What better paints over gray hair. How to paint over gray hair? Prepigmentation of focal gray hair and coloring in dark tones (photo). How to prepare a coloring mixture for gray hair

Those who want to get rid of gray hair have to paint once every two weeks or more often. It depends on how fast they grow. If we talk about paints, then in order to paint over gray strands, we need resistant paints that contain ammonia, but are very harmful. An excellent alternative to harmful coloring compositions is a natural hair dye that covers gray hair, of plant origin.

Hair coloring with natural dyes

If the curls are dark shades, then the most suitable of them are henna and basma. They not only help to achieve a rich color and 100% coverage of gray hair, but also have the best effect on the hair. Coloring gray hair with natural dyes restores strength and health. Curls become strong, shiny. Henna and basma can be dyed separately, or can be mixed to achieve the desired dark shade.

Henna and basma - natural dyes

How to cover gray hair naturally

To give a light shade, you need to keep the composition for about 40 minutes, to get an intense color, keep the vegetable mask for about 3 hours. In order to give gray hair as bright a color as the rest of the strands, gray hair will have to be dyed more than once.

Henna gives the whole gamut of shades from gold to copper. Basma is suitable for burning brunettes, as it brings the hair color closer to black. Brown-haired women can use henna and basma at the same time, so they get chestnut shades.

Brown-haired women can use henna and basma at the same time

Simultaneous use of henna and basma

Gray hair coloring can be carried out in turn: first with henna, and then with basma. For example, to achieve an intense color, henna is applied for a long time. Then, the basma prepared before use is applied to the hair for such a time, after which the color will already be completely satisfied. You just need to control the degree of coloring.

It is also possible to brew a mixture of both components at once. This will save time. The crushed herbal mixture is mixed in the proportions recommended to obtain a specific color.

Chopped Herbal Blend

How to prepare a coloring mixture for gray hair

To properly dye gray hair, follow the recommendations. The coloring mixture should be prepared immediately before use and applied to a clean, wet head while it is still warm.

The coloring mixture should be prepared immediately before use and applied to a clean, wet head while it is still warm.

During this procedure, the air is filled with a herbal smell. The very process of applying warm slurry with massage movements soothes and gives an unforgettable experience.

Henna and basma are prepared in almost the same way. Container choose glass or porcelain. The powder is brewed with boiling water (90 degrees), infused for a short time, about five minutes. If the scalp tolerates the temperature of the slurry, then it can be applied.

The consistency should be like thick sour cream. Prepare more gruel yourself, brewed “grass” is not shampoo, it does not foam and does not spread easily through the strands! If the hair is long and thick, you need about 4-6 packs of 25 grams of powder.

If the coloring of gray hair occurs separately, then basma can be prepared in another way. The powder is brewed and boiled for a short time. Later it will have to be further diluted, since basma thickens more than henna. After applying the mixture, the head should be wrapped with cling film, and then with a towel.

After applying the mixture, the head must be wrapped with cling film.

To obtain different shades and saturation, the components are mixed in certain proportions!

  1. Light brown color: the ratio of henna and basma is 1: 1, the exposure time is half an hour.
  2. Shade "light chestnut": the ratio of henna and basma is the same, but the exposure time is an hour.
  3. Chestnut color: the ratio of henna and basma is 1: 2, we keep the mask for an hour and a half.
  4. To obtain a bronze color, on the contrary, henna needs 2 times more than basma. The holding time is the same - an hour and a half.
  5. To get black curls, you need a lot of basma, three times more than henna. You also need to keep the mixture on your hair for a long time, about 4 hours.

Repeat procedure

If there is gray hair, then coloring will have to be done at least 2-3 times to hair.

Coloring result

It happens that the color of the bulk of the hair is not as intense as we would like.

The final result is determined by the following factors.

  • Original shade of hair.
  • The condition and structure of the hair.

Dry, thin, previously bleached hair is dyed faster than coarse and dark hair.

  • The temperature of the gruel applied to the head, as well as the conditions for preparing the mixture.

If the mixture is not just brewed, but boiled, the broth will be stronger, and the staining effect will be stronger.

  • duration of staining.

The darker the hair before dyeing, the longer you need to keep the coloring gruel on the hair, otherwise you may not see the difference.

The darker the hair before dyeing, the longer you need to keep the coloring gruel on the hair.
  • Ingredient proportions.

Tint coloring

Shade staining is used if the strands are light. Henna is applied for 3-5 minutes like a balm. Basma gives dark shades, so you can simply rinse your hair with its decoction.

If after staining you get too bright a shade, then its intensity can be reduced in the following ways.

For example, strands can be done with a little warm vegetable oil. It is applied for half an hour. Then the head is washed with shampoo. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

You can neutralize the bright color after staining with basma by rinsing your head with a weak aqueous solution of vinegar or water with the addition of lemon juice.

There are also special products for tint coloring on sale.

Other components can be added to the mixture to obtain new shades and a caring effect: coffee, tea, oils, and so on.

Folk recipes

It is possible to dye gray hair by other means.

  • To dye your hair gray, you need to prepare a decoction of rhubarb root. 40 grams of crushed raw materials are boiled in 250 ml of water for 15 minutes. Rinse the washed head with a decoction.
  • Coloring gray hair blonde can be done with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • A 3% peroxide solution is applied for about an hour.
3% peroxide solution
  • You can also dye gray hair blonde with an ammonia solution. Tablets are sold in pharmacies.
  • To give golden coloring of gray hair at home, you can do it with decoctions of onion peels or chamomile.
You can give goldenness by decoction of onion peels or chamomile

It is better that the dyeing of gray hair is carried out with useful means, because the roots need to be tinted often. Coloring gray hair with natural dyes is better in the sense that the strands not only change color, but are also restored.


Coloring gray hair with natural remedies is easy and simple!

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 11 minutes


As women age, various physiological changes occur in the body of every woman. Gray hair is one of those changes. Sooner or later this happens, and we cannot change the law of nature.

But hiding gray hair is quite possible.

11 ways to hide gray hair with coloring - store and home remedies

If you do not want to put up with this sign of aging, then you can hide the gray hair by coloring. Coloring can be done both in the salon and at home.

You should also pay attention to gentle folk methods of dyeing that do not change the structure of the hair. By the way, .

  1. Coloring in your own color.
    There is nothing easier than buying a dye of your natural hair color and coloring it at home. The gray hair will not be visible, but then you will have to constantly tint the growing silvery roots. If you are a brunette, then you should not assume that gray hair will deprive you of your wonderful hair - dyeing solves all problems. However, it should be remembered that the paint must be chosen without ammonia, so that already weak hair does not become painful.
  2. Repainted in a different shade. Gray hair is a great opportunity to radically change your image. If earlier you were a burning brown-haired woman, then you have a chance to turn into a blonde, which, of course, will only be beneficial, because when the gray roots grow back, they will not be very noticeable.
  3. Highlighting. When highlighting, only some strands are colored. If the gray hair has affected no more than 50% of the hair, then you can safely assume that highlighting will hide the gray hair just perfectly. The gray strands will be painted over in a lighter shade than your hair, which means that no one will notice your gray hair.
  4. Coloring. Coloring is very similar to highlighting, however, in this case, gray-haired strands are painted in a variety of colors. It can be darker and lighter shades - it all depends on your desire and possibilities. Coloring looks spectacular on both light and dark hair, so this procedure will perfectly help to cope with gray hair for any woman. However, you should know that it is better to entrust this kind of painting to a professional.
  5. Tinted balm. A wonderful way to cope with gray hair caused by metabolic disorders or severe stress. As practice shows, a tint balm allows you to hide gray hair without damaging their structure. At the same time, it does not give a lasting result, and after 2-3 weeks the painting procedure will need to be carried out again. With the help of a balm, you can dye your hair both in your own shade and several tones darker. And modern balms also have a healing effect on the hair.
  6. Henna. She not only paints over gray hair well, but also treats hair - they become shiny, soft and silky. Hair growth improves, and dandruff can be forgotten after the first henna staining. Our grandmothers also used this tool, so you can use it without fear to combat gray hair. The only disadvantage of dyeing hair in this way is the duration of the hair tinting procedure (you will definitely have to spend a couple of hours on this).
  7. Peel of walnuts. A gruel from the green peel of unripe walnuts allows you to radically change the color of your hair to dark chestnut. This method does not harm the hair, but rather improves their condition. But, unfortunately, such coloring is available only to girls living in the south, since walnuts simply do not grow in most of our cities.
  8. Coffee. Ground natural coffee gives the hair a brown tint. When preparing coffee gruel, remember that the less water you add, the richer and darker your hair color will be in the end. After you have brewed coffee in the right amount of water, you need to apply the thick on your hair and wrap it with plastic, and then with a towel. Hair acquires a rich color in an hour.
  9. Rhubarb root. If you prepare a decoction of rhubarb root, then this remedy gives the hair a golden and straw hue. Rinse your hair with a decoction, after washing it with a deep cleaning shampoo. If the shade does not want to appear, then add one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to the broth (it will speed up the lightening process). Once you have rinsed your hair, you need to wrap it in a film and a towel. The procedure takes about two hours.
  10. Basma. Basma has almost the same properties as henna, but makes the shade darker and more saturated. If you want to improve the condition of your hair, hide gray hair and change your color, then basma will be a great option for you. The gruel from basma is brought to the consistency of thick sour cream, and then applied to the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the graying strands. Then leave for an hour. The color will last about 2-3 months.
  11. Onion. A decoction of onion peel has been used since ancient times as a natural dye. Gray hair, dyed with onion decoction, acquires a shade from golden to copper (depending on the concentration of the finished product).

5 quick ways to hide gray hair

If there is an hour left before an important meeting, and you go to the salon to tint the gray roots only at the end of the week, then there are several ways to quickly paint over the gray hair.

So, what can come to the rescue in an emergency?

  • If you are a blonde, and there are not so many gray hairs, then quickly they can be hidden with hair in which gray strands will hide. The most universal way would be styling with curls (light on curls always plays very strongly, so gray hair is invisible). However, this method is not suitable for those who have dark hair color, or more than 25 percent gray hair.
  • Tinted Shampoo can also be considered an express method, since the entire staining procedure takes only half an hour. If you urgently need to go somewhere, then in just 40 minutes you can wash your hair, color and dry your hair.
  • Ordinary mascara can provide emergency help. If you have dark and thick hair, and rare gray strands still make themselves felt, then you can safely dye your gray hair with mascara, then dry it with a hairdryer and comb it thoroughly with a hair brush. The same method will help if the gray roots have grown, and you don’t have time to paint them with paint at the moment.
  • Lacquer with reflective particles will be a great option for girls with the first signs of gray hair. This method is not suitable for a sunny day, but for evening receptions this option will be simply indispensable. Sequins will shimmer beautifully in the light, while gray hair is not so noticeable even upon close examination.
  • Men very often use lipstick for hair to hide gray hair - you can take it into service with girls. The most important thing is that the coloring pigment in the styling product should not be lighter, but rather a little darker than your natural color. If there are 5 minutes left before the exit, then tinted hair lipstick is a great way to hide gray hair.

5 ways to drastically disguise gray hair

Some women absolutely do not want to put up with the fact that gray hair has already covered more than 50% of the head. In this case, it would be best to drastically hide the gray hair.

What will help to cope with this difficult task?

Care and vitamin products against gray hair - what will help hide it?

In order to prevent rapid gray hair, or to stop this process a little, you can use special vitamin and care products. They will help not only to slow down the aging process of the hair, if it has already begun, but also to prevent it, if the hair has not yet begun to actively turn gray.

It is not possible to disguise gray hair - we turn it into dignity!

For many women, gray hair, as they say, "fits." Sometimes you need not to try to paint over the platinum shade, but rather to emphasize it.

So how do you take care of gray hair to make it look healthier?

  • You need to get a haircut every month. If you do not want to change something in your appearance, then at least trim the ends to make your hair look healthy.
  • A beautiful shade of hair will be given by a special tinting paint of platinum shades. This option is perfect for those who do not like the shade of their gray hair.
  • Despite the fact that gray hair has already appeared, you need to take care of your hair. Nobody canceled humidification and conditioning. Use hair masks that deeply nourish the scalp.
  • Also massage your scalp to encourage hair growth. This will help make hair thicker and voluminous, which is undoubtedly important for every woman.
  • Go to the salon and get a stylish haircut. The master will certainly tell you which haircut will make your look more fashionable and original.

The site site reminds: by performing cosmetic procedures on your own, you fully assume all responsibility for non-compliance with the methods and improper use of recipes. For professional face-to-face advice, contact a beautician or trichologist.

Hair color is determined by the content of two pigments in it: eumelanin and pheomelanin; as a rule, with age or under the influence of internal factors, the hair changes its structure. Melanin production is reduced and hair naturally turns white (gray). They can be thin, soft or hard vitreous, and depending on the structure and thickness, individual staining should be selected for each type.



  • Focal gray hair

When gray hair is only on certain areas of the head. When working with focal gray hair, the dye is selected and applied directly to problem areas, taking into account the percentage of gray hair and the thickness of the hair. The rest of the hair that does not have gray hair is dyed as usual, without adding a natural tone. Since focal gray hair is more pronounced at the temples and the hair is always thinner in these areas, you need to remember that here the shade will turn out to be more intense than on the rest of the hair.

  • Gray hair from 10 to 30%

If it is not focal, then staining is carried out in a standard way. It happens that the client basically needs to paint over only “three hairs”; here you can suggest the following scheme: let's say the client has an initial hair color of 6.0, but wants to become 6.7, then we mix 6.0 + 6.7 in equal parts, add a three percent oxidant (a six percent oxidant in this case will lead to lighter roots) and get the expected color.

  • Gray hair from 40 to 60%

To begin with, we determine the tone level of natural hair (attention: they will appear lighter due to gray hair) and thickness. If the natural hair is dark and a person wants to get a beautiful blonde, this can only be done through a lightening procedure. Otherwise, the client will come out with yellow hair.
However, if it suits him, then everyone is fine, just warn about the result. For thick, coarse hair, the dye is suitable for a tone darker, and for thin, on the contrary, lighter. We always add 50% of the natural tone level, since the dye containing the shade is more transparent and is not able to cover white hair.

  • Gray hair from 60 to 70%

Thin-haired clients are ideally dyed blond without lightening before that. But if the hair is thick, you will have to go through a brightening preparation with a three percent oxide (one and a half percent may not be taken).
As for dark colors, it will not be difficult to paint over, given all the laws given at the beginning.

  • Gray hair 80-100%

As a rule, there are two types of hair with one hundred percent gray hair: thin and thick. Thin hair can be dyed both in blond and dark colors, but using a one and a half percent oxidant. Natural pigment may or may not be added. But with thick 100% gray hair, special dyes for gray hair are just right.


1. Gray hair is not painted over with an ordinary dye above the sixth tone level, because there are not enough pigments, with the exception of the seventh tone level, which is suitable for thin hair. Thin gray hair can also be painted over with a one and a half to three percent oxidant.

2. For 100% thin gray hair, the ninth and tenth levels of tone are suitable, only a small percentage of oxide must be used to preserve the pigment for perfect gray coverage.

3. Thick gray hair is always lightened with a powder on a three to six percent oxidant before dyeing it blond, until the selected tone level is lightened.

For example: a client with color 6.0 and gray hair 60% wants to get 9.7 after dyeing, then we lighten the hair by 6% to a light yellow background, and then apply the dye 9.7 + 1.5% OX.

4. Gray hair after clarification with powder is not considered as such, that is, you can paint after clarification without adding a natural tone - and with a lower oxidant.

5. With hard thick gray hair, it is better to use the fifth tone level, otherwise there will not be enough pigments, since in the sixth tone level they are no longer enough to paint over thick hair.

6. For high-quality coverage of gray hair during dyeing - no hair should be visible through the applied dye.

7. As you know, there is a special dye for gray hair. It contains a double dose of pigments and works with 6% and 9% oxidizers. But this is not always suitable, especially for thin hair. At the same time, the color darkens greatly due to the high content of pigments added by the manufacturer to the paint.

8. The choice of oxide and the choice of dye depend on the thickness of the hair. If the hair is thick, then the concentration of the dye increases.

9. When using a nine percent oxide, apply the dye to the hair denser and thicker - taking into account the lightening of the pigments.

10. When first coloring, always apply a smaller percentage of clarifier to the roots, otherwise they will come out lighter.

11. And the main law: when painting over gray hair, ALL percentages of the oxidizing agent are used. And 1.5%, and 3%, and 6%, and 9%: depending on the thickness of the hair. But let me remind you once again that when working with a six percent oxidizing agent, the roots will often turn out lighter.

Articles on this topic on the site
sign of age/ how to paint over gray hair?
We paint over gray hair/ practical advice
With a new blonde!/ overview of tools and techniques
Blond Practice/ practical advice
highlighting/ overview of new methods
color trends/ new techniques and means
Booking/ new staining technique


In 90% of cases, many people face the question with age: paint over the gray hair completely, leave strands of gray hair, or do not touch anything at all, keeping everything as it is?
Most people prefer to paint over their gray hair completely - in a hair color close to their own. But this method is not suitable for clients who already have 70-100% gray hair, especially those who used to paint in dark colors. Due to the fact that the roots contain a large percentage of gray hair and literally grow back in a week or two, outwardly such people look terrible, as if almost bald.
Translucent gray hair is fashionable or not fashionable - let everyone decide for himself. My opinion: glimpses of gray hair look beautiful in men and women who are over 80. 95% of women do not want to go with gray hair, and the fact that undyed gray hair is fashionable was invented by hairdressers and dye manufacturers who cannot cope with such a task.



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Gray hair in dark hair always looks untidy and spoils the overall impression of a woman. Some stylists suggest passing it off as an original style, while most of the fair sex agree on the need to color curls.

But gray hair can “behave” inappropriately and, after dyeing, look too bright against the background of the entire head of hair or even become an extravagant shade. How to paint over gray hair on dark hair so that the color lies evenly, which is better to use from folk remedies - read this article.

Read in this article

What color can beautifully paint over gray hair

On dark hair, gray hair is difficult to dye, because their structure is very dense and rigid. Experts believe that it is easiest to hide the sign of age-related changes with a tone that is closest to natural. In each specialized store, you can use the color wheel - samples of already dyed hair are applied to your own, and then it comes to understand which tone should be chosen.

Coloring with a transition to lighter tones would also be an excellent option - this will create a kind of “creative mess” on the head, and the gray hair will not stand out too much against the general background even a long time after the procedure. If such a method is planned, then when choosing the right colors in a circle of colors, you need to remember that this is done in a clockwise direction.

If the plans included a radical change in appearance, then the appearance of gray strands is an excellent reason to carry out your idea. The fact is that dark hair can always be dyed light, and this will make the problem almost invisible to others. Experts recommend using professional products for washing off the pigment and subsequent coloring for this - this will guarantee the desired result, and not improvisation in shades.

What paint is better to color

Any paint is a real test for hair, because such products act aggressively on them. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the risks of deterioration of the condition of the curls. To do this, choose a paint according to the following criteria:

If you select the most popular means for painting over gray hair, then you should pay attention to:

  • Matrix– recognized as the best in its segment, presented in more than 15 golden chestnut shades, has an extremely low ammonia content in the composition and a long-lasting result;
  • Estel- the palette of shades is huge (more than 50), the average level of durability, withstands repeated washes and exposure to high temperatures (irons, hair dryers, curling irons, curlers), separately has assortments of hair color correctors, can be used with gray hair of 70%;
  • Igor- it has only red, red and light brown shades, it is distinguished by the speed of staining (only 10 minutes - and you can wash it off), the result is stable, but the range of colors is extremely limited;
  • Loreal– Affordable, perfectly proportioned for dark hair, easy to apply and long lasting.

You need to understand that it will not be possible to get rid of gray hair, because they will invariably grow back, and the coloring pigment is washed out over time. Therefore, highlighting is considered an excellent alternative to monochromatic staining in this case.

This method has a lot of advantages: the result is preserved for a long time, suitable for hair of any length, the general appearance of a woman becomes younger, with the growth of curls, gray hair does not “strike” into the eye.

But highlighting manipulation should be carried out only by a specialist, since professional tools are used that require accurate dosage and proper application.

Non-standard methods of getting rid of gray hair

If a woman is categorically against the use of chemical paints to hide gray hair, or they are contraindicated due to allergies, some dermatological diseases, then alternative methods should be used.

Henna, basma

These two natural dyes mix and color dark hair perfectly. But it is worth remembering that after the procedure and up to the complete washing out of the coloring pigment, it is not worth using chemical products on curls - it will turn out to change the shade, but only in a completely unpredictable direction. Therefore, you first need to test the composition of natural dyes on strands, which are not too noticeable in the overall hairstyle.

To get a dark bronze color with light copper "notes", you need to combine basma and henna in a 2: 1 ratio, respectively. First, these substances are mixed in dry form, then warm water is added to them - gradually, each time thoroughly mixing so that no lumps form. The result should be a mass of the consistency of liquid sour cream, which must be left alone for 20 minutes.

It remains only to apply the resulting mixture to the hair, evenly distribute it and wait 20 - 60 minutes. A more accurate time is determined on an individual basis and depends on how saturated the color needs to be obtained as a result of the procedure.

Henna can be painted over gray hair without adding basma, but for this it must be diluted not with clean water, but with strong brewing of black tea. If this rule is not observed, then “at the exit” the head will take on the appearance of a fiery fox with pronounced stripes - gray hair from “pure” henna will become a shade of copper with rust.

If the hair is too dark, then cocoa powder can be added to such a composition - for 2 tablespoons of henna, 1 tablespoon of “goodies”, and only after that add liquid. Regardless of which method is chosen, the exposure time of the composition on the hair is a maximum of 60 minutes.

If after the test coloring of gray hair (one strand) the result is not satisfactory, then after 1 - 2 weeks you can again conduct a “test”, but by changing the proportions of the paint.

Folk methods

An excellent option would be spruce bark (common, which can be found both in the forest and in the park area). It performs the following manipulations:

  • dry;
  • crushed into powder;
  • pour hot water and boil in a water bath for 5 minutes.

So much water should be added to the powder so that the mass turns out to be slightly watery - a five-minute warm-up is taken into account, during which part of the moisture will evaporate. Then the finished and slightly cooled mixture is evenly distributed over the hair and wrapped with polyethylene, a towel.

The action time is 1 hour, after which everything is washed off with warm water and rinsed with a solution of table vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

Watch the video on how to paint over gray hair with natural dyes:

The easiest way to paint over gray hair on dark hair is blackberry juice. It is applied to dry hair (soaked in it until each strand is completely wet) and wait for an hour, wrapping your head with polyethylene and a towel. Then everything is washed, and the result will be the concealment of gray hair and a slight reddish-beetroot shade.

A very simple but effective way to color gray hair on dark hair is tea and coffee. It is necessary to prepare these two drinks of high concentration (1 teaspoon of raw materials per 250 ml of water and take only natural ground coffee), then they are mixed in ceramic dishes (the proportions are the same).

The hair is wetted with the finished composition, then “greenhouse conditions” are created for them and left alone for 40-60 minutes.

Coffee and tea

This method is suitable for those women whose gray hair has just begun to appear and there is not much of it. You need to be sure that there are no allergies to these drinks - they affect the scalp and can provoke an inadequate reaction of the body.

walnut peel

Walnut peel will help to beautifully paint over gray hair on dark hair - it should still be green and can be fresh or dried. The composition is prepared from the following components:

  • crushed green peel into powder or gruel - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil (any) - 70 ml;
  • alum - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • pure water - 150 ml.

All ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath, after which the mass is applied to the hair and left there for 40 minutes.

Any natural dyes have a short-term result, even henna and basma are washed off quickly. As for folk methods, tea / coffee and green walnut peel products, they will have to be used on a regular basis - at least once a week, the procedure is repeated to maintain the result.

How often can you dye gray hair

As for natural dyes and folk remedies, there are no restrictions on the frequency of dyeing - they will not only change / maintain the desired hair color, but also take care of them. But chemical dyes can cause irreparable harm to the health of curls, turn them into dry and lifeless, with split ends and a complete lack of shine and softness.

Take a look at how to disguise gray hair:

Just in this regard, highlighting will be the best option, because you don’t have to regularly tint the roots of regrown gray hair - for six months you don’t have to worry about your appearance, gray hair will definitely not be visible.

Gray hair coloring is a simple hairdressing service, this procedure can be performed independently at home, since any professional tools are freely available. It is enough just to follow the instructions for the paint or use folk methods to get a new look.

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There are a lot of tips on how to dye your hair with henna. But not all of them are correct, because you need not only to know how to do it at home, how often you can apply it, but also to take into account which hair (gray, dark, dry) it is applied to.

Marina Nikitina

Gray hair is a physiological process in the body that occurs in the hair as old age approaches. Gray hair is a sign of venerable age and wisdom. From time to time, beautiful silvery gray hair comes into fashion, some people have silver hair color to their face.

Men, according to statistics, turn gray earlier than women, but they are less likely to worry about this. To look younger, women paint over whitish hairs, strands or all of their hair. The more silver hair on the head, the more relevant the question of how to paint over gray hair becomes.

What is gray hair

The color of gray hair and the age at which it manifests itself is influenced by genetics, as well as the way and quality of life. In some families, people turn gray very early, while in others, hair color is retained until old age. How soon a person turns gray is affected by stress and bad habits (especially smoking).

Each person from mom and dad with a set of genes is given hair color. Color is the combination of two melanin pigments (eumelanin and pheomelanin) within each hair. The less coloring pigment, the colorless, whiter the hair.

Gray hair is the almost complete absence of melanin, discoloration of the hair from the inside.

Gray hair is less noticeable in blondes than in brunettes. The gray color can have yellowish, gray shades or be purely former, depending on how much melanin is still left in the hair.

When melanin ceases to be produced and fill the hair structure, voids form in them. These voids are the cause of poor painting of gray hair. When there is enough melanin in the hair, when dyeing, the artificial pigment of the paint interacts with the natural pigment in the hair. When there is no natural pigment in the hair, the dye simply has nothing to interact with.

How then does the paint for gray hair work and how to choose a dye that will surely paint over gray hair?

Firstly, not any paint can paint over gray hair. Natural blondes tend to have fine, soft hair, while brunettes tend to have coarse, dense hair. Accordingly, it is more difficult for brunettes to “hide”. A small amount of gray hair is able to paint over a soft natural dye. If the hair is completely gray and coarse (such gray hair is called "glassy"), it is necessary to prepigment or mordensage before dyeing.

Secondly, each hair has a cuticle. This is the outer hair sheath that protects the inside of the hair. On the one hand, the cuticle protects the hair from the penetration of artificial dye inside, on the other hand, it does not make it possible to wash out, if it was already inside.

If the hair cuticle is thick and its scales fit snugly together, the hair is practically not amenable to the dyeing procedure (along with curling and styling). When the cuticle is thin and its scales are open, the hair is easily and quickly dyed. The dye must be selected individually, starting from the type of hair.

Ways to cover gray hair on dark hair

Depending on the amount of gray hair of a brunette and their type, hairdressers choose one of the methods:

If there is a little gray hair on the head,. The paint that paints the gray hair is selected in light shades and applied directly to the gray strands. Natural hair is dyed as needed, so that the overall highlights look beautiful.

Advantages of highlighting: regrown hair roots are less noticeable, the negative impact of paint is minimized (the way not all hair is dyed, but only a part), the image is transformed. The disadvantages of this method of “hiding” gray hair: with an increase in the number of gray hair, highlighting will become ineffective.

To paint over gray hair in brunettes, a mixture of henna and basma of the highest quality is used. To get a black hair color, henna and basma powder is taken in a ratio of one to two (tablespoons) and mixed thoroughly. Pour hot water (but not boiling water), rub with a wooden spoon to a state of not very liquid sour cream. Apply to dry, clean hair parting after parting, as with normal hair dyeing. Withstand the paint on the head for one and a half to three hours, wrapping the head with a plastic bag and a towel. The longer the natural dye stays on the hair, the darker the color will be.

If you mix henna with a decoction of strong black tea, you get a chestnut shade of hair. Henna, gives a shade of mahogany. You need to be careful with basma, as it can give your hair a greenish-steel tint.

There is no need to be ashamed of gray hair. But if you want to paint over it, among the possible ways to do this, there is a suitable one.

April 20, 2014, 15:53