How to clean gold to make it shine. How to store the product correctly. way. We use a soap solution

People have long used gold as a decoration. But before that she could only afford to know. And then, family jewelry was worn mainly on special occasions. Now you can't surprise with a ring or chain made of gold - jewelry is worn every day. Both men and women and children. Therefore, the question often arises of how to clean gold at home quickly and efficiently.

There are different types of gold alloys with other metals. Some are harder, others are softer. On soft alloys, micro-scratches appear faster, due to which the product fades.

Why jewelry fade

There are four more reasons why jewelry loses its presentable appearance.

  1. Natural human secretions. The body secretes sebum and sweat. The secret adversely affects jewelry.
  2. Cosmetical tools. Do you use creams, decorative cosmetics? Protect items made of gold or gilding from contact with such substances - they age jewelry.
  3. Detergents. Cleaning powders and whiteness are especially detrimental to rings and bracelets.
  4. Dust and dirt. City and house dust clogs into the corners of jewelry, making them dirty and unsightly.

Types of stains and 3 solutions to the problem

Gold is a delicate metal and is easy to scratch. Decorations in spots also look unaesthetic. Most often, products have to be washed:

  • from blackness;
  • from darkening;
  • from traces of soot;
  • from splashes of dirt;
  • from oily plaque.

Whatever the problem, you can use one of three cleaning options.

  1. Professional. A jeweler will help restore gold to its original shine using modern gentle ultrasonic technologies.
  2. Homemade with folk remedies. Brushing gold at home to make it shine is not an easy task. But feasible. Various recipes and "grandmothers' advice" are used: vinegar, foil, toothpaste and others.
  3. Homemade with the use of special tools. Jewelry stores sell special solutions, wipes and creams for cleaning gold. With it, all contamination disappears without additional efforts and devices. You can also purchase a compact home ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning precious metals and jewelry.

How to clean gold: 12 popular methods

There are 12 popular ways to clean gold. When choosing the right one, remember that jewelry should not be rubbed with effort. Also, dry soda, sugar and free-flowing chiselles are not used. Small abrasive substances can scratch the product. Use only soft bristled brushes.

  1. Soap solution. Stir a tablespoon of shampoo in a glass of warm water. Place the product in the solution. Wait two hours. During this time, all impurities will dissolve. To enhance the effect, brush over the problem areas with an old toothbrush. But remember to keep the bristles soft.
  2. Toothpaste. Apply some paste and brush off the gold. If you clean the chain, distribute the contents of the tube at once along the entire length, then wipe back and forth with a soft cloth. According to reviews, this is the most effective way.
  3. Petrolatum. Take in equal proportions: powdered chalk, soap shavings, petroleum jelly, water. Mix chalk and soap, then add petroleum jelly. Add water gradually to bring the mixture to a pasty state. Application: grease and wipe.
  4. Lipstick. Titanium dioxide, which is found in women's lipstick, will help with dark spots on gold and gilding products. Take a colorless lipstick and apply to cotton wool or fabric. Wipe down the decoration. Lipstick will also help polish the gold from scratches.
  5. Vinegar with onions. To remove dark spots, wipe the garment with a 1: 1 mixture of grated onion and vinegar.
  6. Sugar. Stir two teaspoons of sugar in a glass of water. Soak the gold for at least six hours.
  7. Salt. Leave the jewelry in a solution of a glass of water and three tablespoons of salt for a day.
  8. Soda with foil. Place the foil on the bottom of the enamel dish and fill with half a glass of water. Add two teaspoons of baking soda. A chemical process known as ion exchange will begin. In this way, you can clean not only gold, but also silver. Place the items in the solution. Keep for at least ten hours.
  9. Egg and beer. Whisk the beer with the egg white. Rub the mixture over the decoration.
  10. Lens fluid. Fill all jewelry with liquid for three minutes.
  11. Hyposulfite. A substance that photographers use will help get rid of iodine stains.
  12. Lemon. Squeeze out the lemon juice and wipe down the problem areas.

When you've decided what to clean your gold with, prepare more than just the ingredients and inventory from the recipe. You should have a dry, soft cotton cloth close at hand. After the procedure, the gold must be washed in clean water and wiped dry. Do not put on the products immediately after cleaning.

3 recipes with ammonia

Not a single first-aid kit can do without ammonia. With its help, you can give shine not only to glasses and mirrors, but also to gold. There are three recipes for cleaning gold at home with ammonia.

  • Option number 1. In a glass of water, one small spoonful of alcohol. Dampen cloth or cotton wool and wipe down jewelry. Wash everything with soapy water, then simple.
  • Option number 2. Make a paste from crushed chalk (talc) and ammonia. Apply as in the previous method.
  • Option number 3. Mix ammonia (teaspoon), liquid soap (half a teaspoon), warm water (glass) and hydrogen peroxide (30 ml). Dip the earrings or ring in the solution for ten minutes.

Ammonia is a powerful purifier, but it has a pungent smell, so use in a well-ventilated area. They are good at doing "deep cleaning", but not often. Ammonia can damage some materials, so this method is not suitable for cleaning earrings or rings containing platinum, stones or pearls.

If there are inserts

Stone inserts on jewelry will not tolerate rude treatment. They are easy to scratch and dull. Be aware that stones do not like water. The parts of the jewelry where the insert is attached should not "soak". Especially if the stones are glued. Otherwise, valuable minerals will simply fall out. There are two ways to clean gold with stones:

  • alcohol - wipe products (for example, with cubic zirconia) with a soft cloth or cotton pad;
  • soapy water- process carefully and quickly, and then it is important to dry well.

Diamonds are cleaned no more than once a month. And it is still advisable to entrust such products to a jeweler. And to clean white gold with diamonds at home, special purchased solutions or ammonia will help. Remember, stones such as opal, pearl, turquoise and amber cannot tolerate humid environments.

5 rules of socks

Taking care of your gold jewelry is simple. By adhering to the following five tips, you can increase the cleaning interval and preserve the expensive look of products for a long time.

  1. Shoot before cleaning. Homework or renovations and decorations don't go well. Even when washing dishes, take them off or wear gloves.
  2. Avoid contact with cosmetics. Cosmetics have a detrimental effect on the appearance of products. When applying creams, gels, perfumes, do not let them come into contact with gold.
  3. Protect from sunlight. The sun's rays are ways to change the light of metal. Therefore, protect gold from such contact. A storage box works well, but note that cardboard boxes tend to stain. Best of all - wood, lined with polishing material inside.
  4. Protect from temperature extremes. Jumps in the thermometer and changes in moisture readings have a negative effect on the condition of jewelry.
  5. Shoot at night. And be sure to wipe it down with a soft cloth after each wear.

Do not take the advice to cleanse gold with Coca-Cola or other sodas seriously - they are harmful not only to the stomach, but also to precious metals.

Don't put off cleaning your gold at home until later. Proper care and respect will prolong the life of your jewelry.


How to clean gold at home

How to clean gold at home?

First, you need to decide what kind of pollution has accumulated on the gold. If it is dust, it can be easily removed with warm soapy water using a brush if necessary. However, often contamination on gold jewelry occurs due to the oxidation of metals included in the alloy of the jewelry.

Gold is a fairly soft metal and can be easily damaged. Therefore, in the manufacture of gold jewelry, an alloy is used with the addition of other metals, for example, nickel, silver, copper, zinc. When these metals interact with oxygen and moisture in the air, black and green spots are formed on jewelry.

A specific method of purifying gold should be chosen depending on the type and nature of the pollution. However, it is difficult for the layperson to determine what kind of dirt has accumulated on the surface of the jewelry. The fact is that some small areas affected by metal oxidation can only be seen under a magnifying glass. Therefore, if you want to clean the gold yourself, step-by-step cleaning is the best solution.

The first way to clean gold: washing in soapy water

Take hot water (about 50-60 degrees) and add any detergent to it: shampoo, washing powder, soap, dishwashing liquid. Dip the gold items in soapy water and let sit for 1–2 hours. During this time, the dirt will have time to soften, and you can easily clean it with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Soaking gold items in hot water is necessary so that you can clean out dirt from hard-to-reach places without damaging the jewelry.

Pay attention to the places near the stones, grooves, screws and notches: this is where a large amount of dirt usually accumulates. After cleansing, the gold should be rinsed under running water and then dried.

Then carefully examine the product to determine how effective the cleaning has been. If dirty areas remain on it, you can repeat the soaking and cleaning procedure again. If, after that, the product does not shine, proceed to the next stage.

The second way to clean gold: dry cleaning

To remove oxidized elements on the surface of gold products, you can use an ammonia solution. Interacting with silver and copper oxides, it leads to the formation of compounds that dissolve easily in water. For chemical cleaning, buy an aqueous ammonia solution from a pharmacy. Its concentration must be at least 25%. Pour the solution into a small container and place the soiled gold item there.

The time for chemical purification of gold is not strictly limited. As a rule, 2-3 hours is sufficient. If the gold piece is heavily contaminated, you can leave it in this solution overnight. After this procedure, the product should be rinsed under running water and then dried.

The third way to clean gold: mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning of gold is used if it was not possible to dissolve sulfide formations using ammonia. Sulfides form a black coating on the gold surface, which cannot be removed either in soapy water or in concentrated ammonia solution. Many people in this situation use sink powder or baking soda. This should not be done, because such funds aggressively affect gold. They contain large abrasive particles that can scratch the product and even permanently deprive it of its shine. In addition, these products remove the top layer of gold, thereby reducing the weight of the product.

Therefore, use a special paste designed for cleaning gold items. It is made on the basis of petroleum jelly, soapy water or vegetable oil, and as additives it uses substances that contain small abrasive particles. These can be powders of tripoli, corundum stone, lead carbonate, white magnesia, etc.

If you could not find on sale a special paste for cleansing gold jewelry, you can order a professional cleaning

How to clean gold at home?

Jewelry delights our eyes and soul. Moreover, some people prefer to keep their savings and material values ​​exclusively in the form of precious metals and products from them. But, as you know, any thing gets old and loses its original shine and beauty. Let's figure out how to avoid this. Let's talk about gold and how and with what to clean gold at home.

We clean gold: means and methods

Here are some ways to help you avoid contamination and oxidation of gold items:

  • Pour plain water into a glass. Add two to three teaspoons of sugar there and stir. Place gold items in a glass. Leave them in a glass overnight. The next day, you need to remove the products from the glass and rinse them with plain water. Wipe the items with a soft cloth. This method is good for adding shine to the gold, however, it does not help to clean the gold from the dirt.
  • Fill a glass with plain water. Add 5-6 drops of ammonia there. You can also add some liquid soap to the glass. Put gold jewelry in a glass and keep it there for an hour. After this time, remove the gold items. If there are hard-to-reach places, you can use a cotton swab. Rinse the items with plain water and wipe gently with a soft cloth.
  • Pour hot water into a glass. Add washing powder there. Place the gold jewelry in this glass for half an hour. After this time, you need to remove the gold items from the glass and rinse them with water. Wipe the items with a soft cloth. Here's how to clean gold at home.
  • How else to clean gold at home? A method that will allow gold to return to its former shine and beauty. This will require a tampon or soft rag and lipstick. The substances that are contained in the lipstick will help you remove dirt from gold jewelry. They will effectively remove blackness from the gold surface. Apply lipstick to a rag or swab and polish the gold jewelry gently.
  • You can also use toothpowder instead of lipstick. Its components have exactly the same effect. Apply the toothpowder to a rag or swab and gently polish the surface of the gold pieces.
  • Here's another way to help you get rid of the blackness on the surface of gold items. Dissolve an ampoule of ammonia, an ampoule of hydrogen peroxide and half a teaspoon of washing powder in one glass of water. Prepare the solution in a glass jar. Place the gold items there. Keep the gold jewelry in the jar with the lid closed for five minutes. After five minutes, shake the jar vigorously, and then remove the gold jewelry. Rinse jewelry under running water. After all the actions done, it is necessary to wipe the gold surface with a soft cloth.

Here are some basic home gold cleaning methods that will help you get rid of the dirt and oxidation on the surface of your gold pieces. You can also restore them to their former shine and beauty.

The glitter of gold of graceful jewelry undoubtedly pleases their owners and evokes the most pleasant emotions. I would like the jewel to always sparkle and not lose its attractiveness. But sometimes gold, which until recently blinded with its radiance, is like new, becomes dull, darkens and even blackens. The question arises of how to give gold its former beauty.

Household tools at hand

The most popular cleaning method

There are many ways to remove dark deposits from jewelry. The simplest of them is applied using the means that everyone has: shampoo, toilet soap, toothbrush. Gold should be washed under warm running water - this will better remove grease and dirt. It is also a good idea to clean expensive diamond necklaces and earrings this way. The main thing is to remember that it is necessary to wash products periodically to prevent the formation of complex plaque, since this is easier than cleaning gold that has had time to tarnish.

To begin with, the jewelry must be put in a bowl of water for two hours, dripping a little hair shampoo or liquid soap there. Some people prefer to use dishwashing liquid, which is also an effective method for bringing back its shine to gold. After the specified time has elapsed, you need to remove the objects from the water and brush them with a toothbrush. Its fine hairs will clean deposits from all crevices. At the same time, the smooth surface of the jewelry will not be scratched.

After finishing the work, dip the gold in water again to remove the remaining dirt, and then wipe it dry with a towel with soft lint. One of the best fabrics for this procedure is flannel.

Home first aid kit for removing tarnishing from jewelry

What other ways can you clean your jewelry? All beloved gold will return shine and shine with medicines from the first-aid kit, which, as a rule, is in every family. Ordinary ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. When using the first one, you need to be very patient, since the cleansing procedure will take quite a long time. The smell of ammonia is by no means pleasant, so you should be prepared for this. It is necessary to pour a little alcohol into a dish (but not into a metal one) and place the products there. If the contamination is not very strong, three hours will be enough to eliminate it, and if the plaque is thoroughly absorbed into the metal, you will have to wait about 10-12 hours.

Special device for cleaning jewelry

A 20-minute immersion of the jewelry in hydrogen peroxide (about 40 ml) will help to give the gold the shine lost in the process of long wear. The solution, in addition to hydrogen peroxide, must include other components, including:

  • 1 tsp soap.
  • the same amount of ammonia.

When 20 minutes have passed, the product will need to be rinsed with plain water, and then wiped dry with a suitable cloth.

Removing plaque with salt and foil

Many women who like to cook, spending a lot of time in the kitchen, always have a pack of salt and baking foil. These funds are able to help out housewives not only in the process of cooking, but also in cleaning beautiful jewelry.

Than to clean gold with chemical solutions of complex composition, it is much easier to turn to common edible salt. Only 3 tbsp. of this agent in half a glass of hot water - this is the calculation of the mixture necessary to remove dirt from the metal surface. The product must be placed in liquid from the evening and left there until morning. The next day, simply rinse in running water and remove moisture with a towel.

Alternatively, you can use baking soda and foil to make the gold shine. It is necessary to lay a piece of foil in the dishes, on it - golden things, and pour on top with a pre-prepared liquid (200 ml of hot water 2 tablespoons of soda). It is better if the products are kept in the container with the solution all night. In the morning they should be wiped dry with a rag.

Graceful gold chains and luxurious rings, elegant earrings and pendants, thin and wide bracelets - there is hardly a single woman who is absolutely indifferent to this beauty. At home, each of the fair sex has a treasured box in which her personal "gold reserve" is kept. Of course, it's always nice to go out in a gorgeous gold headset, but gold tends to fade over time. Then the impression will be completely different! Let's see if there are ways to refine gold at home without resorting to expensive jewelers and make it sparkle again?

Why do you need to clean gold?

If our rings were made of pure precious metal, they most likely would not change their appearance. However, alloys are always added to gold for jewelry:

  • - copper;
  • - zinc;
  • - cadmium;
  • - silver.

It is they who are sensitive to the effects of unfavorable environmental factors: polluted air, water, various chemicals with which we come into contact in everyday life, for example, to detergents for washing floors, for dyeing hair. Alloys often oxidize, and gold jewelry not only tarnishes, but can also change color.

Even white gold, which is a more "noble" mixture (silver, gold, palladium), sooner or later darkens, microcracks not visible to the eye may appear on it, into which dirt particles are clogged.

An important point: it is dangerous to wear regular earrings and "earrings" for piercing for a long time, without subjecting them to processing and cleaning from time to time. Dirt can get into a small wound (the smallest damage to the puncture site is enough) - and inflammation is ensured.

So, you need to get rid of dirt in a timely manner. How to clean gold jewelry at home so that you never find yourself in such an unpleasant situation?

White and yellow gold: are there any nuances?

Before considering the methods and ways by which you can clean gold at home, we note one feature of these precious metals: white gold should be handled more carefully than with its "simpler" counterpart. Do not actively scrub it with coarse-bristled brushes.

At the same time, white gold requires more frequent cleaning. Yellow can be treated with cleansing mixtures less often: it is quite stable withstand external "dangers".

How to clean gold at home: the most common ways

Pondering how to clean gold at home, craftsmen try many different remedies. Hydrogen peroxide, which copes well even with very strong pollution, and ammonia have proven itself well.

Hydrogen peroxide plus ammonia

Pour about 40 ml of peroxide into a glass of warm water, add a teaspoon of 10% ammonia (aka ammonia) and the same liquid soap. All this should be mixed, after which it should be placed in the decoration solution for 20 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, the gold should be rinsed with ordinary running water, thoroughly blotted with a napkin and left to dry completely in a dark place.

Cleaning gold with ammonia

In order for your rings and chains to sparkle like new ones, you can do this: pour a 25% ammonia solution into a small container and immerse the products in it for 4 hours. It is easy to clean gold at home in this way - you just need to make sure that the jewelry is completely immersed in the cup. Do not forget to rinse the products with plain water after cleaning and dry them.

Ammonia for gold jewelry

Someone will like this method better: cleaning with ammonia. We take:

  • - ammonia (10% solution) - 0.5 cups;
  • - water - 0.5 cups;
  • - any detergent - 1 tablespoon.

First, boil the water and pour it into a glass. Pour alcohol into the water that has begun to cool down and add detergent. What to take? You can do something inexpensive like Pemolux. You can use Cinderella dishwashing liquid. Leave the gold for 1.5 or 2 hours in this mixture, and then rinse with water. Wipe and dry. Done - the jewelry shines again!

Vinegar napkins

Cleaning gold at home with vinegar is also a simple operation. You should moisten a napkin with table vinegar (which, of course, every housewife can find) and wipe all gold items thoroughly. Or you can dip the gold directly into the vinegar.

Then rinse the gold and wipe dry. The smell will disappear quickly.

Dishwashing liquid - as a cleaner for gold

Any gel used for washing dishes - for example, "Fairy" - is perfect for cleaning gold items at home. You need to pour a tablespoon of cleaning agent into a glass of warm water, foam the mixture and put the gold there for a couple of hours.

Next, you will have to apply a slight mechanical effect - gently rub the dirty and darkened places with an old toothbrush. This is how gold is cleaned at home, if it is not equipped with polished precious stones that can be scratched inadvertently.

How to cleanse gold at home with salt?

It turns out that among the methods invented by folk craftsmen, there is a completely elementary one, accessible even to a child. A mother busy with homework can entrust this operation to her daughter or son in the evening while she prepares borscht. How to clean a gold chain at home when there is nothing at hand? We take half a glass of hot (moderate temperature, not boiling water, of course) water, add salt (three tablespoons) there, stir. Now let the child dip gold jewelry into the solution and observe them. You can shake the water from time to time.

The mixture should be left overnight. In the morning, the jewelry should be rinsed and wiped off. After that, they should shine.

How to clean gold jewelry with vinegar and citric acid

You can quickly clean gold at home by using vinegar in combination with citric acid. Dilute half a packet of "lemons" in water, boil, add vinegar (no more than a tablespoon). We put the jewelry in a hot mixture for a few minutes - and that's it. Further - according to the usual scheme: wash, wipe, dry.

Refining gold ... with soda?

How do you clean your gold at home if you have a lot of Coke left after yesterday's children's birthday or any other soda? It's a pity to pour it out, you won't drink anymore ... Remember, do you have a gold ring that has not been peeled for a long time? Pour delicious water into a glass, and then put the ring there. Literally half an hour - and the gold will become perfectly pure. If not completely, spoil it with an additional soft brush.

The most needed product in the household? Of course, vodka!

We already know how to clean gold with ammonia. But what if you use another product - also containing alcohol and highly respected by the people? How to clean a gold ring with, for example, vodka?

We moisten a cotton swab with a "fragrant" liquid and simply wipe the ring. Whoever tried this method - they say that the dirt is removed without a trace.

Soap and water are our best friends

Gold earrings and gold chains require just as much occasional bathing in soapy water as their wearers. You can arrange a "bath" for jewelry as follows: beat the soap until a lush foam forms and put the gold in a soapy solution. After holding for a couple of hours, then remove, rinse with clean water. If dirt remains visible in some places, rub these places with a soft brush or cloth.

Cheap laundry soap cleans gold well. It needs to be cut or grated, add hot water. You can crumble half a piece of white chalk into the resulting "porridge". The jewelry should be kept in the mixture for 1.5 or 2 hours, then rinsed, dried, lightly polished with flannel.

You can make a mixture from:

  • - half a cup of soap shavings;
  • - a glass of warm water;
  • - a third of a teaspoon of petroleum jelly;
  • - halves of a piece of chalk.

After mixing everything thoroughly, immerse the jewelry in the "gruel" for about an hour. Then you should rinse them and wipe them off.

Sweet way of cleaning

The following method may seem very unusual: 3 teaspoons of sugar should be dissolved in warm water and gold items should be put there for several hours. It's great if you leave them in a sweet solution overnight. In the morning we wash off the sugar water, blot it with a napkin, dry the gold and put it in a dark place.

Gold and bow

If you can easily stand the smell of fresh onions, grate half an onion on a coarse grater. Or you can squeeze the juice out of it onto a cotton pad. You can immerse the jewelry in the onion mixture for half an hour, or you can wipe all the earrings and rings with a cotton pad with onion juice. Then you need to thoroughly rinse the jewelry to eliminate the "fragrance".

Lipstick as a cleanser

The exotic way to eliminate dirt on jewelry with lipstick is not well known. However, those who have tried to care for their gold in this way claim that the method works. Perhaps you have leftovers of unused lipstick that you will no longer be applying to your lips? Then why not apply it to cleaning gold jewelry?

To do this, you just need to rub each pendant, earrings or bracelet with lipstick, rub it with a dry cloth and rinse the products well with running water. Helps! The cleansing effect is due to the presence of titanium dioxide in the lipstick.

Mustard powder

It is also easy to remove dirt from your favorite jewelry with mustard powder. It is necessary to pour the powder onto a clean napkin and wipe the gold items with it. The powder acts as a very soft abrasive: without damaging the jewelry, it gently cleans it.

Brushed gold: what are we going to clean?

Brushed gold cleaning has its own characteristics. The surface of such products is easily damaged by mechanical stress. Therefore, you should not use brushes and powders with large particles when cleaning matte jewelry. Of the methods already listed, you can take on board cleaning in an ammonia solution.

You can also try mixing the following ingredients:

  • - a teaspoon of lime;
  • - a teaspoon of water;
  • - half a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • - salt on the tip of the knife.

You should get a soft paste. It needs to be kept for 3-4 days, then rub the gold items with a flannel cloth moistened with the resulting product. Leave the jewelry for 4 hours. Then wash, wipe dry. In this way, even old dirt is cleaned off.

We take care of jewelry with stones

Gold earrings with stones, rings, pendants decorated with diamonds and pearls - what about these gold jewelry?

Many stones do not tolerate moisture well, so they should not be allowed to come into contact with water for a long time. Such jewels include:

  • - malachite;
  • - pearls;
  • - amber;
  • - turquoise.

You can quickly wash your jewelry with these stones in a soapy solution and dry thoroughly immediately. You can treat them with alcohol using just a cotton swab. If you want to clean cubic zirconias to shine, use vodka. Jewelry should be put in a glass with this alcoholic drink for a short time.

Rubies, sapphires and topaz can withstand ablution in a detergent solution. However, it is better not to use laundry soap: it will contribute to the loss of shine.

Pay attention: pearls are very afraid of vinegar: this "stone" in vinegar simply dissolves. Therefore, try other methods: for example, wash the pearl necklace with shampoo and dry it.

If among your jewelry there are sets with natural turquoise, it is better not to try to remove dirt from them yourself: entrust such products to specialists. Turquoise is a moody material.

Rules for the care of gold jewelry

Your gold jewelry should be cleaned once every 2 months - this should be enough to keep it looking great. But in order for such a periodicity to be enough, you should follow some simple rules that will help you preserve jewelry in all its pristine beauty for a long time.

  1. First, when you come home, take off your gold jewelry immediately. An exception may be when you decide to have a romantic dinner with your spouse or when guests are expected. While doing our usual household chores (cleaning vegetables, doing small laundry, cleaning floors), we often forget to remove the rings. Jewelry quickly becomes covered with dirt, which is not always easy to wash off.
  2. Rule two: do not store gold items in cardboard boxes and caskets. Today, there are many such "chests" on sale, very attractive in appearance, but worsening the appearance of gold during long-term storage. Cardboard contains sulfur, which, when released, causes gold to tarnish.
  3. Third: put your "gold reserve" in a place where the sun's rays do not reach. It should be dark and dry in there. Constant high humidity will not have the best effect on the "appearance" of your jewelry. And do not lump all the rings and chains indiscriminately; it is better to shift them with flannel rags so that they do not scratch each other.

Gold jewelry gives its owners a lot of pleasant emotions. They are versatile, suitable for any age and any life situation, be it a business meeting or an after-work party. To make them always pleasing to the eye and shimmer with a bright shine, follow the simple rules for storing jewelry and do not forget to clean them from time to time. Then your jewelry will always sparkle like new.