Didactic game as a means of developing the sensory abilities of young children. Sensory education for young children

Features of the sensory development of younger children preschool age

Lysak Tatyana Andreevna teacher of MKDOU Chulym kindergarten "Topolek"

In the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education the directions of development of preschool children are highlighted. In a direction like cognitive development it is assumed the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world - form, color, size, material, space and time, etc. The solution of this problem by teachers preschool institutions carried out as part of sensory development.

Sensory development Is the development of the child's perception and the formation of his ideas about external properties objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, smell, taste, and so on. Cognition begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Sensory development is a prerequisite for the successful mastery of any practical activity. And the origins of development sensory abilities lie in junior up school age... During this period, under appropriate conditions, the child develops various abilities, the child's sensory experience is enriched through touch, muscular feeling, vision, the child begins to distinguish the size, shape and color of an object.

In addition to the importance of solving the problems of sensory development, indicated in the federal state educational standard of preschool education, the relevance of the research problem also lies in the fact that a person's cognition of the surrounding world begins with "living contemplation", with sensation (reflection of individual properties, objects and phenomena of reality in direct influence on the sense organs) and perception (reflection in general of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, acting in this moment on the senses). Developed sensing is the basis for improving practical activity modern man... Indeed, as BG Ananiev rightly notes, "the most far-reaching successes of science and technology are designed not only for a thinking person, but also for a sentient person."

Many domestic and foreign scientists paid attention to research in the field of sensory development of preschoolers. The most significant in this direction are such domestic authors as: A.P. Usova, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.G. Ruzskaya, N.A. Vetlugina, L.A. Wenger, V.P. Zinchenko, E.G. Pilyugina, E.I. Tikheeva and many others, as well as foreign teachers: Ya.A. Comenius, F. Frebel, M. Montessori, O. Decroli.

However, even today there is a need to study the sensory development of a preschooler, taking into account the current situation renewal of preschool education.

On each age stage the child turns out to be the most sensitive to certain influences. How less child, so greater importance has a sensory experience in his life. At the stage of early childhood, familiarization with the properties of objects plays a decisive role. NM Shchelovanov (1976) called early age the "golden time" of sensory education. It is in the younger preschool age that the stage of direct assimilation and use of sensory standards begins. It is necessary that acquaintance with the standards not only take place by showing and naming them, but include the actions of children aimed at comparing different standards, selecting the same ones, fixing each standard in memory. At the moment of actions with standards, children are required to memorize and use these names, which ultimately leads to the consolidation of ideas about each standard and to the possibility of performing actions based on them according to verbal instructions.

Acquaintance with each type of standards has its own characteristics, since with different properties subjects can be organized different actions... Throughout the preschool age, children become familiar with more subtle varieties of reference properties. Thus, there is a transition from familiarization with the ratios of objects in terms of total size to familiarization with the ratios for individual lengths; from acquaintance with the colors of the spectrum to acquaintance with their shades. Simultaneously with the formation of standards, the actions of perception are being improved. Teaching children how to examine objects goes through several stages: from external orienting actions (grasping, feeling, superimposing, tracing a contour, etc.) to actions of perception itself: comparison, comparison of properties variety of subjects with sensory standards, grouping according to a selected feature around the reference samples, and then - to perform more and more complex eye and oculomotor actions, sequential examination (i.e., visual examination) and detailed verbal description properties of the subject.

On the initial stage it is very important to explain the methods of action: how to consider, listen attentively, compare, remember, etc. - and direct the activities of children to independent use these methods apply to different content.

If preschool age does not create favorable conditions for the development of perception, then associated with it mental processes will form in slow motion, making it difficult to master learning activities at primary school age.

So, each age period has its own tasks of sensory development, and they should be solved by developing and using the most effective means and methods of sensory development, taking into account the sequence of the formation of the function of perception in ontogenesis.

Sensory education child means purposeful improvement, the development of sensory processes in children. The purpose of sensory education is to develop sensory abilities in children.

Sensory education should be carried out in inextricable link with a variety of activities and solve the following tasks:

1. Ensure a gradual transition from object perception and object recognition to sensory analysis. Therefore, to teach not only to recognize the subject and name it, but also to know its purpose; parts of the subject and their purpose; the material from which the item is made; color, shape, size and so on.

2. To form ideas about the simplest perceptual actions (stroking, pressing, touching, tasting, and so on). Learn to apply these actions correctly.

3. Help your child to get the first idea about different materials (paper, wood, glass, metal). Give an idea of ​​their main qualities (glass is cold, transparent, breaks; paper is smooth, soft, tears, gets wet, and so on).

4. To develop the ability to actively use words denoting the qualities, properties of objects and actions with them. An extremely important task of sensory education is the timely and correct connection of sensory experience with the word, the formation of a plan of ideas.

5. To form a general sensory ability, that is, the ability to use sensory standards (5, and then 7 colors of the spectrum; 5 geometric shapes; 3 gradations of magnitude).

6. Organize the inclusion of sensory experience in the child's activities (objective, productive, labor). In this case, the main attention should be paid to activating perception, to ensure the implementation of sensory experience.

7. Educate respect to objects, teach children to use objects in accordance with their purpose and their properties.

Sensory education during early childhood is the main type of education in general. Providing an influx of more and more impressions, it becomes necessary not only for the development of the activity of the sense organs, but also for the normal general physical and mental development child. Infants are known to experience "sensory hunger" when experiences are limited, leading to significant delays. overall development... At each age, sensory education has its own tasks, a certain link of sensory culture is formed.

In the first year of life, the main task is to provide the child with sufficient wealth and variety of external impressions, to develop attention to the properties of objects. When grasping movements begin to form in the baby, another task is added to this task - it is necessary to help the child adapt the grasping movements to the shape of the object, its size and position in space. Gradually, such an adaptation will lead to the fact that these properties begin to acquire a certain meaning for the baby ("small" is what can be grasped with one hand, "large" - with two hands, "round" is what is covered by the whole palm, "square "- what is taken with fingers, grasping an object on both sides, and the like).

In the second or third year of life, the tasks of sensory education become significantly more complicated. Although baby early age not yet ready to assimilate sensory standards, he begins to accumulate ideas about the color, shape, size and other properties of objects. It is important that these ideas are sufficiently varied. And this means that the child should be introduced to all the main varieties of properties - the six colors of the spectrum (blue should be excluded, since children hardly distinguish it from blue), white and black, with shapes such as a circle, square, oval, rectangle ...

The ability to consider, perceive phenomena and objects is formed successfully only when children clearly understand why it is necessary to consider this or that object, to listen to certain sounds. Therefore, teaching perception various subjects and phenomena, it is necessary to clearly explain to children the meaning of their actions. This meaning becomes especially clear to children if they then use their ideas in practical activity: after all, if you look at an object poorly, then it is difficult to depict or construct it.

In the process of reproducing an object in a particular activity, the already formed ideas of children are checked or specified. In this regard, the main task of sensory education is to form in children such skills to perceive and represent objects and phenomena that would contribute to the improvement of the processes of drawing, design, sound analysis of words.

So, the main tasks of sensory education of young children:

1) the formation of systems of perceptual actions in children;

2) the formation of systems of sensory standards in children - generalized ideas about the properties, qualities and relationships of objects;

3) the formation of skills to independently apply systems of perceptual actions and systems of standards in practical and cognitive activities.

The tasks of sensory education of young children are closely related to the content of work on this issue... The content of sensory education includes a wide range of properties and attributes of objects that a child must comprehend during preschool age.

In sensory education, a traditional content has developed. It comes from folk pedagogy and was developed in theoretical works and practice. renowned educators(F. Frebel, M. Montessori, E.I. Tikheeva and others). This is an acquaintance with color, size, shape, taste, smell, texture, sound of objects of the surrounding world, orientation in space. At the same time, the task is to increase the sensitivity of the corresponding analyzers (the development of tactile, visual, olfactory, auditory and other sensitivity), which manifests itself in distinguishing features and properties. At the same time, the child learns to correctly name the properties of objects. In the third year of life, it is necessary to teach children to name following signs: soft, cold, bitter, light, from below, close, as well as their opposite.

A child already at an early age masters the ability to take into account the spatial arrangement of objects. Initial ideas about the directions of space that assimilates three year old child related to his own body... It is for him the center, as it were, a "reference point", in relation to which the child alone can determine the direction. Further development of orientation in space lies in the fact that children gradually begin to distinguish relations between objects: one object above another, near it, to the left, to the right of it, and so on.

For a young child, reflecting time is a much more difficult task than perceiving space. V early childhood the child still cannot orientate in time. The formation of temporary representations begins later. In this way, children learn to determine short periods of time, based on their activities, from what can be done during this time and what result to get.

Speech (phonemic) hearing is the ability to perceive the sounds of speech, to differentiate and generalize them in words as meaning-distinguishing units. With the development of phonemic hearing, the mastery of the norms of sound pronunciation is associated. The level of development of phonemic hearing is manifested when teaching a child to read and write, when he is faced with the task of sound analysis of a word. At an early age, the task is to teach adults to repeat the desired sound after adults. Ear for music is the ability to distinguish sounds by pitch, timbre, rhythmic pattern, melody. This is the task of the later period of childhood - preschool. But the prerequisites for ear for music are formed at an early age.

The entire content of the sensory development of young children is based on the developments of great scientists, teachers and psychologists (A.V. Zaporozhets, A.P. Usova, N.P. Sakulina, L.A. Venger, N.N. Poddyakov and others). This takes into account modern didactic principles.

The first principle is based on the enrichment and deepening of the content of sensory education. It involves the formation of a broad orientation in the subject environment, that is, not only the traditional acquaintance with the color, shape and size of objects, but also the improvement of sound analysis of speech, the formation of musical ear, the development of muscle feeling, and so on in children from an early age.

The second principle presupposes a combination of teaching sensory actions with various types of meaningful activities of children, which provides deepening and concretization pedagogical work, avoids formal didactic exercises... In the process of these types of activity, the child is guided by the properties and qualities of objects, taking into account their importance in solving important life problems. In most cases, they do not act on their own, but as signs of more important qualities that cannot be observed (the size and color of the fruits are signals of their maturity). Therefore, the improvement of sensory education should be aimed at elucidating the meaning of the properties of objects and phenomena or elucidating their "signal value".

The third principle of this theory of sensory education is predetermined by the message to children of generalized knowledge and skills associated with orientation in surrounding reality... The properties and qualities of objects and phenomena are so diverse that it is impossible to acquaint a child with all of them without restriction, as well as to communicate, to him, knowledge about each of them separately. The correct orientation of children in the environment can be achieved as a result of specific actions to examine the size, shape, color of objects. Of particular value are generalized methods of examining a certain kind of qualities, which serve to solve a number of similar problems.

The fourth principle presupposes the formation of systematized ideas about the properties and qualities, which are the basis - the standards of examination of any object, that is, the child must correlate the information received with the knowledge and experience he already has. Very early on, the child begins to use his knowledge as a means of perception and awareness of a new subject.

Starting from the second group of an early age, children begin to master actions with a variety of toys: collapsible (pyramids, nesting dolls and others), building materials and story toys. The child reproduces these actions after showing an adult, and by means of delayed imitation. Gradually, "chains" are formed from individual actions, and the baby learns to bring object actions to the result, for example, fills the entire pyramid with rings, selecting them by color and size. In the second year of life, children learn the names of objects, actions. Due to the fact that the child begins to walk well, he himself can explore the objects that surround him.

In the third year of life, sensory education is to improve the perception of children, in the formation of their active use of touch, sight, hearing.

During this period, it is necessary to continue to work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in different types activities. Help them examine objects, highlighting their color, size, shape. Encourage children to include hand movements on an object in the process of getting to know it: circle parts of the object with their hands, stroke them, and so on.

Exercise in establishing the similarities and differences between objects that have the same purpose (identical shoulder blades; big red ball - small blue ball). Teach children to name the properties of objects.

So, the content of sensory education at an early age should mainly be aimed at developing coordination of movements, the ability to act with objects, the ability to analyze and generalize the signs of objects. This is achieved through the solution of the following tasks: the formation of perceptual actions, the formation of systems of sensory standards in children, the formation of the ability to independently apply perceptual actions and systems of standards in practical and cognitive activities.

List of used literature:

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The present study has shown the originality of the sensory-perceptual sphere of preschool children with pronounced intellectual disabilities, who are brought up in special preschool institutions. As a result of the undertaken observation of children during classes, conducting regime moments and free activity, the possibility of productive (verbal and non-verbal) contact with children, the ability to perform elementary actions by imitation and a model was established.

Observations of the activities of children, analysis of personal files and conversations with specialists working with children made it possible to determine the optimal content and conditions for conducting an individual psychological and pedagogical ascertaining experiment.

Analysis of the data obtained in the course of studying the orienting activity, the level of formation of ideas about the color, shape and size of objects, as well as the peculiarities of the performance of tasks by children that require taking into account the external signs of objects, allow us to highlight a number of features of the sensory-perceptual sphere of preschool children with pronounced intellectual failure.

In everyday life, preschoolers with pronounced intellectual disabilities ignore the external signs of objects included in the activity; the selection of these signs is random or based on repeated repetition of the action; an incentive for performing orientational-research actions with an object can be its novelty, large size, bright color, unusual actions of an adult performed with the object, direct instructions from an adult.

When children were presented with objects that differ in one feature (color, shape, size, presence or absence of sound), the greatest number of reactions was obtained for color differences. It was the color of objects that caused the greatest number of emotional and speech reactions. It was found that the shape of objects provoked the greatest number of cognitive reactions, mainly orientation-research actions. However, when acting with objects that differ in one external feature, children performed predominantly the same type of nonspecific orientational-research actions (gripping, viewing, turning), which did not allow them to identify the features and properties of the object, but only contributed to general acquaintance with him.

Preschool children with pronounced intellectual disabilities are more successful in identifying the four primary colors, and worse, white and black. Know the name of the colors before training, on average, less than a third of children, while the most famous were red and green, the least - white and black. Independent naming of colors is available to an insignificant number of children.

The perception of magnitude is the least developed in children of pre-school age with pronounced intellectual disability. At the same time, visual correlation is at a fairly high level. Significant difficulties arise when identifying a sign of size by name and independently naming a sign for the most accessible children were practical tasks, when performing which it was required to take into account the shape of the object. The most difficult tasks were those in which it was required to take into account the color and size of objects. The most mastered methods of action were also observed when performing tasks with objects that differed in shape. In quests carried out with items different color and magnitude, the overwhelming majority of children act without taking into account these properties of objects. As a result, the largest number of correctly completed tasks is observed in actions that require taking into account the form, the smallest in actions with objects of different sizes.

Thus, we obtained data indicating that the color of the object evokes bright emotional reactions in preschool children with pronounced intellectual disability, the shape of the objects provokes a significant number of cognitive reactions (including orientation-research actions). The perception of a quantity causes the greatest difficulties, especially when it is necessary to define it verbally. Apparently, this is connected not only with the peculiarities of the activity of this category of children, but also with the quality of the perceived properties of objects.

According to the goal and the hypothesis put forward, a sensory education system was developed and tested in the study.

Our research and analysis of the results obtained allow us to outline the ways of working on the development of the sensory-perceptual sphere of preschool children with pronounced intellectual disabilities. At the same time, we were based on the currently accepted consideration of perception as a special activity, in the structure of which there is a motivational-personal and operational-technical component of activity.

The motivational side of perceptual processes determines their direction, selectivity and intensity and is an important factor in individual development in 4 directions: organic, gnostic, ethical and aesthetic. It was with these provisions in mind that experimental teaching was built.

The operational level of activity is represented by perceptual operations as ways of performing perceptual actions.

The development of the functional side included work on the development of sensitivity and was based on the exercises proposed by E.K. Grachevoy at the beginning of our century; development of visual and auditory concentration.

The formation of the motivational side implied the development of emotional contact between the child and the adult, the formation of interest in various types of activity (first of all, subject-manipulative, play, elementary productive). "External" stimulation was carried out through the use of bright, colorful toys, didactic materials, household items, that is, through the special organization of the child's environment. In addition, the organizing activity of the adult, his emotionality, played a significant role.

The development of the operational side included teaching examiner actions with toys and household items, first in the classroom; and then during the performance of the regime moments. The next stage was the formation of ideas about the color, shape and size of objects, teaching the actions of examining these signs (circle, superposition, application), the formation of an understanding of the words-names of sensory standards and, when it was possible, the independent naming of these standards in a form accessible to children. ... The content of the training corresponded to the "Program for the training and education of preschool children with severe mental retardation." The use of adequate methods and techniques of work, the correct organization of the workplace, the use of didactic material, corresponding to the characteristics of the child allowed to obtain positive learning outcomes.

Thus, the research undertaken by us made it possible to identify a number of features of the sensory-perceptual sphere of preschool children with pronounced intellectual disabilities and to implement, in this regard, a system of work that optimizes the development of this sphere. Continuation of work on the proposed system of sensory education for this category of children should ensure a more successful overcoming of the developmental shortcomings of their orienting-research activities, expanding and enriching ideas about the external properties of objects, which will certainly contribute to their more successful mental development in general.


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Tatiana Pleshakova
Innovative teaching experience"Sensory development of young children with the use of didactic games"

Innovative teaching experience teacher Pleshakova T.M.

topic teaching experience

« Sensory development of young children using didactic games».

The purpose of the study is to identify, theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effect of didactic games for the development of sensory standards... V experience contradictions are recognized, comprehended, an urgent problem is formed.

Justification of the relevance and prospects experience... Its significance for the improvement of the educational process.

Relevance of my experience is, what in last years at

preschoolers have cognitive impairments,

deficiencies and peculiarities of perception, sensations and

representations that make up the area sensory education... Children are much

later they begin to pay attention to the color and shape of objects in

environment, have difficulty remembering names, poor

differentiate objects. All this suggests that with children it is necessary

conduct special work on development of sensory processes... This

a long and complex process that lasts not only in preschool, but also in school age... As a result, accumulate impressions: color,

sound, tactile, which represent the foundation on

which further builds interest in the harmony of color, sound, plastic


The relevance of my work is to broaden the horizons of each child based on the immediate environment, to create conditions for development independent cognitive activity.

Playful form of education - leading activity at the stage early childhood. Didactic game, occupies the most important, leading place in teaching small children. Didactic games and activities are very important for the mental education of young children... During classes, the child develops important qualities necessary for a successful mental development... Relying on the ability and inclination of the little ones children to imitate, I encourage you to reproduce the actions shown, the spoken words. Development concentration and ability to imitate - necessary condition assimilation of information and skills by children. This is one of the important tasks that is solved during classes using didactic games.

One of the effective means sensory development in young children is an creative activity, labor activity, observation of nature, use didactic games - game tasks aimed directly at development of sensory abilities(distinguishing between shape, color, volume, etc.). Didactic games are nothing more than game learning... Learning in the form of a game is based on one of the laws play activities the child - on his desire to enter an imaginary situation, to act according to the motives dictated by the game situation.


Analysis of theoretical data showed that insufficiently identified

pedagogical conditions ensuring the efficiency of use didactic sensory

color standards children junior preschool age... The contradiction lies between the task of forming ideas about

sensory standards of color in preschool children and not enough

identified pedagogical conditions ensuring the success of its solution. Hence the problem arises - what conditions need to be created for effective use didactic games as a means of forming ideas about touch color references.

Conditions for the formation of a leading idea experience, conditions for the emergence, formation experience.

Leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience is to create conditions for sensory development of preschool children.

In each age before sensory education has its own tasks, a certain link is formed sensory culture... Thus, it is possible to distinguish in the period early childhood the following tasks in sensory education for children 2-3 years old:

Learn to highlight a color

Size as special features of objects,

Accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and about the relationship between two objects in size

In work on sensory development of preschool children all types of educational and play activities are included, as well as regime moments... However, in classes based on the direct teaching influence of an adult, in work, in everyday life, it is impossible to fulfill all the tasks sensory education; important role should belong didactic games... Specially organized didactic Games are a good complement to generalized concepts in class and help build ideas about color, shape, and size. This is their developmental role.

The novelty of my pedagogical idea is that the formation sensory culture should not be carried out periodically, but systematically and in stages.

Theoretical basis experience.

Problem sensory education originated in the 17th century. Then this problem was dealt with by Jan Amos Kamensky. He wrote a book "Great didactics» , in which he first formulated didactic principles that have not lost their meaning to the present time:

Visibility in teaching;

Gradual and sequential learning;

The principle of imitation and the principle of exercise.

In the 19th century, the problem sensory Friedrich Fröbel, the creator of the first kindergartens, was involved in upbringing. F. Frebel created the famous "gifts"- a guide for development building skills in the unity of spatial relationships, closely related development a child with a variety of activities.

Huge contribution to theory sensory parenting contributed by Maria Montessori (1870-1952) ... She has developed a series of exercises to help development tactile and thermal feeling.

In the 20th century, a problem sensory preschool education were engaged:

N. Poddyakov, T. S. Komarova, L. Zhurova, V. Avanesova.

However, today there is a need for research sensory upbringing of a preschooler.

In my work, I use:

Buyanova R. Sensory development of children // Social work... - No. 12. - 2006, S. 34-39.

Vazhova S. A. Sensory education in the younger group // Educator

DOU 2008 No. 11 S. 51-59.

Vartan V.P. Sensory development of preschoolers... - Minsk: BrGU, 2007, 322s.

Wenger L.A. Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers. - M., 2009, 178s.

Kovaleva L.A. developing Wednesday in the nursery // Educator

DOU 2008 No. 1 P. 24-28.

Technology experience... The system of specific pedagogical action, content, methods, methods of education and training.

Acquisition of the circle by children sensory ideas about color standards does not mean that they will use knowledge independently in practice. Role didactic games in in this case is to expand the practice of using standards, to expand practical guidelines. Here the function didactic games are not educational, but aimed at using existing knowledge.

Didactic games can perform another function - monitoring the state sensory development of children.

Games can be incorporated into almost any activity. It is advisable to accompany them with riddles, nursery rhymes, poems - this helps to emotionally perceive and understand game images, understand their aesthetic nature, contributes development figurative thinking , imagination. Management didactic games depending on age of children carried out in different ways.

Methodology didactic games in the younger group.

1. Have young children excitement prevails over inhibition, clarity acts more strongly than a word, therefore it is more expedient to combine the explanation of the rules with the demonstration of the game action. If there are several rules in the game, then you should not communicate them at once.

2. Games must be conducted in such a way that they create a cheerful, joyful mood at children.

3. Teach children play without interfering with each other, gradually lead to the ability to play in small groups and realize that it is more interesting to play together.

4.With the younger children age the teacher needs to get involved in the game himself. First you need to attract children play didactic material(turrets, eggs)... Disassemble and assemble them with the children. Arouse interest in didactic material, teach them to play with it.

5. For children of this age the prevalence of sensory knowledge of the surrounding world is characteristic. Taking this into account, the teacher selects such material (toys that can be examined and actively act with him.

6. Games known to children become more interesting if something new and more complex is introduced into their content, requiring active mental work. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the games in different options with their gradual complication.

7. When explaining the rules of the game, the educator must turn his gaze to one or the other playing, so that everyone thinks that they are being told about the game.

8. To make the game more successful, the teacher prepares children for the game: be sure to introduce them to the objects that will be used, their properties, images in the pictures before the game.

9. Summing up the game with children of primary preschool age, the teacher notes only positive parties: played together, learned how to do (indicates specifically what, removed the toys in place.

10. Interest in the game increases if the teacher invites children to play with the toys that were used during the game (if it is dishes, then play kindergarten, cook, etc.) .

To solve problems sensory education using a variety of methods.

1. Inspection of objects. for instance: apple red, round, large,

sweet, aromatic.

2. Method sensory development motivation survey. for instance: "Why

do you need to check the soil of the plants with your finger before watering? " If the earth

dry it must be watered; if the ground is solid, it must be loosened to breathe

earth and water passed better.

3. The method of verbal designation of all the qualities of an object. Educator

together with the children, pronounces all the properties of an object or object when

examination. for instance, Apple: shape - round, color - yellow, taste -

sweet, fragrant to the smell, smooth to the touch.

4. Comparison method. for instance: compare the square and the circle using the method

overlay. Circle - round, roll, no corners. Square - there are corners, everything

the sides are equal, the angles are the same.

5. Exercise method, ie multiple repetition. for instance, find all

subjects round shape, red and place them on a red rug.

For sensory parenting the necessary conditions:

1. Various meaningful children's activities.

2. Rich in subject matter - developing environment(corner equipment).

3. Systematic guidance sensory development of children, as a result

which children must know all the standards of the system, be able to examine.

4. Special role in Sensory parenting belongs to nature.

for instance, in the forest, in the park, children learn to distinguish the color of the autumn foliage: at

birch she lemon color, oak - brown, aspen - red or

lilac. Painting autumn forest, the whipping is perceived brighter if

leaves; teaches to identify the smell of mushrooms, rotten greenery.

So than more organs the senses are involved in cognition, so

more signs and properties are distinguished by a child in an object, phenomenon, and

therefore, the richer his ideas, knowledge, skills and

skills. This contributes to the full child development.

Performance analysis.

Our kids are in kindergarten all day, they grow up, develop, actively communicate with each other and with the things around them, learn the world through physical interaction with objects and people. Therefore, we try to organize life children in the group so so that they feel the comfort, love of adults and they have a need for knowledge. For this, the group created developing environment which promotes early brain development... With its brightness, novelty, uniqueness, our "habitat" encourages children explore it, act in it, develops initiative and creativity. It took a lot of effort, unusual finds to create subject-specific developing environment, which would ensure the accumulation of children of sensory experience.

Special attention for development visual perception turns to the aesthetic side didactic material... When conducting games and in selection subject environment formed not only visual representations, but also tactile ones. In order to know any subject, we prompted children carry out a series of targeted actions to survey: children squeezed, stroked, ran a finger along the contour, that is, used sensory motor movements. Evolved hand and when carrying out actions for inserting, taking out, sticking objects. Exactly finger games and games on development fine motor skills hands, work with mosaics, painting with paints were planned by us every week.

In everyday life for independent activity children are offered reinforcement games colors: "Help the fish", "Collect the droplets", "Collect the beads", "Multi-colored rings", "Color Lotto".

V didactic game"Help the fish" I ask you to help mother fish find their own kids: "Whose kids are these entangled in the seaweed?"- the child did this work on the flannelgraph. I show you how to take red fish kids and lay out a red fish next to their mother. "Baby fish are the same color as the mother fish".

Our children also love outdoor game "Collect the rings"... At first, rings of two colors were scattered (red and yellow, the children ran up, caught them and laid them in boxes in accordance with the color. The game was always held with good activity and emotional uplift. The complication was due to the increase in the number of rings of different colors. If someone from children were wrong, the rest tried to immediately correct, prompt.

Cleaning up the building material was also becoming a wonderful game. Children like to lay out bricks and bricks in their box houses, sort construction material by color.

Our children played games very actively "Big and small toy", "Dress up the dolls"(dolls of different sizes and corresponding clothes for them, "Let's collect mushrooms"(large, medium and small, "Feed the bears"(bears and dishes of different sizes, "Collect the pyramid", "Build a turret".

Also, games were selected, the purpose of which is to open a special world of sounds for kids, to make them attractive and meaningful, talking about something important. In these games, toddlers learn to distinguish "Sounding" familiar objects, voices of animals and people.

The game "Who will hear what?"... She put a screen in front of the children and rang a bell, beat the drum, tambourine, played the pipe, etc. The children enjoyed playing these games.

The game "Quietly loudly" developed ability to change strength vote: speak now softly, now loudly. For this, toys of different sizes were selected (large and small dogs, cats and other toys, the sound of which can be imitated).

The sensory performance in the center of water and sand, where children were offered the following games: "Find the ball", "Find the cube"... Children hid objects on their own and happily looked for them. They also played in the center of the water and sand with large and small toys, and sometimes even played games with the children with basins of different colors. Water was poured into basins of different colors. The children let big fish into the green bowl, and small ones into the red bowl. Children compared sand, millet, rice, beans, peas by touch. They noticed that everything (pebbles) children of different sizes, playing with sand, poured it over, made buildings out of it.

I believe that if sensory parenting invest organizing and conducting didactic games then at children the necessary sensory abilities... Problem development of sensory abilities in children junior preschool age is big interest, because sensory development preschooler is the basis for development of thinking, perception.

Thus, the role didactic games and activities in mental education children is undoubted. Didactic games and activities have a certain value in moral education children... They gradually develop the ability to act in the environment of their peers. The first interest in the actions of another child, the joy of common experiences, arises. Advanced teaching experience provides better results with less effort and time. This work gives the completeness, strength of knowledge, the presence of appropriate skills and abilities among the pupils. Positive results last for a long time.

Difficulties and problems when using this experience.

The solution to this pedagogical problems require a certain skill, experience in... Consideration should be given to being young enough children's age, often not all children nursery group know how to speak and pronounce words.

Great work and patience when using differentiated and individual approach in working with children.

Improving and honing techniques, forms and methods pedagogical art.

Reflection of their actions when preparing younger preschoolers to work with sensory standards.

The work I do to shape sensory education in children 1 junior group :

Helping children learn about basic geometric shapes, remember their names;

Taught children distinguish colors;

Taught children compare objects in size;

Contributed to development tactile and visual perception.

The teaching experience can be useful for preschool teachers, educators additional education, interested parents, for joint homework with children.

Galina Kupyanskaya
Position: educator of the first qualification category
Educational institution: MKDOU OV DS No. 32 Razdolnoye village
Locality: Primorsky Territory Nadezhdinsky District
Material name: Innovative experience
Topic: Sensory development in young children
Date of publication: 04.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education

municipal government preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of general developmental type No. 32, Razdolnoye village"

Innovative teaching experience

"Sensory development of early childhood

age "

Prepared by:

educator first

G.V. Kupyanskaya

the village of Razdolnoye


my experience


the last

preschoolers have cognitive impairments,

shortcomings and features of perception, sensations and representations, which is

area of ​​sensory education. Children begin to pay attention much later.

on the color and shape of objects in the environment, with difficulty remember

names, poorly differentiate objects. All this suggests that with children

it is necessary to carry out special work on the development of sensory abilities.

This is a long and complex process that lasts not only in preschool, but also

at school age.

I choose game form learning, since the game is the most important,


little children.



the necessary



development. Based on the ability and inclination of young children to imitate, I






the words. Development

concentration and the ability to imitate - a prerequisite for mastering

children of information and skills. This is one of the important tasks that is solved during

One of the effective means of sensory development in young children

is creative activity, labor activity, observation of nature,

use of games - game tasks aimed directly at development


abilities (distinguishing

are nothing more than playful learning. Learning in the form of a game

based on one of the patterns of the child's play activity - on his





dictated by the game situation.



not enough


pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the use of games as

means of forming ideas about sensory standards in preschool children






use of


the formation


sensory standards.

Leading pedagogical

experience is to create conditions for

sensory development of preschool children.

Sensory education has its own challenges at every age, as

I work with children 2-3 years old, I set myself the following tasks:

Teach to highlight a color

Size as special features of objects,

Accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and about

relationship between two objects in size.

Sensory development work for preschool children includes

all types of educational and play activities, as well as regime moments.

my pedagogical idea is that the formation

sensory culture




Thus, the more sense organs are involved in cognition, the more

more signs and properties are distinguished by a child in an object, a phenomenon, and, consequently,



promotes full development child.

Performance analysis.

Our kids are in kindergarten all day, they grow, develop,

actively communicate with each other and with the things around them, learn the world through

physical interaction with objects and people. Therefore, I organize

the life of children in a group so that they feel the comfort, love of adults and

they had a need for knowledge. For this, a developing environment has been created in the group:

sensory corner decorated, gallery created non-traditional games and benefits,

a corner of experimentation has been created. With its brightness, novelty, uniqueness

our Wednesday

habitat "encourages children



develops initiative and creativity.


for development




the aesthetic side of didactic material. When conducting games and in selection





tactile. To learn a subject, I encourage children to conduct a series of



his examination:

carried a finger along the contour, that is, they used sensory-motor movements.

The hand also develops during the implementation of actions to insert, take out

items. It is finger games and games for the development of fine motor skills of hands,





was planned

every week.

In everyday life, for independent activities, I suggest children

games: "Assemble the car",

by color "

"Collect the beads"


rings "," Funny nesting dolls"," Screw on the screw "

The game was always played with good activity and emotional uplift.




to correct,


Cleaning of building material in the game "Mathematical Sorter", groats

material for the game "Groats sorter" (beans, peas, corn) also became

wonderful game. Children like to lay out cubes and bricks, cereals on

their box houses, sort building material, cereals by color,

Children are very active in playing a business board, where the baby learns on his own

solve various problems, see your mistakes, correct them, look for various

ways of solving the problem, develops creative thinking, fine motor skills of the hands and

Games were also selected, the purpose of which is to open a special

the world of sounds, make them attractive and meaningful, talking about something

Game "Candy - noisemakers". Where we first considered what would happen

put in "candy-bottles", and then by ear determine what is there

and how it sounds. Children enjoyed playing these games.

The game "Quietly loudly" developed the ability to change the strength of the voice: speak softly,

were selected


small dogs, cats and other toys, the sound of which can be imitated).

Evolved sensory presentation in the center of experimentation, where in

the process of forming the survey actions of children, I decided the following

tasks: to combine showing the child with the active action of the child to examine him

(feeling, perception of taste, smell, etc.) Compare similar in appearance




Use practical experience, gaming experience... ("Find the ball",

"Find the cube", " Magic bags" etc.)

With the development of sensory

etalons, I have implemented work with lapbooks "My

favorite animals "," Winter "with the help of which in individual form goes

consolidation, but for someone learning new things about the world around them.

I believe that if we take non-traditional

manuals, games, then children

will be formed

necessary sensory abilities.

Development problem





age is of great interest, since the sensory development of a preschooler

is the basis for the development of thinking, perception.

Thus, the role of non-traditional aids in the sensory education of children


a definite



raising children. They gradually develop the ability to act in the environment

peers. The first interest in the actions of another child arises, joy

common experiences.

the result









represent the foundation on which the interest in color harmony is built,

sound, plasticity of objects. Children became more interested in subjects

the nearest











development of sensory




direction using new non-traditional manuals.

Used Books:

Buyanova R. Sensory development of children // Social work. - No. 12. - 2006, S. 34-39.

Vazhova S.A. Sensory education in the younger group // Educator of preschool educational institution 2008

No. 11 S. 51-59.

Vartan V.P. Sensory development of preschoolers. - Minsk: BrGU, 2007, 322s.

A. Didactic games


by touch


preschoolers. - M., 2009, 178s.


"We develop

motor skills

kids "-


Litera Publishing House, 2007. -32s.

Kovaleva L.A. Subject-developing environment in the nursery // Educator of preschool educational institution 2008

Sensory development of early preschool children through didactic play

Annotation: This topic was not chosen by chance. It is sensory development that forms the foundation of a child's mental development, is the key to his further successful learning. Cognition begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. On how the child's perception is developed and how the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects occurs, his cognitive capabilities depend, as well as further development activity, speech and higher, logical forms of thinking. In preschool age, cognition of the surrounding world occurs in the game. The main means of sensory education of preschoolers are didactic games, the main task of which is the accumulation of a variety of sensory experience.

Key words: sensory development, sensory education, didactic game.

“The most far-reaching successes

science and technology calculated

not only for the thinking one,

but also a sensing person. "

B.G. Ananiev.

Sensory education is the development of a child's abilities for sensory cognition of the world: touch, hearing, sight, smell, sense of taste.

The initial stage of cognition of the world is sensory experience, which accumulates most intensively in early childhood. Separate sensations received from the object are summed up in its integral perception. On the basis of sensations and perception, ideas about the properties of objects are formed, it becomes possible to differentiate them, to single out one of the many others, to find similarities and differences between them.

Professor N.M. Schelovanov called early age the "golden time" of sensory education.

The meaning of sensory education is that it:

Is the basis for intellectual development;

Arranges the chaotic ideas of the child, obtained during interaction with the outside world;

Develops observation, imagination, attention;

Prepares for real life;

Influences the development of visual, auditory, motor, figurative and other types of memory.

One of the means of sensory education of preschoolers is didactic play. Such teachers as Z.I. Tikheeva, A.P. Usova, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Sorokin and others,

Through didactic play, children acquire new knowledge, skills, they form sensory standards with less stress. Children memorize material more easily, master new ways of activity, compare, distinguish, contrast, generalize.

The opportunity to educate children through active, interesting activities for them - that's distinctive feature didactic game.

The child is attracted to the game not by the educational nature, but by the opportunity to be active, to perform game actions, to achieve a result, to win.

Therefore, directly educational activities with children of preschool age, on sensory development, the following tasks were set and solved:

To form the children's skills to navigate in different properties objects: color (red, yellow, blue, green), size (circle, triangle, square), shape (cube, ball, cone - roof, brick), quantity (many, one), distinguish between the size: large - small, narrow - wide, high - low, long - short;

Create conditions for the enrichment and accumulation of children's sensory experience during subject-play activity through games with didactic material;

To educate in children the ability not to be distracted from the task at hand, to bring it to completion, to strive to obtain a positive result.

These tasks were also addressed in the creation of a gaming environment.

There are 31 children in our group, including 14 boys and 17 girls. We have been leading this group since the first junior group, we have been working with them for 2 years. Kids are in kindergarten all day, they grow, develop, actively communicate with each other and with the things around them, learn the world through physical interaction with objects and people.

Therefore, we tried to organize the life of children in a group so that they feel comfort, love of adults and they have a need for knowledge.

It took a lot of effort, unusual finds to create in the group a subject-developing environment that would ensure the accumulation of sensory experience in children.

The developing subject-spatial environment provides an opportunity joint activities children, adults, rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe and serves the interests and needs of the child.

By creating in detail - spatial environment in our group, we took into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, displaying it in all centers of the group, tried to make it diverse, bright, informatively rich, in order to maximize and facilitate the period of children's stay in kindergarten, create an emotionally positive atmosphere in the group, facilitate individual harmonious development child.

The Center for Sensory Development is one of the most beloved centers for our students. It contains didactic games aimed at developing sensory perception, fine motor skills, and imagination.

In the process of creating the sensory zone, we gave preference not to the purchase of ready-made materials, but to games made by ourselves. In didactic games, we tried to interest children through vivid image items, surprise moments, emotional speech educators.

All our work is done together with our parents. Parents are the first assistants in our work. We have organized consultations, seminars - workshops, where parents got acquainted with the methods of familiarizing children with sensory standards.

All our work could not be so fruitful if we could not interest our parents. We made a lot of manuals, games, simulators only with the help of parents.

Organization of games

Work with children is carried out mainly individually or in a subgroup of 2-3 children.

The selection of games is varied depending on:

Purpose of the game Game name
Games for the development of visual perception (color, shape, size) "Big and small"

"Find the same ..."

"Let's decorate a handkerchief"

"Colored mittens"

"Let's hide in the house"

"Find the same ..."

Auditory comprehension games "Knock - we'll rattle"

"Who is shouting how?"

"Where is the ringing?"

Games for developing tactile and tactile perception "Wonderful bag"

"Identify by touch"

"Know the figure"


Games for the development of fine motor skills "Feed the Chicken"

"Beads for a doll"

"Colored mosaic"


"Get the ring out"

"Business board" - a development board including different kinds fasteners (buttons, buttons, Velcro, hooks, zippers).

Games for the development of olfactory perception "Guess what it is?"

"What smells?"

"Vegetables and fruits"

"Scented boxes"

The group has collected a lot of material for development tactile sensations... We use here a large number of natural material: cones, acorns, beans, peas and more.

Playing with cereals of different sizes, touching and pouring it, children develop tactile perception, they get good massage... To do this, pour millet, beans into the basin, put objects of various shapes and sizes in it, suggest finding the object by touch.

We develop the sense of taste and smell during meals, when children smell smells directly, as well as with the help of jars with different smells.

For the development of hearing - sounding objects, noisy jars with various fillers, bells.

For the development of vision - colored plates, sorting beads by color, balls, and so on.

The most important thing is for every child to have a feeling of their importance and necessity.

Drawing the attention of children to sensory didactic play, we noticed that the children developed such qualities as interest and curiosity. They have developed activity, restraint, purposefulness, and the achievement of a result causes a feeling of joy and Have a good mood... This joy is the key successful development children and has great importance for further education.


  1. Novoselova, L.S. Didactic games and activities with young children / A guide for a kindergarten teacher. - 4s.
  2. Yanushko, E.A. Sensory development in young children. - 3s.
  3. Babaeva T.I., Krulekht M.V., Mikhailova Z.A. Younger preschooler in kindergarten. - SPb: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2007.
  4. Zvorygina E.V., Karpinskaya N.S. Didactic games and activities for young children. - M .: Education, 1985.
  5. V.P. Vartan Sensory development of preschoolers. - Minsk: BrGU, 2007, 322 p.