How to be a good wife and mother. Fashion Tips - women's online magazine

Wife, plays a big role in the family, especially for children, and for the husband, but the problem is that not all girls and women understand how to be a good wife to your husband making him happy. In fact, everything is simple, but when girls and women turn to ignorant relatives and acquaintances, who themselves, not knowing the answer to this question, give you the wrong advice that will not help solve the problem, but only worsen it.

Psychologists have already studied this issue, and families where there are good wife and, accordingly, a happy husband and family, and following the recommendations and advice of these parents, proved on other families the effectiveness of these methods. Therefore, you can safely apply the tips given here in practice, and soon you will become an excellent wife for your husband.

Do not abuse attention and affection

To become a good wife for your husband, you first need to stop, too much, devote time to him and to the family. This is due to the fact that men get used to what the wife does, almost everything for them, and pays a lot attention for husband and family, and then the husband ceases to appreciate his wife. You need to devote time and attention to your family and husband, but not too much. You should have time for yourself to take care of yourself, relax, have fun, look after your own beauty. Then the husband will notice that you are getting better every day, and will begin to run after you so that you devote more time to him, and for this, he will begin to seek you out as the first days of dating. But it is not necessary to abuse this method, since attention is important for the family, especially for raising children, and for the husband.

Perform only your duties and no more

to you, in order to be a good wife for a husband, you need to stop doing unnecessary work that does not concern you at all. Do what you know how and what the girl needs. The work that is meant for a man should be done by him, not by you. It will be useful for you, for this, to read: the role of a man in a family, where the duties of a man are described in more detail. If you continue to do the work that does not concern you, then you will not be so valued by your husband, and you will simply spend all your time on your family, and nothing will be left for yourself.

Learn to cook delicious

To become a good wife, you just need to learn how to cook delicious dishes. But this cooking should not be frequent. You need to make sure that every meal you cook is appreciated by your family and husband. There should be days when you will cook with your husband so that he can see what kind of work you do, daily. There should also be breaks so that the husband takes you to a restaurant or cafe, then you will become more significant in the eyes of your husband. Since, continuing to cook 3 times a day, daily, it will not be so appreciated by the husband, and will begin to be considered as a necessary thing. Make sure your work is appreciated.

Solve problems with your family

The best way to become a good wife is to start all the problems, solve them together with your family. Then you will become a team and begin to respect and support each other. Problems are different, if you can quickly and easily deal with them yourself, then you can not take time from your family. But it is necessary that there are such problems that need to be solved together, this brings even the worst relationships closer.

Tidy up the house together

The stereotype that a girl should keep the house clean has long disappeared. Today, in order not to be considered, but to be a good wife, in the eyes of her husband, order in the house, you need to direct with your family. You don't have to constantly do everything yourself. Choose the days when you need to clean up the house together. This is done in order to make your work more appreciated, and also, a joint business, brings the family closer and makes it stronger.

Love your husband and get reciprocity

You need to become an excellent wife for your husband, but for this it is enough just to fall in love, truly in him, with all your heart, and show this love to him. Then any man will melt and love you. Do everything to sincerely love your husband, and get reciprocity, there are many methods, choose the one that you come up with. The main thing is that you are trying to improve your relationship, and as you know, all efforts pay off handsomely.

Spend more time with your husband

The easiest way to become a wonderful wife is to start spending more time with your husband. Write out on a piece of paper, all the hobbies and interests of your husband, and try to find or create something in common. Then the husband, it will be interesting, spends more time with you, which will make you a great wife.

Sometimes you have to be a bad wife

Always be good wife , boring and uninteresting, for you and for your husband, so take breaks and become a bad wife. Then you will relax as much as possible, and your husband will be surprised every day and appreciate you. When you show your husband that you are the best wife, and that you can be not only good, but also bad, and take care of yourself, then the husband himself will begin to think about how to become a good husband for his wife. Then you will, in fact, live happier and more beautiful, since you will feel emotions for each other, and constantly deliver as much pleasure as possible, in the form of competition, who is the best husband or wife.

If you have any additions or questions to the article, write in the comments.

To create strong harmonious relationships in the family, both need to work on them. But you set the tone for relationships, the atmosphere and the emotional component in general, because this is a zone of women's responsibility.

And if you show true feminine qualities next to your husband, your marriage will be strong and happy.

What does a man need?

To become a good wife, alas, it is not enough to be "an athlete, a Komsomol member and just a beauty." If everything were so easy, so many women in the world would not suffer from family problems, would not happen and the advice of family psychologists would not be required.

You need to understand male psychology, what a man needs and how to achieve this.

Have you ever wondered why men get married at all? They also have needs that they realize in family life. And this is not only regular sex, pies on the table and comfort in the house ...

A man needs to feel needed, loved, he is waiting for support and respect, devotion, understanding. Conventionally and schematically, psychologists reduce the basic expectations of a man from a woman to the following:

  • equipped life;
  • ease;
  • devotion;
  • calm.

What does it mean? That he feels good at home physically and morally, it is pleasant and easy for him to communicate with his wife, he is confident in her fidelity, devotion and love, and he is “filled” with her state of calm confidence and gets high from femininity.

And now for specific advice, point by point.

Make your home warm, cozy and smell delicious

Let you not have surgical sterility at home, but it should be comfortable. Even if he says he doesn't care, it's not true. Any man wants to come home and relax. It's delicious to eat.

Creating an appropriate environment is a woman's task. This does not mean that you need to plow yourself from morning to night with household chores - you can organize a housekeeper to help around the house or children, if they are already grown up, and order pizza.

But keep in mind that food prepared by you with your own hands and with love for your husband has a completely different energy. This is your form of caring for him.

Be positive, light and playful

Not like in the joke: "It's okay that my character is heavy, but my behavior is light." No. Here we are talking about the ability to enjoy simple things, a smile on your face. A man can look at a cheerful smiling contented woman endlessly.

When you know how to find in yourself and manifest in yourself that little girl, enthusiastic and light, who you want to carry in your arms, protect and pamper. When you are in a good mood and your eyes radiate light, love.

Who said that if he is your husband, then you do not need to flirt with him and or sometimes arrange pleasant surprises?

Believe in him and be faithful to him physically and morally

Devotion to a man is not only about cheating. "Faith" and "fidelity" are words with the same root. This means devotion to your man, trust, acceptance, faith in his strength and masculinity and that this man is the best for you.

After all, you chose him. It's about respect. About being proud of your husband. That he is your hero.

If you see a winner in him, appreciate him, admire and thank him - his wings just grow! This is the same "", which is talked about so much at women's trainings.

I will surprise you: respect for a man is even more important than love for him. And criticism expresses mistrust and disbelief in him.

Be calm and confident

Next to a nervous and always fussing and dissatisfied woman is always uncomfortable. A woman with her internal state creates a field around herself, in which people, getting into, experience a certain state.

So, a man loves his condition next to his ideal woman. First of all.

And then everything else. If your condition as a woman is not pumped, if you suffer from low self-esteem, are unsure of yourself, prone to tantrums, whining, outbursts of anger, fits of jealousy, it will be difficult to call you a good wife.

  • Don't whine and don't complain

You don't like whiners yourself. A man will help you solve all your problems, if you do not load him from morning to night and dump all fears and complexes on him. He is not your psychologist, not your mother and not your girlfriend.

  • Don't compare him to anyone

Comparisons are unacceptable, neither with Steve Jobs, nor with Vasya from the next entrance. If you want to continue being with this man.

  • Don't feel sorry for him

Never feel sorry for a man! The other side of pity is faith. If you regret it, then you don't believe in him. And keep in mind: supporting a man and pitying him are completely different things. Support. But don't be sorry.

I am here deliberately not talking about regular good sex and about the need to take care of yourself, keep fit and develop as a person. And also in different ways - this is obvious.

If you use the tips above - believe me, getting it all from you, your husband will throw the whole world at your feet!

Every woman wants to be perfect for her man. But not everyone knows what exactly needs to be done in order to achieve the desired result. Despite the fact that all husbands are different, there are general rules that can help you become the best companion for your spouse. If you pay attention to these recommendations, then life in marriage will always be happy, harmony will reign in relationships, there will be no quarrels and scandals in a couple.

What should be the ideal woman?

To become an ideal wife for your husband, you should pay special attention to psychological comfort in marriage. It is important that there are trusting relationships between people, understanding, readiness to always help each other. If a husband and wife are constantly in conflict, it is necessary to solve the problem. There can be no ideal marriage in a tense psychological environment.

What you should pay attention to:

  • Compromises. If a man tells his wife about something important for himself, then it is necessary to support his interest. Even if a girl is not interested in this topic, for a young man it can be of great importance. For example, a spouse is fond of sports, which is why he returns home late from training. Instead of blaming the husband for his lack of attention, you should come to a decision that is comfortable for both people. It can be agreed that he devotes two days a week to his hobby, and spends the rest of the time with his family.
  • Respect for each other's interests. You can’t give up your hobbies and even more so reproach your husband for not giving up his for the sake of his family. The presence of a spouse and children does not oblige the partner to put an end to their interests, so it is important to respect each other's affairs and activities.
  • Personal space. Everyone needs to be alone with their thoughts from time to time. And even a husband who adores his woman should at least sometimes be alone. For some, this need is more pronounced, so if a man asks for time to relax alone, then he should be given this opportunity. There is no need to treat such requests and desires with resentment, and even more so provoke a quarrel or accuse a person of losing interest in the family.
  • Support at the right time. If at some moments it is desirable to leave the spouse alone with himself, then at others it is necessary to provide him with moral support. Even if this is something insignificant for the wife, but the husband is worried and worried, it is important to demonstrate your concern for him and his problem. In no case should you devalue the feelings of a partner.
  • Accusations. You can not blame a person for what was known even before marriage with him. If the husband drinks, eats a lot, has some kind of bad household habit, then there is no need to conflict. When the problem is gaining momentum, you need to calmly talk about it, but not blame your husband for anything. Perhaps he himself does not notice something that can annoy the girl.
  • Comparisons with other men. You don’t need to tell your spouse that your friend’s husband is doing well, and he needs to strive for the same. This can hurt and offend a person. A husband should feel loved, be the best for his family.
  • Offensive allusions to the young man. You can’t tell your husband that he doesn’t dress like that, doesn’t look good enough, says the wrong things. All people have different tastes, demeanor and opinion, so a man is not obliged to adapt to his wife. Talking about some unacceptable things that are difficult to come to terms with should be done very carefully. For example, if the spouse neglects appearance, looks untidy and the like. This applies not only to appearance. Everything else is his own business.

It is also important to note that you should not forget about romance in a relationship. This is especially true for those people who have been married for quite a long time. The spouses should not be allowed to treat each other coldly. Be sure to always protect close and trusting relationships, and then it will be possible to save the family for many years.

How to be loved and desired

What should you do for your man?

A woman should try to please her husband. But you should not obey his desires in everything, crossing the boundaries of the reasonable. A man must see that he lives with a beloved and loving woman, and not with one who is ready to obey him unquestioningly.

Particular attention in relationships should be given to:

  • Sexual intimacy. For her man, a girl should try to be the best lover. If the spouses have any problems in bed, then it is important to find a solution, not to ignore them. All other spheres of it will depend on the quality of sexual life.
  • Life. The wife should try to be a good housewife. Household responsibilities can be divided, especially if the family is large. A man should feel comfortable and cozy.
  • Relationships with children. Conflicts and misunderstandings can arise if spouses have different views on raising children. It is important for men to see a good mother in their chosen one.
  • Your appearance. It should not be denied that external parameters are of great importance for young people. It is not necessary to always be at the parade, but keeping yourself in shape is a must. A woman herself will feel more confident if she takes care of herself. We are not talking about some complex or expensive procedures, but we should not forget about the banal little things about personal care.

You need to try to become for a man not only a good wife and lover, but also a best friend. Then love and respect in a couple will always be present. The husband must feel that his wife is the closest person who will always be on his side, no matter what happens.

It is important to note that many women like to listen to the advice of friends, acquaintances, relatives and other representatives of the fair sex from their environment, supposedly well versed in male psychology. But you should be careful with this, since an outsider is based on his own experience and has his own opinion, which may not coincide with the opinion of one of the spouses. Even if advice is given by an experienced lady who has been married for many years, this does not mean that you should definitely listen to her words. Even recommendations from the mother or mother-in-law are better not to listen, especially if their opinion differs from that of a married girl.

Girls should not forget that the demands of their husbands may be too high. Chasing after them and trying to please in everything should not be. Marriage is built on mutual respect and acceptance of each other. It is important to compromise and adapt to your spouse, but this does not mean at all that a woman should be the way a man sees her.

A husband can demand from a woman what is not customary to do. Example: In Islam, girls are required to ask permission from their husband before leaving the house. But if the family is far from religion, then such a desire of a man will not seem quite adequate. In this case, it is necessary to treat his behavior with special attention.

If a young man is trying to make a girl what she does not want to be, trying to limit her freedom, then you should think about it.

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“People meet, people fall in love, get married ...” - these lines of a famous song have become a leitmotif for a whole generation of women. Even today, modern girls set as their primary goal acquaintance with a young man, relationships and subsequent marriage. Everyone has dreams of a loving, understanding and caring partner, but how many people think in advance about how to become happy in marriage? After all, it’s not without reason that folk wisdom says: “To get married does not attack, but no matter how married you are not to be lost.”

Often, the well-being of married life depends on the behavior of a woman in a family. And being a good wife is work. But if you follow the rules and advice given by psychologists, family coaches and sexologists, then becoming a good wife is not so difficult. The answers of professionals to the most popular questions of girls regarding the well-being of marriage are highlighted below.

How to be the perfect wife

The number of books on the topic "How to become an ideal wife" is approaching several hundred, and such discussions on women's forums cannot be counted at all. But what could be easier - just come up and address this question to your own husband? After all, a woman is more concerned about how to become the best wife for her partner, and not for someone indefinite.

Here is the first tip:

Most likely, no special requests will be found in the information received from the spouse. A loving man appreciates the natural behavior of his partner. But along with this, the qualities of a woman as a hostess, mistress and mother of his children will definitely be mentioned. From this, other questions arise.

How to become a good wife and mistress

The fact that a young girl must definitely become a good wife and mistress in her husband's house was also said by Domostroy. But over the centuries, this requirement has not changed much. It is difficult to find a man who wanted his life partner to not know how to run a household or cook poorly. Yes, today the wife, as a rule, is working, and can be loaded no less than her husband. But after all, technical progress has stepped far forward, and modern girls have at their disposal devices designed to alleviate all the hardships of the household.

So the second tip is:

Being a good wife and mistress also means treating wisely. This question becomes very sensitive if the main breadwinner in marriage is the husband.

This advice is all the more useful if you and your spouse are newlyweds and are just starting to live together.

How to be a good wife and mother

Being a good wife and mother means finding a compromise between a child and a spouse. With the advent of the first-born, problems begin. The main reason is the complete concentration of a woman on her child. Postpartum recovery, a change in attitude, new responsibilities, a change in the daily routine, worries and chores absorb the attention of a young mother entirely. But the spouse, no matter how sensitive he may be, by nature does not perceive the child in the way a woman does. This is where resentment for the lack of attention from the second half appears. Men tend to suppress this in themselves, but hidden jealousy can only aggravate the situation.

If a trusting relationship has not been formed in the family, and the spouses do not share problems with each other, then the outcome of the situation can be deplorable, especially if at this time a third party intervenes in the brewing conflict.

This is where the fourth tip comes in:

A good wife knows how much time to devote to the baby so that her beloved spouse does not feel left out.

How to Be a Good Wife and Lover

To be an ideal wife for a husband means to become a good lover. Women who have been married to a partner for more than one year tend to forget about this. Intimate life is gradually fading away, and with it feelings are dulled. Marriage becomes just living together under the same roof. It is good if the spouses have common children, interests and plans. And if not? Family life in this case threatens to end in divorce.

Therefore, the fifth tip is relevant for today's brides: properly evaluate the similarity of your temperaments with your partner.

Sex for a man is not just the embodiment of obligatory physical needs, but also an important part of the emotional side of life. Intimate intimacy, its quantity and quality, the wife's attitude to sex - all this affects the happiness of a spouse in marriage.

Intimate conversations, caresses, the embodiment of each other's fantasies - this is the key to the continuation of love. Depriving a man of intimacy, the only thing a woman will get is a constantly unsatisfied and irritable partner who can easily find what she wants outside the home.

To become a good lover for a husband means to strive to diversify your intimate life as much as possible.

Everyday caress outside of bed is also important. Touch your spouse, say nice words to him, hug him. Pleasant signs of attention make you close and dear people for each other.

How to be better than your ex wife

How to become better than a spouse's ex-wife is a question that worries women whose partner already had broken previous unions behind them. The correct thing in this case is to find out the reason why the marriage with the ex-wife failed.

It is lucky if a man shares information with you on his own and in advance. But if he prefers to keep it to himself, do not try to put too much pressure on him, most likely, his reluctance is due to unpleasant memories or psychological trauma experienced.

It is not worth guessing about the reasons for the breakup of relations, as a rule, this is a non-compliance with the rules outlined above. Therefore, it is easy to become better than the first wife, because if a man decides to remarry after an already existing negative experience, then he has found qualities in his current wife that the previous one lacked.

Questions “Am I better than her?” make a man seriously think about this topic. This man is already your spouse, there is no point in forcing him to remember the past.

Surrounding her husband with care, attention and love, being sincere with him, accepting him as he is - the right choice for a woman when her husband's marriage is not the first. Becoming the best wife for her own husband is within the power of a girl who is not afraid of regular work on herself and relationships.

December 28, 2013, 11:42 am

Becoming an ideal wife for your husband is a very difficult task, but, as many say, this is also a profession, a subtle art. Wise women know that a man loves a supple partner in life, so that he surrounds him with his care, love, honor, respect. A good wife should be able to do everything and even more. Therefore, many of the fair sex often wonder how to become an ideal wife, to be in time and be able to do everything. It’s hard to figure it out without wise advice, so read the information below about this and much more.

How to be the perfect wife for your husband: useful tips

To become ideal for the chosen husband, the first necessary condition is a common mutual love. Then each of the spouses will strive to become ideal for a partner, to make each other happier, so that both are comfortable together under a variety of circumstances. However, the wife must also make her significant contribution to the relationship with a man, which consists in wisdom, understanding, and the feminine. Some useful tips on how to become an ideal wife for a beloved husband:

Always be feminine and attractive

You, as an ideal wife, should become an example of attractiveness and make sure that your husband is always proud of you, can be happy to go out with such a lady to people, consider in every situation what a wonderful wife he is with him. Always remember that you are, first of all, a woman, be yourself. This man chose you because he initially understood that you were perfect, he immediately saw those qualities that are most important to him. Do not disappoint your beloved husband, stay the way you were originally.

Do not forget that time is fleeting, beauty may not be the main weapon, so try to arm yourself with some secrets of women of eternal youth in advance, take care, maintain an ideal appearance, improve, emphasize dignity. This should become the motto for life so that the husband loves all his life. Watch a video below that will acquaint you with how to always remain feminine, attractive, an ideal wife for your spouse:

Know how to cook well

No matter how people say that the main thing for an ideal wife is beauty, and it’s possible to eat in a restaurant or a housekeeper will cook, but the spouse must know the taste of dishes prepared by your hands in order to fall in love, eat these goodies again and again. An important aspect of an ideal wife is the ability to feed her husband deliciously, to become a skilled cook, so that this man knows that they will not feed you so tasty anywhere else. If such abilities are absent, then it is never too late to start developing them.

  • Today, this situation does not create any problems: there are a lot of culinary courses where professional chefs will willingly share with you a few useful secrets;
  • Use external sources: today's television is replete with daytime programs or grandiose shows of culinary themes;
  • Do not miss the opportunity to consult with your mother-in-law, find out family culinary masterpieces, find out what your beloved son loves, how to cook it;
  • Gain experience from your own mother, grandmother, memorize family recipes, adopt proven recipes.

Don't make sex a marital duty

In order for your beloved spouse to be interested in bed with you, be able to become the most ideal lover. Don't make sex routine, don't turn this process into something comparable to taking out the trash. Both of you should constantly receive pleasure from each other, give your husband all your love, the spouse will certainly give everything in return. Experiment in sex, find common ground, do not be afraid of anything, because in front of you is a person whom you trusted as a woman when you get married, so go to the end.

Create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home

From time immemorial, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth, this has come in our days, so God himself ordered you to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house. When a man knows that there is a faithful rear at home, that they are always waiting there, they will be met with open arms, they will be extremely happy.

  • Do not make scandals to your husband when he comes late from work, just meet with a smile, feed, warm, hug, and then address with a conversation that worries you.

  • Create all the conditions of home comfort, like an ideal wife, so that your loved one wants to return home after a hard day's work.
  • Keep order, neatness, comfort of your hearth. Change bed linen, towels, iron shirts in time.

Give him the lead in the relationship

A spouse, under any circumstances, should feel like a man who “will attract a mammoth into the house”, resolve absolutely any difficulties, and make the right decisions. An ideal wife is a neck for her lover: where the wife turns, the husband looks there. Just direct, and let him do the deeds himself. So he will understand that he must retain the duties of the head; behind his broad back, like behind a stone wall, you completely give the reins of government into the hands of your spouse, including yourself. This instills a great sense of responsibility, determination and success afterwards.

Support your spouse in everything, appreciate him for who he is

An ideal wife appreciates her husband, supports in every failure, undertakings, deeds. You must become for your husband the one that inspires hope, believes in the strength of your spouse, will not betray, will support in any situation. You initially fell in love with your man for the masculine principle, as it is, and it is of great importance that you need to perceive your beloved only in this way, respect, know all the shortcomings, but continue to love, carry through many years, be happy together until old age.

Do not limit his freedom and do not be jealous

Your husband is, first of all, a man who is not used to being under the heel of his wife all the time, do not humiliate his dignity, give freedom to deeds, actions, desires. A spouse, like any other person, tends to have his own world of activities, affairs, hobbies, accept this and cultivate a special level of trust in each other. Even if this occupation will take place at night (for example, hunting, fishing), it will not drag on for one day. It's okay, the main thing the beloved knows: an ideal wife is waiting for him at home, who will never change even in his thoughts.

Being perfect in everything is difficult, but possible: a little psychology

The psychology of a man and a woman is radically different, an ideal wife should understand this, as well as the fact that the key to any successful relationship is constant correctness in relation to a partner. Let's take a specific situation: the spouse returned home from work in a bad mood, and you cooked dinner by candlelight all day, did evening makeup, dressed up beautifully, but the spouse paid absolutely no attention.

  • Try to understand the situation, take the side of your husband, leave the man alone with his thoughts, because he came home, as in his favorite harbor, where it is possible to lick his wounds, analyze the situation, gain strength for further urban battles. And only then, as the storm subsides, begin your duties as an ideal wife who will feed, caress, calm, inspire hope, give strength.

  • The psychology of an ideal woman should be as follows: "I am a representative of the fair sex, a loving wife of her husband, who gives every opportunity to remain a real man to the end under any circumstances."

Having decided to become perfect, you will probably decide that it is simply unrealistic and refuse to follow these tips. However, believe me, you have already become such a wife, you have long received the name of an ideal one, just for these very features of appearance, character, ability to listen, encourage, feed deliciously, appease. The husband chose the only and ideal woman with whom he is ready to live until the end of his days. Simply, do not lose over the years, women's abilities given by nature, but vice versa: acquire, multiply, develop, share experience with your daughters. Be happy!