How to starch denim. How to starch a thing at home? Important nuances for hats and panamas

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All things need care: washing, drying, ironing. Many people forget about milestone- starching. The process will stiffen the products and whiten them. The service life is extended, they look newer. How to starch fabric at home, you can read below, where we give some of the most popular ways.

Types of starching

There are three ways:

Soft It is used for processing thin blouses, blouses, curtains and bed linen. Things are made of cambric, chiffon, muslin, organza, tulle. Dilute a teaspoon of starch in a liter of water. For large items, take more water and keep the proportions.
medium hardness Is used for men's shirts, napkins, tablecloths, decorative fabric accessories. For one liter of water you need a tablespoon of starch.
Hard In this way, petticoats, ballet tutus, stand-up collars, cuffs are starched. Take two full tablespoons of starch per liter of water.

starching methods: 1) soft, 2) medium hard, 3) hard

Why Starch Fabric

After processing, the material acquires beneficial features:

  • wrinkle less, does not lose shape;
  • becomes more resistant to dirt, does not need to be washed frequently;
  • dirt remains on the surface, it is easier to wash off;
  • bleaching of yellowed things.

Since the starched material does not allow air to pass through, it is not necessary to completely process everyday things, especially in summer. Watch the video for tips.

Starching of some products

How to starch curtains:

  1. Calculate the amount of starch in the proportion of 1 or 1.5 teaspoons per liter of water. It depends on the density of the product (tulle or thick curtain).
  2. Dilute the bulk substance in cold water, then add warm and heat. When you get a transparent sticky mass, pour cold water and mix quickly.
  3. Place the product there for half an hour. Wring out well, dry a little and iron the wet thing.

How to starch shirts at home:

  1. For thin chiffon, cambric or silk shirts, a mild solution is used.
  2. or cotton shirts processed with a composition of medium hardness.
  3. Cuffs and collars need hard starching.
  4. The shirt is soaked in the solution for a quarter of an hour and gently wrung out. Dry on a coat hanger over a bathtub so that the water is glass.
  5. Iron a slightly damp item. Do it quickly, removing creases and folds. If you dry it with an iron, it will remain yellow footprints from starch. The shirt should dry completely after ironing.
For machine embroidery, a weak solution is prepared and a small amount is sprayed from the wrong side.

Extra hard solution

When adding borax, you can get a composition for very hard starching:

  • pour 3 tablespoons of starch into a saucepan with a liter of cold water;
  • pour a teaspoon of borax into a glass of boiling water, stir and cool;
  • add one mixture to another and leave for an hour, then mix;
  • soak cuffs, collar or other hard thing with a solution and dry.

This method will take 5 to 15 minutes. It is important that the solution completely soaks the material.

Subject to certain nuances, the starching process will become easier, the quality of things will improve:

  • when a pinch of salt is added to the solution, the fabric will acquire a special shine;
  • if you drop a little turpentine into the composition, the material will not stick to the iron when ironing;
  • starch-treated items should not be dried in the cold;
  • products, crochet, dry on a flat surface, securing with pins so that they do not deform.

How to dry and iron

  • you can dry the starched material in a straightened state on a flat surface, placing a clean cloth under it;
  • products with embroidery are dried on a hoop, and ironed from the inside out at a low temperature;
  • openwork napkins are ironed through the fabric at the minimum temperature of the iron;
  • lace that does not need washing is not soaked in a starch solution - just soak a cloth in it and wipe them, then iron them through a piece of fabric.

What can not be starched

  1. . Starched things almost do not allow air to pass through and will not allow the skin to breathe normally. The hygroscopicity of the material is reduced.
  2. For the same reasons, doctors advise not to starch. linens.
  3. On dark things, after starching, white stains and spots will remain. They become noticeable after drying.
  4. Products made of synthetic or mixed fabrics. Non-natural fibers are not amenable to starching.
  5. Material embroidered with floss threads. They will cease to shine pleasantly and stick together with each other.

other methods

Without starch, stiffness is given to things through several other means.

With the help of gelatin

Recipe for gelatin solution for product stability:

  • pour a tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of water;
  • warm up after swelling steam bath;
  • use the mixture when the gelatin is completely dissolved.

This method is suitable for processing decorative items, for flowers. Gelatin is used to shape the edges of hats, various baskets or vases. He will return the shine to satin products.

PVA glue

How to prepare the composition:

  • dilute 100 g of glue in a glass of water;
  • mix until smooth;
  • apply immediately.

This method is suitable for small items, napkins. The thing is placed in the solution and wait until it is saturated with it. Then it is taken out and carefully squeezed out. Dry horizontally, you can fix the napkin on an unnecessary pillow.

With sugar

This substance is found in the kitchen of every person. How to do:

  • pour a liter of water 150 g granulated sugar;
  • put on fire and prepare the syrup, stir occasionally to dissolve the sugar completely;
  • after boiling, turn off the stove and place the prepared thing in a saucepan with a solution;
  • when it is soaked, wring out and put on the table until dry.

If it was not possible to harden the product with sugar the first time, it is recommended to repeat all the steps. The syrup is suitable for shaping openwork napkins or knitted boots.

What else to use

  • In the store you can buy a product in the form of a spray. It is enough to spray it on clothes before ironing. Starch is sold in liquid form, which is diluted plain water. This product does not need to be boiled.
  • In addition to potato starch, you can buy corn or rice. But potato gives things a white, sometimes even bluish tint. It thickens better and faster.
  • Starched clothes or home textiles will last longer, look newer and more attractive. It's worth spending a little time on this.

starch things at home may seem like a simple task, but in fact it is very important to know how to do it right. By overdoing it with starch, you risk getting a wooden rag instead of a dense thing, so the proportions must also be observed correctly. In our article we will tell you how to properly starch things.

Many people ask: “Why do you need to starch things at all?”. The fact is that things starch for the reason that after that the fabric becomes denser and holds its shape better. In addition, an imperceptible film is formed on such things, which serves as a kind of barrier for the penetration of dirt deep into the tissues. Thus, pollution from starched things is much easier to remove. But it is not necessary to starch the whole thing completely, but only some areas. Although it depends on the degree of starching. There are only three of them:

Each one is suitable for a certain kind clothes. We will look at them in more detail a little later, but now let's figure out how to starch things at home.

The first step is to know how to prepare a solution that can starch things. It is made from two ingredients: starch and water. But it is very important to clarify that far from any starch that exists on store shelves is suitable for this. For example, rice or corn starch is completely unsuitable, but if you use potato starch, the result will be the best!

Before you start starching things, you need to thoroughly wash them, wring out and let them dry at least a little. You can starch both dry things and wet things, this will not play a special role.

So, now we can consider the degree of starching of things at home, and also find out what clothes they are suitable for.

Starching method

First you need to boil water, then dilute starch in a glass of cold water. Calculate its amount from the proportion: one teaspoon of starch per liter of water. After the water boils, it is necessary to pour the starch diluted in water into a container and cool the solution. After that, you can starch the thing by dropping it into the solution for a few seconds. You can also pour the solution into a spray bottle to selectively starch some parts of your clothes without completely soaking them. After that, gently wring out the fabric and leave to dry. Be careful not to overdry starched things, as they will be difficult to iron.

With a weak degree, you can starch any things made of light fabrics, as well as curtains, curtains and bed linen. Perfectly in this way you can starch a shirt.

Prepare a solution for medium degree starching can be done in the same way as for the weak. Only in this case, starch should be taken at the rate of two teaspoons per liter of water. After preparing the solution, you can soak things in it, or pour it into a spray bottle to selectively starch one or another part of the clothes.

With an average degree, you can starch things from thick fabric, skirts, ribbons and tablecloths. You can also starch knitted and woolen items.

Put the water in a saucepan to a boil, at this time mix two tablespoons of potato starch with cold water. Also take a glass of hot water and dissolve one teaspoon of borax in it, leaving to cool. When the water boils, pour the starch and borax solution into it, then remove from heat and let the solution cool. You can starch things with such a solution in the same way as in the case of the first two options. Just keep in mind that by overdoing the item in such a strong starch solution, you risk getting uncomfortable and tight clothes. So don't overdo it.

A high degree of starching of things is suitable for things that are made of coarse fabrics, as well as petticoats, collars and denim products. You can starch your hat this way.

Thus, you can make sure that starching things at home is not so difficult if you know exactly how to prepare a starch solution. After you read our article, you will learn how to properly and quickly starch clothes with your own hands.

Starching laundry

Starching gives the tissues elasticity, they are less wrinkled and dirty. In the past, housewives starched almost all things, but now they do it much less often.

So, doctors do not recommend starching bed linen, since the breathability of the fabric worsens, which is completely unhealthy from the point of view of hygiene. For the same reasons, underwear is not starched or only its individual parts are starched, for example, collars, cuffs, frills.

Of course, it is necessary to starch table linen, since tablecloths and napkins in this case keep their shape better and have a better appearance, as well as curtains, furniture covers, summer knitted hats, skirts of little fashionistas.

Of course, such processing of washed linen also depends on the tastes and preferences of the hostess.

There are three ways to starch: soft, medium and hard. At soft way the solution is prepared from 7-9 g of starch taken per 1 liter of water, as follows: first stir the starch in a small amount cold water, and then, with constant stirring, pour in a thin stream the right amount of boiling water. You should get a translucent paste without lumps. Soft starching is used for clothes made of thin fabrics: cambric, muslin.

If it is necessary to obtain a more rigid fixation, for example, when processing table linen or furniture covers, then a solution of medium consistency is used. To do this, take about 10-12 g of starch per 1 liter of water. Prepare the solution in the same way.

Hard starching is used to stiffen collars, cuffs, petticoats.

To prepare such a solution, take 50 g of starch per 1 liter of water and mix thoroughly to obtain starch "milk", to which 15 g of borax is added, completely dissolved in 1 glass of hot water and cooled to room temperature. The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed and incubated for 1.5-2 hours.

To starch any thing, it is dipped into a solution(prepared by the first two methods) and mix well so that the fabric is completely saturated with the solution. Then the product is squeezed and dried, after which it is sprinkled with water and, after allowing it to lie down for several hours, is ironed with a slightly heated iron.

With hard starching, things are squeezed out, wrapped in white cloth, straightening all the folds and creases, and press hard on the fabric, as if driving a solution into it, and then iron it with a slightly heated iron.

If you wish to give something beautiful shine, you can use the so-called starch gloss, which, in addition to 5 parts of starch, includes 3 parts of white talc and 1 part of borax. All components are mixed together, add a small amount of cold water and stir.

Wet a cloth in the resulting solution and apply the solution to the thing with it. Then it is ironed, and under the action of heat, the solution starches the thing and gives it a shine. By the way, you can not starch linen after each wash, since the effect persists for 3-5 washes.

IN last years can be purchased at hardware stores ready-made formulations for starching, which are simply added to the water during the last rinse. Very convenient to use by special means for starching small things or their parts (collars, frills, frills) in aerosol packaging, which our industry also offers to housewives.

In addition, I would like to give a little advice to lovers of starched linen: so that when ironing starched things do not stick to the sole of the iron, add a couple of tablespoons of milk to the starch solution.

Many housewives consider starching clothes to be troublesome and sometimes ineffective. And as it used to be, it was so expensive to look at people, schoolchildren with starched white collars, ironed aprons, cuffs.

How to properly starch things at home so that the work is not in vain, and things look 100%?

First, let's try to understand why things starch and is it necessary to do this in principle?

As you know, things starch with starch. It gives things elasticity and keeps them clean more long time. Needless to say, the impeccability and elegance of starched things, and clothes will last longer, because starch prevents the destruction of fabric fibers, makes things more durable and elastic. Another important advantage starching -.

Previously, it was important for clean housewives not only to wash and iron things with high quality, but also to starch them, only such clothes were considered ready to wear. Modern people they wear different clothes today, the material often does not need starching or is not adapted to it, and additional red tape with things has sunk into the past.

How to starch clothes

It is necessary to prepare a good solution, the collar must stand, which is sometimes difficult to achieve. Housewives are wondering what they did wrong? In fact, the composition of the solution is simple: water and starch.

Starch can be potato, rice, corn, wheat, but for starching things, this does not have special significance, for carrying out such a procedure, in principle, anyone is suitable.

Potato starch has always been considered the best, and the most affordable. It thickens perfectly, gives things a pure white or bluish tint. But there is little density from corn starch, the most important condition for successful starching is the density of the composition, the thicker it is, the more effective.

First, the thing or fabric is washed, rinsed, and only after that it is lowered into the solution to impregnate the material. Linen can be wet or dry, it does not play a significant role.

How to properly starch things at home

You can process a thing with starch in three ways, differing from each other in the degree of rigidity, which you want to see in the end. The degree can be:

  • soft, only 9 gr. is added to the solution. starch per liter of water. Stir the starch in a small amount of cold water, stirring constantly, add boiling water to the desired volume, the resulting composition can be compared with transparent glue. The solution should be even in consistency, without lumps. The soft processing option is suitable for chintz, satin, that is, thin and delicate fabrics.
  • middle, at this method fixation requires tightening, that is, you need to make the solution thicker by adding a little more starch, 10-12 gr. starch per liter of water. The method is good for starching table towels, furniture covers.
  • tough, the method is suitable for cuffs, collars, so that they stand and are tough enough, for 1 liter of water - 50-60 gr. starch. The composition should resemble starch milk, you can add 10-15 g of borax dissolved in boiling water and cooled to it. Mix the solution well, let it brew for 2-3 hours.

IMPORTANT! The mistake of many housewives is to use the solution immediately after preparation due to being busy, saving time. starch solution must insist - important condition to get a quality result. The thing is completely lowered into the solution, the fabric should be thoroughly saturated.

Wring out the treated item lightly and hang to dry. So that the dried product does not stand as a stake, sprinkle with water, let it lie down for a couple of hours. After that, the product can be ironed, but it is not necessary to heat the iron to the limit, yellow spots remain.

After hard starching, squeeze out the thing, wrap it in white matter, folds and creases should not be. To thoroughly absorb the solution, press the thing, you can put some heavy object for a while, then heat the iron slightly and iron the product.

What things can be starched

You can carry out a soft procedure in a gentle way with curtains, bed linen, women's blouses, others light fabrics. Middle way suitable for skirts, tablecloths, men's shirts, lace, bows, frills. In the most rigid way, for reliable fixation, gauze is starched in packs, petticoats, and collars.

How to starch things at home so that shine remains

You can add shine to products by using a glossy starch, consisting of starch (5 parts), talc (3 parts) borax (1 part). All components are thoroughly mixed without leaving lumps, cold water is added. First, a fabric napkin is lowered into the composition. After it is thoroughly saturated, superimposed on top of the product or a separate part of it, the thing is immediately ironed to enhance fixation, which gives it shine.

IMPORTANT! To add shine, you need to iron the thing with an iron. The resulting effect will withstand 5-6 washes.

How to starch silk

Silk products, especially collars, cuffs, are sometimes very worth starching. Take silicate glue for this purpose. First, wash the item and place it in the prepared solution, adding to cold water(5 liters) 1 tbsp. a spoonful of glue

Many have completely forgotten about gelatin, but it can also be used to give brightness and elasticity to silk material. First, the gelatin is soaked in warm water, swells, after which the product is dipped into it and aged for up to 30 minutes.

How to starch a collar

In a semi-rigid way, collars can be starched to maintain shape and give the product rigor. A very stiff collar can rub your neck, but the look of the shirt will be excellent and presentable. Wash the item first. If its color is white, add a little hydrogen peroxide to the water, the whiteness will be simply dazzling.

For a paste, dilute a couple of large spoons of starch in 1 liter of water, immerse the collar in the solution for 20-25 minutes, then squeeze it out, spread it on a towel in a straightened form.

IMPORTANT! Do not dry the product to the end and iron it through gauze.

Previously, the skills of starching things were passed down from generation to generation. Starched different elements clothes down to bed linen. This was done so that the fabric became denser and held its shape well. As a result, things were less soiled, and yellowed clothes were bleached.

Starched items look nice and neat, but the starching process is different for fabrics. different density, color and composition. Therefore, questions often arise about how to starch the fabric correctly.

The solution prepared for tissue starching can be of different concentrations. You need to know how to properly dilute starch. Three methods are used for starching:

  • Soft. It is used for bed linen, chiffon, cambric, curtains made of light fabrics. The lighter and thinner the fabric, the lower the concentration of the solution it requires. To properly prepare the solution, a teaspoon of starch should be dissolved in a liter of water. It can be anything: rice, potato, wheat or corn. But most often the housewives use potato starch because it thickens well.
  • Middle. Suitable for tablecloths, lace products, men's shirts, tissue napkins, bows and flounces. For good starching, increase the concentration: dissolve a tablespoon of starch in a liter of water.
  • Hard. This method is desirable for processing shirt cuffs, collars and other items of clothing that need to be given a rigid standing shape. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of starch, a teaspoon of borax (sodium boric salt) to a liter of water, then mix until a homogeneous consistency and let it brew for 2 hours.

These processes can be carried out both manually and in a washing machine. It all depends on the preferences of the hostess and the size of the product.

Recommendations for manual operation

The prepared solution must be used correctly. To do this, you need to follow this action plan:

  1. Clothes (bedding, collars) should be washed well.
  2. Pour water into the basin, according to the chosen method to dilute the starch.
  3. Add to the solution hot water until a clear solution of viscous consistency without lumps is obtained. Ideally, it should be slippery. If you still get a cloudy solution, it is better to boil it for five minutes.
  4. Then you need to lower the product into the resulting mixture, wait until it is completely wet, after which it can be removed from the pelvis.
  5. Excess liquid must be squeezed out, folds must be straightened, then the product must dry when room temperature. If you hang it to dry on the battery, it may not be ironed.
  6. The starching process must be repeated after each wash.

Using the washing machine

Starching is possible make the process easy and fast. For this you need a washing machine. This is not difficult if you follow these instructions:

  1. The diluted solution must be poured into the conditioner compartment, but it is not necessary to fill in the conditioner together with the starch.
  2. Turn on the most suitable washing mode for the fabric.
  3. After washing, hang the item to dry.
  4. Be sure to wipe the drum of the machine with a clean, dry cloth.

The listed methods are only suitable for those products that can be treated with starch. Soaking is suitable for small and bulky items. To do this, the product is lowered into a container with a solution and incubated for 15-30 minutes. Can starch the product wide paint brush : the fabric is laid out on a flat surface, leveled and brushed the desired areas. The method is convenient for starching knitted hats, flounces, cuffs and hats. And for tulle and other fabrics requiring careful attitude spraying is best. But in this case, it is recommended to purchase a ready-made solution.

The use of special means

For those who are not eager to breed starch on their own, they came up with special professional tools for starching. They are sold in the household departments of the store. Such products have advantages over home starching:

  • You can choose the most comfortable shape starch agent: spray, powder or liquid.
  • The spray is easy to apply on any separate part clothing, such as a collar. This greatly simplifies the process, because in order to obtain desired effect it is enough to sprinkle the collar while ironing the shirt.
  • For large items, special starch powders are used. It remains only to add them to washing machine, additional dilution of starch is not required.
  • Instructions for use are attached to each such tool. For high-quality starching things, it is better to look at the instructions.

Features of processing various materials

As already mentioned, an individual starch dilution recipe is suitable for each type of fabric. That's why you need to know exactly how to starch the fabric at home. Starch should process things, given the type of material.

Giving stability to silk

Sometimes it is necessary to make silk better hold its shape, and it is starched with gelatin or silicate glue. When processed with gelatin, the silk product acquires a beautiful sheen and becomes much more elastic. Processing steps:

  1. You need to wash your clothes well, getting rid of stubborn stains, if they are.
  2. Dilute a teaspoon of silicate glue in five liters of water.
  3. Place the silk product in the resulting mixture and leave until it is completely saturated.
  4. Then the fabric must be carefully wrung out and hung on a coat hanger, straightening the folds.
  5. It is better to iron starched silk through another smooth fabric.

How to starch tulle

This fabric is often used for tailoring wedding dresses, dance clothes And ballet tutus. It is necessary to prepare a solution of mild concentration. In this case, do not forget about the basic rules:

  • When removing the product from the liquid, you need to find and straighten all the creases, and then let it dry.
  • Tulle needs to be ironed while still wet, in a completely dry state it will not work well to iron. But if the product is already dry, you can moisten it with a spray bottle.

The subtleties of working with lace

Lace is often used in tailoring school uniform. Therefore, it is better for mothers to know just in case how to starch a guipure apron or other lace product. Crocheted items, an apron should be starched in a solution of mild or medium concentration. Step by step:

  1. After the product is washed, you need to squeeze it slightly and put it in a starch solution for 20-30 minutes.
  2. After removing the product from the liquid, it is necessary to straighten all the folds and lay it to dry horizontally.
  3. Iron lace or guipure apron through a smooth fabric or gauze.

A white school apron after starching should be ironed with a warm iron. It looks very neat and beautiful, and mothers should not have questions about how to starch lace.

Neat bed linen

After proper starching bed linen becomes pleasant to the touch b. Since it has big sizes, proceed as follows:

  1. Wash clothes in the usual way.
  2. Prepare a mild to medium starch solution.
  3. Put bed linen into the solution, leaving it for a few minutes to soak.
  4. Then you need to squeeze out the excess liquid, and lay it out to dry on a flat surface.
  5. After drying, a slightly damp product should be ironed with a warm iron.

Improving the appearance of tulle

It never hurts to know how to make the tulle hanging on the window beautiful. It is done like this:

  1. First you need to prepare a soft starch solution.
  2. Then immerse tulle in it for half an hour.
  3. Then take out the product and squeeze out the excess liquid.
  4. Iron the tulle with a warm iron while it is slightly damp.

Increasing the stiffness of gauze

The hard starching method is needed to give a stable shape to petticoats, multi-layered dresses. For sewing petticoats ball gowns gauze is used. Stages:

  1. The fabric should be dipped in a solution of rigid concentration (with starch and borax).
  2. Take out and squeeze the gauze.
  3. You need to iron it damp, gently straightening the folds along the iron. Dried gauze with folds will then be almost impossible to iron.

Thick canvas for embroidery

Needlewomen know that if the canvas is starched, then it will be easy to embroider on it. To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Dip the canvas in the solution for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Squeeze out excess liquid from it and lay it out to dry on a flat surface.

Usage secrets of proper starching, which not all housewives know, will improve the condition of the clothes:

  • Wet starched items are easier to iron.
  • Wet cuffs and collars should be ironed first.
  • After starching, it is imperative to iron things on both sides, but first from the wrong side.
  • Steam should not be used, because starched clothes will lose their properties from water.
  • If a hard starching method was used, then it is not necessary to iron the product until completely dry - yellow stains will subsequently appear.
  • The product embroidered with floss threads cannot be starched. The threads can stick together, and the shine will be lost.
  • You can not dry the starched product in the cold.
  • Lace, doilies and crocheted items should be dried horizontally. It is desirable to fix the product along the edges with needles to avoid its deformation.
  • Sometimes starched clothes stick to the iron. To avoid this, you can add a few drops of turpentine to the solution.
  • Gives shine to things common salt. A small pinch should be added to the starch when it is diluted.

Although almost all fabrics are suitable for this process, it is still not worth processing underwear. It must be breathable, and starched laundry will be dense and unhygienic. Also, don't starch things. dark color- after drying, the starch may color some of its areas yellow.

Of course, now starching all things is not very relevant. But in special occasions these tips are very helpful. And then the clothes and decor elements will look neat and festive.

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