How pregnancy develops at 17-18 weeks. What happens to the woman's body and the developing fetus? How the fetus develops

The 18th week of pregnancy is a period when the expectant mother increasingly feels how a new life grows and develops in her. The movements of the child become more confident. He makes himself felt with light pushes from the inside. During this period, a woman needs to be as attentive as possible to everything that happens in her body. So she can prevent the development of pathologies and prepare herself for future childbirth.

Feelings of the expectant mother

What is significant 18 weeks of pregnancy for the expectant mother? A number of changes and new sensations that appear in her body:

At week 18, the baby grows to about 14 cm. His weight is 150 g. What interesting things happen in his body?

Ultrasound results

From the 18th to the 20th week of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes a second ultrasound. Its goal is to exclude pathologies in the development of the child. Also, the doctor will look at its dimensions: the circumference of the abdomen, head, fronto-occipital size, the length of the humerus and femur, shins and forearms.

What else can be determined on ultrasound:

If a woman is at risk for the development of pathologies at the gene level, she needs to be screened. It usually consists of an ultrasound and a triple test (three tests). The level of hCG, AFP and free estriol is determined.

It is worth remembering that all indicators are relative. They only determine further examination and possible treatment.

Visit to the doctor

If a woman is registered at the antenatal clinic on time, this will be her fourth meeting with the doctor. You will need to pass a smear, which determines the presence or absence of inflammation and infections.

The doctor will conduct a monthly examination, which consists of several parts:

  • measurement of pressure and pulse;
  • weighing;
  • determination of the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • determination of the child's heartbeat;
  • general urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis.

In some cases, additional studies are shown, for example, amniocentesis is an analysis of amniotic fluid. He can say with 100% probability about the presence of certain diseases. However, this procedure is dangerous for both mother and child. Therefore, you should resort to it only when absolutely necessary.


White or grayish copious discharge is the norm. They shouldn't bother. But as soon as the discharge changes its consistency, smells bad or changes color, you should immediately go to the doctor. They may indicate serious disorders, such as the development of an infection. Sometimes this is a sign of a threatened miscarriage.


If before this time sex was banned, now is the time to resume it. The woman is no longer tormented by toxicosis, her health has improved, weakness and fatigue have disappeared.

In some cases, sex is strictly prohibited:

  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • the placenta is too low;
  • have had miscarriages or missed pregnancies in the past;
  • pregnancy with two or more fetuses.

Weight changes: norm and excess

By week 18, toxicosis usually disappears, and some women feel an increase in appetite. In this matter, you need to be careful, since at this time the weight can increase dramatically. Its increase must be strictly controlled. If the weight is higher than normal, problems may arise during childbirth. In addition, postpartum recovery will be associated with many difficulties.

Excess weight of 6 or more kilograms requires a doctor's consultation. He may recommend going on a diet.

It is strictly forbidden to choose a diet on your own. It is important that the child receives enough nutrients. A diet developed by a doctor will help the expectant mother control her weight and at the same time provide the fetus with the necessary amount of proteins, vitamins and other nutrients.


During pregnancy, many begin to eat for two. In addition to problems with weight, this leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and retardation in the development of the child. It is worth remembering that the health pathologies that develop in a child at this time will be difficult to cure after childbirth.

To cope with the feeling of hunger, you need to eat more often, but in small portions. It is recommended to have three main meals and two snacks. This way of eating will protect the stomach and intestines from overload. It is recommended to eat at the same time.

Here are some more nutritional tips:


The most serious complication is the fading of pregnancy. This is a condition when the fetus, for one reason or another, stops its development and dies. The woman may not even know what happened because the baby is still in the womb. The 18th week of pregnancy is one of the five most dangerous periods.

The fetus can die for many reasons:

  • infections;
  • bad habits of the mother, such as smoking and alcoholism;
  • genetic disorders.

Diagnosing fetal death on your own is almost impossible. Signs of pregnancy still remain. The only symptom of this condition is the absence of movement. Sometimes there are pain in the lower back and brown discharge.

The doctor can determine that the fetus has stopped its development during an examination or ultrasound. After that, the woman is assigned a curettage.

It is necessary to carry it out as quickly as possible, because a dead fetus can lead to the development of severe inflammatory processes. After the procedure, it is necessary to undergo treatment with antibacterial drugs and find out the cause of the incident. The next pregnancy can be planned no earlier than six months later.

How should expectant mothers behave during this period?

Week 18 is a very important period. A woman already feels more like a mother. The unborn child begins to move, hear the voice of his parents and respond to touch. At this time, as in all other weeks, it is important to carefully follow the doctor's instructions and listen to your body.

The eighteenth week of pregnancy can be safely and confidently called the second week of the fifth month and a solemn event for the expectant mother - starting from this week, a pregnant woman can begin to feel the movements of her unborn baby. This will give the expectant mother an indescribable pleasant feeling. This process usually occurs at 18-22 weeks. If at the eighteenth week you don’t feel any movement, don’t worry. Pregnant women with overweight usually feel the movements of the child later than women with normal weight.

Feelings of the expectant mother

    • Butterflies in the stomach? The first movements of the baby (or constant swarming) delight every expectant mother. Although they resemble the movement of gas accumulations in the intestines, every woman will be able to distinguish the movements of a child from gases. After a very short time (from several days to a week), the movements will become more noticeable and strong, and you will already be able to distinguish tremors from turning over the child. After you feel the first tremors of your unborn baby, pay attention to their frequency. The average data suggests that movements from the eighteenth week of pregnancy should be about 4-8 times a day, but not necessarily.
    • Pain near the navel. Due to the gradual rise of the uterus, you may feel an unpleasant pain sensation from the inside in the navel. This feeling is caused by the pressure of the uterus on the navel, which by the end of pregnancy can completely crawl out and stick out.

  • Dark spots. Until now, there may be a possibility of the appearance of age spots.
  • Uncomfortable dream. The gradual growth of the tummy and the growing worries about your baby can lead to sleep disturbance. Small pillows or special pillows for pregnant women can help a pregnant woman get into a comfortable sleeping position. By the way, these pillows are sure to come in handy after the birth of the crumbs, when mommy starts breastfeeding her baby.
  • Edema. The increase in the amount of blood and the hard work of the internal organs can lead to the appearance of both mild and severe edema. Salt quite often becomes the first reason why edema appears. Reduce the amount of its use or replace it with soy sauce.

Changes in the mother's body and body

There are no special and serious changes in the body of the expectant mother now. But the body begins to acquire more and more rounded attractive forms that are inherent in the pregnant beautiful half of humanity. This is due to the gradual and rapid growth of the abdomen, in which the uterus grows along with the future little man.

Future baby

The baby now (however, as well as from the very beginning of his life) is intensively growing and developing.

External development

The phalanges of the fingers and toes are formed, they already have patterns of prints. Facial features become more and more clear-cut every week. The baby now not only hears, but also listens, so the future mother can start talking with her baby and even sing to him. If a child is frightened of something, she will shudder sharply, which a pregnant woman can feel. The conversation of a pregnant woman with her unborn baby is very useful for a little man - so he not only gets used to his mother's voice, but also calms down a lot, so talking to him is very important.

The genitals of the future human have already fully formed. The average parameters for the weight and height of the unborn baby are 14 cm and 200 gr.

Internal development

The bones are actively strengthened, the child's eyes become more and more sensitive. They are still in the closed position most of the time, but nevertheless they are already able to respond to light.

The muscular and endocrine system continues to actively develop and strengthen. This is what allows the baby to push harder from the uterine walls, and the mother to feel these tremors. Bone tissue and joints are also gradually strengthened.

The gums of the child are already fully prepared for the appearance of future milk teeth - the rudiments of the molars are already fully formed.

The baby will feel completely protected until the end of the entire pregnancy.

What's new?

Well, finally, many mothers have already forgotten about the annoying toxicosis, and here the body begins to gain what was lost - many pregnant women have a “brutal” appetite. This is absolutely normal, but always remember the correct, rational, balanced and normalized diet. Overeating has never done anyone any good.

4-6 kg is considered the norm when gaining weight in the eighteenth week of pregnancy.


The uterus now reaches the size of a small melon, so the tummy is gradually becoming noticeable.

The size of the uterus, and accordingly the size of the abdomen, from the eighteenth week will gradually and rapidly grow. Your relatives and friends will want to touch your tummy and try to feel those first movements of the unborn baby. If you don't like it, you can politely refuse.


In connection with the raising of the uterus and the baby up, the expectant mother will still be able to feel a painful syndrome in the lower back and heaviness in the lower abdomen. The purchase of a special prenatal bandage will significantly reduce the risk of lower back pain.

Also, lower back pain during pregnancy can occur with prolonged abstinence from urination. Therefore, if you want to go "in a small way", then do not endure.

Stitching pains in the sides of the abdomen should be the reason for visiting the doctor. They can talk about stretching the tendons and ligaments of the abdominal walls. Frequent cramping pain syndromes accompanied by brown and bloody discharge necessarily require an urgent call to the doctor. It is this symptomatology in 99% of cases that indicates a very likely risk of abortion.

When does the first fetal movement begin? How to determine the movements of the child during pregnancy? Why is the baby moving during pregnancy? Read the answers to these questions, as well as the first signs of fetal movement during pregnancy!


During this period of pregnancy, the amount of discharge usually increases. This is a normal process and you should not be afraid of it, because now the body, or rather the hormonal background, is intensively producing hormones to maintain the normal course of pregnancy. Just don't forget about personal hygiene, try to wear non-constricting underwear made from natural fabrics and loose clothing.

Reorganization of the body and increased production of hormones can disrupt the microflora in the vagina, which can lead to the appearance of a greenish or gray discharge with a curdled consistency. They, as a rule, cause discomfort to the expectant mother (itching, burning, etc.). With such secretions, you need to visit your observing gynecologist in the near future.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

A second ultrasound is usually scheduled between 18 and 22 weeks. Now there is a possibility (albeit a small one) of determining the sex of your bladder. But the doctor first of all prescribes an ultrasound scan to identify possible defects in the development of your child, namely:

  • Identification of Down's disease
  • Heart disease
  • Congenital malformations
  • Place of attachment of the placenta
  • Exact study of the circumference of the abdomen
  • Accurate determination of the length of the baby's bones (humerus, forearm bone, femur and lower leg).

Mandatory tests for the eighteenth week:

  • Urinalysis (it allows you to analyze the work of the kidneys, exclude the presence of anemia)
  • HCG test (it will assess the level of human chorionic gonadotropin)
  • Analysis of 2 markers: AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and NE (unconjugated estriol). Deviations in the results of these analyzes will indicate that the future man has Down syndrome. But the results of such analyzes cannot be 100% the basis for making a final diagnosis, so only further analyzes can clearly show the clinical picture.


If intimate relationships in previous weeks could cause a ban on sex due to nausea, vomiting and poor health, now nothing can interfere with a pregnant woman getting close to her future father.

It is from the eighteenth week of pregnancy that future parents during the wonderful position of mommy can experience previously unfamiliar pleasant sensations from intimacy.

The tummy is still small now, the toxicosis has passed, the hormonal background has improved and the desire for intimacy has increased - all this suggests that future parents can fully make love.

The ban on making love can be:

  • Leakage of amniotic fluid
  • Sharp, severe and cramping pain
  • Low location of the placenta
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Multiple miscarriages.


To normalize and stabilize the digestive tract, drink plenty of natural yoghurts and kefirs. Now it is especially important not to gain too much weight - vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods will help the expectant mother to gain weight normally during pregnancy. By the way, normal weight gain during childbearing will lead not only to easy childbirth, but also to rapid recovery and normalization of weight after childbirth.

What to do in the eighteenth week?

Now, with the help of ultrasound, every expectant mother will be able to determine the gender of her belly button (although with a small probability). It is this study that will tell a woman what clothes to buy for her baby.

The same applies to pregnant women's clothes - now is the perfect time to buy things for yourself. Get ready for the rest of your pregnancy by buying maternity clothes for yourself, because it greatly simplifies your comfort and the comfort of your future baby.

Now the expectant mother can sign up for specialized courses for pregnant women, which will tell you how to behave during normal and joint childbirth, how to care for a newly-made family member and how parents can survive a crisis moment after the birth of a baby.

Signs and symptoms

By the beginning of the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the hormonal background in the main cases is getting better, and the expectant mother feels great. Therefore, some symptoms and signs of pregnancy by this time disappear completely (toxicosis, irritability, drowsiness, etc.).

Dangers and Complications

Since the kidneys of a pregnant woman begin to work hard and hard by the eighteenth week of pregnancy, in no case should urine stagnation occur. If you feel like going to the toilet, but don't be patient and visit it as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is a possibility of infection.

16-18 weeks is the most dangerous period for a missed pregnancy. Although the first trimester is considered the most dangerous period for the baby to adapt, it can still happen at 16-18 weeks of gestation. The only difference is that a woman at a given gestation period may not be aware of a frozen child for several weeks. Therefore, the number of fetal movements and discharge should now be the focus.

To diagnose a missed pregnancy, additional tests and examinations (including ultrasound) are necessary. If a missed pregnancy is confirmed, urgent curettage is required. This is necessary to preserve the health of the mother, because a prolonged missed pregnancy is fraught with strong inflammatory processes for the mother.

Possible complications for a pregnant woman in the eighteenth week of pregnancy include anemia, the presence of polyhydramnios, hypertension, the risk of preterm birth, postpartum hemorrhage and diabetes.

Complications that may appear at the eighteenth week from the unborn baby include the incorrect position of the unborn baby, placenta previa and its abruption, fetal immaturity, congenital malformations, etc.

Beneficial Kegel Exercises

This week of pregnancy is ideal to start doing exercises to train and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, maintain the contents of the abdominal cavity, prevent uterine prolapse, because it is this muscle group that is responsible for successful childbearing and childbirth. Kegel exercises include the following:

  • Locate and feel the pelvic muscles. When urinating, try to interrupt this process by stopping the jet. This muscle contraction is considered the basic movement of Kegel exercises, but it should not be used frequently as a regular workout. Do it just a few times to determine the desired muscles and that's it, it is not recommended to repeat it anymore in order to avoid infection.
  • Place one or two fingers at a shallow depth in the vagina and squeeze the muscles. Do you feel how your muscles have tightened and your pelvic floor has tightened? As you relax your muscles, you will feel your pelvic floor return to its original position.
  • Just tighten and relax the muscles in the vagina daily up to 100-200 times. This can be done at any time of the day and posture, but it is best to take a relaxed lying position. Lie down and relax completely so that all your attention is directed to the pelvic muscles. You can briefly strain and relax the muscles 10 times, or you can strain them 10 times for 10 seconds.
  • Imagine that you are holding back urine and do the exercises in this way. Also imagine that you are holding back a bowel movement and do this exercise 10 times. It is very important to try not to hold your breath.

When you do these exercises, no one around you will guess what you are doing, so they can be performed almost anywhere and at any time.

The results of such exercises should be expected in a few months. Some women notice significant and impressive results, and for some women, Kegel exercises help to avoid urinary tract problems.

Important! Kegel exercises must be done with an empty bladder.

    If you have already felt the first movements more than once, but they are not frequent enough, try to provide the body of the unborn child with more blood flow - walk outside more often, do breathing exercises, practice yoga. Rare tremors of the child may indicate oxygen starvation.
  • To feel the uterus yourself, put your hands on your waist and then lower your palms a little below the navel about a couple of centimeters.
  • The most dangerous reasons that lead to pregnancy fading: genetic disorders, unfavorable working conditions, the presence of infections and bad habits in the expectant mother, the abuse of alcohol, tyutyun and other intoxicating drugs.
  • Carrying twins is a double responsibility and a double chance of problems and complications. But it is also a double happiness. Do not neglect the advice, wishes and recommendations of the doctor.
  • If constipation occurs, do not resort to self-treatment, because not all medical preparations are indicated for use by pregnant women. The only folk products you can relieve constipation: boiled beets, prunes, sour-milk natural products (yogurts, kefirs, milk).

The 18th week of pregnancy is a time of relative calm. Painful attacks of toxicosis receded, the feeling of heaviness has not yet appeared. The mood of the future mother is excellent. It is during this period that she can get a referral for an ultrasound scan. What diagnostics will show at such a time and what to prepare for, we will tell in this article.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Survey objectives

The concept of "screening" is already familiar to the expectant mother, because in the first trimester she already underwent an ultrasound scan and donated blood for a laboratory biochemical study. At 18 weeks, she is waiting for another screening, the second in a row. The Ministry of Health recommends that it be carried out between 18 and 21 weeks., so now is the right time to re-look at the long-awaited baby.

The screening ultrasound is backed up by data from the laboratory. Based on the results of both studies, one can judge possible pathological conditions, some malformations of the fetus.

Ultrasound at 18 weeks has an important goal - identify problems in the development of the baby. But this is not the only reason why scanning is done. At this time, ultrasound helps to navigate the terms of pregnancy, if they are not fully clarified, and also to set the expected date of birth.

During this period already you can try to see the sex of the baby, because the external genitalia are fully formed.

If the baby is not modest and shows the doctor his gender, the woman will be able to find out who she is expecting - a son or a daughter.

The issues that are resolved during screening do not imply gender determination, therefore this service is paid, while all other diagnostic measures within the framework of prenatal diagnosis are completely free for all women in an “interesting position”.

An unscheduled ultrasound at week 18 can be done according to indications - these are sudden pain sensations, discharge that cannot be considered normal for pregnant women, a discrepancy between the height of the bottom of the uterus and the obstetric period.

Preparation for the procedure and features of the conduct

An ultrasound at week 18 can be performed in two ways - internal or external. The internal one, called transvaginal, gives a good view through the vaginal wall if it is difficult through the peritoneum. It can be difficult for a doctor to examine a child if the expectant mother is the owner of extra pounds and fat folds on her stomach.

The vaginal sensor is also indispensable in the event of a threatened abortion, as it allows you to more clearly see the cervix and cervical canal at 18 weeks.

If a woman has a normal or thin physique, this week of pregnancy, you can conduct a study in a transabdominal way - through the stomach. Preparation for ultrasound is not required, no matter how it is carried out. No need to drink water or tea to fill your bladder, there is no need to follow a diet that reduces gas formation in the intestines.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

At week 18, the baby looks like a small person, but his head is still disproportionately large. The growth of the crumbs from the heels to the top of the head is almost 20 centimeters, and its weight is approaching 200-240 grams. Such dimensions allow him to freely tumble, swim, push off from the walls of the uterus, make a variety of movements with his arms and legs. It is at this time that some pregnant women begin to feel the first movements. Basically, these are women who are expecting twins or triplets, as well as multiparous.

Even if the woman does not yet feel the movements, you can enjoy the movements of the baby during the ultrasound procedure. The baby's skin is still very thin, blood vessels are visible through it. The brain is developing rapidly, this week the endocrine system begins to work. This ultrasound scan, of course, will not show.

But the mother will be able to see a small heart, listen to how it beats, if the level of equipment allows, then you can see how the baby clenched and unclenched his fists, spreading his fingers.

The baby already distinguishes sounds. He is already used to the beating of his mother's heart, the noise of blood in her vessels, but everything new, what comes from the outside, interests him and frightens him at the same time. Therefore, the baby may perk up at the unfamiliar voice of the health worker who is conducting the study, or, on the contrary, may get scared and calm down.

The genitals are clearly visible at this time, if the baby is located conveniently for inspection. It is possible that the umbilical cord will be clamped between the legs. And then the girl can be confused with the boy. Shy little boys can hide their “dignity” between their legs and they can easily be mistaken for a girl. The percentage of error, however, at this time is small - no more than 2-4%.

Norms and decoding

The description is compiled in three main areas - the size of the fetus (fetometric indicators), the anatomy of the fetus (the presence and correct formation of internal organs), as well as a description of the auxiliary organs and environments - the placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. In addition, the doctor assesses the state of health of the woman herself - is everything in order with her reproductive organs, is there a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Fetometry of the fetus

It is possible to draw conclusions about how the child’s head is developed according to two parameters, their diagnosticians measure them first. This is a longitudinal (LZR) and transverse dimension (BPR). The head circumference completes the picture. The size is also important baby's belly circumference. At this time, measurements of paired bones are also carried out - the femur, the bones of the lower leg, shoulder and forearm. At week 18, the bones of the nose are also subject to measurement.

Baby head size:

Sizes of paired bones and bones of the nose:

Anatomical features

The baby in the womb is already big enough for the doctor to examine its internal organs. During the study, the heart is examined, excluding possible defects of this organ and large vessels. The doctor is also interested in the kidneys, the child's bladder, intestines, stomach, lungs, gallbladder, brain structures and cerebellum.

In the absence of defects and visible problems, the doctor indicates that the internal organs of the little one do not have any features.

Placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid

Norms and deviations are compared with this table:

The diagnostician must note where the placenta is located. In most pregnant women, this temporary organ, which is responsible for supplying the child with everything necessary for 9 months, is located on the posterior uterine wall, however, the anterior location should not be surprising. This is a variant of the norm, only requiring more careful management of pregnancy by the attending physician.

Possible problems

During the ultrasound scan at week 18, some pathological conditions may become apparent. Let's talk about the most common ones in more detail:

The size of the child is behind or ahead of the norm

Any discrepancies with the standards that are characteristic of fruits at a certain period require careful study by doctors. Small lags or advances - can be caused by completely harmless reasons - heredity, features of the constitution of the baby's body. Thin parents usually give birth to the same children.

An additional examination deserves situations when the sizes deviate in one direction or another for 2 weeks or more.

In this case, you should pay attention to exactly which sizes exceed the norm, whether the process is symmetrical (when all sizes are increased), or there is asymmetry (only one part of the body or one size is increased).

Enlargement and reduction of the baby's head can be a sign of genetic malformations, hydrocephalus or microcephaly. If the dimensions are increased symmetrically, then there is a possibility that the woman is carrying a fetus with a tendency to large weight (more than 4 kilograms) or to a gigantic weight (more than 5 kilograms).

A symmetrical decrease may indicate trouble, which the baby experiences, up to intrauterine growth retardation.

However, there is no need to rush to conclusions - children grow in the womb in “jumps”, and it is possible that at the control ultrasound in a couple of weeks the baby will “even out” in the parameters.

The bones of the nose lag behind the norm

The length of the nose bones is a marker of chromosomal abnormalities. In children with Down syndrome, Patau, Turner and other incurable diseases, the profile of the face is flattened, the nose is much smaller than in healthy peers. This fact is taken as a basis for measuring this parameter. A slight lag in the length of the nasal bones should also not be of much concern.

Rather, this is the reason to carefully look in the mirror to the mother herself and study the appearance of her relatives. Maybe in the family, small noses are a hereditary feature.

From the same point of view, moderate increases in the size of the baby's nose should not cause panic.

When measuring this parameter, errors and errors very often occur, which are the result of the fact that the equipment used for diagnostics is outdated and has a low resolution.

If the diagnostician is still inclined to consider the deviation significant, and blood tests confirm the imbalance of hormones and proteins in the body, then this is - reason to visit a geneticist and possibly undergo invasive procedures such as amniocentesis or chorionic biopsy to know with more than 99% accuracy whether the child is healthy.

The 18th week of pregnancy is almost the middle of the entire gestation period, a favorable period for mother and baby. The hormonal background of a woman by this time, as a rule, stabilizes, and ailments remain in the past. The tummy is already quite large, and the movements of the baby become obvious and are felt more and more often.

We determine the term

To determine the obstetric period, it is enough to remember how much time has passed since the last menstruation

The gestational age is determined in two main ways:

  • from the date of the last menstruation (obstetric);
  • from the estimated day of conception (embryonic).

Doctors adhere to the obstetric method of calculating the gestation period, because it is problematic to know exactly the day of conception. Even if you know exactly the date of "productive" sexual intercourse, fertilization could occur earlier or later, depending on the maturation of the egg in the body. Focusing on the obstetric period, doctors can calculate the preliminary date of birth, adequately evaluate the results of tests and ultrasound at different stages of bearing a baby.

So, 18 obstetric weeks is:

  • fifth month of pregnancy;
  • second trimester;
  • approximately 16 embryonic weeks;
  • about 14 weeks from the date of the delay of menstruation.

Analyzes and examinations

Tell your doctor about any changes in how you feel, even if they seem minor.

The woman regularly visits the antenatal clinic, passes routine tests. Before each visit to the gynecologist, she takes urine samples to the laboratory. This analysis allows you to identify inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, malfunctions of the kidneys. If anemia (iron deficiency) is suspected, manifested by weakness, dizziness, a blood test for hemoglobin is prescribed. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes iron supplements.

At a routine examination, the doctor measures the height of the uterine fundus, blood pressure, the weight of the expectant mother, and listens to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope.

Second trimester screening

For screening of the second trimester, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein and undergo an ultrasound

At 16–20 weeks, a second pregnancy screening is usually done. This examination includes blood tests and an ultrasound. Studies are carried out on the same day or with a minimum time gap. Blood samples for analysis are taken from a vein. The so-called triple test includes tests:

  • the level of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • protein alpha-fetoprotein;
  • estriol free.

The obtained results of blood tests and ultrasound are entered into a computer program that evaluates the data and displays a forecast regarding the risk of having a child with developmental anomalies. If this risk is high, the woman is referred to geneticists for a more detailed examination. Specialists conduct a special ultrasound on high-tech equipment, take blood samples for examination again. If an increased risk of fetal developmental pathologies is again detected, with the consent of the woman, an amniocentesis procedure (taking amniotic fluid for analysis by puncturing the abdominal wall) can be performed. This study is more accurate than standard screening, but has a number of contraindications and may adversely affect the course of pregnancy. A non-invasive fetal DNA analysis is considered safe, which allows you to identify chromosomal abnormalities and even accurately determine the sex of the child, but it is only paid and is not cheap.

Ultrasound as part of screening

The baby on ultrasound can be viewed from different angles

Ultrasound is performed to identify possible malformations of the baby or complications of pregnancy. Particular attention is paid to the following parameters:

  • biparietal size (BDP);
  • femur length (DBK);
  • humerus length (DPC);
  • head circumference (OG);
  • amniotic fluid index (AFI);
  • location of the placenta;
  • place of attachment of the umbilical cord;
  • development of body parts and internal organs of the fetus;
  • cervical length.

The doctor will also pay attention to the position of the baby in the uterus. It can be head, transverse or pelvic. As a rule, the fetus is still small and moves freely in the uterine cavity, it will change the position of the body more than once before childbirth, but already from the 18th week, experts have been monitoring this indicator.

Determining the sex of the baby is not mandatory, but it is possible at this stage. The genitals are already formed, and if the baby is not located with its back to the ultrasound sensor, does not cover the genitals with a leg, they can be seen.

In rare cases, ultrasound fails to determine some parameters due to insufficient visualization. This can happen due to the woman’s thick abdominal wall (fatty layer), outdated equipment, “unfortunate” placement of the fetus.

Changes in the mother's body

If swelling occurs, you should inform the doctor about it in order to prevent preeclampsia

If in the first trimester the expectant mother was worried about the symptoms of toxicosis and there was no appetite, then in the second trimester there is an active weight gain. The body requires additional nutrition, because often the calories received from food are spent on the development of the baby. The total weight gain by week 18 can be 5 kg. The optimal rate of weight gain now is about 500 g per week. In general, the health of the expectant mother is stable, but short-term dizziness, bouts of fatigue are not ruled out. Mom can also notice her inattention, absent-mindedness. This is due to the fact that most of the body's resources are devoted to the development of the fetus, which is why the mother's body, including the brain, may lack components for productive activity.

Also at week 18, mom may notice the following changes:

  1. Skin pigmentation. Dark spots, as from a sunburn, may appear on the face and body, appear crossing the abdomen from the bottom up. This is due to hormonal changes and the active production of melanin. It is useless to fight pigmentation now, usually the spots disappear by themselves a few weeks after childbirth.
  2. Stretch marks. Another skin problem is the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, abdomen, and hips. The skin may be too dry and itchy. It is recommended to use special creams and gels for expectant mothers against stretch marks. The stripes that appear will not disappear, it is very difficult to deal with them.
  3. Frequent urge to urinate. This phenomenon is explained simply - the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, its "resource" decreases. Pressure is also placed on the intestines, which causes constipation.
  4. Edema. The body stores fluid necessary for the development of the fetus. There may be slight swelling of the extremities. Try to change position more often, do not sit for too long, rest with your feet on a hill, reduce salt intake. Excessive swelling is a sign of incipient preeclampsia (late toxicosis) and requires medical treatment.
  5. Leg cramps. Often occur at night. This phenomenon is most likely caused by a lack of calcium, which is actively spent on building the tissues of a growing fetus.
  6. The appearance of colostrum. Breasts that have enlarged over the entire period of pregnancy may secrete a small amount of a whitish or yellowish liquid. Never try to express colostrum, as this can cause uterine contractions.


If the discharge has become abundant, use panty liners

Natural vaginal discharge may become more voluminous than before. Normally, they are mucous, translucent or whitish with an unexpressed sour smell. Beware and consult a doctor if the discharge:

  • acquired an uncharacteristic color (gray, brown, green);
  • became blood;
  • have a strong unpleasant odor;
  • texture curdled, heterogeneous.

Such changes can be a sign of a genital tract infection, thrush, or an incipient miscarriage.


Very soon, the baby's kicks will be able to be felt by his father, putting his hands to his mother's stomach.

Women who are carrying their first child begin to feel fetal movements at 18-20 weeks. Moms who were pregnant again could feel the movements of the crumbs earlier by 2-3 weeks. These sensations are easily confused with the work of the intestines, because the baby moves freely inside the uterus. Do not be alarmed if you have not noticed the movements yet, each organism is individual, most likely they will become apparent in the near future. The confirmation that everything is in order with the baby is his heartbeat, which the doctor listens to with a stethoscope at each appointment.


The shape of the abdomen depends on many signs, but not on the gender of the baby.

The uterus is comparable in size to a small melon or a coconut, and the mother's tummy is already large enough, it is unlikely that it will be possible to hide it under clothes. The belly not only grew up, but also rose higher to the navel. The shape of the abdomen often becomes a reason for predicting the sex of the unborn baby. However, doctors are sure that this indicator does not depend on the gender of the fetus. In multiparous mothers, the belly is usually larger and grows faster than in first-time pregnant women. The position of the fetus in the uterus, the place of attachment of the placenta affects the shape. A large belly is observed in multiple pregnancies.

Photo gallery: tummies at 18 weeks

Take a photo of yourself every week and watch your tummy grow Wear clothes that don't put pressure on your tummy Try to wear flat shoes with a stable sole
In thin girls, as a rule, the tummy is more noticeable than in full ones.

Possible problems

Sometimes mom can feel pressure drops, headache, weakness

The risk of spontaneous termination of pregnancy is now small, compared with the first trimester, but not excluded. The reasons for such an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy can be hormonal disorders, abnormalities in the development of the fetus, low placenta previa, uterine hypertonicity, and other factors.

In the case when the fetus dies in the womb, but there is no miscarriage or premature birth, experts speak of a missed pregnancy. The child stops developing, there are no heartbeats, but he continues to remain in the uterine cavity. If a problem is detected on an ultrasound scan, a woman is sent for curettage of the uterine cavity or artificial birth. It is not always possible to determine the causes of this phenomenon, but most often it is faced by women who have suffered from infertility in the past or have had abortions, miscarriages. Bad habits of the mother, genetic disorders, and infections can also cause a stop in development. Often, a frozen pregnancy does not show specific symptoms, it is detected only on ultrasound. Mom can only feel the cessation of movements, the disappearance of pregnancy symptoms (breast reduction, cessation of abdominal growth, and others). To suspect the absence of fetal vital activity, the doctor at a scheduled examination, when he fails to listen to the baby's heartbeat.

The following symptoms should alert the mother and serve as a reason for going to the doctor:

  • intense pain in the abdomen and lower back;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • change in the nature of vaginal discharge;
  • increase in body temperature.

During pregnancy, any disease is dangerous, whether it is a cold or an exacerbation of chronic ailments. In no case should you self-medicate, many drugs and folk remedies can negatively affect the baby in the womb. Letting the disease take its course is also unacceptable. If you suspect a disease, consult a doctor who can professionally assess all risks to the fetus and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Video: what happens at week 18

Fetal development

The body of the baby becomes more and more proportional

By the 18th week of pregnancy, the baby reaches 15–20 cm in length, and its weight is 160–200 g. The baby feels the mood of the mother, hears the surrounding sounds. In addition, the following changes occurred in the baby's body:

  • furrows form on the surface of the brain;
  • the hormone myelin is released, which ensures the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • rudiments of molars appeared;
  • facial expressions develop, the baby reflexively smiles, frowns, makes grimaces;
  • the production of blood lymphocytes begins;
  • functioning adrenal glands;
  • in girls, the uterus and fallopian tubes are formed;
  • in boys, the genitals are almost developed, but the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum;
  • the fetus is actively moving - it is repelled by the legs from the walls of the uterus, sucks a finger, touches the umbilical cord;
  • there is a fingerprint pattern on the fingertips;
  • the body increases in size, becomes more proportional, the head no longer seems too big.

On an ultrasound, a mother can see on the screen the outlines of her baby's body, which are easily recognizable. During the procedure, the baby can yawn, hiccup, suck a finger.

It's time to start looking for things for the baby

An enlarged tummy already at this stage can cause excessive stretching of the ligaments, which causes pulling pain in the back and lower abdomen. Maybe it's time to start wearing a maternity bandage. This accessory supports the stomach from below, preventing muscle stretching and weakening the load on the spine. If you are prone to varicose veins, choose compression stockings that prevent the expansion of veins in your legs. Visit the dentist - it is now possible to treat teeth with the use of medications that are prohibited in the first trimester.


A trip to the sea should not be too long and exhausting.

In the second trimester, if the pregnancy is going smoothly, you can still go on a trip. Choose countries with a similar familiar climate and time zone. Swimming in the warm sea or pool is a log for the expectant mother, but hot baths, baths and saunas should be avoided. It is also not recommended to swim in ponds with stagnant water because of the risk of catching an infection.

When planning a flight by plane, get the approval of a doctor in the form of a certificate indicating the gestational age and permission to fly. This document has the right to demand the airport staff, seeing your tummy. Without a certificate, you may not be allowed on board due to fears that childbirth may begin in the air, especially if the tummy is already large.


Often at 18 weeks, a woman's sexual desire increases

The 18th week of pregnancy is considered a favorable period for the mother and fetus, therefore, in the absence of contraindications, sex is not prohibited. Many women note increased libido and vivid orgasms during this period, which is associated with a rush of blood to the genitals. Choose the most comfortable position that eliminates pressure on the stomach, and avoid sudden movements. It will be necessary to limit intimate life with the threat of miscarriage, uterine hypertonicity, multiple pregnancy, leakage of amniotic fluid.

Physical activity

Yoga and meditation will help mom relax physically and mentally

At this stage, all physical exercises should be aimed at relaxing the muscles of the back, strengthening the pelvic floor. Do gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women, go to the pool, practice Kegel exercises. Eliminate excessive exercise, weight training, jumping and running. Do not allow excessive fatigue, classes should be enjoyable.


Include fresh fruits in your daily diet

The development of the baby largely depends on the diet of the mother. The daily menu should include:

  • meat or fish;
  • cereals;
  • soups;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • milk products;
  • cereal products.

The body's need for protein, calcium, iron, and magnesium increases. Vitamin and mineral complexes for expectant mothers, which are taken throughout the entire period of gestation and breastfeeding, will help prevent nutrient deficiencies.

With excessive weight gain, give up too fatty, high-calorie foods, sweets. Dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber will help to cope with constipation.

If you are concerned about heartburn, try to eat fractionally, cook food in gentle ways, and avoid spicy and salty foods. After eating, take an upright position, rest on a high pillow. Kissels and cereals help prevent the symptoms of heartburn.

Week 18 is the second week of the fifth month. The second trimester continues, and the woman feels more and more how a new life is gradually maturing inside her, which will very soon make itself felt with the first long-awaited cry - the cry of a beloved baby.


Feelings at the 18th week of pregnancy very often bring new joy to the expectant mother: it is during this week that fetal movements become apparent. Some of the women could feel the first movements even earlier, but usually they occur just for a period of 18-22 weeks. Moreover, if the mother does not yet feel the first movements of the fetus, it is not worth worrying about a favorable pregnancy: it means that it is not yet time. More often, the first movements of the fetus are felt a little later by women who are distinguished by some fullness. At the same time, thin ladies, or those who give birth again, can “fix” the activity of the baby a little earlier.

By the way, if the expectant mother has already felt the movements of the fetus, you should pay attention to their frequency: usually the baby is “active” up to 4-8 times per hour. If sensations at the 18th week of pregnancy, fetal movements occur more often, most likely, the baby does not have enough oxygen. Therefore, by moving, he tries to make the heart beat faster, thus supplying more blood and oxygen. In this case, it is useful for the expectant mother to take care of herself to provide the baby with enough oxygen: it is useful to breathe often and deeply, walk in the fresh air more often, practice gymnastics or yoga, which will help saturate the blood with oxygen.

uterus at 18 weeks pregnant

In addition to the joy of the first movements of such a beloved baby, the mother may also experience some discomfort in the form of pressure on the navel from the inside. This is the consequence of the fact that an increasingly growing uterus at 18 weeks already reaches this level. The bottom of the uterus for a period of 18 weeks is about 2.5 cm below the navel, putting your hands on your waist and lowering your palms just below the navel two fingers thick, you can feel the bottom of the uterus. The size of the uterus at the 18th week of pregnancy is similar to a small melon, and, due to its increase, the stomach is also steadily growing.


Yes, yes, you can’t hide your stomach at the 18th week of pregnancy: it has apparently grown, risen and is noticeable to others. Increasingly increasing, the belly at the 18th week of pregnancy is already “responsible” for the shift in the center of gravity, and mom often now has to slightly tilt her shoulders forward - she has a peculiar gait inherent in all pregnant women. Now the question of choosing the right clothes is very relevant: it is advisable to choose panties or shorts that support the stomach, which will help avoid back pain from increased stress on the spine.

fetus at 18 weeks pregnant

And while mommy decides on the choice of clothes and is preparing with might and main for the birth of her baby, miracles continue to happen in her tummy. The fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy continues its development and improvement. So, the arms and legs, the phalanges of the baby's fingers are already fully formed. The pads have a unique pattern inherent only to the baby - the so-called imprint. The baby's genitals are also fully formed.

At the same time, the formation of adipose tissue is in full swing, the brain is developing. The baby's immune system continues to develop, but his body is already capable of producing interferon and immunoglobulin - substances that help resist viruses and infections.

Also, the rudiments of the baby's molars have already formed - they are much deeper than the rudiments of the milk teeth. Although the eyes of the crumbs are still closed, the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy is already able to respond to the light that enters the mother's tummy. In addition, due to the increasing improvement of the hearing aid, it is already distinguishing sounds, and therefore, from now on, sharp and loud noises will have to be avoided. Already now you can start singing lullabies to your baby, put on classical music, read fairy tales, address him through affectionate and gentle intonations.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the fetus is more than 14 cm long and weighs almost 200 g. And yet, there is still enough space in the tummy for its “free” movement, which the baby successfully uses: somersaults, twitches its legs and waves its arms , is flipped. It is believed that intrauterine movements are exclusively beneficial for the baby, having a positive effect on the development of the muscular system and the brain.


Between 18 and 22 weeks, a woman will be scheduled for a second ultrasound, and an ultrasound at 18 weeks of gestation is already quite capable of showing the sex of the unborn baby. But, first of all, ultrasound is necessary to detect any defects in the development of the fetus: congenital malformations of the cardiovascular system, Down's disease, heart defects. In addition, during the ultrasound examination, the place of attachment of the placenta is studied, the risk of developing deviations in the normal course of pregnancy and the possibility of their timely correction if necessary are assessed. With the help of ultrasound at the 18th week of pregnancy, among other things, the circumference of the head and abdomen of the baby, the fronto-occipital size, the size of the long bones (femur, shoulder, forearm, lower leg) are studied.


At a period of 18 weeks of pregnancy, only a urine test is mandatory - it makes it possible to assess the work of the kidneys. In addition, a blood test may be needed, first of all, to exclude the presence of anemia in a pregnant woman. A low level of hemoglobin in the mother's body leads to a lack of necessary oxygen for the baby, which can cause certain pregnancy complications and contribute to the development of anemia in the baby after birth.

In order to detect chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus of a pregnant woman, tests may be prescribed at the 18th week of pregnancy, evaluating the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the body. The corresponding analysis is included in a comprehensive study called the "triple test". He received this name in connection with the study of three markers in parallel - in addition to hCG, the levels of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and unconjugated estriol (NE) are also determined. Any deviations from the indicators referred to the norm may give rise to the possibility of the development of Down syndrome, hydrocephalus and some other defects in the baby. However, such tests at the 18th week of pregnancy cannot be considered the basis for the final diagnosis, but serve only as an excuse for further research.

Pain at 18 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy for a period of 18 weeks can often be overshadowed by some painful sensations, such as pain in the back, in the lumbar region, pulling sensations in the abdomen.

There is evidence that almost every woman during pregnancy complains of back pain from time to time. Such pains at the 18th week of pregnancy are already common: all because of the shifting center of gravity due to the growing uterus and the increasing load on the spine. The nature of back pain can be quite different - the back can only break slightly, but the pain can be significant, acute (although such pain often occurs already in late pregnancy). You can prevent or relieve pain at the 18th week of pregnancy in the back: by choosing a special support bandage, practicing exercises to strengthen the back muscles, controlling weight and getting enough rest (the back needs to be “unloaded”, lying down for at least a few minutes several times a day).

For the same reasons mentioned above, back pain can also occur during pregnancy. But, it also happens that pain at the 18th week of pregnancy in the lumbar region can be caused by difficulty with urination and the possible development of a urinary tract infection. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control urination and prevent hypothermia.

It is also necessary to be sensitive to pain in the abdomen. For example, sensations of a pulling abdomen in the lateral parts (but not spasmodic, but more of a stabbing character) are normal - pain at the 18th week of pregnancy in this case indicates stretching of the ligaments and tendons of the abdominal wall associated with the growth of the uterus. However, with the appearance of regular and prolonged abdominal pain of a cramping nature, which, God forbid, is also accompanied by bloody or brown discharge, you should immediately call a doctor: such symptoms indicate a high risk of premature termination of pregnancy.


By the way, about selections. Normally, discharge at week 18 is still light and of a uniform consistency, but their number may increase in comparison with previous weeks. If an increase in the amount of discharge is not accompanied by a change in their color, neither itching nor burning is observed, there is nothing to worry about. But when green, yellow or purulent, cheesy discharge appears, you should consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment - such discharge indicates the addition of an infection. To avoid this, it is recommended to exclude sugar and sweets, white flour products from the diet and regularly consume natural fermented milk products.


The issue of nutrition in general should be approached with a great deal of responsibility. It is no secret that nutrition at the 18th week of pregnancy, as, in fact, all the time of bearing a baby, should be balanced, varied, as healthy as possible and sufficiently fortified. It is also necessary to exclude sugar and sweets, as well as fatty foods, in order to avoid gaining excess weight, as well as to prevent pregnancy diabetes. As a prevention of calcium deficiency, dairy and sour-milk products are needed, ideally, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese should be included in the daily diet. In sufficient quantities, lean meats and fish should also be present on the table, which are the source of the protein necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby.

To normalize digestion and to prevent constipation, fresh vegetables and fruits are needed, rich in fiber and vitamins that are useful for the body growing in the womb. Regarding vitamins: at this stage, the expectant mother needs to take care of a sufficient amount of vitamin C and folic acid received, and apple juice with celery will be valuable in this regard. It is also necessary to ensure that iron-containing products are always present in the diet: iron is necessary for the normal process of hematopoiesis, which is already taking place in the baby. Sources of iron are beef liver, buckwheat porridge, tomato juice, apples.

The diet at week 18 should be balanced in this way (and it must be followed in the future until the end of pregnancy) in order to avoid edema, which can occur against the background of sodium retention in the body. First, you will have to significantly limit your salt intake. Secondly, monitor the amount of fluid you drink.

Weight at 18 weeks pregnant

By the fifth month of pregnancy, toxicosis, fortunately, remains in the past. It is no wonder that mommy now discovers an unprecedented appetite. However, one should be very careful with the diet: the weight at the 18th week of pregnancy may already increase by 4.5-6 kg, and weight gain must be controlled without fail. Indeed, if the weight exceeds the indicated norms, it will be much more difficult for a mother to bear a baby and then give birth to him, and it will also be much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds after childbirth.

Therefore, if the weight at the 18th week of pregnancy exceeds the “permitted” norm of 6 kg, it is advisable to visit a doctor and discuss a possible diet with him. In no case should you "spontaneously" prescribe diets during pregnancy: the child must receive the necessary amount of nutrients and nutrients. And a specialist will help to develop a suitable diet that will enable the child to provide all the protein-vitamins and control weight.


The second trimester of pregnancy is the best time to resume intimate relationships if they were interrupted due to the mother not feeling very well in the early stages of pregnancy. Sex at the 18th week of pregnancy can give expectant parents completely new experiences, bring them even closer, contribute to an even better study of each other.

The tummy, in which their common unborn baby “lives”, is not yet very large, the mother does not experience any ailments associated with toxicosis, and therefore the sensuality and desire for physical intimacy can now increase significantly. And you can surrender to it quite calmly, however, without being overly zealous and “active” unnecessarily. Sex at the 18th week of pregnancy will not bring any problems, unless, of course, the pregnancy differs in the tone of the uterus. And, of course, it is advisable to refrain from intimacy if mommy suffers from some kind of infection.

Other, more rare reasons for a temporary refusal to have sex, according to indications, may be: a low location of the placenta; diagnosis of "recurrent miscarriage"; leakage of amniotic fluid; in some cases - multiple pregnancy.

Frozen pregnancy

Pregnancy is defined as frozen, which, at a certain time and for some reason, is accompanied by the death and cessation of fetal development. Moreover, the fetus is not rejected by the mother's body, but remains in the uterus, in connection with which the woman does not even suspect about the tragedy that has occurred.

The most dangerous in this regard is the first trimester - the period when the fetus is most vulnerable to the effects of any negative factors. However, the risk of detecting a missed pregnancy remains at a later date: according to medical data, a period of 16-18 weeks is considered one of the critical ones.

The reasons why a frozen pregnancy of 18 weeks can occur remain the same: fetal fading is provoked by bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs), genetic disorders, infections, and harmful working conditions. Unfortunately, it is not possible for a woman to independently diagnose a frozen pregnancy: the absence of toxicosis and engorgement of the mammary glands of the pregnant woman “writes off” for an increase in the duration of pregnancy. But over time, aching or pulling pains in the lower back, smearing brown discharge, join these symptoms. A frozen pregnancy of 18 weeks is characterized, plus everything else, by the absence of fetal movement, which many mothers have already felt before.

A frozen pregnancy of 18 weeks is diagnosed during the next gynecological examination and during a planned ultrasound. And the early curettage of the uterus in this case is a necessity, because the dead fetus contributes to the development of inflammatory processes. After a forced abortion, you will also need antibiotic therapy and subsequent abstinence from planning a pregnancy. So, after a frozen pregnancy, it is not recommended to think about getting pregnant again for another 6-12 months.