What you need to do in Palm Sunday and on the eve of the holiday. What a holiday Sunday is doing to the holiday. After visiting the Church of the family gathered for the festive lunch and dedicated time to prayers and a leisure conversation

Today, on March 31, the Orthodox marks Lazarev Saturday, and already on April 1, Verbal Sunday 2018 celebrate. What do these holidays mean?

Which means Lazareva Saturday and what can be

The day before the bright Resurrection of 2018, March 31, the Orthodox celebrates Lazarev Saturday - the day when Jesus Christ raised his dead friend of Lazarus. After what he saw and heard many people believed that he was the Son of God. Lazar has lived after the resurrection for another 30 years. But Christ himself after this miracle looked forward to persecution of high priests and Pharisees.

On this day, it is possible to eat in except for lean dishes also fish caviar.

What can not be done in Lazarev Saturday

Lazareva Saturday is a special day in which there are a number of prohibitions. On this day it is impossible to do hard work. This is a great sin.

On this day, alcoholic beverages cannot be used (only wine can be excellent in small quantities).

In Lazarev, Saturday can not be used in a rapid, caring the crumbs from food, which fell to the floor.

It is also forbidden to celebrate anything, including a wedding and birthdays, join intimate relationships, sing or dance.

Any homework needs to be transferred to another day, because in Lazarev Saturday is forbidden to do the needlework, work in the garden, build something, washing, stroking, wash and clean up.

As in many other church holidays, it is strictly forbidden to fight, quarrel and do not deny people in their request.

It is believed that the violation of these rules is a grave sin, to check which is very difficult.

Which means Palm Sunday and what can eat

On this day, the Orthodox allowed to eat lean dishes, as well as fish.

The two-month holiday is established in the memory of the identity entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem on the donkey, when the Israelis recognized the ruler in it.

According to the Holy Scriptures, a week before his resurrection, Jesus Christ solemnly drove in Jerusalem. He was met as the Son of God, like the king, the Israelis saw in him the solution of all the problems and desired to see him on the throne. This holiday is of great importance for all believers and he is very tragic, because that day Jesus voluntarily, knowing that he would soon have tragic death, he came to the city. It was this moment that he served as the beginning of his suffering for human sins.

Jesus drove into Jerusalem on the donkey, then it was taken to enter the winners and rulers. According to an ancient tradition, he was greeted by joyful cries and waving palm branches, as they meet the kings. But he knew very well what a terrible price would pay for it.

In our edges, palm trees do not grow, and therefore the palm branches replaced Willow and Willow twigs. The willow is the first flourishing spring plant, it dissolves before all and symbolizes the awakening of nature. Therefore, she was chosen as a symbol.

The presence of the willow bouquet in the house of the believer was mandatory. She was collected in Lazarev Saturday, that is, the day before, and on Sunday morning carried in the temple for consecration.

Then brought consecrated willow branches into the house as a symbol of what Jesus Christ meet and let him into their home and in their world.

Saved branches until next year. It is important to spend this day with clean thoughts, fill it with good deeds and stay together with your family. It was believed that if they were touched by the sprigs of the Willow of Children, they would not be subjected to evil thoughts and tempt, and the girls could easily give birth, and their babies would be healthy. Orthodox Christians believe that it was on this day that the house should be filled with children.

This last Sunday of the Great Post. Therefore, in honor of the holiday, it is allowed to rush fish and red wine. And on the day before the holiday, that is, in Lazarev Saturday, the church charter is allowed to take fish caviar. Work on this day is prohibited.

Lazareva Saturday and Palm Sunday - these are the last days when a Christian can relax a little to the soul and body and gain strength before the main test - a passionate week that anticipates the bright Easter of Christ.

Signs in Palm Sunday

Without willow - not spring.

Verba Rasputle leads, drives the last ice from the river.

Where water, there is the willow, and where the willow, there is water.

Frost - Skin Bread are good.

The wind blowing on such a day will accompany all summer.

If the weather is clear and warm - the crop of fruit will be good.

If a lot of "earrings" of willows appeared before Verbal Sunday (kidneys broke), then the whole year will be a crop, fertile and rich in good events.

A week before Easter (in 2019 - April 21) Orthodox believers will celebrate Palm Sunday or the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, which in church books also has the name of Waiful Week or the weekly colorless week. "What can be done in Palm Sunday, and what is impossible?" - Many people are interested.

First of all, it is worth talking about the event, which is devoted to this two-month, that is, a number of 12 most important after Easter, a holiday.

As described in the Gospel, on this day, Christ drove on the donkey in Jerusalem, where a lot of pilgrims gathered before the holiday of Old Testament Easter.

He was met as a savior who appeared to bring love and good to the cruel world of violence. All the ways of following Jesus welcomed the inhabitants of the city, who kept palm branches in their hands: "Osnna Son Davidov! Blessed coming in the name of the Lord! Osaned in the highest! " (Matt. 21: 9). This solemn meeting is described by all four evangelists.

The Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is celebrated from the first centuries of Christianity. Already in the III century, his saint Methodius Patarsky mentions him in his teaching.

Catholics this Sunday is called "Palm", and believers carry palm branches or branches of olive trees.

Willow branches are used in Russia instead of them, on which fluffy "earrings" are blooming at this time. The use of the Willow in worship is first mentioned in the "ibior" of Svyatoslav dated to the XI century.

Palm Sunday - What should I do this day?

In Lazarev Saturday, the day before the holiday will be sanctified in Orthodox churches during solemn services (all-in-night vigil).

Parishioners receive several branches of the sanctified Willow from the priest and the rest of the service hold them in their hands along with burning candles. Consecration is happening and in the morning in Palm Sunday. Break-bound branches are decorated with paper angels - "Verbal Cherubs".

This is the last day before the passionate week - the most sorrowful period of the Great Post. And, of course, it needs to be devoted to a visit to the Church, prayers and communication with loved ones.

What can not be done on Palm Sunday? As in other Orthodox holidays, this day is not recommended to engage in housework, sew and knit. (But if at this time some urgent cases appear, they, of course, should be performed). Not and wash so as not to "wash" grace and happiness.

Also you can not stand and - according to popular belief - even comb your hair. In addition, believing is recommended to refuse viewing entertainment TV shows, visits the theater and movies.

On the day of the holiday, it is not worth quarreling with others, to behave aggressively. Try to show more care towards your loved ones, help poor and sick people.

What is customary to do with Willow twigs in Palm Sunday?

Many rituals and folk adoptions that have survived to this day are connected with the main symbol of this day - willow branches. They are used to design housing, give their relatives and friends.

It is believed that if a lot of "earrings" appeared before the holiday, it should have many good events during the year.

It is also believed that consecrated Verba in the church is able to save a person from various diseases and clean it from negative. To preserve health, people are slightly hit each other with the sprigs of the Willow and say: "Be healthy like the willow", "grow like the willow."

In the old days, women suffering from infertility were prepared from verbal kidney therapeutic decoctions and baked in loafs. The will also be used in various magical rites to attract good luck, well-being and love.

What is needed by Verban Sunday? Consecrated branches in the church can be put in a vase, like any other plant. But in many families they are placed behind icons.

Russian historian and ethnographer of the second half of the XIX century M. Forinin in the book "Russian people. His customs, rites, legends, superstition and poetry "wrote:" The consecrated willow in Russia in Russia is the same that Palestine's palm branch is respected high and usually remains from the Russian pious people behind the images for the whole year. "

These twigs are stored as charms that protect the dwelling from fire, lightning and the actions of evil forces. It is said that if during a fire to throw the willow in the fire, then it will go out faster, and the flame will not go to other buildings. The branches attached to the roof of the house protect its inhabitants from diseases and mental shocks.

Last year's twigs that have absorbed bad energy, do not need to be thrown away: they should be attributed to the temple or burn. On the eve of the holiday, they can drink the corners of the house to clean it from the negative. Then the twigs are thrown into the fire, thanking the service. The ashes scatter there, where neither people nor animals will be trapped.

What else can you do and what is impossible to Palm Sunday?

This holiday falls at the time of the Great Post, and to celebrate it better modestly - in the family circle. Let us not arrange noisy feast and abuse alcohol.

Also prohibited any excesses in food. Meat, butter, eggs and similar products in the diet are still not included. However, on the occasion of the holiday, it is allowed to add fish, lean oil and a little wine in the menu. You can prepare sweets and desserts from products that do not include ingredients of animal origin.

What other signs and superstitions are connected in Palm Sunday? It is believed that the desires associated with their favorite people come true on this day. In the old days, young girls waited for this holiday to make a desire - see the narrowed.

Palm Sunday is considered favorable to attract money. According to reference, if you put a room flower at the Palm Sunday, he will attract financial well-being to the house.

Consider that it is necessary to choose only plants with large and fleshy sheets (for example, such as "money tree"). But if the flower bursts for a month, then you have to live all my life in poverty.

Holiday Palm Sunday All Orthodox celebrate a week before Easter. This day is marked by such an important event as the entrance of the Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. A great post ends at Verbal Resurrection, and from Monday there is already a passionate week. What are the Orthodox on this day do, why not do it? What signs exist in Palm Sunday?

When Jesus created a real miracle, which is difficult to believe not only in those times, but today, "Rassed his hand of Lazar. This event made the Israelites believe that he could free them and solve problems. It was Jesus Israelis who saw Israel's king, wanting to put him on three.

When Jesus Christ entered the young Izhak to the city, the people were happy, glorified him with a laudatory oodas, on his way flowers were rude, and the inhabitants of Israel were welcomed by palm branches as a symbol of approaching God. Such honors were awarded only the kingdoms.

Jesus Christ knew that he had the kingdom of heaven, as the salvation of the soul, and not just a kingdom on earth. He also knew that the price for it would be high.

Why is Palm Sunday? The answer to this question is simple: we do not grow palm trees, and the willow is the first tree that bloom in the spring. It is the verbal twigs of Orthodox believers carry in the church to consecrate them.

What can you do in Palm Sunday?

On the day of the Palm Resurrection, Veliba carry the Verq's temple to consecrate the father. These branches then need to bring home, where you need to "beat" each other with sprigs, saying such words "I'm not Bewing, the willow beats." People sincerely believed that this would give a person who was rushed by Voz, strength, wealth, health. Part of the one you need to use for swimming in pure Thursday, saying "Spread on the Pop, I'm watching you, happiness and good luck want to wish!". The remaining twigs must be stored until the next Palm Sunday. It was believed that such twigs have not only magical, but also healing properties.

Often with verbal branches decorate the icons, which should be a fabric of the house for a whole year, attract well-being and health.

Little kids in Palm Sunday need to wake off with consecrated verbal branches.

Water in which the vine will stand also has healing properties. It is used for bathing children who got sick, after which the sores pass. Prayers and verbal vines are capable of creating real wonders. It was believed that if you spend a vine on the body of a sick person in Palm Sunday, he healed.

In Palm Sunday, you need to please our households, especially small, goodies, but, at the same time, do not forget that the great post has not ended yet. Meat and dairy, everything remains banned. But the fish and a little high-quality red wine - exactly what you need.

What can not be done on Palm Sunday?

In Palm Sunday, you need to refrain from home work, on your site and in the garden. Quarrels, Rugan and insults are also unacceptable on this day.

Domestic cattle on this day is not expelled to graze.

Hot dishes in Palm Sunday are better not to cook.

Traditions and signs in Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday has magic power. On this day, young girls did a spell on the will. To do this, it was necessary to break a small twig from the young Willow and put for the icon, saying such words "while the willow be behind the icon will, until then, the husband does not blur for me."

Folk magic has a strongest conspiracy conspiracy that needs to be done in Palm Sunday. It helps to get rid of migraine to people suffering from this disease. In the morning of the Palm Sunday, you need to thoroughly comb your hair, hair, which remained on the comb, remove and put into the water. Pour water under the willow, seniting such words: "pain along with water go to the ground."

As already mentioned above, Vozbanna, consecrated in Palm Sunday, had healing properties. They slightly "beat" the children and set the head of the patients.

On this day, ragners and powders were prepared from the subsidence, which were used in the treatment of various diseases throughout the year.

Young girls wore the kidneys of the willow as a mascot, sincerely believing that it would help them to conceive a long-awaited child.

It has long been believed that what the wind will be in Palm Sunday, so there will be summer.

If the cloth is frying and clear weather, then the harvest of fruit this year will be rich. And with frost on this day, to a good yarre crop.

Thinking at the Palm Sunday about the dear man's heart - he will not make himself wait with a visit.

Wealth to the house can be attracted if a room plant is planted at the Palm Sunday.

Just a week stayed before the Easter holiday, but for now, all Orthodox celebrates Palm Sunday, whose symbol is a verbal vine.

Why Christians consider Palm Sunday the beginning of the real spring and what signs believe. What is confirmed by the folk experience

A week before Easter, also on Sunday, believers go to the church to sink Willow sprigs and bring them home to protect the dwellings, family well-being and health of relatives. This day is called the entrance to the Lord in Jerusalem, Verbal Sunday, "Trick" or "Kviten" and refer to the twelve chief Christian holidays.

Palm Sunday - the first large spring holiday, who declares the awakening of nature, gives the launch of the last week to Easter - passionate, big or white, the last week of the Great Post, and most importantly, he will give hope for the victory of life over death, the celebration of spring, good and the world. This is a transitional church holiday associated with Easter.

This year we celebrate Palm Sunday on April 1, and the Sunday of Christ - April 8, which is considered early Easter.

Light history of palm trees and willow

Custom to meet winners or kings with ovations and joyful exclamations, holding palm branches in the hands, originated long ago in Jerusalem.

According to the Bible, it was on this day, in the 30th year of our era, the Savior joined in Jerusalem, and all the local population met him with the hope of a quick liberation from the Roman yoke. Christ arrived in the city riding on the donkey, which in the east meant the world (conquerors entered the horse). He was accompanied by the exclamations: "Osnna Son Davidov!" And welcomed as a Messiah, the ascent path of the Savior by palm branches.

Consequently, Palm Sunday marks Orthodox Christians for 11 centuries. The history of this bright holiday is described in the Holy Scripture.

Our palm branches are replaced by Willow branches - as the first spring greens, the symbol of the awakening of nature and the arrival of spring. Many nations believed that this plant could promote a good crop, as the water grows.

How we celebrate the phenomenon of the Lord

Verbal Sundays in the church during a nagged service will be holy willow sprigs. By tradition, the willow need to cut on the day before, in Lazarev Saturday, until dawn. Who did not have time to do this, you can buy from those who took care of it, or get as a gift. Truly the miraculous properties of IV branches are not acquired during their acquisition, but after consecration.

Nearlychko - Chervon Yaєchko!

After festive worship, believers are returned home, full of spring hopes and with a spring bouquet. On the way, meeting those who were not in service, they are jokingly beaten by a sanctified Verba, saying:

Verba B'є, I'm not me,

For the titiode - Great!

Already near

Chervon Yaєchko.

Vine b'є, not i'm,

For the titiode - Great!

Be healthy, yak water,

I Bagati, Yak Earth!

For popular custom, after worship, still not going to the house, you need to plant a few Verba branches, "to gave God to glory, and we, people, for the need." The rest of the consecrated fluffy twigs carry in the house and put near the icons. In the most prominent place, near the iconostasis, the bouquet and should have to simultane the whole year as a family charm. The people believed that the consecrated willow had a miraculous healing force capable of selling people and animals from diseases, depletion, and the house was from fires and floods, other cataclysms.

In any case, the consecrated will not be trampled by foot - it is a big sin. And it is also impossible to throw it away.

What is welcome to Palm Sunday

Since the post is still going on, the big feast of the entry of the Lord in Jerusalem is celebrated elevated, but modestly, without rapid entertainment. The family is going to have a shared table on which - lean dishes. On this day, fish and some red wine are allowed. Any lean dishes: dumplings, pancakes, vegetable and mushroom dishes, casseroles and grandmothers, other dishes and drinks (compotes, kisins, quashes, compotes and the like) need to be prepared in advance, it is impossible to do this on a holiday. It is necessary to try to move away from the bustle, to engage in their spiritual development, devote time to prayers and saving conversations, to cleanse spiritually, pray and prepare for a passionate sadmice.

IV Bazaars

The tradition of such bazaar originates from pagan times. They provide lush fairs on which various thematic souvenirs can be purchased, baking, needlework products. The main product on the day of the holiday is a bouquet of Willow sprigs consecrated in the temple, to which beautiful paper angels are tied, which have long been called by reclining cherubs.

Magic of Palm Day

The people are preserved and strange, but at the same time bright traditions of the Verbal Sunday. It is said that it is so filled with good energy that all the innermost dreams and desires come true on this day. So, for example, if you think about your loved one in Palm Sunday, then he (she) will appear on this day.

And if in the morning on Sunday, drive the peg of the Willow into the wall, it will relieve a person from fears.

What can not be done on Palm Sunday

As in any big holiday, it is impossible to work on this day. Even needlework is not welcome - you can not sew, embroider, knit.

However, this day is well sued or transplanted room flowers. Our ancestors were confident that these plants would bring wealth and well-being. They diligently cared for them, because if the flower will start a flower for a month after the Visen Sunday - you will live in poverty. Special attention was paid to crowded plants, for example, the money tree.

As they say: Let's take faith - but check. Just the opportunity to check.

According to some belief, it is impossible to comb on Palm Sunday so that health does not fly through the teeth of combs.

On the city of Verba Ryasna!

From a long time in Ukraine, with respect, they treated the willow. Together with Kalina, this is our symbol: "There is no Ukraine without willow and viburnum!".

Ancient beliefs endowed him miraculous force. The willow sled near the wells: it was believed that she purifies water. The willow symbolized fertility and the feminine beginning: "If the village of Verba Ryasnna, then in the yard the girl is red."

IW Secrets:

  • The Verba beat healthy, funny and rich; Children - so that the strong people grow well and perceived the vitality of spring.
  • IVI is planted in the garden when they bring from the church, fortunately youth: if the willow hurt - the girl will marry, and the guy marries.
  • Verba on the Jurassic cattle in the field, for the first time in the pasture, slightly touching her livestock to be healthy, fruitful to be in the body.
  • Verba in antiquity was assigned thunderstorm clouds - Mahali by the Holy Rube in the direction of the clouds and allotted thunder and hail.
  • Sanctified verbal seals threw in porridge to gain spring energy for a whole year.
  • With a consecrated Verba, after returning from the church, the hosts were accounted for by the bee, so that the bees were wound; We managed the directing courtyard and stables and cattle pens so that the cattle is healthy, fruitful, so that the cows give a lot of milk.
  • Swallowed seals on the road from the church so that there is no fever so that the throat is not hurt.

What are the signs of nature on Palm Sunday

  • The lack of frosts on Palm Sunday - on a rich harvest of fruits.
  • Solar and windless weather in this particular day promises a warm summer.
  • That wind blowing on such a day will accompany all summer.
  • If it rains - wait for a rich harvest.

These beliefs, customs and signs originated many centuries ago, they added faith and power to our ancestors. Believe in them or not - to solve everyone, like how to meet the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. The main thing on this day, as in other, a person who believes in the victory of life over death, give the world light and good, avoid bad actions and thoughts. Peace and peace in the soul of every believer!

Traditions and Signs of the Orthodox Holiday

Today, April 1, Orthodox believers celebrate Palm Sunday. On this day it is better to refrain from the offense and abuse. It is impossible to make cleaning, sew, knit, embroider. Our ancestors did not even prepare hot dishes on Palm Sunday, RIA Vladnews reports with reference to Informing.

Willow branches are carried in the temple. It was believed that the branches need to be cut off only with young trees. Also did not touch the trees that had a hollow or grew near the cemetery. We managed the side of the willow, which grew over the water - there was a belief that water and mermaids were resting on these branches at night.

On Sunday, April 1, it will be possible to enjoy tasty dishes, sweets. But do not forget that the great post is observed - dairy and meat products on the table should not stand. But fish and some red wine are allowed.

In the evening, on Saturday, Orthodox Christians with recreation branches go to the temple, on the all-night vigil. Willow sprinkled with holy water. The next day, the willow is re-consecrated.

On this day, the church is Liturgy John Zlatoust. It is noted that it is best to spend the first resurrection, in a circle of loved ones.

Traditions of Palm Sunday
Our ancestors believed that the consecrated willow was the wan of the whole family. The branches touched close people, it was believed that it would bring them health.

On this day, the signs were made from the willow of ragners and powders.

After the church service, at home, people beat each other with verbal branches. Beii and sentenced at the same time: "I'm not Bew, the willow beats. Be healthy like water and rich as earth. " Many believed that this rite would give health, strength and well-being.

We will watch the weather on Sunday. Clear and warm weather foreshadowed a good harvest. Well, the frost on this day pointed out that there would be good skeres.

Signs on Palm Sunday
On this day they tried not to drive out cattle into the street - so that his evil spirits were not spoiled. Girls especially long and thoroughly on Sunday combed her hair. At the same time, they sentenced this: "Water, go to the ground with a headache." Then the comb was placed in dishes with water. After some time, this water was needed to pour the willow.

To marry a guy, who was dreaming of, on this day, from morning to evening it was necessary, as often as possible to think about it.

Our ancestors planted on Sunday flower. It was believed that thus comes to the house richness. You can simply transplant the indoor plant.

Well, the most important thing on this day you need not to spend the forces on the negative, avoid evil thoughts and actions, give good and light.