How to make a pale face with makeup. Makeup and clothing color for pale skin. Lips and eyes

Adalind Koss

Too light skin tone is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. If the skin glows with health and freshness, then this is a definite plus. And the wrong selection of shades of makeup can spoil the whole look. Light skin should not be hidden behind a make-up, but it should not be abandoned either. For owners fair skin it is difficult to find the right make-up. The tips in this article will help you right choice.

Basic makeup rules

The biggest problem comes with . The basic rules of makeup are to avoid mistakes. For example, girls often prefer yellowish or warm beige for foundation. In fact, pallor is emphasized by giving freshness. Suitable for this Foundation light beige with a hint of pink.

It is important that the skin tone on the face matches the neck and the whole body. Disadvantages should be masked with a cold tone corrector. And in order to give velvety, you need to apply a colorless or very light light powder.

Blush will help to give the face freshness. Cold tones of peach, light pink will do. Measure is important here. With a special brush, apply a little blush on your cheeks.

It is impossible to highlight the eyebrows too much on a pale face. Their shade should be lighter by 1-2 tones of the color of the curls. For this, shadows and a pencil in gray, taupe or shades of green are suitable.

Follow the top tips from stylists and makeup artists to create the right look. He should emphasize the beauty of the skin, and not hide it.

Particular attention should be paid to the eyes. Make-up should not be very bright, it should not contain rough lines. mother-of-pearl and matte shades are suitable: blue, gray, purple. Brown eyes are emphasized by using brown, green shades. Ink should be taken gray- Brown or grey.

Eyeliner will help to give expressiveness to the eyes. Either they refuse it altogether. Or use gray, black or brown for evening outings into the world. Lips should be painted with lipstick of a cold muted color: pink, peach, violet.

Daily makeup on a pale face should not be too bright. But even here bright experiments are allowed. Pin-up make-up with scarlet lipstick and black arrows is perfect for themed holiday. A smoky eyesperfect choice for the evening. It is important to choose the right shade in order to show the dignity of appearance.

Skin preparation

To prepare pale skin for makeup, it is important to observe some conditions. If the skin is prone to dryness, then it is more noticeable on light skin than on others. For this reason, proper hydration is required. Take care of your skin, this is important in winter, when it is subject to stress and chapping. If the skin on the face has an even shade, then a transparent cream for moisturizing is enough. If the skin requires correction, then a liquid foundation or powder will do.

Start creating makeup should be from the foundation. With an incorrect choice of shade, any makeup looks bad. Try looking for neutral hues without stark contrasts. You may have to use testers to select the right color.

If you use powder, and areas with imperfections should be masked, then you should take yellowish tones to give warmth to the skin. If the face is too light, then take the lightest powder.

Pale skin flaunts all traces of lack of sleep and fatigue. In this situation, a useful assistant corrector. He will hide the "bruises" under the eyes if he is in a pink tone.

Before applying makeup, you should properly prepare the skin. Choose the right shade of foundation and blush.

Among other things, the use of blush is required. The features are:

to highlight the cheekbones, you need very little of this product in a shade of peach or apricot;
if the face has a pinkish tint, then take a blush in a juicy pink color;
do not use blush that gives artificial color to the cheekbones;
for milky skin, the use of tanning lotions or bronzers is unacceptable. It is important to beautify the tone, not change it.

Lips and eyes

Eyes and lips are important elements in any makeup.

To create a natural everyday look gentle shades are suitable. Keep all bright colors away, preferring soft pinks, apricots, sand color. They will be enough to highlight the lips on a pale face. For festive image pale-faced beauties need red lipstick. But when choosing a shade, you should not highlight your eyes too much - a thin line along the growth of eyelashes is enough.

To highlight the eyes, use eyeliner in black, blue is allowed. It is worth preferring neutral tones of shadows for everyday make-up, as well as saturated ones for evening. Mascara and eyeliner in brown color goes well with pale skin.

So, consider the makeup options for blue and blue eyes:

choose a nude or light pink powder;
blush should also be preferred in a light pink tone;
shadows fit in gray, silver, blue color. Shades of chocolate, bronze and wine are allowed;
for lips, light coral colors, yellow-pink and light pink shades are suitable.

Lips and eyes are the main accents of makeup. It is important here not to overdo it with color, so as not to spoil natural beauty.

Pale-skinned girls with green or brown eyes the following tips apply:

powder should be chosen in a light bronze tone or color Ivory;
to highlight the cheekbones, you will need a blush of sandy, delicate beige and brown tones;
shadows can not be used, a light pencil will cope with the task;
lips are painted with beige-brown or red lipstick.

Now consider some tips from professional makeup artists. They will help create natural makeup:

add color. Neutral make-up does not mean inconspicuous. The face should glow, this is important for pale-faced beauties. Prefer a tone with shimmery pigment;
hide flaws. All imperfections are visible on pale skin. If necessary, apply the concealer with patting movements of your fingers, and then even out the shade with a moisturizer;
use little secrets. For selection suitable shade rouge should pinch the cheeks and note the color that arises. For pale skin, this is a muted pink tone.

What to avoid:

brown color for eye makeup and for powder. It will dull the skin tone;
dark and any other bronzer;
lots of makeup. It is then required to enhance the natural beauty. If you apply a lot of funds, pale skin will certainly give it away;
different skin tones on the face and neck. This kind of difference is too noticeable on fair skin;
saturated shades gloss and lipstick. They stand out too much on the skin;
tanning Often, fair-skinned beauties try to get a tan or dark skin tone. If you want to change your complexion too much, then it is better to take the minimum amount of a light tone bronzer;
dark shadow color. They stand out sharply on a pale face.

Choosing a hair color for fair skin

Often girls with fair skin suffer from excessive pallor of the face. But the right approach help to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Important to choose suitable color hair for fair skin.

A combination of dark curls and porcelain-colored skin is successful. And brunettes with dark eyes and pale skin are very popular among men. For this reason, shortcomings can be compensated by emphasizing the highlights and changing the shade of the curls. It is better to contact the stylist to choose the right tone. It is important to note that fair-skinned girls suffer from over-sensitivity The skin is prone to allergies and rashes.

The natural color of curls for a pale face is red, although there are many fair-skinned blue-eyed blondes. If you do not think that suits you, then you can “hide” excessive pallor by choosing clothes.

Choice of clothing color for pale skin

Many fair-skinned girls are familiar with the problem of choosing the color of clothes. For example, pastel colors blur facial features. For this reason, designers have developed several rules for creating an image:

first of all, you should choose clothes in dark colors: different shades of green, blue, dark blue;
bright colors of clothes for pale-skinned girls are the perfect choice. Among them: red, green or yellow;

When creating the perfect image, you should pay attention to the right choice of clothing and shade of hair. They will help you achieve harmony.

if you like black clothes, then you should add bright accessories;
you should not choose beige, white, terracotta, cream or Orange color clothes. They visually give a greater pallor to the skin;
pastel color scheme suitable for the skin porcelain colors. But if you don’t like bright colors, then opt for cold colors.

Here are some tips for creating wedding makeup on light skin. Here it is important to emphasize the advantages:

do not use pale shade lips. A similar make-up is suitable for a fashion photo shoot, but not for a wedding. This will give the image of soreness;
bright lips look great against a pale face. The best choice for the bride is coral or red;
light eye color. If your eye color is blue or green, then it should be enhanced with shadows of the same color. They will give the shade of the eyes brightness;
dark eyes. A brown-eyed bride will suit shades of chocolate, lavender or gray. They will emphasize the color and draw attention to the eyes;
do not do makeup with light shadows. They will make a colorless look and give inexpressiveness to the face. In particular, this will be seen in the photographs;
eyeliner. When choosing a shade, choose one that is 2-3 shades darker than the shadow. Light eyeliner should not be used;
ink. In this case fit black color. It is combined with any shade of makeup, and the eyes will become more expressive;

foundation. For a pale face, it is difficult to choose a base for makeup. For the test, test the product on your hand, and on the skin of the face, the shade should also be checked in daylight;
blush. This tool cannot be ignored. Blush will give the face expressiveness, warmth. Enhance the effect with blush or add colors;
bronzer. If you do not like the use of blush, then. It is a powder in the form of a cream or powder with particles that reflect color. They will give the skin a glow;
blondes. If you want to be a fair-haired bride with pale skin, then you should responsibly approach the choice of hair tone. Turn to professionals to choose a shade of blond;
redheads and brunettes. To create a sharp or sophisticated look, pale-skinned girls are helped by a bright shade of hair. Light skin goes well with a black shade of curls, as well as burning red;
most brides get married in white or light dress. But pale skin can merge with such clothes. A bright detail should be added to the image;
concealer. On a pale face, all the flaws clearly stand out. And if a pimple popped up just before the wedding, then you should not worry. A greenish concealer will help hide it;
avoid sunburn. Fair-skinned girls should be wary of overexposure sun rays. Therefore, on the eve of the wedding, avoid sunbathing without a protective agent.

Subject to the basic rules for creating makeup, fair skin shines with health and freshness. You should not try to change the tone on the face by using self-tanners or bronzers, it is important to emphasize its beauty and peculiarity.

January 4, 2014, 10:52 am

Healthy fresh skin increased attention secured. Especially if it's very light. But the wrong foundation or lipstick - and the gift of nature is already becoming a disaster. To always look attractive, you can’t mask fair skin with make-up, but it also makes no sense to completely abandon it. And it’s not easy to do makeup for very fair skin correctly.

On dry, dehydrated skin, a light shade looks completely unprofitable, so you can’t go anywhere without moisturizing. If the skin is both even and smooth, then a transparent moisturizer is sufficient. We need a slight correction - we take powder as a basis, translucent or crumbly.

But it is worth choosing the wrong shade - and you can forget about a successful make-up. So choose neutral tones, without strong colors. It is best to use testers. Even minimal defects on light skin are striking. So the make-up for her is rather masking. Before applying the tone, thoroughly cleanse the skin.

Then the tone will lie better, and the make-up will last longer. Then we mask all the problems, only then we apply the tone. We do not hide the transparency of very light skin, therefore it is better to prefer a cold shade of peach or pink tone. We choose blush a couple of shades darker than the foundation: they will look natural.

If you can’t do without masking problem areas with powder, then a product with a yellowish tint works best: it gives the skin a warm tone. White powder is ideal for very fair skin.

The slightest traces of lack of sleep or fatigue on very fair skin are immediately visible, so the corrector should always be in our cosmetic bag to always look attractive. To mask the purple circles under the eyes, its pink shade is suitable.

For lips, we select gentle tones, saturated ones are put aside. Sandy, soft apricot, delicate pink - best options. They work great with fair skin, and lips stand out beautifully against its background. We can experiment with their more saturated shades, but not with dark ones.

For an evening make-up of very light skin, the image is brighter. Saturated red lipstick with a milky skin tone looks very advantageous. But then a thin gray, blue or black eyeliner or a clear line above the upper cilia is enough for the eyes to always look attractive.

For the day, we take neutral, light shades, for the evening we leave more saturated colors. Brown eyeliner and mascara look better. They are better for fair skin than black.

To highlight the cheekbones, we take a little blush, we prefer the tones of apricot or peach, muted, soft. Perfect blush it’s easy to choose: we’ll pinch the cheeks a little and remember what shade they have become. The most common blush color for very fair skin is a muted pink.

If very light skin has a pinkish tint, then we can take it with such a shade, more saturated. But the means by which the cheekbones will acquire an orange or other unnatural tone is removed if we want to always look attractive with very light skin.

It is pointless to darken the milky tone of the dermis. Therefore, we remove bronzers, tanning lotions: we need to emphasize beauty natural tone rather than mask it. If it is necessary to emphasize the presence of a tan, then we take a very light bronzer and apply it quite a bit. With a neutral make-up, the skin looks well-groomed, so we take the shades with a shimmering effect to create a healthy glow from the inside.

We apply the concealer with light patting movements to hide imperfections, and even out the color of very light skin with a tonal moisturizer. Avoid shadows, powder in brown tones: dermis tone looks muted. Dark bronzers do not suit us either.

We emphasize natural beauty, and do not demonstrate tons of makeup. Therefore, you should not apply make-up in incredible quantities: light skin will immediately show how many layers it has. Avoid different shades for the neck and face, shading the base on the neck is a must to always look attractive.

Looks great with very fair skin lipstick red tone or shade of fuchsia. And experimenting with rich burgundy or dark bronze colors is a waste of time.

The main thing in the image of a fair-skinned brunette is snow-white skin and dark hair. If there are freckles on the skin, then we forget about bright lipsticks in the summer. For the evening, we can hide subtle freckles with foundation or powder to apply bright scarlet lipstick.

Dark hair and milky skin are already a striking contrast. So additional emphasis is unnecessary here. The dark version of "smoky eyes" looks aggressive. Slightly darken the corners of the eyes and add black eyeliner - that's how we got the desired effect.

We do not need dullness for a daytime look. So hide all the flaws of very fair skin with a concealer, foundation or powder. It is unlikely that you will be able to do without an eyeliner. But not black! Daytime look - brown and gray tones. And we emphasize the beauty of the look with mascara.

We follow the shape of the eyebrows: it must be perfect so that we always look attractive. Tint them with black, dark brown or gray pencil or shadows. Blush applied soft, brown, peach, but not pink. And we select a lipstick for very light skin, barely noticeable, translucent. Emphasis is best placed on the eyes.

Instead of blush, we can apply a little dark powder on the cheekbones. Add it to the forehead and chin areas. Then the face will take on a darker shade, but there will be no contrast in tone with the décolleté area. We choose a matte powder, without shine, but not a bronzer.

We definitely choose high-quality shadows if we want to always look attractive: the multi-colored squares of the crumbled product are unlikely to look like decorations for the image. We make an impeccable look with a dark accent on the eyes or use pastel colors for maximum naturalness of the daytime look. For eyebrows with very light skin, clarity is required, but black is excluded. Finish your daytime makeup with a light lipstick or lip gloss.

Evening - the colors are brighter. Warm golden, pearl, dark gray shades of shadows with pale skin are perfectly combined. We take dark shadows even for the evening in a minimal amount, only for the outer corner of the eye and shade well. For the rest of the century, choose shades of shades of brown or other tones.

Black eyeliner will do. But we don’t draw the eyes completely: we draw a contour upper eyelid to the inner corner. On the bottom - to the middle.

The smokey-eye option will add a mystery to the image, and for impeccable very fair skin, an emphasis on the lips will be good. Then choose plum, burgundy or cherry lipstick. But the make-up of the eyes in this case is natural. The final touch is a layer of pinkish powder and evening perfect image completed.
Matte shadows are the main summer trend for light-skinned brunettes. We put them on the moving eyelid. We can use it on the bottom as an eyeliner. A luxurious look - an arrow on the upper eyelid with a vein eyeliner.

Decided to focus on the lips? Choose a bright lipstick, but then the skin should be perfectly even. We move on to the lips only after applying the tone. Powder your lips first, then apply lipstick. Then the product will last longer on the lips and we can always look attractive.

Make-up eyes are not so bright, but you can’t not paint them at all. Let them down with brown eyeliner, tint the cilia and shape the eyebrows.

Lipstick, tone, mascara - why is it easier to make a make-up for a blonde with very fair skin? But no: all the subtleties are here. Blondes are divided into blue-eyed, green-eyed and brown-eyed. In the latter, the skin has a swarthy tint.

In daytime makeup, the main thing is not to destroy the aristocracy of light skin: then you get a mask. Choosing powder and tone skin tone with a slight hint of pink. And coral blush will add freshness.

For the eyes, choose a gray or light brown eyeliner: it looks natural on delicate skin.
We can apply mascara in black, and blue, and even green to give playfulness. But in daytime makeup with very fair skin, heavy tones and abrupt transitions. Therefore, we prefer blue, purple and gray colors.

A blonde with green eyes is a rarity. That is why we emphasize our uniqueness in every possible way. Tones are best to choose olive, green and beige. For eyebrows light color we choose not a pencil, but shadows for correction. This option looks more natural. Arrows? Excluded! The maximum that we can allow is brown or gray pencil to always look attractive.

For gray-eyed and blue-eyed blondes, the rules are similar. Light haze - these are silver, blue and gray tones of shadows. They will give the look a slight nebula and charm. We can also choose blue ink. And for the eyebrows take gray shade pencil. Lipstick - light pink, perhaps with glitter or glitter with a slight tint.

For brown-haired women with very fair skin, saturated dark and oily eyeliner and shadows in the same range are unacceptable. We also exclude golden from a silver palette. For a daytime look, they are unacceptable.
Evening option- light lavender shades. Perfect match with eye color!

But we say goodbye to rich gray, marsh, dark green and purple shades: they give the image of a fatal beauty, and with blue eyes it doesn't always match well. It is in blue-eyed brown-haired women that most often the skin is very light. We choose a lipstick that is as close to the natural shade of the lips as possible. Let's leave the red color of lipstick for the evening out.

Milky white skin is not a punishment, but a gift from nature. Therefore, we use this gift wisely. Why hide such a winning distinction? Always looking attractive means skillfully emphasizing your uniqueness, and not seeming like everyone else.

Every girl should be able to choose the right makeup colors depending on her skin tone and hair. Cosmetics recommended for blondes can be “lost” on the face of burning brunettes, and vice versa, makeup for dark-haired beauties with swarthy skin will be discordant with the appearance of pale-faced goldilocks.

Makeup for blonde hair and cold skin tones should choose clean, slightly shimmery, pastel tones. They will give light to your natural colors and refresh the face without overloading it.

Makeup works if...

  • If you have blond, blond, or moderately blond hair. It is also suitable for women with gray hair or steel gray hair.
  • You have blue, grey, brown or green eyes and white, ivory or pink skin.

What makeup is suitable for fair-skinned blondes?

  1. Your delicate skin does not need a thick layer of makeup, so use a light foundation with a moisturizer. Dot it on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin, then blend with your fingers.
  2. Pale pink cream blush will give the skin a slight glow. Dot them onto your cheeks, then blend with your fingertips. Girls with blond hair can use powder for makeup to give the skin a fresh glow, or apply only a little powder. Apply it carefully so that natural color skin shone through from under a layer of powder.
  3. Pick up some soft blue shadows on the brush and apply them over the entire surface of the eyelid. Gently run the brush over the eyelids several times to even out all possible sharp transitions. Apply some shadow under lower lashes.
  4. Apply shimmery ivory eye shadow from the creases of the eyelids towards the eyebrows. Then coat your lashes with brown or black mascara in two coats.
  5. Shape your eyebrows with a brush. In doing so, you will also remove any powder that may have gotten stuck in them.
  6. Use a brush to apply cool pink lipstick. To make your lips shine, you can apply a little gloss or lip balm on top.

How to choose makeup shadows for fair skin and blond hair:

  • If you're over 35 or don't like blue eyeshadow, switch to cool gray. The effect will be just as soft, but even more gentle.
  • Brilliant shadows will make more noticeable creases on the eyelids, so you can give preference matte shadows ivory.

Here you can see a photo of makeup for the color of blond hair and fair skin:

Makeup for girls with blond hair and warm skin tone

Although you have warm skin, your face looks thin overall. Therefore, when choosing makeup for blond hair, you should use beige neutral shades or apply cosmetics very thin layer so that it only brings out your natural colors.

  • Are you a golden or ash blonde. This makeup is also suitable for women with graying hair of a warm or yellow tone.
  • You have brown, light brown, blue or green eyes.
  • You have a warm skin tone.
  • Your skin tone and blond hair require careful selection of shades.

For under makeup warm color skin tones should not be too intense.

  1. After applying a light foundation with a moisturizing effect, apply cream powder to problem areas. Blondes usually thin skin showing blood vessels. Using a clean cotton swab, cover these areas with a thick layer of powder cream.
  2. Lightly powder areas that tend to shine. The powder will absorb excess oil throughout the day, and the skin will remain matte. Shake off the rest of the powder with a clean brush.
  3. Apply peach shadow all over your eyelids. They will blend in with your natural skin color but make your eyes look bigger.
  4. Using a brush, apply a little light brown shadow in the crease of the eyelid to give the eyes depth and completeness. Also apply shadow to the outer corner of the eye.
  5. With the same brown shadows, draw a line under the lower lashes. The line will be softer than when using an eyeliner or eyeliner. It is especially suitable for women with colorless or blond hair who do not like to paint their eyes too much. Then coat your lashes with two coats of brown or black mascara.
  6. Use a brush to cover lips with a subtle nude lipstick. Then apply some brownish blush to your cheeks, chin and forehead. You can even sprinkle some on the tip of your nose! By applying blush after you have completed your make-up, you can always determine exactly how much you need.

These photos show makeup for blond hair and warm skin tones:

Makeup for girls with pale skin and dark hair

To match the makeup color to the pale skin of brunettes, use rich cold tones. Saturated colors create a sharp contrast with your ivory skin, and cool tones will look beautiful with your appearance.

Such makeup for pale skin and dark hair fit you if...

  • Your hair color is medium to dark brown.
  • You have brown, blue, light brown, green or gray eyes.
  • You have slow tanning skin.

To perform makeup for dark hair and pale skin:

  1. Apply foundation or foundation with a moisturizing effect. If you're using a foundation, you'll probably want the palest shade possible. Apply a few drops of dark oily blush to the base, and powder on top loose powder.
  2. Apply cold ivory eye shadow on the eyelids, right up to the eyebrow line. Run a cotton swab over them to evenly distribute them if they seem to have accumulated in the folds of the upper eyelid.
  3. Brighten up your eyelids by covering them a small amount shades of khaki or taupe. These shadows will work well with your natural tones and accentuate your eye color.
  4. Now let's move on to the eyelashes. Apply two thin coats of black mascara on them to create a spectacular frame around the eyes.
  5. Shape your brows with a brush. If the eyebrows are naughty, fix their shape by moistening the brush with a small amount of varnish.
  6. For a sophisticated finish, opt for a light berry lipstick. Blot the first coat of lipstick with a cloth and then apply the second coat.

Makeup tips for dark hair:

  • To prevent clumps of mascara, wiggle the brush from side to side as you sweep it along your lashes.
  • If you find it difficult to apply a cream blush, you can choose a powder blush and apply it after the powder.

Makeup for warm skin tones and dark hair

Shiny browns, warm reds and earthy colors. They will shade the complexion and make the features more vivid.

This makeup for dark hair will suit you if ...

  • You have medium or dark brown hair.
  • You have brown, blue, gray, light brown or green eyes.
  • You have a warm skin tone.

What makeup suits brunettes with warm skin tones?

  1. Dot liquid foundation and blend with a cosmetic sponge. For getting natural look apply foundation to the neck line. Then use foundation if you need to hide pimples and blemishes.
  2. Cover your face with translucent loose powder, and then use a large soft brush to remove excess.
  3. Use the sponge applicator to apply reddish-brown eyeshadow all over the eyelid. The advantage of a sponge applicator over a brush is that the shadows do not fall outside the intended contour. Finish off by applying two thin coats of mascara to your lashes.
  4. Your eyebrows need a little accent. Make soft strokes with a soft brow pencil or use brown mascara for a softer effect. Whichever method you choose, comb through your brows with a brush to blend the strokes and shape your brows.
  5. Choose a loose blush in warm brown. Apply them on the cheeks and up towards the temples. Because this is very bright tone, you can tone it down on top with a little translucent loose powder.
  6. bright red lipstick balance the overall look. Use a lip brush to fill in any small cracks on their surface. Thus, the lipstick will last longer, and the lips will look perfect.

Makeup for olive skin tone and dark hair

It's easy to enhance your skin tone with rich browns and oranges, golds and bronzes. These paints will make your features more defined and will go well with your skin tone.

Makeup works if...

  • You have dark brown or black hair.
  • Your eyes are brown, light brown, or green.

Makeup for girls with dark hair is done as follows:

  1. Even out any unevenness in skin tone with a moisturizing foundation, evenly applying it with your fingertips. If you need a thicker tint layer, use a liquid or oily foundation. Then apply foundation and lightly powder your face.
  2. Apply a golden eyeshadow all over the lid and a darker bronze eyeshadow in the crease and under the lower lashes. Your eyes will acquire a sensual expression.
  3. Warm contour pencil brown shade draw a line along the upper and lower lashes to make your look more determined. If the line is too sharp, rub it with a clean cotton swab. Apply two coats of black mascara to your lashes.
  4. Pinkish-brown blush will make your cheeks sun-warm. Apply them little by little, gradually increasing the effect.
  5. Outline your lips with an orange-brown lip liner. Lead the line from the bend upper lip to the edges. Then draw the line of the lower lip.
  6. Finish off with a bright orange lipstick. If you want your lips to shine, don't blot them with a cloth. For more brilliance you can add some lip balm. If you want matte lips, blot the first layer of lipstick with a tissue and apply a second layer to make it last longer.

Makeup for girls with fair skin and dark hair (with photo)

Dark hair and pale skin of a yellow shade are best in harmony with soft warm tones of makeup. They will give the appearance completeness and neutralize yellow tint skin.

This makeup is for you if…

  • Do you have very dark chestnut or blue-black hair. It is also suitable if the hair has a grayish sheen.
  • You have brown or light brown eyes.
  • Your skin is pale or moderate in tone. She tans, but remains yellowish.

When doing makeup for light skin and dark hair, proceed as follows:

  1. After applying the foundation, foundation and powder, apply a little purple shadow to the eyelids. This pale tone is better than dark shadows applied near the eyes, as they make the eyes more deeply set, especially if you have a small surface of the eyelids.
  2. Lightly tint your brows with dark brown eyeshadow or brow pencil to frame your eyes. This will balance out the eyeliner line that you will draw later.
  3. blue-black contour pencil for eyelids will emphasize nice shape your eyes and will help correct slight drooping of the eyelids. Line them under the lower lashes, going into the corners of the eyes until they meet the top line. To prevent the eyes from being very sharply defined, draw along the stroke line with a cotton swab.
  4. Use an eyelash curler to curl your eyelashes in a matter of seconds. Then coat your lashes with two coats of black mascara.
  5. Warm pink blush will delightfully revitalize the skin and give it a natural glow. Apply them to the most convex areas of the cheeks.
  6. Light pink lip liner and lipstick will draw attention to the lips. cold shade goes well with the rest of the make-up tones.

Look at the photo of makeup for dark hair color with different shades skin:

Makeup colors suitable for dark skin and dark hair

Makeup colors for dark skin and dark hair will brighten the features. Your soft dark or chocolate skin is combined with beige, brown and copper shades.

This makeup is for you if…

  • You have black hair with golden or reddish highlights. It is also suitable if gray hair has appeared in the hair.
  • Your eyes are brown or light brown.
  • You have chocolate skin.

What makeup suits brunettes with a dark skin tone?

  1. After applying your foundation, use a small amount of translucent powder in a color that perfectly matches your skin tone so that it does not look deathly pale. Brush off excess powder with a large brush, moving from top to bottom.
  2. Using an eyeshadow brush, apply some dry ivory eyeshadow all over the upper lid to create a contrast with warm tone skin.
  3. In the crease of the upper eyelid, apply and carefully blend the rich brown eyeshadow. With the same shadows, lightly walk on outer corners eyes and under the lower lashes to make the eyes really attractive.
  4. Black liquid eyeliner applied along the upper lashes will make your eyes look like supermodels. The sponge applicator is easier to work with than a brush. When using eyeliner, look down into a mirror as this will straighten out any creases on your eyelids. The elbow should be placed on a firm surface. Finish off by applying two coats of black mascara to your lashes.
  5. Use a brown lip liner. If you do not have a special pencil, you can use an eyeliner. To get a softer line, lightly rub it with a cotton swab towards the surface of the lips.
  6. A rosy-brown lipstick will give your lips a natural glow and instantly make your look modern. To apply lipstick evenly, use a lip brush.

Makeup for red hair and cool skin tone (with photo and video)

Red hair combined with cold skin require moderate tones of makeup, but you can experiment with more bright colors. Green will add depth to the eyes, and rich shades of lipstick will make the lips more voluminous.

This makeup for red hair color will suit you if ...

  • You are a reddish blonde or you have light red hair.
  • You have blue, grey, hazel or green eyes.
  • You have pale ivory or pink skin.

What makeup is suitable for red hair and cool skin tone?

  1. After applying foundation and foundation, use your fingers to apply dots of cream blush to the cheekbones. peach color. Unlike dry blush, you can evenly blend oily blush with your fingers as it glides on easily on warm skin. Apply cream blush in small portions. Dust with translucent powder on top.
  2. Neutral peach shadows applied all over the eyelids will enhance the color of the eyes. For a balanced effect, the shadows should be applied close to the lash line.
  3. Red-haired women usually have light eyebrows, so they should be emphasized to frame the eyes. Otherwise, the makeup will not look complete. Choose a light brow pencil in a moderate taupe. Apply it to the skin under the eyebrows. Then make the line softer by running a special comb over the eyebrows.
  4. On the skin under the brow line, apply shimmery golden shadow to enlarge the eyes and draw attention to them.
  5. To you suitable green eyeliner, but don't apply too much under the lower lashes as this will make the eyes look smaller. Apply it along the upper lashes and into the corners of the eyes. Then rub with a cotton swab so that the line is not so bright. Powder with translucent powder. Finish off with two coats of brown mascara.
  6. This makeup is well complemented by bright orange lipstick. Line your lips first with a lip liner so the lipstick doesn't smudge. Then, using a brush, cover the surface of the lips with lipstick.

As you can see in the photo, makeup for red hair should lighten the golden spots on the iris of the eye:

The video "Makeup for red hair" shows how to properly apply decorative cosmetics to goldilocks:

Makeup for girls with red hair and warm skin tone

Makeup under the red hair color should emphasize your appearance, sung by the Pre-Raphaelites. It requires bright wine, purple and brown makeup tones. These deep shades go well with warm skin and hair color and can make your appearance truly gorgeous.

This makeup is for you if…

  • You have medium or dark red hair. This makeup is also well suited for brunettes with an intense red tint of hair.
  • You have blue, grey, brown, hazel or green eyes.
  • You have a moderately warm or warm skin tone.
  • In summer, your skin becomes golden color but does not tan too much. You most likely have freckles.

Makeup for girls with red hair is applied as follows:

  1. After applying foundation, foundation and powder, apply shadow wine shade over the entire surface of the upper eyelid. You will be more comfortable if you use the sponge applicator. You might get a more even layer of eyeshadow if you first apply translucent powder to your eyelids to even out the work surface.
  2. Use a pale mauve shade for the area under the brows. Apply them to the crease of the eyelid to even out any sharp transitions to wine-colored shadows. Give enough time to this procedure so that the result is professional.
  3. Under the lower lashes, also apply some wine-colored shadows. So your makeup will turn out more modern, and the line is softer than when using a contour pencil. Bring the line to the corners of the eyes and round up a little to lift the eye line. Then apply two coats of brown mascara to your lashes. Carefully paint over the roots of the eyelashes with mascara, especially if they are light.
  4. By using cotton swab or a small brush, apply some soft brown shadows on the eyebrows. For a softer line, comb through them with an eyebrow comb.
  5. To add warmth to the skin, choose a blush of brown tones or bronze powder. Apply them with a large brush towards the hairline for a natural blush. The main thing is to use blush little by little, enhancing the color gradually.
  6. You can use a deep plum lipstick, after tracing your lips with a lip liner. In order for lipstick of such intense color to look good, lips need to be painted very carefully, so apply lipstick in two layers, blotting the first layer with a tissue.

Owners of fair skin have to work hard to create flawless makeup. The fact is that fair skin is more delicate and sensitive than dark skin. She needs a thorough correction of minor flaws and a careful selection of tinting agents and shades of cosmetics. If you overdo it a little with the saturation and brightness of the shadows, hints of vulgarity and unbridledness will appear in the image. If the foundation is darker than the required tone, the make-up will come out unnatural and illiterate. But if you follow simple rules and listen to the recommendations of makeup artists, to achieve a bright, but at the same time restrained and harmonious image quite real and not so difficult.


To create perfect makeup for light skin, it is important to choose the right foundation. It should be strictly one or two shades lighter than the skin. It should be distributed in a thin, even layer, using a damp sponge, it is easier to achieve the effect of natural purity and impeccability. You should not count on the fact that the foundation will be able to hide acne and freckles. For these purposes, it is better to resort to the help of a corrector, they need to disguise and dark circles under the eyes.

When choosing powder, you should opt for more light shades. Trying to give the face a tanned effect with dark powder is pointless. Even professional makeup artists do not always manage to distribute it evenly on the face of pale-skinned young ladies, to say nothing of amateurs in the field of beauty. Powder with a subtle pinkish tint will perfectly complement makeup for fair skin. It will make the face visually younger, emphasize its beauty and freshness, give the make-up naturalness and naturalness.


If tanned girls fit the most various shades blush, then owners of light delicate skin will have to look longer correct shade with which the makeup will be neat and harmonious. Preference should be given to blush in balls, they are distributed more evenly on the face, last longer and do not roll, besides, they are easy to pick up on a brush without excess and it is convenient to control the brightness.

The shade of blush should be natural - pink, peach or light brown. If the blush is too bright, the effect of dirt on the cheeks will be created.


The best shade of eyeshadow for fair-skinned women, regardless of eye and hair color, is gray. It is this color that emphasizes the snow-whiteness of the skin as much as possible, makes makeup for fair skin elegant and aristocratic. Apply grey colour you need to the outer corner of the eyes, in the center of the eyelid it is necessary to focus on light shadows, for example, pearl gray, and highlight the inner corner of the eye with almost white shadows. Eye make-up, made in pale pink, golden or brown shades, will look beautiful and stylish.

But it is better to refuse excessively colorful shades, they can make the skin frighteningly pale, which in Everyday life not desirable.

Mascara in make-up for fair skin is obligatory element. It does not easily lengthen the eyelashes and increase their volume, but it also helps to place accents, make the make-up complete and complete. There are some peculiarities in coloring the eyelashes of pale-skinned girls: after preliminary combing the eyelashes, the first layer of ordinary black mascara is applied, after which the eyelashes again need to be combed and dried well. Further, the tips of the eyelashes are slightly stained with mascara, the color of which repeats the shade of the shadows, as a rule, it is gray or brown. But there is special cases when the tips of the eyelashes can be stained with green, blue or even orange mascara.

To use or not to use an eyeliner, each girl must determine for herself. It is worth choosing a shade of a pencil, focusing on the color of the ink. Makeup artists advise, to highlight the contour of the eye, replace the pencil with a liquid eyeliner.


From bright lipstick girls with fair skin should be abandoned. Perfectly emphasizes the attractiveness and sexuality of the lips gloss with mother-of-pearl shine. In addition, do not forget about the contour pencil, which will give the lips additional expressiveness.

evening make-up

For evening make-up for girls with snow-white skin, saturated noticeable colors are perfect: shadows of thick golden and smoky gray shades, lipstick plum, cherry or burgundy tone. Great option for the evening make-up it will be smoky eyes, it will emphasize the depth of the eyes, make them mysterious and attractive. bright lipstick should be used only if the skin looks flawless, even the smallest defects are absent. At the end of the evening make-up for fair skin, the entire face should be covered with a thin layer of pinkish powder, it will help to finally hide the “troubles” on the face, give the skin a healthy look and an attractive glow. Video lesson " Day makeup for light skin" we published earlier, it is available here.

One of the most common beauty mistakes is the effect of a mask on the face: girls often choose a foundation that does not match their skin tone at all. The thing is that they do not know an important rule: this remedy should be tried not on the wrist, but on the bottom of the cheek, almost at the very jaw line. Most often, the cream that literally merges with the skin on the hand turns out to be too dark on the skin of the face. This is the reason for the failures that so often happen to fair-skinned girls when creating makeup. When the face is porcelain, almost white, the “correct” shade of foundation is needed first of all. What other tips will help you find it?

San Andres © fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • Do not try to choose shades warmer and darker than necessary in order to hide pallor with their help. Blush will help revive the complexion, but the foundation, which does not match the color of the skin tone, will definitely play against you.
  • Look for a foundation with a light, translucent texture. Dense creams will immediately give out to everyone around them an error when choosing a shade. It is much easier to work with, for example, BB and CC creams, which are easy to blend on the skin in such a way that errors made when choosing a shade go unnoticed. In addition, such products most often also adapt themselves to the natural skin tone. For example, Hydra Zen BB Nude Gel from Lancôme, released in one universal shade, is capable of this.

When the right foundation is found, the next step is to give the skin, the tone of which has already been leveled, fresh look and healthy glow. What will help provide them?

  • Fair-skinned girls need a light pink or peach blush. They will take care that it looks as natural as possible, which are literally absorbed by the skin. Pay attention, for example, to Baby Doll Kiss & Blush mousse from Yves Saint Laurent Beauté - it melts on the cheeks, and the blush turns out to be airy and gentle.
  • Opt for a blush with shimmer particles to give your skin that radiance that will avoid the impression of painful pallor. In the Alliance Perfect Le Blush collection from L "Oréal Paris, there are definitely such.
  • Do not replace blush with bronzer or contouring products. Gray powder, which emphasizes the cheekbones, will not help improve the complexion - on the contrary, it will become lifeless. Therefore, turn to sculpting only if it is really necessary (for example, many girls cannot do without this technique). But then do not forget about the additional use of blush. Them - on the "apples" of the cheeks, and the bronzer - under the cheekbone.

In girls with fair skin, most often the color of the eyes is light, with a translucent coolness. And when, at the same time, the hair is also light, and along with them - eyebrows and eyelashes, facial features without makeup can be “lost”, seem dull and faded. At the same time, one should not get too carried away with bright color accents, trying to highlight the eyes, eyebrows and lips - they should be in harmony with the appearance.

Blue eyes

To emphasize them, girls with fair skin need shades from the brown range - universal black should be avoided. Use coffee and chocolate flowers to draw arrows or make smokey eyes, and apply translucent powdery pink lipstick on the lips.

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Grey eyes

The rules are similar: the main thing is to avoid jet black. Against the background of fair skin, it will be too conspicuous. It is much better to use shades such as plum, copper, dark gray. And for an accent on the lips, lipsticks of bright cold colors are suitable.

Emilio de la Morena © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Green eyes

To enhance the contrast between them and light skin, create a haze with shades of gold or, for example, bronze shades. And lips can be decorated with warm red, coral or peach color.

Veronique Leroy © fotoimedia/imaxtree

Do you have any other helpful beauty tips? Share them in the comments and watch our video tutorial on makeup for blondes with fair skin.