How to choose a hairbrush - long hair styling combs. Which comb is best for hair

Every girl dreams of having beautiful healthy hair. That is why there are many different cosmetic products, drug complexes and even nutrition programs on the market.

But few people think that important factors are the correct selection of tools for combing and compliance with the rules of this procedure.

The important thing is that combing is necessary three times a day, in all possible directions. This procedure:

  • improves blood circulation,
  • the necessary amount of blood is supplied to the epidermis of the head to nourish the bulbs,
  • prevents tangling,
  • provides good ventilation,
  • regulates the sebaceous glands.

With long hair, you need to start the combing process from the ends, while firmly holding them with your fingers at the roots (which will prevent pulling out) and slowly move to the base.

Buying a comb in a store is much easier than finding the right one. The stores offer a very wide assortment, so in order to choose something worthwhile, you need to understand the following classification.

By application

  • ordinary (combs, brushes, hairbrushes). Best used for brushing and grooming.
  • special (brushing, skeletal, frame). Needed to create various hairstyles and styling.

By material of manufacture

  • Metallic.
  • Wooden.
  • Plastic.
  • Silicone.
  • With natural bristles. Suitable for long straight strands. Gives shine and smoothness, does not damage the scalp.
  • Mixed bristles. Most of all correspond to thin wavy curls.
  • Made from nylon. They are considered versatile, but are best used for short haircuts.

By form

  • brushes with different hole shapes... They are used during blow-drying.
    Purpose - to create conditions for the circulation of hot air in order to protect the skin from burns. They are divided into flat and cylindrical. The latter are good for short, thick hair of medium length. Flat ones are best used for owners of wavy strands.
  • round... They are made from different materials and used to curl, give puffiness to the hairstyle, very convenient for styling short wavy curls.
  • semicircular... Typically used for styling.
  • skeletal... Good for drying strands.
  • brushings... Needed to add volume at the roots.

How to choose a comb or brush?

In this case, the use of a brush is more appropriate, because it is considered more gentle care. If the hair is more than 20 centimeters long, then to start the procedure, you should apply a brush, then a comb.

In the photo there is a wide comb-brush, which is best for combing long hair

It is important to consider that this approach to combing is only suitable for dry hair... Wet, regardless of length and type, it is necessary to comb it exclusively with combs.

We take into account the structure of the strands

In addition to length be sure to pay attention to what type your hair is:

  • For care for wavy need brushing.
  • For tough a flat brush on a rubber base with wooden teeth is more suitable.
  • Thick hair a massage brush with bristles of various sizes will save you.
  • Thin long hair It is best to comb with a natural bristle comb.
  • Curly curls require brushing and a fishbone comb.
  • For bold and mixed types you need a flat brush.
  • Owners curls and split ends need a silicone comb with sparse teeth of medium thickness for daily use.

To find the right tool for you just follow the following rules:

  • The stiffer the hair, the denser the material from which the comb is created.
  • With an increase in the density of the hair, the number of teeth on the comb decreases.
  • As the length of the strands increases, the volume of the styling brush increases.

It's no secret that long and beautiful hair is the pride of any girl. Many women dream of such curls. But in the process of growing and leaving, many nuances must be taken into account. For example, the right choice of shampoo and balm, the use of healing and nourishing masks, proper nutrition, a positive attitude, etc.

But in addition to the above, it is also important to choose the right comb, in accordance with the characteristics and type of hair of a particular girl. This point is often forgotten, considering it insignificant. But in vain. After all, there is a large selection of combs made from different materials and for different purposes. A brush that works for one girl, another can be harmful, breaking and weakening already thin and weak hair.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a comb? We will analyze these and other questions below.

Nuances of choice

When choosing a brush, one should analyze such hair features as structure (thin, thick, hard, soft, naughty, etc.), length. And also decide on the purpose of using this tool (massage, styling, etc.).

For styling

For hair styling, as a rule, the so-called skeleton comb... It is designed to be ideal for blow drying. This is achieved due to the fact that it has large and at the same time rare teeth. And the holes in its base are made so that they create excellent air circulation and thereby protect against burns.

But if you need to not only make your hair voluminous, but also round the ends, then this is best suited round brush, or otherwise, brushing. In addition, it will not only make the ends of the hair rounded, but also create a root volume that will be no worse than using a skeletal comb. But she will not help to make curls, but only very much tangles the hair.

After the hair is styled properly, a special product (gel, varnish) should be applied to the hairstyle to fix the result. Then brush with a wide-toothed brush. And your styling will look no worse than Hollywood.

In addition, this comb is perfect for curly and wavy hair. At the very least, the owners of this type of hair are recommended to start combing them. And you can continue this procedure with a comb with more frequent teeth.

For split ends

Choosing a comb for split ends is quite simple. It is important here that the material is necessarily made of wood. Ideally, for easy and safe brushing, you can purchase two brushes, one made of wood and one made of plastic, and alternate between them. This is especially true for thick hair. If they are not thick, then it is quite possible to use only a wooden accessory.


The best hairbrush to stimulate growth is the massage hairbrush. As the name suggests, it is intended for gentle head massage. Due to the good stimulation of the scalp, the hair roots receive more nutrients, which contributes to their strengthening and growth. The base of such a brush is usually made of rubber. And this is what leads to the fact that the teeth are lowered to the optimal depth when stimulating the scalp.

The massage brush is suitable for all hair types. It not only gives an excellent massage effect, but also perfectly combes long hair.

These brushes are usually oval or rectangular in shape. The material of this accessory can be different: ceramics, wood, plastic. Teeth can be made from natural materials such as horsehair, boar hair, etc. But most often from plastic, wood and nylon. Small balls can be seen at the tips of the teeth. This is necessary to protect hair and skin from injury.


An accessory made from a material such as wood is the best option. Since these brushes are suitable for absolutely all girls with different hair types. For very thick hair, such a comb is ideal.

For its manufacture, wood of different species is used: cherry, juniper, oak, birch, pine, apple and many others. Such combs are not only very useful for hair, but also affect the general condition of a person and have a healing effect, relieve headaches, stress, depression, etc. But in order for the accessory not to lose its strong healing effect, it is not recommended to cover it with varnish or paint. Therefore, it is better, of course, to choose a material without any special coating. But you also need to understand that wood deteriorates quickly enough, cracks may appear on it, it may darken. In this case, it is better to discard such a comb and purchase a new one.

Without a comb, there is no decent hairstyle (the "shaggy nest" option does not count). How can you style without using a comb? How about fixing your hair? Not to mention the fact that everyone combing their hair (excluding the owners of bald spots): men and women, from a young age to a ripe old age. In general, the value of this modest accessory can hardly be overestimated. But the condition of our hair directly depends on a good comb. How not to be mistaken, especially with the present colossal choice?

Manufacturing companies offer dozens of different types of combs, the models differ in purpose, shape and material of manufacture. From such an abundance, my head is spinning! What's the best hair comb? Answer: the one that is right for you.

And when buying, you should pay attention to: Crafting material

A mini-excursion into history: a couple of hundred years ago, women combed their curls with a tortoiseshell or wooden comb. Now the list of raw materials is much wider! So, on sale there are plastic, metal, and wooden combs, with artificial and natural bristles. What are the advantages of these materials? And the disadvantages?

a) Horn (buffalo, bull, yak, goat, etc.) or tortoise shell- undoubtedly a great choice! The composition of the hair and horns is in many ways similar, which is why the microparticles of such a comb are not only harmless - on the contrary, for the head of hair there is a continuous benefit. So, when combing, the hair does not electrify. Also, having a calming effect, horny products help with insomnia and migraines. In addition, these combs reduce hair loss and smoother hair. However, as is usually the case, there is a significant drawback here - the price. This material is quite expensive. In addition, nicks, chips, and cracks in this comb can damage and cut hair.

B) Plastic - the most common and inexpensive material. Most combs have plastic teeth. Another advantage of such material is ease of care: combs are easy to wash, there will be no hordes of microbes on them. The disadvantage is that the plastic is highly electrified. True, this flaw can be compensated for by treating the surface of the comb with an antistatic agent.

v) Metal... Be careful here. If you are determined to purchase a comb from such material, it is better not to skimp and choose a model from a well-known brand - cheap metal products are often dangerous. So, if there are no protective balls on the teeth, brushing can damage your hair and scalp. And such scratches heal for a long time.

In addition, since metals are prone to oxidation, you should refrain from using these combs when dyeing your hair.

Finally, for daily use, it is better to choose products made from a different material. Metal combs are not suitable for frequent use.

At the same time, such models have a couple of advantages: firstly, they do not electrify, and secondly, they are easy to care for.

G) Silicone combs. Decent choice. Combs made of such material glide well through the hair, are antistatic, many use them for perm. Another advantage is that silicone is harmless to the scalp. At the same time, similar models made of plastic or iron will cost less.

e) Wood - This is an excellent, like all natural, material for making combs. Such models do not electrify, and also do not injure the hair. Moreover, they are beneficial, for example, juniper combs soothe the scalp.

When choosing a wooden comb, you should pay attention to the quality of its grinding. So, if the comb is not smooth enough, it can break the hair.

The disadvantage of wooden combs is that they get dirty quickly, which means they require frequent cleaning. Note: An unwashed comb can turn into a veritable breeding ground for germs!

e) Natural bristles - a huge plus for any brush! It is beneficial for both beauty and hair health. Using brushes with natural bristles for styling / combing gives the hair a glossy shine. The main disadvantage here is the price. The quality, unfortunately, costs money.

Form and tasks of combs

Comb shape speaks of its purpose, and not at all about creativity designers, as you might think, looking at other models.And the appearance of the comb depends primarily on its mission. In general, all models can be conditionally divided into two groups: for combing andfor hair styling.

How to comb your hair?

Flat combs... Without a handle, there are two types: with the same teeth along the entire length and combined - on the one hand, the teeth are massive and rare, and on the other, thin and frequent. This is a versatile comb that is best used for those with short hair.

Massage brushes... The main function is combing; such models are also not suitable for laying. But there is a significant bonus here: living up to their name, the brushes also massage the scalp, thereby improving blood circulation. And it speeds up hair growth!

Recommended for owners of long hair, in this case the best option is a massage brush with a combined - natural plus nylon teeth - bristles, for example, a wooden brush from the Hercules brand. Long hair can be difficult to comb if you choose a model that is made up entirely of natural bristles.

Shovel brushes. Some people buy them only for combing; others also use brushes in conjunction with a hairdryer to pull the hair out.

Combs - These are flat combs with sparse long teeth. The scope of their application is also not limited to just one brushing. In addition, combs are actively used to evenly distribute masks through the hair.

How to style your hair?

Skeletal combs (also called tunnel combs) made specifically for styling hair with a hairdryer. The sparse and coarse prongs in these models help to separate tangled hairs, and the holes in the base allow air to circulate better, which protects the scalp from scalding.

Tunnel combs are of two types: one-sided and two-sided.

Three-row brushes help to increase the volume, they are often used to create bouffant. Such models are produced with both natural and artificial bristles. In addition, there are special combs for combing, which have received the same name. Their distinctive feature is the alternating long and short teeth.

Round brushes (brushing) in capable hands, capable of much. With their help, you can create waves or curls, as well as stretch (straighten) frizzy hair. Manufacturers offer brushes with different diameters: large - for long-haired women, small - for owners of short haircuts. Wooden models with natural bristles are most often bought in order to smooth hair.

In some brushes, the base is perforated, in others it is not (in this case, the hair will dry longer). An air stream passes through the holes, respectively, the hair dries faster.

Ponytail combs(long and pointed handle) is used to separate strands, for example, to create an even parting.

Fork combs They are fork-shaped at one end and comb-shaped at the other. Used to create hairstyles, as well as to shape bangs, curls or pile.

In addition, there are combs designed for highlighting, there are models designed specifically for cutting, for extended hair ("tridents" - the main teeth are wide, there are small teeth between them). Etc. etc. The complete list of existing hairbrushes is not limited to the above models.

It is interesting! Denman has developed several types of scented hair brushes. The hair dryer enhances the aroma from the brush, filling the space with a fresh, fruity scent. Smooth, rounded pins provide a gentle yet secure grip for styling. The brand offers brushes in blackberry, strawberry, coconut and lemon scent.

How to choose the right comb?

On the dressing table of a modern woman, there are often several combs - for combing her hair and creating styling. The choice of auxiliary styling combs should be depending on the desired hairstyles. But as for combs designed for combing hair, there are a number of general recommendations.

1 For owners of long hair, it is best to choose between massage brushes or shovel brushes; for short hair, you can use a flat comb.

2 Hair brushes are known to be large and small. Large models, accordingly, are convenient for owners of thick long hair, and smaller brushes - for girls whose hair is shorter.

3 Curly hair is easiest to comb with a wooden or silicone fine-toothed comb.

When buying a comb, you should pay attention to how it is processed. The surface must be smooth and free of burrs (especially for wooden combs and horns). The teeth of the comb should not be sharp. In order not to inadvertently injure the scalp, there should be teardrop-shaped thickenings at the end of the teeth.

The rubber base of the massage brush should be resilient and durable, no tears.

How to care for your comb?

Any comb should be cleaned regularly. For brushes, many use wet wipes (they remove dirt from each tooth) and shampoo with warm water. For combs, special cleanings are convenient, designed just for cleaning. So, there are universal cleaners designed for both combs and brushes. In addition, there are brushes made only for combs with fine teeth.

Some, by the way, clean their combs in the dishwasher, throwing in plastic toys as well.

Finally, if your favorite hairbrush is damaged, it should be thrown away immediately. Broken teeth can damage your hair or scalp.

Every woman dreams of luxurious, attractive hair. The health of the curls directly depends not only on the state of the body, the characteristics of care, but also on the comb. The right product helps to make the curls shiny and the scalp healthy. There is no universal hairbrush that is equally good for everyone. Each type of such products performs its own functions. So how to choose the right hairbrush?

Criterias of choice

It is worth choosing the right products for the care of curls taking into account individual characteristics: the type of scalp and hair. Another important indicator is the material from which the combs are made, the design of the teeth and other characteristics.

Girls who are trying to provide their own hair with maximum care should choose the right set of several products.

For curly hair, for example, combs with infrequent teeth are ideal. If you have split ends, you should give preference to models made from natural materials. Metal options cause strong electrification, injure the scalp, damage the strands.

Varieties of products

Today, there are 4 types of combs on sale, which differ in shape, function and design features.

  • Massage brush. Already from the name it becomes clear that choosing such a model is worth not only for separating the strands, but also for carrying out a full-fledged massage of the skin on the head. It helps to normalize blood circulation, enrich cells with oxygen and nutrients. Optimization of metabolic processes leads to strengthening of the follicles. "Massages" are made from a variety of materials. The best model will be equipped with teeth with rounded tips or protected by special caps. Products with sharp teeth should be discarded as they can seriously damage the skin.
  • Oval styling brush. Suitable for brushing curls before a night's rest. The model gently removes the smallest particles of dirt, styling products residues. Soft teeth gently smooth the scales of each hair. The most gentle procedure for separating the strands is done with a brush equipped with bristles made from natural materials. Which comb is the best for combing long hair? For thick strands, it is worth choosing models with teeth of different lengths.
  • Round hairbrush or brushing. The product is distinguished by its cylindrical shape and the presence of a hole in the center. Used to create curly curls. The strands are wound on a similar product, and then fixed with a hairdryer. In addition, it can be used to straighten hair without the use of irons.
  • Combs. Thin models can be used for coloring and shaping hairstyles. Metal products are convenient for creating partings, flecks, silicone - for high-quality separation of strands when applying coloring agents. A wood comb is considered safer, so it can be used every day, including for unruly hair. Curls will be protected from electrification and aggressive influences.


Finding a comb that is of high quality and useful for hair is every woman's dream. One of the most important selection criteria is the type of material. Today, products are made from wood, horn, nylon, metal, etc. Which comb is best for your hair?

  • Wood. Models made from this natural material are the safest for curls. The products not only take good care of the strands, but also the scalp. Juniper soothes and gives a fresh pine needles scent. Brushing with a birch comb is a good method to combat dandruff.
  • Plastic. The usefulness of such models for hair is highly questionable. However, plastic combs are widespread due to their low cost, practicality, and ease of use.
  • Horn. It is a safe material that will not cause hair breakage and injury. The only drawback of the products is the close arrangement of the teeth. A horny comb for long hair is not very comfortable, especially if the strands are thick.
  • Silicone. In reality, products are not made of pure silicone, but of its alloy with plastic. They are antistatic, easy to operate and easy to clean. Suitable for even distribution of conditioning products, as well as for separating curly hair. Each curly curl will be carefully divided into strands.
  • Nylon. Handles a wide variety of hair types regardless of length. The bristles on this model are very soft. Delicate care is especially important for those with injuries.
  • Ebonite. The material is a hard rubber. Combs made of ebonite have an antistatic effect, give the hair shine and a well-groomed appearance. The products carefully separate the strands without harming them.
  • Metal. Experts recommend using metal models only for shaping your hair. They are not suitable for daily use.

It is worth noting that metal combs can sometimes be dangerous for hair. If the curls are loose and damaged, combs can make the situation much worse.

It is forbidden to use them for women who dye their hair, since metal, reacting with dye elements, can change their color.

As a rule, it is impossible to predict the consequences of changes.

Choosing a comb by hair type

After familiarizing yourself with the materials and models of combs, it is worth correlating this important information with the individual characteristics of the hair: type, length.

  • How to choose a comb for thick long hair? Traditional flat brushes work best. In the evening, the separation of the strands must be carried out with a different model - with natural bristles of different lengths.
  • Short strands will look attractive in any situation when combed with the correct sparse-toothed comb. Wooden combs will relieve static stress and protect against damage.
  • It is better to comb hair with fine structure with wood or soft bristles. Natural models are safe for strands, have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the scalp.
  • The comb must be natural, with sparse teeth. This will protect them from excessive splendor and electrification. Curls will curl beautifully if you use a brush with short bristles for styling.

Before choosing a hairbrush, it is worthwhile to study the advice of experts.

  • Pay attention to the material of which the handle is made. Silicone or rubberized options are considered the best, since they do not slip out of the hands.
  • A good hairbrush should not have sharp edges. Carefully polished rounded edges are what you need to properly care for your strands.
  • The ideal option would be the presence of several combs: a "massage" made of plastic, a comb made of soft materials, smoothing a model made of natural bristles.

The right hairbrush is the basis for complete hair care. The listed recommendations will help the fair sex to choose the right products for a variety of purposes.

The condition of our hair depends on a combination of many actions and factors. There is no need to explain here: if you want healthy, beautiful hair, create the best conditions for it. In we will talk more than once about the various aspects affecting hair health.

For example, I have already told, and. But there are many more factors that affect the condition of the hair, and gradually we will take them apart.

Today we will talk about combs (by combs here I mean and flat combs and massage brushes and round brushes). Combing your hair is an action so common and frequent that some girls do not even think about the harm this or that comb can cause to their hair. And there are such combs, and you should pay attention to this precisely because we comb every day.

However, the girls who had already paid attention to this issue were also faced with conflicting data: at one time, for example, they said that wooden combs were very useful, then they began to spread information that they were harmful. The same thing happened with other types of combs: at different times and from different sources, you could get diametrically opposite information about the same comb.

Therefore, now we have not only to choose a comb at random, but to understand why such combs are suitable for us, as well as which combs are harmful and why. So, which comb to choose ? When choosing and buying a comb, you need to be guided by the following information:

Metal combs: harmful or useful? You can come across two opinions: 1. The metal comb electrifies the hair, 2. The metal comb removes static electricity, which is good for the hair. At the same time, which is very funny, they often write not "static", but "statistical" electricity, demonstrating the author's complete illiteracy in this matter)

How is it really? It's simple. When certain types of surfaces rub against each other, an electric charge arises by itself - this is static electricity. In our case, the charge arises from the friction of the metal teeth of the comb and hair.

For hair health (as well as for the human body as a whole), static electricity is harmful: even the weakest charge irritates sensitive nerve endings (day after day!) Harmful to the work of the nervous, and therefore subsequently to the cardiovascular system. This is the inner side. Outside - the hair becomes unruly and climbs where they are not asked. Output: avoid metal combs!

Wooden combs: harmful or useful? There are also two opposite opinions. And the truth is that a wooden comb must be of very high quality so that you can use it without fear.

The fact is that the smallest notch (which you cannot see with the naked eye) even on one of the needles of the comb will harm every day, disrupting the structure of the hairs. And if there are a lot of such serrations? In addition, wooden combs are more prone to cracking and delamination over time than others - they cannot be used in this form.

Therefore, if you want to buy a wooden comb, then pay attention to the quality and do not save. Yes, and wood is different from wood: you can slip a comb made of do not understand which tree, and the most useful are birch (helps in the fight against dandruff) and oak (soothes the scalp), as well as combs made of sandalwood, ash, juniper, pine, beech , bamboo.

It is best to use wooden combs for parting, as well as for applying masks, because the tree will not enter into chemical reactions with substances, therefore, it will not cause unexpected damage to your hair. Output: use wooden combs with care, only high quality ones.

Plastic combs : harmful or useful? Plastic combs are the cheapest, so it's hard to find a really high quality one. And on low-quality ones, notches, grooves, too sharp teeth also often become a problem.

In addition, plastic combs get dirty very quickly: grease from the hair and scalp sticks to them at a stroke, the smallest particles of dust, dirt, and dead skin stick to the grease. The solution is to either comb your hair with all this stuck rubbish, or clean the comb after each combing. Silicone combs are more gentle and do not pick up dirt. But:

When in contact with the hot air of a hair dryer and with some substances of masks, dyes and other hair products, plastic and silicone release harmful substances. Output: from it is better to refuse plastic combs and combs made of synthetic materials, only professional ones can be used.

However, I have two plastic combs with sparse teeth (professional, without seams and notches). I use them when applying oils to the length of the hair (applied - gently combed. Very carefully!)

About his favorite coconut oil I have already told, but did not talk about argan: also sooooo useful, great for nourishing hair length. These links can be used to buy these oils at a discount)

I use these oils in principle the same way:

  • a couple of hours before washing my hair, gently comb my hair
  • I put a little of this or that oil on my palm, rub it between my palms
  • with oily palms I walk along the length of the hair (without affecting the roots and 15 centimeters from the roots)
  • again gently comb my hair so that the oil is better distributed and "nourishes" each hair

As a result, the hair is shiny, healthy, nourished, there is no section + oil gives protection from drying out with shampoo when shampooing. But this is an option for those whose hair length is not prone to oily.

Combs and brushes made from natural materials that's what you should opt for. Such combs are as careful as possible for your hair, preserve their structure, correctly distribute sebum along the hairs, giving the hair a healthy shine, do not break the hair, do not emit harmful substances and prevent the appearance of split ends.

Combs made from natural materials include:

  • horn or bone combs (they are quite expensive and are less and less used)
  • wooden combs (we have already talked about them - choose high-quality ones!)
  • silver combs (help to heal wounds and some skin diseases, cleanse the scalp and hair, enhance hair growth)
  • tourmaline combs (improve blood circulation, improve hair growth, relieve tension)
  • combs with natural bristles (pig, mixed, horse hair ...)

Such combs also have their disadvantages: they are more expensive (but deservedly so!), Can cause allergic reactions (but, as a rule, anyone knows if he is allergic to certain common materials), require careful care (like, however, all the combs).

It also happens that instead of a comb made of natural material, a fake is slipped. So be careful and go for good stores and trusted brands like Janeke, Braun, Tangle Teezer, etc.