Is there life after the second birth? Dad and older children. Breathing and lungs

They say that having given birth to one child, a woman becomes more confident: the excitement goes away, the fear of labor pains recedes, and the second birth is easier. However, in reality, everything may turn out differently, because there are a lot of myths around the second pregnancy. How true they are, the harder or easier the second pregnancy is, is it true that it is better to plan a second child no earlier than two years later - the answers to these key questions should be found out in advance.

What is second birth

Obstetricians-gynecologists divide all pregnant women into groups: first-born and multiparous. If there are no children, then the patient is referred to the first group. Those who have had time to experience the joys of motherhood are called second-bearing or multiparous. WITH physiological point of vision, repeated childbirth is the happiest and most favorable. The body no longer experiences stress from what is happening, the uterus and cervix are more elastic, pain is less felt. In addition, a woman is prepared psychologically: she knows what to expect, is not afraid.


At the beginning of pregnancy, there may be a feeling that nothing new will happen, but in reality this is not the case. Repeated delivery, as a rule, is easier and faster, because the body has already memorized the main stages and had time to prepare for them in advance. Mom-to-be calm, already knows how to behave correctly, what breathing should be during contractions, will not worry, which excludes those mistakes that were made when the first child was born.

How do they differ from the first

Judging by the reviews, the current next pregnancies does without severe toxicosis, and the baby is born much faster. This is due to the fact that the body has already managed to adapt to what is happening, and the uterus and abdominal muscles are stretched by the first child. The fact that the lady is waiting for the replenishment of the family can be noticed already at the 16th week of pregnancy - the tummy grows faster, the expectant mother is gaining weight more rapidly. The second child is born larger and larger than the first, because the mother's body already knows how much vitamins the baby needs to supply and nutrients.

At about 18-21 weeks, the baby's movements can be clearly discerned. In addition, the belly will be lower than the first time. This will lead to the fact that the urge to use the toilet will bother you especially often, and your back will become more tired. However, even in such a situation, you can find advantages - it will become easier to breathe, there will be no such problems with digestion as last time. At repeated pregnancy doctors always advise wearing a light bandage.

Lighter or heavier than the former

During the second birth, the cervix is ​​more elastic and softer, opens and contracts almost simultaneously, and attempts become more vigorous. This is because the body remembers the previous birth experience. The question of whether it is easier to give birth to a second child also depends on whether there were complications after the first birth, exacerbation of chronic diseases, how much time has passed since the birth of the first child. After 10 years, the woman's body will no longer be able to remember past experience, and after undergoing gynecological operations, the cervix may lose elasticity.

What week do they give birth

The opinion that the second child is born prematurely is not entirely correct. Normal pregnancy, regardless of the number of children present, can take up to a full 42 weeks. However, if a woman gives birth after 37 weeks, this will also be considered the norm. Anything that happens before this time is premature delivery, and later than 42 weeks - belated delivery.

How many weeks the second child is born depends on the physiology of the woman, her age and how the pregnancy proceeded for the first time. If a woman gave birth to her first child before the date appointed by the doctors, it is likely that the situation will repeat itself. In addition, in medical practice, there have been cases when a woman set herself up for the birth of a child by a certain date, for example, for the vacation of her relatives, the arrival of her grandmother, or for her birthday.


Today there are many manuals, books and courses dedicated to how easy it is to have a second child. They help a woman to tune in morally, to calm down, it is easier to endure the hardships of repeated pregnancy. Experts advise not to lose sight of the simple everyday aspects:

  1. As with planning a first pregnancy, a woman and her partner need to go through a full medical examination... This point is especially important for those who decided to have a second child closer to 40 years old.
  2. Take blood tests - clinical, biochemical, for hormones and to establish the Rh factor. Latest analysis especially important in the second pregnancy, because the amount of antibodies in the mother's body (if there is a Rh-conflict) increases with each subsequent birth.
  3. If the first baby was born by caesarean section, it is important to wait for scarring soft tissue and only after that to plan the second child.

How are they

Duration generic activity may be different from the first time. Typically, in nulliparous women, contractions last from 6 to 11 hours. If less than 6 hours have passed from contractions to attempts, then labor is called rapid. When a woman managed to give birth to a child in just 4 hours of torment, such labor activity is called rapid. For multiparous, the duration is considered to be from 5 to 9 hours.

Labor activity consists of only three stages:

  1. Start. During this period, the first contractions appear, at first weak, then with greater intensity. During the contractions, the cervix begins to open, the mucous plug comes off. Repeated labor begins more rapidly, therefore, at the first contractions, a woman needs to get ready for the hospital.
  2. Birth of a child. The frequency and strength of contractions increases - they turn into attempts. At this point, the cervix should open as much as possible so as to let the baby through.
  3. Placenta delivery as the final stage. If labor activity has passed with complications or the placenta has not completely come out, the doctor will do manual cleaning, and if there are gaps, it will suture.

How the second labor begins

A woman who already has children can anticipate the birth of her second child in advance. There is no way to explain this scientifically, but it is generally accepted that this is how the body gives her time to prepare. Contractions will always be the first sign. In primiparas, there are so-called training contractions: they begin in advance, at 37-38 weeks, and do not last long. For second-births, this process is not typical, therefore, any pain indicates the onset of labor.

How long does the contraction last

The uterus has a cervix, which has two constrictions: inward - the internal pharynx and in the vagina - the external pharynx. During contractions, these entrances begin to expand alternately: first the one that is inside, then the outer one. If in primiparous the full disclosure of the uterus lasts about 10-12 hours, then the repeated birth will take place more rapidly - in 6-7 hours. When the cervix is ​​fully open, the main task women - pushing to help the baby get through the birth canal quickly.

How long does the second birth last

Pushing is, in fact, a contraction of the musculature of the muscles. abdominal... When the pressure amniotic fluid comes to naught, the baby's body relaxes, and he begins to move along the birth canal. The memory of the body helps a woman to give birth faster - attempts become more effective, the fetus moves outward faster. If the firstborn can take up to one and a half hours to do this, then the time for the repeated process is reduced to at least 40 minutes.

How is the second birth with a small difference

For successful conception, gestation and happy birth the child needs some time to replenish the body's reserve reserves of trace elements and vitamins, restore menstruation and hormonal levels. It is desirable that the second pregnancy and childbirth occur no earlier than 2.5 years after the birth of the first child. A shorter period of time is fraught with the risk of undermaturity up to 38 weeks and other complications:

  • A small pause can be complicated by anemia, which will lead to pathology of the baby's development, slow weight gain.
  • After natural blood loss, there is a high probability that an iron deficiency occurs in the mother's body. As a result, this leads to poor labor or postpartum inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • If, due to a lack of vitamins, the blood supply to the placenta is disrupted, the child may receive less oxygen, and this is fraught with hypoxia.
  • In addition, with incomplete restoration of the uterus, especially if the previous childbirth passed with structural changes in tissues, there is a high risk of miscarriage for early dates pregnancy.

Possible complications

However, even a properly planned re-birth can be completely unpredictable and not as planned. Multiparous people have:

  1. Breaks. May appear due to scarring from previous births. If the previous labor activity went well, then the risk of getting ruptures is minimal. As a preventive measure, doctors recommend that pregnant women go in for sports, eat food rich in vitamins and fiber.
  2. Bleeding. The risk of postpartum hemorrhage on repeated childbirth much more than after the birth of the first child. The reason for this is insufficient contraction of the uterus.
  3. Hemolytic disorder. This difficulty is encountered when a pregnant woman has a negative Rh factor and her husband is positive. Complications rarely occur at first conception, but subsequent pregnancies increase the risk of a problem due to the fact that the woman's body begins to produce more and more antibodies.

Cesarean section

To determine the method of delivery, women who have already given birth through a caesarean section are hospitalized at 36-38 weeks of gestation. Such actions help doctors monitor the subsequent course of pregnancy more closely and have time to provide emergency assistance... You can give birth on your own after cesarean, but only if following conditions:

  • only one cesarean section in the history of the woman in labor;
  • previous childbirth and the postpartum period passed without complications;
  • the scar on the uterus is functionally sound, completely healed and does not bleed;
  • the fetus has a cephalic presentation, not a breech presentation;
  • the child's weight does not exceed 3.6 kg;
  • the pregnant woman has no chronic diseases, infections or fungus in the birth canal;
  • the woman has not crossed the threshold of childbearing age.

When to plan a second pregnancy

Experts recommend not to rush to repeated conception, give the body to get stronger and gain strength: correct hormonal background, menstrual cycle, make reserves of essential nutrients, normalize work nervous system... According to WHO, for full recovery at least two and a half years must pass. For this rehabilitation period, especially if a woman in labor is breastfeeding a baby, you need to carefully monitor your health, eat right and be physically active.

Too much a big difference also not desirable. If more than 7-10 years have passed from the time of the first conception to the second pregnancy, gynecologists again consider such women to be first-borns. During this time, the body managed to forget everything, and you will have to prepare for childbirth again. In addition, years do not add to health. After 35-40 years, a woman accumulates more and more chronic diseases, bad habits, due to which the pregnancy itself proceeds with unforeseen complications: severe gestosis, the threat of miscarriage, genetic abnormalities fetal development.


The optimal interval between childbirth is considered to be 3-5 years. During this time, the body fully recovers after the first birth, but at the same time it still “remembers” well how to give birth correctly.

The course of repeated labor is usually different from the first. The term of labor in the second pregnancy is most often about a week earlier than in the first. It is difficult to say exactly why this is happening: apparently, the body, which has already gone through childbirth once, prepares for them faster. However, this is not necessary, so even if the deadline has already come, and the baby is in no hurry to be born, do not worry. As with the first pregnancy, labor can normally occur between 38 and 42 weeks.

Features of the second birth

The beginning of labor. The differences start already with preparatory period... During the second birth, there may be no preparatory contractions (these are weak painless contractions that a woman feels a few days before childbirth; such contractions differ from birth ones primarily in that they do not lead to the opening of the cervix). In addition, during the second pregnancy, such a symptom as some abdominal drooping before childbirth is usually not expressed (during the first pregnancy, 1-2 weeks before childbirth, the abdomen usually drops, some women feel that it has become easier to breathe).

The second birth may not begin the same way as the first time. For example, if during the first childbirth a woman first poured out water, and then contractions began, then this time everything can happen the same way, or maybe vice versa: there are no patterns here.

The opening of the cervix with repeated births is not the same as with the first. At the first birth, the cervix first acquires a conical shape, gradually smoothes, and then begins to open. With repeated births, the neck is cylindrical; it simultaneously shortens and opens. Moreover, the opening speed is usually faster (in the first birth - about 1 cm / h, and in repeated - 1.5-2 cm / h). Therefore, even if the first birth was long, it is better to go to the hospital when the first contractions appear.

Duration of labor. The birth canal, through which the child has already passed, is more elastic and stretches better, since after the first birth they are already prepared for the birth of the baby. Consequently, the fetus passes through the birth canal faster. Therefore, during the period of attempts to give birth to a child, less effort is required than the first time. In addition, a woman already knows what sensations she experiences, when and how to push correctly, and it is much easier for her to correctly direct her efforts, which makes pushing more effective. Thanks to this, the overall duration of labor is shortened. If the first birth takes an average of 10-12 hours, then repeated births are shortened to 6-8 hours. The period of contractions lasts about 6-7 hours, the tugging period (from full disclosure cervix before the birth of the child) - 15-30 minutes, the subsequent period (from the birth of the child to the release of the placenta) - 10-30 minutes. In women giving birth to their first child, the duration of the first stage of labor is 8-10 hours, the second period is 1-2 hours. But the duration of the third (successive) period during the first and subsequent births is approximately the same.

Feelings of a woman. Contractions in a second birth are sometimes more painful than in the first. Nerve endings in the uterus after the first birth, they become more sensitive, and the contractions immediately become quite intense. Nevertheless, subjectively, women in most cases tolerate a second birth easier, since the first time pain aggravated by fear and anxiety, and in the second birth, these negative emotions much less pronounced.

Most women note that the second birth was easier, even if many years passed between births. This is due not only to the shorter duration of the process, but also to a decrease in the fear of childbirth. During the first birth, due to fear, the woman is often pinched, during the second birth this usually does not happen, so the contractions are more effective. In addition, women already know better what to expect, how to behave, how to breathe correctly, what are the best positions to take and what to do in different periods childbirth.

Newborn weight. There is an opinion that with repeated births the child is larger, but this is not so: there is no such pattern, as well as the opposite. Child's weight is often unrelated to serial number childbirth, as a result of which he was born. Although there are observations indicating that with repeated births, babies are born with a slightly higher weight. Perhaps this is due to the fact that during the second pregnancy, the uteroplacental blood circulation is more intense.

Second birth: possible complications

Complications of repeated childbirth are generally less common. However, complications that occurred during the first birth may recur, although not necessarily.

Ruptures during repeated births are much less common than during the first. If there were ruptures in the first birth, then another rupture may occur in the same place, although this does not happen often. We can say that if the scars at the site of the tears of the vagina and perineum healed well, then they will not lead to tears during repeated births. Ruptures of the cervix are repeated more often, since stretching of the cervix at the site of the scar left after the rupture is difficult. Ruptures of the perineum and vagina may recur if the last time there was suppuration in the suture area. Tears may occur at the site of the previous episiotomy (perineal incision), but if the suture has healed well, this usually does not happen.

Weakness of labor during the second birth is less common, even if it was during the first birth, so doctors are less likely to resort to stimulation. This is because the weakness of labor is often due to the woman's fear and lack of preparation for childbirth. However, if the expectant mother is over 35 years old, then the likelihood of this complication increases. Weakness may also recur if it was caused by a chronic illness of the mother ( hypertension, heart defects, bronchial asthma with respiratory failure). The older the woman and the more chronic diseases she has, the more likely the development of weakness in labor. The risk of weakness in labor is also increased in women who have a small interval between childbirth, since the muscles of the uterus and abdominal muscles are not always fully restored during this time. Muscles are recovered more slowly with multiple pregnancies (in this or previous pregnancy), polyhydramnios, and also in the case of large fruit... All these factors lead to overstretching of the muscles, and the ability to contract them is reduced.

If during the first birth there were difficulties with the separation and isolation of the placenta and resorted to manual separation of the placenta, there is Great chance, that the second time the placenta will not separate on its own. This likelihood increases if, after the first birth, there were inflammatory diseases of the uterus (endometritis) or if the woman had abortions or miscarriages between births.

However, even if there were no complications during the first birth, they can be a second time, especially if many years have passed between births and the woman has managed to "accumulate" chronic diseases... The frequency of complications in repeated births is also increased by abortions and miscarriages between births, sexually transmitted infections.

How to prepare for a second birth

The number of complications during pregnancy and childbirth increases in the presence of chronic diseases. Therefore, if a woman has any, it is important to get the advice of specialists, preferably even before pregnancy, so that they prescribe treatment on time, aimed at the maximum possible compensation for the disease.

During the second pregnancy, as well as during the first, it is advisable to attend school for future parents. Many mothers think that because they already "know everything" about pregnancy and childbirth, they no longer need to learn anything. However, this is a completely wrong position. At the school for expectant mothers, they not only talk about the physiology of childbirth, but also prepare for childbirth psychologically, help create correct attitude... This is especially important for women whose first childbirth was complicated and there is a fear that everything will happen again.

Also important physical training-, classes in the pool, breathing exercises... Even if a little time has passed after the first pregnancy, every time you need to prepare for childbirth.

After the first birth, you already roughly imagine what the conditions of stay in the maternity hospital of your choice are, and you can answer the question whether you are satisfied with a regular ward or if you want to lie in a superior ward after childbirth. If necessary, sign a delivery contract in advance at the hospital of your choice. It is also possible to contract for a specific doctor to attend the birth. In addition, after the first birth, you can decide how much pain relief you need.

Knowing you can decide if you need your husband's help.

Many women say that with their second birth, they had a chance to correct all the mistakes they made during the first birth. This chance must be seized.

Second birth after cesarean section

If the first time the birth was operative, then it is highly likely that the second time a cesarean section will be performed (in our country, more than 90% of women after a cesarean section go back to the operation). However, at present, in such a situation, childbirth through the birth canal is also possible. The possibility of spontaneous childbirth is determined by several factors:

  • The reason that forced the operation to be performed for the first time. For example, if the first operation was performed due to the anatomical narrowing of the pelvis, then the second time this reason will not go anywhere. But if for the first time the operation was done due to wrong position fetus, then the second time this situation may not happen again, and independent childbirth is possible. Indications for caesarean section maybe a lot, and natural childbirth are possible only if there are no - neither absolute nor relative - indications for the operation.
  • The state of the scar after cesarean section. A scar is considered mature if its thickness is more than 5 mm (the condition of the scar is assessed by ultrasound in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy) and more than 2 years have passed between pregnancies.
  • The state of the birth canal (the maturity of the cervix at the time of full-term pregnancy).
  • Let's set up the woman herself.

22.00. My husband and I are drinking tea in the kitchen ... And suddenly, without saying a word, we look at the clock, and then at each other. We smile! Is that really true? At 10 o'clock in the evening, the two of us, alone, calmly drink tea for own kitchen... Where are the children? Do you think grandma's? No! They are sleeping! 🙂

It turns out that after a crazy 7-month race, this day nevertheless came: both daughters entered the regime and by 22.00 they were already snoring sweetly in their beds, and my husband and I had the opportunity to spend the evening together again, and not in attempts to calm our treasures ...

So, I hasten to reassure the mothers of the weather (or a year and a half, like ours), there is life after the second birth, you just have to live to see it. 🙂 In our case, we had to hold out for 7 months. By this time, the youngest daughter had matured enough to enter the daily routine, and the eldest fell in love with fairy tales before bedtime, and now we were able to share the process of putting the children down: dad reads the oldest fairy tales for the night, and at this time I feed and put the younger one to bed.

So, what are the biggest dangers lurking for parents of children with small age differences?

The most a big problem- this is probably just putting both children to bed in the evening. Because by the evening all the children begin to behave worse, are more capricious, stick to their mother. The younger agrees to sleep only on his mother's arms, when he tries to put him in the crib, he immediately wakes up, and the older one (who is actually still small himself!) Also pretends to be his mother and wants only her to put him to bed, and not father, grandmother , and even more so, does not want to fall asleep on its own.

If you walk with the baby on the arms around the room, then the older child piteously squeaks "Mom, mom, fuck!", Which means: "Mom, lie down next to me on the pillow, hug, kiss and belong only to me, at least half an hour!" And of course, this soundtrack does not help the younger fall asleep.

If you give younger dad, then she screams at the top of her voice in his arms, and of course, this also prevents the eldest from falling asleep.

If you lie down on a large bed and surround yourself with children on both sides, then the older one wakes up a desire to communicate with the younger, help her mother calm her down, stroke her, touch her, give orders: “Tasya, pi! Pi, Tasya! No pack! " What a dream there is! J

What to do in such a seemingly hopeless situation?

1. Have patience and be calm no matter what happens.

2. Try to time the process of putting the children to bed. For example, let dad play with the younger one and redeem him while you lie down with the older child for 15-20 minutes.

3. Think of a fairy game for the elder: put something tasty under the pillow - a banana, raisins, an apple - and say that the fairy brought him a gift. In a couple of days, he himself will happily run to bed, I guarantee you. 🙂

4. Train your elder to read before bedtime and ask your dad to do it. Ask your dad to read fairy tales with great expression, in faces, depicting the voice of animals. Then the child will quickly get a taste and will gladly let you go to put the baby to bed. “Mom, bye! Tasya yum-yum! " - as mine says eldest daughter. 🙂

Usually, after a year, children sleep once during the day, which cannot be said about babies. Therefore, if in the first couple of months there is still a chance to combine one dream in children, then the shift method often begins to work: as soon as one falls asleep, the other immediately wakes up. 🙂 Is it good or bad?

On the one hand, it is, of course, easier to cope with one awake child than with two at the same time, but on the other hand, sometimes mom just like a breath of fresh air needs a piece of time spent alone: ​​recover, regain strength, so as not to finally forget about yourself, your beloved and not to kill everyone around you within a radius of 100 meters.

What to do?

Use the services of a nanny, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, if possible. Send, for example, them to walk with the older child while the younger child is sleeping, and you yourself belong a little to yourself. Just don't rush to do household chores at this moment! This little piece of time is given to you to recover peace of mind and rest. You will not be able to change all the affairs in this hour, but you will have time to come to your senses completely. And household chores can be done with children: at the same time they will learn to be independent, entertaining themselves at this moment, or learn to communicate with each other, or join household... My oldest daughter loves helping me dust, mop the floor, or charlotte oven. And with pleasure he puts the toys in front of little sister, teaches her to build turrets from cubes and runs faster than me to get a towel if she suddenly burps.

Walk with the children even more so that they sleep more and better, and establish a tough daily routine for children in all possible and impossible ways! A hard day regimen in children is the only way for you to survive in this mess of diapers, washers, pop walks, mushrooms, toys, whims, sleepless nights, which lies in wait for you on the very first day when you are alone with your children.

What else interesting happens in the life of a double-mom?

Joint walks. Here, too, the interests of children are still very different - one to run, the other to sleep on fresh air... And if we add to the walk the process of getting both of them for a walk (the eldest runs away from you, turning the dressing process into a game "Come on, mom, catch up!" and undressing after (the older one is capricious because she wants to open the lock - but she still lacks strength! and wakes up the younger one with her whims, while you planned to take her to the balcony and calmly feed and put the older one to bed, while the younger falls asleep on the balcony), you get a very picturesque picture!

Also consider whether you should buy a double stroller if your older child is not yet very confident in walking. Or, maybe, on the contrary, it is worth purchasing a lighter, more compact stroller for the younger one, even if it will be less functional, but it will be easier for you to get your brood out for a walk without risking losing your back.

Take a friend with a child for a walk so that she can either look after the elders (if she has an older child), if they started a game of catch-up, or stood with two strollers (if she has a baby) while you catch your older toddler.

What else awaits you on the thorny path of twice-mothers, and then, perhaps, three times-mothers? 🙂

Morning ... When for some reason everyone is pooping at the same time, they want to eat at the same time, at the same time they ask for pens ...

Crises ... which also like to happen in both children at the same time: at the same time their teeth are getting out, at the same time there are leaps in development, accompanied by increased moodiness and adherence to mom, both do not sleep at night, or rather wake up in turn crying every hour or two, and as a result you practically do not sleep at all.

But the most important thing that awaits you is a sea of ​​love, smiles and happiness! And believe me, problems with two, and then three 🙂 children are added several times, but happiness becomes more squared, cube ..! J

And one more little bonus - after completing such a school, you will become at least 2-3 times more effective in any other business and endeavors! And this skill will be very useful for you later in your life.

So go for it! You will succeed!

Ideally, every pregnancy should end in childbirth. In life, everything is much more complicated: desired pregnancies sometimes end in arbitrary interruption, unwanted ones - in abortion; childbirth is successful and complicated; babies are born healthy and sick ...

Many families deliberately plan the birth of only one child, but fortunately there are those who are ready to give birth to several. Be that as it may, but you need to prepare for childbirth both physically and psychologically, regardless of whether the first, second or tenth birth in a row. With the first, everything is clear:. Why prepare for the second and subsequent childbirth? It turns out that multiparous women have as many questions about childbirth as primiparous, or even a little more. Let's figure it out.

How long does it take for the second birth?

The opinion is firmly rooted in society that the second and subsequent births occur earlier than the first. Naturally, such a scenario is quite probable (especially since the fetus by its weight is no longer held by the cervix as firmly as for the first time), but it is not at all necessary! The number of pregnancies in the past or their absence does not significantly affect the period of bearing the baby.

Your second baby may be born when ready for it. But it is also possible that he will stay in the womb: there are many cases when the second birth took place after 40 weeks, and through stimulation. So don't set yourself up to give birth at 37 weeks ahead of time. However, as you know, this may well work: often childbirth occurs exactly at the time that mommy "programmed" herself for: for her husband's vacation, after the parents come to visit, for the father's birthday or on New Year's Eve.

It is perfectly normal to have a second child in due date or within a few days from the expected due date. So a premature second birth is a must - pure water myth!

How long does the second birth last?

Doctors say that the second birth is faster and easier. The birth of the first child takes on average 11-12 hours, the second - only 7-8. During the second birth, the time is reduced at all stages: the cervix during repeated births is softer, more elastic, stretches more easily, which means it will open earlier, because during repeated births it contracts and opens at the same time; the second stage - attempts - is much more energetic, since the body "remembers" the previous birth and easily enters the phase of the expulsion of the fetus. A multiparous woman breathes and pushes more competently, and can "push" the baby out in just a few minutes.

At the same time, doctors state: every birth is unique and individual, no matter what they are. The mothers themselves agree with this opinion: many of them gave birth for the second time much longer than the first. Therefore, each childbirth is treated with all responsibility, carefully prepared and, of course, worried.

The psychological aspect of second birth

At first glance, no nuances can arise here. The second pregnancy is conscious, which means that the woman is psychologically ready for the upcoming birth. But it is not always the case. Even the second and subsequent pregnancies, like the first, are planned or "accidental." In both cases, a woman will have to again face the process of childbirth, which, in any case, is quite painful. Sometimes a woman is not ready to give birth to a second child precisely because of the fear of the birth itself. This usually happens if the first birth was difficult enough. But even those women who gave birth to their first baby easily and quickly are afraid of the next.

Statistics still claim that from the psychological point of view, a woman is more ready for a second birth, and in the process of delivery she behaves confidently and calmly under any circumstances.

But how to force yourself to overcome fear upcoming birth? First of all, you need to get everything out of your head. bad thoughts about previous childbirth, erase from memory and not discuss difficult labor girlfriends and acquaintances. It is easy for a multiparous woman to switch over, because she has so many worries with her first child. Indeed, you do not need to be afraid of childbirth, but to prepare the first baby for the appearance of a brother or sister in the house. Well, then, after all, you clearly realize that no one will be able to give birth instead of you, and you probably remember how the first time it was your ignorance that prevented you from breathing correctly and pushing: what will happen next? Now you are no longer a beginner, which means that you will be more experienced in childbirth. Believe me, at the right moment you can easily figure out what and how.

How is the second birth going? Physiological aspect

Nothing new will happen here. Like the first, the second birth has three stages: dilatation of the cervix (contractions), the period of expulsion of the fetus and the birth of the placenta:

  • Contractions. After the first contraction, the body itself will remember how painful and excruciating it is. In this state, a woman may require pain relief during childbirth, but you simply need to calm down and switch to properly experiencing the contractions, thanks to which you will give birth to your baby. I'll have to remember about comfortable positions, just now a husband with effective massage... During the contraction, you need to relax, taking deep breaths and exhalations.
  • Attempts. Listen to the advice of obstetricians and gynecologists and completely trust them. In order for the attempts to be as effective as possible, it is important to be able to hold your breath and properly release air through the tension of the abdominal muscles. Practice shows that during the second birth, most women push correctly and effectively, so be calm for yourself.
  • Placenta delivery. If at the first birth a woman felt discomfort at the birth of the placenta, then at the second one usually no attention is paid to this procedure. All emotions are directed at the baby, who reflexively searches for the mother's breast with his lips, and the mother herself, joyful and tired, mentally prepares for postpartum, to return home, where she can fully feel her true maternal happiness, being close to both children.

Twice mom. What do you need to remember?

  • Preparing for childbirth. Children's room, "dowry" for the baby, things in the hospital - all this should be ready long before the expected date of birth. By the way, before giving birth, check the list of necessary things for the hospital. It is also important to choose a doctor and the hospital itself, if the previous time there were problems with this. Think also about, especially if the first time you gave birth yourself. Although it may be the other way around - and the second time you want to refuse such an option. Anyway, this question better to decide in advance.
  • When to go to the hospital. During the first birth, it often happens that, having felt, the woman runs to the hospital, and she is sent back home. At the second birth, Mom is no longer in a hurry to go to the hospital, but it is necessary! Given the above about the transience of repeated births, do not bring to the point that you have to give birth on the way to the hospital in back seat cars.
  • Contractions. After the first contraction, the body itself will remember how painful and excruciating it is. In this state, a woman may demand, but you simply need to calm down and switch to properly experiencing the contractions, thanks to which you will give birth to your baby. We'll have to remember about comfortable positions, just now a husband with an effective massage may come in handy. During the contraction, you need to relax, taking deep breaths and exhalations.
  • Attempts. Listen to the advice of obstetricians and gynecologists and completely trust them. In order for the attempts to be as effective as possible, it is important and correct to release air through the tension of the abdominal muscles. Practice shows that during the second birth, most women push correctly and effectively, so be calm for yourself.
  • Placenta delivery. If at the first birth a woman felt discomfort at the birth of the placenta, then at the second one usually no attention is paid to this procedure. All emotions are directed at the baby, who reflexively searches for the mother's breast with sponges, and the mother herself, joyful and tired, mentally prepares for the postpartum period, for returning home, where she can fully feel her true maternal happiness, being next to both children.

All this awaits you at normal course childbirth. However, unpredictable situations may arise, for which it is not always possible to prepare in advance. In any case, you should calm down and rely on specialists. This is the only way you can help yourself and your baby.

There are also situations when the course of the second birth can be predicted, focusing on the woman's health status, the course of the previous birth and many other factors.

  • The gap between the first and second births. Childbirth is a great stress for every woman, after which the body needs adaptation and. Previously, our grandmothers gave birth to babies almost every year. Today, birth spacing has increased dramatically. For full recovery after the first woman, it will take about 2 years, experts say. After this time, you can plan a second baby. If between childbirth will take place more than 10 years, the likelihood of a complicated pregnancy and themselves is high. Although in practice this is not always the case. Women calmly give birth to a second baby even after one year and after a ten-year break.
  • The age of the multiparous woman. To date, there are cases that women give birth and at 45 for the first time without serious pathologies... So the question of age future mother not worth lifting. However, doctors still strongly recommend giving birth to all planned babies between the ages of 20 and 35 - this is the most favorable period for childbirth without any complications. With age, a woman "acquires" many diseases, so the course of pregnancy and childbirth can be unfavorable.
  • Health status. For a good outcome in a second birth, naturally, a woman must be absolutely healthy. In the presence of chronic diseases (, heart disease, bronchial asthma and so on) repeated childbirth can proceed with complications. To make this process as safe as possible, you need to prepare in advance for pregnancy and childbirth, be under the strict supervision of doctors and follow all their instructions. Complications during the second childbirth can also occur if a woman has previously had abortions or arbitrary miscarriages have taken place. Inflammatory diseases female genital organs before the second pregnancy will also not affect childbirth the best way.
  • ... There is an opinion that if the first childbirth took place with the help of an operation, then the second child will not be able to be born. naturally... However, it all depends on the reasons why the woman had a cesarean section for the first time. Anatomically narrow pelvis, severe chronic diseases of the mother, severe myopia, and so on - these are the indications in which natural delivery is unacceptable. If for the first time a woman was "caesarean" because of a large fetus or breech presentation, and now these indicators are normal (the child is located upside down and has average weight), then the doctor may allow the woman to give birth on her own. But it also happens in a different way: the first birth was natural, but the second may have a number of indications for a cesarean section (serious ruptures of the cervix in previous births, suppuration of the seams, changes in the structure of the birth canal, etc.).

Postpartum complications can also be unpredictable and expected compared to first births.

  • Breaks. A normal second birth can be prevented by scars at the site of perineal tears during the first birth if they did not have time to heal. At the same time, the likelihood of repeated ruptures increases, because the tissue of which these scars are composed becomes inelastic and during repeated childbirth breaks along the old suture or in new places. If the previous birth did not leave scars on its own, then the second most likely will not do this. Indeed, after the first birth, the muscles of the perineum become more elastic.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage. The risk of this condition increases with repeated births. It so happens that the uterus does not contract, and it lingers in its cavity postpartum discharge... Bleeding is also provoked by scars on the uterus, transferred earlier infectious diseases etc. but postpartum hemorrhage can be prevented long before childbirth. To do this, you need to train the muscles of the uterus with the help of special exercises.

Features of preparation for the second childbirth

Train your muscles pelvic floor. Special exercises will help to restore muscle tone immediately after the first birth, while the second birth will be much easier and faster.

Even before the onset of the second pregnancy, go through a series of examinations, and, if necessary, get medical treatment.

If the first birth was, then there is a high probability of such an outcome for the second time. To avoid this, discard any physical activity, especially in last trimester pregnancy. Recommended also in last months refrain from sexual intercourse that cause active contraction of the uterus.

Well, the most important factor in a successful childbirth is positive attitude pregnant woman. To become a mom twice is great happiness! (Verified by the author!)

Successful second birth to you! Believe in yourself!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

From the guest

My first ones lasted 16 hours and two days with false contractions, so even 10 hours of second birth will be a fairy tale))))) although it's scary what you can say here))) we look forward to our boy.

From the guest

I gave birth for the first time in less than an hour, the whole process lasted 40 minutes. Right now, the second birth is on the way! Let's see how much this time I'll shoot)))))

From the guest