For overweight women coats. Stylish outerwear for obese ladies

Models of overweight raincoats, coats, jackets and ponchos should hide flaws, but at the same time not look baggy. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of fabric, and it is worth giving preference to exclusively solid materials. Having spent a considerable amount, the thing will look worthy for several seasons without losing its visual appeal.

What coats are suitable for overweight women, and how to choose other outerwear for ladies with a non-standard figure, will be discussed in this article.

Beautiful and fashionable outerwear for obese women: the choice of fabric

In the early rainy autumn, on a cold winter morning and a warm spring sunny day, a woman always wants to remain attractive, fashionable, stylish. Outerwear for the overweight is a particularly difficult item to choose from, because every fashionista, regardless of build, wants to emphasize her dignity, look slim and fit, “hide” those extra pounds in the “right” silhouette.

Carefully selected styles of outerwear for obese women will successfully cope with all these tasks.

When choosing fabric for coats, raincoats and jackets, skilled craftswomen should pay special attention to the quality of the material, its texture, fiber composition and color scheme.

For raincoats and jackets, choose a heavy raincoat cotton or synthetic fabric that has a water-repellent finish. This fabric will not allow you to get wet in the rain and sleet. Often, raincoat fabrics have a "lacquer" finish that adds shine. Ask the seller how such a fabric behaves during wet heat treatment, washing and whether the shiny coating disappears.

The range of raincoat fabrics is extremely large and includes materials of various densities, plain-dyed with a printed pattern. You just have to choose the right cut to your taste.

Pay attention to the photo: outerwear for overweight looks the more worthy, the better the material from which it is sewn:

For coats, short coats, ponchos, you should choose expensive woolen and wool blend fabrics. Such a thing is worn for more than one season, so it is worth spending money and wearing socks all the time look expensive and prestigious.

Cashmere is a natural soft material for an elegant coat. This fabric is very pleasant to the touch, warm, little dirty. But cashmere has one drawback - a long sock leads to the formation of pellets in places where the fabric rubs against each other. So such outerwear for full ladies can only be left for the exit, removing it from everyday wear.

Tweed is a woolen or semi-woolen fabric, in which weaving looks like a herringbone. Tweed is dense, wear-resistant, keeps its shape well.

Cloth coat fabrics are warm, dense and very wearable. They have a slightly rustic appearance, but it is easy to compensate for this with beautiful fittings, silk decorative stitching.

Gunny - a slightly rough woolen fabric of a loose weave, very warm and durable.

The range of coat fabrics, like everything else in this world, is influenced by fashion. It is constantly updated, fabrics are getting better, better quality. When choosing a fabric you like, ask the seller or check its fibrous composition yourself, since this moment is extremely important in choosing the method of cleaning and washing the finished product.

Despite the fact that modern fashion sometimes offers us the most daring color combinations, it is still worth giving up a multi-color coat.

Look at the photo: outerwear for obese women in deep dark blue, cherry, dark green, chocolate or black will make your silhouette elongated and slim:

The lining for a coat, poncho, jacket or raincoat should be chosen dense, high-quality, slippery. By taking off your outerwear and hanging it on your shoulders, you will demonstrate to others the beautiful plain and color contrasting lining of your product. Modern women of fashion pay no less attention to her choice than top fabrics.

For insulated outerwear for overweight girls, you can pick up a good lining quilted with thin insulation. It will make your work easier and make the thing much warmer. Modern heaters (synthetic winterizer, silicone, batting, quilted synth, etc.) are of good quality, they are warm, durable and can easily turn a demi-season coat into a winter coat.

Sintepon, silicone - voluminous synthetic materials that are used to insulate jackets and. Sintepon and silicone have different thickness and density and, accordingly, different purposes: for demi-season or winter clothes.

Woolen and half-woolen batting or synthetic synth is used to warm coats, short coats, ponchos. Such material does not have a large thickness, but at the same time it is very warm. It is enough to stitch it on the lining to make your coat much warmer.

For finishing hoods, sleeve cuffs, pockets of fashionable outerwear for obese women, you can use natural or artificial fur. Knitted trim, dovyazy are also in fashion, and not only cuffs, but also the entire sleeve or hood can be made of knitted fabric.

Each woman has her own individual characteristics, and it's time to choose the styles of outerwear for each type of figure. We will pay special attention to raincoats, jackets and ponchos - indispensable things for a rational wardrobe.

What coats, raincoats and jackets are suitable for women with a "triangle" figure

A woman - a "pear" should choose feminine models of raincoats and jackets. Your beautiful figure looks great in short hip-length jackets, as well as in straight raincoats under the belt or with an A-line, knee-length, flared skirt.

Choose models with smooth feminine lines that are inherent in your body type. Beautiful outerwear for overweight women with a “triangle” figure should have a regular set-in sleeve or a sleeve with a raised head, beautiful large and luxurious collars, moderate fitting, a soft tie belt, all kinds of pockets, stalemates and other decor.

Coat styles for full ladies with a pear-shaped figure should have semi-adjacent knee-length silhouettes or elongated coats with a slightly flared bottom made of soft fabrics.

Large collars, hoods, two-seam strict sleeves and elegant discreet decorative details will make your look feminine and stylish. You should avoid baggy O-shaped silhouettes, wide batwing sleeves and models that will lose your figure. Also, do not use large patch pockets, wide turn-down cuffs.

As you can see in the photo, models with an accent in the shoulder area, for example, a fur collar, a beautiful hood, will look very advantageous in coat styles for full ones:

You can also opt for a cropped poncho provided that it is not overly flared. All fat poncho models are worn with high heeled boots, and the simplicity of the cut is offset by interesting accessories.

Styles of coats and raincoats for overweight girls and women with an inverted triangle figure and photo models

Models of jackets for overweight women with an inverted triangle body type should be elongated with elements of a sporty style. A neat set-in sleeve, a drawstring at the waist, a small stand-up collar, pockets, patches on the sleeve, discreet but beautiful accessories - all this will make your look harmonious, and such a thing will become your favorite.

The style of a coat for a full woman with this type of figure should be made of soft, high-quality woolen fabric or a stiffer one that holds its shape, depending on the chosen silhouette.

A strict elegant coat of a straight or semi-adjacent silhouette with a minimum number of decorative elements will suit you. A high stand, a strict hidden clasp, straight stitched embossed lines - all this can stretch your figure and smooth out its imbalances.

Another great option for a full coat model is a short coat that women of this type like to wear under trousers. It should also have a straight silhouette, strict shaped lines, and beautiful fittings will help to make the image more vivid: snakes with a large link, interesting buttons.

Women with an inverted triangle body type are well suited for shortened styles, below the hips, short coats of soft silhouettes. Raglan sleeves, a one-piece gusset sleeve will help smooth out the shoulder line, and an O-shaped silhouette with a high collar and an asymmetrical closure will make you extremely stylish and fashionable.

One has only to avoid excessive volumes and accurately determine the length of such a product so as not to turn into a ball.

Models of coats, raincoats, jackets and ponchos for overweight women of the "rectangle" type (with photo)

The straight silhouette of a hip-length jacket or a knee-length raincoat can be decorated with the most fashionable elements. The paramilitary style of jacket models for overweight women with its characteristic shoulder straps, pockets, metal fittings, or the classic version of an elegant raincoat or jacket - all that a fashionista should have in her wardrobe.

All the most trendy trends in outerwear suit women with a “rectangle” figure, with the exception, in my opinion, of the romantic style.

Your athletic, taut figure gravitates towards clothes of this style and silhouette, where you do not need to highlight the waist and adorn yourself with flounced collars, draped shawls and bow belts.

As you can see in the photo, the style of a coat for full girls with a rectangular figure can be classic, straight, elegant, businesslike:

Its length should reach the knee. Any, the most fashionable options for collars will look great on you - high racks, large turn-down collars with lapels in one or two sides; asymmetrical oblique zippers or buttons; sleeves - raglan, set-in, one-piece and gusset, "bat"; pockets from the most simple and barely noticeable to large invoices.

Looks good on overweight women models of raincoats under a tie belt, a dressing gown, a shortened raincoat or short coat of an oval silhouette, as well as a shortened military-style poncho.

The choice of models of outerwear for a woman with an almost perfect figure is extremely large. She can afford to wear a coat below the knee and barely covering her hips, straight, strict, baggy and voluminous O-shaped.

Absolutely all models of coats for obese women, jackets, raincoats and ponchos are at your disposal!

Stylish outerwear for women with an apple shape and their photos

Ladies with an apple-shaped figure will prefer a jacket over a raincoat. The style of jackets for full ones reaching to the middle of the thigh, as well as small volumes and elegant details, will help to stretch the figure and make it slimmer.

A set-in sleeve and a raglan sleeve with a clear, raised shoulder pad, shoulder line, beautiful fabric and large metal snakes on the pockets and in the center of the fastener - the minimum that will provide you with the correction of problem areas and make the thing your favorite.

Pay attention to the photo: the styles of raincoats for obese women of this type of figure should be chosen classic straight and semi-adjacent, knee-length:

A high stand or a beautiful turn-down collar with lapels, slightly extended shoulders, large one-side buttons, a strict silhouette and an elegant vent, straight stitched embossed lines, discreet leaf pockets - these are the elements that are inherent in a classic coat.

With sufficient growth, you can take a chance and sew a light soft poncho. Its silhouette should be slightly trapezoidal, and the model lines should imitate a wide raglan sleeve, or a relief cut.

A poncho for overweight women, cut from a single piece of fabric, will make your figure bulky, and vertically decorated lines will make you slimmer.

Pay attention to the photo: a poncho for full ones should have a length below the hips, but above the knees, depending on your height and the shoes with which you will wear outerwear:

Styles of coats, jackets and raincoats for a woman with an hourglass figure

The optimal styles of jackets for obese women with an hourglass figure are under the belt, adjacent silhouette.

In the photos below of models of raincoats for full ones, it can be seen that cut-off at the waist and flared styles look best on women with this type of figure:

Light, not overloaded with excessive decor, the style of such dresses, made in a classic style, will emphasize the femininity of your figure.

The choice of coat silhouette for the happy owner of magnificent forms - adjacent and semi-adjacent models. You need to emphasize the waist with constructive lines, a belt or a flared bottom.

Classic feminine models of knee-length coats with one eye-catching decorative element look good on you. For example, a complex draped collar, a decorative leather flower on the shoulder or on the belt.

The styles of your coats should be emphatically feminine, denoting smooth curves of the body, not hanging in a bag and not creating excessive volume in the waist area.

Look at the photo: coat models for obese women with an hourglass figure can be elongated, up to mid-calf, soft double-breasted coats of a robe type with a large collar or hood and a bow belt will also look good:

But you should avoid strict sharp collars and lapels, sports items, and heaps of accessories, as all this can destroy the harmony of your image.

For puffy beauties, the ideal solution would be classic elegant coats, and the stricter and more concise they are, the slimmer the figure looks.

It is worth avoiding voluminous fabrics that add extra pounds, large decorative elements and immense spherical silhouettes and sports style.

It is also important to determine the correct length by measuring it after trying on with.

Many ladies think that outerwear tends to fill the figure, so curvy women should not like it. In fact, few people love outerwear at all, because it is associated with the withering of heat, hot and sunny summer. can slim contrary to the opinions of many, but for this purpose it must be able to select, ignoring such models as, for example, a poncho coat. We will talk about fashion trends and preferences when choosing a coat in our article.

When choosing clothes, matching the relevance of the style to the type of figure plays an important role. By correctly evaluating the proportions and choosing the appropriate model, you can easily hide flaws that should not be shown.

  • Apple body type. Remember what an apple looks like, and you will immediately understand what is meant by this type of figure. In a nutshell, an apple is broad shoulders, an inconspicuous waist and narrow hips. Such girls should choose a coat that has a fitted silhouette and a laconic cut. It can be an A-type coat, the length of which reaches the knees or mid-calf. In the standard sense, successful colors for this style are blue, dark cherry, brown, gray and of course universal black.
  • Pear body type. It is just as easy to make a mistake when choosing an outfit for this type of figure, as in the case of ladies belonging to the apple type. The pear shape implies narrow shoulders, a prominent waistline and rounded hips that stand out from all parts of the body and without any accents already attract attention. The task of a lady whose figure resembles a pear is to divert attention from the problem area and focus on the chest area, shoulders or waist, which need to be given volume. This problem can be solved by a coat equipped with a large wide collar, which can be contrasting or made of fur. The waist should be decorated with a belt or belt, which is better to choose a wide one.
  • Hourglass body type. The owners of this type can be classified as lucky, for whom absolutely any model is suitable, unless, of course, it distorts the volumes given by nature. Noble soft fabrics are preferred, allowing to describe the subtlety of the curves. It can be knitted materials of good quality, knitted textures.
  • Rectangle shape type. With such a figure, it is enough to choose a simple style, that is, a straight-cut coat, placing accents on which you can create the desired feminine proportions. To give the necessary volumes and highlight lines, belts and belts, false collars, pockets, decorative stitching can be used.
  • Triangle body type. A worthy option for such women can be considered a medium-length coat with raglan sleeves that allow you to hide the fullness of the shoulders. If the coat has decorative elements in its lower part, this will only play in favor of the girl, drawing attention to the legs, which should be full, but still slender.

The line between elegance and vulgarity is small, and besides this, the wrong choice of coat in a matter of seconds will turn the advantages of a full figure into disadvantages. Let's get acquainted with the main recommendations for choosing a coat for overweight women.

  • Textile. Choose a fabric that can outline the curves of the body.
  • Colors. A variety of colors are available, both light and bright. However, do not forget that dark colors are best for slimming, such as black, brown, dark blue, dark green, eggplant.
  • Lines. Preference should be given to vertical division. No horizontal lines should be visible, except for the belt or belt. Diagonal pockets, zippers, fasteners, stripes are also relevant.
  • Silhouette. A neutral option for any figure is a strict women's coat made of dense fabric. The silhouette can be straight or slightly fitted.
  • Finishing. In order not to add extra volume, you should choose a coat with minimal trim. Ruffles, extra reliefs are not welcome. Patch pockets. Buttons should not stand out and be bright. On a coat for full ones there may be a hood that allows you to balance the figure by adjusting the top or bottom.
  • Sleeves. Choose coats with long sleeves or kimono sleeves. Three-quarter sleeves should be approached with particular care.
  • Coat length. Well, you need to cover your full legs, putting on a coat to the floor. The ideal length is mid-thigh. If we are talking about a winter model, then the length can reach the knee. Cropped coats are also relevant, but in the demi-season period.
  • Collar. A deaf collar should be located closer to the neck. When trying on such a model, pay attention to the fact that the scarf can be tied inside. If we are talking about a large English collar, it may begin just above the chest line.
  • The size. Pay attention to the fact that when trying on the coat there are no vertical folds in the armpits, which indicate that the coat is large. After trying on a coat, raise your hands up to see if it pulls, if it constrains movement.

What coat models for overweight women are in fashion?

Among full girls, there is a special fashion created by designers who prefer to work with a full figure. So what are the options in fashion?

  • Long fitted coat. The belt on this model allows you to visually reduce the waist due to the combination with a kind of bell hem. This coat is relevant in winter, spring and autumn. You can even buy a summer fitted coat and be irresistible in it!
  • Bright coats. It can be a coat of red, purple, purple colors. Various shades are popular - coral, brick, pink, scarlet. The length of the coat can be different - from a shortened version to a maxi length. The main emphasis in the image is on color. The coat can be made of camel hair, drape or other textures.
  • Short double-breasted coat. Its length reaches the middle of the thigh, a distinctive feature of this fashionable model is considered to be a wide collar. This coat is in perfect harmony with various clothes, from office options to bows designed for romantic meetings.
  • Sports coat. Such short, light coats have various details, such as shortened sleeves, lacing, and a hood. A sports coat is a great option for everyday bows and outdoor activities.

Get a fitted coat that has an original, simple finish and a nice color. Don't just focus on black, there are other options. In which you will look original and impressive!

. . A well-chosen coat will take a firm place in the wardrobe of any fashionista, even if she is the owner of a rather curvaceous figure. As they say, you can't forbid being beautiful! However, choosing outerwear for a woman in size XL and XLL is sometimes very difficult. In the complex business of searching, it’s good to listen to the advice of professionals, so we pay attention to recommendations that will help you make the right purchase and not get lost among the abundance of goods thrown onto store shelves. In this case, the coat will definitely warm on a frosty January day, protect it from rain on a gloomy October morning, and will also look aesthetically pleasing on the figure as a whole.

Of course, in our time, clothes have become accessible to everyone: in many boutiques there are a wide variety of outerwear options and dissimilar models, both from famous couturiers and from simple firms. Their motley color scheme allows you to find something of your own, corresponding to different financial possibilities. People just have to understand what style suits their taste, and boldly go to choose a coat.

Unfortunately, not everyone is gifted with an ideal figure, but a skillful selection of things will make a girl with any type of figure look irresistible. So, what about plump women? They need to look for something of their own, emphasizing individuality and hiding flaws.

Full girls and ladies when buying a coat should pay attention to the following nuances:

1. The thing should not hang on you, like on a hanger, you need to select it exactly for your size. It is desirable that under the coat, if necessary, you can wear a pullover or turtleneck.

2. The other extreme is that it may turn out to be too narrow, and walking as if you had eaten a sword, I think, is not very pleasant. The fitting is always done with the utmost care: swing your arms as if you were exercising, do a few squats and, if it doesn’t pinch under the sleeves, and the clothes themselves don’t crack threateningly, the size is chosen correctly. In order not to regret the money thrown to the wind later, you need to be more attentive to the choice of size.


3. Overweight women go for a coat of medium length, it will be ideal for almost any type of figure. A short coat on your body may not look good if you have large hips and, on the contrary, you need to hide them. If you prefer long coat models, think first of all about your height. Long outerwear suggests the presence of heels, or rather high growth, so full women should wear it with caution. The basic rule for cold season clothing is comfort and coziness.


4. When a girl has luxurious breasts, this is, of course, delightful, however, a demonstration of her forms is not always appropriate. Single-breasted coats are simply made for ladies with a sculpted physique - such coats will emphasize all the advantages without risking creating a vulgar look. If double-breasted coats are your thing, then try not to weigh down the top with scarves and embellishments that will focus the attention of others on the top.


So, the most suitable option for overweight women is an eternal classic. A free silhouette that does not burden the figure in any way will look great in case of unexpected weight gain or, conversely, weight loss. The main thing to remember is that the belt goes to those who have a clearly defined waistline; trims such as ruffles and pockets will look ugly on wide hips; in the presence of a magnificent chest, it is better to choose outerwear that is flared down.


Usually outerwear is bought for more than one year, so it is advisable not to look at flashy bright models. Gradually, they go out of fashion and quickly begin to annoy with their presence on the hanger.

Ladies with a full figure are advised to pay attention to a classic coat with a discreet color. Suitable dark, light beige shades. The strictness of black will allow you to create an impeccable silhouette and give the image conciseness and style, and the warm tones of beige, on the contrary, can revive your mood on a cloudy day, giving a smile.


The methods presented above are not at all a necessary selection criterion. They only allow you not to get lost in the vast world of the fashion industry, helping to make a bargain. It happens that full girls are afraid to choose the model that attracts them, but this is the wrong approach. Things are designed to bring satisfaction, so you can choose what suits you not only in terms of beauty, but also in terms of warmth and comfort.

For example, many ladies in the body are afraid to wear down jackets or parkas, however, you only need to know the nuances of your figure and everything will look harmonious. In order not to focus on the hips, you should look for a down jacket that covers them, and does not end unexpectedly in the place where they begin to expand. As for the parka, it should not fit, exposing voluminous places to others.

Also, when choosing a coat, you need to decide which style will fit your lifestyle. Perhaps it will be strict classics, ambitious glamour, harsh military or tender romance. A decent amount allocated for the purchase of a thing will be justified only if there is a complete conviction that the coat just fits perfectly and goes well with the rest of the wardrobe. A universal option would be a well-tailored trench coat, single-breasted or double-breasted, which includes buttons and cuffs. It suits almost all women.

In any case, the decision which coat to purchase will always remain with the buyer. You can choose a fashion brand that is worn by most of the stars, which costs a lot of money, or you can limit yourself to a modest thing, but emphasizing a specific individuality.


Extra pounds are rarely the pride of a lady. Fortunately, modern designers take care of their clients, creating outerwear for them, designed to decorate mouth-watering forms. Coat for full - ideal if you want to be feminine and elegant.

What coat is suitable for a full girl?


Do not make the fatal mistake of dressing up in an immense and shapeless hoodie. Moreover, there are many successful coats for full girls that allow you to feel attractive and arouse interest in the opposite sex:

  • It is necessary to abandon models with voluminous decorating details, patch pockets, lapels, which visually make you even more complete.
  • With considerable weight and short stature, elongated coats should be avoided. Suitable length to the knees or mid-thigh.
  • Pay attention to the material of the outerwear. Wool and tweed keep you warm and look great. A full-length coat made from waterproof fabric and padded to keep you warm but can add volume. Fur products are chic, but you need to give preference to products from short-haired fur.

Coat for full 2017


Well-fed ladies often find it difficult to choose the right model for themselves. You can emphasize your individuality if you choose a coat for overweight girls in 2017, taking into account the features of the figure:

  • Models with a slightly tapered hem are ideal for ladies whose bust size exceeds the size of the hips.
  • Lush hips will hide the feminine style of the trapeze.
  • The presence of a belly and heavy hips will hide a flirty A-line, expanding from the chest or waist.
  • Full arms or shoulders will balance out a loose batwing fit. The rest of the girls are advised to choose products with a narrow sleeve with a length of 2-3 cm below the wrist.
  • If your chest is a prominent part of your body, get a single-breasted coat with minimal embellishment in that area.
  • The absence of a waist should not be reinforced by models with a belt.

Coat for full 2017


2017 is rich in a variety of colors and styles. Finding a great model, taking into account fashion trends and excess weight, is not difficult:

  • The silhouette of the cocoon, characterized by a soft narrowness at the bottom and knee-length, beautifully and femininely outlines the outlines without highlighting problem areas.
  • Actual in the current season, the oversized cut, which creates a deceptive effect of taking it off someone else's shoulder, is distinguished by a loose fit. As a result, the forms are not squeezed by tight fabric, but seem slimmer.
  • Fans of elegant style will love the Chanel style coat. The minimalism of the finish (there are no patch pockets and collars) will make your look gentle and discreet.
  • Fashionable coats for obese women should not be exclusively dark tones.
  • Pastel shades of gray or beige do not always weigh down, especially if the model has a simple cut.
  • Those who are attracted to rich colors should replenish their wardrobe with outerwear in blue, purple or turquoise.
  • Brunettes traditionally go for red things, girls with red hair - mustard or green.

Poncho coat for obese women


An interesting style, reminiscent of a cape with a hole for the head, is a very practical thing that will easily hide the folds on the stomach and hips, voluminous arms and shoulders, but at the same time will not pinch the body. Such a coat for the full is suitable for the off-season and the cold period: it is sewn from a variety of fabrics and materials - wool, fur, leather, knitwear. Coat models for full ones can be with or without sleeves, with an asymmetrical or symmetrical cut, multi-color or monochrome. It is important that the length is not lower than the hip, and the bottom accompaniment is narrow.

Trapeze coat for obese women


Flared cut, starting from the line of the shoulders or waist, can be called ideal for girls who are overweight in the hips and abdomen. Beautiful elegant style inspired by the 60s of the last century. Such a stylish coat for obese women is universal:

  • It suits both young charmers and wise beauties.
  • Although the trapezoid model is appropriate in a classic style, it can be used for romantic looks and casual bows.
  • They combine coats for chic overweight women with straight or tight-fitting trousers, jeans, a pencil skirt or a sheath dress.

Cocoon coat for obese women


The cocoon coat was presented to the public back in 1957 and immediately won the hearts of the most capricious fashionistas with an interesting voluminous silhouette, lowered shoulders and a necessarily laconic design. Patch pockets, a heavy collar or a hood are almost never found. The main highlight is a slightly narrowed bottom, which makes the clothes look like a butterfly cocoon, inside which a real beauty is hiding.

A cocoon coat for full in a classic, not burdened with unnecessary details option is suitable for ladies with a pear or apple figure. It is important that the bottom is narrowed as much as possible, then the problem areas will be securely hidden. Models up to the knee and above are suitable for short young ladies. The cut goes well with democratic jeans and a sophisticated dress.

Oversized coat for full


Free style, which involves wearing things as if one size more, can also exist in the wardrobe of curvy fashionistas. The loose-fitting, slightly enveloping silhouette will hide your real size, allowing you to feel attractive and not burdened with extra pounds. Again, an oversized coat on overweight women is harmonious if:

  • it is not aggravated by finishing that adds volume;
  • it is not decorated with large patterns and drawings;
  • it is chosen in dark or pastel colors.

Short coats for obese women


Long outerwear is a great disguise for an imperfect figure. But bold beauties with extra pounds do not like to hide forever under layers of clothes. Short styles of coats for full ones can be present in the wardrobe and quite legally, subject to several conditions:

  • The length to the hips is suitable for girls who do not have a heavy "bottom", but need to "cover" the tummy or voluminous shoulders.
  • Short models are ideal for beauties of small stature, although they can also be present in the wardrobe of tall ladies.
  • The shortened length can be combined with short sleeves, the current trend of the season.

Full boho style coat


It is believed that only traditional business, classic and romantic styles are ideal for “dumplings”. It's hard to argue with that! But what if there is a desire for the unusual, extraordinary, knocking out of the usual framework? Then you should try to diversify your own image with a bright coat for beautiful full ladies in the boho style, which defies any fashionable canons.

Although in reality it is not so simple, since boho embodies everything that is not recommended for overweight girls - layering, complex structure, bright colorful colors and large patterns. A reasonable compromise can be a women's coat for full in muted shades and with draperies in those places where you have obvious problem areas.

Knitted coats for obese women


Knitwear, at the same time cozy and warm, today leads the fashion hit parade. A knitted coat for overweight in the right design is a great chance to adjust the figure and appear in the judgment of others in an exceptionally stylish, unique look. The smooth, soft lines of the silhouette are ideal to help create a feminine, romantic look.

At the same time, choosing coat models for obese women that will hide flaws well and emphasize your strengths is not always easy:

  • Volumetric knitting is not your strong point, large patterns in the form of braids, plaits will only add volume. At the same time, single relief elements in a vertical design will not spoil the impression of a magnificent figure.
  • The styles of oversized coats described above (oversized, cocoon or cardigan) are ideal as a coat for overweight.
  • Decorative elements such as a hood, flared sleeves or a belt will distract from problem areas.
  • With all their attractiveness, jacquard patterns, unfortunately, can increase your volume.

Long coats for obese women


An elongated model, when the floor is lowered below the knee line, can hardly be called universal due to a number of reasons: it should be worn under heels and only for tall women. In any other cases, a long coat for full ladies is inappropriate and looks bad. Ladies who do not have a waist can choose products without a belt, such as a trapeze or a cocoon, so as not to aggravate the situation. In other cases, the design of this zone is shown, as, for example, in the fashionable style of a trench coat.

Coat for small overweight women


The so-called Petite Plus size needs a special approach when choosing clothes, including overweight coats. A few rules will help you make the right choice:

  • If we talk about the length, then you should immediately give up the maxi, giving preference to shortened products or medium length.
  • Fitted models have a place to be, but if you need to hide pounds in the abdomen or hips, pick up a flared or voluminous model.
  • Try to stretch the silhouette, using heels under beautiful coats for overweight women.

Which coat do you like the most?We look forward to your comments!

A coat can be called an essential attribute in the wardrobe of every modern woman. Not one fashion show is complete without presentations of new coat models, but that's all, because it is the coat, and no other outerwear, that emphasizes the grace and elegance of a woman.
This fashionable and comfortable part of the wardrobe, although it does not change much from year to year, but still there are changes. For example, the 2019 season dictates to women with a magnificent figure the following: a coat in a classic style, without excessive decorations with a minimum number of buttons, or with buttons, but not catchy, not standing out against the background of the fabric. Simply put, strict, classic minimalist coats will be fashionable this season.

Oversized coat - a choice without mistakes

First, do not save, a quality item cannot be cheap. Secondly, buy a stylish coat in large sizes so that it pleases you all season and attracts attention. Thirdly, pay attention to the style and color, it should suit you, only in this case you will look elegant and stylish in it. But choose the material to your liking, there are no instructions here.
Unlike coats of standard sizes, coats for a full figure are sewn looser, extended to the bottom, with flared sleeves, with an unusual flowing drapery, and small buttons, so the design of a coat for full ones allows you to hide figure flaws and make it attractive.

Where to buy a coat for a full figure

In our store, buy a coat for overweight women by looking through the catalog and looking at the photos of the models. We present only relevant and fashionable models of this season, so that every woman with a curvaceous figure finds what she was looking for, especially since our size grid from 50-70 sizes makes it easier to choose and make life easier for even the most fastidious fashionista.