How to learn to be a real woman. Self-development and self-education. Its external manifestations are


This Notebook- your companion.

Each Commandment in it is a small training with big consequences. Read each Commandment slowly, do not skip it, even if it seems that you understand everything. Feel it the best you can.

A command is not advice. This is not a recipe to be strictly followed. A commandment is a reflection of the law that exists in life, whether you are familiar with it or not. You can live in resonance with it, then it works. And you can live in dissonance, then it works for someone else.

These Commandments are not as simple as they might seem at first glance. Each Commandment, if you look closely and feel it, can completely turn your life and self-image. Each command is magic point your strength.


“Women are the same men, only better,” the humorist Andrei Knyshev once said. And in fact, he was right ...

Why did it happen?

Think back to your childhood or youth. Have you ever heard the phrase:

You can't study for triples, you're a girl...

You have to behave yourself, you're a girl...

You have to be responsible, you're a girl...

You can't forgive it, you're a girl...

He is a boy, what to take from him ... He is forgiven ...

So we have learned to differ from men in that we are BETTER. Of course, we do a lot better than boys. But our gender is female. And I still want FEMALE happiness.


The modern world cultivates stereotypical roles in women: businesswoman, bitch, blonde. Each role is a uniform that has nothing to do with our individuality. We are told how we can control men, even without their knowledge and consent. We are told how we should look to be considered beautiful.

Meanwhile, your Real Woman, unique and not like any template, longs for her birth in all her naturalness and beauty.

Imagine that a Goddess lives inside you. This is your 100% potential, your full realization in all spheres of life. This Woman has the maximum degree of freedom in expressing herself as she is. It should not follow the stereotypical framework of modern philosophy.


A real woman does not pursue happiness. She doesn't run after anything at all. Running for happiness is the most popular and most stupid sport. We are all running somewhere. To a bright future, tomorrow, in next year etc. A Real Woman does not do this kind of sport. She doesn't run anywhere. She floats through life, always being in today. Today is the most interesting and important thing that occupies her attention. One day is one small life. A real Woman has plans for the future, but she always lives in the present, not postponing her life for tomorrow. She does not expect her real life will start when... (when she finally loses weight, when the Prince arrives, when ideal circumstances happen, etc.).

Being a Real Woman is a great privilege that only you can allow yourself. A real Woman is in awe of the fact that she was born a Woman, and sees this as a special value. She not only knows herself as a Woman at the level of a concept, she feels that she is. For her, being a Real Woman is not a test, not hard work and not a cross that must be carried all her life. This is a gift and a blessing of fate. A real Woman cultivates femininity in herself at all levels: internal (sensations, feelings, thoughts) and external (body, clothes, behavior).

A real woman lives at her own pace. When you live too slowly, there is no feeling that this is life. When you live too fast, you don't have time to feel life in a hurry. Each of us has our own natural pace of life. A real Woman knows and feels her inner pace well and lives in accordance with it. Pace big city unnatural pace of life for most people - it is too fast. A real woman avoids extremes. She doesn't lie on the couch, but she doesn't flicker like a chicken either. She herself regulates her loads and thereby sets the pace for the circumstances around her. She lives in such a way as to do what she wants, and at the same time not lose the taste of life. In her actions, the most important thing is the clarity of awareness and the accuracy of the calculation of what she is doing and why, and not at all the number of body movements performed per unit of time.

A real woman is in the first place.

She knows well that putting herself first does not mean being selfish, callous, indifferent or cynical. She just knows that an excessive desire to engage in other people hides a fear of living her own life. A real woman is interested in HER life. She never loses a sense of the value of her life and her personal space. At the same time, she is capable of supporting, helping and participating in the lives of other people. She does this not because she is afraid to disappoint someone, but because she is sincere desire. She doesn't say yes if her heart says no. She always listens to herself and trusts her feelings.

A real woman does not care about a "record book for public opinion." Every girl received this record in childhood. This record book is for parents, teachers, neighbors, relatives, friends and colleagues. Many girls devote their whole lives to passing exams for this record book. The Real Woman threw away the record book. Let others check the boxes: married - not married, normal - not normal, alone - not alone, like everyone else - not like everyone else ... A Real Woman lives her own guidelines, she defines them and embodies them herself. And if they don't match the standards of others, that doesn't bother her too much. It allows other people to evaluate themselves as they want. She knows that the mission to "please everyone" is stupid and impossible. She works on herself, but never does it in order to please or earn someone's approval. She does it out of love for herself.

A real woman has outgrown her " good girl". A “good girl” is a pupil of her parents. A “good girl” has one task - to please others, to arouse approval. Like it even when own desires protest. A “good girl” lives by the principle “I should” or “I shouldn’t” ... She rarely asks herself what she herself wants. A Real Woman has left her "good girl", and at the same time she has left a constant desire for approval and praise. This does not mean that she does not care how she is evaluated. She simply does not prove anything to anyone, especially to the detriment of herself. To her features, which are usually called shortcomings (and who does not have them?), She is condescending. She sees them, but does not dramatize. She doesn't hide them, but she doesn't show them either.

A real Woman does not struggle with obstacles, but bypasses them. Fighting is the lot of warriors. A real woman will never play superhero. Encountering an obstacle on the way to her goal, she will not break through it with her forehead. After all, joining the fight, it will only aggravate the situation. She'll see if she can get around it or use it as a springboard. She knows that every obstacle has weakness or workaround. Therefore, she relies not on strength, but on flexibility. An obstacle for her is not an enemy, but a puzzle that must be guessed. She knows that every situation has not only a difficult, but also an easy solution. She owns the art of choosing Right place and right time for your actions.

A Real Woman does not act out the drama "How hard my life is!". Looking at her, you can’t say that she survives: she plows like a draft horse, earning hard money, exhausted by the household, her husband, and children. You can’t say that she was tired (exhausted) while making repairs or building a summer house. Even when her workload is very high, she finds time to recover and look good. She doesn't play the victim. She knows that circumstances are difficult not in themselves, but because of her attitude towards them.

Loneliness for a Real Woman is a gift. The Real Woman appreciates and loves her periods of loneliness, if any. She does not seek to draw casual acquaintances or men into her life, so as not to be alone with herself. Being alone is a blessing. Loneliness has nothing to do with inferiority for her and does not characterize her in any way. Loneliness is best time in order to recover, to fill your life with peace and depth. She is so interesting to herself that she enjoys her loneliness with pleasure.

A real woman loves her age always. She lives in her real, real age, accepting it and taking advantage of all its benefits. She doesn't tell herself stories about being "too late" or "too early" at this age. A Real Woman knows that this philosophy is an excuse for those who use age as a cover for their fears or inhibitions. A real woman can do anything at any age. She uses each of her age one hundred percent, and therefore she has no regret that she did not have time for something. This does not mean that she does not take care of herself and does not strive to look good. It's just that she's not getting younger, she's not pretending to be the one she was twenty years ago. At every age there is beauty, and sexuality, and charm.


A real Woman attracts men with her inner state - first of all. Appearance, mind, age, social status, qualities of character - all this, in fact, is deeply secondary. What is this state that attracts men (and indeed all the people around you)? This is your enjoyment of yourself and your life. If you have learned to enjoy yourself and your life, whether you work or relax, drink coffee or drive a car, you will attract the attention and interest of those who are close to you. Enjoying yourself is not an easy art, but once you master it, you become a powerful magnet.

Love for a man begins with love for yourself. Usually we think the other way around: “When someone loves me, then I love myself.” But until a Woman has an affair with herself, every man will be just a psychotherapist for her, trying to cure her of self-rejection and fear of being alone. True, deep love arises from being full of yourself. Then love for a man will be born in its highest manifestation - as a gift of yourself to him, and not as a desperate attempt to be needed by someone in order to feel your own fullness.

A man loves not the woman herself, but his state next to her. Therefore, a Real Woman is not at all the most beautiful, not at all the most intelligent, and certainly not the most successful socially. A real Woman gives a man not a mind, not beauty, not a body, not success, but a CONDITION. A woman who creates a special state in men - masculine - will always have success and fans. She creates this state by enjoying herself in the company of a man and admiring a man. And a man will be drawn to this special state like a magnet. A real Woman cultivates femininity in herself in order to bestow it on men (beloved, admirers, friends, acquaintances, just passers-by).

The desire to love is born inside. It, as a rule, has nothing to do with whether there are worthy objects for this in the environment of a Real Woman. When a woman thinks that “there is no one to choose from” and that there are no men around her worthy of her love, this may indicate that she is not yet ready to love. She wants something else (to get married, to be "like everyone else", not to be alone, to arrange her life). She may be afraid to love (her heart is closed by past wounds). And those "unworthy" men who are around only reflect her inner state. As soon as a woman matures to true deep love, the question “worthy - not worthy” ceases to be of paramount importance. The object (and often very “worthy”) materializes, as it were, by itself.

A woman's generosity for love attracts love to her. If a woman wants to be loved, she must be able to saturate everything with which she comes into contact with love. Give it, manifest it, think and talk about it, enjoy it. What we give to the Universe comes back to us from the Universe. So love comes to a Woman as a response to her ability to give this feeling. If a Woman has created a field of love around herself, she will never be deprived of the love of other people, including men. A woman who is always waiting for love is like a funnel without a bottom that cannot be filled. Love should be an in-breath and an out-breath, not just an in-breath. If you breathe out love, it will find you naturally.

Men are gods. Every man is God. Exactly. If he doesn't impress you as God, then you are "seeing through the eyes" of a critical mind. God can be manifested in him by only one percent. In his life, he has not yet met such a Woman who would inspire faith in himself in him.

A real woman sees gods in men. Of course, the Gods have flaws, but don't the Goddesses have them? A real Woman does not compete with men and does not prove her perfection to them. She does not remake them and does not educate them (is it possible to remake God?). She sees the best that is in each of them. A Real Woman loves, appreciates and respects men GENERALLY as a class. This position creates space in her life for interesting and worthy men.

To charm men, the Woman herself must be charmed. If a Woman wants to inspire men, she must be in a state of inspiration herself. If a woman wants to ignite them, she herself must be a small flame. The “charm” of a Woman is her love for Life, her little secrets, romance and mystery. It doesn't matter what the Woman is fascinated by - her dreams, a new dress, a haircut, a book, a movie or her memory. "Enchanted" creates an inner light that is impossible not to feel.

Next to a Real Woman there is always a place for a feat. She creates it. A woman arouses in a man a desire to prove himself strong, not imposing on him the duty “you must”, but gently inviting him to the fairy tale “The Hero and the Princess”. She creates the illusion of touching defenselessness and vulnerability, awakening in a man the desire to commit acts, the result of which will be her enthusiastic eyes and admiration for him. A real Woman prepares a man to perform actions gradually and imperceptibly, without doing anything for this, simply being in the form of a tender, fragile young lady.

Real Woman does not participate in feminist women's clubs. There are many such clubs, for example: “Men are goats”, “Real men have transferred”, “All worthy ones are busy”, “We are not bad without them” or “Women's lot is hard”, “No one loves me”, “Waiting for the Prince” . A Real Woman will not make generalizations like "All of them ...". She knows that all men are different. Each woman creates her own Universe, and she is surrounded by those men whom she attracts into her life; because we are always surrounded by our reflections. She will not fan the fire of intersexual enmity and revel in the imperfection of the universe. Talking with her friends about her man, she will not focus on his shortcomings, criticize and devalue him, making him unworthy.

A real Woman knows how to say even unpleasant things correctly and kindly. She tells them to men in such a way that it does not humiliate them, but pushes them to change for the better. It's big women's art- be friendly even when it is necessary to talk about shortcomings and mistakes.

What matters is not what a woman says, but how she says it. She speaks with feeling dignity and the dignity of the one to whom she says it. She knows that even criticism can be presented in such a way that it will inspire a feat. However, she always leaves a man a choice: to change or not.


A real woman does not save on her face. This applies to care products as well. decorative cosmetics. And it's not so much about money, but about the thoroughness of the approach. Therefore, when choosing personal care products, a Real Woman is guided by the principle: I should have everything I need for every day and in an emergency. Given a choice between cheap and proven quality, she will always choose proven quality. She loves her face and takes care of it with pleasure.

A Real Woman always has time for her face, whether it's a visit to a beautician or a morning/evening mask. No matter how tired she is in the evening, she will always find a few minutes to cleanse her face of cosmetics, apply tonic and cream. A real Woman appreciates and respects herself and will never justify her appearance with a lack of time. She organizes her life in such a way that, as a result, she is always satisfied with her appearance.

Daily makeup is the norm modern life. A real woman knows daily makeup today is not a whim for those who have a lot of time, but the rule good manners, an element emphasizing her social status, an indicator of her respect for the people around her. Make-up is an indispensable component of the image of a business woman, and not only a business woman. (Just like manicure, hair removal, clean well-groomed hair, deodorant ...)

Makeup for a Real Woman is both pleasure and therapy. A real Woman enjoys putting on make-up, even everyday.

For her, this is a small intimate sacrament, magical ritual. She knows well that the time allotted to make-up in the morning is an investment in her mood, business activity. Therefore, every time before leaving the house, she makes herself a make-up, at least minimal. She does it with feeling and organizes her life so that she always has 15-20 minutes for it. Doing morning makeup, a woman not only brings beauty, but also increases her immunity to possible stress. This is a time of self-love, when unpleasant thoughts and morning nervousness go away. Makeup is a meditation that requires solitude, silence and light.

There is always a drop of a good foundation on the face of a Real Woman during the day. She knows that in the conditions of modern ecology, the delicate and vulnerable skin of the face, exposed to the sun, dust, winds, exhaust gases, needs delicate protection that will protect it from direct contact with an aggressive environment and at the same time let it breathe without clogging pores. A well-chosen foundation performs this task. The Real Woman has left in the past the widespread myth that the daily application of powder and foundation spoils the skin.

The make-up of a Real Woman is the “clothes” for the face. It creates a feeling of security, emphasizes the advantages, masks the flaws, creates a mood and complements her image as a whole. She knows that makeup should not look separate from other details of her image, and most importantly - from herself, from her mood and facial expressions. Perfect makeup is makeup dissolved in her image. She knows it's far better to get compliments on her overall appearance ("How amazing you look!") than on her makeup ("What a beautiful lipstick!"). A compliment addressed to the image as a whole suggests that her makeup is flawless.

A Real Woman is an experimenter by nature. It always gives her pleasure to try something new, to peep interesting trends in fashion. She is not afraid to experiment, a girl is always alive in her, who spins with interest and curiosity in front of the mirror and looks into her mother's cosmetic bag. At the same time, a Real Woman never looks like a painted clown, and others may not be aware of her experiments. They can tell her: “You are always so different,” not understanding what the matter is.

A real woman knows the difference between daytime and evening make-up. She never confuses one for the other. Best day makeup- it is natural and "as if" imperceptible, and it will not cause evening make-up since morning. Her cosmetic bag always has everything you need to touch up makeup during the day and brighten up in the evening, if necessary. A real Woman knows that the right makeup makes her well-groomed. She knows well where is the measure, and where is the excess, what good makeup- this is makeup that is appropriate for a particular situation. A Real Woman develops an inner flair that will tell you where what kind of makeup is appropriate.

To tint your lips and powder your nose means to cheer you up. A Real Woman knows one very simple, but true "feminine" way to wake up and put her feelings and thoughts in order. She lets go of universal problems for one minute, looks into the mirror, takes a deep breath, then exhales deeply, powders her nose, runs lipstick on her lips and ... in these seconds she is transformed. She brightened up and got better. She knows that universal problems can wait until the nose is powdered and the lipstick lies on the lips.

Makeup is an addition to the wardrobe and accessories. A real Woman knows that her face should not look "separate" from her image. Therefore, before applying makeup, she decides on the wardrobe: what she will wear, what jewelry she will wear. Her makeup is the final point in creating her holistic image.


Clothing is an extension of the Woman. A real Woman knows that clothes actively affect mood and emotional condition and uses it. Therefore, her wardrobe is diverse. It has clothes of different colors and styles, and she skillfully combines them. Choosing clothes in the morning, she does not passively follow the mood that she has, but actively forms her mood and relationships with the outside world.

A real Woman knows: things speak for us. Our wardrobe eloquently betrays our attitude to ourselves, to life and to the people around us. With her wardrobe, a Real Woman shows: I love myself, I value myself, I am feminine, I enjoy myself and my life. Therefore, her wardrobe is bright, elegant, feminine, romantic, intriguing, diverse. Like herself.

A real woman has a good sense of proportion and style. She does not strive to shock others with her wardrobe: to be extremely bright, overly original or outrageous. She knows that any excess is ridiculous and tasteless. She proves nothing to anyone with her wardrobe. She knows only too well her worth, and also that she will never go unnoticed.

A woman through the eyes of a woman and a woman through the eyes of a man are not the same thing. A woman is able to perceive details and particulars, while a man sees the whole image as a whole. Knowing this, a Real Woman is able to see herself as if through the “eyes of a man”, that is, to cover her entire image with her eyes and catch the impression that she makes as a whole. Paying attention to details, a Real Woman does not dwell on them. For her, the main thing is to create a holistic harmonious impression.

A Real Woman is a Special Occasion Woman. She dresses as if today is not just an everyday, ordinary day, but something special. After all, she lives today, not yesterday and not tomorrow. Combining convenience and aesthetics, her wardrobe is a small work of art. Those clothes that are usually bought, kept in the closet for special occasion becomes her daily wear. This does not mean that she wears evening dresses every day. It's just that her image leaves a feeling of something special, bright, not routine.

A skirt is an eternal value. A real Woman knows that, despite the fact that the whole world is obsessed with jeans, a skirt or dress will never lose its relevance to her wardrobe. She loves feminine things and wears them with pleasure. She knows that by wearing a skirt, she changes her inner state. She knows that a Woman in a skirt (dress) looks Special and leaves a Special impression against the background of women in trousers. She appreciates the effect of tenderness, fragility and mystery that feminine clothing creates.

The heel is an eternal value. A real Woman knows that a heel, even a small one, is preferable to slippers. She knows that a heel is not only an element of style, but also a special state of “highness”. Therefore, in the wardrobe of a Real Woman there are always favorite heeled shoes. She knows how to choose shoes that are elegant and at the same time comfortable. She knows that beautiful shoes It doesn't have to be high heels. After all, even a small heel can change her whole appearance. In the same way, stockings are preferable to tights, and fine, refined underwear is preferable to ordinary ones.

Jewelry and accessories are one of her favorite games. Decorating yourself is in the nature of a woman. Therefore, she never neglects jewelry, while maintaining a sense of proportion and style. Choosing and measuring jewelry is a pleasure for her. Wearing jewelry is a game. A real Woman knows and feels her jewelry, she understands their language and uses them as an indispensable attribute of her image. She knows that the value of jewelry is that they are the final point in creating a holistic image.

A real Woman can not only choose things, but also wear them. She knows that clothes are made for her, not she for clothes, and that even the most luxurious thing will look ridiculous if used ineptly. The main credo of a Real Woman is naturalness and relaxation. Even in the most chic and obliging clothes, she feels free. And the simplest and most democratic thing will look elegant on it.

The dressing room is her little theater and she is the main actress in it. Finding your style and following it is not the same as not changing. A real woman loves change. She knows that being different is important. It means to surprise, attract attention, fascinate, delight, inspire, be an example to follow. She appreciates the effect of unpredictability that she creates with her appearance.


A real Woman eats consciously. This means that at every moment she clearly sees what she eats, how much and why. She knows that her mood, appearance and well-being depend on her nutrition. A real woman looks and feels good. This means that she is the mistress of her food and manages it. She does not make a cult out of food, but she does not neglect it either. This is an important part of her life. She knows that at first it requires some effort on oneself, then it becomes a habit, and then it becomes a necessity. The body easily gets used to everything useful and healthy.

The simpler the dish, the healthier it is. A real Woman is guided by the principle of simplicity and usefulness. She knows that the ideal food is one that consists of one product. Therefore, she avoids difficult, multi-component dishes that have gone through many stages of processing (complex salads, puff dishes, proteins and carbohydrates in one plate, etc.). She knows that by eating it all at the same time, she gets explosive mixture leading to the accumulation of body fat. Most healthy meals They are very easy to prepare and don't take much time. Therefore, the law of simplicity and usefulness is only in the hands of a Real Woman.

The only worthy reason to eat is a healthy appetite. Neither stress, nor the availability of free time, nor boredom, nor persuasion in the company, nor a way to get distracted are a reason to fill up. A real Woman is able to distinguish emotional hunger from physiological, real appetite from a surrogate one. She doesn't use food as psychotherapy, trouble eating, or a red herring. She knows there are plenty of others decent ways cope with stress and anxiety without prejudice to yourself. Not feeling the desire to eat, she is able to sit in a restaurant with a friend only for a glass of juice, even if a friend orders the first, second and third.

A real Woman eats little and often. It does not irritate or stretch the stomach with large portions of food. She knows that the stomach easily gets used to the feeling of "fullness" and excessive satiety.

With rare meals, the body turns on an ancient instinctive survival mechanism: “If you have to starve, you need to slow down your metabolism and start putting energy into fat reserves” - fat cells retain the accumulated and do not use it as a source of energy, forming a kind of NZ. That is why most people with this style of eating have excess body fat.

A real woman appreciates golden mean balanced nutrition. She avoids diets that exclude or drastically reduce the proportion of carbohydrates, or fats, or proteins, no matter how effective these diets may seem to her friends or acquaintances. She knows that the body needs all three components: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. And a sharp restriction of any of them is unacceptable. Anyone who ignores this principle worsens his health and well-being. Failure to comply with the principle disrupts metabolic processes and leads to a swing effect, when a temporary improvement is followed by a deterioration in health and appearance. Therefore, a Real Woman eats everything she likes and wants. He eats everything, just a little more of something, and a little less of something. She knows that for health and harmony it is necessary to reduce the proportion of animal fats, simple carbohydrates (sweet) in the diet and increase the proportion of proteins.

When a Real Woman eats, she eats - and nothing more. Before she starts to eat and taste the food, she looks at it, absorbing its smell and energy. She does not "change" food with books, TV, computer and all sorts of vain thoughts. When a Real Woman eats, she is left alone with the food, and everything else is put aside at this time. Eating is a ritual in which there is intimacy and total immersion in the process. There are only two good seasonings for food: a pleasant companion at the table and calm music.

Food does not tolerate haste and fuss. A real Woman respects and appreciates herself, so she will not eat like a hungry boa constrictor, swallowing food in large pieces. Even if she has little time, she finds the opportunity to eat at a pace that is comfortable for her. She eats slowly, thoughtfully. She knows that when she eats slowly, calmly and chews well, she needs less food to fill up. Eaten is better absorbed, less converted into fat and satisfies hunger more reliably.

A real Woman gets up from the table with a feeling of lightness. She does not have to finish what is on the plate, even if it is food in an expensive restaurant. Her stomach is more expensive than all the restaurants combined. She knows: the feeling of satiety does not come immediately, but after 10-15 minutes after the stomach feels slightly full. It is better to stop when you are almost full than to eat automatically, to the end, and then experience heaviness and fullness in the stomach, pangs of conscience and sort things out with the mirror.

Real woman drinks clean water a lot and often. Drinking regime is an important component proper nutrition. When a woman drinks rarely and a lot, is fond of tea and coffee, drinks a lot with meals, it seems to her that there is enough fluid, but in reality the body receives less moisture and becomes dehydrated, the skin and tissues lose their elasticity, the kidneys work in overload mode, especially since tea and coffee are diuretics (diuretics). Tea, coffee and soda are not water. A Real Woman knows that it is very important to ensure an even supply of water throughout the day, not to get carried away with drinking during meals, and drink tea and coffee rarely, but with pleasure. She remembers that it is desirable to drink at least 1.5–3 liters of fluid per day, and follows this.

A real woman does not eat before bed. She knows that good dream, fresh appearance in the morning and cheerful state of health depend on what and when was eaten yesterday. Therefore, the last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime, so as not to give the body conflicting tasks: either relax and get ready for bed, or digest what you eat. There is no point in depriving yourself of dinner, but eating too late is also harmful. The best dinner is early and light. But if a woman goes to bed late, then dinner can be at any time, but most importantly, two hours before bedtime.


Positive attitude and love for life natural state the soul of a real woman. The main secret of this state is the ability to appreciate what is rich in her life now, to see in the ordinary - special and be grateful for the circumstances that exist, without poisoning herself with comparisons and invented ideals. She knows how to live with the feeling of accepting what she has now as the best at the moment, because it is hers. This applies to both happy and difficult moments her life. She loves her life not selectively, but as a whole.

Take care of your recovery. The state of fullness is the basis of spiritual harmony, luck, good health and external attractiveness. A real Woman will never allow herself to get so involved in business and worries that she loses her taste for Life. She respects her needs and makes time for her recovery and energizing, even if she is very busy. She knows: if you do what you need to do all the time and not do what you want, your strength will go away very quickly and life will not be a joy. When she feels a lack of strength, she will always find time and a way to recover. She respects her "earthly" needs: sleep, take care of herself, be alone, relax. She knows that when she is full, the people around her and those close to her feel good.

Naturalness and lack of fanaticism is the credo of a Real Woman. She does nothing special to always be in a positive mood: cheerful, energetic and cheerful. She does not force herself and does not portray what she does not feel. She knows: A Real Woman can be different. If she is sad, she is sad. If she is happy, she is happy. If she is calm, she is quiet and peaceful. If she is irritated, she is angry. A real Woman allows herself the luxury of having flaws. She knows them, but does not dramatize or hide them. She works on them, but never fights them blindly.

A real Woman knows how to react to events in a paradoxical and creative way. She knows that what seems important today will seem small and insignificant tomorrow. What looks terrible today will become funny later. Therefore, a Real Woman knows how to joke and find unexpected advantages in what at first glance seems dramatic or hopeless. She can afford to react and act differently from everyone else. similar situations. She never loses the feeling of playing with Life. Being overly serious, preoccupied or obsessed with business is not her favorite genre.

You can always be right, but you can always be happy. In our world, there are many women who are irreproachably right, but at the same time blatantly unhappy. Any hard right creates a clash in which everyone will strive to win. Therefore, a Real Woman does not prove anything to anyone, especially to men. If she can't be right, she chooses to be flexible. She has her own opinion (and who doesn't?), but she doesn't dramatize its importance, doesn't impose it, doesn't fight for it. This does not mean that it adapts to everyone and everyone. With her ideas and deeds, she can change the world. But she will not correct "dissenters." This saves her time and mental strength.

The cycle of love. A real woman lives in a circle good feelings: she knows how to surround herself with love, trust, admiration and joy. Every day she speaks words of love and support to at least one of her relatives or just acquaintances. Sometimes she smiles strangers. She does this not out of gratitude, but because the expression of good feelings is her natural need. In communicating with people, she focuses on the best that is in everyone. Accepting her shortcomings, she also applies to strangers.

The Real Woman is a self-adjusting "instrument". She begins her day with a greeting to herself: she wishes herself good morning, good day. She smiles at her reflection in the mirror and says to herself a few nice words. She consciously sets herself up for a wave of luck and good luck in personal and professional affairs. Turning to herself, she talks with her beloved and only person. As she prepares for bed, she ends her day thanking herself. She concentrates on what she has done and what she has achieved. And even if not everything went smoothly, she knows: things and events are what we decide to see them.

A real woman knows how to make gifts for herself. She regularly buys gifts for herself - things that are not so much useful or practical as bringing pleasure. Such a thing can be bought as a psychotherapy or simply because you liked it very much. It can be a flower, jewelry, cosmetics, a work of art, clothes - everything that brings joy. When buying a gift for herself, a Real Woman will not grieve over its price or torment herself with thoughts about how much she deserves it. Through these gifts, she expresses her love for herself and cultivates a sense of celebration by herself.

A box of memories of the past and the future. A Real Woman has a virtual box where her favorite memories are stored, as well as images of future events associated with moments of tenderness, love, joy, exultation, admiration, inspiration. Each such memory is a real pearl on the necklace of her Life. They are energized. A woman opens this box and sorts through memories and future joys in her imagination. Filling the inner space of her soul, these images-pictures fill her with strength, calmness and inspiration. These are the most precious jewels of her Life. She carefully guards them and returns to them from time to time.

A real Woman knows how to get rid of unpleasant experiences. She does not accumulate in herself and does not carry with her unnecessary tension, anger and resentment. A real Woman sometimes arranges a preventive discharge for herself. She does it alone or in the company of close friends. She releases accumulated feelings with words or actions: household will not suffer from a broken cup, battered pillow or torn magazines. But the accumulated irritation will go away and will not pour out on those who happen to be nearby. A real Woman is not the one who does not experience negative feelings at all, but the one who can get rid of them, not carry them with her and not splash out “in the wrong place”.


Sexuality is the greatest gift. A real woman knows sexual energy- the most powerful primal force that lives in it. She maintains the existence of this force in herself. She left in the past the stereotypes that sexuality was considered dirty and repressed by guilt. A real Woman lives by her own rules, which are natural to her.

The sexual charm of a Real Woman is born in a deep acceptance of her body. She is

loves his body and enjoys it. She feels good in her body, as in her favorite comfortable clothes. She knows that her figure does not have to meet the generally accepted standard of beauty in order to be considered beautiful and sexy. It is enough for her that this is her unique body. She feels relaxed and natural in it. Taking care of him and caring, a Real Woman enjoys her body, she is pleased to move, feel, feel it. She loves all the physical manifestations of her femininity. A real Woman knows that her attractiveness to a man is measured by the ability to enjoy herself and enjoy herself. She knows that she can give a man a taste of pleasure only when she accepts and loves herself.

A real Woman is in a sensual relationship with the outside world. Her sexuality is only one aspect of this sensuality. She knows how to enjoy smells, sounds, the beauty of nature, the taste of food. She knows how to feel thin edges beauty. She loves Life on a sensual level, and this gives her a feline charm. The main sensual relationship of a Real Woman is with herself. She is filled with herself and is in a state of slight excitement from herself.

Sexual self-awareness is the inner state of a Real Woman. The erotic charm of a Real Woman is so strong because its source is not sexual behavior, but a sexual sense of self, a sexual state. At the same time, she behaves simply and naturally, without depicting anything, without trying to be sure to be noticed. She attracts attention with her inner state, thanks to which she glows from the inside.

The female energy center is located in the uterus. When a woman only does what she thinks, her center of gravity is in her head - this does not make her sexy, it makes her tense. A Real Woman can not only think, but also switch from thinking to feeling. To do this, she lowers her attention to lower part belly, to the area of ​​the uterus, and fills this area with its attention, tenderness and warmth. She feels her womb like a beloved jewel.

A real woman is always in good shape. Regardless of the presence of a male partner, a Real Woman sees herself as sexy and takes care of herself. She does not necessarily strive to be in a relationship with a man, if only he was. She cares about the quality of the relationship, and not the fact of their existence. If there is a pause in personal relationships with a Real Woman, she skillfully keeps a few admirers or potential suitors at a distance. She knows that this is useful for maintaining her inner tone, interest in Life, in herself, in men and in intimate relationships.

Sexual fantasies are an area of ​​inner creativity. They charge the Woman with erotic attraction. A real woman loves her sexual fantasies, cultivates and develops them, as if writing his own inner stories or making his own secret movie. In these imaginary scenes, the Real Woman is completely free. They do not have to be implemented or told about them. They have their own value. Enveloping the Woman in an aura of eroticism and mystery, her sexual fantasies make her feel like she has a delicious secret that only she knows; alluring and captivating all who are close to her.

The people around her are sexy and beautiful. A Real Woman notices sexually attractive features in the people around her. She likes to notice the beautiful, aesthetic in them. This is her point of view. She sees in women - Women, and in men - Men. She likes to tell people sincere compliments, admire them. A real Woman knows how to create around herself a holiday atmosphere with erotic overtones. To the admiration of others, a Real Woman reacts kindly and with dignity, accepting compliments as something natural.

Sex is a desirable sacrament. For a Real Woman, sex is an important part of life. sexual contact it can be fast or long, passionate or calm, unexpected or planned, rare or frequent, but always desired. The only reason, according to which a Real Woman has sex, is her desire. She won't do it for other reasons, even if many do. She will not go against her will, out of a sense of duty, guilt or concession, this is not a job and not a duty. She will not do it formally or by suppressing her reluctance. She loves and respects her sexuality.

Sex is a moment of Love and Freedom. She sees sex as pure and healthy manifestation of Life. Sex is the flowering of the Woman. She allows herself to blossom without guilt, shame, or embarrassment. For a Real Woman, sex is a means to express her love, passion and tenderness for a man. This is her gift to him. Giving herself, she enjoys. This is a celebration of energies, it is a celebration of the senses and the body, when thoughts are absent, and the feminine nature rejoices.


A real woman knows what money is.

They won't make it better or worse. They will not give you happiness. They won't attract love. Money will only allow her to express her nature for what it is. Money is clean, neutral and not guilty of anything. A real Woman knows how to be herself, no matter how much money she has now.

Money loves a Real Woman. A real woman is generous. In her relationships with others, she proceeds from the fact that the Universe is abundant. A woman shows generosity at all levels of her being: she is generous with love, feelings, care, kindness, gifts. This is how she starts the flow of abundance in her life: she shares with the world, the world shares with her. She feels created for abundance and prosperity, including material. Even if she has not yet left her Cinderella complex (the little, poor loser), she is developing her ability to open up to money and feel worthy. high level life.

The Real Woman has three Sacred Expense Items where she invests money with love and joy. First of all, health sports activities, wellness procedures, healthy nutrition - this makes it blooming, radiant, energetic and strong). Appearance (facial, body care, wardrobe choice - this makes her beautiful and stylish). Intelligence (education, self-development, personal and spiritual growth, professionalism - this helps her to become interesting, developed personality). She invests money in it with love, because this investment pays off many times over.

A Real Woman forms an optimistic vision of her future. In her thoughts about the future, a Real Woman sees herself as successful and wealthy. She cultivates this image, despite the natural anxieties and doubts inherent in feminine nature. She imagines her future to be abundant and prosperous in its various aspects, including wealth. She imagines herself happy and satisfied. Life is an ocean of possibilities. She pays attention to miracles, big and small, that happen to her and around her. She celebrates all the good and supportive things that happen in the space of her life. She collects with love and attention all manifestations of abundance and generosity.

A real Woman knows how to be grateful, and this is her tool financial prosperity. A real Woman lives with a sense of gratitude for the level of benefits that she has at the moment. She knows that it is very easy to start taking good things for granted. She thanks the Universe for small and big luck. She sees in this treasure, even if sometimes very modest. She finds the wisdom to be flexible about the ebb and flow of the cash flow in her life. She knows that everything in this world is subject to change, including the movement of money. She knows how to rejoice in both large and small blessings. She knows that the universe in which she lives is abundant and can always provide her with everything she needs.

A real woman knows how to create a feeling of luxury. She can do it with even insignificant means. She appreciates and notices the beauty of things and objects around her. No matter how much money and other goods she has at the moment, she rejoices in it. It is not fixated on the cost of things or individual brands. She loves to create a space of beauty, style and comfort around her, whether it's the surrounding space or her clothes.

A Real Woman allows men (man) to be generous and spend money on her. She accepts help and gifts from a man with dignity and gratitude. She knows that in order for a man to feel at his best, he must prove himself strong and generous. It's in his nature. Therefore, she encourages such an attitude towards herself. She knows that she herself initiates in a man the desire to take care of her and make her happy. However, she makes a man feel that he is valuable to her not only with financial care.

It is important for a Real Woman to have her own income and be financially independent. She knows that her own income allows her to be sincere and pure relationship with a man when she loves him not for his money, but loves HIM. If there is a man nearby who can provide for her, she gladly allows him to do this. But she always strives to be financially independent.

A real woman will never be a slave to money. She knows that material concerns can take over time, thoughts, spiritual forces and completely engulf the person. This happens to both men and women. But for men, strong financial concerns are forgivable. For a woman, this is devastating. A real Woman loves money and appreciates it. But money is not an end in itself for her, it is one of the ways to make life more convenient and enjoyable. Money only expands the feeling of happiness and complements it. A real Woman knows that joy and happiness from the life she lives do not depend on money. She thinks about money, earns it, but she is not obsessed with it. She knows: a woman who is overly concerned about money loses her romance, lightness and beauty.

In the life of a Real Woman there is a place for easy and easy money. She knows that in order to have more money, it is not at all necessary to plow like a horse and endure discomfort. She knows that the more EASY she is, the easier money comes to her. She knows that most people have different mindsets, and for them, perhaps money means constant stress and a lot of work. She also allows herself to differ from the generally accepted standard. A real Woman cultivates in herself a state of lightness and trust in the Universe.

Webinar by Alexander Tarasov

The expression "real woman" carries a deep and for many mystical meaning. Some believe that only a lady who has managed to achieve unprecedented heights in personal and personal life is worthy of such a flattering epithet. public life- and, of course, in the material sphere. For others, this concept is limited by the unique female charm and attractiveness. So what makes up such a unique concept, and how do representatives of the two sexes view it?

A real woman: what is she?

First of all, do not succumb to the power of delusion that to be real woman is a happy opportunity prepared by Fate itself for a select few. No matter how trite it may sound, but all women are born the same and with equal opportunities and potential. And what a woman will become over time - an “ordinary gray mouse” or a bright, charming and successful lady in all respects - depends only on the strength of her desire and desire to be loved and happy in all respects. This is what is a stumbling block for many "ordinary" women, since the lack of desire for self-improvement and life achievements does not contribute to personal growth and magical transformations appearance.

The ideas of a “real woman” or a female ideal are the same for both sexes and consist of the following nuances:


Of course, this quality is worth this case at the first place. The very sound of this word reminds a woman of her belonging to the beautiful “weaker” sex. It is femininity that is the main tool of ladies in art. And this is not necessarily about the conformity of the figure and appearance to the prevailing fashion standards. Femininity is the complete opposite of masculinity, forcing men to remember their best and strongest qualities and strive for their maximum manifestation. - this is a unique combination of tenderness, fragility and defenselessness, causing a man's desire to protect and become a reliable support. The presence of femininity is ninety percent of success on the path to the goal of becoming happy in personal relationships.

The ability to create comfort and coziness in the house.

Whatever conditions life offers her, a real woman will always be able to turn these conditions into at least suitable for comfortable existence. Every man wants his house to be in order and warm atmosphere and waited on the table hot dinner prepared by the caring hands of a beloved woman. The ability and desire of a woman to maintain a home are among the priority requirements of men to their chosen ones.

The ability to love.

This is a quality without which the concept of a "real woman" has no right to exist. The ability to give light and warmth, to show sincere concern for others, to share sorrows and hardships with them is a special property that is sometimes inaccessible to the most sophisticated beauties. It is in the ability to love, understand and forgive that the true strength of any woman is hidden, turning her into the only and necessary for a loved one.

external attraction.

Even if God did not reward a woman with the traits of Marilyn Monroe or another idol female beauty, nothing prevents her from looking attractive and well-groomed. The rule of a real woman is to look perfect in any situation, no matter what stripe - black or white - now prevails in her life. And being limited in funds to visit expensive salons and gyms, such a woman will always find 15 minutes for daily sports and will not allow herself to go outside - and even more so - to meet her beloved man - sloppily dressed or with unwashed hair.


"Zest" - this is the name of the special charm inherent in any representative of the fair sex. It is not uncommon for a woman who is not endowed with special external data to literally attract the people and men around her, forcing them only to wonder what secret is hidden in this extraordinary lady. Nature itself gives a “zest” to someone, endowing a person almost from birth with an amazing inner charm, while someone is quite capable of “inventing” and “making it work” on their own, having set a wish and arouse their sincere disposition. Of course, only a real woman is capable of this!

Purposefulness and a wide range of interests.

In order to succeed in anything, a real woman must be, first of all, an educated person and developing personality. A common stereotype from the times of house building that the role of the fairer sex is solely to keep the hearth does not work in favor of a woman striving for success and the most complete self-realization. Undoubtedly, the ability to create and maintain a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house is one of the indispensable qualities of a real woman, but in order to be interesting to your loved one and others, you should not limit yourself to endless pastime within four walls, which consists only in cleaning, cooking and watching women's serials that do not contribute to personal growth.


No goal will be achieved if you do not believe in your own strength or do not love this life. A real woman is an inexhaustible source of optimism and vital energy, generously sharing them with people close to her. And since a true lady must be happy in everything, then for this she must first make her inner circle happy!

Self respect.

The attitude of others towards a person depends, first of all, on his attitude towards himself. A real woman knows her worth, is confident in herself and knows how to convey this to others. It has nothing to do with arrogance or arrogance, she just won't tolerate disrespectful attitude and any insults from anyone, even from a loved one.


If you put together all the qualities that a real woman should have, and do not add the concept of “wisdom” to them, all other components will simply lose all meaning in life. The wisdom of a woman is not necessarily the presence of a rich life experience. This is the ability to accept right decisions, sometimes to the detriment of one's own convictions, the ability to smooth out sharp corners in relationships, the ability to forgive and give a loved one a chance to correct their mistakes. It is solely thanks to the wisdom of women that many couples maintain their relationship through difficult and even critical times for them. A woman's ability to empathize and forgive gives her magic power above circumstances and stronger than any bonds binds a loved one to her.

As you can see, among all the qualities that make up the idea of ​​a real woman, there is not one that could not be developed independently. Of course, in this, as in any other work on oneself, one must observe a sense of proportion, not bringing oneself in the pursuit of the ideal to states close to a nervous breakdown or physical exhaustion. After all, you see, a real woman must certainly look healthy and attractive!

Every woman sooner or later thinks about how to become better. We begin to monitor nutrition, visit gym, and also looking for tons of information on reincarnation. We'll talk about how to become a woman.

Real woman: who is she?

First you need to learn the fact that a real woman is not born, but made. And they become it in order to become happy in their personal lives and successful at work.

If you are ready to work on yourself, then be patient and start striving for the ideal.


First of all, a real woman must have taste and own style. She must be well-groomed, because the people around her first of all evaluate the picture. In addition, if a woman knows that she is attractive and well-dressed, then she gains confidence and self-esteem.

  • Work on your image, you can even come up with your own zest, for example, pick up interesting accessories or catchy details toilet
  • Don't forget to take care of your skin, nails and hair. Regularly make nourishing and regenerating masks, and if possible, visit beauty salons;
  • Spend 10 minutes on daily morning exercises. Go to the gym or pool once a week;
  • Watch your diet, give up smoking and alcohol;
  • Work is also required on the gait: it must be confident, as they say "from the hip", with a raised head and straightened shoulders.

fragile nature

Female attractiveness in the concept of a man is defenselessness, fragility and grace. There are very few men who love "strong" women. It is very important for men to be dominant in this regard and be able to protect their half. But given fact doesn't mean you can't have some female power and power. You can, but these traits should only be used in right direction, for example, at work, but with a man, let's stronger sex opportunity to be a protector.


Every man dreams of such a woman who in any problem situation be able to act reasonably. The wiser a woman, the happier her life.

In the heart of a woman there should be no place for negative feelings. She solves all the problems and disputes that have arisen through a simple conversation.

The ability to love

A real woman knows how to truly love. She shows her man love, devotion and care through words and deeds.


To remain a woman and not get bogged down in household chores, a woman must have her own range of interests and be a versatile person. Take up a hobby that will give you pleasure and distract you from your routine. For example, sign up for ballroom dancing or vocal lessons and devote three days a week to classes.

home comfort

A real woman is not only well-groomed and wise woman, but also an excellent hostess who is able to keep the house clean and tidy. In addition, she always strives to make her nest cozy and comfortable.

Becoming a real woman, you will not only gain inner harmony but you will be truly happy.

How to become a self-sufficient woman

Nowadays, many women want to be not only confident, but also independent. This comes from the fact that there is a great desire to make decisions independently in difficult life situations.

In order to avoid any dependence on other people, it is necessary to arrange your own personal life. For independence, it is not enough to be beautiful and smart, you need to have a strong spirit and possess such qualities that will help you achieve what you want.

To become self-sufficient, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  • Learn to love yourself;
  • Watch your appearance;
  • Don't envy other people;
  • Do not put yourself above others;
  • Respect other people;
  • Be honest with yourself.

And remember that a self-sufficient girl always has a purpose in life. Set yourself specific goals for the day, week or month and strive to achieve them.

Having been born a woman, everyone could be a real woman, but only a few know how to become a real woman, what needs to be done for this and how to behave.

In the endless race of life, most women began to forget their true purpose and turned into a wound up mechanism that should work out its potential to the maximum.

How to become a real woman - who is she?

1. She lives in the present day and does not pursue ephemeral happiness, which should happen as soon as certain circumstances develop.

Having plans for the future, she enjoys what is happening at the present time.

2. Cultivating her femininity, she is infinitely grateful to fate for being born a woman and, feeling her peculiarity, accepts it as a gift. She is well aware that being a woman is a great blessing, not a difficult test.

3. She has the ability to live according to her own rhythm and harmoniously distributes her obligations, setting the pace for the current situation. Avoiding excessive vanity, she realizes what needs to be done and when, so as not to lose the feeling of life.

4. She is loved by herself. This has nothing to do with selfishness or callousness, she is simply interested and dear to the values ​​\u200b\u200bof her life. She knows how to provide support and show concern for others, but she does this not out of fear of condemnation, but at the behest of her heart.

5. She does not need to earn the approval of others, to whom she allows herself to be evaluated at their discretion. Creating her own guidelines, she follows them without much concern for the opinions of others. Improving, she does this not out of a desire to receive praise, but solely for her beloved.

She accepts other people's assessments, but does not try to prove something to anyone, and she has learned to take her shortcomings calmly.

A real Woman is wise about obstacles. Not playing a fighter, she will try to take advantage of the situation in order to develop a strategy for further actions.

6. She never plays the victim. By her appearance, you will never guess the severity of the load that she carries. Knowing perfectly well that the complexity of circumstances is due to the attitude towards them, she knows how to recover and take care of herself.

7. She is so self-sufficient that she takes moments of loneliness for good and does not seek to attract random people into her life, being afraid to be alone. She enjoys loneliness and uses it for her development and recovery.

8. A real Woman gratefully accepts her age and treats it with love. In an effort to look good, she does not try to look younger, but uses all the advantages of her real age.

But, it would be wrong to think that the female gender is initially divided into happy, successful, real women and ordinary women, who can not even try to reach the first.

It should be understood: real women are not born - they become!

An interesting observation: every woman knows perfectly well what he is, a real man, and can easily name a dozen qualities that he should possess. It is the word "should" - the most used by women after the phrase "real man."

But not every woman imagines what she is, ideal woman. Everyone around teaches how to keep youthful, what to wear this season, how to become successful business lady and excellent hostess.

Of course, a woman can own all these wisdoms. But is it the main thing?

Monica Bellucci is a gorgeous woman

Life proves that there is some wisdom and more important skills for a woman that make her real, charming, attractive in the eyes of a man.

Women's secrets:

1. Man and woman are created as opposites., and the struggle for equality, for sameness is absurd. The tasks that they are called upon to solve in this world are completely different.

  • The mission of a man- protect, protect, "get food" (earn), that is, Give the Woman material benefits.
  • The mission of a woman- to give happiness, love, "warm", inspire, that is, Give a Man spiritual benefits.

At the same time, she can be a highly qualified specialist, do business, earn good money. Or maybe not work, devoting himself to her husband, children, or have fun, spending money earned with pleasure loving man. The main thing at the same time is to realize yourself as a woman, to fulfill your destiny.

Advice: look at what she is - a Vedic wife, Oleg Torsunov's lectures are freely available on the Internet. You will see how in modern times many girls have forgotten their purpose, they may not have been taught this in childhood. Actually, this applies to me as well.

2. A man is called provide for the financial support of the family, a woman- her energy protection. This female role hard to overestimate. Without energy, nothing will take place in this world: desires will remain fruitless, dreams will not become a reality, thoughts and feelings are not realized in actions. By the way, remember that LOVE is action!

To give something to others, you must have it yourself. If the soul is filled with love, then it is cozy and comfortable with such a woman. But if her vital energy is not enough, then joy, warmth, happiness leave the house.

Despondency, malaise, irritability, fatigue, illness - all this is the result of a lack of energy. Therefore, in order to be able to fulfill her mission, a woman constantly replenishes her emotional and spiritual energy. It can be creativity, self-realization in some kind of “movement”, travel, etc.

3. Many people think that the main thing- take care of a man, feed him, patronize. No, this is not a top priority. A man, first of all, needs Faith in him, Respect, Support.

The main need of a man is to be needed! Therefore, women, appreciate a man, thank him, ask for advice, ask (not demand!) Help, ensure the man's confidence in the correctness of his actions. For the sake of a woman who behaves so wisely, a man will move mountains.

And it is true! Tested by me experimentally! Even at work, if you praise a colleague or subordinate for some result, then, I assure you, he will be more willing to help you further and fulfill your plans.

4. A woman is the energy of emotions,. Her task is to create space, "charge" with happiness. We must think not about what to do, but how to do it. The answer is clear: with love. Moreover, to love does not mean to become a mother for your chosen one, but to respect him, understand, trust, empathize.

5. Women need to learn how to avoid extremes, become a general in a skirt, command, demand, make claims or for the sake of a husband, children, relatives. A real woman will be able to find the golden mean.

A woman is obliged to love herself, take care of herself, respect herself. But dignity should not be confused with arrogance. It is much easier for a woman who is alien to pride to bestow happiness on others.

6. A man, according to nature, is an active principle and to act is his main task in life. A woman should give him such an opportunity. Phrase "I'm used to doing everything myself" kills the woman in the woman. The more she works, runs, fusses, the more passive the man becomes. Why bother? The "strong" sex is doing great.

The strength of a woman is in her weakness. Men are called to love and pity, care and cherish. Only the weakness of a woman allows a man to feel like a real man. A strong, overly woman does not need a man. He either leaves or ceases to be a man.

7. A woman should never humiliate a man, compare with others. First, it is very unpleasant and psychologically uncomfortable. Secondly, you take away his energy, "steal" his strength. Trust your loved one, make compromises, forgive mistakes, fix your attention on the merits, and not on the shortcomings. Accept it with all your heart and believe in it.

And soon you will understand: a real man becomes next to a real woman! These are the secrets for today. To be continued…

Book for the development of female energy:

Helen Andelin "CHARM OF THE FEMININE" is a popular bestseller. The author of the book teaches how to find happiness in marriage and be always attractive to your man.