Miracles on the sand. Sand playback. Sand therapy for preschool children. Drawing Sand Technology Sandy Games with different types of sand

WONDERS on the sand

(Sand playback)

What do you need to play in the sand?

And it is necessary, in essence, so little:

Love, desire, kindness,

So that faith in childhood does not disappear.

Toys small set

Take into the game ... Like God

We will create our world of miracles,

Passing the knowledge of the road.

Basic principles of sand games

Creating a natural stimulating medium in which the child feels comfortable and protected by showing creative activity.

To do this, select a task corresponding to the possibilities of a child; We formulate instructions for games in fabulous form; We exclude a negative assessment of its actions, ideas, results, encouraging a fantasy and a creative approach.

    "The revival of abstract symbols: letters, numbers, geometric shapes, etc.

the implementation of this principle allows you to form and strengthen the positive motivation to the classes and the personal interest of the child in what is happening.

    Real "accommodation", playing all kinds of situations along with the heroes of fabulous games.

Based on this principle, a mutual transition is carried out into a real and vice versa. For example, being as the Savior Princess, the child does not just offer a way out of the situation, but also really plays it on the sand with the help of miniature figures. So he "in fact" is convinced of the correctness or error in the chosen path.

Educational Sand Games

Simulation of the game fairy tales on the sand

Stages of work


Adult behavior style

    Introduction to the gaming environment.

    Acquaintance with the game and her heroes.

    Conflict modeling, difficulties.

4. Collective care.

5boring and victory.

6. Creation of victory.

7. See further adventure.

Installation for attentive hearing and active participation - promsories, fun, promise of extraordinary adventures and tests.

Listening to the beginning of a fairy tale, history and construction in the sandbox of the game space (a fabulous country, castles, seas, rivers, forests, what is required by the plot of the game). Settlement by its various characters (fabulous heroes, animals, letters, etc.)

Children read the continuation of the story in which something occurs that destroys the created world on the sand (evil, monsters, hurricane, etc. appear.

Appeal to the child for help:

    what will happen to the country's residents? What to do? How to be? Can you help?

    only you, with such a kind heart, you can help the inhabitants of this country.

You can put on fabulous clothes and get acquainted with the assistants.

Children play the situation with evil. Here - they are wise men and knights, fairies and wizards. Everyone acts under the mask of the character closest to him. Next occurs restoration, reconstruction, transformation of the sandy country. It is now that children act the creators

Restore the world in accordance with their desires and acquired knowledge and skills. Build so that in the new country everything is convenient. Successful experience intensifies - all fabulous creatures are grateful to children.

Spontaneous continuation of the game, in which the celebration of victory takes place.

Story about subsequent games, adventures.

Trust style of communication, attentive attitude towards each child, a dialogue with each, a reduced voice tone, a suggestive nature of statements.

The position of the "detached narrator", a benevolent and soft assistant, researchers of the created space.

Creating a situation in which the child acts independently can tolerate and play negative emotions in the game in the game, while the adult can act as a destroyer using figures and dolls.

An adult is an interested person studying the situation, looking for an exit on a par with a child. Adult convinces, encaded, instills faith in herself, indicates the potential of the child. Apply suggestive intonation.

He supports, encourages, expresses his interest, expresses confidence that the child everything will turn out. Then he expresses a sincere admiration for the child, thanks for fiction and kindness.

An adult behavior style - an adult asks about the emotional state of children, thoughts and feelings that arose in the game of the game, did they like what they will do if suddenly again fall into a similar situation, etc.

Adult is trying to interest the child.

Poetic "warm-up"

Dmitry Franov.

We start our games

Go forward!

What are you guys

Amazing people!

How teaches Fairy Elfs,

To cause their efforts:

"Hang your ears

On the cloves of attention! "

Once inspired, two inspired ...

Slammed in her palm

And now sit down next to

How in the ground potatoes!

Alexey Gustyshkin

So that the villains win

I just just know a lot.

Need to be active

Bold, kind, strong.

And even desirable

Do everything carefully!

Games for the development of tactful-dike sensitivity and

shallow motors hands.

"Sensitive palms"

Tactile-kinesthetic sensations are directly related to mental operations, their help will learn peace. Therefore, our gaming classes we begin with the development of exactly this type of sensitivity.

Prints of our hands

On a flat surface of sand, the child and adult take turns make the handprints of the hands of the inner and the outside. It is important to delay your hand on the sand, slightly pressing it, and listen to your feelings.

Children are given different types of tasks:

    "Slip" palms on the surface of the sand, performing zigzag and circular movements (like cars, snakes, sledges, etc.)

    perform the same movements by putting the palm on the edge.

    "To walk" with palms on the laid tracks, leaving their traces on them.

    create prints of palms, cams, knuckles of hands, ribs of the palms of all sorts of bizarre patterns on the surface of the sand, try to find the similarity of patterns with objects of the surrounding world (chamomile, sunshine, rain, grass, wood, hedgehog, etc.).

    "Play on the surface of the sand like a piano or computer keyboard

These unpaid exercises actually possess a colossal meaning for the development of the child's psyche. Stabilizes emotional state. We teach the child to listen to yourself and try your feelings. And this contributes to the development of speech, arbitrary attention, memory. But the main child receives the first experience of reflection (self-analysis). Learn to understand yourself and others. So the base is laid for further formation of positive communication skills.

What is hidden in the sand?

Adult and baby together plunge into dry sand brush. And they begin to move them, watching then as the sand relief changes.


The hand of one player turns into a "mine"; It can be in the sand in any position. The task of another playing - "Sapor", dig "Ma", not touching it.

"Sapper" can act with hands, blow on "Ma", help yourself with thin chopsticks.

"Wonderful bag"

There are several items, toys at once. A child to the touch recognizes that or who is it?


"A beautiful princess lived in one fabulous country. She was kind and smart. But this is not enough. She possessed the gift of everyone around to do good and smart. Therefore, the inhabitants of this country felt happy.

It was not to taste the Dragon, who lived next door. He conceived he to kidnap the princess and take away an invaluable gift from her. So it happened.

In order for the princess to be able to give joy to people, the dragon enchanted it into an unprecedented creature and sharpened in the underground castle. Moreover, the one who comes to save the princess will destroy her touch. And she will always stay enchanted.

Can you help the princess and residents of this fabulous country? Try! "


Children are hiding in the sand of their candy, flowers, chips, etc., while others have to find their "secrete". "You can classify letters, numbers, geometric shapes.


Raddle buried in the sand. The child checks itself, feeding the randering. Or "writes" a gueau, having sanding letters.

If you guess the riddle,

Loud to say no hurry.

You, using the Ripping,

For the task, try.

Who sodes, spells,

In a lot of night flies?

At the hut in the curiy legs

Who is the mistress?

(Grandma Egypt)

Hided who needle in the egg,

Does the egg keep in Larz?

Who is all angry and skinny?

Who does not believe everyone?


Guess, do not call

Remove (dig) and read.

Seld Handbot

I composed poem.

He wanted happiness to her

Be wiser I.


What kind of word slave did not write here?

Clear sand, if you guess.

On a pink fairy cloud

Circling and sang songs.

Giving again and again

All the world and (love).

Very important gift to Fay

Aloud did not read.

Games for the development of phonderatic hearing,

sound-proof correction

training reading and writing.

"Sand grades"

Traveling to sounds

The game-fairy tale "Journey to the country" A ".

There is a wonderful country

Where the princess is called "A".

(Adult puts a figure in the sandbox, on which a transparent scotch is glued with an image A, that is, the letter A.

A-koula river was splashing.

(the river is created in the sandbox and the sharks from the collection "Kinder Surprise" are also passed the letter a too)

A-Ista in the gardens live.

(In the sandbox, a garden of twigs are created and birds appear, the letter a also passed on them)

A-Pelsins, and A-Ruby, and the a-kations bloom

(The sandbox appears plants where the letter A is depicted)

To play here

You need to call a lot of words.

Bring here friends

In whose names - a


(pronouncing the poetic instruction, adult makes an intonational focus on sound a)

In order to start the game, the adult will have to prepare a little:

Select the figures in the names of which there is sound A (5-10 pieces),

Stick on them a letter A,

Prepared figures arrange next to the sandbox,

Prepare wooden or reservoir mass letter A.

An adult simultaneously pronounces the poem-instruction and together with the child builds a fabulous country.

Thus, it is conjured with action. The child becomes a direct member of the process - a positive motivation is formed ... And then the task that requires independent work.

In order to play in a sandbox with attractive figures, the child should call at least 3 words in which there is sound A. It is important to remember the sequence of presenting words containing the sound, at the beginning of the word, then at the end, then in the middle. And we try not to take words in which the sound is heard fuzzy. Your child can help your questions. For example:

"You know, the princess has friends who name Anya, Anton, Asya and ...?"

"Who can live in this country? Mom, dad and ...? "

"Look at the other figures, call them. In which names and names did you hear the sound ah? "

"What do you think that loves the princess? Porridge, jam, raspberry ...? "

When a child names the words, an adult announces him that he now got the key to the country of Princess A and is its honorable guest (at the same time a prepared letter is given).

"Let's get acquainted"

Purpose: familiarity with vowels, the development of creative imagination.

With cute sound

Lives in that fabulous country

Calm, kind, dear E.

He dries around in the morning

And all toys checks.

And rushing with him on the branches of ate

Like a green carousel,

"Bear" and "Squirrel", "Skzorets",

And "lion" and even "cucumber"!

But here, my friends, trouble

Forgot others he words,

Where there is also our cute e,

We help us his trouble? "

With a wizard I.

"On the cloud soft,

That in the sky heaven,

Sound and like a wizard,

Over the world flies ...

He carries happiness,

And the good everyone wishes

And where what crumble,


He loves Indians,

Raisins and caviar,

And loves in the sand

Simple game!

He's happy with you

Play in the sand

So that you all words

With sound and could call! "

With poor O.

"In a huge, deserted country Limpopo,

Lonely beautiful sound O.

He is an orphan: no friends. neither river

Will the sound oh there one from the longing!

What to do, guys? Country How to find?

How poor sound about quickly saving?

Live letters

Purpose: Give to understand the difference between the sound and the letter, to cause fabulous residents not only by voice, pronouncing, preparing sounds, but also prescribing signs and letters on the sand.

Game-fairy tale "Dwarfs"

"In one fabulous country, where the river flowed (or the lake, or was the sea), there was a beautiful forest, a small gnome (or another fabulous hero) lived. (At this time, you take the figure and put it in the sand). The gnomic was a house (at this time you offer a child to put a house in any place). He lived in him. Next to the house grew a tree (garden). You ask to plant a tree. The gnomic about him cared, watered it with water, talked to him, shelted when it was cold. Our gnomic had an interesting name, his name was "S-S-C". He wore a jacket with the image of his name (you transparent scotch tape stick on the back figure in advance the letter C).

But the most amazing thing was that the gnome could say, only his name say: "S-S-C"! When he rejoiced the sun, leaving in the morning on the porch, he uttered joyfully: "S-C-C". When he was cold, he hid in his house, wandered fire in the oven and trembled. And at the same time again uttered only his name: "S-C-C"! When he was angry, he said: "S-C-C!" (It is important with the child to utter this sound, with a different emotional color, so that he "came to life").

We will get acquainted with one hero of our fairy tale. At the other end of this fabulous country, I also stood a house (we ask the child to put a house where he considers it necessary). And a beautiful tree grew next to him (the child "puts him"). And another gnome (put it) in this house). His name was O. Also as well as a gnome with, a gnomic about knew how to pronounce, only his name say. When he was fun. He uttered: "Oh-oh-oh!" etc. The gnomico oh wore a jacket with the image of his name (the letter is pasted). Look, in our country there is another house (the house was unnoticed)! Who lives in it? Who waters all these beautiful flowers? Meet - this is a gnome K. He is a jacket depicting his name. And, like other residents of this fabulous country, can only pronounce their name: "K-K-K!" How does he say when rejoices? And when sad? etc.

One time went the gnomes to the country to see, yes to show yourself. They wanted to have friends so much. Here two gnomes with and O. were met in the meadow. They were very surprised to each other and each of them said their name. Our dwarves were very curious, and closer approached each other. They even wanted to touch the other, check if it was not a dream?! And when their hands joined, suddenly ..! Each of them said: "S-O!" And "O-s!" When their hands were connected. They could not only make their name, but also the name of the other! And when the hands disconnected. Everyone could only pronounce his name. Dwarfs, holding hands, went along the path, having fun: "S-S-Oh!" And "O-O-S-C!" At this time, the gnome was walked by the gnome and went to the track, on which the gnomes of C and O.

When a gnomic to saw having fun walking and singing with and oh, he was very surprised and said: "K-k-k!" And with and about already knew what interesting things happen when the hands are connected. Therefore, they ran up to the gnome to the K and took him by arms. But suddenly…

Suddenly everything stumbled, climbed. The gnomes closed their eyes and tightly pressed to each other. Silence has come. Dwarfs opened her eyes and surprisedly uttered: "Juice!"

And suddenly each of them was in the hand turned out to be a glass of juice!

They understood. What can do real miracles.

The evening came, the gnomes went to bed.

Game "Find and name"

Purpose: Learn to memorize letters, develop arbitrary attention, memory, thinking.

Select the letters with which the child is familiar

Find figures of the king of mice and children.

Direct, complete accommodation game game.

At first, the child is building a house where children live. Plays with these figures and familiar letters. When the "night" comes, the child puts toys and letters to sleep in the sandbox, and it closes his eyes. Meanwhile, the speech therapist reads the poetic instruction, takes on the role of the king of mice and bursts the letters in the sand. When a child opens his eyes, he will need to find and dig letters, learn and call them.

Night! Fell asleep of the defortion

Suddenly, in the storage room, from the corner

The king of mice himself got out

Stone letters in children.

Hid them immediately in the sand,

So that no one could find.

To children do not read,

To let the letters do not know

So that there was no fun

So that their home has become a dungeon ...

Pampsy children save,

The letters turn the moment,

Name all who knows

Let the king in Nore sobs!

Game "Magic Words"

In the sandbox, the speech therapist together with the child fold words and read them. Then the child closes his eyes, and the speech therapist mixes the letters, partially instilled them into the sand. Opening the eyes, the child must fold back the initial words.

Once conceived by evil wrap

Permit all people

And words that could

Skipped in dry sand.

You are Magic Words:

"Hello", "Friend", "Thank you" ....

Doubt faster!

If they do not dig

That misfortunes are not to power!

Letters on the sand

Purpose: Teach children yourself to create letters - sculpt them and write. Learn to place letters on the sand.

Game "City of Magic Letters"

Let's build a city of letters!

We have sand here.

Let everyone draw himself

What letters there are!

On the couple are divided, friends,

Here you sit, and near - I

You are lying down the impulse of my

And I have to blind your.

That's how we play fun

From the letters we collect the city!

Before the start of the game, the adult and the child take from the set every one by the letter. Call them, and then exchange, saying: "Recall, please, my letter!" Raking the sand with ribs of the palms, on the surface of the sandbox a child and an adult form, pusy the letters. Having finished the work, the sand letter with the original, and go beyond the following. And so, while in the sandbox, a whole city of letters is formed.

As the options for this game, you can offer a child task: "I will win the letter, and you - dig it." Or: "Let's see what miracles can create sandy letters created by us! They can turn one into another! Letter L - in the letter A, the letter G in the letter T, the letter Oh in the letter I ... "and others.

Game "Snake"

The child learns to write the letters "snake" (a simple rope with a nodule on the site of the head). First, the child spends her in the sand. Then, folding the fingers of the leading hand, as if he was holding a handle, smoothly walks along the snake track (he writes zigzag lines in the sand).

The next step. The child takes a snake for his head, as for the handle, and writes mugs, sticks, loops.

Snakes on the sand played

And the tail of the word wrote,

The pattern was covered by the pattern -

This letters - mom snake.

But the breeze swept

And poured all the sand.

And in sorrow Mom - Snake:

Letters not read in any way!

How to know her snakes?

What happened? Where? And How?

You now have a wizard!

Add vests soon

I care about you mom - snake

Good power of magic!

Sand gram

tale "Princess and Cinderella" (about stress).

Children go to the country where whole words live. Words are preparing for the ball. Mistress of this country - Fairy emphasis. She always rules the ball.

And the Fairies have a magic wand. When the Fairy adapts to her to some one vowel sound in the word ... a miracle happens! This sound turns into a princess, and becomes the main thing in the word. The princess is honored the remaining sounds that make up the word. Looking at the beauty and greatness of the princess, they themselves often become barely distinguishable.

The name of the princess is a shock vowel, always well hear and we. And I will never be mistaken when we write this word.

Word we have a mountain -

Here the princess letter A!

In this word, another vowel oh, almost not visible, poorly audible. "O" became Cinderella. When we pronounce this word, the name of Cinderella "O" is heard as the name of the princess. Of course, her name is easy to confuse, write wrong, and thereby hurt her much.

But not sad, the fairy tale on the fairy tale - good reigns in it. In other words, which here is called "related", Cinderella is also becoming princesses. After all, they concern the magic wand fair fairy emphasis. Try, change the word "mountain" so that Cinderella has become a princess.

Talking a fairy tale, lay the word in the sand. The baby takes the Face Figure and the Magic Wand. Together with you or yourself, he pronounces the word written in the sand, intonationally highlighting the shock sound. Holding a Face Figure in his hand, it is touched up to the letter with a stick, and leaves over the letter trail - emphasis. Further, he puts the face of the princess over the shock vowel, and above the unstressed - the figure of Cinderella. The same actions are made with the verification word.

You can play with poetic instructions.

In each word - the kingdom of sounds,

There on the festive ball

Fairy stress can

Mark your princess.

Sound percussion notes

Fairy with a wand

And from now on his name

Knows each of the people.

Unstressed sounds

Fairy in Cinderella takes,

And in the neighboring kingdom of sounds

They give them to the princess.

And tell me, my good,

Who is the princess in the word "horse"?

the game "The Secret of Witchcraft"

Purpose: generalization and consolidation of knowledge gained.

Children are invited to the sandbox. There is nothing on the surface.

In one magical country

The trouble has come big -

In her sneaked in the dark

The sorceress is very angry.

One little animal captured

And immediately turned into a stick.

(Adult shows kids wand )

And the letters named her

In the dungeon threw on the bottom.

The secret of evil witchcraft

With him the sorcerer took

In the stem burly buried

And the entrance has enchanted there ...

What to do? And where to run?

The little animal should be cut off!

And adults - there is nothing to go:

The guys can only save.

Well, how guys are you ready?

There are severe tests

There, letters need to firmly know

So that the witchcraft is to solve!

Then forward! Now river

(Adult together with children builds a river in the sandbox and installs two bridge over her: one of the letters, the other from the letter sh)

There are two packers on it:

From the letter w and the letters sh

Quietly remember words

Where the letter w and letter w

(Children should call at least five words that contain separate letters w and w)

But here, the river and behind!

Dumping forest in front of the mountain

Became the impassion of the wall

(Adult together with children creates a forest from the twigs and figures of trees)

Forest beasts, help!

And you will soon name them!

(Children should call forest beasts, what they know, an adult can help them, show other animals, disseminate concepts: home and wild animals).

Forest animals helped us

And we are not far from the goal!

Mountain arose on the way -

(Children build a mountain of sand)

Neither zone nor bypass

How to learn to fly us?

It's time to help birds call!

Shout to birds of all in a row

They will immediately come to us,

We will carry us over the mountain

And we will not die to die!

(Children call him famous birds, adult can add their knowledge ).

And the birds helped us in Mount,

Now on the shore of the sea.

(Children are built in the foreground the sea, behind him the sandy mountain).

Behind him sandy mountain

Where the power of witchcraft is hidden.

But how to swim the sea?

After all, it is not a wide field ...

Let's call fish choir

Sea animals to squander everyone!

who remembers their all names,

Call us soon here!

(Children call the famous maritime residents).

You are great! Great called!

All the fish immediately walked

Now we are with the mountain ...

Here the letters are poor languages,

Wondering evil they are afraid

They must be released,

And the name is correctly folded!

As soon as the name decrypt,

The animal we will split it

So evil spells collapsed in dust,

And we learn who was there.

In the magic book there is a set,

For you, guys, tests,

As the letter each find,

From captivity of gloomy save.

(Adult takes a big book and reads on it).

As soon as the letter is clearing,

So will collapse in the darkness of her dungeon.

So, the task to the first letter:

Find a common sound in words

"Machine", "Music" and "Mac".

You guess, or how?

That's right - this is the letter M,

Do not be frightened with nothing!

(adult laying on the sand letter M)

The second letter you for fear

Even even three words:

"Balls" and "Roof", and "Tables". Well, how? Now you learned?

(Adult lays out a letter in the sand).

And the third is in words: "Shalash",

And "fur coat", "Cap", "Elash".

You missed everything so together

What you do not need to suggest!

Yes, this is the letter sh, of course

You are all so diligent!

(Adult lays out the letter sh).

Well, fourth now

You guess at once!

The words here: "Doll", "Onions", "Cat".

Well, how? Think a little ...

There was a difficult task,

But you decided - the letter to!

(Adult lays out the letter to the letter to)

Well, the last, friends,

Do not guess it is impossible.

"Watermelon", "Akula", "Pineapple" -

Here the letter is hidden from us!

You are all all! As always!

You guess the letter A!

(Adult lays out the letter a in the sand).

Who did we smooth out?

What name did we find out?

(Children fold letters in the word)

All right! This is our mouse!

I suppose, trembling another panty!

(Adult puts a mouse on the sandbox)

In a magical little country

Now everything came to the holiday!

I went takai cheerful feast,

What and did not see the world!

(Children build a country in the sandbox, a house for a mouse and other figures).

And all guys, only you!

You mouse poor saved!

And all animals, friends,

You loved forever!

"Sand playback, as a means of developing the deceptive activities of children of senior preschool age," Sand playback, as a means of developing the development of children of senior preschool age, "Municipal budgetary pre-school educational institution" Kindergarten Combinated View "pos. Ust-Omchug Teacher-logoped Yakushev I.V.


* When moving preschool educational institutions to the GEF, the question of which methods and means to use the teacher - a logo to implement the correctional tasks set by the standard. One of the latest and promising methods in the work of the teacher - the speech therapy is the use of sand therapy in working with preschoolers.

* Sand game - the most organic, familiar and well-friendly way to express your experiences, explore the world, build relationships. * Working with children in the framework of sand therapy, my main task is not to teach children to work on the sand and some special techniques, but more is connected with the receipt of pleasure from the process itself and solving problems with the speech of pupils.

In the development of small motility, tactile sensations and thinking of sand is indispensable. The game with sand develops in children a dialogic speech, they learn to correctly build suggestions, coordinate nouns with adjective, numerical, select diminishing forms, classify items, the vocabulary is expanded, and sounds are different.

The game with sand is a natural and affordable form of activity: - Sand games have a definite functional importance - we build, we study and fix the geometric shape, color, size. - Games with sand have saline for the child, the shallow motility of the hands, dexterity, coordination of movements develops. - Games with sand develop random attention, skills of arbitrary behavior. In the sand games there are certain rules, the ability to work in the team, according to the instructions proposed by the plan. - These games affect the mental development of the child

Sand games are diverse: - Educational games provide the process of learning reading, writing, account, literacy; - Cognitive games provide the opportunity to learn about the variety of the world around the world, about the history of their city, country, etc.; - Projective games will open the potential child's capabilities, they will operate his work and fantasy.

I was tested by the following methods and techniques used in the sandbox: - Discussions (according to lexical topics: professions, transport, my village, etc.); -besy (on lexic topics and works passed); -Gag - Communications "Little Wizards-We Create Peace"; -Conal games: "My city"; Sanding: "Patterns on the sand", "whose footprint"; -Elements of fairy-tale therapy (software works); -Musical accompaniment; -role games: "We are going to visit"; -Elements of psychogymannastics: "Hello sand", "Sand rain"; - Work in a pair: "Sand builders"; -The closer situations: "Build the steps" - division into syllables, "secret tasks of moles"; Parading - Travel: "Journey to the Desert"; -Expets with sand and water.

Thanks to the teamwork of specialists and educators through sand games, the following correctional - developing and educational tasks are successfully solved: - Formation in children feeling beautiful; - formation of positive motivation to independent activities, the intensification of cognitive activity; - Development of communication skills, promoting the ability to deploy different plots, establish and implement the rules of joint activities, lead role-playing dialogue, develop the ability to act according to the instructions of an adult peer; - correction of emotionally-volitional disorders, the upbringing of kindness, careful attitude towards everything alive; - the creation of conditions for the development of speech: the intensification of the dictionary, the complication of lexico-grammatical structures, the improvement of monologic and dialogical speech; - development of memory, attention, observation, logical thinking; - formation of sensory standards - colors, shapes, sizes, proportions; - correction of spatial representations; - Development of shallow motility and the formation of an optimal tone in the muscles of the hands, training in special movements (technique of games and drawing on the sand); - Development of the ability to adapt in changing conditions, the revitalization of research interest.

Sandbox is an excellent mediator to establish contact with the child. And if the child does not speak poorly and cannot tell adult about his experiences, then everything becomes possible in sand games. Through the game with sand, such problems as the development of communicative skills, i.e. The ability to fully communicate.

In class, together with children, we master the drawing technique with hands. This is a slightly different drawing than drawing a brush. Drawing occurs directly to the fingers in the sand, which contributes to the development of sensory sensations, liberates and harmonizes, as well as contributes to the development of two hemispheres (since drawing is happening by two hands).

Speaking about the effectiveness of this work, I noted qualitative changes in the development of a coherent speech, the children became clearly to pronounce words, complex and complex proposals appeared in speech. Senior preschoolers have expanded the repertoire of role-playing behavior and communicative functions of speech (can jointly plan the upcoming game, distribute gaming actions, to evaluate the heard, conclude and explain their decision). I am convinced that with the help of the game the training of children goes more efficiently, and education is natural.

Games with sand - This is the manifestation of the natural activity of the child. The first contacts of children are happening in the sandbox. That is why it is natural to use a sandbox, conducting correction, developing and training classes.

Sand is an excellent psychoprophylactic agent. The sand has a wonderful property of "grounding" negative mental energy, stabilize the emotional state.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"sand therapy" was proposed by the Swiss psychologist and philosophomarter Gustav Yung (1875 - 1961), the founder of analytical therapy. At first, he recommended to use sand classes in order to diagnose and correct the emotional well-being of children, arguing that it is an excellent tool for their social adaptation and development. Later by T. Grabenko and T. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva offered a system of sanding games, calling them correctional - developing. Watching the games of children in the sandbox, we see how positively affects the sand on their emotional well-being, being an excellent tool for the development and self-realization of the child.

All children with great pleasure playing in the sand. Therefore, the transfer of developing and learning tasks in the sandbox gives a unique effect. On the one hand, motivation to classes is significantly increasing, on the other, the development of cognitive processes is more intensively and harmoniously.

Extremely effectively use games game exercises with sand in individual library work with stuttering preschoolers . Immersion of both hands in the sand removes muscular, psycho-emotional child tension and develops motility of hands. It has long been known that when talking with himself or with imaginary interlocutors, seizures of stuttering preschoolers do not arise. In addition, the movement of the child's hands in the sand is also removed in most cases convulsions, inhibit fixation on their speech, so it is passionate about the action and the game, and the sand has relaxation ideas.

If children do not know how to combine with the movements of hands in the sand - they are either playing or they say, it is necessary to teach them to this. To correct the soundlessness of the child, you first teach to combine the movement of the language and fingers in the sand when learning and working out the articulation exercises, automation of isolated sounds, progressing syllables, words. If the sound impact side of the child's speech does not suffer, you need to force it to tell familiar poems, sweat with rhythmic movements in the sand. Often, the speech therapy is required to take the hands of the child in their own and act together. The principle of work is installed : "Play and Speak at the same time. "

The sandbox can be any form, but for correctional classes, preference is given to a square or round: this form at the subconscious level improves the integration of personality integration. The inner surface should be painted in blue or blue color - the bottom symbolizes water, and the side is the sky.

The sandbox is an attractive medium for the implementation of a storyterapeutic approach. Therefore, they will need sets of small items (up to 8 cm.): Fabulous heroes, animals, plants, houses, cars, etc.- Word, everything that is found in the surrounding world.

It is possible to use different letters: plastic, cut outfit paper, cardboard. This is important for the manual awareness of abstract symbols. The child should not only visually remember the letters, but also to connect to this bodily memory.

You can not only write the letters with your finger, but also sculpt them from the sand. On the sand it is easy to create, correct, restore words. You can write anything: a finger, a stick, snake. On the sand you can transfer all the famous games aimed at the formation of letters skills.

Thus, the sand games help stabilize the emotional state of the child, to develop not only tactile - kinesthetic sensations, but also contribute to the development of sound accounting, speech, arbitrary attention and memory.

What you need to play in the sand

What do you need to play in the sand?

And it is necessary in essence so little:

Love, desire, kindness,

So that faith in childhood does not disappear.

The simplest drawer

Paint the bare paint,

Handful of golden sand

There is a wonderful fairy tale.

Toys small set

Take into the game ... Like God,

We will create our world of miracles,

Passing the knowledge of the road.


It is important to understand that the natural breath of man is a calm, measured and deep breath of belly. However, under the pressure of the modern high-speed rhythm of life, a person accelerates so that it becomes literally "not to extend." In other words, a person begins to breathe often and superficially, as if choking, and at the same time use the chest. Such a breast breathing is a sign of anxiety and often leads to hypervenization syndrome, when the blood is oversaturated with oxygen, which is expressed in the opposite sensation: it seems to you that there is not enough oxygen, from which you start breathing even more intensely, thereby getting into the vicious circle of anxious breathing .

Relaxation: Theory and Practice


Frequent, long-term, intense emotional experiences may not affect our physical well-being. The same alarm is always manifested in the form of muscle tension, which, in turn, gives the brain a signal that it's time to worry. This vicious circle arises due to the fact that the psyche and body are inextricably linked. Being "educated" and "cultural" people, we are suppressable, and we do not show (do not express, do not express) emotions, by virtue of what caused muscle tension is not spent, but it accumulates that leads to muscle clips, spasms and symptoms of vegetative dystonia. To relax the tense muscles, no matter how paradoxically, it is possible by a short but fairly intense voltage that contributes to more qualitative muscle relaxation, which is the essence of neuromuscular relaxation.

Big Family: We live together

Big family is a real little state. Under one roof several generations occur daily. This is a place where you can find understanding and sympathy. But the world is not easy to preserve.
The main advantages of a big family: its members are formed self-confidence, the ability to overcome difficulties, emotional resistance. Such a family nourishes positive energy, but in return requires attention and strict implementation of the general rules. It turns out that related links are infinite mutual obligations, in whose sea, it is easy to lose part of their "I", as well as a good piece of personal space. There may be a situation where everything in the family acts a community, there are quarrels and conflicts from here. To correct the situation, you can collect the Family Council and discuss the rules of interaction with all family members. After the frank conversation, most often disappear for the quarrels, the voltage in relations disappears.

As naive were the ancient Greeks, in particular the philosopher theophrast, who in his treatise "characteristics" said: "Tactlessness is inability to choose the right moment to communicate, which causes the interlocutor a trouble. The tactless person has no evil intent, but the nefple is not in time. "
Of course, you can assume the idea that the neighbor of Aunt Paradise, who, congratulating you happy birthday, does not premone mention that the years are going, and the work is not a wolf, in fact, inesently wishes you to get married and forget about your career. You can also justify the juvenile nephew, straightforwardly comparing your eyes under the glasses with the headlights of the new Volkswagen - its tactlessness is based on the lack of life experience. But in the modern world there are much more people who specifically throw a provocative phrase to enjoy your acute reaction - embarrassment, irritation or aggression. For example, a "girlfriend", which, with a man, is clearly not indifferent to you, it is wondering how your visit to the proctologist passed. Or an employee, seeking to substitute you before the bosses, asks "an innocent" question about whether you managed to download another series of fashionable series - at the midst of the working day. This is no one else like trolls. And if the behavior of Aunt Paradise can be justified by a lack of upbringing and disadvantaged, then the trolls are usually completely different motivation.

The purpose of sand therapy is not to change and not to redo the child, do not teach it to special behavioral skills, but give the child the opportunity to be yourself.

Sand playback is the most productive and effective method of organizing activities with children who have a delay in mental development.

Sand therapy method contributes to: the development of emotions in children, the development of fantasy, small motility, tactile sensations, connected speech; The most effective in the correction of fears, anxiety, closetness, aggression, hyperactivity.



The use of modern technologies in the summer period "Sand playback in working with preschoolers."

In the system of traditional and non-traditional correction methods, more and more places are occupied by special techniques, one of which is sandy playerpia. Principles of games in the sand are very simple and simple. They are educational, cognitive, projective. Educational games provide a learning process for reading, writing, account, literacy; Cognitive games make it possible to learn about the diversity of the world around the world, about the history of their city, country, etc.; Projective games will open the potential features of the child, they will operate his work and fantasy.

For the first time, the "sand therapy" principle was proposed by Karl Gustav Jung, a psychotherapist. According to K. Jung, the process of playing in the sand releases blocked energy and activates the possibilities of self-herial laid in the human psyche. The fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bthe sandy playerpics is that the child, shifting its fantasies and experiences on the plane of the sandbox, can control their own motives, expressing them in a symbolic form.

The purpose of sand therapy is not to change and not to redo the child, do not teach it to special behavioral skills, but give the child the opportunity to be yourself.

Sand playback is the most productive and effective method of organizing activities with children who have a delay in mental development.

Children with CPRs can develop various psychological problems, "Complexes". First of all, it is a "complex of inferiority", insecurity (the child closes in itself, becomes rude, irritable). Therefore, much attention should be paid to psycho-emotional health of children.

Sand therapy method contributes to: the development of emotions in children, the development of fantasy, small motility, tactile sensations, connected speech; The most effective in the correction of fears, anxiety, closetness, aggression, hyperactivity.

The child in the process of the sandy game expresses its deepest emotional experiences, is freed from fears and the experienced does not develop into mental injury.

Children with great desire make exciting travel around the country of sandy games, where they are, as usual, are waiting for new adventures and acquaintances. And also show creative activity in writing fairy tales on the sand.

In the hourglass, children get the experience of self-resolution of conflicts, together overcome difficulties, rally, learn to listen and hear each other. Games with sand allow deeper to get acquainted with the properties of the objects of the surrounding world, form the initial mathematical ideas, teach the coherent work of the eyes and hands.

Play with sand should be learned and the most favorable time for this is summer. You can play in the sandbox not only outside - you can arrange a miniper in kindergarten.

To get along with the child to the fascinating fabulous journey around the country of sandy games, needed:

waterproof Blue Box, Filled with Sand; Water, water cups, molds, small toys, fabulous characters, geometric shapes, natural material, pebbles, seashells, cast material, transport, etc.

The teacher introduces children with his intermediary toy, in sand games - it can be a "sand fairy". The toy should be beautiful and interesting for children. Sand fairy is a good wizard that loves children, toys, she really wants to meet children and their toys. The sand fairy invites everyone to visit the sandbox, in his sandy world. Adult through this toy declares all rules of behavior, prohibitions and promotion.

The game in the sand, especially for the kids of the first second junior groups, is perhaps the most affordable and natural way of self-medication. Supporters of junior groups can use sand games as a pisicoprophylactic agent during the adaptation of children to life in kindergarten.

Games for the development of tactful sensitivity and shallow motility.

Game "Hello, Sand!" (from 3 years)

The goal is to reduce the psychophysical stress.

The lead on behalf of Fai asks for different "say hello" with the sandbox, to do what he likes: to stroke, to spend, praise on it; To feel what he is on the touch: cold or warm, rough or smooth, pleasant-unpleasant, soft, etc.

After the child holds an independent study, show him such movements:

touch the sand alternately with the fingers of one hand, then the second hand, then with all your fingers at the same time;

easy / with a tension squeeze the cams with sand, then slowly pour it into the sandbox;

touch the sand with the whole palm - inner, then the back side;

patch the sand between your fingers, palms;

Acquaintance with wet sand is carried out in the same way as with dry. Pay attention to the crumbs on the fact that the sand has changed, it does not rapt, looks like porridge, now you can sculpt from it.

The child is offered a free game. Sand can be stirred by hand, draw a scoop or mold, make a roller, caves, roads, hide toys into it, etc.

"Sand rain"

Purpose: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation.

Sand fairy. In my country, an unusual sand rain can go and blow the sandy wind. It is very nice. You yourself can arrange such rain and wind. See how this happens.

The child is slow, and then quickly the sleeper of the sand from his cam in the sandbox, to the palm of an adult, on his palm.

The child closes his eyes and puts a palm on the sand with an arranged fingers, an adult sand is on any finger, and the child calls this finger. Then they change roles.

Another option of the game: the child closes his eyes and puts his palm on the sand with his fingers. Offer him to "hide from the rain", i.e. Close the palm, as soon as the sand will be laughed in it.

"Sandy wind" (respiratory)

Purpose: Teach children to manage breath-exhale.

Kids learn to breathe through the tube without tightening the sand into it. Older children can be offered first to say a pleasant wish to her friends, to give the wish of a sandy country, "blowing it in the sand", you can also blow the deepening, pits on the sand surface. For these games, you can use disposable cocktail tubules.

"Unusual traces"

Purpose: development of tactile sensitivity, imagination.

"Go a bear" - a child with cams and palms with force presses on the sand.

"Jacket jump" - the tips of the fingers hit the surface of the sand, moving in different directions.

"Snake crawls" - a child with relaxed / strained hands makes the surface of sand wavy (in different directions).

"Ruff-spiders" run "- the child moves with all the fingers, imitating the movement of insects (you can completely immerse your hands in the sand, meeting under the sand with your hands with each other -" bugs greet ").

"Prints of our hands."

On a flat surface of a slightly wet sand, a child and an adult take turns make handprints of hands: inner and outside. At the same time, it is important to delay your hand a little, slightly pressing it into the sand, and listen to your feelings.

The adult starts the game, telling the child about his feelings: "I am pleased. I feel cool (or heat) sand. When I move my hands, my little sands slide on my palms. And what do you feel?"

Now that the child got a sample of the oral description of his sensations, he will try to tell himself about what feels. The younger than the child, the shorter there will be his story and the more often it is necessary to repeat this game. It does not matter if at the beginning of the game the child exactly reproduces your words, telling about their feelings. Gradually, accumulating his own sensual experience, he will learn to transmit his feelings and in other words. It is possible that your feelings will be different, but try not to impose your opinions on the child.

Next, an adult turns his hands with his hands up with the words: "I turned my hands, and my feelings changed. Now I feel the roughness of the sand, in my opinion, it has become a little colder. And what do you feel? I'm not very comfortable to keep it Hands. And you? " If a child has similar sensations, you can discuss possible further actions aimed at changing them. Maybe squeak hands? Try: Slip palms over the surface of the sand, performing zigzag and circular movements (like machine, snake, sled, etc.);

perform the same movements by putting the palm to the edge;

"go" with palms on the laid tracks, leaving their traces on them;

create prints of palms, cams, knuckles of the hands of all sorts of bizarre patterns on the surface of the sand and try to find the similarity of the resulting patterns with any objects of the surrounding world (chamomile, sunshine, a drip of rain, blades, a tree, a hedgehog, etc.);

"walk" on the surface of the sand alternately by every finger of right and left hands, after - two hands at the same time (first only indicated, then - the average, then - unnamed, large, and finally - misinches);

"Purge" with your fingers over the surface of the sand, like on the keyboard of the piano or computer;

grouting the fingers two, three, four, five, five, leave mysterious traces on the sand. (How good together to dream together: whose are they?)

These unpaid exercises have a colossal meaning for the development of the child's psyche. First, this kind of sand game stabilize the emotional state. Secondly, along with the development of tactive-kinesthetic sensitivity and small motility, we learn the child to listen to themselves, to realize and pronounce their feelings. And this, in turn, contributes to the development of speech, arbitrary attention and memory, the child receives the first experience of self-analysis. Playing, he learns to understand himself and others.

« Heat and cold "(from 4 years)

Ask the kid to turn away and jump in the sandbox toy - "treasure". Let the child choose a man's figure or an animal and leads it in the sandbox in arbitrary directions. You can "walk" with your fingers (middle and index). If the toy is far from "treasure", the adult says "cold", the toy is approaching - "warmer" when the toy comes to the target - "hot." The child is crumbling hidden toy. Then players change roles.

"Mina" (from 4 years)

The hand of one player turns into a "mine", it is buried in the sand in an intricate position. The task of another playing ("sapper") to dig a mine without touching it. You can act with your hands, blow off the sand, help the fine stick. If the "sapper" will make a careless movement - he lost.

"Sand Circle". Meditative drawing (4 years)

The child draws on the sand by any means of the circle and decorates it with various objects: pebbles, seeds, shells, coins, buttons, etc. After that, he can give the name to his sandy circle, tell about him. Similarly, you can decorate the prints of your palms, come up with a story about every finger: who he is such that he loves and does not like.

"Whose track is this?"

On the wet sand, traces from palm or feet, from shoes or wheels of the toy typewriter. Let the kid try to guess where whose imprint?

"Sand Applique"

We glue on the picture picture and sprinkle with sand. Shallow too much, and you will have a wonderful picture. Sand can be painted with paints and dry.

"My treasure"

The child grows the object in the sand and describes it, without calling. When other children guess, gives instructions, how to find a hidden thing, the words "right", "left", "straight" and so on.

Bright sensations appear in the game"Magic dunes". Together with the children, immerse your hands in the sand, start moving your fingers and follow the change in the sand landscape.

"Portrait on the sand" Expands the presentation of children about emotions. Children give instructions: draw your portrait on the sand: when you give you a new toy when you offended when you were scared,

when you saw a rainbow.

Sand games are widely used in working with preschoolers for the formation and development of spatially quantitative representations.

"What hid in the sand?"

The child is invited to lower his hands in the sand and find numbers (from plastic, wood, molds). Then gives the task to name all the numbers that were found in the sand. The child is proposed to lay out all the numbers in the sand in order, you can play the game "What happened?". You can change the numbers in places and ask the child to "clean up".

"Guess which digit you got into the hands"

The child is proposed to lower his hands in the sand, find a digit and, without getting it out of the sand, determine which figure he came into his hands.

By the same type you can spend the game "Guess which geometric shape you got out."

"Find in the sand the necessary number of pebbles" (cones, shells, acorns, etc.)

The teacher shows the child a digit and asks to call it. Next, the child is invited to find the desired number of pebbles in the sand and explain why he found such a number of pebbles.

"Make a digit from the sand"

Option 1

The teacher gives the child the figures-molds and asks to cut the numbers from wet sand. Next, the child is invited to call the figure he was blinded, and next to it write the same figure with a finger on the sand.

Option 2.

In front of the child on the sand lie pebbles. The teacher proposes to count them and "write" next to the desired figure. To do this, the child must select the desired figure of the mold and lay out the number from the sand.

"Make beads from numbers"

In front of the child, a semicircle is drawn in front of the child. The teacher offers a child to make beads from numbers. In order for beads to be correct, the numbers need to "wear on the string" only in order. The child lays out the numbers along the semicircle or laying them out of the wet sand with the help of numbers.

"Moved in the sandbox order"

In front of the child in the sandbox are numbers in the turned and right positions. At first, the teacher proposes to name only those numbers that lie correctly, then turn the numbers that were wrong and called them. You can offer a child to decompose the numbers in the correct order and play the game "name of the neighbors of the number".

Exercise "Patterns on the sand"

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about sensory standards, establishing patterns.

An adult finger, a palm finger, a tassel in the top of the sandbox draws various geometric shapes), simple / complex patterns (straight and wavy tracks, fences, ladders). The child must draw the same pattern below the sand, or continue the adult pattern.

The same patterns on the sand are made by laid out in a given sequence of objects, such as pebbles, acorns, large buttons, etc.

Sand fairy. Today we will decorate our sandy house with you. Look, what patterns on the sand can be drawn. Draw, like me. Come to your pattern, drawing. In the upper part of the sandboxes there will be patterns of circles, and below - from triangles.

"We are going to visit"

Purpose: Development of spatial representations, orientation on the "sandy sheet".

Adult in a games form introduces a child with spatial concepts (or consolidates knowledge): "The top is", "right - left", "Over - under", "because of - from under", "Center, Corner".

Sand fairy. We go to visit the bunny. Where does the hare live? (The hare lives in the forest, because it is a wild animal.) In which corner of the sandbox is growing to the forest? (The kids answer "at the top of the sandbox." Who lives next to the bunny? (Listed and placed in the sandbox of figures or pictures of wild animals.) Who is the bunny friend? Who is afraid of a bunny? How did the hare treated us? What do we wish the bunny?

"Sandy builders"

Purpose: fixing spatial representations, the development of auditory and visual memory.

Sand fairy. The inhabitants of the sandy ask you to help them build houses. To begin with, we need to outline on the sand, where one or another house will be built. For example, a kolobok loves only round-shaped houses, the giraffe is only a rectangular, and the Hippo wanted to live in a square house. Help the inhabitants of the sandbox.

In the upper right corner will be a hippo. Choose the desired mold and make a print.

Similarly, adult gives the child a task to rush all residents of the sandbox.

"Sand hide and seek"

Purpose: Development of tactile sensitivity, visual perception, figurative thinking.

For the game you need to have laminated pictures from different fairy tales and fabulous characters. For games with kids, color pictures with a clear image are used (at the initial stage - uncomplicated for perception, with the image of one item). For senior preschoolers, the image can be black and white, silhouette.

Pre-adult talks with a child about his favorite fairy tales and heroes, about the reasons for a positive and negative attitude towards different heroes.

Sand fairy. In the sand love to hide fairy tales and fabulous heroes. Let's play with them in the sandy hide and seek. Close your eyes and say magic words: "Once, two, three, the fairy tale come." (Adult bursts a picture of a well-known baby fairy tales in the sand. For kids, leave a visible corner of the picture.) Take a brush and start looking for this fairy tale in the sand. To make a fairy tale, roll it slowly, carefully. You cleared a piece of pictures from the sand: What do you think, what kind of fairy tale?


Prints, both bas-relief, and the burners, on wet sand can be done using molds. Using molds depicting animals, transport, various geometric shapes, etc. Adult and child take turns make the wet sand. Then the child according to the verbal instruction or by the drawn adult plan makes a series of prints, commenting on the process.

In such games, you can use tasks for classification of objects, for example - only geometric forms, only animals.

"Dip the solve".

Children are offered fabulous tasks in the form of poetic mysteries. It is necessary to guess it and write a response, glaving sandy letters.

"Who sodes, spends, flies in a lot at night? His huts on cooking legs who is the mistress? " (Grandmother's head)

"Hope who needle in the egg, and the egg kept in Larz? Who is all angry and skinny? Who does not believe everyone? (Kashing) guess, do not call. Clean and read.

The topic "Deciding words on the syllables" is mastered bygames "Build Steps". On the elevations made from the sand, we have a house with one, two and three windows. Children must lay down the steps from the words printed on cards, sharing, on what principle they will be located (build steps). Non-staple words are laid out near the house with one window; with two - two-sided; With three windows - three-sided.

To develop sound differentiation skills, you can usethe game "Who is faster?". The sandbox is broken down into two fields. The team members take the flags on which words with missed letters are written, and get the task to enter them (differentiable letters) are missed. Then the children set a check mark on their field. The team wins, putting more flags and correctly determined the missed letters.

"My city"

The teacher makes the task to choose figures, in the names of which there is a given sound and build a city using these figures. Then you can create an oral story about this city and its inhabitants.

"Name Sound"

The teacher offers children to dug small wells in the sand for the ball. Then he pushes the ball into the bowl of the child and calls the word, intonationally highlighting the consonant sound. The child calls the highlighted sound and rolls the ball back into the squad of the teacher. Then the task is given to another child, etc. Words: C-SOM, SU-M-M-MKA, OZ-R-R'Sh, Ku-C-C-Juice, Stu-Ls, Ru-Chka, Kra- Nn, Shar-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F.

"Find a friend"

The teacher pulls out the picture box (butterfly, cow, frog, rooster, bear) and distributes them to children.

Make houses for these animals, their brothers will come to visit them. (Children perform.) Then the teacher pulls out the following pictures (protein, whale, peacock, horse, mouse) from the box.

How do we find out where, whose brother? To do this, let's say the names of animals and highlight the first sound in these words. - Keith - [K "] - He will visit the cow, the first sound in this word [k]; [to] and [k"] - brothers.

Children in turn call those who are depicted in the pictures, allocate the first sound and pick up a pair. Conclusion: What is the difference between these pairs of sounds? (Solid - soft.)

Games for correction of mental processes.

"Winner of Evil" Maybe teach a child painlessly for his pride to cope with anger, without experiencing fear of punishment for destructive behavior.

Sand fairy. Today we will talk about the mood. What does it happen to you? What happens to you when you're angry, angry? What do they say and make adults when you're angry? (Answers baby.)

Your evil mood makes you do and talk different things from which adults are angry and upset. And after anger left, you can be sad or unpleasant. I will open you a secret - every big and small person has the right to be angry. There are many games that teach us "angry right", that is, so as not to offend others. One of these games will give you wet sand. See how you can cut out with the help of sand and see your own anger, and then defeat it. (If the child's voltage is too large, then in this case you can offer it to squeeze sand, tump the surface of sand fists, etc.)

The child, in the example of an adult, makes a ball with a wet sand, on which denotes the recesses or draws eyes, the nose, mouth: "Your anger now lives in this ball." This process temporarily switches the child, as well as the child tolerates its negative feelings to the winged ball for "bad behavior, thoughts, feelings." The senior preschooler can comment on the whole process of manufacturing a "ball-fed", which is eventually assigned all evil thoughts and actions.

Then the child destroys the sandy ball in any way, saying the magic spell: "We run anger, invite joy." The baby gives the output of aggression, which usually appears in the case of prohibiting it and control from an adult, he also receives specific pleasure from destruction. After that, the child slowly aligns the surface of the sand and leaves the prints of their palms on it - calm, gaining equilibrium and control over their own feelings: "I won my anger. I'm calm". If desired, the child can decorate his handprints on the sand.

The psychologist or educator can naturally carry out the psychological and pedagogical correction of the child's behavior and teach it socially acceptable methods of nervous discharge.


(Correction of fear, fearlessness, aggressiveness, hyperactivity)

Projective game.

Purpose: Establishment of psychological comfort, positive emotional state.

Adult offers a child on a wet and smooth sand surface to draw their own fear. Then water the drawing until the drawn disappears (not "melt") and again - a clean, smooth surface, fear disappeared. At the place where fear was drawn, the child creates a "funny picture" from the material and figures that chose.

Adult: "I have a good, calm mood now. And what is your mood, what do you feel?" (child response).

"Now take me by hands and repeat after me: I am now calm," fear "ran away and never returns. I am very brave and brave."

"I'm prickly only outside"

(correction of aggressive behavior)

Purpose: Establishment of psychological comfort and positive installations, removal of emotional stress.

The adult asks the child to cut out of the sand of his offender, and then destroy the figure and pour water. Then take the chosen figurine of the offender and bury in the sand (but we are not injected off the offender, but your anger and omble on it). All - there is no negative emotion and experiences, which means "offender" no longer offended. At the end of the work, the child lines the surface of the sandbox.

Adult: "Now take me by arms and repeat after me: I'm calm, I have a good mood, I am very kind and gentle."

Any of the options of the game can offer a child in the form of a fairy tale. For example: "In one fabulous country, a beautiful princess lived. She was kind and smart, had a gift and all around to do with good and smart. Therefore, all residents of the fabulous country felt happy. It was not to taste the dragon, who lived nearby. He decided he to kidnap the princess And to take away the invaluable gift from her. So it happened ... In order for the princesse to never give the joy to people, the dragon turned it into an unprecedented being and sharpened in the underground lock. Not only: Mobbled, who will decide to save the princess, can destroy her . And then she will stay forever enchanted. Can you help the princess and residents of this fabulous country? Try! .. "

Games aimed at the development of phonderatic hearing and correction of sound-proof.

Travel to the country of sounds Let's start with the game-fairy tale "Journey to the country" A ".

There is a beautiful country where Princess is called A. (an adult puts a figure in the sandbox, on which a transparent scotch is glued with the image of the letter A).

A-koula's river splash ...

(A river is created in the sandbox (a groove is created in the sandbox so that the blue bottom of the sandbox can be seen), sharks are placed on the Kinder Surprise collection, and the letter a) is also pasted into it.

A-Ista in the gardens live ... (A garden of twigs and flowers are created in the sandbox and birds appear, the letter A is also passed on). And the pelsins and a-raises and a-katsii bloom ... (plants appear in the sandbox where the letter a) is depicted. We should play here, you need to call a lot of words. Bring friends here, in whose names - A. Smell.

In order to play in a sandbox with attractive figures, the child must call at least three words in which there is a sound "A". Helping a child, an adult can ask leading questions:

"You know, the princess has friends whose name is Anya, Anton, and ... who else?"

"Who can live in this country - Mom, Dad, Grandma and ... Who else?"

"Look at the other figures, call them. In which names and names did you hear the sound" A "?"

"What do you think loves the princess - porridge, jam, raspberry and ... what else?"

When a child names the words, an adult announces to him that he now got the key to the country of Princess A and is her honorable guest (while there is a pre-prepared letter or her image on a card). Now he can play with each resident of this country and subside in the sandbox of other heroes on its own.

This simple game will help solve many educational and psychological tasks. And the main one is the development of phonderatic hearing, that is, the ability to hear and squeeze individual sounds and soundness in the word. This is exactly the basis for the formation of the correct sound and spelling. In our game, the sound is not an abstract symbol, but a living fabulous being. It is interesting to meet him, I want to know it closer, play with him and his friends and cannot be parted as long as possible. The material selected for the game and the form of its feed (bright figures, speech intonation, pouring vowel sounds) at first should facilitate the recognition process of sound in words. In the future, the task should be complicated by removing the intonational accents and changing the plots of instructions. So the child will get acquainted with a lot of sounds.

Please let's get acquainted! ..

With cute sound

He lives in that fabulous country calm, kind, dear e, he in the morning there is a her eating and checks all the toys.

And they rush to him on the branches of ate, like on green carousel, bear and squirrel, starling, and lion and even ... Cucumber!

But here, my friends, trouble - forgot others he words, where there is also our cute E. We will help me together?

With a wizard I.

On the cloud is soft, that in the sky heer, sound and, like a wizard, flies over the world ...

He brings happiness, and the good everyone wants and where what croupled connects!

He loves Indians, raisins and caviar, and loves a simple game in the sand!

He's happy with you

Play in the sand

So that you all words

With sound and could call!

Note - the poetic instruction no longer provides specific instructions for the construction of a certain country. This will allow you and the child to show creative imagination.

Experience has shown that the use of sandy-godherapy gives positive results:

it is possible to establish emotional communication of children with peers and adults;

sanding gaming therapy is of great importance to achieve a positive emotional well-being, as it affects the feelings, emotions of the child and allows you to build an individual trajectory of the child's development;

has a positive impact on the development of speech, thinking, cognitive processes and creative abilities of children;

sandy-godrotherapy causes positive emotions (joy, surprise), reduces negative manifestations (fear, aggression, anxiety) and reduces the manifestation of negative emotions (anger, anger, insult);

sandy playback improves the humane feelings of children, makes them kinder, teaches them to express their emotions in harmlessly form;

but the most important thing is the child gets the first experience of reflection, learns to understand yourself and others.

The presence of positive influence on the emotional well-being of children and adults makes the game in the sand with an excellent tool for the development and self-development of the child.