To strengthen children's immunity. What should be fed to the baby so that his body receives the necessary substances? The essence of hardening in strengthening immunity

Having reached the age of three, the child finds himself in an unusual environment: he already attends kindergarten, more often contacts with peers and, as a result, is exposed to harmful microorganisms. The kids start getting sick. Parents are thinking about how to help immunity.

Child immunity

Parents are worried: how to raise immunity - a child is 3 years old! The immune system is the body's ability to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins, and its own altered cells. Thanks to immunity, antibodies are produced that prevent the penetration of infection. Children's immune system is different from that of an adult, the child is more susceptible to diseases. Developing resistance to infection in children is the task of parents. This is especially important for 2-3-year-olds who are preparing for kindergarten: the body's resistance is weak.

From the age of 2, children especially need strong immunity. Why? Their contacts with the outside world are expanding: they walk more, adapt to the environment. Infections can be transmitted from frequently ill peers, adults. The frequency of the disease is also affected by the emotional mood of the baby, who spends less time with his mother. Therefore, the period from 2 to 3 years is the best age for hardening and accustoming to the right lifestyle: it is better to improve health in a natural way.

When to start boosting immunity in children

If a son or daughter gets sick 5-6 times a year, this is not yet a signal for alarm, because the body learns to resist, defense mechanisms are improved. But if diseases occur more often, then it is worth worrying about how to raise immunity - a child of 3 years old. It is necessary to note how the disease passes. If the infection does not cause a rise in temperature, treatment does not give the desired effect for a long time and recovery is delayed, if the baby is lethargic, inactive, pale, and the lymph nodes are enlarged, you should urgently contact an immunologist and take on an increase in immunity.

How to boost your child's immunity

Even healthy children get sick when they go to kindergarten. The reason is that the immune system fails. A three-year-old baby is oppressed by an unusual environment for him, and this is stress, leading to a weakening of the body's defenses. How can I increase the immunity of a child if he has been sick for weeks? At home, you can use traditional medicine methods, medicines and hardening in a playful way. Over time, adaptation will come, the baby will get stronger.

How to increase the immunity of a child after an illness

How to raise the immunity of a child so that he can fight infections? After suffering illnesses, the child's body is not ready to repel a new onset of pathogenic microbes and viruses. For the first time, it is necessary to protect the baby from contact with people among whom there are sick people, to allow the immune system to recover. But this does not mean locking the baby in a hot room, feeding him medicines. How can I boost my child's immunity? Walk with him, exercise.

How to raise the child's immunity before kindergarten

The immune system must be prepared for kindergarten, where the baby will be exposed to constant contact with other children. It is necessary to harden the child, do physical exercises with him in the room after airing, rubdown, douche with a gradual decrease in water temperature. After water procedures, it is necessary to wipe the body of the baby, dress him warmer. Do not be afraid to walk in any weather in suitable clothes and shoes, do not wrap up.

How else can you boost your child's immunity? Provide him with proper nutrition. Food should be complete, rich in vitamins and minerals. Sweets are best replaced with dried fruits or natural marmalade. Do not rush to stuff a healthy man with immunostimulants. If possible, accustom to the kindergarten in the summer, when there are fewer children in it. After a couple of months, the baby will adapt. A healthy lifestyle will develop resistance to diseases in the baby.

How to increase the immunity of a child

You can support the health of children, take care of immunity by normalizing the daily routine. Fresh air, physical activity, good sleep, a balanced diet will help to resist infections. It’s great if the baby sleeps during the day - this gives him strength and good mood. Walking is a great way to boost a child's immune system. The body gradually adapts to different weather conditions. Parents should take care of the nervous system of their son or daughter: stress weakens.

Folk remedies for immunity for children

Is your child 3 years old and often sick? So, we must try to strengthen the immune system with the help of folk remedies, herbs, infusions, healing mixtures. Very often they are more effective and safer than medicines. Here are some recipes:

  • Twist 5 lemons through a meat grinder, add a glass of honey, 150 ml of aloe juice. Infuse for two days in a sealed container, give the baby 1 teaspoon daily. Raises immunity and mood.
  • Grind two lemons and 1 kg of fresh cranberries in a meat grinder, add 250 ml of honey, mix. This delicious and healthy mixture will be eaten by the child with pleasure.
  • Such a folk remedy full of vitamins and potassium will increase the immunity of a child of three years: dried apricots, raisins, walnut kernels (200 g each), 1 lemon. Grind everything in a meat grinder, combine with 200 ml of honey, keep in the refrigerator.

Vitamins for immunity for children

To strengthen the immune system, you need special complexes that are sold in pharmacies and help eliminate hypovitaminosis. They contain the substances necessary to increase immunity, which are needed during illness and for prevention. Vitamins will protect the baby from infections, nourish the cells with oxygen, improve metabolic processes, enhance the protective functions of the body, and prevent the destruction of immune cells. But vitamins must be ingested daily.

You need to know that:

  • there is a lot of vitamin A in the liver, dairy products, carrots, eggs, pumpkin;
  • B2 (riboflavin) is found in fish, meat, egg white, cereals.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) will give peas, yeast, cauliflower, organ meats;
  • B6 (pyridoxine ) will enter the body with fish, chicken, cereals;
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) contains poultry meat, any fish, eggs, milk;
  • Vitamin C is rich in lemons, berries, green vegetables:
  • D3 (cholecalciferol) is found in butter, egg yolk;
  • E (antioxidant) contain nuts, cereals, seeds.

Preparations for raising immunity in children

In a pharmacy you can buy Alphabet, Pikovit, which increase immunity, especially in winter and spring, when there is a great danger of getting sick. Doctors recommend Interferon, Immunal, Viferon, Cycloferon, Anaferon. Bacterial preparations contain microdoses of pathogens of infectious diseases, they teach the body to resist. IRS-19, Bronchomunal, Imudon will increase immunity, but a doctor should prescribe them. Acidolac is available in the form of a sachet, the contents must be mixed in yogurt, milk or water.

Video: how to raise immunity in a child

For any parent, the issue of strengthening the immunity of the child is very relevant. Diseases are multiplying, existing viruses and bacteria are improving and cannot be treated with drugs available in pharmacies. It is better to prevent the disease than to cure it later. How to raise immunity? In what order should known methods be applied? Does the age of the child play a role in this?

How to strengthen the immunity of the baby - a question that worries every parent

What is immunity and what is its role in the growth and development of children?

Immunity is a multi-stage mechanism for protecting the body from external threats (toxic substances, infectious diseases, physical damage, etc.). All systems of our body are involved in the formation of immunity, especially the endocrine and nervous systems. There are also specialized organs responsible for immune reactions - the thymus gland (in children), the spleen, tonsils.

How to improve the immunity of a frequently ill child?

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Improper functioning of the immune system can lead to any widespread disease. A 3-year-old child with weak immunity is doomed to get sick constantly, so it is very important to strengthen immunity in the first years. The safest way for a growing child's body is folk remedies and hardening procedures.


The hardening technique of Dr. Komarovsky is recommended. Compliance with the conditions is simple - bathing water is drawn into the bath with a temperature of less than 37 degrees. Gradually, the temperature must be reduced - by one degree every week.

Hardening is not a one-time procedure, but a way of life

The essence of hardening is that during bathing, the body of a child of 1-3 years old not only gently adapts to low temperatures, but also spends most of its energy on warming up, which means that it will not have the strength to scream and whims, but he will eat with pleasure or fall asleep soundly (this will depend on the time of the hardening procedures).

Another important component of Dr. Komarovsky's technique is not to avoid drafts. It is also useful and pleasant to walk barefoot - it improves the blood supply to the legs. All these measures allow the baby's body to get used to the constantly changing environmental conditions more easily, which helps to strengthen the immune system.

You need to dress your child for the weather. Parents prefer to wrap their babies more often, which leads to overheating of the body. As a result, the child cannot adapt to changing conditions for a long time and often gets sick.

Quality food

Nutrition is an essential component of a healthy immune system. It is necessary that it be balanced, include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements in the right proportions.

The baby's diet should include vegetables, meat, fish, vegetable oil, milk, fruits and berries. It is important not to overdo it and not feed the child. When preparing food, it is important to use fresh, thoroughly washed products.

Parents often feed sick children. This also does not have the best effect on health, as it leads to obesity, hypervitaminosis and allergies. Everything should be within reason, including food.

Physical exercise

Movement is the key to the harmonious and proper development of the baby. A child of 3, 4 or 5 years old is enough to perform a set of general strengthening exercises. Enough and the usual exercise in the morning. Exercises are selected for all muscle groups. Already from childhood, it is important to instill a love for sports, to choose a section that is interesting for him. Outdoor games, frequent walks, swimming lessons are also necessary.

A good option to improve the health of the body can be the installation of a pool corner. It is perfect for families living in a large private house or periodically getting out to the country. Buying a home pool guarantees regular sports, pleasure and harmonious development of the child. The downside is only the high cost and size of the pool.

Humidification of indoor air and walks

With frequent colds in a child of 2 years and older, the air in the room should not be allowed to be dry. The market can offer a huge variety of special devices for air humidification. A simple wet cleaning several times a day also helps.

Humidity in the room directly affects the immune system

In addition, the baby's body must constantly receive a sufficient amount of oxygen - the child cannot be at home all the time, and in the event of another cold, the children's room should be ventilated as often as possible.

Pharmacy vitamin complexes for children

Vitamin complexes can significantly help in strengthening the immune system, since they contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, protect against the penetration of infections into the body, and improve the formation of antibodies. Vitamins also play a significant role in maintaining the integrity of immune cells. For children from 2 years old, such vitamin complexes as Pikovit, Multi-tabs, Vitrum-kids, Alphabet are perfect.

Traditional medicine recipes

It is recommended to give a child 3 years and older fruit drinks and juices made from garden or forest berries and fruits. Herbal teas are not forbidden, but they should be given carefully. The use of echinacea settings, blackberry and onion syrup also has a positive effect on the health of the child.

Rehabilitation after illness

Immediately after the symptoms of the disease have subsided, it is important not to let the child go outside, to avoid contact with the external environment.

If one of the family members is still sick, you should limit the child's communication with him, wear bandages. It is important to take vitamins, a balanced diet, rest and proper sleep. After the use of antibiotics, it is necessary to restore the normal intestinal microflora with the help of special preparations - prebiotics.

The most dangerous and intractable infections await an unprepared baby in kindergarten. Before going to the kindergarten, it is important to start a set of procedures in advance. In the morning and several times a day, the child should do a little exercise. Shortly before going to kindergarten, you need to accustom the child to society, learn to contact with children.

Don't be afraid to get vaccinated. Vaccinations only direct the immune system in the right direction, contribute to the production of the necessary antibodies, and guarantee the health of the child. Before vaccination, you need to consult a doctor.

Peace of mind and more joyful events in the life of a baby - this is the recipe for health and harmonious development! Laughter and positive emotions improve the quality and duration of life, thereby helping to increase immunity.

I planned to write a post about strengthening immunity more than a year ago, but for various reasons I put it off. Now I understand that it was right, because while the baby sits at home with his mother and rarely gets sick, it cannot be argued that he has strong immunity. Most often, the guarantee of the health of such a baby lies in the sterile environment that the mother created - always clean hands, ventilated rooms, the absence of crowds of people from which you can become infected. In the first years after birth - it's wonderful. This environment provides advantages for the smooth maturation of the immune system. But this cannot go on forever, and there comes a time when the child needs to leave the observation. Some parents, even during maternity leave, mothers plan vacation trips and other activities that violate the sterility of the situation. One way or another, all mothers are worried about the period of adaptation of immunity in kindergarten. This period has been successful for us. I will not claim that Yana was not sick at all. She suffered a number of SARS. But the key indicator of the quality of immunity is the frequency, duration and complexity of diseases, since their absence may not speak of good immunity, but of a sterile environment. Over the past year, of the drugs, we used only antipyretic a couple of times at critical moments, more was simply not required. Given our high performance, I decided to write what good immunity is. from my point of view and how to achieve it.

  • . In this section, I climbed into the jungle and tried to describe everything that I do for this. I think those who manage to read to the end will discover something new for themselves.

How to strengthen the child's immunity | indicators of good immunity

It is important to understand that in the modern world, strengthening immunity and recovery are two different things.

Many diseases can be treated very quickly with antibiotics and other drugs, but immunity will only suffer with this scheme.

The most useful way to strengthen the immune system is to give it practice and not to interfere with its work without the need for drugs.

The best indicator of the effectiveness of immunity is the ability to easily cope with SARS without medication and special treatment on average per week. Of course, it is necessary to facilitate the work of immunity, creating good conditions for its work. They will be discussed below.

How to strengthen the child's immunity | Terms

Children's immunity depends on the following main factors:

  • Breastfeeding (LW). I hope that no comments are needed on this point and everyone is aware of the pricelessness of this gift of nature. I do not understand those who refuse it without significant reasons. For many, the organization of breastfeeding is painful and difficult, but it's worth it. Our experience and WHO manuals can be viewed.
  • healthy eating. First you need to enter correctly. After switching to a common table, it is necessary to control that the diet is healthy - rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, WHO recommends including at least 400 grams per day. fruits and vegetables. In another publication there is a clarification that this figure includes at least 30 gr. legumes, nuts or seeds. This does not include starchy vegetables such as potatoes. Just this September, the WHO released, which refers to the recommended maximum free sugars (no restrictions on sweet fruits and berries!) in the daily diet up to 5%. Also, no one canceled the need for controlled consumption of fats. By the way, in addition to ordinary obesity, excess fat in the diet increases the likelihood of cancer. This fact is also taken from the WHO manual. I will not continue to list the well-known truths of a healthy diet, since this article is about immunity, and not about nutrition.
  • Adequate treatment regimens in case of diseases. It is always inconvenient for me to answer questions about Yana's treatment regimens for SARS. The thing is that I don’t treat her 😀, she recovers on her own. Of course, I myself and my husband are also not being treated. About five years ago, at the first symptoms of SARS, we went to the pharmacy and bought a package of the “best” drugs that “put us on our feet”. Restrictions on drugs during pregnancy opened my eyes to the need for them. By the way, competent doctors agree with this. Here you can read the opinions of doctors about many symptoms of SARS. For example, fever, cough. On the forums, I have repeatedly come across criticism of the advice of treatment without drugs, claiming that their child's disease goes away with complications without treatment. It really happens, but if you look deeper into the problem, you will definitely find out that this frequently ill child eats a lot of sweet or fatty foods or few fruits and vegetables, or there are other significant eating disorders. A caring mother tries to please a sick baby without appetite with something tasty. At best, it will be heavy fat chicken broth or rosehip tea with honey, in which all valuable substances are destroyed by temperature. But moms don't stop there. They bake jam pies, pancakes, and the like. I'm not saying that you shouldn't eat it. It is possible, but occasionally and at the same time it is necessary to realize that this is junk food and with health problems, it will have a negative effect on the immune system and, at a minimum, prolong the disease.
  • Immunomodulatory drugs. Most doctors like to prescribe various *ferrons, but few of them talk about the real effect of these drugs. I believe that any literate person should know that the human body, if necessary, is able to produce interferon itself. In cases where a person is stuffed with synthetic interferon preparations for prevention, the natural mechanism of regulation and production of interferon in the body will be disrupted. Also interesting is the fact that this practice of "strengthening the immune system" is not used in the West. I wrote about it in more detail.
  • Vaccination. This question has already passed into the category of philosophical ones. I am already tired of responding to comments on my articles about vaccinations, so I do this rarely and reluctantly. I just consider it necessary to mention here that vaccinations affect the functioning of the immune system. You can read my opinion on vaccinations here:,. Once again I warn you that I am not going to convince anyone about vaccinations and I believe that everyone has the right to their opinion, regardless of religion, regarding vaccination. Therefore, in advance, I ask all supporters of vaccination to show respect, restrain themselves and not write negative comments. All the best and thank you for your understanding!
  • vitamins. Another difficult question. Having understood its essence, I came to the conclusion that it is better to avoid the use of vitamin preparations for prevention. Reflections and Opinions of Experts. You should not use vitamin preparations so that your nails are strong or your hair is shiny, since any vitamin complex, in addition to those substances that are in short supply, contains substances that will be in excess. There are some individual moments when taking vitamins and other excipients is justified. For example, the lack of the possibility of long walks and a dark apartment are grounds for taking vitamin D for babies. If a pregnant woman does not want to bother with calculating the daily intake of folic acid in her diet, she, of course, should take it medication.
  • Wise use of household chemicals. for washing and are also part of maintaining immunity. The abuse of chemicals with aggressive surfactants reduces it.

How to strengthen the child's immunity | Facilities

Above, I have listed the main systemic factors that affect immunity. In this section, I will provide specific tips for effectively strengthening immunity.

Rosehip and Vitamin C

Let's start by criticizing the well-known advice, drink rosehip broth and eat packs of vitamin C. Firstly, when boiled, vitamin C is destroyed, and the minerals pass into an inorganic form, which is absorbed by the body in small quantities, and most of them create deposits in the joints and other tissues . In addition, it has recently been proven that vitamin C increases the effectiveness of immunity, only for groups of people subject to heavy physical exertion. The first studies on the effectiveness of vitamin C were carried out as early as 1930. In 2013, a group of scientists conducted repeated studies. The results of the study showed that the effectiveness of vitamin C in the prevention of SARS is very low. Of the 11306 subjects, 9745 fell ill with ARVI. At the same time, the average duration of the disease in people taking vitamin C was only half a day shorter. Vitamin C supplementation during a cold alone was tested in 3,294 subjects and found to be no better than the placebo group.

Therefore, if you already drink rose hips, then only infused water at about 60 degrees in a thermos during the night, but even in this version you should not expect a panacea from this. It is important to consider here that with ARVI, a warm, plentiful drink is shown, so the infusion will be very helpful.


It is customary to prepare tea with lemon, destroying vitamins and other beneficial substances with boiling water. In fact, lemon is one of the most effective means to create favorable conditions for the immune system, but I would suggest preparing it differently.

The mechanism of the healing action of lemons. It turns out that the human body for normal functioning requires a certain acid-base balance. Eating junk food, we break this balance and complicate the working conditions for the immune system. It's like filling a modern car's gas tank with 80 octane instead of 92 or 95 octane and then wondering why the car breaks down regularly. To maintain a normal acid-base balance, we must regularly eat right. The most common phenomenon is a shift in the balance to the acid side. This is due to the difficulty of utilizing excess acids, substances from which can be deposited even in the joints. While excess alkali is easily washed out with water. Another reason for the increase in the acidity of the body is that the diets of modern people are dominated by products that “acidify” the body. I think everyone has come across a recommended food pyramid in life, as shown in the illustration. If you carefully study it, you can pay attention to the fact that the acidity of the food of this pyramid increases from bottom to top. At the top of the pyramid are foods that shift the acid-base balance into an acidic environment. Closer to the base are products with a predominance of an alkaline environment, so a person with proper nutrition has a normal acid-base balance.

In modern nutritional practices, there is an increase in portions of fats, meats and sweets, which leads to an excess of acids in the body. That is why the addition of alkali to the body effectively affects the functioning of the immune system. I started talking about lemons for the reason that sour-tasting lemons have a powerful alkalizing effect on the body. It should be noted that with increased acidity in the stomach, lemons are not recommended, since their alkalizing effect begins only from the moment the body absorbs the minerals that make up lemons. The alkalizing effect is distributed not purposefully on the stomach, but on the body as a whole. First of all, this can be checked by changing the acid-base balance of urine and blood. Oranges also alkalize, but less effectively.

According to unofficial sources, the healthiest lemons are those that have been subjected to a freeze-thaw cycle. You can make warm fruit drink from chopped thawed lemons. Children may have unexpected taste preferences - while Yana was going to cook such a fruit drink, she demanded lemon slices and flatly refused to add honey.

Do not forget that the most useful fruit is the peel. Therefore, it is better to eat lemon zest.

More about hot drinks

Raspberry + mint. Since you need to drink a lot when you are sick, there are never enough drinks. My favorite hot drink is raspberry jam and mint leaves. This is a very fragrant drink, it is delicious to drink not only when you are sick, but also just on chilly autumn and winter days.

Ginger + cloves + honey. This is another combination that I fill with water at 60 degrees and insist in a thermos. I eyeball a small piece of ginger root. I add one or two cloves and fill with water. When the composition stands for 5-6 hours, you can drink it by adding honey. If you get a very concentrated taste, dilute with warm water.

Lemon can also be added to these teas. Given that the components are very active, the concentration of drinks for children should be weak.

Nutrition during illness

It is a well-known fact that during illness the body throws all its resources into the fight against pathogens. For this reason, patients usually do not experience hunger and should not feed the child through "I do not want to." If you cook something special, of course, the child will eat. But it is undesirable to do this, since usually something “special” is harmful and will adversely affect the functioning of the immune system.

If the child refuses to eat at all, then the body requires a little fasting. This is useful and, despite all your experiences, you must give him such an opportunity.

With symptoms: vomiting, nausea and diarrhea, doctors recommend a special diet - limited to only cooked food.

How to strengthen the child's immunity | Balance of vitamins and minerals in the body

Above, I gave a link to an article about the dangers of synthetic vitamins and minerals. Many pay attention that without them, people may have a deficiency. Indeed, without enriching the diet with products with a valuable nutritional composition, one may encounter beriberi and a lack of minerals. This is another factor in the poor functioning of the immune system.

One option to increase the amount of digestible vitamins and minerals is to change the way food is processed when cooking. It is probably not a secret for anyone that some of the vitamins are destroyed during cooking. A similar process occurs with minerals too. At the moment, this issue is discussed only by unofficial sources, but I am sure that in the future, official medicine will recognize this. Each of us has seen scale in the kettle. These are nothing but minerals that have been converted into an "inorganic" form as a result of boiling. Such a precipitate does not dissolve in water and is undesirable for ingestion. Boiling water with a rich mineral composition produces a large amount of sediment. At the same time, boiling distilled water will not leave a residue. It is good when the sediment in the kettle is visible to the naked eye and people can avoid using it. It is a completely different matter when such a sediment is hidden among the pulp of boiled fruits, vegetables, meat and other food products. This insoluble precipitate enters the body and, at best, is washed out. Thus, some of the minerals in thermally processed foods become unsuitable for absorption by the body. By replacing some of the boiled foods with raw ones, we will increase the amount of minerals and vitamins in our diet without changing the set of products.

The best option for saturating the body with vitamins, I consider various natural supplements in the diet. In the West, the buzzword “superfoods” has emerged in recent years. Those are the ones I mean. When I first began to understand the systems of proper nutrition, I wondered: “Why is there a need for synthetic vitamins and bioadditives now?”. Logic told me that nature is reasonable and everything in it is calculated and laid down from the very beginning and nothing needs to be invented. Our ancestors did not need any synthetic drugs. But in my reasoning, I did not immediately take into account the modern realities of food production.

Let me remind you that the minerals found in plant foods are taken from the soil in which it grew. Minerals found in animal foods come from the food the animals have eaten. Therefore, the value of the mineral composition of food is directly proportional to the composition of the soil. In the wild, the soil is restored by humus from fallen leaves and dry grass. In the fields where our food is grown, nothing naturally regenerates. Modern realities are such that in most agricultural lands, the cycles of sowing and harvesting in the fields are repeated the maximum number of times, until the complete chemical and organic degradation of the soil is the moment when the plants begin to grow sick or even die. Only in cases where the soils become so poor that the sown crops do not grow do they begin to reanimate. But the compositions introduced during resuscitation differ significantly from those obtained naturally by humus. Thus, every year the mineral composition of our food worsens.

As far as vitamins go, that's fine. Vitamins in plant foods appear under the influence of sunlight. Vitamins in animal food appear when an animal eats a plant. Since the digestive system of animals does not absorb the entire amount of vitamins found in plants, plant foods are richer in vitamins.

Realizing the chain of appearance of minerals in the human body and the problem of their deficiency, you can panic. But this activity is useless, it is better to include super-healthy natural products - “superfoods” in your daily diet. Of course, the smallest children cannot have them, but mothers can and even need them for breastfeeding.

forest gifts

First of all, these products include the gifts of the forest: berries and nuts. Let me remind you that berries can be offered to babies from about a year. The best natural option to stock up on minerals is to freeze wild berries (blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries). This year I froze in portions - in plastic cups. It turned out to be very convenient. with regularity every 2-3 days I defrost one serving and give it to Yana before dinner. Of course, we eat without any preparations, since all this has a destructive effect on minerals and vitamins, just thawed berries at room temperature. In order for the berries to be better absorbed, they need to be eaten separately. Therefore, I give berries on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before meals. This time is enough for her to digest.

Nuts are recommended to be given from the age of three. I, knowing their rich composition, sometimes break this rule. Since nuts are a dangerous product in terms of getting into the lungs, it’s easier to grind the whole nut kernels in a coffee grinder into flour and add to the porridge. They should not be abused, less is better, but more often. In my opinion, for babies, literally 1-2 teaspoons once a week is enough.

bee products

Of course, warm tea with honey is welcome. The other two products are little known, but beekeepers know that bee bread and zabrus are even more beneficial than honey. The only disadvantage of bee products is that they are highly allergenic, so up to 3 years it should be used with great care. We usually resort to the help of bee bread with SARS.
Zabrus is used to prevent caries. It is considered very effective, but not suitable for babies, since the remnants after chewing must be spit out.

germinated cereals

We are all used to eating boiled cereals from childhood. At the same time, we do not think that during the cooking process, most of the vitamins are destroyed, and minerals are converted into an inorganic form that is difficult for the body to absorb. The cereals familiar to us are much more useful in their raw form, and even better in germinated. It is for this reason that for more than two years we have been regularly eating sprouted buckwheat. I started feeding Yana puree from sprouted buckwheat with banana from a year old. This combination is not the most ideal, but very valuable in terms of its mineral composition.

Flax seed porridge

Flax seed contains a large amount of omega-3 saturated fatty acids, which are necessary as a building material for brain cells. Therefore, cereals made from flax seed are especially useful for children. We also eat such porridge from a year old. Grind a spoonful of seeds into flour. Then add very warm water - about 70 degrees to the consistency of liquid sour cream. After 2-3 minutes after adding water, the porridge takes on a jelly-like consistency.

Sesame and hemp milk

Sesame and hemp seeds are leaders in calcium content. Sesame milk is made from seeds ground in a coffee grinder with the addition of water. The hemp seed has a hard but useful shell, so it is better to grind it with the addition of water with a blender. Then the composition must be filtered through a fine sieve to remove pieces of the shell that have not been ground. I repeat once again, it is important when buying seeds to pay attention that the seeds are without heat treatment. Sesame intended for baking is dried at high temperatures. Its minerals have already been converted into inorganic form and therefore they will have a low percentage of digestibility.

An important signal of the need to prevent calcium deficiency is brittle nails.

In addition to sesame and hemp, preparations with organic coral calcium are effective in replenishing calcium in the body. We periodically drink water with him using Coral Club calcium. Coral water is not only enriched with calcium, but has the properties of alkalizing the body, which has a very beneficial effect on the state of the body as a whole, including immunity. Test results such waters are impressive.

Probably everyone has heard of anemia. For children under two years of age and pregnant women, there are separate WHO recommendations on iron supplementation in the diet, as these populations are the most vulnerable. You can read the text of the official publication. But still, one must be very careful with iron preparations, since they all have side effects. I think it is for this reason that they are not yet prescribed without exception, like vitamin D. I discovered for myself such a superfood as spirulina. She is the leader in the content of highly available iron. This is crushed dried algae, good for the prevention of anemia and for replenishing the mineral balance of the body. It is convenient in the form of a powder to add to food.

Many quality superfoods can be found at Iherb:

  • Even in Iherb you can find dried fruits that are not subject to high temperatures, for example, sun-dried raisins.

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  • . Taken from the WHO website. Unfortunately, the first part of the report is missing;
  • . To use it, on the second sheet, enter the weight of the products, then return to the first sheet and compare the calculated amount of vitamins and minerals with the recommended norms;

About the Author

Recently a software engineer. Favorite platforms ASP.NET, MS SQL. Experience in the field of programming 14 years. In blogging since 2013 (year of birth of Yana). In 2018, she turned her hobby into her favorite job. Now I am a blogger!

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How to strengthen the child's immunity without drugs: 60 comments

  1. Nina

    Ekaterina, good afternoon! Tell me, please, how do you replenish iodine reserves in Yana's body?
    My child is 1 year 8 months old, doctors in this matter recommend drinking Alphabet vitamins, which contain iodine. But I would not want to stuff the child with chemistry. GW has already been abandoned.
    Thank you in advance for your response.

  2. Bunshi's wife

    Tell me, is it possible to give spirulina to a child at 2.5 years old?

  3. Larisa

    I myself try to feed my child less medicines. I give him tea with rose hips, lemon, mint .... We eat dried fruits, fresh vegetables and herbs. But all the same, like an epidemic, it brings snot and temperature from the kindergarten. I already got used to giving him Esberitox with echinacea during the days of his illness. With him, at least he gets sick for a maximum of 4 days, and not 7-10.

  4. Valentine

    Our older child began to infect the little one with viruses and pass on his garden bacteria to him with kisses from the very first days. The pediatrician threw up her hands, and the immunologist advised taking probiotics. Because breastfed, then we decided that I would drink probiotics, and they would be transmitted to the child with milk. I took Harmony Bakzdrav - a probiotic for women, it is possible during pregnancy and lactation. Indeed, the baby was less sick, and at 6 months she began to give him the children's probiotic Bifidum. And the complementary foods went well, without allergic reactions, there were no problems with the stomach, such as constipation and colic.

  5. Julia

    I know that iron from plant foods is absorbed worse than from animals. What's the deal with spirulina? Will it have a greater effect than, for example, beef liver?

  6. Anonymous

    Ekaterina, good afternoon. I found in your comments that flax seeds are coarse if they are used without grinding. And if you don’t grind sesame, but add it to porridge or somewhere else?
    and if I grind sesame seeds, how many tablespoons per glass do you need ground sesame seeds to make milk? and it turns out you fill it with warm water and you can drink it? And then I did, but it didn’t work out and I didn’t drink either. 🙁
    and he doesn’t eat spirulina in any form, I myself hate to eat it. And we have very good hemoglobin, is it worth using spirulina in this case?
    And do you give spirulina every day for 0.5 spoons?
    And you alternate sesame with coral powder every other day, right?
    Thank you very much for your answer.
    I feel that our food is not as rich as we would like, because we don’t eat a lot of things, and in general, right now, it’s a period that you can’t even force something so simple to eat - soup, for example. We are 1 year and 11 months old.

  7. Elena

    Good afternoon, tell me about spirulina. How many grams per day do you give? How long to give, do I need to take breaks?

  8. isa

    Yes, and the shelf life is only in the refrigerator and is very tiny, and it oxidizes very quickly and goes bitter ((((and where is the benefit ..

  9. isa

    tell me, why do you buy peeled sesame, because it is inferior in properties to unrefined sesame, calcium in purified is 10 times less, only 60 mg per 100?

  10. Tatyana

    In fruits, the peel is the most useful, but what to do with fruits processed (so that they do not spoil longer) in stores?

  11. Viktoria (Millionaire Kids)

    Thank you very much, very timely information on the eve of winter. Our pediatrician is also against taking vitamin preparations. So we try to be more outdoors, play sports. Unfortunately, a child in the kindergarten comes into contact with cold children, so you need to strengthen your immune system 🙂.

  12. Tatyana

    Thank you very much for your articles!
    As for the use of thermally unprocessed vegetables, I completely agree. For adherents of traditional nutrition (such as my husband), you can try adding fresh vegetables to salads, which for some reason are not customary to eat fresh. For example, cauliflower and broccoli are delicious raw and perfect for vegetable salads. Sometimes I also cook for myself a salad with raw beets and raw pumpkin, it turns out sweet, and this is still not for everyone.
    In general, my unattainable dream is a raw food diet. But to give up all the delicious hazards - oh, how hard :))

  13. isa

    I absolutely agree with you about calcium, I think the whole planet already knows about milk ... everything is clear here ... I agree that food is preferable, hmm, but what if the child does not like a variety of foods, yes, it sounds nice and finances allow you to buy us, but the child is very selective and eats an almost monotonous menu .. and this is a very common option (analyzed, for example, out of 10 children of friends, 4 “sweep everything you give”, the rest, only favorite dishes, the rest can’t even stand the smell ...) maybe with age the taste will change ..

  14. isa

    Do you give Yana laminaria? How did you determine the dosage? Does your doctor give the go-ahead for dietary supplements for a child? We have everything categorically, it’s forbidden up to 12 years old, they say, don’t take risks .. our district police officer says that spirulina is the strongest immunomodulator, with a gene predisposition, can cause autoimmune diseases ... but this is also a contraindication to this drug ((((and the set of vitamins is so great that it is tempting to give the child, but again I was confused ... and what do you think about this?

  15. isa

    Oxalates and phytic acid prevent the full absorption of calcium, iron and some other trace elements, the content of which in sesame seeds is one of the highest. Oxalates are salts and esters of oxalic acid. Chemistry .... Calcium and iron are not absorbed in the presence of oxalic acid ((((I think maybe buy some calcium preparations for the child, we have intolerance to dairy products)

  16. isa

    I wonder if chia seeds (no less useful for omega 3-6-9) contain cyanogenic glycosides? Have you tried giving it or eating it yourself?

  17. isa

    And this information is for an adult, and what dose is safe for a two-year-old child?

    Flaxseed, after all, has some contraindications and you need to consume it carefully and observe the measure, as in everything.
    It is not recommended to exceed the daily dose of flaxseed - 5-10g per day!

    Flaxseed contains cyanogenic glycosides (hydrocyanic acid) in microdoses and when used in excess of 10 tbsp. raw flaxseeds contain hydrocyanic acid can reach a lethal level for humans.

    In addition, high consumption of flaxseed can upset the hormonal balance.

    The positive properties of flaxseed in various studies are achieved when consumed in an amount of 5-10g per day (I think this is in the range of 1-2 tablespoons).

    A source

  18. isa

    And isn’t this food heavy for the stomach of a small child, raw flaxseed porridge ?? Is there any information on this issue ... yes, there are a lot of trace elements and the benefits are undeniable, but I found only that boiled flaxseed should be given to children, maybe you have some) information

  19. isa

    I want to start giving my child flaxseed porridge according to your recipe. But is it not dangerous to give it raw, without heat treatment, because we don’t know where the seed itself was stored before, probably in warehouses where there are rats, etc., it’s very unlikely that it fields immediately to our table, the same question regarding sesame ..

  20. Olga

    I meant as an independent dish, for example, for breakfast. That is, sprouted buckwheat as an independent dish is not eaten?

  21. Olga

    Flaxseed porridge and sprouted buckwheat - is it generally tasty? Never tried.

  22. Miroslava

    Thank you for sharing information, otherwise there is so much of it in our time, I am interested in proper nutrition in more detail and what your menu looks like, for example, I am very interested in how something can be cooked with sprouted cereals, thank you very much

  23. isa

    Vitamin D, don’t you happen to know what kind of superfood can replenish a child? I’m allergic to eggs, but somehow I don’t want to give synthetic one .... but autumn has come, it is needed.

  24. Irina

    Hello! Thank you for the article! I have several questions:
    1) after germination, just grind with a blender? Do you add water or not? What other seeds and cereals do you germinate, and do you give them to Yana and from what age?
    Previously, I also sprouted for myself, added them to the salad. Thanks for reminding me 🙂
    2) Do you give Yana cookies, bagels (drying)? And if so, at what age, store-bought or do you bake yourself?
    3) My daughter is 11 months old, we are breastfeeding. And now she refuses almost all food. Often does not even want to try what I give her. I adhere to the recommendations of the WHO, and try to eat right. What do you advise to do?
    4) And what is your opinion, should we introduce frozen berries after a year, or will they wait for the new season, when we will be 1.7? I can’t decide something :) but I’m more inclined towards the second. Olga

    Good day! The article is very useful for me, I learned a lot of new and useful things!
    I have 2 questions for you:
    1. How do you harden Yana?
    2. Do your relatives support you in matters of healthy eating? When I refused potatoes, sausages and other sweet and unhealthy foods, they looked at me like a witch :) if I start feeding my daughter with sprouted seeds, I’m afraid they will call me a brigade :) but seriously, I can’t imagine how I will combine the child’s food at home with what, most likely, grandparents will feed at home without my knowledge ....

  25. Ekaterina
  26. Inna

    Thanks a lot for the article! Already shared on the forum. We have been using some of the above for a long time, we will improve. A couple of questions, maybe?
    1. Tell me what you think about the finished rosehip syrup with sugar. I don’t give it for the sake of vitamin C, but as a choleretic (and, I confess, if I suddenly didn’t have time to make a bow), I dilute it with water, of course.
    2. Flaxseed porridge. In the evening I pour water over oatmeal and add raisins, bran and half a tsp there. whole flax seeds. Is this a no-brainer procedure? Or do you have to grind the seeds?
    3. How do you germinate cereals? How many I tried - turned sour.

    1. elena

      There are two types of rosehip berries (depending on the type of plant) - some have choleretic properties, others are rich in vitamins C and PP. The syrup sold in the pharmacy is a choleretic agent, poor in vitamin C. In addition, as it is written in the article, vitamin C is destroyed during heat treatment, which is present in the technology for making syrups.
      Flax seeds, if they are poorly ground (not to mention whole), pass through the intestines and perform a completely different role - not enriching food with Omega-3, but the role of a “brush” - as a cleansing of the body thanks to insoluble dietary fiber.

      As for flaxseed porridge: rough raw food has a lot of fiber, which is difficult for the digestive tract to process. This is exactly the shell of the flax seed, it does not lend itself well to the blender even after a long soak - this is another option for grinding it. That's why I prefer to use a coffee grinder. Seeds in their structure differ from the same tablets, which tend to dissolve. The seed coat reliably protects them from damage even in the gastrointestinal tract. In the wild, many plants have adapted to increase their growth areas precisely by moving animals in the gastrointestinal tract. I think you also know this very well, you just didn’t take into account that flax seeds can use you for their own selfish purposes :-). An adult can consciously chew food well, but a child will definitely not cope with such a task.
      As for the germination of cereals, souring is most likely due to a lack of oxygen, which blocks a large amount of water. A large amount of water for the germination of cereals is required only for a while. The duration of this stage depends on the type of cereals. I like buckwheat with the speed of germination (about 15 hours) and the softness of the seeds after germination. I will describe in detail so as not to make mistakes and accurately achieve the result - sprouts. Pour buckwheat into a container, with a layer of 2-3 cm. A thicker layer can worsen the oxygen supply to the lower layers. Fill with water at room temperature 2 mm more than the level of buckwheat. It is most convenient to level its surface with your hand and ensure that the water hides all the seeds evenly. After 10-15 minutes, the water is already ALL absorbed. It will take the first time to interfere. When stirring, you will find mucus, this is an indicator that everything is going right. During the rest of the germination period, buckwheat must be stirred. Stirring is necessary to enrich the lower layers with oxygen, as well as for a more uniform distribution of moisture. With a layer of 3 cm, I stir on average at intervals of 3-4 hours. In the last stages of germination, if the seeds turn out to be dry, they must be sprayed with water. There are many hypotheses about the correct length of the sprout. I am inclined to believe that the correct sprout is 1-3 mm long. I do not give Yana longer sprouts. When germinating other cereals, the scheme is completely different. Since the shell of most cereals is thick, the stage of soaking with water lasts about 4-5 hours. Then the water is drained, the cereals are leveled in an even layer (it is better not to make a layer more than 3 cm) and covered with wet gauze to prevent the upper layers from drying out. Germination usually occurs within 24 hours. During the entire period of germination, it is necessary to control the level of moisture, stir and spray with water. If there is no possibility of stirring during the day, then it is necessary to adjust the thickness of the layer for germination without stirring. The last way I germinate wheat and peas. I don’t give wheat to Yana, since the hard shell does not lend itself even to a blender.

      1. Inna

        Thank you very much for such a detailed answer!
        As for the seeds, I noticed that they are not digested :). I thought that during a long soak, they would give the very useful mucus even if not ground. But even as a coarse fiber, flax is very suitable for us. Thanks to a carefully chosen diet, my daughter goes to the toilet every day without stress. If some children are helped by prunes \ kefir \ a piece of apple, then my daughter needs to be fed almost tyrsa.
        As for the germination of grains, there are much more understandable moments, I will definitely try. Thanks again!
        I know that the artichoke gives a very good choleretic effect, it is very convenient to drink it in the form of Hofitol tablets, of course, if there are indications.

      2. Ira

        Thank you for the article! I agree with many things and tried to apply them, but my environment did not agree with me on this. Here's a balm for the soul
        Only now confused raspberry jam. I just don't know how to deal with it. On the one hand, I try to remove everything that contains sugar, and on the other hand, raspberry jam is really effective. Even judging by the logic of the article, sugar acidifies the body and prolongs the recovery period. How de then raspberry jam? As it turns out, we treat on the right, we cripple on the left 🙁

All parents want to see them and be happy. If the child is often sick with colds, then parents are looking for ways to strengthen the child's immunity. We have collected material that will help you learn how to increase immunity without drugs and with the help of medications. The table at the beginning of the article debunks some of the myths about immunity and how to strengthen it.

Common misconceptions about immunity - fact and fiction

Myths and facts about immunity and ways to strengthen it

Question Myth Data
Should newborns be kept in sterile conditions? The newborn needs to create sterile conditions at home after the maternity hospital. Even in the maternity babies do not need sterile conditions . It is enough that the newborn's room is clean and the temperature comfortable for the child (22 degrees Celsius) is maintained in it.
Are frequent illnesses an indicator of reduced immunity? Frequent colds are not an indicator of weak immunity. If a child has a cold more than 6 times a year and the duration of the illness is more than 2 weeks, then this may indicate a weak immune system.
Can you boost your immune system with vitamin C? Vitamin C tablets are one of the best ways to boost your immune system and protect against infection. Taking vitamin C may not protect a child from a cold , but it is able to mitigate the course of the disease.
Is a breastfed baby protected from all diseases? The child during breastfeeding is protected from all diseases. The baby, thanks to breastfeeding, is protected only from those infections that the mother had had or for which the mother has antibodies.
Does exercising help boost your immune system? Sports in any form have a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system. Moderate exercise several times a week helps to strengthen the immune system . However, excessive and intense physical activity causes stress and negatively affects the functioning of the immune system.
If the body coped with an infectious disease, then this disease does not threaten it in the future? If the body coped with the disease, then the child will not get sick again. Some infectious diseases are ill only once (chickenpox, rubella). But with many diseases of an infectious nature, a person can get sick more than once, but after each contact with the causative agent of the disease.
With strong immunity, a child cannot have a high temperature during an illness? In a baby with strong immunity, diseases occur without a high temperature. Children who are immunocompromised rarely have a high fever. In children with strong immunity, the disease often has a fever. This suggests that the body is trying to fight off the infection and the immune system is working well. But it is worth remembering that too high a temperature can lead to problems, therefore, at a temperature of more than 38 degrees, it is necessary to give the child an antipyretic.
Is it dangerous to carry out immunocorrection? Immunocorrection only strengthens the immune system. Immunocorrection should be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor. , as its improper use can lead to malfunctions of the immune system and poor health.
Is reduced immunity the cause of all diseases? Reduced immunity is the cause of all diseases. Reduced immunity is not the cause of all diseases. For example, diabetes mellitus can develop regardless of the state of the immune system.

How to strengthen the immunity of children without drugs?

Every parent aims to protect their child from colds and illnesses. Therefore, moms and dads are interested in the question of how to strengthen the immunity of their baby. But, a more important question is how to improve the functioning of the child's immune system without resorting to drugs.

Some inexperienced parents believe that immunomodulators and multivitamins can help the child's body create a protective barrier against various viruses and infections. There is some truth in this, but the main component is the independent production of antibodies and the active fight against pathogenic bacteria that can enter the child's body anywhere and everywhere. To strengthen immunity, parents should accustom the child to the correct regimen, healthy nutrition and hardening. Below we will see how this can be done.


In order for a child to grow up healthy and strong, he should not overwork and become exhausted, otherwise the body will be weak and prone to infections. It plays an important role in this. How much should a baby sleep in order to strengthen his immunity and restore strength?

Sleep norms for children from 1 year to 9 years:

  • Children from one to three years old . On average, babies should sleep 12-14 hours. In this case, daytime sleep is required. It should last at least 2-3 hours a day. If the child sleeps less than an hour, then it should be laid twice a day.
  • Three to six years old. Children need 12 hours of sleep. But, daytime sleep can be reduced to an hour.
  • Six to eight years old. Sleep should be 10-11 hours a day. It is desirable that during the day the children sleep for at least 1 hour.
  • From 9 years old . Daytime sleep can be canceled or left at the request of the child.

Try to put the baby to sleep so that he does not wake up after sunset. Doctors have long noted that children who woke up after sunset are more whiny and it is harder for them to bounce back after sleep.


Immunity cannot be strengthened without physical activity. Therefore, be sure to stretch all the muscles of the body after a night's sleep. Charging should take at least 15 minutes a day. Thanks to exercises, not only muscles come into tone, but also internal organs, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.

Walks in the open air

Without fresh air, a child cannot feel cheerful, so it is important to go for a walk with the child every day. Regardless of the time of year, even newborn babies need to get used to the environment. Thanks to the fresh air, the child's lungs and nose are cleansed, and the skin is saturated with moisture. Parents should clearly understand that walking with a baby is a prerequisite for strengthening the body.

  • Children from 0 to 1 year old walk for at least an hour a day. Newborns are best dosed to accustom to the street, starting from 15 minutes, and gradually increase the intervals.
  • One to three years walk at least 2 hours a day. If the weather is unfavorable or frosty, walks can be divided into morning and afternoon walks by the hour.
  • Three to six years This is the preschool period. The kids are already starting kindergarten. But at the same time, returning home, it is better to dedicate at least 30 minutes to fresh air.


The word “hardening” itself often causes anxiety and fear in parents that their baby will get sick after the procedures. This is not at all the case if you approach this matter with knowledge of all the subtleties. The child's body will be strong only when its immunity can fight bacteria on its own. Hardening is an ideal method for developing strong immunity in a baby. It is recommended to start hardening a child from the year when he is more or less physically stronger.

  • Wiping the handles with water at room temperature . At the initial stage of hardening, this will be enough. Repeat the procedure for at least 5 days for 3 minutes.
  • Rubbing hands and feet. This should be done with water at room temperature for about 5 days for 5 minutes.
  • Contrasting rub. The optimal temperature for bathing children is 30-32 degrees. You should wipe the baby with a sponge or mitten, and then lower the temperature by one degree every week to 22-20 C.
  • Cold and hot shower. If the child tolerates wiping well, you can do dousing. Water should be 32 degrees at the beginning of the procedure, and then gradually decrease to 20-18 degrees.
  • Foot baths. Put two buckets of water. In one bucket, the water temperature is 34 C, and in the other 25 C. After a week, you can lower the temperature of the water in the second bucket by a couple of degrees. But this type of hardening is possible when the child is already prepared for this, having gone through the above stages of hardening.

Hardening is useful and healthy. But you need to be patient and systematically deal with these procedures. Although they are monotonous, they are very useful.


To increase immunity, great attention should be paid to the nutrition of the crumbs, since the main condition for the formation of strong immunity is the intestines. Most of the immune cells are located in its lymphoid apparatus. What foods should be in a baby's diet?

To strengthen the immune system in the child's menu should include:

  • Squirrels . The largest amount of protein is found in meat. Toddlers and children under 7 years old are recommended to cook dishes from easily digestible meat of turkey, chicken and veal.
  • Vegetables . Particularly useful for babies from 9 months of broccoli and squash. They contain a large amount of chlorophyll, which protects the body from external environmental aggression. Dishes made from fresh carrots, which contain a huge amount of keratin, also have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Any vegetables are good for a growing body. It is important to moderately feed potatoes to children, because they contain a lot of starch, and this is not very useful for a child's stomach.
  • Fruit . Citrus fruits contain vitamin C and carotene. If the child is not allergic to oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, they should be included in the child's menu in moderation. Iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A and B can be found in apples, cherries, bananas, kiwi. The usefulness of fruits is that children like them, they are easy to digest, they are good antioxidants and cleanse the intestines of the child.
  • Dairy products . Kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, cheese. These products are a source of calcium and trace elements.

Helpful tips for healthy eating Olga Romanova in the book "Immunity without drugs":

Foods with a high sugar content weaken the immune system, therefore it is much more useful for health to replace sweets and cakes with sweets of natural origin - dried dates, dried apricots, raisins, prunes and other dried fruits. It is very important to prevent the systematic ingestion of toxic substances into the body. It is better not to use tap water for cooking (or install a water filter in the kitchen). Water for cleaning is subjected to chlorination and, in combination with other impurities (for example, rust), can cause significant harm to health.

Traditional medicine recipes to increase immunity in children

The baby's immunity works around the clock to protect it from infection. You can strengthen the children's body with the help of traditional medicine. Before using any recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of a child, you should consult a pediatrician.

Juice recipe to boost immunity and hemoglobin

Mix the juices of the following products:

  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Beets (medium size) - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 st. l.
  • Three teaspoons of honey.

Take the finished cocktail in 4-5 doses 15-20 minutes before eating. Take this mixture for 5-7 days.

Recipe for brewed tea to strengthen immunity

Children, like adults, love a pleasant smell. Tea from mint petals, lemon balm with lime blossom and 1 tsp. honey has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. Such a drink is useful not only for kids, but also for parents.

Recipe for vitamin decoction of apples

This recipe has a general strengthening effect. To prepare it, you need to cut the apple into slices and boil in a glass of water in a water bath for no more than 10-12 minutes. Then add a little honey, tincture of orange or lemon peels. If desired, you can dilute the resulting liquid with brewed tea.

Parents can also purchase herbal teas for children. They contain useful herbs such as: echinacea, St. John's wort, ginseng, Ivan tea, oregano herbs, etc. All these components contribute to the natural strengthening of the body baby

What medicines are prescribed to strengthen the immune system?

All pediatricians in the world warn parents that immunity-enhancing drugs (immunomodulators) do not affect the entire body, but only the parts of the immune system. Such methods are necessary for those children who tend to get sick often or have a hard time with diseases (with complications). But such modulators do not build the immune system of children, but only temporarily protect the children's body from viruses and bacteria.

The best remedies for immunity are not actually pills, tinctures or injections, but the cessation of exposure to factors that weaken the body's defenses in a child or adult.

Immunomodulators are:

  • Vegetable origin. These include preparations made on the basis of plants that have a beneficial effect on the baby's immune system (ginseng, Kalanchoe, hawthorn, aloe, etc.). The following medicines are made from plant components: Doctor Theiss, Immunal, Immunoplus etc. Usually they are prescribed for the prevention of diseases.
  • Animal origin. This kind of medicine is obtained from the internal organs of pigs and cattle. These include such drugs: Timalin, Vilozen, Timogen, Immunofan etc. Medicines of animal origin are used for serious diseases. They are prescribed along with antibiotics.
  • microbial origin. These are preparations that contain cell fragments of certain bacteria. Such drugs stimulate the child's immune system through pathogens that are part of the drugs. These include: Bronchomunal, IRS-19, Imudon, Likopid etc. Pediatricians prescribe such drugs only for the prevention of diseases when the baby is healthy, but tends to catch colds often.

The immune system of the child directly depends on the life factors surrounding him, so you should take care of the health of the crumbs in advance!

How hard it is for parents to bear the illness of their children, especially when they are allergic to many medicines. The situation is sometimes seen as hopeless, but the situation can be corrected. It is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the child, and then he will not be afraid of colds and inflammation. There are many different ways to do this. It is worth getting to know them better.

How to boost your child's immunity

There are several organs in the human body that protect health. They form the immune system, which counteracts viruses, bacteria, poisons. Special substances - antibodies - cope with this work. When a child's immune system is weakened, they appear:

  • drowsiness;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • allergies.

In children, the development of immunity has features that depend on age:

  • In the first month of life, the baby is transmitted from the mother. At an early stage, the main protection of the newborn is breast milk.
  • Starting from the fourth month, there is a danger of intestinal infections, respiratory diseases, food allergies. The effect on the baby of the mother's antibodies ends. Vaccination required.
  • At the age of two, active knowledge of the world begins. It is important to strengthen the immune system in children, because at this time they are faced with a huge number of viruses.

Own protective forces begin to be developed from 4 years. To the immunity received from vaccinations, acquired during the transferred infections is added. During this period, it is important to treat diseases as chronic diseases are formed. Finally, the immune system is built during puberty, when hormonal changes occur.

Parents can help at any age to develop protection against disease. How to strengthen the child's immunity? This requires an integrated approach:

  • carry out hardening;
  • take vitamins;
  • organize proper nutrition;
  • ensure healthy sleep;
  • get vaccinated;
  • drink vitamin preparations;
  • take immunomodulators;
  • walk for at least 4 hours.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child by hardening

Tempering plays an important role in strengthening immunity in children. There are two types of procedures - air and water. The first one recommends:

  • maintain the temperature in the room no higher than 18;
  • sleep with an open window;
  • do exercises on the street;
  • take sun baths in summer;
  • run barefoot on grass, sand;
  • carry out air baths with a minimum of clothing;
  • to walk alot.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child with the help of water procedures? This issue must be approached carefully, observing the conditions:

  • children must be healthy by the beginning of classes;
  • you need a mindset not to be afraid of procedures, but to have fun;
  • constantly increase the difference in water temperature during contrast pouring;
  • classes to strengthen protection should be carried out every day, at a certain time.

We strengthen the child's immunity with water procedures starting from a temperature of 30, gradually reducing it. Everything must be done in stages. Over time, the temperature difference should be brought up to 20. The procedures are carried out sequentially:

  • wiping with cool water with a towel, sponge;
  • dousing the hands at a contrast temperature;
  • use of warm and cold showers;
  • going barefoot in the snow;
  • winter swimming.

How to boost your child's immunity with proper nutrition

A special role in strengthening immunity in children is played by the organization of nutrition. Parents should be aware of products that reduce defenses. It is unacceptable to give him chips, feed him fast food, drink sweet soda. It is necessary to exclude from the diet food cooked by frying and foods that reduce immunity:

  • cow's milk is a strong allergen;
  • sugar that destroys microflora;
  • canned food;
  • marinades;
  • sausages, sausages.

How to support the child's immunity with proper nutrition? The menu should contain foods containing proteins, minerals, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates. Should be included in the home diet:

  • vegetables - zucchini, cauliflower, peppers;
  • fruits - pears, citrus fruits, cranberries;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • lean meat;
  • beans, peas;
  • cereals;
  • eggs;
  • raisins, prunes;
  • Rye bread;

Strengthening immunity by vaccination

Doctors have developed a special schedule according to which children from a certain age are supposed to be vaccinated. After vaccination, artificial immunity is developed. Around the question - to vaccinate or not - there is a lot of discussion. One thing is clear - children who have been strengthened by vaccination get sick less often, and if it happens, they endure the disease much easier.

How to strengthen the child's immunity

It is very important for parents to prepare for winter and spring, when the child is more likely to get sick due to hypothermia. The increase in protective forces depends on many factors. Effective are:

  • compliance with the regime;
  • healthy sleep;
  • exclusion of stress in children;
  • active games, sports;
  • elimination of overheating;
  • taking vitamins;
  • the use of medicines to strengthen the immune system;
  • use of public funds.

Vitamins for immunity

Complex preparations containing trace elements and vitamins help to strengthen the body's defenses. They protect children from infections, promote the production of antibodies. With their participation, immune cells are protected from destruction. Popular tools are:

  • Pikovit;
  • Multi-tabs;
  • Alphabet;
  • Vitrum Kids;
  • Kinder Biovital;
  • VitaMishki;
  • Grovit;
  • Fish fat;
  • Multivitamol.

Pharmaceutical preparations for immunity

Preparations made on the basis of natural herbal ingredients can be purchased at pharmacies. This includes alcohol tinctures that pediatricians prescribe to children, starting with a few drops to test the drug for allergies. The drug is diluted with water. Tinctures are effective:

  • echinacea;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • ginseng.

Tablets for immunity

Among the medicines, children are prescribed pills to strengthen the defenses, taking into account age, body condition, disease. Good help:

  • with viral diseases - Cycloferon, Grippferon;
  • for infants - Anaferon, Arbidol;
  • on the basis of natural substances - Echinacea Dr. Theis, Immunal;
  • against bacteria - Imudon, IRS-19;
  • homeopathic preparations - Aflubin, Mucosa Compositum.

Folk remedies to increase immunity

It is better to start preparing for the exclusion of winter colds in the fall. How to strengthen the child's immunity with folk remedies? The most affordable is a rosehip broth prepared in a thermos. Traditional medicine recommends its use from infancy. Effectively drink propolis infusion. For cooking:

  • take 30 g of propolis;
  • pour a glass of water;
  • stand in a water bath for an hour.

You can maintain weak immunity with the help of black elderberry flowers. A spoonful of dry matter is placed in a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes you can drink, but it is better to do it at night. Herbal tea works well, to prepare it, add a spoonful of the collection to a cup of boiling water. Drink several times a day. According to the recipe, the mixture is included in shares:

  • nettle - 2:
  • cranberries - 2;
  • rosehip - 3.

How to restore immunity after an illness

If the child has been ill for a long time, the primary task of the parents is to exclude re-infection. For a while, you need to stop visiting places with a large crowd of people. If someone at home has not yet recovered, limit the child's contact with him, wear a bandage. To increase immunity during this period, the following are important:

  • long walks;
  • taking vitamins;
  • proper nutrition;
  • long sleep;
  • positive emotions;
  • restoration of microflora if antibiotics were taken.

How to strengthen the immunity of the child before kindergarten

An important period in the life of a baby - the beginning of a visit to a kindergarten - is often accompanied by colds, viral infections. Strengthening immunity in children at this age is of particular importance. It is recommended to do general strengthening activities in advance:

  • start hardening;
  • do exercises in a ventilated room;
  • limit sugar intake by replacing it with dried fruits;
  • sleep for 10 hours;
  • do sport;
  • give the opportunity to move more, communicate with peers;
  • properly feed;
  • create a cheerful mood for the child;
  • learn to brush your teeth, wash your hands.

Video: strengthening the child's immunity