How to organize a birthday for your husband. How to arrange an unforgettable birthday for your husband: options. "Bathroom Dance"

familiar situation: birthday the faithful is already on the nose, and you have no idea how to please him this time? It is even worse if money is short today, and you are used to making solid gifts to the man of your life.

What can you think of if you cannot give your husband an expensive gift, as in previous years? Just get a little creative and check out our list of 12 inexpensive and sweet birthday ideas for your loved one.

1. Write a letter

Yes, this is a great gift that must come from your heart.

It's time to tell him how much he and your relationship means to you. Reveal in your inspirational letter the depth of your feelings for him. Tell us about what you remember during the years spent with him. Seal this message in a pretty envelope and lightly scent it with your favorite scent.

A sensual man will definitely appreciate it.

2. Surprise him every step of the way

Start your husband's birthday with surprises, and keep it up all day!

Wake your loved one up with coffee and breakfast in bed, then give them a special gift. During the day, let him find nice little things in the house, in the car, or in other places where he usually goes.

Finally, put up a congratulatory banner in the garage or in his office.

What about spontaneous sex? Right in the middle of getting ready for a party? Or on the kitchen table, next to the birthday cake?

Be unpredictable on this day.

3. Romantic getaway

A survey conducted among married American women showed that a romantic escape is one of the best ideas for a spouse's birthday. Although there is not enough money for the Maldives, there are probably beautiful and secluded places for two in the vicinity.

You can spend the night in a hotel, pitch a tent on the lake or spend the night right in the car, like runaway teenagers in love. The end of a romantic night will be the dawn, which you will meet in an embrace, as before.

4. A thousand and one little things

This option is suitable if there are several months left before the birthday.

During the next trip to the store or to the market, look for inexpensive but useful items that will surely come in handy for a man. Choose gizmos that are sold at a significant discount and on promotions.

By itself, each of them is not suitable for a gift, but together, and even in a beautiful box with ribbons, it will look like a big and luxurious gift.

And only you will know how modestly he treated you.

5. Bake something special

Sounds trite, but try it anyway. If the way to your prince's heart really is through your stomach, then it's time for you to start cooking!

Plan your day around his favorite foods, from breakfast in bed to the final dessert after dinner. Yes, you will have to spend many hours in the kitchen, but a loved one can keep you company - you are trying for his sake.

6. Enjoy his favorite sport

Husband loves football, and on his birthday there is a broadcast of the Champions League?

You just got lucky. Even if you don't like football and it annoys you when a crowd of grown men kick the ball, today is still his day. So get tickets for a good match or watch the game on TV together with beer and chips.

Is your husband an eSports fan? Do you often play tanks? Offer him to teach you, spend a few fights together. He will certainly be pleased that his wife shared his passion with him for an hour or two. Perhaps you will like it too.

7. Album of the past year

Throughout the year, write down the most important events in your life together, printing out photos for each of them. Before your husband's birthday, buy a beautiful album and give him a very personal and original gift.

This is not some soulless thing from the store. This is your life!

8. Week of Special Dinners

If you and your husband are big gourmets, then start saving money in advance.

Schedule trips to your favorite restaurants this week. Each time choose a different cuisine, try all kinds of delicacies. Today an Italian restaurant, tomorrow a Mexican restaurant, then a Thai restaurant, and so on. You are serving!

9. King of the Day

As soon as the husband wakes up, solemnly place a crown on his head and proclaim him the King of the Day. Ask to write a frank wish list for today, and then make a good effort to fulfill them all. Even the crazy ones.

End the day with a relaxing massage.

And for both - it's time to take off the crown.

10. Congratulations on the radio

If he listens to the radio, then call his favorite station and tell the world how much you love your beloved. Order a song that he really likes or that has a special meaning for the two of you.

Hearing your name on the air is truly an exciting feeling!

11. Memorable places

Where did you meet? Where did he propose to you? Where did you vacation on your honeymoon? Where did you confess to him that you would have your first child?

Find, download online or take your own photos of places you two remember, put them in stylish frames. You will get a wonderful gift that every time will remind your husband how much you love each other and how much unites you.

12. Choose wisely

Any man wants to receive a certain, important gift for him at the moment, even if he does not admit it. Therefore, your task is to accurately determine his desires, and not buy everything that is useful on the farm.

For example, look for something related to his favorite hobby or sports team. Something that he mentioned a couple of times in conversation, but he himself would never spend family money on it.

Paying attention to his innocent comments throughout the year, you can give your loved one a really pleasant surprise.

He will rejoice like a small child.

And joy is the best gift!

a photo

Every person has holidays. And if a woman is always enthusiastic about them, then some men try to show indifference. But in fact, for them, a holiday is an opportunity to feel the attention and interest from women, even if it is an old acquaintance or colleague. Men will be pleased with female attention as never before, because at such a moment they feel special, the best and loved.

The most important thing in this business is to give men maximum attention. None of them will refuse kind words and nice gifts. Although they belong to the strong half of humanity, attention is important to any of us.

On holidays, every woman can prove herself, demonstrate her best qualities and make even a professional holiday celebrated by the whole country unforgettable for the men who surround her, especially if you can congratulate your one and only on this day.

How to congratulate a loved one

There are a lot of holidays on which you can and should congratulate your loved one. This is his birthday, the day you met, Defender of the Fatherland Day, St. Valentine's Day, an anniversary of a relationship or already a wedding, New Year. And each of them, it is desirable to make the most special, joyful and memorable for both.

When preparing for the holiday, remember that any gift is an expression of your feelings for your beloved man, so listen to what your heart tells you.

In congratulations, it doesn’t matter how much the gift costs, the main thing is that it becomes dear to the heart. But you don't need to save on it either. You should also not limit your imagination - creative imagination and fiction will help save time and money.

Start congratulating a man in the morning, from the moment he opens his eyes. Decorate the room depending on the upcoming event. If this is the anniversary of the relationship, then let the happiest and most beloved large-size photos of you together appear on the walls.

Birthday - write wishes in capital letters, placing them so that your loved one can immediately see. If possible, order a full-length portrait of him, for this it is not necessary to invite your loved one to pose for the artist, a photo in which he likes himself is enough.

Get up a little earlier on the holiday, cook his favorite dish for breakfast. There is no time - then decorate the dishes that he eats every day with hearts or diamonds. Your task is to make him smile and feel your attention, to understand how dear he is to you.

When wishing to congratulate a man on a holiday, remember practicality when choosing a gift. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, remember what your loved one is fond of. He is an avid football fan, give him tickets to a match of his favorite team, or buy some memorabilia that relates to its history: an autograph, soccer balls, scarves or sneakers.

If he collects something - increase his collection, loves fishing - give fishing equipment, goes in for sports - buy good sneakers.

Men are very fond of all electronic novelties, so the beloved will definitely be delighted with the novelty from the world of digital technologies. What novelty is better for him to choose, consult with the seller, who, as a rule, are men in such stores. They will definitely be able to tell what men buy most often.

Do not forget about your appearance, especially if you spend this day at home. Make a beautiful hairstyle, choose the most stunning outfit and elegant shoes.

You don’t need to hold out a gift to a man with the words: “Well, open it quickly.” It is better to put it next to him on the pillow so that when he wakes up he can immediately see him, or if you have prepared a surprise in the room by decorating it, put a gift in the kitchen so that when he comes to breakfast, he will notice him. Try to present a gift in the morning so that your loved one does not suffer all day with the question of what you have prepared for him.

Most men at heart remain real children, arrange a holiday for him in the morning so that the good mood of the holiday does not leave him all day.

How to congratulate on the holiday

To congratulate men on the holiday, you need to show creative imagination and put your soul into everything you do. And it doesn’t matter who you are going to congratulate your loved one, colleague or friend. In order for the holiday to be a success, start preparing for it in advance.

Men will be happy to take part in any activities that are organized to cheer them up, and will appreciate, more than ever, any compliments and praises addressed to them.

To make compliments sincere and cause a joyful smile, write them on pieces of paper. Lay out such notes on the desktops of male colleagues or at home, where the husband will definitely see them. Now it is very easy to pick up phrases that any man will like and are suitable for a particular holiday, whether it be professional or personal.

Try to create as many notes as possible, if it is a professional holiday, involve female colleagues in writing them. Maybe one of them is secretly in love with a colleague, and for both of them this will be a chance to open up to each other. In any case, during the working day or at home, if the beloved man has a holiday, notes with pleasant and encouraging words that men will find will give them a lot of pleasant impressions and a good mood for the whole day.

Remake some song with women and perform it for men, congratulating them on the holiday, you can do the same for your loved one by recording a clip for him on a computer and putting it on in the evening during a gala dinner.

Choose gifts for men that will be useful to them or will be a wonderful souvenir. If you have already given them mugs, buy them a fitness membership or beautiful office supplies that are designed specifically in men's fashion style.

For a beloved man, buy the thing that he has been dreaming of for a very long time, and even if it is a childhood dream, make it come true. A railroad, a racing car, a boat or a radio-controlled plane will give him incomparable joy. Men, even as adults, very often want to receive as a gift the toy that they dreamed about in their childhood. Such a gift, although not functional, will demonstrate how you understand your man, how dear he is to you, because you remember his innermost dreams and want to give him a carefree and happy day when he does not have to carry all the burdens of this world on his shoulders. , as a real representative of the strong half of humanity, or can plunge into childhood and feel like a carefree boy.

How to arrange a holiday

You can arrange a holiday by creating a special atmosphere that distinguishes a holiday from any other. Such emotions as enchantment, surprises, pleasant and exciting moments, scope, a lot of positive emotions, decoration of the room, candles, joy, jokes and laughter are associated with the holiday. To congratulate men, give them a holiday that they will remember for years to come.

It is very important on a holiday not only to give joy to men, but also to rejoice yourself. Of course, any man will feel next to a happy woman the very best.

You can arrange a holiday in advance, notifying everyone about it, or you can make a real surprise. It all depends on each specific situation. But if you opted for a surprise, then try to keep it a closely guarded secret.

The most important event of any holiday is a gift to the hero of the occasion. To pleasantly surprise a man, choose not only a great gift, but also packaging for it. If you want to give a man an expensive player, phone or other digital novelty, put it in a simple package with a mug or a shaving kit on it. The effect of such a surprise will be stunning.

To organize a holiday in the form of a surprise, find out in advance when the hero of the occasion will come home. To clarify all the details, connect his closest friend to the preparation of the surprise. Being nearby, he will report on all the movements of the birthday man. Decorate the house in advance with ribbons, posters with warm wishes, and when a friend tells you that they are nearby, get ready to meet.

To make the surprise completely unexpected, do not decorate the corridor or the first room where the hero of the occasion enters. As soon as he enters and a friend turns on the light, you all congratulate him in unison, accompanying this with a flying serpentine. Such a holiday can be arranged for your beloved boyfriend, and the groom, and even your husband. He will not leave anyone indifferent.

Since the celebration of the birthday was in the gazebo with barbecue, but with a bathhouse and a pool, everything that was planned could not be realized, but a fun start was made. So I hope it will be useful to someone.

I express my gratitude to the girls with BB, finalized and arranged their scenarios into one:



Let's greet each other

They raised their right hand - they waved to the birthday man!

Well, the left hand drops slightly to the knee ...

Not mine! And to the neighbor!

With the right hand we are hot

Let's hug the neighbor's shoulder so decently ...

Did you like it? Excellent!

Swayed left, right.

Well done! Excellent! Bravo!

They stroked their stomach -

Smiled all over!

Let's push the neighbor on the right,

Neighbor on the left - wink!

We take a glass in our hand, pour it to the brim!

We continue the fun

Clink glasses with the neighbor on the right ...

And with a neighbor opposite - for a cheerful team ...

Together we get up from our seats - in our thoughts we will say a toast ...

Let's say "Congratulations!"

And we all drink to the bottom!

Do not forget to have a bite - and pour yourself again!


Chrychalka - Divide the guests into two parts. One side says the phrase -

"Guests to drink vodka." Second - "You pour a glass!"
(The host reads poetry, and the guests take turns shouting a phrase in unison.)

Today is an unusual day
We have an excellent reason.
The holiday should be washed ...
"Guests to drink vodka."
Let's dance together
Sing songs, play games.
And to make it more fun...
"You pour a glass!"
We celebrate birthday
We welcome guests with pleasure.
How can you please them all?
"Guests to drink vodka."
We made the program
Contests were composed for you,
And so that the games go faster,
"You pour a glass!"
Okay, okay, don't shout
And don't wake up the neighbors!
Pour it quickly
For the birthday boy, for all the guests!


presenter: Now I suggest you have a little laugh. This game is called Telegram. Each of those present will name any adjective, I will insert it into the text of the congratulatory telegram and read out what happened.


_________________ and ____________________ Gennady!

Congratulations on your thirty-third birthday!

Over the years, from ___________ and _____________ baby you have become
in ___________________ and _________________ man!

We wish you to remain the most ______________ husband for ____________ wife
and by ____________ dad for ______________ daughter.

Let your _________ and _________ friends pamper you more often with their attention.

In general, grow up, Gennady ____________ and ___________! Your ___________ guests.



Do you hear, Gene, such a thing -
Vodka boiled in glasses
Schaub she was not out of breath,
We need to bite a little.
For such a reason
I'll say a little toast:
If you want - believe, if you want - do not believe,
An animal is roaming around somewhere.
He does not live in a dense forest,
Powerful in Russian.
This animal is called "moose" -
It's been that way for a long time.
May "ELSE" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
To want and be able
So that happiness does not end,
About good to dream
For business to succeed

So that everything always comes true!

Original congratulations riddle.

Now look under your plates. Some of you have a congratulation-riddle under them. The birthday boy must guess at the end of each such riddle what you wish him. So let's start.

In December, flying around, the calendar
Blooms again in January.
We don't feel sorry for the days gone by.
We are ready for new discoveries.
The spring bush will open the leaves,
Starfalls will open us summer.
But the main discovery is you

And today we celebrate it.
Wishes flow like a mountain river,
It was like a blessing came from heaven.
With a little effort,
You try to guess them yourself.

(And then the guests read congratulations.)

Well, if there is a lot of it.
But money can't buy it.
Any road is not terrible with him,
It is pleasant and fun to live with him.
And when suddenly it is not enough,
Attacks a terrible disease,
The doctor prescribes the procedures for us
And the nature around is darkening.
To save it - temper!
We wish today with love:
Try to live up to a hundred years,
Let it not let you down ... (health)

Everyone understands it in their own way.
It is like a tit in the hands.
Sometimes there is knocking at the door,
That somewhere soars in the clouds.
Sometimes it is called family.
Know how to protect it.
They find him not behind a distant mountain,
But just from friendly meetings.
Women have one thing, men have another.
Let troubles bypass you, bad weather
And life accompanies great
Nothing comparable ... (happiness)

They warm our soul and pocket
And allow us to live luxuriously.
You can be both full and drunk with them,
And you can take women to a restaurant.
Someone always misses them
And someone's chickens do not peck.
They sometimes save a lot
Sometimes they don't let me sleep peacefully.
We want you to be able every summer
Travel to the Cote d'Azur
Live happily ever after.
Let there always be enough ... (money)

She is called the cell of society,
And, as a support, in life we ​​need.
From two hearts of lovers is created,
Mutual understanding is strong.
It brings generations together.
And each creates its own way.
Celebrate your favorite birthday
In her circle, everyone is happy.
Although the moments are difficult,
But still, while the earth is spinning,
Let your love not disappear
And it will be strong, friendly ... (family)

You can rely on them
As for yourself.
When joy or sorrow happens,
They will share it with you.
Their main quality is loyalty.
They won't let us down
Show both sensitivity and tenderness,
They will go to reconnaissance with you.
And everyone understands
It's always more fun with them.
Let life surround you
More reliable ... (friends)

Scene "Fortune-telling of a gypsy"
(any of the guests dress up as a gypsy)

Good day, gentlemen. I am a gypsy Aza,
I came to you here by order.
On the table, oh, stacks, oops, oops, buds.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this pile is mine.
Dear birthday boy, I see you are happy
How many close friends you rather pour them.
On the hands of the bracelets slowly click,
And all the peasants touch me by the skirt.
This on ne, on ne, on ne, what an obsession,
I'll guess now, but for a fee.
Who came here for what, the birthday boy will know
But the gypsy Aza does not guess for free.
Gild my pen, just don't be scared,
It is better not to find Aza, do not even try.

Print on sheets, cut and put answers in a beautiful bag.
Guests take turns taking out information and reading aloud
"Why did I come to the Jubilee?"

















SOCIETY Beckons me,






Dear birthday boy!
The best remedy
Frighten off any misfortune -
This, of course, in childhood
We must fall immediately!
I will tell you emphatically:
You are forgiven today!

So listen and do all my tasks:

I know you will remember
What I did as a child
How carefree with friends
You jumped on a skipping rope!

(suggest to jump rope)

The ball is a child's best friend!
Remember childhood again
Step aside
And kick your knee!

(the birthday boy kicks the ball with his knee, and the guests loudly count how many times he can do it so that the ball does not fall)

We whistle from acacia trees
Did it many times as a kid!
musical variations
We are waiting for you now!

(they offer the birthday boy to play the children's whistle or pipe)

For these numbers
Together we will shout "Hurrah!"
And they ask for a glass of drink
Your guests are children!

(Let's drink to the happy childhood of the birthday man).

Comic tasks for guests

Today is an unusual day
Must be laughable!
So there is a great reason
Laugh with success!
Sharpen your attention:
I give you all a task!
(guests take turns choosing cards with tasks)

Options for guests:

Try to hold the ball
Head smart!
Good, we want to know
Do you have a knack?!

We won't ask you to sing
Just give us a little drink
Showing all good people
How to sing, taking 100 grams!

Make a try now
Everyone is pleasantly surprised:
radiant smile
Please picture us!

Remember all the sounds of laughter
And laugh at us!
It will definitely be fun for everyone
And as a reward - 100 grams!

Don't you think it's time
Laugh heartily?
Don't feel like a burden
Tickle all men!

We have great fun
But I, nevertheless, with a request to you,
And with what? .. It should be clear:
Tell a toast to all the guests!

you with your beauty
We were plunged into a light trance!
And therefore, I will not hide
I want to ask you
Smack everyone at least once
And let's put an end to that!

You're tongue twister now
Tell us quickly!
If, suddenly, there is no sense,
Then ask a neighbor!
(patter: "" A lilac jacket with an under-turned "")

musical instrument
We will supply you now
And on it you are this moment

To the degree of mood
At this very hour, raise you
It creates an impression:
You need to take 100 grams!

If "" Russian "" squatting
You don't feel like dancing
Then we're for the order
Please have a seat!

A doctor friend said
About the benefits of kissing!
Now, don't cry, don't cry
Complete the task:
Kiss all brunettes
Just don't play too hard!

musical instrument
We will supply you now
And on it you are this moment
Play the music jokingly! (guest plays or on an empty glass bottle with help)

musical instrument
We will supply you now
And on it you are this moment
Play the music jokingly! (guest plays or on an empty glass bottle with help)

Dear friends! Today we have repeatedly pleased the ears of our dear birthday man with numerous compliments, congratulations and toasts. I propose to do it again by singing a birthday song! But we will not be doing it in the usual way. I will sing, and you will imitate my musical accompaniment with the help of various sounds that you choose! To do this, I will offer you to draw a ticket. If you get the offer to “clap your hands”, then throughout the song you should clap your hands cheerfully, and if “meow” fell out - what to do, you will have to try and meow as effectively as possible! Well, and so on. And the birthday boy will choose who performed the task more expressively. So, we draw out each of our tickets!

(each guest chooses his own sound, which he must portray)


Tap a fork on a glass
Sigh sensually
Bang your palms on the table
Clap your knees
And so on…

(the presenter sings the song “Let them run awkwardly ...”, the guests portray a musical ensemble)

We give funny gifts to guests:


So that you don't get bored
We give a bar of soap!
There will be something to occupy your hands,
It's definitely not boring!

To get you a supply of paper
Could warm my soul
We give you without stress
This wonderful notebook!


To solve the puzzles
Need knowledge just darkness!
We know you will break records
By the mobility of the mind!

Yogurt is a business
If I had money to buy!
But you don't have to spend
We can give you!

sucking candy
Bears paw sucking
And a pacifier - a child,
And you suck our
Candy, groan!

To boost your mood
You throw away laziness
Eat cookies regularly
Norm - exactly a pack a day!

Toilet paper roll
Keep your diary fashionable,
We do not argue about that!
It's convenient to write
In a roll like this!
After all, there is a secret in it
You hide your
So that no one's nose accidentally
I didn’t put it into your life!

Just so nobody candy
Will never give!
Earn this award
It is necessary, in general, always!
We just love you
And we provide candy!

Coffee in a bag
Stop power loss
He will always take it!
Used to be a deficit
It's called "Coffee"!
So, we give a deficit,
May he keep his strength!

Life sometimes, as you know,
Made up of little things
That's why it's so lovely
Get this gift!
Though a trifle, but nice,
You will erase her stains!

We loved you very much
And we want to surprise you:
A pack of waffles, by the way,
We want to give you!

Our gift is simple to dope,
But we ask you to understand:
You are a fit suit
You can sweep them away!

Can of beer
finally decided
We make you happy:
Bought a can of beer
We give it to you, love!

We spice you specially
Bought from the heart!
You are a brilliant chef
Your meals are good!

Prepare notes with desires and indicate a certain time on them, distribute them to all guests. Everyone must complete their task at the specified time. Do not talk about your task and the time of its completion. It's very cool when someone suddenly gets up from the table and starts to crawl under the table or read congratulations for no reason) We had the following tasks:

At 17.00 go to the table, pour a glass of wine and read the congratulations:

"On your birthday

I will become a cool athlete

Candidate for master

In raising glasses!

At 17.05, approach your soulmate and say out loud: “Let's do THIS with you ... Let's celebrate Genka's birthday!”

At 17.15 get up, say "Let me introduce myself!" choose three different guests and, pronouncing your name, hug one of them, kiss the second, and shake hands with the third.

At 17.20, quickly run up to the pool, climb into it or stand next to it and shout: “I see Turkey!” Go to the table and clarify: “You need to drink for this!”

At 17.30, depicting an airplane with the sound “vzhzhzh”, “weee”, etc. run three times around the table.

At 17.35, stand on a chair and read the congratulations with an expression:

“Glasses clink, the cake flies!

The champagne explodes!

A little headache

Our holiday continues!

At 17.35 (when someone climbs onto a chair and starts reading the first part of the congratulations, get up and continue after his words):

Hurry to the table, shout a toast!

Let all the dreams come true!

Let the lines of the first verse

Today they will be justified!”


The host reports: "Many surprises have been prepared for you today. And one of the first surprises for the most fortunate guest. Somewhere here in the hall a banknote is hidden. Whoever finds it will become the happiest person of the evening." And as soon as everyone starts looking: “STOP-STOP! You are all SUCH adults, but you still believe in fairy tales - it was a joke)) Do you believe in horoscopes? Many of you would like to know what the coming year has in store for everyone? I have a bag in my hands, and you have the opportunity to take your amulet prize for a year in advance, but blindly. "The guests take turns putting their hand into the bag and take out a gift.

Chocolate. The year will be generous and rich. But there is one condition. Take the chocolate, remove the label, put it under your pillow. And believe me, in the morning you will have everything in chocolate!”

souvenir candle. This year will be more romantic than ever for you and will help you save money on electricity!

Lighter. The coming year will give you the fulfillment of desires, because you are holding the most precious thing that Gazprom has - gas! And as you know, whoever is with Gazprom, his dreams come true!

Instant noodles. This prize has a double interpretation: either you will be hung noodles on your ears all year, or you will be everyone around you. The second option is of course preferable for you.

A pen. In the coming year, you will become very popular and will be able to sign autographs for everyone. You can start right now.

Magi Golden Cube- You pulled out the most expensive gift, gold has increased in price by 40% over the past year, so this year will be truly golden for you!

“If you are not from donkeys, then you will understand me without words”. Explain the hidden words with gestures:

"laundry soap"


"hot steam"

"cold and hot shower"

A pair of each creature). The facilitator must prepare in advance cards with the names of animals (two of each type) and distribute to the participants. The host must make sure that one of the paired cards goes to the man and the other to the woman. The music turns on, at the command of the host, the participants begin to make the sounds of their animal (grunt, croak, meow, etc.). It is necessary to find your partner in this cacophony by sound.

"Bathroom Dance"

Each guest / couple / team must perform a dance with washcloths, brooms, basins, towels.

An improvised story.

I cut out cards with the names of the characters: Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Murka, Mouse. Each guest had to draw a card. The host reads the text, and the characters perform the actions that are read out. Every time I call a certain character, he also has to say his own phrase.

Statement of the fairy tale TURP!


Turnip - Both-on, and here I am! Rolling over in a chair...

Grandfather - taksss! Rubbing my hands...

Grandma - Maybe you're lucky! Chest fluttering...

Granddaughter - I'm ready! Fixes hair...

Bug - I'm not a bug, I'm a bug! With indignation, hands on the waist ...

Cat - I don't work without valerian! With a pathetic gesture...

Mouse - well, finally! Joyfully spreading his arms to the sides ..

Dear viewers.

Do you want to see the story?

Familiar, surprisingly

But with creative additions!

In one, well, very rural area,

Far from famous

What is often found in Russia

Grandfather once planted a turnip!

(We'll put the turnip on a stool,

What did grandfather prepare in advance)

(Gesture invites "Repka" to take their place)

Our turnip has grown by morning

And the tops shake in the wind.

And now everything is in order:

Grandfather went out to the beds in the morning.

Grunted and stretched

Yes, I turned to Repka

That's so miracle-miracles!

Grandpa rubs his eyes

Because I was surprised

This is how the vegetable was born!

Grandfather grabbed a turnip,

I pulled with all my might.

Pulls, pulls, can't pull!

Turnip did not leave the garden,

Know that it has settled firmly in the ground!

What to do? Call the grandmother

To make it easier to tear a turnip.

Grandmother in a new sundress

Ready to help my grandfather.

Grandma came closer

Grab Grandpa Grandma in an armful!

Dedka grab the turnip again!

And come on, pull and tear!

Grandma called her granddaughter

To help their granddaughter.

Only the granddaughter, to be honest,

It's all uninteresting!

Granddaughter is a fashionista, which means

The granddaughter laps her nails thickly.

To her, to confess, finally

Somehow not up to vegetables.

But, so as not to anger the ancestors,

Anyway, I decided to help.

Granddaughter for Grandma

Grandma for Grandpa

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull, they pull, they can't pull!

Grandma and Grandpa are very sorry -

The harvest is gone.

The matter was resolved by the granddaughter,

She called for help Bug.

The bug ran quickly

Even the bone didn't bite

Moreover, for all that,

Waving his tail happily.

Bug for granddaughter,

Granddaughter for Grandma

Grandma for Grandpa

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull, they pull, they can't pull!

wagging his tail a little,

The bug decided to call the Cat.

An hour later she came

She purred, she washed herself.

Her appearance told:

Someone had a delicious meal.

There was very little oil.

And now it's not at all.

The cat yawned sweetly

She stretched out her paws to the Beetle.

Cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter,

Granddaughter for Grandma

Grandma for Grandpa

Grandfather for Turnip.

They pull, they pull, they can't pull!

Apparently everyone is too tired.

We must call for help Mouse!

The mouse went into the garden

Pushed the people away

Grabbed tightly to the tops

And got a root crop!

And to see by all signs

This is not an ordinary mouse.

Our fairy tale is over

And who watched and listened - well done!

Intellectual contest (riddles)

What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

When the car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)

Why is the dog running? (On the ground)

What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)

When a horse is bought, what does it look like? (wet)

Why does the cow lie down? (Because he can't sit down)

Can it rain two days in a row? (No, because the night separates the days)

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open)

What month is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters)

What is the scariest river? (River Tigris)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

What is between the window and the door? (Letter "and")

What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He gets wet)

How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not at all. They can't walk!)

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (Only one thing: after the first it will no longer be on an empty stomach)

Before business - hanging, in business - standing, after business - wet (umbrella)

What happens if a black scarf is dipped into the Red Sea? (get wet)

Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)

What question cannot be answered with “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)

What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (on wet)

What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)

What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

What do we eat for? (At the table)

Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

How long can you go to the forest? (To the middle - you go further out of the forest)

When is a person a tree? (When he is from sleep - "pine")

What disease has never been ill on earth? (nautical)

When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you)

What notes can measure space? (Mi-la-mi)

How to pick a branch so as not to frighten away a bird? (Gotta wait for her to fly away)

For every girl, the birthday of her beloved man is another reason to express love and boundless adoration. On the eve of the holiday, the wife is puzzling over how to congratulate her husband in an original way so that the surprise will be remembered for a long time. Sweets, teddy bears and postcards are not suitable in this case, hence the need to show imagination. We have collected for you a platinum collection of original congratulations that will help surprise even the most sophisticated companion. So let's get started.

romantic surprise

  1. The congratulation is designed for calm men who prefer to spend their birthday in the circle of their adored wife, and not in a noisy company. To properly organize a holiday, wake up before your spouse, put yourself in order. Get manicures and pedicures, beautiful styling, makeup, hair removal, put on sexy lingerie and stockings with garters. Without all of the above, the surprise will be dull, without a note of passion.
  2. Next, you need to wake up your husband so that his day starts positively. Prepare a romantic breakfast, it can be freshly brewed coffee with croissants or fragrant buns, a piece of cake or a fruit dessert. Place the prepared surprise on a beautiful tray, write a wish on the rim of the saucer using jam, chocolate or condensed milk.
  3. Wake up your spouse with gentle hugs and a sweet kiss, don't talk too loudly, be affectionate. Verbalize how much you love him, then serve breakfast in bed.
  4. If a man is in a hurry to get to work, wake him up early, spend some time having nice chats. When the betrothed is released, visit memorable places for the two of you, indulge in memories of the first meeting and the years lived.
  5. Prepare a material gift for your husband, hide the present in a secluded place and offer to find it. At the same time, be sure to paste stickers with tips around the apartment, do not complicate the holiday with endless searches, place the gift in an accessible place.
  6. Set aside time to be alone so you can prepare well for the evening. Equip the bed with soft pillows, put a miniature table next to it, or use a bedside table. Order rolls, chill your champagne or wine, and arrange candles throughout the room to create an intimate atmosphere.
  7. Call your spouse, find out what time he will be free from work. Before the arrival of a loved one, put on a sexy outfit, put on heels, meet your husband at the doorstep. Let him conduct water procedures or proceed to congratulations right away. Take your spouse to the room, put him on the bed and dance a striptease.
  8. Your movements should be slow, unhurried. Let a man enjoy all the delights, feed him fruits if possible, do not let him touch you. After the dance, undress the man, give a relaxing massage. Make sure that easy relaxation turns into passionate sex.
  9. After bed comforts, enjoy dinner, drink champagne. Come up with a beautiful toast, do not use poems from the Internet.

Original congratulations

In everyday life, emotions and adrenaline are extremely lacking. Make up for the loss through extreme pastime, let your husband feel alive.

  1. Flight in a hot air balloon. Call the companies in your city that organize flights in a hot air balloon. Order 2 places, meet your husband from work, blindfold him and take him to the appointed place. Arrange with the manager that you will drink a glass of champagne in the air. When the balloon rises into the sky, give your husband a gift and express your feelings in an original congratulation, fix what was said with a French kiss.
  2. Skydiving. Not everyone can afford to skydive in everyday life, so this type of congratulations will come in handy. As practice shows, beginners jump from 800 meters under the guidance of an experienced instructor. You can order 2 jumps to fly with your spouse at the same time. At the same time, do not forget to attach an action camera to capture the resulting emotions. In cases where you are sure that this is exactly what the congratulation will be, take care of all the nuances in advance so as not to do everything at the last moment.
  3. Quad bike ride. Four-wheeled vehicles with excellent cross-country ability are gaining more and more popularity. Go with a man to ride ATVs on forest paths, make your way through sand or snow, race. The advantage of this method is considered to be that the transport does not require a driver's license, if you do not travel on public roads. In addition, you can ride ATVs both in the warm and cold seasons.
  4. Karting. Karting is a small car that can be driven in a designated area. Call the company providing such services in advance, reserve seats. Prepare a gift for your spouse (jewelry, perfume, watches, etc.), then go to rest. Let your husband win, then present a present and show your adoration. Go to a restaurant, spend time together, dine by candlelight.
  5. Horse ride. If a man loves horses or has long dreamed of horseback riding, this option is especially for him. Organize a horse ride through the forest tops, a river bank, a grove or a nature reserve. Rent two calm horses, ask the instructor to accompany you. Hire a photographer, discuss in advance the cost of services and how the shooting will take place. Present your husband with a cowboy hat so that he partially gets used to the role. It is important to remember forever that horses do not like the smell of alcohol, so it is not recommended to drink before the walk, leave this kind of celebration for the evening.
  6. Leisure. Arrange a surprise for your husband: gather all your friends and relatives, buy tickets to the water park. Order delicious food in advance for each guest, prepare gifts, congratulations, holiday caps and pipes. Buy a cabin for a day, take care of the presence of a camera. Active pastime also includes flying in a wind tunnel, visiting a climbing wall, going out of town to barbecue, skiing / snowboarding, boating and much more. Proceed from financial possibilities and what is available specifically in your city.
  7. Travel voucher. What could be better than the gentle sun, sandy beaches, the All Inclusive system? Of course, only a tourist package for two. Get a tour to hot countries such as Egypt, Thailand, UAE, Greece, India. If opportunities allow, go to the Maldives, Seychelles, Bali. In cases where a man loves sightseeing holidays, visit loving France, Italy or Spain, take a walk along the narrow streets, enjoy the national cuisine.

It is easy to organize a celebration of the birthday of your beloved spouse, if you have imagination and a little time. Consider visiting a water park or climbing wall, ride ATVs, organize a parachute jump. Plan a romantic evening, dance an erotic dance, drink champagne, enjoy each other.

Video: what to give a boyfriend / husband

The celebration of the birthday of the second half is, of course, a holiday for us too. However, the holiday is quite troublesome.

You won’t surprise anyone with a traditional “glade” at home, but you really want to make at least one a year for your loved one amazing, memorable, unique. But to implement husband's birthday script really easy, just dilute an ordinary party at home with an element of surprise.

Here is a simple but elegant variation on the theme: How to surprise your husband on his birthday?» First of all, you make a list of invitees together - you must know exactly who your loved one wants to see at his holiday. But you call his acquaintances first and ask that all of them, when the husband invites them, come up with good reasons and explain to him that they will not be able to come.

Arrange with one of your friends that at the agreed time or at your call, he will have to call your husband and ask him to help in some urgent matter, for example, drag the car to the gas station, they say, the gas has run out. Let him be a little upset, but for this he has you: don’t be upset, they say, we’ll call Grishka and Masha (for example) from the fifth floor, sit in a close circle, and later expose your friends when they can all get together.

To make it easier to prepare and implement the script for your husband's birthday, a few days before the holiday, when you have free time, wind cabbage rolls and cutlets, freeze them, this will save time.

Surprise your husband on his birthday

And then the day X came. In the morning, wake up your beloved with a kiss, whisper words and send, as always, to work, while you yourself are taken to cleaning and cooking. If the husband asks why you cook so much, look at him as if he were crazy: “So they say, you still need to prepare, and suddenly someone else will look into the light.”

So, the husband returned from work, the table was almost set. Time for an urgent call from a friend. You say: “It’s necessary, so go,” but you pretend that you don’t like it very much, because you expected that you would set the table together, and suddenly he would not have time for the arrival of the neighbors ...

One evening pshAlmost script for House 2


While your loved one is away, bring appliances to the table, meet guests (ask in advance so that no one is late, because this is the essence surprise- everyone should have time to come in the absence of the birthday person). Decorate the room with balloons of all colors of the rainbow, let this also be one of the elements of surprise.

When your loved one returns, believe me, he will be amazed and surprised. He will be flattered by such attention and the desire to please him. surprise effect can also be enhanced by dressing guests in fun holiday hats or come up with something else. In general, the idea can be developed as you like, there would be a desire and imagination.

Do not be lazy to surprise your loved ones, implement various birthdays, let them always be yours!

Husband's birthday script at home /

  • I kept thinking about how the script is up front. High subceiling beams shudder, floors and walls dance, houses under the frantic pressure of jets of oil dust and air. And then he fought, at the end of the war he was an investigator in the prosecutor's office and did not save the prisoners, and some major with white eyes killed them with a machine gun - after all, it was in Ukraine, and nothing was left of Darnitsa, and of pines, and of needles, and of childhood, and from the old pre-war Kyiv, from the stage sink on Vladimirskaya Gorka, at home at night in the light of lights, I saw an operetta for the first time. Find a script for Valentine's Day birthday Speech at a corporate party script at home Then our artillery at home Scenarios of anniversaries and weddings script Birthday of a kindergarten script of the day And then he fought, at the end of the war he was an investigator of the prosecutor's office and did not save the prisoners, but some major with white eyes decided them from a machine gun - after all, it was in the Ukraine, and nothing remained of Darnitsa, and of the pines, and the house of needles, and from childhood, and from the old pre-war Kyiv, from the shell of the stage on Vladimirskaya Gorka, where at night, by the light of lights, I first saw operetta. Script joke
  • Dada, it was a time when the word "comrade" was not only the main one in addressing a person of any nation and day, but also served as a kind of cement of friendly relations. Goddess of Olympus script
  • I'm a husband all the time about how the front looks. The high ceiling beams shudder, the floors and walls dance, the flames of the house roar with the frantic pressure of jets of oil dust and air. Scenario fire safety propaganda team birthday Scenario celebration at the husband's ice rink

adult birthday

How to write a script for a birthday party

The key to a successful celebration is a pre-composed and carefully thought-out script. And so that you do not have any problems when compiling it, follow the instructions offered on the site "Kak":

  1. Before you start writing a script, ask the birthday man how he imagines the holiday. Perhaps he wants a quiet family celebration, without too much noise and attention. Or his dream is a fun party with songs, dances, contests and other similar entertainment.
  2. Gather information about the number of invitees and their ages. Find out the theme of the evening, from which you will build on the script, or come up with it yourself. You can, for example, have a Spanish-style birthday party with appropriate decorations, music, menus, entertainment and a dress code. Only it is better to coordinate these with the birthday man, because he can represent his holiday in a completely different way.
  3. Start by congratulating the hero of the occasion, because the guests have probably prepared warm words, poems and toasts in his honor. If there are many guests, it makes sense to take short breaks between congratulations, breaking the guests into small groups. Thus, every wish will be remembered by the birthday man, and no one will get tired of endless speeches.
  4. Think of among the guests who will amuse those present and make the atmosphere of the celebration more joyful and festive. You can, for example, arrange a competition for epithets that characterize the birthday person, or put on a small scene, distributing pre-made roles to the guests. And you can arrange a portrait of the hero of the occasion, which guests must draw blindfolded.
  5. Be sure to take care of the awards to the winners. Let it be small, but original souvenirs. For example, medals "For the best dance" or "The most eloquent".
  6. When writing a script, try not to overload it with competitions, leaving time for dancing and treating guests. So they will feel comfortable and relaxed.

Adult Birthday Scenarios

As the English film director Alfred Hitchcock said, "The three main parts of a film are the screenplay, the screenplay, and the screenplay again."

This page contains the most interesting adult birthday scripts, which we chose after looking at a huge number of sites. If any of you have a different opinion or suggestions - write.

Using these "battle-tested" scripts, you can independently write a birthday script and even a script for the anniversary of a man 50, 55, 60 years old, a script for the anniversary of a woman 50, 55 years old.

If you already have your own wonderful script, then you can improve it a little more by using the anniversary contests, wedding contests, birthday contests, wedding games, from the scenarios presented on this page.

husband's birthday script

Your husband's birthday. Surely, you have dreamed about this day more than once, scrolling through all the events in your head, trying to organize the most interesting, fun and exciting holiday. And now, just now it's time to turn on your imagination and draw up an original script for celebrating your husband's birthday.

Scenario birthday in nature

Birthday script in the style of the 80s

An 80s style disco party is a great option for celebrating a birthday. Why disco party? competitions at parties are held frequently, and costume parties with adults are held only on New Year's Eve. And, of course, because this is our youth (or our parents, and in this case, each melody is familiar literally from the cradle).

We offer a scenario and additional materials for self-organization of the holiday - Disco party in the style of the 80s.

Scenario for a guy's birthday "Beer Party"

Idea: organize a beer party with spicy contests. This scenario is perfect for a narrow circle of friends. friends 30-40 years old are young, interesting, hot and incendiary. Organize a party at home or in a restaurant. If you decide to hold a party at home, then be sure to make sure that you have enough space for competitions. It is desirable that the number of women and men be approximately the same in number. This is a necessary condition for the scenario, since most will be paired. The musical arrangement of the evening, trust your friend who has a good musical style. You can pre-record discs with modern popular music, as folk motives in your case can ruin the whole holiday.

Anniversary script

The proposed version of the scenario is recommended for holding anniversary birthdays and round dates. However, the anniversary script can also be used on a regular birthday. Approximate age of invitees - from 30 to 60 years. The scenario of the anniversary is designed for 3-4 hours of the holiday.

Where can you celebrate your birthday

Birthday and Anniversary Scenarios - Birthday Scenario in Nature

This is an exemplary scenario for holding a birthday in nature, in which the organizers are friends or relatives of the birthday person. This birthday scenario is designed for holding a holiday in a team of 7-20 people, lasting 6-8 hours.

For the event you will need:

  • birthday gift;
  • equipment for the forest;
  • barbecue equipment;
  • props for competitions;
  • prizes;
  • musical accompaniment.

How to have a birthday party at home

How to have a fun birthday

Who said, that Birthday- a sad holiday? Not true! There are only sad birthday scripts. But, I would like to hope that in our project you will not find such.

Funny contests, games, congratulations like unceasing fireworks will create such a festive atmosphere that guests, and even more so the hero of the occasion, will not even be sad for a second! All in your hands!

Do not reduce preparation for the holiday only to preparing a plentiful treat. A mountain of dishes in the kitchen, guests who have pretty much overeaten (and often drunk) and completely forgot about the hero of the occasion, the hostess, falling down from fatigue - you don’t want to look so unsightly so dear to everyone holiday birthday.

Show your imagination by squealing guests. Try, for example, instead of calling each guest (or couple) by phone, send an invitation card indicating the day and hour when he (them) will be eagerly expected to celebrate their birthday.

The holiday begins with the decoration of the room. As a decoration, you can arrange bouquets of flowers, hang balloons, posters with congratulations, garlands. You can prepare a wall newspaper dedicated to the birthday man in advance. Let the guests who come immediately fall into the atmosphere of the holiday.

How to spend an adult birthday. Instruction

How to have fun celebrating a birthday? This can help wishes-jokes...

Of course, it is unlikely that we will be able to hide the wish in a joke. But you can wish for something after a funny anecdote. Wishes-anecdote is a convenient thing. All the same, everyone tells jokes, and also an additional benefit. You can arrange a competition and let everyone tell and wish. And laugh and listen to your wishes.

And here are some examples: Fun birthday for adults

Adult Birthday Ideas

P.S. Birthday This is the holiday that every person celebrates. Only in this holiday there is something intimate, because it was on this day that a number of years ago a person was born. There are different traditions for celebrating a birthday. Everyone wants their holiday to be unique and to be remembered by friends and relatives for a long time in a positive mood. But no matter how you celebrate your Day, the main thing is that you like it.

Contests, lotteries and birthday

You always want to make this day unforgettable and interesting, cheerful and incendiary, and the guests invited to the holiday will feel comfortable and at ease. To do this, you need to organize a lot of interesting games, contests and skits at your party that will unite and make friends with your guests. But do not forget that contests should be such that they do not create inconvenience or offend anyone.

congratulations on your birthday

Birthday cakes and dishes

Sources of information:

adult birthday, adult birthday script, birthday script, adult birthday script, have a birthday, have a fun birthday, how to have a fun birthday, where to have a birthday, where to have a birthday,

where to arrange a birthday, how to arrange a birthday at home, how to arrange a birthday for a girl, how to arrange a birthday for a loved one,

birthday script contests, scripts and birthday contests, birthday scripts for adults, birthday scripts, birthday scripts for 30 years,

how to celebrate a birthday, how fun to celebrate a birthday, how interesting to celebrate a birthday, how to celebrate a birthday at home, how to celebrate a birthday in nature, where it is better to celebrate a birthday,

Cheerful scenarios for holding a husband's birthday, choosing a gift for her husband - holidays and congratulations

Birthday is a super holiday! The scenario of the husband's birthday, how unusual to congratulate on the holiday.

“My husband has another holiday, I don’t know what to come up with something interesting, unusual” - familiar thoughts? There are no hopeless situations - there are paths that lead to a dead end! But we will not follow these paths! To help creativity, imagination, originality of thinking and the result will be excellent!

Birthday Ideas

Idea 1Warm

Paste stickers (sticky block) around the house, on which are written the qualities of your husband or "The kindest", "Amazing", "Beloved", "I'm proud of you", "The best husband in the world", "My treasure", " Caring", "Reliable", "You are my hero".

Idea 2Creative

For example:

Happy birthday, dear Sasha,

we congratulate you!

You are our treasure!

We'll tell you, don't melt

that we love you very much,

you are dear to us all, dear!

Dear husband, you are a daughter's hero,

how happy we are with you!

You are caring, reliable,

you really like to joke

We all promise together:

Idea 3 Beautiful

Decorate the house. On the night before the holiday, give fiery sex. After that, he will fall asleep soundly, and you go to inflate balloons, hang posters, wall newspapers with his photographs, collages or Photoshop masterpieces. If your husband dreams of his own house, give him an origami house with your photos pasted on the windows. Replace frames with ordinary photos with his images!

Idea 4 Original

Make a video. This requires a video camera and 2-3 months of preparation. Write a movie script, outline a plan. Well, for example, "The whole truth about Sergei." Capture moments of his daily life (how he cleverly solves a crossword puzzle, fries eggs in an apron, glues wallpaper, leaves the store) so that they reflect his inclinations, character traits, occupation. Some moments can be filmed as if with a hidden camera, from around the corner.

Then ask his friends and relatives to tell something about her husband. You can invite them to one cafe and interview them against the same background, you can under normal conditions. Let mom tell about his first words, dad about school pranks, friends about critical situations in which he behaved from the best side.

A trick for a video film: you can agree in advance with a person unfamiliar to your husband and then, as if stopping the first person you meet on the street, ask: "Do you know who Sergey Rumyantsev is?" And a passer-by, a decoy duck, replies: “But who doesn’t know him! This is the general director of the well-known Bubble Gum company (and then there may be some kind of husband’s dream, for example, he dreams of becoming the general director of the Bubble Gum company”)

Idea 5 Unusual

How to give a gift Early in the morning or before a family celebration, i.e. at the time of presenting the gift, give your sweetheart a small box. It contains a small present (key chain, chocolate bar, lighter) and a note with the text:

"Happy birthday, congratulations,

I propose to find a gift!

Look for a gift there

where you can see the sun in the morning.

On the window a new box:

"You did not find a gift,

you came too late.

Look for it there then

where there is always water.

In the bathroom next box

"There's no gift here either.

Maybe he, where are the coins?

A note in my husband's wallet

"Your gift ran away,

you've been looking for too long.

Find him soon!

It hangs among the branches."

Among the leaves of a potted flower

"Your present is in the chest of drawers.

Idea 6 Philosophical

Let the husband appreciate the past year. Lay paper pros and cons in front of him. Let him write on the pluses everything that pleased him with the past year of his life. On the minuses, respectively, than upset. Then you can burn the minuses, and put the pluses in a box, and when it becomes difficult, re-read these moments of joy again.

Have a good holiday!

Husband's birthday script, toasts and congratulations part 1 - nicelady women's magazine

Happy birthday greetings to her husband and toasts to her husband in verse and in the scenario of her husband's birthday

Guests meet the birthday boy with balloons in their hands. The wife is the leader.


Birthday is an important date!

This holiday is incomparable.

Someone smart once came up with

Give joy to the birthday boy.

May there be happiness and fun

After all, that's what we live for.

And we say: "Happy birthday!

Happy and happy day!"

Then in chorus, with the guests: Congratulations! (3 times)


Well, now we, in honor of such moments

Ready for the fireworks!

Guests burst balloons.


And now, my dear hubby, I suggest you drink a magical drink that I prepared especially in honor of your birthday - I insisted it on forty herbs of the best wishes, good mood and, of course, (the birthday boy drinks the drink).

Husband birthday toast

I know one person… When he opens his eyes in the morning, the whole world cheerfully says to him: “Good morning!”, And even God himself smiles at him… When he is happy about something, all the beauty of the world around him is reflected in his eyes, when he is sad, even the sun extinguishes its rays ... I know one person ... Rays of happiness are entangled in his eyelashes, and from this his eyes glow with an unusual fire ...

When he is next to me, it becomes calm and comfortable. And I want it to always be so good. I am very proud to know this wonderful person! And I, honestly, want to wish this man all the very best on his birthday, because he deserves everything at once!

So that his relatives smile at him every day, and his eyes, so beautiful, never clouded over from grief and sadness, and so that the guardian angel soars above him, not leaving his post for a minute. May he be infinitely happy, may all his dreams come true!

I love you very much dear! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Dear friends! ... years ago, ..numbers ... a miracle happened and the angels descended from heaven - a charming baby was born, the youngest child in the family, a boy. They named him (name). Now we see how he has grown over the years, but he has not lost his charm from this at all. Now I, as a wife and most beloved woman, want to make a toast to my dear and beloved husband! Love and happiness for many years!

Beloved husband!

In the midst of the gray everyday bustle

You are the brightest holiday

And a dream come true.

You have so much in life

Given from birth!

You conquered me

A long time ago.

And conquer more Destiny.

And let her

Bring the joy of meeting

And the brilliance of great victories.

Love and happiness light

For many, many years!


As the Russian proverb says: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends." Today you, our friends, came to congratulate our birthday boy. I think it is not even necessary to tell how all of you feel about him, but still I want to give you such an opportunity - to express my attitude towards him. However, I want you to do it in an unusual way: let's play.

The game is called "Hot Heart"

(cards with abbreviations are pinned to the heart, the guests chip them off, and then they must decipher the abbreviations they come across, but - the transcripts should include compliments to the birthday man. For example, housing and communal services - Zhenya is good, etc.

Abbreviations: Housing and Public Utilities, Ministry of Internal Affairs, TASS, Air Force, PMK, SINH, RTR, NTV, OKA, VAZ, DRSU, ZIL) (with the name, in fact, you can vary - if there is no heart, you can simply call it cipher and attach it to something else Or you can not attach it at all, but hold it in your hands and offer to draw out a card)


I think that we will drink to all these words now. (offer a toast to a friend)

Continuation of the scenario of the husband's birthday follows

» » husband's birthday script "Caucasian feast" (husband's birthday script)

Idea: organize your husband's birthday in the "mountains".

Do you want to surprise your husband in full, feed him delicious Caucasian cuisine, drink Armenian cognac or Georgian wine and make beautiful table speeches? Then you will like the scenario of the man's birthday "Caucasian feast".

  • "Mountains" this birthday will be a Caucasian restaurant. Order in advance kebabs, khachapuri, bones, in general, all delicious meat dishes. Also order the best spirits for the birthday boy in the restaurant.
  • Since the Caucasian people are very obligatory, prepare invitations for guests and distribute them to guests no later than a week before the birthday. Choose very colorful invitations so that the invitees understand how they are respectfully expected to visit.
  • Start looking for a gift, the gift should be very original, if you don’t pick up a gift yourself, look in the “Gifts for Men” section.
  • If your birthday boy loves to surprise guests, then create an image for him, for example, a Georgian. To do this, find him a vest, a cap and, of course, glue a thick mustache to the suit.
  • Prizes for competitions: Inexpensive mugs, Candles up to 100 rubles, Photo frames up to 100 rubles.

    Games for the company: Simple, Family, Party

  • The birthday boy will meet the guests at the entrance to the restaurant, and to the incendiary song he will offer to drink from the horn of fine Georgian wine, while singing "Drink to the bottom, drink to the bottom."
  • Then all the guests sit down at the festive table, and, of course, the toastmaster will begin this festive evening. Tamada briefly talks about the birthday man, dwelling on comic stories from the life of the birthday man, and then offers the first toast to the birthday man. You can see an example of toasts for the husband's birthday scenario in the "Toasts" section.
  • Then the toastmaster holds competitions, the first competition is called "The longest ... toast." To run this contest, you will need as many participants as possible and alcohol. Divide all participants into two teams, let's say this is team "A" and "B". First, the player of team "A" takes a glass of wine, raises it, makes any toast, after which the opposing team, together with this participant, drain their glasses. Next, a member of the “B” team gets up, makes a toast, and, together with the opposing team, drain their glasses. This continues until one of the teams fails in toasts or until she herself refuses to participate. To complicate the competition, you can invite the participants of one team to continue the idea of ​​​​the toast of the other team.
  • Then the second competition, it is called the Caucasian Horn Competition. Caucasian horn is used for drinking wine. It is almost completely filled with a drink, after which it must be drained to the bottom, so that abundance is always in the house. If you have a pair of these "horns", hold a contest with them. Fill them all equally with small grapes, and then invite the participants to “drain your glass” at speed - without the help of hands, eat all the grapes. Advise the participants to “drink” almost in one gulp, because the design itself suggests that the horn cannot be placed on the table. The first one to complete the task wins the competition.
  • The third competition is also hosted by the toastmaster, it is called "Slow down, I'm writing down." After several toasts and a sufficient amount of alcohol drunk, each guest should give a beautiful toast. It should not be a wish, it should be a Toast, as about a small but very proud bird. You can come up with such a toast yourself, you can remember the toast from the films. And the birthday boy will listen and choose the best toastmaster.
  • Of course, the final part of the evening is dancing, they are danced by all those present to the melodies of Caucasian songs. The incendiary lezginka performed by the birthday boy will be the opening of the dance program.

Prizes for competitions: medals, orders, figurines up to 100 rubles.

Games for the company: For girlfriends, For the development of memory, To the office after work

Tell me the script for the birthday. My husband's birthday is coming soon, I plan to arrange a surprise.

great, thanks a lot! exactly what you need! Miss Alyonchik wrote: I don't know how it will be easier, for example, we always have the currency of the evening, i.е. for each competition, if there are few people, then all participants, if enough, then only the winner is awarded either a chocolate coin, or some kind of paper figure, a smiley face, a heart, just a circle, whatever, or if there is no such currency, then it acts as verse, song, congratulations, dance from a guest. It’s just that not everyone is active here, and that’s why I came up with the idea of ​​​​making the currency of the evening. 1. Lottery. The tickets themselves, there are two options, either to make regular tickets, or on the side a print like a steam room with a broom On the lottery to play prizes relevant to the sauna essential oils, a bath hat, a towel , a beer mug, different beer and make different labels on it here it’s cool to accept by profession or the interests of friends admin, if there is a hunter, then hunting beer, billiard, etc. and directly when the winning number falls out, then look to whom and give, soap, shower gel, shampoo. 2. I don't know what to call it, I'll write the essence. You need to take your husband's things or in general any sock, an empty bottle of vodka, a cork, a cigarette or a bull, a condom, etc., and put it in a bag or an opaque bag. Then each guest pulls out one thing and on the go must come up with a story that connects the birthday man and this item. For example, he pulls out a steer and tells that we first smoked this steer in the 6th grade in the school yard with a birthday boy, etc. stories can be both fictitious and real, but you must show the example and pull it out first. The prize is determined by voting for the funniest and most original story by the birthday boy. 3. Sniffers. With us, this competition always goes with a bang, you will need different items with the smell of tangerine, dried fish, soap, candy, lux, garlic, a crust of black bread, paper money. Each item is tied to a thread, then the participants are selected, they are blindfolded and in turn they bring the item to the nose on the thread, if they don’t guess, then they let it go in a circle. An additional prize to the one who guesses the denomination of the banknote. Well, then the prize goes to the one who guessed more items. 4. I don’t know what to call it either, the point is that guests congratulate the birthday man with the voices of celebrities, while standing in a certain position and drinking from a certain container. The winner is the one who was funnier and more accustomed to the role. To do this, you first need to make leaflets and write on them for the printer like this: Celebrity: Lenin Pose: periodically squatting and throwing your hand forward Tara: bucket And so, depending on the number of guests, Radzinsky, Zhirinovsky, Putin, Llenin, Malakhov, well, well a container, too, which will really bring a pot, a stack, a cork, a spoon, a ladle, maybe a bowl of salads if you take it with you, etc. Well, then everyone pulls out a piece of paper and is given a few minutes to prepare. 5. Mini-competition for a warm-up, you need to name as many celebrities as possible with the name of the birthday man, each is given the currency of the evening, if not, then just a prize for the winner. 6. Auction. Here, as lots, there is enough imagination for what, but as an example. Lot 1. A safe for money based on the latest scientific developments is being raffled off, the first sample was sent especially for our holiday. Further, if there is a currency of the evening, then whoever offers more, if not, then whoever dances, sings, etc. is funnier, he gets this SOCKS lot. Lot2. Also, according to the latest developments, a robot was sent to us, consisting of nano-particles that eliminate the effects of alcohol intoxication, anti-hangover, etc. Well, just active competitions, for example, in a relay-type pool, depending on its size, two or three teams of 3 or more people are selected, an empty glass is placed on one side, and the participants are given a whole one and they must swim to that side, holding it in the teeth, of course, it will splash along the way, but still something will fall off and so on until someone fills the glass. If it is juice, then the prize is a whole box of juice, if beer, then a bottle to the winning team, if water, then water or any alcohol. You can also buy body paints, also split into teams and each give the task to draw a character, the team chooses the player according to the degree of similarity and draws on it, it can be anything - elves, animals, Hitler, Gorbachev, a mythical creature or someone from games, the main thing is to have some kind of distinctive feature Miss Alyonchik, 18.03.12 11:50

Husband's birthday script at home

Spouse's birthday

Celebrate at the table

Me, his wife, girlfriend,

I want to tell about it.

Neither heat nor cold are terrible,

The upheavals of troubled years,

Behind my own husband

I am not afraid of adversity and troubles.

With him it is easy to go around the world,

To find an answer to a question

There is no better husband in the world

And there is no better man.

Be always beautiful, okay,

Be gentle and simple...

For you, my beloved,

Raising this toast!

Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 2039 Announcements

I want to congratulate you at this moment with all my heart,

Let the work of a border guard be very dangerous,

But the guardian angel will come with you.

Punish violators strictly and boldly,

Fight for the defense of your native side,

And at home I will caress you skillfully,

You will only have the best dreams! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 529 Names - men / Yaroslav We wish you, Slava

On your birthday, dear,

Not passed honor so that, glory

And wealth side!

So that, having come, love remains,

So that always - drink, food,

And illness, trouble and old age

Never showed up!

So that with the happiness of the life of the head -

Son, husband and father -

You, dear Slava,

All were written endlessly!!! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 551 Professional holidays / International Civil Aviation Day (December 7) In the sky, like at home - but only at work.

This is how the conductor lives on board.

And emotions of joyful flow. Watch the sequel...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 6879 Happy Birthday, granddaughter!

Listen to mom and dad!

Rejoice them and us, granddaughter,

Eat more porridge

To grow big

Strong, smart, brave,

And to their parents

Help skillfully.

And don't forget us

Grandma and grandpa...

Happy birthday, granddaughter!

Here's some candy for you! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 2638 On Ilya's birthday

The nightingales sang in the grove,

To this singing

Meet the birthday!

I am Ilyushechka, Ilya

I love it more than ever!

And I burn with desire

Make wishes.

I wish you

Happiness, joy in fate!

And more friends

To live longer!

Without friends, what is life?

You friends always hold on!

But let Ilyushechka

There will be girlfriends! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 2234 On the wedding anniversary / 18 years turquoise wedding Our dear spouses!

18 years is not a date yet

But it's still an anniversary.

You were young once

But the years go by faster and faster.

You spent a little time together

Scold less husband and children.

And you lowered your eyes

And gently caressed the groom ... Watch the continuation ... 07/28/2013|NoName|Votes: 368 Happy birthday, grandpa,

Happy birthday dear

Life flew by like a bullet

And now it's your day off.

Your life has been hard.

And the roads are not easy

The days of good fortune were short

Breakups are bitter.

Wisdom knows the value of the word,

She rules the whole world

In our senseless life

You provide direction.

May troubles pass you by.

To not get tired of life

For the audience, for the grandfather,

I raise my glass!

Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 1982 Our dear spouses!

15 years is not a date yet

But it's still an anniversary.

You were young once

But the years go by faster and faster.

You spent a little time together

And on that day we shouted to the bride:

Scold less husband and children.

And you lowered your eyes

And gently caressed the groom ..

So we wish you to the sound of chimes.