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How to determine the approximate time on the sun?

    In history there are facts about the solar clocks found in the friends of the Egyptians of the Inca and others, they were determined at sun on the sun, and on the shadow of the falling scale

    I always wondered this question - how to determine the time on the sun, if not exactly, then at least approximately. In many sources, it is described how to do this, but, in my opinion, this is exactly the case when the whole is better to see once than hear a hundred times.

    Therefore, I found a visual video instruction on the Internet on how to determine the approximate time on the sun. To solve this problem, it will take quite a bit - sand and a wand (a small twig is also quite suitable), and, of course, the sun.

    Time will need quite a bit - the main thing is to understand the principle of action. On this video, the Sun is shown extremely clear:

    Everything is conditional and simple enough. It is necessary to stack where the north where the sun goes back and where it comes. Not just where the West and East, namely, where it appears and where it hides and actually what time is it. Suppose at 5 am sunrise, at 19 pm. At 12 days the sun will be in any way in the zenith, and the rest of the space breaks down conditionally. At first, you can use the usual clock to vocabulary note;

    In order to at least approximately determine the time through the Sun, you need to see in advance what time the sun is located in. If you are in the same territory and will be without a clock, I remember, at what time and where the sun was located, then the approximate time would be fully calculated.

    To determine the time on the Sun, it is necessary to set up in the sides of the world, goes back in the east entering the West, I approximately define so if the sun at the beginning of 6 hours if you are high above you and the shadow almost does not throw it about 12 hours and the farther from these 12 hours closer to 6 pm already.

    If you can decide on the sides of the light, where the south, where the north, east, then, if it takes into account that the sun rises on the east side, then it will be on his head to dinner, approximately an hour of the day. It is necessary to practice, first calving time on the clock.

    I define so silence a circle to the center put a wand and look in what direction the shadow falls from the stick. But for this you need where the north, south, west, east. And then you will easily navigate with time.

    If you are well focused in the place where you live and can indicate where the north, and where the south is already good. Everyone knows that the sun gets up in the east, so if it is there, then about 6 o'clock in the morning, if the sun in the south-west is about 9 hours, if the sun is in the south - then it is noon, well, and the location of the sun is in the south-west that is about 3 hours, well, if the sun in the West, then it is already 6 o'clock in the evening ...

How to translate solar time to local?

In the eastern calendar, the day consists of 12 parts, each of which lasts 2 hours, and is under the patronage of a certain animal along the Chinese horoscope. To calculate the magical time in Feng Shui, it is this, the so-called "solar time" takes. Often it is excellent from the local, and it must be calculated for its region.

At first glance, it may seem that the translation of solar time to the local is a whole epic of numbers and mathematical actions. However, everything is not so difficult, as at first glance it seems. And, plus to everything, calculates its local sunny time Once, you can easily use our Feng Shui forecasts later: for example, go for a walk of good luck or arrange magic sites. Let `s start?

Translation of solar time to local (on the example of the city of Moscow):

1. Determine the geographical longitude of your village or city. To do this, you can use the site geonames.org.
In our case, it will be 37 degrees for Moscow.

2. Find out your average time in Greenwich (for example, using WORLTIMEZONE.com). For Moscow is GMT + 3.

3. Our planet consists of 24 meridians, each of which is equal to 15 degrees. It is necessary to calculate its basic meridian, for this you multiply your GMT by 15. For Moscow, it turns out: 3 * 15 \u003d 45

4. Calculate the difference between the obtained basic meridian and the geographical longitude of our settlement. For Moscow: 45 (basic meridian) - 37 (longitude) \u003d 8 (degrees).

5. The speed of rotation of the Earth around the Sun is 4 minutes per 1 degree. Therefore, we need to multiply the degrees obtained in the 4th paragraph for 4 minutes. For Moscow: 8 * 4 \u003d 32 minutes.


Knowing the side of the horizon at the place of their stay and having before your eyes, you can quite accurately determine the current time. When calculating, follow the following considerations: at six in the morning the sun is in the East, at nine in the morning - in the southwest, at noon - in the south (the shadows at that time are the shortest), at three in the day - in the south-west. At six in the evening the sun is located in the West.

If you happened to be in the indoor, where the solar disc is visible at night, then to determine the time, remember that at midnight the sun takes the lowest position above the horizon.

Having a compass with him, you can also completely determine the time through the sun. To begin with, remember that the solar disk moves across the sky at a speed of 15 degrees per hour.

Measure the azimuth in the sun. To do this, first orient the compass by setting the zero division in the direction on which the compass arrow indicates. The angle between the zero division and the direction in the sun, measured in the direction of the clockwise direction, will be azimuth in the sun.

The resulting azimuth value is divided by 15. For example, the azimuth on the sun was 90 degrees. Dividing the 90 to 15, you will receive 6 hours. When calculating the calculations in Russia, take into account the maternity time. To do this, add one hour. In addition, in many countries there is a transition for the summer time, so it is required to add another hour to the result obtained.


  • Orientation
  • Temporary terms of tarot cards

Mechanical clock may stop. In electronic can sit the battery. Or just electricity will be disconnected for some timeAnd then time data will be bought and the clock will have to be renovated. And best install accurate time. Only first you need to know.

You will need

  • - TV or radio
  • - telephone, stationary or cellular
  • - Computer or communicator connected to the Internet


Turn on the radio or TV. Most radio stations, especially serious, report exact time At the beginning of each hour. Central TV channels show screensavers with an image of the clock before news release, a number of TV channels show informers with exact time and weather in the region in one of the corners of the screen constantly.

Make a call to the telephone service of the exact time of your city. The phone number of this service can be found in the telephone directory. If there is no such service in your city, call the service of another city. However, in this case, you will have to pay for long-distance telephone services. Information about the exact time in the telephone service will be reported to you answering machine. If there is no landline phone, you can call this number on cellular. But it will be better to call the operator's reference service. It is possible that your operator itself provides an accurate time definition service, and this service will cost you much cheaper.

Use the Internet services to determine the exact time. There are many of them and they are all free. The advantages of this method is that you can find out the exact time Any point in the globe, and not only at the place of your stay. Go to one of these sites, select the region you are interested in and read the result. Also, if you wish, you can quickly calculate the time difference between your city and others by activating the appropriate function of the service.

Install on your smartphone or communicator Specialized application (widget), showing accurate time. Data This application will receive from the Internet using the GPRS, EDGE or 3G connection in accordance with the tariffs of your mobile operator, and as a result accurate time The region of interest will always be on the screen of your phone. Some widgets in addition to time also show weather data and other information. Applications yourself, you can find and download on the Internet both free and for a small fee. A detailed installation mechanism depends on the technical features of the model of your phone. Details can be clarified by the developer of the application or other users of this program.

Determining the time on the Sun in a specific situation can help you out, for example, you will know the exact time if you forgot the clock at home and do not be late for the bus or train. The method of determining time on the Sun is useful not only to travelers and dachensons, but also to all the rest who do not have hours. There are different ways to determine the time on the Sun, we actually tell you today. We recommend reading

AK Find out time in the sun in the northern hemisphere of the Earth

So, to determine the time on the Sun you will need to make (make) the simplest sundial. To do this, you need to determine the exact direction of the parties of the light, thin wand and the sun. The easiest way to determine the time through the Sun is to make a sundicable compass and matches.

How to determine the time on the sun match and compass

Install the compass on a flat surface, then accurately determine the direction of the sides of the light of the North, install the compass dial so that the compass arrow point to the north and to the digit of the compass 180 degrees azimuth. Install exactly at the compass center match. All, sundial ready. Now, to determine the time through the Sun and this solar clock, you need to see where the shadow falls from the match. It turns out that if the shadow points 180 degrees on the dial is equal to 12 o'clock in a day, if 270 degrees are 18 o'clock, and 9 in the morning is 90 degrees. It turns out that one hour of time is 15 degrees on the compass. With this definition of time on the Sun, it is necessary that the sun shines directly on the compass and match.

How to make professional sundial

In this case, a little more effort will be required. To tell how from the tree to pull the sundial clock we will not, since no one will spend time in the campaign, but how to make a sundial on the sand or on earth and determine the time with the help of the Sun we will tell. So, for example, you fish on the banks of the river, and you periodically need to know the time, but you do not want to constantly get the compass and make the above-described manipulations. To do this, you can make a professional sundial on the sand or land, for which you need to draw on the ground the semblance of a compass with a degree scale (the drawing must be strictly indicated to the north) and in the center put a long stick from which the shadow falls on degrees will fall, and Show time. And even in the place of degrees can write numbers of time. The sun will move along the horizon, shadow move, and you always define and know time. We recommend reading

All other ways will not give you an exact definition of time through the Sun, for example, it is impossible to determine the exact time at sunrise and its sunset, as not everyone can know, at what time there is a sunrise and sunset, because it changes depending on the month of the year.

How to find out time on the sun in the southern hemisphere of the earth

In the southern hemisphere of the Earth, time on the sun and the compass learns exactly as in the northern hemisphere, except that the compass arrow should not show north, but south.

How to find out time on the sun at the equator

At the equator, the Sun passes exactly above the surface of the horizon, so it is not necessary to recognize the direction of the north, and to determine the time on the Sun it is necessary to make the same watches as in the first case, but only place them is not horizontally, but vertically. We recommend reading

Attention: solar clock error

You must remember that in the described methods you define physical time, but it can be varied from the actual time of your region. So, for example, the Moscow actual time is 12:00, at the same moment according to the law of Russia, the actual time in Kazan is 12:00, but the physical time determined by the Sun in Kazan is 13:00, because between Moscow and Kazan Distance Equally, about one geographic hour belt, and if we take into account the transition to summer and winter time, then the difference can be 2 hours. Therefore, take the sundial, compare them with the actual time and make amendments. Thus, for the future you will know what amendment when determining time on a sunny hour.


Whether you are going to a tourist campaign or plan to break a little from modern technologies, you will use the ability to determine time without hours. Time can be estimated over the sky if it is not tightened with clouds. Although no clock it will be an approximate score, so you will learn time in a specific range. Such an estimate of time without hours is quite suitable in those days when you do not hurry and you can do without knowing the exact time.


Determine the time on the position of the sun

    Choose a place where the sun is visible without interference. The horizon can close the trees or buildings. For a fairly accurate estimate of time you need to see the horizon line. You can accurately determine the time if you manage to find open space without high objects nearby.

    • This method will allow you to roughly determine how much time it remains until sunset. Use it on a sunny day when there are almost no clouds in the sky. It will not work if the sun is completely hidden with clouds.
    • Thus, you can roughly estimate the daytime.
  1. Align the palm with the horizon line. Lift the hand bent in the wrist, so that the palm is directed to you. Place your palm so that the top edge of the index finger coincides with the lower edge of the sun. At the same time, the lower finger (the little finger) should settle down at the level of the sky (above the horizon). If the little finger was under the line of the horizon, the sun will go within a few hours. Hold the palm in this position.

    • Suitable as the right and left hand, although it is better to use your lead hand.
    • Remove the big finger from the review line. The thumb is the thicker of other fingers and is located at an angle to them, so it is not suitable for measurements by this method.

    A warning: Do not look right in the sun, as it can lead to serious eye damage! Direct your view just below the Sun, when you place the first palm.

    Place the second palm below the first. If there is still a place between the first palm and the horizon line, place the second palm under it. At the same time, the thumb of the second palm should concern the mother's first.

    • Continue to place your palms one under the other until the horizon line is reached.
  2. Calculate how many times you put one palm under the other, until they dropped to the horizon line. Consider how many palms fit between the lower edge of the sun and the horizon line. The number of palms will give you the number of hours remaining before sunset.

    • For example, if you have five palms, it means that before sunset there are five hours left.
  3. Consider the total number of fingers to get a more accurate result. When you reach the horizon line, count how many fingers needed to fill the space between the sun and the horizon, if the whole palm fit. This will be useful in the event that one palm is placed between the lower edge of the sun and the horizon line. In this case, you should simply count the amount of fingers between the sun and the horizon. Each finger corresponds to 15 additional minutes before sunset. Multiply the number of fingers to 15 and add the value to the amount of palms.

    • For example, if you counted 4 palms and 2 fingers, it remained about 4.5 hours before sunset.
    • Note that this method allows you to just estimate the time remaining before sunset.
  4. Mark the shadow from the straw and the corresponding clock. Insert the stationery button into the board in the place where the shadow from the straw and write down the appropriate time. Use for this permanent marker or handle. Record time every hour throughout the day.

    Leave the sundial in the same place and check the time for them. After you put on the dial of labels for each hour, it will be possible to determine the time. However, note that the sundial clock is only throughout the day and in fairly clear weather. In addition, keep in mind that the sundial will gradually become less accurate, as the duration of the day changes over time. About once every three months should be made new sundial.

    • Do not shift the sundial! So that the sun's clocks accurately show time, they should be left in the same place.

Determine the time on the polar star

  1. Find a big naughty in the sky. At night, choose a rather dark place from which the starry sky is clearly seen. With the help of a compass, determine the north and stand face to it. Although the exact location of the Big Bears depends on the location of the observer, it is in the northern direction.

    • The big bear consists of seven stars, the location of which resembles a bucket with a handle. Four stars form a bucket in the form of a rhombus, and the other three stars are located along the line on the left or right of them (depending on which hemisphere you are) and remind a pen.
    • Large bear is easier to find in the sky at certain times of the year, which depend on the geographical position. For example, in the northern hemisphere, a large marsh is worse than visible in winter.
  2. With the help of a big bear, find the polar star. Find two stars that form the right side of the bucket of a big bear (these are the stars of Dubge and Meach). Connect their imaginary line and continue this line up, so that the continuation is about five times longer than the segment between these two stars. At about the end of this line you will find a bright star - this is a polar star.

    Imagine that the polar star is a center located in the sky of a large hourly dial. Mentally scatter the sky around the polar star by 24 approximately the same sectors. Polar star (or Alpha Small Males) can be used as a center of hours with twenty-four positions in the sky.

    • Note that, unlike the analog clock, on which the arrow is turning at one time by 30 degrees, in hours with the center in the polar star, only 15 degrees account for one hour, and the movement occurs counterclockwise.
  3. Applying the time with a large bear. After you break the sky for 24 sectors, use a big bear as an analogue of the clockwise. Evaluate which sector is the opposite "knob" of the star of a big bear (DUKKHE) - this will be approximately time. However, note that the assessment will be rather coarse.

    • For example, if the imaginary arrow is directed up from the polar star, it approximately corresponds to midnight.

    Council: Remember that the imaginary dial is deployed to the other side, since the movement occurs counterclockwise. For example, if the imaginary arrow is directed exactly to the left, it corresponds to 3 o'clock in the morning.

    Calculate the current time using a special formula. If you need to determine more accurate time, you can use the following formula: time \u003d approximate time. This formula will not be needed if you define the time just on March 6. However, on any other day, it will help to more accurately calculate time.

    • For example, if on the second March approximate time is 5 o'clock in the morning, the calculations will give you for 1 hour of the night: time \u003d 5 - (2 × 2) \u003d 1.
    • This formula is approximate. The difference between the calculated and exact time can be up to 30 minutes.
  4. Net summer time. If at the time of measurements in your area acts summer time, one hour should be added to the calculated time.