How to prepare for pregnancy for the first time. We lead a healthy lifestyle. Effects of posture on successful conception

If recently you have been playing with the children of your friends with particular tenderness, you are increasingly dreaming about pregnancy - preparation for conceiving your own child is now in the first place with you. You dream of the best baby in the world and therefore your pregnancy planning should be as successful and correct as possible.

Where to start preparing for pregnancy? When a married couple realizes that the time has come to become parents, serious changes take place in their lives - they begin to renovate the house, acquire beautiful things for their children. All this is wonderful, but in this vanity the main thing is forgotten - the need to improve one's own health in order to conceive a healthy, strong, intelligent heir.

Preparing for pregnancy - tests first

Conscious preparation of a woman for pregnancy should begin with the abolition of hormonal contraceptives and a visit to the gynecologist. During the planning of the child, protection is still required, but these must be other, non-hormonal methods. Your task at the doctor's appointment is to discuss with him all the stages of proper preparation, therefore, it is advisable to sketch out a list of possible questions at home.

Don't be ashamed of being intrusive! You strive to have a healthy child and therefore you are right. Believe that such behavior always commands the respect of doctors and disposes them to help you as much as possible. The gynecologist will not only get acquainted with your women's health, but will also write out referrals to other specialists, prescribe a number of necessary tests.

When planning pregnancy in the near future, a woman should definitely visit the following doctors:

  • A gynecologist to identify all possible gynecological problems and diseases, get acquainted with the stability of the cycle, take smears for the vaginal microflora and infections.
  • Therapist for an in-depth medical examination. Based on the examination data, the doctor will determine what is required to correct your health: prescribe the necessary treatment, give recommendations on nutrition, physical activity, and, if necessary, send you to narrow-profile doctors.
  • An endocrinologist - without whom there can be no full preparation for pregnancy: hormone tests will show a picture of how the fetus will be carried.
  • Dentist - for treatment or preventive examination of the oral cavity. Pregnancy is a period when teeth begin to suffer due to a lack of calcium in the body, therefore, a visit to the dentist already during the planning period is considered mandatory. Teeth with caries are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a dangerous infection for the fetus, so all teeth must be cured before conception.

A few months before the expected pregnancy, a woman should receive vaccinations against certain dangerous infectious diseases. Rubella, hepatitis, chickenpox are diseases that are very dangerous for the proper development of the fetus. If a woman has had these diseases, then her body has developed immunity. But were these diseases? To check, you need to donate blood for antibodies.

What will be required when planning a child? In preparation for pregnancy, the following examinations are carried out:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • for blood group;
  • scraping from the cervix for PCR research;
  • scraping cytology;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary and thyroid gland;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • for HIV, syphilis, gonococcus, mycoplasma, etc.;
  • escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus;
  • blood clotting.

There will be additional tests if:

  1. there were cases of miscarriages, frozen pregnancies:
  2. antibiotics were taken;
  3. had an abortion shortly;
  4. the next of kin have genetic disorders.

Preparing a man for his wife's pregnancy

When preparing for pregnancy begins, men should not assume that they are needed only for the very fact of physiological conception. A married couple prepares together for a crucial moment - both mentally and physically. The husband is obliged to join the correct lifestyle, forget about alcohol, have adequate sleep and nutrition.

From now on, the life of the future father should be filled with positive emotions. He should not create stressful situations - this is dangerous not only for the parents, but also for the baby. The nervous situation in the family often leads to the fact that some of the sperm cells lose activity and the successful conception of a child becomes almost impossible.

There are not isolated cases when a couple has official confirmation that the health of both husband and wife is in perfect order, but the heir does not appear with all the efforts. Experienced doctors find an explanation only in an overly nervous state during conception. It is scientifically proven that beer drunk by a man before intercourse can also cause the egg to fail to fertilize.

The future father is obliged to undergo a medical examination so that the child is not born with pathologies. If necessary, a spermogram is taken. Particular attention is paid to hereditary diseases, infections and blood type.

If, when planning a pregnancy, it turns out that one of the spouses (or two) has a negative Rh factor, then the patient's treatment may be required, until the completion of which plans for the future should be temporarily postponed. The couple must have a blood test for antibodies to the Rh factor. A positive result is not a reason to worry, but an urgent requirement to undergo a health correction.

Psychological preparation for pregnancy

Several years ago, doctors began to sound the alarm: the percentage of pregnancies that were not planned became too high, and women found out about their unborn child only at a doctor's appointment. For many couples, this news did not become joyful, because they were afraid that their unreasonable lifestyle, untreated infections could cause the birth of not entirely healthy children.

The decision that it is necessary to begin preparing the body for pregnancy becomes an excellent motivation for changing the way of life, revising moral values. Good nutrition, vitamins and other medications to improve health are not enough to conceive a healthy baby. Not only the expectant mother, but also the father should give up alcoholic beverages, smoking.

It will be very difficult to get rid of such weaknesses, because in our society they are considered excellent antidepressants. How can future parents cope with the increased psychological stress? A positive attitude will give you communication with people who have similar concerns. If there are no families planning pregnancy in your environment, register on specialized forums, where questions of interest to you are vividly discussed.

The unknown is frightening. Books will help you learn about all stages of fetal development, problems during pregnancy. You should not get too carried away with them if you are too impressionable and look for only the bad in all sections of the reference books.

  1. Plan b
  2. A little pregnant
  3. Juneau
  4. Best friend
  5. Where the heart is
  6. Junior
  7. 9 months
  8. Intuition
  9. Real love
  10. Oh mommy
  11. How long?
  12. What to expect when expecting a baby?

Many women planning to have a baby naturally face the question of how to prepare for pregnancy. By and large, such preparation can be considered the whole life of the expectant mother, since if she did not monitor her own health, then she has not so many chances of an easy pregnancy and childbirth.

How to prepare for pregnancy: visit to doctors

Even if you are feeling great, be sure to see a therapist. He will measure blood pressure, order blood and urine tests. This will help to identify any hidden diseases and to carry out their treatment in advance. If you are taking any medications, be sure to tell your doctor, as not all medications are safe during pregnancy. The therapist also, if necessary, can send you for a consultation with narrow specialists, for example, an endocrinologist. In addition, of course, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist. This doctor will order tests for various infections and diseases that need to be treated before pregnancy. It is also advisable to go to the dentist so that at the time of conception your teeth are in perfect order. Please note that any infections that develop in caries-affected teeth can also be transmitted to a baby in the womb.

How to prepare your body for pregnancy

Both for a woman planning a pregnancy and for a woman who is already in a position, it is extremely important to receive the vitamins necessary for both her body and the baby's body. The main one is folic acid, which is involved in the growth of nerve tissues. It is advisable to start taking it either separately or in a vitamin complex three months before the expected date of conception. If you live in areas with iodine deficiency, then, in addition to vitamins, you must also take potassium iodide. In addition, if in the past two years you have already become a mother or have had miscarriages (abortions), then you need to take medications containing iron. Also, of course, you must completely stop using cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.

: food

Not later than two to three months before the expected conception, the expectant mother needs to completely abandon the use of food products, which include preservatives, dyes and other "chemicals". In addition, alcohol consumption should be kept to a minimum.

Preparing for pregnancy: exercise

It will be a big plus for you if you regularly visit the gym or aerobics classes. But it must be remembered that these loads are aimed only at strengthening the external muscles of the body. During pregnancy and childbirth, our internal muscles also play an important role, for the development and strengthening of which yoga and Pilates are perfect.

How to prepare for pregnancy: Lifestyle

When planning pregnancy, it is very important to protect yourself as much as possible from the effects of various harmful and toxic substances. If your job is related to any toxic production, then try to agree with the management about a temporary transition to less hazardous areas. In general, pay attention to your own physical and mental health. If possible, take a vacation. Try to take walks in the fresh air every day; on weekends, if possible, go out into nature for the whole day. Also, try to be less crowded in order not to catch any virus, which can be quite dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy.

If 20 years ago, primiparous women over 25 were called “elderly”, and those who decided on their first child after 30 were generally old, now this line has shifted to 40 years. Of course, this age is not the limit, but despite the fact that after forty the reproductive functions of the body work almost as well as at a younger age, it is highly likely that the expectant mother already has some kind of chronic illness.

In addition, after forty it becomes more difficult to conceive a child, and the risks of various disorders increase significantly. On the other hand, this is not a reason to give up pregnancy - if a woman leads a healthy lifestyle and takes care of herself, then at any age, gestation can take place normally. However, it should be remembered that in adult women, congenital malformations of the fetus, spontaneous miscarriages, premature birth and pregnancy complications are more often observed, but even these risks can be minimized.

What time of year to plan conception

You can and should give birth at any time of the year, the main thing is to properly prepare for conception. Do not believe the myths that something happens differently in winter or summer, and childbirth is easier and children cry less. In Russia, only about 4% of women plan motherhood in general, pregnancy often occurs at random. I urge you not to catch the "good" seasons, but to prepare your body: quit smoking, do physical exercise (especially swimming) and monitor your health, visiting not only a gynecologist, but also a therapist or other specialist you need - it definitely works.

Unfortunately, the joke "no healthy - there are under-examined" in relation to the "giving birth contingent" contains more truth than, in fact, jokes! Our research ten years ago established a sad fact: young women of 23 years old have a total of more diseases than their 46-year-old mothers! But after all, both daughters and mothers are of reproductive age (15-49 years).

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When to start preparing for conception and pregnancy

Ideally, you need to start preparing for pregnancy from birth - do not smoke, eat healthy food, engage in physical education - but in fact this is difficult to implement, so you need to start preparing at least six months before the expected conception.

What examinations are necessary for future parents

First of all, I want to say that any direction for tests and drugs prescribed by doctors should be assessed critically - objectively, a woman at the stage of preparation needs to visit only a therapist and a gynecologist, check the condition of internal organs and cure her teeth. Those who have had hereditary diseases or fetal abnormalities in the family should visit genetics.

If you have any chronic diseases, you should pay special attention to your pregnancy from the first days and visit your doctor with the frequency that he prescribed for you. In addition, if a woman has chronic diseases due to which she is registered with a dispensary (diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, etc.), then she needs to be observed not only by a gynecologist, but also by a specialized specialist!

What to eat when preparing to become a mom

If we are talking about diet, then in no case should you starve yourself. Anorexia is a real killer of a woman's reproductive system, the nutrition of the expectant mother should be complete so that the body is always saturated with complete protein (meat, fish, cottage cheese).

In addition, when a woman is planning a pregnancy, she must give up alcohol and smoking, and also make up for the lack of vitamins in the body. Informed women should at least know that the concept of "pregravid preparation", that is, a conscious attitude to future pregnancy, all over the world provides for the elimination of folate deficiency, saturation of the body with folic acid. This simple and cheap method is the only proven measure that reliably reduces by more than 90% the most terrible fetal defects - neural tube defects! There is nothing worse than these anomalies, and prevention is close by, simple and reliable!

How to prepare for dad

There is nothing supernatural in preparing for fatherhood either - the future dad is also advised to give up bad habits and lose weight, if any. By the way, preparation should be started no later than 90 days before conception - this is how long sperm maturation takes.

Sports in the ninth month: a pregnant Russian woman became an Instagram star

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What vitamins are needed

The World Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists does not insist on the mandatory intake of vitamin complexes - the most important thing is that the body of the expectant mother does not have a deficiency of protein, vitamins A, D and B9 (folic acid). The latter, as already mentioned, is one of the most important micronutrients - its deficiency leads to an increase in the risk of not only neural tube defects, but also the formation of cardiovascular defects, cleft palate, limb defects, and urinary system defects in the fetus. Worst of all, all this is laid in the early stages of embryo development, when a woman may not know about her pregnancy at all. This is why I highly recommend starting

Pregnancy is a huge challenge for the female body. And it is from the state in which the expectant mother meets her baby that the course of pregnancy and the health of the baby largely depend. By the way, the health of the future dad also plays an important role. Therefore, both partners need to be fully armed to conception. There are several main stages of pregnancy planning.

Preparing for Pregnancy (Stage 1) - Down with Bad Habits

According to medical data, people who drink moderately (only on holidays) should stop drinking alcohol about three months before the expected conception. This applies to both men and women. Reasonable amounts of red wine are allowed though. The situation is more complicated with nicotine. Women who smoke are advised to give up cigarettes a year before the intended conception. It is enough for men to do this three months before the appointed day. It is during this period that nicotine is completely eliminated from the body. By the way, this also applies to passive smokers. So if you have to be in a smoky room every day, you need to take urgent measures. Secondhand smoke is even more harmful for the expectant mother than the real one.

Stage 2 - Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle

The food of a typical city dweller cannot be called correct and complete, especially for me. My favorite foods are ice cream and chocolate, and I associate dairy products with medicine. But nothing can be done. For the sake of the health of the unborn child (and her own), I decided to switch to proper nutrition. I bought myself a bunch of all kinds of curds and curds. It turns out they are not as nasty as I thought. I'm starting to like this way of life.

According to medical statistics, women who approach pregnancy completely healthy and full of strength practically do not suffer from toxicosis (especially in the first half of pregnancy), and their risk of miscarriage is much less. That is why the menu of the expectant mother should be as diverse as possible long before conception. Dairy products, cheese, fish, wholemeal bread, meat, herbs, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits should be present on your table every day. Also, special attention should be paid to your daily routine and, if necessary, radically revise it. Sleepless nights and work without rest breaks is not suitable for the expectant mother. You need to plan your working day wisely and sleep at least eight hours a day. The body must rest before the upcoming test.

Stage 3 - Time to drink vitamins

Many of a baby's vital organs form in the first few weeks after conception. And by the time the test shows the cherished two stripes, the embryo is at least two to three weeks old. Therefore, doctors recommend starting to take a multivitamin for pregnant women about three months before conception. It is much more convenient than taking all vitamins separately. In addition, multivitamins for expectant mothers contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals that you need now, and, most importantly, in the right proportions. If for some reason multivitamins are contraindicated for you (this will be determined by the doctor), then take folic acid separately. It is with the lack of folic acid that the development of all kinds of pathologies in the unborn child is associated.

Stage 4 - Choosing a Doctor

This is the final stage of pregnancy planning. For the next nine months, the gynecologist will become your main doctor. The health of the expectant mother and baby largely depends on his professionalism. Therefore, the choice of a doctor should be approached with all responsibility. There are many options here - from a local doctor in an antenatal clinic to specialists in commercial medical centers. Moreover, the rule "the more expensive the better" does not work here. Practice shows that many high-class professionals work in antenatal clinics. You just have to look well.

Pregnancy planning - Before the start

Before proceeding to the most enjoyable part of the event, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. Until the pregnancy occurs, this is much easier to do. And, if necessary, there will be time to recover and meet the unborn child absolutely healthy.

It is advisable to undergo a medical examination and take tests in the same place where you plan to observe the pregnancy. In this case, the test results will immediately be entered into your card, and then you will not need to do them again. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to go through all the specialists that only exist in the clinic.

First of all, you need to visit your gynecologist. The doctor will perform a general examination of the reproductive system (genitals, ovaries, and uterus). It is on these organs that the main burden falls during conception and bearing of a child. And any deviations from the norm can cause you a lot of trouble during pregnancy and childbirth.

In addition to the examination, the gynecologist should take smear tests from you for sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureoplasma, etc.). If any of these diseases are found, then before becoming pregnant, you must be cured. Moreover, you and your future dad will have to undergo treatment. If these diseases are not cured before pregnancy, then they can lead to miscarriage and even death of the fetus.

The doctor will also give you a referral for a blood test for AIDS, antibodies to rubella, chickenpox, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B and C, herpes, to determine your blood type and rhesus factor and iron. All of these diseases are very dangerous during pregnancy. For example, rubella in the first trimester can lead to the development of deafness or heart disease in the unborn baby. And a blood test for AIDS is a must for all expectant mothers, even if you are absolutely confident in yourself and your partner. By the way, a blood test to determine the blood group and Rh factor must be passed to the future dad. This test shows whether you and your child are at risk due to a conflict between your blood types or Rh factors. And a blood iron test will help prevent anemia, which often occurs during pregnancy. Your doctor will prescribe iron supplements if needed.

Vaccinations are given depending on the result of a blood test. If you have never had chickenpox, hepatitis B or rubella, and if the test shows the absence of antibodies to any of the listed viruses, then you must get the appropriate vaccinations even before pregnancy. The hepatitis B vaccine is given within six months (three injections in total) and after the last injection, you must not become pregnant for at least three months. After vaccination against chickenpox and rubella, you also need to protect yourself for three months. If you are planning a pregnancy in the fall-winter, then it is advisable to get a flu shot in advance. The flu vaccine lasts about 6-7 months, so last year's vaccine no longer protects. In addition, the influenza virus changes every year and therefore a new vaccination is needed.

Remember the expression that every child is worth a tooth? In order for it not to be justified, it is necessary to visit the dentist. In principle, teeth can be treated during pregnancy, but it is better to do this in advance. After all, it is advisable for expectant mothers to avoid X-rays. Teeth are not nails: new ones will not grow. It is necessary to treat. By the way, before the onset of pregnancy, during dental treatment, you can use various strong painkillers and "frosts", which are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

It is advisable to visit endocrinologistand check the condition of the thyroid gland. Especially if you suffer from endocrine disorders. First, the doctor examines the thyroid gland for an ultrasound, and then, if negative changes are found, it is necessary to pass additional tests for cholesterol levels and the content of various hormones in the blood. During pregnancy, the load on the endocrine system increases, and even healthy people may experience problems. By the way, the lack of iodine in the body of the expectant mother may not in the best way affect the mental development of the child.

Another very important doctor is - geneticist... A visit to a geneticist is optional, but advisable. A visit to a geneticist is mandatory for those who fall into the genetic risk group (there were children with genetic disorders in the family, the first child was born sick, you or your husband suffer from hereditary diseases, etc.).

If you suffer from chronic diseases or have previously suffered a serious illness, then you need to visit additional specialists of the appropriate profile. Indeed, during pregnancy, chronic diseases can worsen. And a previous serious illness can affect the course of pregnancy. Therefore, in these cases, immediately before conception and during pregnancy, it is necessary to be observed not only by a gynecologist, but also by additional specialists.

Now that the preparation is over, the most enjoyable part of the process lies ahead - conception.

Do I need to prepare for pregnancy? Of course, since the birth of a child in the life of every woman is the happiest event. For any mother, the health of the baby is above all, which means that you should take care of him even at the stage of planning a pregnancy.

In order to minimize the possibility of various malformations and developmental defects in the fetus, as well as to avoid the risk of infection with latent infections, you should consult a doctor before conceiving. He will tell you how to prepare for pregnancy.

What doctors need to go through when planning a pregnancy

First of all, you need to visit a therapist to once again make sure of your health. The doctor will measure blood pressure, prescribe fluorography.

Donation of blood helps to identify latent chronic diseases: anemia, kidney disease, hypertension. In the presence of chronic diseases, the consultation of a specialized specialist is required.

It is worth considering that the period of conception should not coincide with the time of exacerbation of the disease. If you are taking any medications, you also need the advice of the specialist who appointed them. There are drugs that are contraindicated for pregnant women, therefore, before preparing for bearing a baby, such drugs should be replaced with their safe counterparts.

You also need to visit a gynecologist, he will tell you how much you need to prepare for pregnancy, and also examines for hidden infections using vaginal smears. It will be useful to undergo a blood test for the absence of herpes, toxoplasmosis, rubella, syphilis, hepatitis. Due to the fact that these diseases are hidden, they can only be detected by examination in the laboratory.

Any chronic infection tends to be transmitted to the child. Therefore, before preparing for pregnancy, you should not skip the dental office. will bring the oral cavity in order by means of its sanitation.

If a woman planning a pregnancy through the birth line had genetic abnormalities, the parents were exposed to radiation or the age of the expectant mother is more than 35 years old, consultation with a geneticist is required.

What preparation includes

How to properly prepare for pregnancy? First of all, in three months you should stop taking contraceptives, reduce the use of alcohol and nicotine to zero. Vitamins must be present in the diet of a woman planning a pregnancy. Due to the fact that the development of the embryo is directly proportional to the presence of vitamins and microelements in the mother's body, care should be taken to accumulate them in advance.

A few months before conception, it is worth starting taking folic acid. It is she who takes part in the development and growth of nervous tissue. Taking folic acid at a dose of 400 mcg per day for three months before and 12 weeks after conception will help protect the unborn child from malformations of the nervous system. It will be useful to take a complex of vitamins for pregnant women, even at the planning stage. If the body is experiencing or iron, drugs should be included with their presence in the diet.

How long does it take to start preparing for pregnancy?

How much to prepare for pregnancy? Many experts are still debating this issue. Some believe that preparation takes place throughout a woman's life. Past illnesses, abortions, alcohol and nicotine abuse, as well as the use of drugs - all this can in the future affect the development of the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman. Others believe that it will be enough to take care of your health for just a few months before preparing for pregnancy.

In any case, two to three months before the time of conception, it will be necessary to exclude all foods containing preservatives from your menu. In the spring-summer period, it is worth giving up the use of potatoes that have lain in the winter, since carcinogens appear in such a product.

How to prepare for pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy in advance: the mood should be stable, uplifted. The development of the embryo is greatly influenced by the mood, therefore, emotional overload and conflicts should be avoided.

If the working conditions involve exposure to harmful substances, high temperatures, radioactive radiation, you will have to immediately agree with your superiors about the transfer or think about changing your place of work. Even if the law at this stage still does not imply indulgences, the health of the unborn baby is most important to you now.

Visiting crowded places where there is a risk of contracting any infection will have to be minimized. Hypothermia should be avoided. When pregnancy occurs, any cold can cause significant harm to the embryo. For the immune system to work more efficiently, you need to increase the consumption of garlic and onions.

One month before the intended conception, it is recommended to stop visiting the sauna or bath, as well as to exclude overheating. Walks in parks, squares, forests, at a considerable distance from the motorway are invaluable for the whole body. It is necessary to do exercises daily, as well as exercises on the abdominal muscles for 15-20 minutes. Subsequently, these activities will provide significant support during childbirth.


Getting ready for pregnancy? It is better to take tests for dangerous infections in advance. These include cytomegavirus, herpes, rubella, and toxoplasmosis.

If such diseases are treated in time, they are not able to subsequently harm the expectant mother and baby. However, in the case when a woman contracted them during pregnancy, intrauterine infection of the fetus occurs. The most dangerous is the penetration of viruses into the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Required analyzes

When planning a pregnancy, it is mandatory to pass tests such as:

General blood test to detect hidden infections, biochemical blood test;

Swabs for determining flora, scraping from the cervix;

And mammary glands;

Analysis to determine blood clotting;

Analyzes for the determination of thyroid hormones, the study of its work.

Additional tests, if necessary, are prescribed by the doctor.

It is extremely important to pass all of the listed tests, since, based on their results, the doctor determines whether a woman's body is able to endure the conception and bearing of an unborn child. Through such examinations, the doctor receives important information about the health of the planning woman. Also at this stage, latent infections that are dangerous to the mother and fetus may come to light.

Influence of the Rh factor

It is also advisable to pass tests to determine the Rh factor of two spouses. If a woman is positive, it will not be difficult to get pregnant. If the expectant mother has a need to be tested for antibodies to the Rh factor, even if the man is also negative. In the case when they are positive, they will have to be corrected, since pregnancy is impossible under such conditions. If the tests show a negative result, they must be repeated at least once a month, starting from the eighth week of pregnancy.

Preparing a man for conception

It is very important that both spouses take full responsibility for the stage of preparing for pregnancy. After all, the state of health of a man is also important. How can a man prepare for pregnancy? First of all, it is necessary to introduce recreational activities two to three months before the intended conception. Sperm cells mature within 60-70 days and are sensitive to adverse environmental factors.

The general practitioner will tell you how a man should prepare for his wife's pregnancy. He will definitely recommend eliminating the use of alcohol and nicotine. Alcohol causes irreparable damage to both the female and male reproductive systems. Nicotine adds a detrimental effect by reducing the production of sex hormones in a man. All this leads to a sharp decrease in the vital activity of sperm. It is also important to exclude excessive stress on the body, including physical. Heavy sports have a negative effect on sperm function. It is worth observing sexual abstinence for three to six days. This helps to increase the fertilizing properties of male sperm. On the contrary, a longer sexual rest is undesirable, since it increases the number of overripe germ cells.

The influence of unfavorable factors on men's health

Any doctor will recommend that a man refuse to go to the sauna at the stage of planning his wife's pregnancy. Warm trousers, underwear, taking hot baths, and other factors that contribute to overheating, significantly reduce the fertilizing quality of sperm.

Passion for sports cycling, as well as wearing tight underwear, affects the groin area, reducing blood supply, and therefore is undesirable for conception. Contact with harmful chemicals such as paints and varnishes, exposure to irradiation devices and substances can adversely affect not only the health of a man, but also the development of the unborn child.

Impact of hidden infections on men's health

Such serious diseases as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, become not only the cause of infertility in men, but also contribute to the occurrence of fetal defects, provoking miscarriages. If treatment is carried out on time, then the quality of sperm after exposure to antibiotics is quickly restored. Of course, treatment is required for both partners at once.

Before a man prepares for pregnancy, it is important to remember that one sexual intercourse is enough for conception every 1-2 days during the fertile period in a woman's cycle. With too frequent acts, each time the sperm count decreases, and therefore the likelihood of fertilization decreases.

When to take a spermogram

The norm is the onset of pregnancy during the first year of sexual activity without the use of contraceptives. At the same time, the potency of a man has nothing to do with the ability of sperm to fertilize. It is possible to assess the quality of sperm only by passing a special analysis - a spermogram. Based on its results, the doctor determines the number, mobility and viability of sperm. The reaction that characterizes their maturity is also investigated.

Thus, before getting ready for pregnancy, you need to see a specialist. He will give detailed advice, as well as write out directions for all the necessary tests. After receiving the results of the examination, the doctor will determine the body's ability to conceive and, in the absence of problems, will prescribe a course of taking certain vitamins.