How to choose the right shampoo. The specialist reveals secrets. How to choose a shampoo. How to choose a shampoo. What shampoo is for your hair. Composition of shampoos. Types and quality of shampoos

Marlies Mueller was brought to us in Douglas the year before last, and a consultant from Moscow came to use this brand. In addition to her Mueller certificate, she also has two trichologist diplomas. And great hair of my own.

She looked through my hair on her computer and showed me small translucent whitish "droplets". They sat on their hair two or three centimeters from the roots. At first I was scared (what if they were alive!), Then I asked: is it something like dandruff?
She says no, it's silicone. And she said that silicone is added to relatively cheap mass-market shampoos, balms and masks (i.e., such forms as dimethicone, trimethicone and some other, also all sorts of methicones). This is done in order to give the hair shine and elasticity.
But these silicones are very, very difficult to completely wash out of the hair (and apart from rinse-off agents, they are still in all kinds of shine sprays that are applied and not washed off). As a result, they settle on the scalp, concentrate around the hair and block the air of the hair, ...

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Who uses the Matrix series? What are the reviews?

I love. Quite good funds. I used the series Biolage Fortetherapy, Hydrotherapy, Lilac series for colored - normal for every day, comfortable for hair.
I don’t buy cheap shampoos, I don’t like it - you separate a portion on the palm of your hand, they are some kind of muddy, with separate fractions of mother-of-pearl, liquid, I washed my hair - and it feels like the hair is about to break in length, as if, some roughness the length of the hair shaft, tangled horror-like. After a week or two of using very inexpensive products, my hair is dull and faded, I don't like it. The same applies to balm-mask-sprays.
For myself, I rejected Agafya, Nivea, Fruktis, Pantin, Palmoliv (I tried a lot under the motto "all shampoos are the same," I realized how wrong I was).
Of the inexpensive ones, I liked European production 10-15 years ago Pantin, Gliss Kur, Elsev and Timotey (I still remember an almond one with a pink lid) ...

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Shampoo isn't the only way to wash your hair. There are simple and affordable products that not only wash your hair well, but also make it healthier and stronger.

You don't have to choose super-expensive shampoos, masks and rinses to keep your hair looking beautiful and healthy. Everything you need for your hair can be found among natural remedies, the washing capabilities of which, perhaps, not everyone knows.

It so happened in our minds that a means for washing hair is necessarily something foaming, and the more foam, the better. But, as experience shows, it is precisely such foaming products - shampoos containing SLS, SLES, etc. - only harm our hair. By washing away all the fat from the scalp, they dry out the hair (especially the ends), turning it into tow. To restore balance, the skin begins to produce fat with even greater effort, and as a result - after a couple of days the hair becomes oily at the roots, and they have to be washed again ... The circle is closed.

The faster ...

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It would seem, what is so difficult here? My hair is more often - and success is assured. But it's not that simple!

Water quality

The most important problem is the water with which we have to wash our body and hair. Ordinary tap water, abundantly saturated with chlorine, can hardly be called the “moisture of life”. Of course, it washes away dirt and grease, but at the same time it brings such problems:

Dry and brittle hair

Hair ends split

Dyed hair quickly loses its vibrant color

Hair is harder to style

Well, what can you advise here? In the old days, even fifty years ago, soft water for washing hair was collected during the rain or melted the snow, now the state of the ecology is such that even in small settlements where there are no harmful industries and transport, it is risky to wash your face and hair with such water.

It is best, on the advice of trichologists, to wash your hair with boiled water. To soften the water, you can add to it: baking soda (1 tsp per 1 liter of water), ammonia ...

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The first and main reason that does not allow washing your hair every day is the health of the strands and scalp.

With frequent washing, the sebum is washed off, after which the body produces more sebum to compensate for the lost. To avoid overloading the fat, a break in washing your hair should be 1-2 days.

The second reason is that the day after washing it is easier to style your hair. If the scalp remains oily, it is best to use a dry shampoo that has a pleasant scent.

The third reason is banal cost savings. Of course, most modern shampoos and conditioners are inexpensive. However, those with long hair have to spend a lot of money from their budget every month on hair care.

The fourth fact is that the dye is washed off the hair much faster if you wash it daily.

And one more important point. Popular hair care products contain all kinds of chemicals. At...

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The research findings, broadcast on BBC Two's Horizon, prove that in most cases it doesn't matter which brand of shampoo you choose. All shampoos contain similar ingredients in one way or another, and are aimed at (if we exclude some specific means for treating the scalp), to simply cleanse your hair of impurities. You can also see the most common surfactants (surfactants) in shampoos in other detergents - for example, on the label of dishwashing liquid.

If we try to briefly explain the process of washing and removing dirt from hair, then everything happens as follows: when added to water, surfactant molecules spontaneously assemble into a spherical structure, which absorbs the oil base of dirt inside itself, thus helping to clean the hair surface. And when you rinse your hair, the dirt is washed off along with the water and surfactant.

Frankly speaking, if ...

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Hair, unfortunately, does not grow as fast as girls and women would like. Cutting them off is always easier than growing them. If you want to change your image and, accordingly, your hairstyle, you can use special shampoos that stimulate hair growth. Elite firms make shampoos based on royal jelly. This biologically active substance contains more than 100 trace element compounds that help restore the function of the hair follicle.

Various natural substances are used as an accelerator of hair growth: wheat proteins, almond, parsley, kiwi, grapefruit extract, extract from hot paprika. Of the chemical components, panthenol, tocopherol, and vitamin B5 are most often used.

Professional products include Estel Unique Active hair growth stimulator shampoo. Its unique property is that it restores the normal hydrobalance in the scalp and, accordingly, in the hair follicles. This helps to revitalize the follicle and it ...

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Now on the Internet and on TV, information is often mentioned about harmful ingredients in shampoos, which have a bad effect on our body and cause serious diseases. Many sources literally intimidate consumers in an effort to prove that shampoos are dangerous to our health.

Let's figure out what exactly in the composition of shampoos is still worth fearing.

In particular, all sources talk about such an ingredient as sodium lauryl sulfate (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or SLS). It is used in most well-known shampoos, shower gels, toothpastes and other detergents, as well as in special products for washing equipment. Along with it, sodium laureth sulfate (Sodium Laureth Sulfate or SLES) is common. These are detergents and they usually come in second place in the composition of products. Their function is precisely to wash away grease and impurities.

With prolonged exposure to the skin and mucous membranes, they are harmful to health. Both of these substances day after day are capable of ...

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Today, shampoos for deep cleansing are becoming more widespread. They are not suitable for everyday use and are only used in certain circumstances. If for one reason or another you do not want to purchase a professional product, then there are excellent home alternatives for you.

Features of deep hair cleaning

First of all, it is worth briefly talking about the features of deep hair cleaning - why it is needed and when it is required to produce it.

The need for deep cleaning of hair

Hair has a porous structure. Gradually, it is filled with sebum, particles of styling and care products. As a result, the hair quickly loses its volume and shine, and it is necessary to wash it frequently. If you notice these signs, keep in mind that it is time for a deep cleansing.

However, it is not at all necessary to wait for such signals. Cleaning procedures can be carried out for prophylaxis - about 1 time per month. It is useful to do them and ...

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Do I need to wash my hair before painting? Many girls face the issue of washing their hair before the dyeing procedure. There is an opinion that it is absolutely impossible to do this, but is it really so?

Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to this question, because washing your hair before applying paint has both positive and negative sides... Let's consider all the nuances.

Why you don't need to wash your strands before the procedure:

How many days before painting do you need to wash your hair in order to get the perfect result? Remember one important rule - this should be done about 2 days before the procedure. During this period, the required amount of fatty secretions will accumulate on the strands, which can protect them from negative influences.

There are several cases in which washing your hair would be best avoided:

Professional tips and tricks for dyeing dirty and clean hair:

It is interesting! How to wash your hair so that it does not get greasy - 10 useful ...

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We all take care of our hair, but often the result is far from what we want. What is the reason? The most common mistake most girls make is that they forget to monitor the scalp, and the quality of the hair depends on it, this is the basis of the basics. We talked with a trichologist and found out everything about an important problem!

1. Choose the wrong shampoo
There is one simple rule that many girls do not follow: shampoo is selected according to the type of scalp, conditioner - according to the type of hair. This means that you can use shampoo and balm from different cosmetic lines if, for example, the scalp is oily enough and requires thorough cleansing, and the ends are very dry.

2. Do not use special serums for the scalp
To care for the scalp directly, using a mask and other rinse off products is practically pointless. Stop your choice on serums, lotions and gels that are applied to the root zone and affect the hair ...

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1) Basic components of shampoo, which are found in both expensive and cheap products.
2) What is the difference in composition between professional shampoos and shampoos in the mass market.
3) The opinion of the technologist about sulfate-free shampoos.
4) What component makes a regular shampoo a deep cleaning shampoo.
5) What is the difference between a moisturizing shampoo and a regenerating shampoo in composition.
6) Why does the salon need only 3 shampoos and which ones.
7) How volumizing shampoo works.

Good afternoon, my readers!

I was lucky to hear a short lecture by Salerm technologist on how to read shampoo formulations. It turns out that the masters have such "fun" - looking only at the composition, to say how this tool will work and what type of hair is suitable. And in fact, playing this game is much easier than it sounds.

All shampoos, both expensive and cheap, have approximately the same set of basic ingredients. Each component in the composition performs its function. Further I will list the basic ...

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How to independently determine the type of hair, detect problem areas and subsequently choose the appropriate means for washing the head, we found out from the expert of L "Oréal Paris, Alla Mimikina.

Let's say right away: it is almost impossible to define your hair type “once and for all”. The human body somehow undergoes changes and, accordingly, the state of the hair also changes. Hormones, liver and pancreas function, as well as, of course, lifestyle and ecology - this is not the whole list of variables in the equation, solving which, we will better understand our hair.

Regardless of the primary purpose, a good shampoo should replace the loss of protein, moisture and nutrients, increase the elasticity of the hair, protect the cuticle, have a UV filter, as well as eliminate electrification and make hair silky.

In order to choose the right shampoo, you first need to know your hair type. And in order to accurately determine it, use our test:

Normal hair type

  • You wash your hair every 2-3 days.
  • Only after this time, a noticeable oily sheen appears at the roots.
  • The ends of the hair can sometimes be split, in the cold period - a little electrified.
  • Your hair has a moderate volume that does not disappear immediately after shampooing.

The formulas of shampoos for normal hair include a vitamin complex and various extracts, and the pH level does not go beyond the range from 5.5 to 7. In general, these shampoos have fewer "washing" components. The products gently cleanse the hair without affecting the natural secretion of sebum.

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Sulfate-free lavender shampoo for normal to sensitive hair, Santa Maria Novella. Does not contain SLES and PEG.

Shampoo for normal hair with millet extract, Weleda. The shampoo contains natural detergents.

Shampoo "Green Tea" O "right Green Tea Shampoo. Professional shampoo for normal hair contains more than 96% natural ingredients.

Shampoo for daily use Curex Classic, Estel. A gentle shampoo for daily use. Contains chitosan, provitamin B5 and keratin complex.

Oily hair type

If you think this is your hair type, then:

  • You wash your hair every day.
  • After a day (or even less), a noticeable oily sheen appears at the roots.
  • The ends of the hair are mostly not split.
  • Your hair is lacking volume.
  • Your hair is practically non-electrifying.
  • It is not difficult for you to style your hair, but the styling does not last long.

Recommendations for choosing a shampoo: In a cosmetic store, look for shampoos containing nettle, chamomile, sage, willow bark, currant leaves, coltsfoot and birch. Also, the favorite are shampoos (as well as conditioners and masks for the scalp) containing clay, vitamins A and C.

Also, pay attention to your diet. Typically, an increased amount of harmful carbohydrates, as well as frequent consumption of fried, salty and spicy foods, greatly exacerbate the problem. And, of course, try to drink more clean water.

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Cleansing shampoo for oily hair Lemon Myrtle, Ausganica.

Shampoo for oily hair and scalp Specialty, Senscience.

Light shampoo for volume prone to oily hair Otium Butterfly, Estel. Provides extra volume to the hair.

Shampoo with proteins for oily hair "Volume and Firmness", Himalaya Herbals. The herbal components of the shampoo have a positive effect on the condition of the hair and have a tonic effect on the scalp.

Dry hair type

If you think this is your hair type, then:

  • You can only afford to wash your hair once or twice a week.
  • The healthy shine of the hair remains only for a while after shampooing.
  • The ends of the hair are predominantly split.
  • Your hair is difficult to style and often electrified.

Recommendations for choosing a shampoo: Shampoos for dry hair should contain moisturizing ingredients like shea butter, avocado and almond. Also, in the composition of the shampoo, it is necessary to look for plant extracts, as well as lanolin, panthenol and glycerin.

In your case, the range of hair care should be complete: the usual shampoo and conditioner must be supplemented with a mask, as well as indelible treatments. By the way, they are the ones that help neutralize static electricity in the hair.

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Ultra Nourishing Shampoo, L "Occitane. Helps improve the texture and appearance of damaged hair.

Shampoo for hair volume High Amplify, Matrix. The shampoo does not contain silicones and is enriched with proteins.

Oreal Elseve L "Full restoration" shampoo, a unique formula with ceramides and silicones, restores the internal structure of the hair and seals the outside of the split ends.

Shampoo-care Guided Recovery and Care, Nivea. For weakened hair. Tool with KeraDetect technology.

Restructuring shampoo without silicones for strengthening and protection against fragility. Power of Keratin, Schwarzkopf. For thin and weak hair.

Mixed hair type (oily at the roots, dry at the ends)

If you think this is your hair type, then:

  • You wash your hair every 2-4 days.
  • After washing, the healthy shine remains only on the roots.
  • In the meantime, the tips may suffer from permanent electrification.
  • Your styling lasts better at the roots and fades faster at the tips.
  • You are familiar with the problem of tip cutting.

Recommendations for choosing a shampoo: you need a product that does not differ in the aggressive action of the cleaning ingredients. Balms and masks should be applied to the hair, significantly receding from the root zone. Apply extra care only to the ends.

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Balancing shampoo Natural Tech, Davines. The product normalizes the sebaceous glands and stabilizes the sebum content.

Shampoo for normal and oily hair Expert Scalp Care, L "Oreal Professional. Shampoo helps to restore the hydrolipid layer of the scalp and removes excess sebum, is saturated with antioxidants.

Shampoo for daily care Inspiration of the day, Oribe.

Shampoo for hair against dandruff Shampoo Anti Dandruff, Dr. Konopka "s. Natural shampoo contains hair oil based on a complex of medicinal herbs, certified by the BBIH COSMOS Organic standard.

Treating Colored / Damaged Hair

In general, caring for newly colored hair should be divided into 2 stages: for the first two weeks it is limited to using a quality line that includes shampoo and conditioner for colored hair. In the meantime, the next weeks (until the new staining) oblige to use masks for hair and scalp, as well as at least occasionally visit beauty salons for suitable skin care procedures.

Important: For damaged hair and sensitive scalp, sulfate-free shampoos, which also have a lower pH, are suitable.

We know very well that hair can become damaged for a variety of reasons. In addition to frequent staining or discoloration, poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency, daily hot styling with a hair dryer (especially without the use of thermal protective agents) and, of course, a frivolous attitude towards the choice of cleaning agents, that is, without taking into account the features (type, structure) specifically your hair.

So, the main issue in hair rehabilitation is high-quality hydration. You should not count on phenomenal instant recovery only thanks to the miracle shampoo, because its primary task is, of course, cleansing. Therefore, having found a shampoo that is ideally suited for all the characteristics, do not hesitate to buy the rest of the products in their series. Its components complement each other and multiply the effect.

Damaged hair is perfectly restored by masks with extracts of natural oils (jojoba, shea, coconut, castor, etc.). Also look for panthenol in serums, masks and other treatments: it really heals the damaged hair shaft. In addition, amino acids and proteins are assistants in rehabilitation.

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Ultra-regenerating shampoo cream, J. F. Lazartigue. The product is free of parabens and silicones.

Shampoo for gray and gray hair "Nobility of Silver", Oribe.

Shampoo for damaged and brittle hair with soy oil and arginine Biolage Repair Inside, Matrix. Gently cleanses hair, restoring elasticity and shine.

Micellar shampoo, Dessange Paris. Argan, Camellia and Prakaxi oils help restore hair after aggressive external influences.

Shampoo is one of the main hair care products; more than one care is necessary without it. The most important task of the shampoo is to wash the hair and scalp from dirt, styling products and sebum, but if the shampoo also has medicinal properties, then this is another plus in his piggy bank (hydration, nutrition, restoration, strengthening, shine, volume) ...

It is very important to determine what type of hair you have in order to choose the right shampoo and all home care in general. If you yourself cannot determine your hair type, then you can contact your master (hairdresser).

There are four types of hair:

  1. Normal- look shiny, supple and healthy. Normal hair is washed every two to three days.
  2. Dry- they look dull and lifeless, they are often porous, disobedient, split at the ends, get tangled and break off. Dry hair does not grease for a long time and does not require frequent washing, usually once a week. You can read about caring for dry porous hair.
  3. Fatty- oily hair depends on the level of oily scalp and the activity of the sebaceous glands, as well as on the type of food - oily, fried, spicy foods, an abundance of sweets also leads to oily hair. Such hair requires frequent washing (daily). In this article you can read about the principles of care for oily hair.
  4. Mixed type(oily at the roots and dry in length, mainly at the ends) - typical for long hair, when the roots of the hair are rather oily, and the ends of the grease are not enough, which is why they become dry and split.

For example, if you have dry hair and you start washing it with shampoo for oily hair, then not only will the hair be depleted in length even more, besides, the scalp will become dry, the sebaceous glands will begin to work more actively, the fat content will increase, it may appear peeling and itching.

Whatever hair type you have, you need to strive to bring it back to its normal type, and if you are lucky and have normal hair type, then you must maintain care to keep your hair healthy.

Shampoo for normal hair: Recommended for people with healthy hair, this category contains all neutral, acid-balanced and technical salon shampoos. The purpose of these shampoos is simply to wash your hair and, if possible, keep your hair looking healthy.

This shampoo contains fewer detergents than, for example, a shampoo for oily hair.

  • Sea buckthorn shampoo for normal and dry hair "Intensive hydration" Natura Siberica
  • Revlon Professional Equave Hydro Detangling Shampoo
  • Keratin hair shampoo Estel Professional Keratin Shampoo
  • Shea Butter Shampoo for Smooth Hair Matrix Total Results Mega Sleek Shampoo

Shampoo for oily hair: You shouldn't wash your hair often with this shampoo, because such shampoos are aggressive and their frequent use will lead to flaking and itching of the scalp. This shampoo contains many detergents, it cleans the hair and scalp well from impurities and sebum, but this shampoo should not be used more often than once a week if the scalp is oily and once every two weeks if the hair is normal. And if you have dry hair or sensitive scalp, then even less often.

  • Insight Energizing Shampoo
  • Herbal shampoo, anti-hair loss for oily hair Biota Bioxsine Shampoo
  • Brelil Numero Volumizing Shampoo

  • Shampoo for oily hair enriched with silver "Normalizing from roots to ends"
  • Vichy Dercos Ultra Soothing Normal to Oil Hair Shampoo

Shampoo for dry hair: Shampoo for dry hair contains fewer detergents than ordinary shampoo and it is not aggressive; a moisturizer is added to it. This shampoo prevents dry scalp and hair.

  • Revlon Professional Interactives Hydra Rescue Shampoo
  • Sulfate-free moisturizing shampoo Profi style
  • Matrix Oil Wonders Micro-Oil Shampoo
  • Moisturizing Shampoo with Argan and Aloe Oil Brelil Bio Traitement Cristalli d'Argan Shampoo Intensive Beauty
  • Oxygen Light Moisturizing Shampoo Dove Advanced Hair Series
  • Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Wild Ginger Moisturizing Lather Shampoo

Studies have shown that this type of hair is most common: fatty at the roots and dry at the ends. In such a situation, the hair needs to remove excess fat from the roots and nourish, as well as moisturize the ends. For such cases, manufacturers have created a balancing shampoo, which includes microsponges and microspheres. Microsponges remove oily plaque from the roots and regulate the sebaceous glands, while microspheres moisturize and nourish the dry part of the hair.

Anti-dandruff shampoo: This shampoo removes dead skin particles, contains components that slow down the division of skin cells. The anti-dandruff shampoo must be alternated with regular shampoo and often cannot be used as this can dry out and dull hair. The manufacturer usually writes that the course of treatment is two weeks or a month.

  • Insight Anti Dandruff Purifying Shampoo
  • L'Oreal Professionnel Inforcer Strengthening Anti-Breakage Shampoo
  • Eugene Perma Petrole Hahn Dandruff for Normal Hair

    Shampoo for oily dandruff Ducray Squanorm Kertiol Shampoo

Anti hair loss shampoo: shampoo usually contains active ingredients that nourish the scalp and strengthen the hair follicles. These shampoos are usually based on herbal extracts and vitamins.

  • Daeng Gi Meo Ri Vitalizing Shampoo
  • Hair shampoo "Healing herbs" White Mandarin
  • Shampoo "Strengthening hair roots" Biocon Hair Power
  • Hair shampoo colorless "Henna" Styx Naturcosmetic Shampoo

There are three types of shampoos:

Liquid- the most popular and familiar shampoos for us.

Solid- look like soap, lather and wash off with water like ordinary shampoos without any problems.

Dry or anhydrous- powder shampoo, its task is to absorb sebum and adsorb dirt without using water. When combing, the powder is combed out of the hair without any problems.

Manufacturers distinguish many more types of shampoo: moisturizing, nourishing, restoring, regenerating, for colored hair, for damaged hair, for curly, for volume, for thin hair, anti-yellowness, conditioner shampoo (2 in 1) and many others. But, if you know your hair type, then you can easily pick up your own shampoo.

What hair shampoos are made of

Typically, the shampoo contains: surfactants, preservatives, thickeners, stabilizers, antioxidants, antiseptics, emulsifiers, moisturizers, silicones, UV filters, medicinal additives, vitamins, herbal extracts and conditioning agents.

The basis of shampoos is surfactants (the quality of the shampoo depends on them), and we will dwell on them in more detail.

Depending on the type of hair, the amount of surfactants will be regulated, for less oily hair - a smaller amount, for more oily hair - more. It is important to choose more gentle surfactants.

When choosing a shampoo, you need to pay attention to the presence of a component such as lauryl sulfate. His presence suggests that the formulation of such a shampoo is cheap and will subsequently affect the condition of the hair. So no one has canceled reading the composition of the shampoos on the packaging.

The brighter and richer the color of the shampoo, the more such shampoo can do harm. If the shampoo is transparent, then this effect is achieved by introducing chemical ingredients into the composition.

Experts say that a good shampoo should contain at least 20-30 ingredients.

There are also sulfate-free shampoos that you can read about.

How to choose the right shampoo

And so, the main question is which shampoo is better? You will not find the answer to this question, because it will be different for each girl. One shampoo may work for many, but not for you, and the shampoo that works for you may not work for many. Choosing the perfect shampoo for yourself is possible only by trial and error.


Determine your hair type and, starting from it, choose a base shampoo.

Be sure to have in your arsenal and, depending on the type of hair, use it:

  • for oily hair - once a week
  • for normal hair - once every two weeks
  • for dry hair or sensitive scalp - once a month

Change the shampoo periodically so that there is no addiction.

If your hair is long, be sure to use a conditioner or mask after shampooing.

How to know if the shampoo is right

In order to understand whether the shampoo suits you or not, you need to systematically use it for two weeks, although sometimes once is enough. Signs that the shampoo is suitable:

  • the hair is well rinsed (after using the shampoo twice);
  • there is no irritation on the scalp (no peeling, itching or other discomfort);
  • hair does not grow oily earlier than usual and the absence of oily sheen on the hair;
  • the hair is obedient and does not tangle;
  • after drying, the hair does not stick out in different directions and is not dry.

Experts advise adhering to the following basic steps in shampooing:

  1. Be sure to comb your hair before washing, this will make it easier to apply the mask or conditioner to your hair and will not get too tangled after washing. In addition, combing will stimulate the hair follicles, and raise slightly keratinized particles, after which they are easily washed out.
  2. The water for shampooing should be warm, not hot or cold. If you wash with too hot water, the sebaceous glands begin to work even harder and the hair becomes oily faster. But at the end, when you have already washed off the mask, you can rinse your hair with cool water to close the hair scales.
  3. Always reapply shampoo twice. First apply the shampoo on the palms of your hands, rub and only then apply to the scalp and massage with light movements. If the shampoo is concentrated, mostly professional shampoos, then it is still recommended to dilute them with a little water.
  4. Rinse off the shampoo very thoroughly (twice as long as the shampoo was on your head) so that your hair does not lose its elasticity and shine. You also can't rub your hair with a towel, just get it wet.

Looking for an effective hair care product? Then go on and you will learn how to restore hair.

In order to choose a shampoo, use a simple principle: first, carefully read the text on the package and use the shampoo that is designed for your hair type, and after using it, carefully analyze the results. With a huge variety of detergents that the industry offers today, you can correctly choose a remedy for washing any problem hair.

The positive results of using shampoo can be considered:

  • well washed hair;
  • lack of fat on them;
  • shine of hair after it dries;
  • the strands are combed well, obedient;
  • no scalp irritation.

In addition, a good shampoo should: make up for the loss of protein, moisture and nutrients; increase hair elasticity; protect the hair cuticle and smooth the cuticle scales; do not make your hair too heavy; have a UV filter; remove static electricity from hair; make hair silky.

In order to understand that this shampoo is not suitable for you, one or two use is enough. But in order to come to the conclusion that this shampoo is for you, you need to regularly use it for at least a few weeks. After you have found yourself a shampoo that suits you completely, you should not change it to another.

Conventionally, all existing shampoos can be divided into the following groups:

  • normal neutral (intended only for cleansing);
  • medical or caring;
  • tint (differ in the method of application - not on the scalp, but on the hair);
  • for deep cleaning.

Composition of shampoos. The chemical composition of the shampoo

The composition of shampoos varies, but the following components are most often found in it:

  • detergents (or surfactants);
  • surfactants (surfactants; there are hard and soft);
  • antioxidants;
  • antiseptics;
  • carrier substances;
  • chelates;
  • emollients;
  • emulsifiers;
  • humidifiers;
  • lubricators (lubricants);
  • proteins;
  • silicones;
  • UV filters;
  • different types of air conditioners;
  • functional and medicinal additives;
  • preservatives;
  • thickeners;
  • fragrances;
  • solvents;
  • vitamins.

Shampoo quality. How to determine the quality of your shampoo

To determine the quality of the shampoo, do the following test:

  • Mix water and shampoo in a glass and let the mixture settle. If a curdled sediment appears, you should not use this shampoo.
  • Shampoos that use foaming agents such as sodium and ammonium sulfate are not recommended. The foam they form does not have a real cleansing effect.

Types of shampoos

How are the types of shampoos found? The answer to this question will be shown by the classification of shampoos in modern cosmetology:

  • Shampoo for oily hair. Contains a large amount of detergents that cleanse the skin and hair from excess oil.
  • Shampoo for normal hair. Contains less detergent. It cleanses hair without interfering with the natural release of oils.
  • Shampoo for dry hair. Contains few detergents, it contains a moisturizer that prevents excessive dryness of the skin and hair.
  • A mild shampoo for frequent washing. Very mild, does not irritate the skin and does not dry out the hair.
  • Anti-dandruff shampoo. Contains substances that slow down the division of skin cells, and also removes dead skin scales. Using it too often makes hair dull and dry.

Yes, you heard right. With ordinary shampoo, such a thing would not go away, but this is not just shampoo, but Low shampoo - a novelty from L "Oreal Elseve! This shampoo is unusual in every respect:

Firstly, it does not foam,

Secondly, the product does not contain sulfates,

Thirdly, it is able to replace shampoo, balm and care ...

As far as I understand, this product is perfect for those who practice the co-washing technique for washing their hair. Having studied the composition, I did not find silicones there, which means Low Shampoo will be ideal for these purposes!

I will tell you about the details of the application a little below, first, general information about the product.

Vial volume - 400 ml ,

price (found on the Internet) - 469 rubles .

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

In order to start using the product, you need to remove the label from the dispenser (it did not appear in the frame, but it is there):

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

And turn the dispenser in the direction of the arrow:

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

That's all - you can extract this delicate shampoo by pressing.

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

You will need a lot of shampoo - this is a feature of the co-washing technique. The manufacturer writes as follows:

apply enough

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

My hair:

Colored, medium length. They tend to be greasy at the roots and can be dry at the tips. the bulk is dense, with a cannon halo.

The first time I applied the result of five clicks to damp hair, spread it over the surface of the hair and scalp. It seemed a little, I added five more ... Massaged, waited 3 minutes and washed off.

Low Shampoo really feels like a balm - both in color and consistency:

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

And it is distributed in the same way.

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

After I rinsed the product from my hair, under the tap of water, they parted perfectly. There were no problems with combing either ...

But the scalp did not react very well the first time (dandruff appeared). Since sometimes this is possible when changing shampoo, I risked repeating the ritual two days later again. There was no such active dandruff, but the scalp was not comfortable, so I decided to use the product as a balm.

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

When using Low Shampoo (solo), I noted:

Smoothness of the hair,


Ease of combing,

Hair softness and liveliness of the ends.

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

Of the minuses, I can single out:

Not quite a positive reaction from the scalp,

A short-lived feeling of freshness.

On the second day, the hair looked like this:

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

That is, the length is still not bad, but at the roots it is not very ...

In principle, fans of the co-washing technique have a couple of gimmicks in such cases:

Apply regular shampoo to the root zone, and to the rest of the necessary product,

Alternate the use of co-waxing shampoo with regular shampoo (or the traditional use of a cleansing shampoo is once every two weeks).

V in this case, even the manufacturer noted the fact that

I did not alternate, because I just felt sorry for the scalp. But as a balm after shampoo (for the entire length except for the roots) I applied Low Shampoo for three minutes. And - bingo!

Hair immediately acquired volume at the roots, it became light, crumbly, absolutely not weighted, but at the same time shiny!

I was pleased with this effect!

And even if the shampoo did not fit my scalp, I found a use for it and did not take off a strong point. I advise fans of co-waxing to try this new product, especially those with dyed hair.

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

For those who like to disassemble COMPOUND s, below is a list of ingredients included in the shampoo:

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

Aqua / water, cetearyl alcohol, behentrimonium chloride, coco-betaine, potato starch modified, guar hydroxypropyltrimonium chloride, tocopherol, cocos nucifera oil / coconut oil, sodium chloride sodium benzoate, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, trideceth-6, polyqutern poly (linseed oil), fumaric acid, benzyl alcohol, benzyl salicylate, linalool, benzophenone-4, amodimethicone, isopropyl alcohol, alpha-isomethyl ionone, geraniol, cetyl hydroxyethylcellulose, butylphenyl methylpropional, citronellol, cetrimonium chloride, citric acid cinnamal, glycerin, parfum / fragrance.

As well as product features .

Shampoo L "Oreal Elseve Low Shampoo Color Expert

Let me summarize.

The delicate shampoo behaved great on the hair - it gave them softness, smoothness and shine, but in my case it did not do well with the scalp. In solo application, the product made my hair heavier pretty quickly.

The use of the product as a balm satisfied me much more. The smoothness has disappeared, but the caring properties have been preserved. Therefore, I was satisfied.

Let your shampoo delight you!

With love - Kuzik)