Qigong: Exercises to increase energy in the body. Qigong and unleashing potential

People, when comparing old age and youth, immediately think of wrinkles and a flabby body. However, Tibetans believe that the main difference lies in the way of thinking and thinking. A person who constantly thinks about the bad and expects the worst quickly finds old age. After all, the nervous system is in constant stress, as a result, nerve cells are burned, and they, as you know, do not recover, old age comes and a negative attitude towards life in general.

In order to preserve youth as long as possible, it is worth knowing how to restore vital energy, to feel happy and energetic again, and this does not depend on age, the main thing is to believe that this is possible. Then the environment will believe and see the changes in the person. With a little effort and the necessary relaxation exercises, you can restore lost strength and replenish energy levels.

If a person learns to relax, then he can strengthen the physical body and rejuvenate.

Taoist medicine for the restoration of vital energy is directly related to physical activity and exercise. Exercise is fundamentally different from how most people view sports.

Qi is the internal energy of a person. It is she who plays the most important role in the martial arts. Chinese styles take advantage of this energy and try to increase it. Chi energy is inside every person. Therefore, everything should be done to gain energy, accumulate and preserve. She is able to make a person more flexible, gentle, gain moral strength and firmness of character. Taoist energy conversion practices warn against putting strength into the exercise.

Qi is in the navel and has the qualities that water and wind have. It is necessary to accumulate it, then the mass is combined. Through the practice of feminine energy, amazing things can be done that can surprise anyone.

The most effective way to build up Chi energy is by doing a specific exercise. You need to choose a quiet and calm room, turn off the lights and be completely alone. For about 15 minutes, you need to do the following:

You should choose the most comfortable body position and relax as much as possible. You need to breathe slowly, inhale through the mouth, and exhale through the nose. The main thing is to make sure that everything happens silently. The left palm should cover the right ear for five minutes. Then you should change the ear and hand. You need to constantly monitor your breathing and relax. After that, it is worth covering both ears with your hands, criss-cross, and also sit for five minutes.

This method works really well. Within two weeks, you can notice that the tongue has acquired a more solid state, the hands covering the ears will become cool during contact, the body will acquire lightness and airiness, and there will be a feeling that a person can fly and soar in the air.

The whole body will become flexible, movements will be fast, but this will happen after a while.

The main thing is to do the exercise daily to get quick results. You also need to constantly relax to the maximum, the body will begin to recover, it will acquire unprecedented power, and the psyche will become stronger and more restrained.

During stress and bad mood, the human body is in great need of recovery. A woman with a lack of energy is not able to enjoy life, love her husband and raise children. Taoist practices of accumulating feminine energy will help you quickly recover and restore balance.

Exercise 1 - the power of the earth

It is recommended to practice this technique on a wooden floor or on the ground. You should sit down and relax as comfortably as possible. Then you need to bend your knees and start shifting from one leg to the other, as if to stomp. This should be done for two minutes, and then stop and seem to put down roots. You should become even and straight, breathe freely and calmly. Then you need to move your tailbone forward a little and rise on your toes, and then quickly stand on your heels. You need to feel the power of the push with your whole body, otherwise nothing will work. This helps women get rid of negativity and send it to the ground.

Exercise 2 - Power of Water

Women's Taoist energy practices help to acquire unprecedented pep and calmness. You need to make the movements of the waves with your hands, feet and body, the main thing is that everything happens softly and slowly, not to strain. The woman becomes softer, she begins to feel her feminine principle and becomes more attractive to the opposite sex.

Exercise 3 - Power of the Wind

You need to take a comfortable position and relax. Then shake your body very vigorously for a few minutes. Then you should raise your hands and shake them as much as you can. A woman, thanks to this exercise, feels like one with the Universe, eliminates negative and negative experiences, receives positive emotions and strength.

Exercise 4 - the power of fire

You need to do the exercise at home, all alone. A sharp movement should be made with any part of the body. At the same time, it is worth making a sound very loudly. The main thing is to think about the pleasant and the good, smile and rejoice. After that, you need to start performing movements with your hands, as if a person is collecting something from the ground. Positive energy will not be long in coming, it will instantly manifest itself and the girl will feel it with her whole body. A woman is freed from negativity, evil and envy, becomes calm and happy.

Exercise 5 - Reuniting with the Universe

You need to get into a comfortable position, and then start rotating around you. You should calm down and realize that there is a place in the Universe for any person. The woman begins to feel harmony and gets rid of irritation.

If you constantly restore the energy level, then you can become a real magnet for the opposite sex. Taoist practices develop femininity and attractiveness. You need to constantly smile, relax and think only about the positive. It is then that the face acquires radiance and happiness, and those around it constantly feel.

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Essential Energy Qigong Exercises

You probably already well know that a lot depends on the state and quality of our internal energy, including success in life, and the joy of love, and good health. How often does it happen that an overall successful person, due to general overstrain, succumbs to stress, his health deteriorates, and the nervous system experiences constant breakdowns ...

Qigong practice comes to the rescue where even saunas and massages cannot save you. Why? Because with regular exercise, the whole body is stabilized. We can work longer without being very tired.

"Microcosmic Orbit"

The Small Heavenly Circle, or Microcosmic Orbit, is considered one of the most basic exercises in qigong practice.

What is the benefit of this exercise for a person? The mental rotation of the energy ball along the main channels of the body improves the quality of bodily energies, and working through the channels heals the entire body.

Correct performance of this exercise calms, energizes and harmonizes the practitioner's mind.

In addition, here I will tell you a little secret - this exercise perfectly balances the sexual energy of a person. As in the case of constant sex, and in the case of forced or voluntary abstinence.

When performing this exercise, the posterior-median energy channel, which runs along the spine, and the anterior-median channel, which runs along the anterior surface of the body, are connected into a vicious circle.

The tip of the tongue is pressed against the palate during the exercise. It is necessary to imagine how the Chi energy moves in this closed orbit, resembling the movement of the Moon around the Earth.

Now let's do this exercise together!

So, put the book next to you ...

We begin.

Execution technique.

To perform the exercise, you must take any comfortable position. The Lesser Heavenly Circle can be done while standing, sitting on a chair, or sitting cross-legged on a rug. The back is straight, the body is relaxed, and the hands are folded over the navel on top of each other. Imagine a warm red ball in the abdomen, while inhaling, move the ball downward, slightly squeezing the anus, and then lift the red energy ball up the spine to the crown of the head. As you exhale, relax your abdomen and lower the red ball through your face, tongue, and chest along the antero-median canal to your navel.

Repeat moving the energy in a circle without losing the feeling of a warm ball. If during the exercise you forget about breathing and can control the movement of the ball with the help of consciousness, then such a performance is also considered correct and you do not need to return to conscious breathing.

At the end of the exercise, place an energy ball in the navel area. Rub your palms vigorously and pat yourself on the head and chest.

Well done! I am very proud of you! You have shown love for yourself by taking half an hour to do such an important qigong exercise. I think you experienced a pleasant sensation during the class. I dare to assure you that every time you will be more and more pleasant.

Treat qigong practice not as an inevitable obligation, but as a gift for yourself and your body! Then it will be easier for you to find time for regular activities in the name of your health.

Opening the median canal

Sounds pretty serious, doesn't it? However, now I want to introduce you to one of the most enjoyable qigong exercises. This exercise, like many others, helps balance the flow of energy in the human body. It is believed that if the connection between the three dantians - the main energy reservoirs of the human body located in the navel, heart and forehead - is broken, then this leads to various diseases, as well as to an imbalance in the psycho-emotional state of the individual. Simply put, this exercise helps to cope with ordinary everyday troubles and even in the case of unhappy love!

Imagine a situation when your boss yelled at you or some important business fell through. Everyone is probably familiar with the state when "the heart presses" or "the soul is not in place." In such cases, it is worth referring to this exercise. Even after one execution, you will immediately feel that everything seems to have cleared up, and then good thoughts will appear on how to get out of a difficult situation.

From my own experience, the opening of the middle channel is extremely calming. Moreover, I imagine the movement of the ball inside, as if it were floating in a soft substance, something like vegetable oil. This helps a smoother transition of the energy ball from the lower energy reservoir (dantian) to the middle one, from the middle to the higher one and beyond.

Attention, my dear women! Working with the energy ball in the average dantian perfectly activates the endocrine system, improves the flow of energy to the breasts, makes the breasts healthy and beautiful. And further visualization of the connection of our energy ball with Space and the Earth helps to balance spiritual aspirations with earthly life.

Before starting the exercise, you need to acquire some theoretical knowledge.

Man is the highest product of earthly nature. Man is the finest and most complex system. But in order to enjoy the treasures of nature, a person must be healthy, strong and intelligent.

I.P. Pavlov.

According to the provisions of traditional Chinese medicine, a central, or median, channel, which is called Chzhun-Mai, passes through the human body. The canal is located exactly in the center of the body, from below it ends at the Huiyin point, located in the perineum, and from above, at the Baihui point, located at the crown of the head. In yoga practice, this area corresponds to the Sahasrara chakra.

This channel brings together all three major dantian. By activating and accumulating energy in dantian, the practitioner develops certain psychophysiological qualities inherent in each dantian.

Energy in middle dantian located in the middle of the chest at the level of the heart, gives a feeling of spiritual strength and love for all living things.

Energy upper dantian located in the head at the level of the forehead, the thinnest and most elusive. If the practitioner can concentrate enough of it, then such a person has a sense of wisdom and compassion. The development of the upper dantian and the accumulation of energy in it develops psychic and healing abilities. People begin to turn to such a person as a teacher, feeling that they can receive help or wise advice.

Accumulation of energy in lower dantian, located in the navel area, feels like a surge of physical strength, health, great physical capabilities.

The unification of the three dantian with the help of the middle channel allows a person to grow spiritually and improve his body, soul and spirit.

Moving energy along this channel during practice, we unite and transform bodily energies from coarser to more subtle.

Now let's get down to doing the exercise.

Please turn off your phone, ask your family not to disturb you for 10-15 minutes and focus on yourself, on your feelings.

Median canal opening technique.

The exercise is performed while sitting or standing. Place your hands on your navel and imagine a red ball in the navel area (in the lower dantian). Try to clearly feel his presence inside your body. It can expand and contract slowly. It is very good if you feel real warmth.

Then, imagine that your energy ball begins to slowly and smoothly move up, towards the middle dantian, into the heart area. Think about the consistency of liquid oil that your ball is moving along.

Place your hands on the heart area to aid visualization. Record the sensation of a slowly pulsing energy ball in the middle dantian. Remain in this state for a few minutes.

Now move your hands to your forehead so that one hand is on top of the other. At the same time, imagine the red ball moving from the chest to the head, "like clockwork," and feel it in the forehead (in the upper dantian). Having received a distinct sensation of the energy ball in the head (it can be pulsation or warmth), send the ball higher, to the region of the higher chakra of the Sahasrara.

The highest point on the head is called "Heavenly Gate" in qigong practice. Imagine that your ball has reached this high point and is coming out to the surface. Move the focus of your sensations to this point - "Heaven's Gate". Try to imagine that you have a sparkling ball at the top of your head. You may also feel a throbbing or "bursting" in this area.

Now release your ball into the vast expanses of the Universe. Imagine that he freely rises higher and higher and reaches the depths of space. Relax, trust in the information that you can now get from space.

After that, return the ball to the "Heavenly Gate" point, lower it to the upper dantian, then again move your hands to the area of ​​the heart and lower the ball to the middle dantian. Then, moving your hands to your stomach, lower the ball to the lower dantian area.

From the lower dantian, mentally lower your ball into the genital area. Here is the "Earth Gate" point. Concentrate your attention on this point, it is very good if you feel pulsation or warmth in the genital area. You are now healing your entire reproductive system.

From the Earthgate point, let your ball drop down to the center of the Earth. Shift the focus of attention to your sensations, try to absorb the maternal energy of the Earth that she is ready to give you.

Compare your feelings with the energy of Heaven. You will feel that these are completely different vibrations. When you feel that you are sufficiently saturated with the energy of the Earth, lift your ball up. First, to the point "Earth gate", then to the lower dantian. Put your hands on the lower dantian again and concentrate on your ball, which is there.

Well, did you do the exercise? Honestly done? Then you will agree with me that making it is not so difficult at all. Compare how you feel before and after exercise. I believe they have changed. Chances are, you feel a lot more relaxed and confident.

It is incredible what effect the spirit can have on the maintenance of the body.

J.W. Goethe.

You can perform this exercise after the preparatory complex and completely independently. In any case, it will bring you invaluable benefits.

This exercise teaches you to control the energy of your body, promotes entry into a state of deep relaxation, and develops extrasensory abilities.

Attention! If during the exercise you feel any discomfort, stop performing visualizations, rub your hands vigorously, rub your face, ears with them, and tap your head and torso with your palms.

In the future, you can move the ball only with consciousness, without moving your hands along the body.

Interview with Master Xu Ming Tang

During our stay at Shaolin Monastery, I could not help but take the rare opportunity to personally address Qigong Master Xu Ming Tang and ask a few questions. The Master kindly agreed. That's what we talked about with him.

N.P. Please tell me who can practice qigong?

SMT Qigong helps everyone. Qigong classes bring health benefits to absolutely everyone involved, regardless of cultural or national characteristics. For anyone who strives to develop themselves, qigong brings invaluable benefits and improves health.

S. M. T. I have traveled all over the world. I have taught in Europe, the United States of America and Russia. I have not seen any problem with Christians who practice qigong for health purposes. On the contrary, the development of oneself, which occurs with practice, helps people to better understand their faith. The Christian religion is based on love, on love for one's neighbor, for a neighbor. Many people want to love, but they cannot. They themselves have not received love since childhood. So how can they love others if they lack love? Concentrating on the average dantian helps to open the heart center, and it becomes easier for a person to love. He opens his heart to the world around him and becomes happier.

NP It's no secret that most of my readers are women. I would like you to share your observations on the practice of qigong specifically for the female body.

Are there any peculiarities in comparison with the male body?

S. M. T. Yes, of course. I recommend that women begin their practice with the disclosure of the middle dantian. This is due to the fact that concentrating energy on the average dantian helps in the production of female hormones, which has a powerful healing effect and prolongs life.

And it is better for men to start their practice from the lower dantian for the same reason.

Most importantly, qigong practice allows you to find harmony in your soul, heart and body.

Farewell to Shaolin

Life is so arranged that sooner or later everything ends. So, almost three weeks of stay in the hospitable Shaolin monastery, in the hostel for foreigners, which is proudly called the Dharma Hotel, have come to an end.

I know that we were not here by chance and that we have unleashed many of the interweaving of our destinies, I hope, safely.

Gone are the days of our voluntary starvation, and many hours of meditation in the unbearable August heat.

The impassive gaze of the wise and strong Master Xu Ming Tang, and the amazing sensations during meditations, and our morning classes in front of the monastery, and my shock on the Mount of Three Emperors will forever remain in the memory.

It is with deep gratitude that we leave the Shaolin Monastery. It was not for nothing that we came here - my task was to write a book about it, which I did. And what came of this is for you to judge, my dear readers.

And I would really like you to still practice qigong, since this knowledge is very valuable and useful for a person. It is in the trinity of Heaven, Earth, and Man that the keys to the solution of the great mystery of Life are kept.

Breathe in the divine energy of Heaven, nourish yourself with the power of the Earth, in order to feel the magical changes that will happen to you.

Then you can say with good reason: I GET STRENGTH!

Chapter Three: The Harmony of the Physical and the Spiritual

The highest good is achieved on the basis of complete physical and mental health.

I often meet with people whose spiritual aspirations prevail over purely physical, earthly life. And vice versa, most people live exclusively materially, brushing off the "sky-high heights" and dooming themselves to a long path of insight. But we all want to come to miracles and the joy of spiritual transformation.

My friends, truth is in harmony! In a smooth combination of the high energies of Heaven with the energies of the Earth so necessary and feeding us. This is where qigong practice will help us.

Yes, now we are people, but we contain the spark of God that can lead us to amazing discoveries and accomplishments! At the same time, I understand very well that we cannot leave the world (at least most of us) and devote all our time to meditation and spiritual practices. We need to feed our family, don't we?

The beauty of the modern world lies in the fact that we can combine both spiritual practices and quite "real" earthly life, with its troubles, inevitable vanity and responsibilities that lie on our shoulders. Anyone who at least once tasted the sweetness of the Divine nectar will never give it up, continuing to live the life of an ordinary person and having the opportunity to engage in his spiritual development.

In order to develop your own personality, you need three components:

· a wish;

· money.

I suppose you have a desire, otherwise you would not be holding this book in your hands. Time can always be found if desired. But you need to love money and be able to earn it in order to get opportunities for your own development. I have already described in some detail how to do this in my other books, and therefore I will not dwell on this.

The most effective medicine for physical health is a cheerful and cheerful mood of the spirit.

K. Bostrem.

The most important thing that I want to emphasize, my friends, is that a modern person should be harmoniously developed. Both from the point of view of physical and from the point of view of spiritual development. Only this path, the path of balance and harmony of the spiritual and the physical, will lead us to that state, which we simply call - happiness.

It seems to me that another Qigong Master, which I am now going to tell you about, has fully achieved this wonderful harmony.

Third teacher - Mantak Chia

About Master Mantek Chia.

Our conversation about qigong practice would be clearly incomplete if I did not mention here another outstanding Qigong Master - Mantek Chia.

When I took my first steps in qigong many years ago, it was Manteka Chia that I used. Many of his wonderful exercises, such as "Charging the Water" and "Healing with Sunlight," were described by me in the first books and have become firmly established in my daily life. Since then, I consider him one of my teachers.

Master Mantek Chia is the founder of the International System of Universal Tao, which is now widely recognized around the world, as well as director of the International Resort and Training Center "Dao Garden", which is located in a picturesque corner of northern Thailand. Deep knowledge of Taoism, other ancient practices and disciplines allowed Mantak Chia to go international - he taught his techniques to tens of thousands of people in Europe, Asia, Australia and North America.

Mantek Chia was born in 1944 to a Chinese family in Thailand. At the age of six, he became interested in meditation and was trained by Buddhist monks. At school, Mantek began studying traditional Thai boxing, yoga, aikido, tai chi chuan and the highest levels of the tai chi system. Already as a student - at that time he lived in Hong Kong - Mantak engaged in a deep study of esotericism and Taoism, mastered the knowledge of the circulation of energies and "internal alchemy". From that moment, he began his path as a mentor and healer.

Later, Mantak Chia became interested in Kundalini yoga, Taoist yoga, he learned to eliminate energy blocks that arise in the body, to transmit vital energy with the help of his palms. In Thailand, he mastered the massage of internal organs (qi-nei tsang).

Then he became interested in the Shaolin method of Inner Strength - a system of exercises for the glands, bone marrow (bone marrow neigong) and internal organs. He studied the "tendon strengthening and renewal" system, Chinese Kung Fu and Thai boxing.

Mastering the energy mechanisms of healing, Master Chia became a specialist in the exchange of Yin and Yang energies between a man and a woman, methods of developing a "steel body".

The result was the founding of a Natural Healing Center in Thailand. Five years later, Mantek Chia opened the Healing Tao Center in New York. Then several more centers of the Universal Tao were opened in the USA, Europe, Asia and Australia.

The Master has published sixteen books on the Healing Tao, but believes that it will take thirty-five books to fully convey this system of knowledge. In June 1990, at the International Congress of Chinese Medicine and Qigong, Mantak Chia was named "Qigong Master of the Year". He was the first to receive this honorary title.

A wonderful conclusion can be drawn from his biography: the more you know and train, the better the quality of life becomes, the more good miracles occur and the more powerful the inner strength of a person becomes!

When you allow a miracle to appear, it usually does not fail. And it strengthens our confidence that we are on the right track!

Labor is one of the indispensable conditions for art to live up to a hundred years.

M. Chevrel.

Healing colors

One of Manteka Chia's unique wellness practices is working with healing flowers. If you practice (which I have no doubt about!), Then you will agree with me that the distinguishing feature of the Manteka Chia system is some kind of amazing kindness and warm attitude towards a person. Once you learn to transfer this kindness and warmth to your own, one and only body, you will be on the path to self-healing and good health.

Our body, all its organs need our attention, care and love. Everything is very simple. When we take the time to do the exercise, we help and strengthen our body. When we forget about him, about our dear body, it suffers as long as it can. But sooner or later, the body is forced to remind of itself with diseases.

Let's go to meet our body and not allow problems to arise. And the most important thing is attention, attention and, again, attention to yourself.

What do most people do when they experience any painful symptoms? That's right - they run to the pharmacy for chemical pills. This is a common way of saying to your body, “Leave me alone! Shut up! Here's a pill for you. " But the trouble is that pills treat only the manifestations of the disease, and not its cause! According to qigong masters, illness in the body develops due to energy blockages, which in turn occur due to a lack of love, due to resentment, due to stress! Moreover, the duration of the grievances does not matter. So we again come to the conclusion that we must, first of all, love ourselves! Show love for yourself and do the exercise that will remind you of a bright and colorful childhood.

How to do the exercise

Find the symptom in the description that applies to your case. Choose the color of Chi healing energy you need. Lie down in a calm environment, relax, close your eyes and focus on this color.

Later, when you have already developed your own experience, it will be easier for you to direct the colored beam directly to the place in the body that bothers you.

Please pay special attention to the fact that when treating with color you need to use light shades of healing qi energies- it is they who will help you achieve the desired result.

Red Qi is a strengthening and stimulating energy.

Light red color helps to get rid of toxins, toxins, microbes, pathological energies. It helps to strengthen weakened or sick internal organs, reduces excess cold in the body.

To heal the body with red, you need to use it light red shade - it is he who has a strengthening effect on the body. It is also useful for treating asthma, heart disease, allergies.

Blue Qi is a cooling energy with a restraining effect.

Blue Qi is Yin, the energy of blue water. Blue neutralizes heavy, negative, dark energy. It calms, relaxes, normalizes sleep, adjusts the body to rest. The blue color has a cooling effect, reduces fever, reduces pain and inflammation. It can help with bleeding as it has the ability to increase blood clotting. Blue water is an element that brings peace, relaxation, peace and harmony.

Green Qi is an energy that weakens diseases.

Green Qi unloads the body, cleanses it of negative energies. Using Green Qi helps the body to get rid of colds, fevers, infections. This energy has the ability to destroy dead cells, thin blood clots, eliminate congestion in the body, and eliminate the destructive effects of poison.

Light green qi is used when it is necessary to weaken the course of a disease that is difficult to treat.

White Qi is energy that gives harmony.

White Qi is the energy of the air, the sun, and the earth. It is soft, harmonious energy. It is good to use it for minor illnesses, especially for children, the elderly and the weak. Use white also when in doubt which color to choose for treatment. For mild illnesses, you can use blue and green in combination with white. These combinations are also gentle and safe.

Yellow Qi is energy that regenerates the body.

Yellow Qi is associated with the spleen, nerves, bones and bone marrow. Taoists believe that good appetite and proper absorption of food are closely related to the condition of the spleen. A balanced spleen allows you to control your appetite.

Yellow Qi is very useful for skin diseases, fracture treatment. It also helps to maintain the health of internal organs, tissues, bones, and strengthens the nervous system.

I hope you enjoyed this color meditation as much as the author of these lines. If you liked it, then you did it right!

Another recommendation is that you can imagine that the color of the healing energy Qi accompanies you throughout the day. It is as if you are emitting this color of your choice. Thus, you will increase the benefits for your body.

Recently, a large selection of various SPA salons and spas has appeared, where light therapy is widely used. There are very pleasant relaxation procedures where the client lies in a relaxed state and absorbs different colors that change depending on the program.

In addition to the remarkable relaxation effect, this procedure also has a good therapeutic result.

From my own experience, I will say that such contemplation of color returns a person to pleasant childhood memories and soothes very well. So if you find yourself in such a center, do not hesitate - take color baths!

Warning! Dear Readers! The exercises in this book strengthen and improve your well-being. But in the case of serious health problems, you should follow the advice of your doctor. And first, a correct diagnosis is required, which is worth going through in a good medical institution to identify existing diseases.

Taking good care of the body

As a desert waits for rain, as a sunflower loves the sun, as a child waits for affection, so our beautiful body is waiting for attention to itself. Through the famous Taoist Inner Smile meditation, you can give your body what it needs most, namely your love and care.

Remember how often since childhood you have heard, and even made negative words about your body? Are you familiar with such expressions: “Why are you shouting like a cut one!”, “Are you out of your mind!”, “What are you, armless? You cannot do such a simple job! "," You are a fool! " and so on, and so on.

Unfortunately, all these "cute" phrases that we all heard from a young age, mercilessly bombarded our body and mind. Who knows exactly which phrase led to the person having chronic headaches or severe arthritis! Be extremely careful with what you say. And do not allow such phrases, even in jest, spoken to yourself or addressed to others.

It's time to rectify the situation, my friends! Fortunately, many have already begun to realize that thought is material and that every word does not remain without consequences. So if we were so brilliantly able to create diseases for ourselves, why not create health for ourselves ?! Only now, quite deliberately!

Show yourself a favor, show your best qualities in communicating with yourself, and your body will tremble with gratitude and reciprocal love! You will feel it almost immediately.

Tell yourself:

I choose health and happiness!

I love myself, my beautiful body, I love life!

How much love there is in the world. I am part of the flow of life energy.

I saturate my body with love and tranquility.

Remember that water perfectly absorbs and transfers energy. But our body is 80% water! Can it really not inspire a conscious appeal to yourself with love!

Inner Smile Meditation

The Inner Smile meditation is one of the basic Taoist exercises that lead to pleasant relaxation and self-healing. It will fill you with the energy of love, joy, goodness and happiness, teach you the correct communication with the body, with all internal organs.

This meditation has the ability to transform the energy of negative emotions into positive energy of love, peace of mind. It is an effective remedy for relieving stress and stress. Meditation is aimed at activating the heart, filling it with life-giving energy of love and spreading this energy from the heart to all organs of the body.

The technique of performing meditation.

Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and close your eyes.

- Relax. Realize point between eyebrows... Imagine one of your favorite, scenic spots, where you felt happy, calm, relaxed. Recall pictures dear to your heart, enchanting aromas, pleasing colors.

- Imagine a loved one standing in front of you. He looks at you with eyes shining with love and joy. Enter a state of happiness and smile at yourself and him with a soft inner smile, slightly lifting the corners of your lips. Feel that your eyes are also relaxing and smiling.

- Send the smile down and breathe its energy into thymus(it is located in the hole in the center at the base of the neck), imagining a blossoming white flower and joyfully inhale its scent.

- Pay attention to heart, imagine his image and give him a smile. Smile at it until you feel like it smiles back at you. The heart refers to the element of Fire, its color is red, so imagine your heart as an opening red tulip. Together with the healing red, an awareness of love and compassion will descend on you.

- Smile. Beginning to breathe softly and deeply, breathe in the energy of the red aura, the energy of compassion and love, first into the eyebrows, and then down through the mouth and throat into the heart, and then into the small intestine. Breathe out dark, negative energy. Repeat 18 to 36 times. A bright red heart should appear before your inner gaze, sending light to your eyes, nose, tongue, mouth, ears. Let red circle around you and create an aura. Feel your skin glowing with the beneficial energy of red.

- Spread love from your heart to lungs... Focus on your lungs and send them a smile. Let your lungs smile at you too. Imagine them as a white flower that unfolds - this is how you activate courage. When white light appears in your lungs, activate it above and around you.

Smile at this healing light and slowly breathe it into the brow, mouth, lungs and down into the colon. Breathe out negative energy. Repeat the breath 18 to 36 times until the lungs are bright white and radiate to the nose, eyes, ears, tongue, and mouth. Let the white light circle around you to form a haze that covers your skin.

Spleen, stomach and pancreas corresponds to the yellow color of the Earth Element. Imagine these internal organs and smile at them through the brow. Connect with your heart, visualize the pure yellow light surrounding you. Begin to breathe out all negativity and anxiety and breathe in the golden light, filling the center of the spleen with it. Repeat the cycle 18-36 times. Then direct the light from the spleen to the mouth, nose, ears, eyes, and tongue. Wrap your skin in a golden glow.

Kidney and bladder corresponds to the blue color of the Water Element. Kindness is its healing power. Breathe blue light into your kidneys, breathe out stress and fear. Repeat the cycle 18-36 times. This will channel the blue energy into your ears, eyes, tongue, nose and mouth. Now wrap yourself in a blue aura.

Liver and gallbladder correspond to the green color of the Wood Element. Breathing in a green aura represents benevolence, while breathing out represents the irritation you drive out. Do 18-36 breathing cycles until the green light completely fills the liver, and the liver begins to radiate it into the eyes, tongue, mouth, ears. Form a green aura around you.

- Smile at your genitals and reproductive system... Feel that love, heart, sex and genitals are one, that their unity transforms sexual energy into life-giving Chi energy. Shine red and orange light down towards the genitals.

- Thank your organs for their work and for the fact that they give you health, joy, vigor and vitality.

Each exercise done in good faith is your own magic wand that can work miracles for you. I wish you to become real wizards in the creation of your own health and strength, my friends!

And now I propose to master a few more wonderful exercises that allow you to turn to the most powerful energy source - our radiant luminary!

The best doctor is the one who knows the futility of most drugs.

B. Franklin.

The sun is able to give us as much strength and energy as we need. Let's exchange good and bright feelings with our closest, great, life-giving star!

Practice "Healing by the sun"

This exercise will allow you to soak in the beneficial, good energies of the Cosmos. It should be done during sunrise or just after.

- Start with the Inner Smile meditation, warm up the inner energy in the navel area.

- Close your eyes, concentrate on the area between the eyebrows. Tune in to your eyes, calm them down, smile.

- Open your eyes, look at the sun and, without changing the position of your eyes, blink. Now cover them for a while - reddish and yellow highlights should appear in front of your eyes. Tune in for the yellow highlights. Then begin inhaling the yellow color through the crown of your head, between the eyebrows, nose, eyes and mouth (mouth must be closed). Feel the bones of your skull, your marrow and bone marrow. The yellow color cleanses them and makes them healthy. Now imagine how the rays of yellow begin to penetrate below, into the neck. At the same time, you may feel a slight numbness, as if a stream of yellow has filled every cell of your body.

- Now let the yellow rays penetrate into the thymus gland, chest. Feel their soft, beneficial effect - they will strengthen the body, raise the immune system.

- Aim the yellow rays down the spine. However, you may feel a slight tingling sensation or warmth. This sensation can spread to all of your internal organs, thighs, sacrum, legs, bones of the feet.

- Feel the life-giving energy of the sun throughout your body.

- Relax, relax. Enjoy the warmth, love and kindness of the Cosmos.

Absorption of solar energy in different seasons.

Each season has its own predominant color. So, winter corresponds to the kidneys; when performing the practice of healing with the sun in winter, one should absorb the blue color and lower it into the kidneys. Spring, when in nature everything turns green, is associated with the liver, one must tune in to absorb the green color. Summer feed your heart with red light, and in the fall breathe white energy into your lungs. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the so-called Indian summer, associated with the spleen, at this time it is necessary to inhale the yellow color of the sun and conduct it into the spleen.

The only beauty I know is health.

Saturation of water with solar energy at different times of the day.

Mantek Chia proposes to perform another interesting healing practice, also associated with the absorption of the special color energies of the sun by the body. But in this case, water serves as a conductor, which is saturated with solar energy of a certain color at different times of the day.

You need to take a glass or bottle of clean water and put it in the sunlight at a certain time. Then you need to drink this water, cook food on it, you can insist on herbs on it. To get water with different properties, remember when to get it.

- From sunrise to 9 am, the water will absorb the violet color of the solar spectrum, which is especially favorable for spiritual work.

- From 9 to 11 am - blue, which is used to strengthen the kidneys.

- At 11-13 o'clock - green color, healing for the liver.

- At 13-15 o'clock - orange color, stimulating sexual energy.

- At 15-17 o'clock - red, good for the heart.

When you drink water that has absorbed sunlight, imagine how the energy of this color fills a weakened organ, heals your body.

Exercise "Warm up your inner energy"

It often happens that fatigue accumulates and it seems that there is absolutely no strength not only to work with pleasure, but even to get out of bed. This state is especially familiar to us during the off-season, when the weather changes intensively.

Try this cheerful exercise, and then you will agree with me that it perfectly lifts your mood and improves your well-being! Better yet, do it now!

Great respect is always given to Tai Chi and Qigong masters. These healers teach postures and exercises that promote good Qi circulation and harmony of Yin and Yang in the body.

Lillian Too.

This exercise is aimed at warming up the abdominal cavity and navel area. It fills the abdomen with a feeling of energy and warmth and can serve as a preparatory stage for other practices. Perform this exercise without undue stress, with pleasure, at a pace that is acceptable to you.

- Sit on the edge of a chair, put your hands on your knees, close your eyes.

- Begin to breathe in your belly, drawing in and relaxing it as quickly as possible. Try to achieve the highest breathing rate that is acceptable to you. Repeat 18 to 36 times. Cover the navel area with your palms and rest. Relax, feel the warmth in your abdomen.

- After resting, start warming up your internal energy with the help of "silent laughter". Begin to laugh silently, feel the inner vibrations of the abdomen. Try doing the exercise for a few minutes, letting the laughter grow. After performing "silent laughter" relax, rest. A pleasant warmth should be felt in the navel area. Try to focus your attention on this sensation.

- When you are finished with the exercise, relax and unwind.

I hope you enjoy this exercise so much that you will want to do it over and over again!

It so happened that once I began my acquaintance with qigong with the books of Mantek Chia. The basic exercises that this Master gives have become firmly established in my life.

Since then, I was fortunate enough to personally meet with two more Masters - Yap Chen Hai and Xu Ming Tang.

Qigong is now a daily activity for me like eating or brushing your teeth. It’s hard to even imagine if I would have been able to cope with so much work that I have to do if not for qigong.

I believe that regular qigong practice brings regularity, inner harmony into our life, fosters discipline, energizes, heals and brings long-awaited health!

Chapter Four Feng Shui for Health

Health is when every day is the best!

That's right, my dear friends. I can't just finish a book without mentioning feng shui! Moreover, after almost a month's stay in China!

I'm not going to overload you with an abundance of tables and charts, but let me offer you a purely practical chapter on applying feng shui to health and wellness! Because exercises are exercises, but you should not forget about feng shui, especially since it also plays a role in improving health and achieving longevity.

Health is more valuable than gold.

As you probably know, there are many schools of feng shui. They may differ in approaches, but all these schools agree on one thing - the well-being, happiness and health of people living there depends on the quality of energy in and around the house.

How do you know which feng shui is good or bad in your home?

There is a main indicator of this: if after moving to a new house within three

months or six months, nothing bad happened - a serious illness, accident, material loss or divorce of spouses, then one can hope that the feng shui in the house is not bad.

And if, after moving to a new house, you were promoted, you received a higher salary, or you started a family and you have a child, then the house is most likely good feng shui. Bad feng shui is believed to work faster.

As Grand Master Yap Chen Hai likes to joke: "If you were given a good medicine and poison in one glass, then the poison will work sooner than the medicine." Therefore, the poison should not be taken.

But let's not talk about the sad, but only about the good. My own experience also shows that good and bad energies tend to accumulate. This means that a single tree that has stood in front of the entrance to your house for many years (poisoned arrow), in some unfavorable astrological period, can “shoot” so that it does not seem a little. Do not misunderstand me, I am not frightening you, but simply explaining: the ancient laws still exist today.

I am now talking about this tree also because just such a tree many years ago became for me the first test of my resilience in terms of using feng shui. It is very important not only know, but also apply own knowledge.

So, I'm telling you.

There was a maple tree in our suburban area right in front of the porch. At first he was young and touching, with delicate leaves and seeds, from which I made "noses" as a child, like all of us.

The years passed. The young maple grew stronger and imperceptibly turned into a large spreading tree with a powerful trunk and a dense crown. This maple, I emphasize, stood right in front of the entrance to our house. And in recent years, it has also grown so that its branches began to hang over the roof of the house.

Open any popular feng shui publication and you will see in the very first chapter a description of what should not be in front of the front door. And a single tree is always in the first row of these descriptions.

Moreover, the overhanging crown over the roof symbolizes the impending danger over the house. Around this very time, we began to notice that one of the most beloved members of our family (I will not specify who exactly) began to weaken before our eyes. The impression was created that life was leaving him, energy was leaving. I suspected it was a maple tree.

But what could I do with this tree? After much thought and consultation, I asked my father to uproot the dangerous tree. Unfortunately, I did not find understanding. Father didn't even want to listen:

- These are all fairy tales, nonsense, nonsense. And the maple is good, you played under it as a child.

A year has passed. The maple got bigger, and the person close to us got weaker and weaker. It was necessary to urgently do something.

I collected all the feng shui publications that I could find (after all, the power of the printed word should work), bought a whiskey (I'm not kidding) and again began to have a conversation with my father.

Either the books and illustrations really worked, or it was a pity for the relative, but this time the father agreed with great difficulty and even promised to send workers who would uproot this maple.

And now the great day has come. The maple was uprooted with great difficulty, and in this place we made a beautiful flower bed.

I was relieved to catch my breath. What happened next, you ask? Our relative began to recover, a blush appeared on his cheeks, he was clearly cheerful.

But the most interesting thing is that good feng shui in front of the entrance to the house played a favorable role.

During the year, very good events happened in our family that touched to one degree or another everyone who lived in this house.

I brought this life story here in order to illustrate the fact that putting into practice your knowledge sometimes requires even more strength and energy than studying theory. However, the benefits are great and invaluable.

Therefore, I repeat all the time: know little, you need to be able to act and apply your knowledge! Thus, you gain your own invaluable and precious experience that will stay with you for life.

One thing is certain - feng shui really improves a person's life in all areas, especially if a person leads a correct lifestyle and is not subject to such dark sides of nature as envy, jealousy, negative thinking and anger.

I wrote about this in detail in my previous book “Place of Power - Planet Earth. Nepal and Tibet ".

Tune in to transformations

Let's see together what we can do in our home to improve and strengthen our health.

Let's distinguish three stages.

1. Making a decision.

Invisible and inaudible, but very effective Qi energy is able to bestow us with many benefits in life if it flows harmoniously in the house. And vice versa, if there is a stagnation of Chi energy in the house. Therefore, once you have decided that from now on your home will represent a model of living not only for a successful person, but also for an active and healthy person, you need to take several concrete steps to improve the energy of your home.

2. Analysis of the situation.

Walk through your apartment or house, look at the entire surrounding space through the eyes of a person who first entered this house.

Ask yourself a few questions.

- Are you comfortable in your house?

- Do you think the guests feel good here?

- How long have you been doing repairs?

- What kind of flooring do you have - natural or synthetic?

- What color are your walls? Light or dark, or perhaps black as a tribute to the whim of the designer?

- Aren't there paintings on the walls depicting boring autumn nature - bare branches blown by the wind, or elderly people watching with a mute reproach?

- Is your house shaking from passing trams or cars at high speed?

- Is there a bath or toilet in the center of the apartment?

- Are you sleeping under a heavy chandelier or a picture in a heavy frame?

- Do you have a habit of watching TV while eating or quarreling with your family?

- Is your bedroom cluttered with old things, books, magazines?

- What's under the bed?

A feng shui practitioner develops a very attentive look at all of the above and many other things related to the flow of energies in the house. Even Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which is so common in recent years, can be cured by directing the flow of Chi in a favorable direction.

My own experience says that there have been cases when simply moving the bed to a more favorable position returned a person to sleep, calmness and, as a result, health! So it is worth taking a closer look especially at the place where you sleep. How - we will talk about this later.

3. Decisive action.

Once the decision to improve your health has been made and the analysis has been completed, it’s time to start taking decisive action, which will certainly be of great benefit if you do everything right.

However, attention: ding ding, the red warning light comes on! Don't grab onto everything at once! And further: act only in the area that concerns only you.

I warn you not by chance - after all, we all do not live alone, but in a whole small collective called a family. And not all members of this team are delighted to meet the innovations that you strive to bring into your life and into theirs too! You have every right to change something in your room. But when it comes to common rooms, it will still be useful to consult with your household.

If there are materialists or pessimists in the family, then it is better not to tell them anything about feng shui at all - a waste of time and effort.

I advise you from afar to start a conversation about the benefits of a new and ultra-modern filter for water purification. And you need a fountain exclusively for a modern interior and for creating sufficient air humidity. And the living plants with which you want to decorate the common living room are a necessary part of the newfangled design, which you read about in a glossy magazine.

Well, if your family supports you and shares your passion for feng shui, then all paths are open to you. After all, creating a new life together is so fun and interesting!

Practical steps to improve your health

- Do a general cleaning of the house and ruthlessly throw away all old and unnecessary things.

- Buy a good water filter. Drink only purified water.

- Replace synthetic carpet with natural carpet.

- Open windows more often so that sunlight can fill the apartment.

- Use a juicer and drink only fresh juices. Forget about packaged juices containing sugar and preservatives.

- Completely eliminate the consumption of sugary carbonated drinks.

- Install double-glazed windows on the windows if you live next to a busy street.

- Put fountains in the hallway and living room.

- Buy only beautiful things for your home.

- Repair broken appliances immediately or throw them away if you no longer need them.

- Change the mattress and blanket on your bed every five years, and the pillows every three years!

- Decorate your home with healthy plants.

- Buy yourself flowers as often as possible, for no reason at all.

- When cooking, do not quarrel or swear. Keep calm.

- Remove the TV from the bedroom.

- Before going to bed, do not watch TV, but rather practice qigong exercises. You will sleep like a baby.

- Hang pictures of funny people or bright colorful landscapes with a blooming meadow or spring flowers on the walls.

- After unpleasant people leave, ventilate the room well and light candles or incense.

- Start every day with a smile!

Health is a wise fee.

P. Beranger.

Walking through the house

Have you noticed that from the atmosphere of the house you can draw a conclusion not only about the well-being of the residents, but also about their character?

Suppose you strive for greater success in life, is this reflected in your home? Remember how long ago you drank from luxurious crystal glasses that are in the sideboard? Or do you keep them for guests? In vain, my friends! Live now and for yourself!

Get out your best cups and let every day begin with an element of beauty and luxury for you, even if it is just a cup. I assure you, even such a trifle will not go unnoticed by your subconscious and will find its favorable reflection in life.

What we do, what we surround and how we behave at home, expresses our subconscious attitude towards ourselves!

A creative person will have a lot of bright colors, exotic fabrics, draperies everywhere.

In a pedantic person, focused on accurate and verified results, you will see neat stacks of folders, files and books. Perhaps his kitchen will sparkle with cleanliness, like an operating room.

In a teenager's room, the eye will immediately notice the abundance of black, contrasting stripes, all kinds of technology, and so on. In the house of a completely harmonious personality, you will be just fine. You will find there a balance of calm and saturated colors, a balance of light and twilight, a large number of living plants, a leisurely babbling fountain and, possibly, animals walking around the house, from dogs to turtles.

It is difficult to determine that fine line when the house ceases to be only our own reflection and begins to myself influence us. What will be the nature of this influence depends on the balance of energies that we have created in our home.

Try making changes to your home and see how you change yourself and how your life changes. It is very useful to keep records. A kind of feng shui observation diary for your home.

There is one important rule: in your own home everything should please you! If some thing, be it a broken iron or an old step-ladder, constantly "corns" your eyes, then urgently get rid of it in order to make room for a new one. Sometimes it is enough to put things in order in the closet to significantly improve your mood.

We can please not only ourselves, but others as well. I really like the example of the American multimillionaire Randy Gage, who changes his computer every one and a half to two years so that the energy does not stagnate. Usually he gives his "old" computer to familiar students, and he himself enjoys a new one that meets the latest technology.

At the same time, he all the time feels that he is "in the flow of vital energy."

I think this is a great idea! If it's hard to start with a computer right away, try something smaller. For example, from a mobile phone. Why not please yourself and please the child of your lonely friend by giving him your still quite good phone, and buy yourself a completely new one? Then you will realize two good goals at once - and you will do something pleasant for yourself, and you will participate in the donation process, which is vital for a happy life!

By the way, if people constantly come to your house, this is a very good sign that the house has attractiveness. After all, where people are, there is energy. And where there is energy, there is luck. And where there is luck, there is an abundance of all kinds of benefits!

Of course, not everyone can afford to give a used computer to a friend, but everyone can treat a person who comes to the house (not even a very close one, but a postman, for example) with tea, a glass of juice or mineral water!

May your house always be open to people from the brightest and kindest side, because this is the best reflection of yourself!

And now let's walk around the house together, focusing on the key areas from the point of view of feng shui.

Entrance door

The front door is the dividing line between the outside world and your house or apartment. If you look at the front door from the inside of the house, then it symbolizes your view of the outside world. And if you look at it from the outside, then it is a reflection of how you perceive yourself in the world around you, no less and no more.

From the point of view of feng shui, the door plays the most important role of the channel through which the invisible energy of Qi passes into the house. Feng Shui masters like to compare the door to the house with the mouth through which the house is saturated with life energy. That is why a constantly open door is not good, this is how energy leaks out and the health of the residents suffers.

The door to the house should be protected from negative external influences, kept in order and washed often. In addition, it is desirable that the door is facing in one of your favorable directions. In the appendix, I have given a method for calculating the personal number of Gua, on which your favorable directions depend.

Even if you live in an ordinary apartment building, make sure that your door gives the impression of entering a welcoming and welcoming home.

Make sure your door is always lit. Change burnt-out light bulbs in front of your apartment in time. Be sure to set a clearly visible apartment number, preferably diagonally upward, this helps the energy rise upward as well.

Place a nice rug in front of the door, under which it would be very nice to put a bunch of Chinese coins.

Lubricate your door in time, do not allow it to creak or open with difficulty - this symbolizes all sorts of difficulties in life.


You can write a separate book about the bedroom, it is so important for the health, tranquility and romantic relationships of the residents of the house. Let us dwell only on the most important points.

First. The bedroom should be as far away from the front door as possible. This is due to the fact that in the immediate vicinity of the front door the energy is too active, yang, it does not correspond to quiet rest. The further the master bedroom is located, the calmer the sleep will be, which means the more productive rest. By the way, the health of the children also depends on the correct location of the parents' bedroom, since children are energetically dependent on their parents. Therefore, you should pay the most serious attention to the location of your bedroom.

Second. It is desirable that the bedroom is in a "position of strength" with respect to the front door, that is, diagonally from the front door. Unfortunately, in the layout of modern apartments, there are situations when the door to the bedroom leads directly from the front door.

This unfortunate situation can be corrected by hanging a crystal in front of the bedroom door, placing a symbolic figure of protection, for example, an elephant. You can also improve the situation by installing a solid door to the bedroom or placing a screen in the room that would redistribute the flow of too strong energy from the front door. At night, the door to such a bedroom must be closed.

Third. The location of doors and windows in the bedroom is very important. The number of doors and windows in the bedroom plays a significant role in the health and well-being of the occupants.

Avoid sleeping in a room with two or more doors. In such a room, a person will experience constant unconscious anxiety and there is no need to talk about full-fledged sleep here.

If there are large windows in the bedroom, then this can also adversely affect well-being, since too many doors and windows equally affect the energy of a sleeping person - the energy weakens. So don't put your bed headboard against the window, and be sure to buy blackout curtains if your bedroom has multiple large windows.

Fourth. Make sure your bedroom does not suffer from close proximity of the toilet and bathroom. In modern apartments it often happens that in the master bedroom, where the owners of the house sleep, there is a small corridor that leads to the bathroom and toilet. In this case, the health, well-being and love relationships of the residents suffer. Avoid these layouts. Or build some kind of barrier between the bathroom and the bedroom. It can be a screen, or better - an additional door.

In ordinary, typical apartments, the door to the bedroom is often located directly opposite the door to the toilet. This arrangement is also extremely unfavorable and needs to be corrected. Hang a crystal or "chime of the wind", or make a change in the layout of the apartment.

Please check if any energetically harmful "secret arrow" is directed at the door to your bedroom, such as a sharp corner of furniture or a straight corridor that rests on the door. This situation can lead to failure, illness and injury. This situation can also be corrected with a crystal or "wind chime" hanging in front of the bedroom door.

Fifth... The most important thing is the location of the bed. Everything that we talked about above, to one degree or another, applies to the bed itself. The bed is one of the most important energetically important points of our home. Therefore, it should be protected as much as possible and installed in the most favorable place and direction.

Treat your bed with care, especially if you are expecting a baby. Do not bang hard on the bed, even if you decide to renovate something in it. The bed is the keeper of your home and the basis of your health!

The bed should not be in the center of the room, without a symbolic support in the form of a wall. Heavy chandeliers, shelves with books should not hang over the bed. This creates a symbolic threat that "hangs" over the sleeping person.

I have already said that it is necessary to change mattresses, blankets and pillows in a timely manner, especially if you want positive changes in your life. If an illness occurs, then after recovery it is necessary to properly ventilate the pillows and blankets, or better - expose them to the sun, completely replace the bedding.

If you're having hard dreams, check what's under the bed. You may find there an old suitcase or a pile of outdated magazines. For a full and good sleep, there must be perfect cleanliness under the bed.

Check if your bed design meets the feng shui guidelines, namely:

- The bed must have a solid headboard.

- The bed should not be too high (detachment from reality) and not too low (reduced energy).

- Avoid the recently fashionable design solution of installing the bed on a pedestal, or a podium, as the designers call this structure. The bed is not a throne, and it should not rise up in the room.

- A water bed is only good in a beauty salon, but not suitable for sleeping.

Now it's time to position the bed in a direction that is good for your health. For those who are reading about this for the first time, I will briefly tell you that in accordance with the formula of the "eight palaces" of the compass school of feng shui, each person belongs to the western or eastern group, depending on the year of birth. This location is also called "people of western destiny" or "people of eastern destiny".

Each of the groups has four favorable and four unfavorable directions, which are determined from the table, and then calculated using the compass (see Appendix).

It is best when the husband and wife belong to the same group, such as the Western one. Then any favorable direction for the husband will also be favorable for the wife, and vice versa. But if the husband and wife belong to different groups, he belongs to the east, and she to the west, in this case you need to show maximum ingenuity, ingenuity, nobility and sense of humor in order to do everything right.

Ideally, traditional feng shui recommends having the direction of the front door, the direction of the head of the bed, and the direction of the stove favorable for the owner, the breadwinner of the family. This state of affairs was understandable when only one man fed the family and many household members depended on his health and financial success.

Now the situation has changed, and often a woman brings more money into the house than a man traditionally did.

To maintain balance, harmony and peace in the family, I recommend “brotherly” to calculate the favorable directions of these strategically important objects in the house from the point of view of feng shui.

For example, the front door is good for the husband, and let the bed be oriented favorably for the wife, or vice versa. This guarantees a balance of energies and a good relationship.

However, if one of the family members is going through a difficult period or suffers from some kind of illness, then, without any doubt, this family member should be given preference in orienting the head of the bed. It is best to orient the bed so that during sleep a person receives energy from the direction of the "heavenly doctor" (see the table of favorable directions in the Appendix).

While taking medication, it is also advisable to stand facing this direction and mentally ask for the medicine to heal the body.

To achieve a better effect, you can use knowledge not only about the direction, but also about the location of favorable and unfavorable zones in the house.

For example, a man has a Gua number of 6. His health needs improvement. His direction "heavenly doctor" - northeast. This means that you can define the northeast sector in the apartment, make a bedroom there and orient the bed to the northeast. Thus, a man in need of healing energy will receive a double benefit.

If you want to be a millionaire, you have to sleep, eat, position your front door and stove in your best direction!

Yap Chen Hai.

You can also use the "small tai chi" method, when the Bagua mesh is applied not to the apartment as a whole, but to the room, in this case the bedroom. And already in the bedroom, the northeast sector is determined, where the bed is placed.

If you make friends with auspicious destinations, you will very soon feel the positive effects and become experts in this exciting activity yourself!


In such an important aspect of life as health, there are no trifles. Let us turn our attentive gaze to where food is born from the combination of products and the life-giving force of fire energy - to the kitchen.

The Chinese art of a harmonious life, Feng Shui, recommends that you carefully check the location of the stove in the kitchen, since the stove is the keeper of the hearth in the truest sense of the word. The quality of the food that is cooked on the stove affects not only the well-being and health of family members, but also their well-being. It is recommended that at least one beautiful and clean saucepan should always be on the stove, which symbolizes prosperity and comfort in the house.

The quality of the food that she prepares depends on the mood and well-being of the hostess. Try to never cook in a bad mood! Otherwise, you will pass on your bad mood to all family members through food.

It is all the more harmful to swear over food, discuss or condemn someone, watch TV programs saturated with negativity. After all, all this negative information is transmitted along with food to the person who eats, thereby affecting his well-being.

But the words of prayer or positive affirmations, affirmations can very beneficially affect the quality and energy of the food prepared.

For example, my beloved grandmother always prepared food with prayer, especially birthday cakes, and her food tasted just fine!

In the kitchen, it is desirable to have bright, cheerful colors so that everyone has a better mood. Colorful curtains in a flower, with butterflies, in a cage, with ruffles, with a fringe, with tassels are appropriate. It is good to hang a quality still life with fruits and festive food to improve your appetite.

The location of the stove in the kitchen.

One of the most important advantages of your stove, besides the fact that food is cooked on it, should be its cleanliness! The cleaner your stove, the better it reflects on the energy of the occupants. If you feel that something in your life is "stalled" or unpredictable ailments have overcome, then try to take drastic measures - move the stove away from the wall and wash all sides, back, and even under the stove. What you see there, especially if the stove has not been pushed back for a long time, you will remember!

But seriously, after such a general cleaning of your stove, you will definitely see positive changes. And very soon!

The slab should not be visible directly from the front door to the house. Otherwise, it is believed that health and money will leave home.

Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health.

A. Schopenhauer.

Please note that the proximity of the stove and sink is considered one of the most common disadvantages of feng shui. This is due to the fact that there is a conflict of two elements - the fire of the stove and the water of the sink, which again adversely affects the residents. Correct the situation by introducing a tree element between two "conflicting elements". Place a wooden vase, wooden board, or something wooden between the stove and the sink. Thus, the harmony of the elements is restored.

Make sure that the stove is not in front of the toilet door. If possible, move the stove or keep the kitchen door always closed.

When designing your kitchen, do not place the stove in the center of the kitchen. The slab should always have support in the form of a wall, it should not be alone.

Ideal if you can see the door to the kitchen while cooking.

If several doors lead to the kitchen, which happens in a modern layout, then “wind chime” or a beautiful crystal, which can be hung in the center of the kitchen, will correct the situation.

To conclude our conversation about the kitchen, let me bring to your attention a stove ritual that can be performed during unexpected health problems, at work, or simply to increase the vitality of the whole family. From my own experience, I can say that the effect of this ritual is simply wonderful, I wish you to be convinced of this.

Ritual with a stove.

At any time when you feel a lack of energy or want to change the current not very successful situation, you can perform a ritual with a stove.

You will need nine ice cubes and nine teaspoons of sea salt.

Put ice cubes and salt in any bowl, cover with cold water and, while the ice melts, wipe your stove with this water until it shines for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, it is recommended to read any prayer that you like, or a mantra for protection from evil:



You need to do this ritual for seven days in a row, starting before 12 noon. At the same time, one should not be in a bad mood, it is worth learning to cultivate inner calmness and self-confidence in oneself.

Important points related to health

So, we went through the whole house, looked into the kitchen and the bedroom, analyzed the general appearance of your house or apartment. Let's check a few more important points that affect the health of the inhabitants of the house.

Constant cleaning of the house from unnecessary things

In our world, everything influences everything. Therefore, you do not need to think that an old iron, which has to be taken out for a long time, or a pile of unnecessary clothes in the closet has nothing to do with you. This is not true. If you develop the good habit of cleaning up your house in a timely manner, you will already be taking a big step towards wellness and vitality.

Neutralizing Secret Arrows

After that, carefully look again if the three most important energy points of the house - the door, the stove and the bed - are under the influence of "secret arrows".

If you find something embarrassing for you, such as a factory chimney peeking into your bedroom or a heavy chandelier hanging over your bed, take corrective action to remove it.

Move the bed, hang a mirror reflecting an unpleasant object, etc. You will immediately feel the difference in well-being.

Checking mirrors

Mirrors are a very interesting object from a feng shui point of view. There are many legends and tales involving mirrors. If we summarize popular wisdom and centuries-old observations, then we can highlight the basic rules for handling mirrors:

- Mirrors all double. Therefore, they should only reflect the good.

- Mirrors reflect energy. Therefore, the mirror cannot be hung in front of the front door to the apartment - all incoming vital energy will be reflected back.

- Ideally, a mirror should reflect a person at full height. If you have a habit of looking in a small mirror often, headaches are possible.

- Mirror tiles are very unfavorable, as they visually split the image of a person.

- The mirrored ceiling, except for harm, does nothing.

- There should be no mirror in the toilet. The only exception is the combined bathroom with a bath, while the toilet should not be visible in the mirror.

- Never look in a mirror with a crack, in a mirror with "inner fog".

- New mirrors are preferable to old ones.

- When you see your reflection, do not forget to smile at yourself and say something nice (of course, if you are alone and no one sees you).

- A sleeping person, especially a married couple, should not be reflected in the mirror - heart problems and even divorce are possible.

Air quality

The reality of modern life is that only residents of mountain valleys or the ocean coast can enjoy clean air. Most people now live in cities where one can only dream of fresh air. However, in our home, we can create at least a remote semblance of a natural oasis using available means.

What we can do? See if you have an air freshener spray in your bathroom or toilet. Most likely worth it. I recommend replacing it with an aroma lamp with a drop of aromatic oil. All of these countless modern perfume and furniture care products are generally unhealthy. If you substitute natural chemicals for chemicals, you will be doing yourself and your home a good service.

Add to this a humidifier, fountains, an air ionizer, incense, aromatic natural oils, scented candles - and your home turns into a wonderful oasis in the heart of the industrial city center.

Conclusion May the force be with you!

Dear friends, another book has come to an end.

I sincerely hope and believe that in this book you have found something new and useful for yourself. I also believe that you will not only read, but adopt the time-tested energy exercises that I have collected in this book.

Each person is unique and has individual preferences. Some will like the dynamic exercises of Master Yap Chen Hai, others will like the more static exercises of Master Xu Ming Tang. It is very important that you feel their value and introduce them into your daily practice. The benefits of the practice accumulate gradually.

You should not expect immediate results, but big surprises await the diligent practitioner, which will also be individual for everyone. One thing I can say: subject to constant classes, at least three times a week, in six months you will multiply your strength, saturate yourself with energy and significantly improve your health.

Believe me, on my own experience, I went through everything that is written here, and the results continue to please me.

Let's summarize.

I believe that in order to create and maintain health, it is absolutely necessary for a person to observe the following simple rules:

- Love yourself. Be kind to yourself.

- Don't judge other people.

- Try to cultivate a sustainable, optimistic approach to life.

- Get regular gymnastics and energy exercises.

- Eat quality food. Eat more vegetables and fruits.

- Drink plenty of water. Eliminate the consumption of sugary carbonated drinks completely, as they lead to obesity.

- Create a harmonious environment in your home.

- And once again love and take care of yourself, because you are the most valuable thing you have!

I wish you joyful discoveries on the path of comprehending yourself!

I love you, you know that I love you!

Your Natalia Pravdina


How to calculate your Gua number

We start calculating the Gua eigenvalue.

Remember that the Chinese lunar year does not start on January 1st, but in early February. This must be taken into account for those whose birthday falls on January and early February. For example, if a person was born on February 1, 1966, from the point of view of the Chinese calendar, his year of birth is 1965.

Have you checked your year of birth? Now add the last two digits. If you get a two-digit number, add the two again to make one.

Women must add the digit 5 ​​to the original digit - and again, by simple addition, reduce the resulting number to one digit. The result of this simple calculation will be the Gua number.

Let's say a girl was born in 1976. What is her Gua number? Let's count:

The Gua number is 9.

Men the original figure must be subtracted from 10. That's it, Gua's number is found!

Let's say a man was born in 1966. Let's calculate his Gua number:

The Gua number is 7.

For girls born after 2000, not 5 should be added to the original figure, but 6. For example, a girl was born in 2002:

The Gua number is 8.

For boys born after 2000, the original figure must be subtracted not from 10, but from 9. For example, a boy was born in 2001:

The Gua number is 8.

Please, just a moment of attention. If, as a result of all the calculations, the figure 5 is obtained, then women and girls Gua's number will be 8, and y men and boys- 2. That's all the simple arithmetic!

People "Eastern" and "Western"

Find out which group you belong to: western or eastern. These are opposite groups: directions favorable for "eastern" people are unfavorable for "western" people, and vice versa.

Table 1.

Eastern group.

Table 2.

Western group.

Favorable and unfavorable directions

Identify favorable and unfavorable directions for people with different Gua numbers. Note two more tables.

For example, let's see what favorable directions a person with the Gua number will have 9. This is an "oriental" person, his element is Fire. The best direction for him is east. The second favorable direction (heavenly doctor) is southeast. The north brings harmony in marriage, the south brings personal development.

Table 3.

Favorable directions.

Another example: unfavorable directions for a person with a Gua number 6. This is a “western” person, his element is Metal. The worst direction for him is the south. The second unfavorable direction is north, the third is east. The southeast is the least dangerous of all unfavorable directions, but it is still best avoided.

Now let's talk in more detail about what each of the favorable and unfavorable directions means.

Table 4.

Unfavorable directions.

Shen Qi, the best source of Qi... This is the best direction, activating all possible types of luck, and primarily monetary. Try to use it as often as possible, make it a rule to always turn in the direction of Shen Qi. Especially when you are faced with a difficult task or you are solving an important issue for yourself.

Tien-Y, heavenly doctor... This is the second auspicious direction. And the best helper for health. To activate the vital forces, to speed up the healing, you need to sleep in the direction of Tien-Yi, that is, with the head of the bed turned in this direction. And if you turn the knobs of the stove in the same direction, and even take medications while looking in the same direction, the effect of any wellness procedures will surpass all expectations. The Tien-Yi direction also activates money luck, only at the level of the middle class.

Nyen Yan, harmony in marriage... This direction is especially favorable for harmonizing family relations, relationships with children, it activates family and love luck. And ancient Chinese texts teach that for a favorable conception of a child, the head of the bed must be oriented in the direction of the husband's Nyen Yan.

Fu-Wei, personal development... This direction seems to be specially created for all pupils, students and people of creative professions. It activates personal growth, helps in achieving professional success, and reveals creative abilities.

Jue-ming, total collapse... This is the most dangerous of the four unfavorable directions. It brings all sorts of troubles and misfortunes: from loss of livelihood to the emergence of serious illnesses. Try to avoid this direction at all costs. Be especially careful not to eat with your face in this direction, not to have difficult negotiations and not to make important decisions while sitting in the direction of Jue-Ming, and also not to sleep on the bed, the head of which is directed in this direction.

Louis Sha, six assassins... This is the second unfavorable direction, and it also does not bring anything good with it. It brings illness, difficulties in work and business, monetary losses ... Therefore, avoid it as carefully as the Jue-Ming directions.

Wu-Gwei, five ghosts... This direction is not as dangerous as the first two, but it can also bring a lot of troubles and misfortunes. For example, if your front door is located in this direction, the likelihood of a robbery or fire increases. If you sit in this direction at work, you may be haunted by quarrels, squabbles and even betrayal of colleagues.

Ho-hi, failures... This is the most "innocent" of the four unfavorable directions. It attracts petty mischief and annoying accidents. Nothing serious, but it can spoil the mood.

Qigong and unleashing potential

Nowadays, a wide variety of cultivation practices have become popular, many of which were born in the East. Many oriental practices have ancient roots and are based on working with "life energy". This energy is real, and although it cannot be “touched by hands,” it can be felt. Different cultures call it differently - qi, ki, prana, atman... Nowadays they often talk about “energy-information flows” (if, of course, the speaker understands what he means). One way or another, we are talking about energy management.

For comparison: the human circulatory system functions according to the laws determined by Nature - blood cells are formed in the body, which move through the vessels of the body with the help of the heart muscle and at the same time perform the functions assigned to them. But an ordinary person who does not practice yoga or qigong is not able to control the movement of blood.

Also, the human energy system has a certain structure, channels of movement, centers in which energy is accumulated and transformed. With the acquisition of certain skills, these channels, each person is able to feel and control internal energy, just as he can control the muscles of his body.

On the physical level, energy is experienced as density, moving currents of different temperatures in certain parts of the body. Everyone's energy system is structured the same, so everyone's basic experiences are similar, their shades may vary.

Success in qigong is highly dependent on the condition of the physical body, therefore it has a strong effect on improving health and curing diseases. For example, health-improving exercises for the spine and joints contribute to the prevention and treatment of diseases such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and many others. Women's energy practices have an amazingly fast beneficial effect on the treatment of gynecological problems, helping from infertility to chronic inflammatory processes.

Qigong practices include physical, breathing and meditative exercises, because how correctly each technique is performed depends on the effectiveness of the practice.

Qigong has an effect with the regular use of techniques, in addition to the healing effect, it gives control over emotions, mind, increases inner stability and harmony.

Most of the eastern development systems are aimed at harmonizing the internal qi of a person with the external qi of the Universe. And not just for harmonization, but also for developing the ability to manage your own energy. The use of specially designed complexes of physical and breathing exercises in combination with meditative practices allows the most diligent and diligent adepts to achieve results that modern science is simply unable to explain. This is well illustrated by the demonstration performances of the masters of the spectacular circus direction of qigong.

It is no less surprising that a person who has learned to control, direct and strengthen his own qi energy can influence the qi circulation in another person's body (medical qigong).

With the help of qigong techniques, mental abilities are developed and new human capabilities are revealed. For example, the Taoists use qigong as a powerful aid to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

The task of qigong is not only the maintenance of physical health and the preservation of sexual abilities until a ripe old age, but also the spiritual improvement of a person. Much attention is paid to training "spirit, thought and qi", skills of leading qi by means of thought, coordination of the external form of movements with qi, so that actions are subordinated to "spirit, thought and qi". Inner harmony, born from within, helps to understand more deeply any life situation or problem, to consider them from different angles. It helps you to feel yourself and your place in the world.

What lessons give you

what changes are taking place in your life?

You will feel positive changes after the first lessons :

Your body will become relaxed, flexible, free and vigorous. Qigong will help you get rid of many chronic ailments and excess weight.

You can change your character. Hot temper and irritability will disappear from your life and will be replaced by self-control and self-control.

Negative emotions and destructive, pathological conditions, such as resentment, anger, jealousy, fear, indecision, etc., will leave your life.

Your memory will improve, your intellectual and creative abilities will increase.

Your life will acquire depth and richness forgotten since childhood. You will remember what it is like to receive pleasure from each new breath, from each fresh impression.

By increasing your focus and awareness with the help of breathing, you will learn to make the most of your life circumstances in achieving your goal. As a result, you get satisfaction with yourself, your life, an increasingly frequent feeling of joy and happiness, the acquisition of the meaning of life.

In any situation, you will learn to be sober and alert, without experiencing unnecessary stress and discomfort.

By regulating your psychological states with the help of breathing, you will master the ability to objectively assess the situation that has arisen and find a winning moment in any conditions.

You will learn to relax quickly, making the most of even a few moments of rest to fully recuperate, and instantly enter a state of alert when the situation calls for it.

Qigong strengthens health, heals diseases, prolongs life, develops the mind and abilities. It helps a person to discover in himself such functions of a higher level that are not observed in the usual state. In particular, the ability to heal various diseases of other people with your energy.

Potentially, a person is capable of much, powerful forces are laid in him, you just need to open them. Qigong will help you do this.

Each person finds something different in qigong, but there are values ​​that are common to all people.

Physical strength.

Traditionally, Chinese monks, forced to defend themselves from attacks, improved their martial arts, and often their achievements in this area are better known and colorfully shown in films and books than what they became monks for. Nevertheless, Taoist practices that promote the development of superpowers of the body and the achievement of high concentration had a decisive influence on the level of mastery in martial arts. Acting from the inside out, they remain relevant today for professionals of any sport, allowing them to achieve better results. It is not for nothing that qigong is often included in the mandatory training program for professional athletes in China.


The ability to experience pleasure from sex largely depends on the state of the body, psyche and internal energy of a person, and is an accurate criterion of physical health, mental well-being and life satisfaction. A sexually dissatisfied person cannot be healthy.

How much, how and with whom to have sex - this question is individually decided by everyone, but to be able to enjoy this process with a loved one, have an orgasm and not experience disappointment in adulthood - this right should be available to everyone. There are specific qigong exercises for controlling sexual arousal. They bring orgasm closer in women and postpone it in men. Thanks to sexual qigong, sex can be practiced several times a day and indefinitely without fear of premature ejaculation.

At a certain stage of qigong practice, there is usually a rapid development of the yang energy - "yang qi", therefore, a significant increase in sexual desire in men and women can occur. This is normal.

The quality of life.

An increase in the amount of internal energy and control over its management is reflected not only on the physical and energy levels, but also on ordinary life processes. All the effects that are achieved in internal development with the help of practices are realized in all external spheres of activity - relationships, work, family, money and material values, and any other areas. Increased concentration, emotional stability, inner strength ensure more effective achievement of the set goals.

Energy and spiritual growth.

In the Taoist tradition, practices were cultivated that were aimed at transforming energy into a more subtle form for the purpose of spiritual growth, since the level of a person's development correlates with the quality of his energy. Qigong is able to change a person's character and improve the quality of his energy. Introverted people become more open, people with a bad character become softer and kinder, more flexible and lively. Students are only required to establish themselves in the intention to possess the nature of virtue.

Practice tai chi (tai chi). The art of tai chi is designed to balance the qi energy. Although there are many movements and forms in Tai Chi, you can perform the simplest basic movements to experience their effect. Breathing in Tai Chi also plays an important role, and if you have already learned how to breathe well enough, as described earlier, then try to combine breath and Tai Chi together. The practice of tai chi itself is a set of slow and fluid movements that allow you to get in touch with the earth element and connect the breath with qi. There are many schools of Tai Chi and there are some differences in the way they are done with the forms and steps. If you are interested in Tai Chi, you can look for courses in your city: often Tai Chi classes are held in various yoga studios and martial arts schools.

Work on poses. The horse pose or wu-ji is the mainstay in tai chi. It may seem like you are just standing, but in fact, this posture allows you to feel the energy. Even just standing in the wuji position and breathing can increase your qi.

  • Place your feet parallel to each other, about shoulder-width apart.
  • Distribute the weight evenly.
  • Move your upper body as if you were sitting in a chair.
  • Bend your knees.
  • Imagine the spine being pulled upward.
  • Relax your shoulders.
  • Gently touch the tip of your tongue to the palate next to your teeth.
  • Breathe naturally.
  • Practice for hands. This exercise, not part of the Tai Chi form, will also allow you to make contact with the body and develop Qi. Remember to watch your breathing while moving.

    • Raise your right hand to face level, palm down, parallel to the ground.
    • Raise your left hand to belly level, palm up and parallel to the ground.
    • Move your arms slowly in a circle.
    • Imagine holding a large ball and starting to spin it. The palms and hands will move, changing position, passing parallel to each other at chest level, and eventually ending up in opposite positions, the left one at the top and the right one at the bottom. In fact, you should not think about the position of the hands, and then the hands will move on their own.
    • Breathe and watch your breath.
  • Find energy practices that you enjoy. Tai Chi is far from the only way to develop your Qi through physical training. If tai chi seems to you too slow and meditative art, then try kung fu, it also helps to develop qi, or yoga, which, generally speaking, is an Indian energy practice, but its goal is also the full realization of life force.

    I do not argue that Eastern practices, in particular, qigong, is a technology for working with the body, which opens up almost limitless possibilities of "self-cultivation". If you are ready to retire to the mountains, live in a monastery, study for 10-12 hours a day under the guidance of a master, there is a chance to achieve results that are usually called supernatural.

    However, we live in a city, go to work, start a family and pay attention to self-development classes ... an hour a day? More often - 3-4 hours a week. So I propose not to wait for miracles, but to consider any oriental practices as a way of healing. In this respect, they are wonderful for city dwellers!

    The steps of qigong

    Despite all the lyricism and imagery, qigong practices have a clear structure and hierarchy. Each set of exercises is an accurate and understandable technology for working with the body, mind and body forces.

    1. Working with the body

    If you decide to practice qigong, it is too early to think about difficult breathing exercises from the first steps. The first step is aimed at building the structure. As in yoga, you begin to work with muscles, ligaments, bone structures - to build a posture, within which you will be comfortable mastering other exercises.

    I teach Qigong called Xinsheng. Within its framework, we restore the normal tone of the muscles of the whole body: overstrained, spasmodic muscles relax, unused muscles acquire tone. The body becomes more flexible, relaxed and strong at the same time. And, what is especially important, normal blood supply to all organs and tissues is restored (and this is a fundamental factor in health).

    Qigong exercise is a proven technology for centuries, and the better you understand what you are doing with the body, the more productive it is.

    When choosing directions of qigong, make sure that all exercises of the chosen gymnastics are clear and transparent to you. Feel free to ask questions: why is the movement performed this way and not otherwise? What area of ​​the body are we targeting with this exercise? What are the benefits of each movement?

    Qigong exercises are centuries-old technology, not mysticism, and the better you understand what you are doing with the body, the more productive you will be.

    As a result of the exercises, you acquire a beautiful posture against the background of relaxation. This means that to maintain a straight back and a proud neck position, you do not need to strain your muscles - on the contrary, you need to relax so that the whole body opens up, becomes free.

    2. Working with the state (meditation)

    This is the second stage of development in qigong, which can be practiced after the structure of the body has been built. In essence, this is a search for inner silence, stopping an inner monologue.

    I'm sure you know perfectly well what inner silence is: we experience this feeling, for example, when we contemplate a sunset over the sea or a mountain landscape.

    As part of meditation classes, we learn to enter this state of our own free will and increase the duration of stay in it (extending it by at least a few seconds is already an interesting task!).

    When choosing meditation practices, also prioritize the most understandable. In qigong practices, there is a set of techniques that teach the brain to work in the mode we need. And as a teacher with more than ten years of experience, I can say that explanations like “feel”, “close your eyes and understand” have no right to exist.

    Meditation is a skill of concentration and mind control that helps in social fulfillment

    Look for someone who will explain to you step by step how to "feel" the feeling of silence, fix and develop the result. And you will be amazed at how quickly these "mystical" states become understood and applied in everyday life.

    Yes, and note: meditation is not a way of getting away from society. Run away from teachers who teach meditation techniques as a way to escape into an alternate reality.

    Meditation is a skill of concentration and control of the mind, which helps in social realization: at work, in communication with loved ones, in creativity. A person who knows how to meditate becomes more active, purposeful and productive.

    3. Working with energy

    What many consider qigong begins only at the third stage of acquaintance with it. To master breathing techniques that allow you to accumulate energy, you need a good body structure and the skill of entering into silence.

    It would seem that it is time to move on to mysticism and riddles, but I will upset you: even at this stage there is nothing that a Western man with his rational mind could not understand. Chi energy is the amount of strength that we have. We get strength from sleep, food and breath. Sleep renews us, food provides materials to build tissues, and oxygen nourishes tissues to help them renew themselves.

    Breathing techniques rejuvenate the body, help increase energy resources and nourish us with additional strength.

    As part of Qigong of the third level, we are engaged in breathing techniques that rejuvenate the body, help to increase the energy resource and nourish us with additional strength for the planned accomplishments.

    And again I will repeat: when choosing this or that breathing practice, give preference to the most transparent and understandable one. It is not for nothing that these techniques have been perfected over the centuries: each breathing exercise has its own meaning, rules of execution and "know-how", using which you accelerate your development in practice.

    Against the background of energy practices, it is not “mystical” energy that comes, but a very real force - if earlier there was only enough energy to get from work to home and fall, now after work I want to communicate with family and friends, go for a walk, and play sports.

    about the author

    Anna Vladimirova Is a Chinese medicine specialist, founder of the Wu Ming Dao School of Health Practices.