What questions to ask at a business meeting? "How can I help this person increase his income and help him solve his problems?" What are your sexual fantasies and desires?

This mini test of several simple questions will let you know how well you know each other.

Answer the questions below, then ask your partner.

P.S. These questions are for people who have been together for quite some time.

If your relationship has just begun, be lenient towards each other and do not demand correct answers at every point.

Partner knowledge questions

1. What is your partner's least favorite body part?

2. When your partner was a child, who did he / she want to become in the future?

3. Which country would you like to visit?

4. Did your partner have a nickname as a child? If so, which one? Did he like that nickname?

5. With whom of your relatives does your loved one communicate the closest? (If not, omit the question.)

How well do you know each other

6. What disappointment from the past gnaws at your partner until now?

7. What are his / her achievements proud of?

8. What does your partner hate most about doing around the house?

9. What are the names of your partner's grandparents. Can you name all the grandparents?

10. What talents is your partner endowed with in his own opinion?

11. What is his / her favorite scent?

12. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

13. What character trait does your partner dislike in himself, and in what way does he resemble his parents?

14. What kind of death is your partner afraid of?

Questions for a couple to know each other

15. What kind of music does your partner actually enjoy listening to? (Even if those around you do not know about these musical preferences). Determine his musical taste.

16. What does he (she) expect from the coming weekend?

17. Whom does your partner consider to be his mentor, or someone who has shown a strong positive influence on his (her) professional development?

Second half knowledge questions

18. How did your partner spend their summer as a child?

19. What are your favorite and least favorite moments in your partner's work?

20. Does your partner consider himself more like his mother or father in terms of character? If so, in what way?

21. What purchase is your partner currently thinking about? What's on his wishlist?

Pay attention to the questions you answered incorrectly. Consider shortcomings as opportunities for conversation and deepening of your relationship.

As you analyze the answers together, remember that it is your partner who decides whether you earn a point for each correct answer.

For some questions, for example, about your favorite taste of ice cream, there may be two or more answers, depending on the current mood of your partner.

Sometimes it turns out that we know our soulmates better than they know themselves.

When you look at the answers, you may find that you remembered something that your partner once told about his childhood and that you forgot, and you remember it.


If you (or your partner) scored 16 points or more:

You know your partner very well.

And if you scored 16 or more points, and you have been with your partner for less than six months, it is likely that your relationship is developing too actively.

If you (or your partner) scored 10-15 points:

You've gotten to know your partner pretty well.

Pay attention to exactly where you know each other the least.

Perhaps the two of you talked little about your childhood experiences, or you shy away from talking about topics related to negative emotions.

Try to make up for those moments.

If you scored 5-9 points:

This means the following:

1) You don't know each other that well.

2) You are only in a relationship for a short period of time.

3) You talk to each other a little, or maybe your conversations are of a certain nature (for example, you are both of the same profession, and your conversations converge mainly at work.)

If you (or your partner) score 0-4 points:

This suggests that you do not know each other at all, which means that you have the opportunity to do this.

Questions for knowing each other

Why exactly these questions?

These questions are designed to engage a range of positive and negative emotions.

Questions about negative emotions and fears included because strong relationships entail a willingness to be vulnerable to one another.

Questions about childhood included because loved ones usually understand the experiences that made each other the way they are.

After all, it is in childhood that a person's personality is formed.

And lighter funny questions included, due to the fact that it is very important to conduct conversations not only on serious topics, but also on lighter ones.

Conversations related to your positive emotions make our life easier.

Talk to each other in different topics... Then you will get to know your partner better.

In a relationship with a man, we are ready to discuss anything: favorite dishes, office wars, and even the first two. But when it comes to sex, it’s like swallowing our tongue. And it becomes uncomfortable to speak, uncomfortable, and sometimes even ashamed. But if something is wrong in bed, discontent will accumulate, resulting in quarrels, resentments and claims. To avoid this, it is better to agree on everything on the shore, stepping over the awkwardness ..

Olga Stern

sexologist, Russian expert of Fun Factory, a global manufacturer of toys for adults

Shall we agree to give each other honest feedback?

Without this, it will not be possible to build a harmonious, happy relationship. This is the foundation from which everything should start. Of course, it is important to agree on delicacy and timeliness. feedback so as not to break the fragile trust in the pair. And this applies to you too. If you are missing something - for example, you are not completely satisfied - your loved one may not even guess about it. And the chances that one day he will see his light are extremely small. So say that today you want a longer foreplay or, conversely, more rough sex. And do not be offended when a man brings his wishes to you.

How often do you want to make love?

When an affair just begins, under the influence of hormones and mutual attraction, intimacy occurs quite often. But after the stabilization of the relationship, each person enters his own individual rhythm. For example, a man wants three times a day, while a woman needs three times a month. If you discuss this in advance, you can find alternative ways deal with disharmony.

What sex do you like more: morning or evening?

If one of you is an early riser and loves sex in the morning, and the other is an owl, and thinks that nothing is better than intimacy before bedtime, embarrassment may occur. It's best to figure out this point from the very beginning and find a compromise solution that suits both of you.

We possess different temperaments and different sexual requests. For example, some people love the sudden outburst of passion, while others need a stable schedule. There is a third option, when basically everything is predictable, but sometimes unexpected erotic adventures happen.

What are your sexual fantasies and desires?

One of the indicators built trusting relationship: both of you are not afraid to talk about your deepest fantasies. Be as open as possible and do not make fun of the man's confessions. And also clarify what exactly he would like to try with you.

What do you think about sex play?

Most men are positive about various erotic costumes and role-playing games. But there are exceptions: some, for example, can laugh all evening at a nurse's costume. And it's better to know about this in advance.

In which there was a link to even more good article: Important Questions Startup Co-Founders Should Ask Each Other.

I will briefly go over the article, but I still highly recommend reading it in the original.

10 most important issues Things to be addressed before creating partnerships:

How will the income be shared?

In fact, the question is who will have what percentage of the profits. This is one of the most difficult issues(and, by the way, the answer "equally among the creators" is rarely correct).

How will decisions be made?

Often, the degree of a person's influence on decisions depends on his share (which should have been divided in the previous paragraph), but not necessarily. Decisions most often relate to the organization of the firm's activities, personnel management, budget allocation, etc.

What happens if one of the partners leaves?

It is definitely worth discussing in advance, so that later there will be no endless disputes and mutual claims. The last thing a company needs is a retired founder who is still shaking the air.

Can someone fire one of us? On what grounds?

Yes, even the founder of a company can be fired. Many people confuse the concept of a co-owner and a person who is actually working on the development of the company. The co-owner does not have to be involved in the life of the company. And this should be discussed in advance.

What are our personal goals in the company?

Goals may change over time, but still need to be described initial goals each of the partners. If one of the partners wants to build a powerful stable business, and the other wants to achieve sustainable growth and flexibility, then it is advisable to discuss this in advance.

What are the main responsibilities of everyone?

A huge number of partnerships suffer from the fact that partners do not have a clear understanding of who is responsible for what and how much work is done. Can one of the partners also engage in third-party business?

What exactly in our plan we do not want to change?

Plans change frequently. But there are always elements that remain the same.

Legal details

Will the partners, in addition to the agreement on the distribution of shares, also have a contract with the company to be created? If so, it is worth discussing its terms.

Investments and their return

Whether partners will invest cash in the newly created company. If so, in what form: interest-free loan, credit? Will the partner's share increase due to his investments?

What to pay to ourselves? Who can correct this?

How to get income? Who can change the conditions for receiving income and the distribution of shares: special person or all together?

On my own I will add:

Exit strategy

It must be clearly stated how one of the partners can get out of the common business for any reason.

Most likely, it never occurred to you to ask such a question: "Tell me, what do you think, if we part, will you be happier?" You probably think you already know the answer. However, it is possible that this is self-deception. Many of us are overly optimistic about our spouses' intentions, say University of Virginia scientists Leora Friedberg and Steven Stern.

They drew such conclusions by re-examining the results of a long-standing survey conducted by the National Center for Family and Household Research back in the 1980s. More than 4 thousand took part in it married couples... Each of the spouses was asked to answer two questions:

2. How do you think your spouse will answer this question?

Six years later, a second survey was conducted to find out how many of the couples who participated in the marriage kept their marriage, and how many broke up.

And now, years later, Leora Friedberg and Stephen Stern again studied this data and drew attention to interesting patterns. Among the participants who believed that they would live no worse (or better) alone, many, according to the results of the second survey, did indeed break up with their spouses. However, this result was not surprising. Another thing was unexpected. Many of those who overestimated the loyalty of their spouses also ended up alone.

The survey materials testified that both husbands and wives had a poor idea of ​​how the partner's happiness level would change in the event of a divorce. 54% of women and 59% of men were wrong in their "predictions". Their partners assessed their potential prospects in exactly the opposite way.

Women in general tended to overestimate their husbands' "misfortune" in the event of a divorce. Men generally, on the contrary, exaggerated the level of happiness of their wives in the event of a possible separation.

How does a lack of understanding of the feelings of another push you to divorce? “When we believe that a partner is still 'not going anywhere' (after all, he will be much worse off without us), we are less inclined to negotiate and seek compromise solutions,” Leora Friedberg and Steven Stern explain. Contradictions between spouses are inevitable, the researchers emphasize, but they can only be resolved through a joint search for a way out. By categorically insisting on our own during a conflict, we undermine our relationship. That is why, in the heat of a quarrel, it is useful to ask yourself the question: is my husband (my wife) thinking about parting?

However, love saves couples, the authors of the study note. It is she who encourages the spouses to look for a way to solutions that suit both. And then, even if they misjudge each other's loyalty, they will do everything to stay together. If there is no love, but there is only a desire to preserve family status, then, in the event of conflicts, the overestimation of the devotion of the other with very likely leads to a deterioration in relations and, quite possibly, to divorce.

There are quite a few forms in which a partnership in business can be formalized. You can act as co-founders of a company with a partner, you can agree on a partnership between your two companies, and finally, the relationship can be "informal". In some cases, the relationship is to some extent regulated by the state, in some it is not. However, in the end, any partnership is checked only with the first disagreements and misunderstandings. And between partners, disagreements and misunderstandings always arise. A partnership agreement that stipulates the behavior of the parties in different situations... This will make your relationship with your partner smoother and prevent any problem from escalating into a full-blown crisis. Here are a few topics to discuss with your partner beforehand. And one more warning: the more informal your agreements, the less useful they are. As a result, when it comes time to share money, all non-binding agreements are usually forgotten.

What are the financial investments of each partner? Memory is fickle and unreliable. In case of possible disagreements in the future, the partnership agreement should reflect the financial contribution that each party makes to the joint business.

How will responsibilities be shared between partners? This issue needs to be sorted out before starting. working together so that later there will be no disagreements. What will each partner do? How will they do it? Who will be responsible for certain decisions?

How will the income from the partnership be distributed? Partnerships are made for the sake of making a profit. But how much income will each partner receive from this profit? How much money will they receive and how often? What percentage of the profits will be put back into the business?

What are the assets of the partnership? Partners unite not only their own cash, but also client bases, applications, reputation, business processes, etc. Everything that is brought into the partnership (be it intellectual property or tangible property) must be described in detail in the agreement.

How will the accounting be kept? Obviously, the joint venture will need a bank account. But who will have the authority to sign financial documents? Will you be able to make purchases without the consent of the other partner? Will the partnership have its own accounting department or will one of the partners deal with it?

How will disputable issues be resolved? It's easy to say, "Partners can discuss any issue." Yes you can her to discuss but that doesn't mean you her decide... To resolve disputes, you can contact an independent expert or assemble an advisory board. Its composition must be approved in advance.

What happens if one of the partners dies or becomes incapacitated? What's next - the started business will be continued by the second partner or the business is doomed? Discuss in advance the possibility of a buyout of the business if something happens to one of the partners. You can enter into a separate agreement or include it in the agreement.

What happens if one of the partners wants to withdraw from the partnership? This situation can also be resolved through the purchase of a partner's share in a joint business. To do this, you need to establish a fair price, as well as the terms of the buyback (if a partnership agreement is concluded between three or more parties).

How can a joint business be sold? Any company should have a business exit strategy, much less a partnership. If you decide to sell a joint business, you need to agree in advance on acceptable numbers, since disagreements most often arise precisely in the assessment of the business and the distribution of profits. One partner thinks he has invested more, and the other believes that he has done more.

Even if you trust yours potential partner 100%, do not enter a joint business without a formal partnership agreement:

  • when creating a joint LLC do not limit yourself to standard documents;
  • in the cooperation agreement, include not only a framework agreement with good wishes;
  • Well, if you go to your partner as an employee, then get ready that one day you will simply be fired.

The more carefully you work "on the shore", the more easier later will be during conflicts, disputes and litigation.

Based on materials