Game cook papa louis hot dogs. Game Papa Louie Hot Dogs. Eatery for football fans

Do you enjoy cooking? Have you always dreamed of being a chef to feed people deliciously? Do you like cooking games from the Papa Louie series? Then hurry up to take part in the next culinary achievements of the great chef in the game Papa Louie: Hot Dogs.

Eatery for football fans

Papa Louie is not just a good cook, he is also a smart entrepreneur. He has an amazing nose for profit, so he very wisely chooses "iconic" places with a massive crowd of people for his establishments.

So this time, Papa Louis did not lose. A new football season has begun in the city. This means that the fans occupy the stands for a long time. Fans love to refresh themselves with hot dogs, not looking up from the matches, so Papa Louie opened a stall right on the stadium grounds.

Desperate Cheerleader and Chef

The hero of the game is a football fan burnt to the bone. But here's the problem: it ran out of all the tickets for the championship. What to do? Weasel rescued ingenuity. The hero of the game noticed that Papa Louie's hot dog stand goes straight to the football field, which means that it offers a view of the game. In order not to miss the matches, the hero of the game gets a job as a cook in a diner.

But Papa Louis values ​​​​the reputation of his establishments, so he will not pay money for hack work and will quickly kick out the lazy person. You have to learn how to combine work with passion. Immediately in the game, you will be shown a master class on serving visitors and cooking hot dogs.

At work

And then the first hungry client came to the cafe. Take his order carefully. Now in the game go to fry hot dog sausages on the grill. Keep track of the degree of roasting in the game. When it is ready, switch in the game to the hot dog creation section. Put the ingredients that the client wanted in the hot dog: lettuce, mustard, etc. Cook in the game with high quality, otherwise the client will not want to pay for food.

Description of the flash game

Hot dogs at the stadium

Papa's Hot Doggeria

Grill, hamburgers, hot dogs - what else can you serve at Papa Louis Stadium? You've got a great place to grow your business, so don't be fooled. Take orders for hot dogs, cook them and sell other snacks - just to keep your customers happy.
The favorite pastime of modern children is computer games, so now there are quite a lot of them. Each game is suitable for a certain age and has an impact on the development of certain abilities. "Hot dogs in the stadium" is a game for children aimed at developing logic and quick thinking. It can be played together or with a computer opponent, so the child can always invite his friend to compete. The bottom line is that you are an employee of a fast food restaurant in a stadium. Visitors come to you and make their orders, for some time, you have to prepare them, but it is important to do everything quickly and efficiently. For hot dogs, you need to select the individual ingredients that the customer ordered. When the entire order is formed, you can call the client. It is important to do everything carefully so that each of your visitors is satisfied, this is your main task. You need to show yourself as a good specialist in order for your business to flourish and bring in a pleasant income. You can always play such an application on the official website for free. Therefore, feel free to invite your friends to visit you and go with them to the world of interesting business along with the Hot Dogs at the Stadium game. Prove to everyone, including the head of the stadium, Pape Louis, that you are an excellent responsible employee who can solve even the most difficult problems in your business.

This is exactly how events unfolded in the game Papa Louie - Hot Dogs, in which you will need to serve numerous customers. Moreover, the boy needs not only to keep a small cafe afloat, but also to make it a famous place, which is known almost all over the world.

The plot of the game

The news that Papa Louie's new restaurant was opening had swept through the city, so numerous visitors had already flocked to the place long before it opened. Each of them wants to buy a hot dog prepared by the talented son of Papa Louie.

The cafe is located in the stadium, so most of the fans are fans of one team or another. Everyone knows that fans are unstable people, so it will not be easy to please each of them.

Papa Louie has complete confidence in his son, which you actually play as. Therefore, he calmly goes to the stadium, not doubting that everything will be in order with his institution. You can't let down the expectations of your beloved dad!

Game process

When you are shown the process of making delicious hot dogs, you will need to actively engage in customer service. Try to be as attentive as possible, make sure that the sausages have the right degree of roasting, and the appearance of hot dogs is impeccable.

In addition, try to complete all actions as quickly as possible, since almost all customers are in a hurry to get back to the stadium, so they will not tolerate the sluggishness of the cook.

Description of the flash game

Papa Louie hot dogs

papa lui hot dog

Another arcade game from Papa Louie. Now he wants to open a hot dog restaurant right on the baseball field. By getting a job with him, you get the opportunity to attend all league matches and cheer for any team. But you need to not only watch the games, but also work. Baseball is very popular, there are a lot of people in the stadium during the game, and they all want to eat during the intense fight. So they run straight to you. After quickly collecting orders from them, go to the kitchen and start grilling sausages. For each individual client, you need to fry the nipples to a certain degree of frying, do not forget to turn over and fry on both sides. Then put it in a bun and go to another table, where there are greens, spices and sauces. When you're done with your various toppings, don't forget to pour a glass of cola and a bucket of popcorn. We pack the hot dog and the order is ready. After trying your work of culinary art, the visitor will rate and pay money. Pay attention, the more he likes the hot dog, the more tips you get. What an unusual job - to feed people and watch a baseball game in between!

Description of the flash game

Papa Louie - Hot Dogs

Papa Lui

The story of the exciting and funny arcade "Papa Louie - Hot Dogs" begins with the fact that a young girl is a baseball fan. She waited a very long time for the moment when she could buy a ticket for the match, but at the last moment, right at the moment of her turn, the tickets ran out. The girl was upset, but at the same moment she saw an ad for a job as a waiter in fast food, the main menu of which consists of hot dogs. You are very lucky, because the kiosk is located right inside the stadium where the match takes place. And all your favorite athletes are at arm's length.

But do not think that everything is so easy and perfect. After all, a crowd of hungry fans are unlikely to let you fully enjoy the game. They want to eat, their patience is running out, which means they need to be served faster. In addition, these are your functional duties as a waiter. Before you is the interface, with all the necessary products and inventory. Look carefully what the visitor ordered and follow his order in the correct sequence. It would seem that there are no special components in a hot dog, but this place knows how to surprise with a variety of variations. Therefore, you will have enough work. Your main goal in the game "Papa Louie - Hot Dogs" is to serve more visitors correctly, because then the revenue will be more. And in free minutes, the hero will have the opportunity to monitor the score of the game.