find yourself a hobby. Today there is great amount hobbies that can not only diversify leisure time, but also decorate the interior of the house.
  3. Spend more time with your husband, because very soon there will simply be no time to just lie in an embrace with your loved one.

Reviews of women about the 29th week

The beginning of the third trimester and the approach of childbirth affect the state of a woman, what exactly future mothers feel, we will find out right now:

Anastasia: “Hooray, the third trimester, soon it will be possible to finally not only feel, but also kiss your baby. Since the ultrasound showed that we will have a daughter, we have not stopped arguing with my husband about what we will call our baby. Despite the fact that my princess dances every day in her tummy, I feel good. I gained 13 kg, the doctor says that it’s a bit too much, so I monitor my nutrition more carefully. Another one happy news, yesterday I worked my last working day and went on maternity leave.

Svetlana: “This is my second pregnancy, so I don’t feel much fear. As for well-being, everything is basically normal, only sometimes the stomach becomes tight, as if the press was pumping. This week it has become a little hard to breathe. The kid is very active, sometimes he lights up so much that his stomach is shaking.

Irina: “How wonderful it is to feel that inside you lives small man. I noticed such a pattern: when I stroke my stomach, my son flounders, and when dad strokes, he calms down. I don't know why, but it's very cute. I’ll go on maternity leave in a week, while work is not a burden.”

Olga: “I have gained 8.5 kg until this week, it seems normal, but the doctor constantly scolds and frankly it is already tired. Because of her constant lamentations, I will soon have nervous breakdown. The analyzes are all good, there are no problems, I don’t know what she doesn’t like. If there was an opportunity, I would change the doctor with pleasure, but in our small town there is no alternative.”

Zinaida: “It’s already the third trimester, and I feel great. Interestingly, the closer to childbirth, the feel better. As for weight, I have gained about 8 kg since the beginning of pregnancy. The diet is designed so that the child receives all the most useful and necessary. The baby has not yet rolled over, but the doctor said that there is still time and you should not worry.

Kristina: “I don’t understand women who are happy that they have gained only a couple of kilograms. Does diet promote health and proper development baby? I've gained 9 kg and I think that this is normal, the doctor supports me. I don’t feel any complications and problems, my mood is on top.”

Hope: “I gained 10 kg before this period, but most of the weight went to the stomach and chest, however, there is some fat on the back, and other parts of the body remained unchanged. There are no edema and heartburn. Recently there was shortness of breath and heaviness during walks. The psychological state is normal, I try to exclude all possible irritants.

Alexandra: “The doctor made me very happy today, as he sent me on maternity leave. The reason was severe fatigue and headaches. I noticed that this week I somehow lost interest in my husband in terms of sex, maybe this is due to hormones and mood changes. To avoid stretch marks, I rub olive oil into the skin. I gained 10 kg, which, according to the doctor, is a lot. She advised to reduce the amount of water consumed. This week it became painful to walk, it feels like stepping on broken glass. I don't know how to deal with this problem."

Evgenia: “I felt more tired this week. I began to sleep more, ate I get out of bed. As soon as I wake up, I go to the refrigerator and start eating, and at lunch I feel like I didn’t sleep at all. I don’t know how to deal with it and where to get strength. The kid loves to tease dad very much: when the husband touches his stomach to feel the movements of his son, he calms down, as soon as he removes his hand, he fights again. This situation makes me very happy.”

Darina: “I’m already not happy with pregnancy, a real depression has developed. I don’t want to do anything, I always lie down and watch TV. My husband just pushes me out into the street and then, I can’t stand it for more than half an hour. I don’t know where the kid has the strength to fight and be active like that.”

Fetal development at 29 weeks gestation

The baby continues to actively develop and grow. He is 37 cm tall and weighs approximately 1250 g.

Remember that these parameters are averages and the values ​​\u200b\u200bof your baby may differ.

The child becomes every day more and more adapted to life and now in the case of premature birth, the baby will survive with a 90% probability. Every day, the fetus releases about 500 ml of urine into the amniotic fluid.

Body become more proportional and more like a newborn. Due to the increase in fatty tissue, the shape of the baby becomes round and plump.

At this stage, the proportion of fat is approximately 4% of the total mass. It is simply necessary for self-thermoregulation. At this stage, the bone marrow fully copes with the task and produces red blood cells. The spleen begins to produce blood cells.

The immune system begins to work, but now the child receives antibodies from the mother's blood. After birth, he will receive them with mother's milk.

Despite the fact that the teeth are inside the gums, enamel is already forming on them.

At 29 weeks adrenal glands begin to work actively and produce androgen-like substances, that is, the male sex hormone. When they reach the placenta, they are converted into estrogen. It has been proven that this is what contributes to the production of prolactin in the body of a woman.

Mucus plugs have already come out of the baby’s nose and amniotic fluid is now entering it. The child learns to distinguish smells.

Photo ultrasound of the fetus

Photo 3D ultrasound of the fetus for a period of 29 weeks:

Helpful Hints:

  1. Continue to monitor your posture, as a straight back will help reduce pain.
  2. To prevent occurrence, use the following tips: Rest with legs slightly elevated, when sitting do not cross your legs, sleep on your left side, do not lift heavy things, walk and do various exercises.
  3. You can start acquiring a dowry for your baby for the future.

Proper nutrition

The health of the child largely depends on the nutrition of his mother. In order for the baby to receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, the daily menu must be balanced and nutritious.

At this stage, it is very important to supply the body with calcium, but it is recommended to give preference to calcium. plant origin, since the mineral of animal origin contributes to the ossification of the skull, which is completely undesirable before childbirth. The fetus consumes up to 250 mg of calcium daily. In addition, the daily menu should include protein, which is simply necessary for a growing body. Read more about calcium intake during pregnancy

If a woman is tormented heartburn, then you should stop eating fried and fatty foods.

If you have bowel problems, constipation and, then fiber should be included in the daily menu. It is found in fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, it is important to monitor the water balance.

It is important at this stage of pregnancy to maintain the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

To do this, add liver, oatmeal, buckwheat and spinach to your daily menu.

sexual relations

It is worth refusing sexual relations in case of discomfort and if the woman has medical contraindications. If you feel great, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure.

But even if everything is fine, you should not forget about caution.

Avoid deep penetration during pregnancy sudden movements and postures that involve pressure on the abdomen.

Many parents are shy and afraid to have sex during pregnancy, but this fear is completely unfounded. Firstly, the child is protected by a mucous plug, and secondly, he does not understand anything at all and cannot peep. In addition, the baby during the woman's orgasm gets considerable pleasure. Another plus of sex during pregnancy is that there are substances in the semen that soften the uterus and contribute to its opening during childbirth. In addition, sex has a positive effect on psychological state future mother.

Exercise stress

During this period, it is recommended to continue lead active image life. It is considered the best direction, since exercises specially selected for a pregnant woman are distinguished by their gentle effect. All poses are performed smoothly and slowly. Another significant benefit of yoga is correct breathing. Special exercises help prepare for the upcoming birth.

To relax the muscles pelvic floor you can do the following exercise:

  1. Lie on the floor and bend your knees.
  2. Tighten your muscles, as if holding back urination, hold for a few seconds and tension again. The action should be like you are pulling something in.
  3. Repeat about 10 times.

Examinations at 29 weeks

The doctor must be visited regularly to exclude the occurrence of any risks and diseases.

To do this, the doctor will ask to pass and. In addition, the doctor will measure the pulse, determine where the bottom of the uterus is located, and also listen to the fetal heartbeat.

If the woman previously had any abnormalities, then at week 29 the doctor may prescribe additional tests, for example, hormonal and sugar.

Video about 29 weeks pregnant

The child's body masters new possibilities: it controls body temperature, produces leukocytes and platelets in sufficient quantities, regulates the production of adipose tissue, and so on. genitourinary system works even better and excretes at least 500 milliliters of urine per day. The child has learned to move, he not only kicks you, but he beats you with his elbow and knee. Enamel grows on the teeth, but the teeth are still hidden in the gums. The immunity of the child is significantly improved, all this is due to the production of leukocytes. The weight of the child increased to 1250 grams.

The woman begins to feel a strong squeezing inside the abdomen. All internal organs are compressed due to the fact that the uterus is full. There are constipation and a constant desire to run to the toilet. Breathing is disturbed, it becomes intermittent and shallow. You can improve your condition with the help of an even posture and good rest. Also at week 29, you will feel a strange malaise due to pain in the nipples, this is due to the fact that the hormone prolactin helps the mammary glands in the production of milk. The baby is in control of milk production, but modern medicine still cannot explain why this is happening.

29 weeks pregnant - how many months?

29 weeks pregnant - what month is it? The gestation period has already reached exactly 7 months. Now you have reached the stage of the first week of the eighth month, by weeks it is not 28, as many people think, but the 29th week of pregnancy. Don't be surprised if your calculations don't match real term. After all, the obstetric month consists of 28 days exactly or in weeks out of 4. And so, the conclusion is that there are still 3 obstetric months left for childbirth.

fetus at 29 weeks pregnant

Despite this, the child begins to prepare for the birth of the world. Immunity is formed and thermoregulation is in the process of work. The composition of the child's blood also acquires stability. The bone marrow is active.

The digestive system is also ready to digest the first food. The mucous plugs from the nasal passages of the child were slowly removed. The kidneys produce half a liter of fluid every day and excrete urine into the amniotic fluid. It certainly seems incredible, but the child is able to focus his eyes, hear sounds, see light, smell.

The appearance of the child acquires baby look. Already inside the mother's womb, by this period, the skin straightens out, the fluff of lanugo leaves, the original lubrication on the body decreases. But subcutaneous fat is actively growing and at the end of the pregnancy, the baby becomes plump, with folds. The genitals are still in the process of formation, but are quite well defined.

Fully internal system and the organs will unite and begin to act as a unit.

At this stage, the growth of the baby is accelerating and is already 38 cm, and the weight is 1200 g, or maybe more. The muscle tissue that has already formed makes itself felt, the tremors become more active. The baby’s space is narrowing and there is not enough space for turns and somersaults. The baby will not change his position so much, but he will be more active in breaking into the light. Below you can watch a video of how the 29th week of pregnancy proceeds, and a photo of the fetus at 29 weeks.

Photo ultrasound at 29 weeks


At the 29th week of the term, the baby does not have enough space to play and he begins to attack his mother. In turn, the expectant mother feels the baby's tremors more and more clearly. Due to the fact that the first hairs are slowly growing on the child’s body, and he himself kicks more often, mom will not be comfortable due to heartburn, constipation and propping up under the stomach. Breathing will become harder, which is why it is better to master breathing exercises.

Due to the fact that the load on the heart is greater than usual, and metabolic processes are intense, the pregnant woman also sweats. Showering more often becomes necessary.

Habitual movements at a fast pace are now dangerous, inadvertently you can fall from the advantage. Better be careful not to bend over once again and don't make sharp turns.

Due to the fact that the baby takes everything from your body necessary substances may also decrease hemoglobin. And this leads to anemia and fainting, as the pressure in this case decreases. You will feel an increased heartbeat, weakness and dizziness.

If you can't sleep at night trying to find a comfortable position, then get special and comfortable mattresses. During pregnancy, you need to get enough sleep, otherwise there will be no strength.

Do not overload yourself with household chores, because right now you need rest. Let your loved ones take care of things. In a situation where your condition is unsatisfactory, once again go to your doctor during pregnancy at 29 weeks and tell everything in detail.

Rest during the day, do foot baths, lift your legs high and lie down in this position. Edema will bypass you if you have less time to stand on your feet and limit salinity and sweets. Eat more vitamins: fresh vegetables and fruits.

Pain at 29 weeks pregnant

The longer the period, the more various pain sensations will bother you. The weight gain of both yours and the baby with its accompanying amniotic fluid does not pass without a trace and is reflected on the spine and legs, on the back and lower back. In this regard, there are pains in various places.

But don't think that any pain is related to it. For example, with a disease of the urethra, one should be tested for infections, with a headache - measure blood pressure. It is best to report any suspicious symptoms to your doctor. Quite often, pregnant women notice inflammation of the hemorrhoids and feel pain in the anus. This problem should not be put off. Start treatment immediately and adjust your diet.

There are only a few weeks left before the birth and it's time to start preparing for them. The body gradually turned on the process of preparation and the bones in the pelvic area soften and diverge. These processes also cause pain. Pain in the perineum and pubis are often symptoms. This is confirmed if your gait has become "duck". The pain that causes great fear is abdominal pain at 29 weeks. Oddly enough, in most cases, a simple indigestion is also accompanied by pain. And the sharp, pulling pains that we are so afraid of are another baby push. A cause for concern can be considered various discharges, sometimes bloody, as well as fever or pain in the lower abdomen.

Belly at 29 weeks pregnant

Belly hurts during pregnancy 29 weeks certain reasons(child photo below). Of course, this process cannot be simply explained. This is mainly due to the growth of the baby, its development and activity. But in addition to pain, there is also itching caused by skin stretching. As the belly grows, the skin stretches. With insufficient elasticity, the subcutaneous tissue bursts and appears on the abdomen. To avoid it is necessary to moisturize the skin. Even if the skin is sufficiently hydrated, and the stomach at the 29th week of pregnancy continues to grow actively, the consequences cannot be avoided.

There is another itching - allergic. In this case, allergen products should be excluded, and if necessary, change underwear and cosmetics with fragrances for hypoallergenic.

Severe, persistent itching is a reason to see a doctor. If the tests are normal, you can sleep peacefully. Trembling inside the abdomen is caused by the hiccups of the baby. Slight cramping pains in the lower abdomen are training contractions of the uterus, which is preparing for childbirth.

Photo of tummies at 29 weeks


At week 29, the uterus reaches a large size and rises 29-30 cm above the pubic joint or 8-10 cm above the navel. It becomes heavy.

Having reached the third trimester, periodically there are rhythmic pains in the lower abdomen. These are the so-called Braxton Higgs contractions, which are not dangerous. Lying on the left side will relieve the pain.

If the pain does not stop, but rather intensifies, then call an ambulance, if the condition allows, go to the hospital. Another reason to call an ambulance is the outflow of amniotic fluid, spotting or uterine contractions.

Discharge at 29 weeks pregnant

Water can leak simultaneously or partially, in small portions. In both cases, it is impossible to delay sending to the hospital, because this may be the beginning of childbirth. You can distinguish amniotic fluid from other secretions using a special test sold at a pharmacy. Normally, amniotic fluid is a colorless, clear, odorless liquid, and sometimes with a sweet odor.

If you find changes in the color or consistency of the usual secretions, it is better to get tested for infections. Purulent, blistering, lumpy, curdled discharge at the 29th week of pregnancy, they talk about the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. And bloody, scarlet, pink, brownish - about the threat of placental abruption or premature birth.

If you find blood on your underwear, make sure where it comes from before you get scared of the threat of pregnancy. Sometimes, with hemorrhoids, blood is also released from the anus. And the blood on the linen could be from there.

In addition to vaginal discharge, there may also be discharge from the chest during pregnancy after 28–29 weeks. This is colostrum, which is not recommended to be squeezed out, but should be gently wiped with a non-rigid cloth.

You should not risk your health and the health of the unborn baby, often changing sexual partners. Even if you are sure of it healthy condition, minimize the risks and refrain.


And your permanent partner should be loved according to all the rules. Reason for denial intimacy during pregnancy, only a medical contraindication and the discomfort that you feel during intercourse can serve. And if there aren’t any, then go for it. But you should not forget about caution. Avoid deep penetrations and overly active movements. It is better to stop at more gentle poses, with penetration from behind.

For such cases, there are many positions where a pregnant woman feels comfortable in the process of sexual intercourse. Some of them are the most popular poses of spoons, dogi-style and others.

The embarrassment of future parents in front of an unborn child is not justified. Out of ignorance, it is the majority of future dads who think that having sex will to some extent be able to affect the condition or development of the fetus. This is absolutely not true. After all, it is impossible to harm the baby if you are careful in the process of penetration. And he is not yet able to spy and understand anything.


At your 29th week, you should visit your gynecologist regularly to prevent any form of illness or discomfort. So that there is no reason to worry, take the tests at the appointed time. During the examination, the doctor will weigh you, measure your blood pressure, pulse, the position of the fundus of the uterus, listen to the tummy and measure the parameters of the abdomen. With a timely examination, there will be no questions about the health of the child or about your health.

At your doctor's discretion, you may be given additional tests at week 29 if indicated. These can be tests for hormones, Rh factor, sugar, and so on.

Starting from the 30th week, all the offices of specialists (cardiologist, dentist, therapist, ophthalmologist) need to be re-taken, and also re-smear for flora, for infection. Therefore, it is possible that the doctor will refer you there at 29 weeks.

The movements of the baby are very important at this time. In this regard, the doctor may prescribe you to count the shocks and movements of the child. It is with the help of them that the successful development of the baby is determined.

Ultrasound at 29 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound diagnostics, in addition to tests, is great way checking the condition of the expectant mother, as well as the condition and size of the fetus. At the 29th week of pregnancy, you may need information about the fetus, the condition of the placenta, the purity and amount of amniotic fluid, or other information that is easier to detect using ultrasound. For example, the size of the uterus, its position, etc.

Ultrasound diagnostics will very reliably determine the sex of the unborn baby. At the time of reaching the 29th week of the term, the genitals are very clearly defined and it will not be difficult to see them. The doctor will inform you about the gender of the unborn child and show in detail all parts of the baby's body. If desired, a picture of the fetus is taken. Ultrasound will give a complete description of the condition, heartbeat, position, development of the fetus.


Safe bearing healthy child, largely depends on proper nutrition mother. Complete and healthy food should replace your previous type of nutrition, if it was wrong and irrational. Considering all the needs of your body and the growing body of the child, you should select foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Eat plenty of calcium, preferably of plant origin, to avoid the causes of early ossification of the child's skull, when using animal calcium. At week 29, the fetus's daily need for calcium is about 250 mg, and he takes them naturally from your reserves. Make sure you fill them up. Calcium deficiency causes osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

Be sure to include protein in your diet. A growing body needs it. And vegetarians should compensate for protein with plant foods.

In order to avoid heartburn, try to exclude all fried foods. If you have bowel problems, constipation or hemorrhoids, include in daily diet fiber. It is found in fresh vegetables and fruits. Must be used along with enough water.

Salty, smoked, spicy dishes are also not advisable to use, as they retain fluid in the body, which is fraught with swelling. But the level of hemoglobin, in order to feel good, should be increased. This is facilitated by the use of spinach, beets, liver, tongue, oatmeal, buckwheat. It is a misconception that chocolate increases hemoglobin, not at all. But he is quite capable of replenishing the supply of fat. The calorie content of chocolate is many times higher than the calorie content of whole dishes. Before you eat another serving, weigh the pros and cons.

Weight at 29 weeks pregnant

You don't need those extra kilos. During the entire pregnancy, you need to keep the weight under full control. In the third trimester, no more than 50 g per day is allowed, which is 350 g per week. By week 29, the total weight gained during pregnancy should not exceed 11.5 kg. If it so happened that the weight steps over all limits, then the doctor will give you tips that will help you reduce weight to the desired level. Do fasting days on beetroot salad and buckwheat porridge. Remember that it is better to control now than to suffer later, trying to burn the accumulated kilograms.

Delivery at 29 weeks pregnant

Before childbirth is still far away - 3 months or as much as 12 weeks. But, sometimes from a row possible causes, at 29 weeks of pregnancy begin . Unfortunately, no one is safe from them. And in some cases, the 29th week is even a salvation for the baby, and the doctor decides on the prematurity of the fetus.

Of course, a sufficient amount of time spent in the womb prepares the baby for the conditions of the outside world. premature babies need special equipment and the help of qualified doctors to survive and adapt to new conditions. The most important thing is that at 29 weeks of labor, the baby can survive. It's real, 'cause the immune system the baby is fully functional. Knowing that there are chances for life, do not be discouraged if you have to give birth at the 29th week of pregnancy. Most importantly, you will become a mother. What else for complete happiness necessary for a woman?


  • More and more frequent urination.
  • The pressure may often rise, it can be difficult to breathe.
  • At 29 weeks there is real threat miscarriage, since at this time the immune incompatibility of future parents is manifested.
  • There may be bloody discharge from the vagina. They are very dangerous - call a doctor immediately.
  • Author of the publication: Olga Lazareva