What essential oil excites men and women. How are erotic oils useful? Compositions for an aroma medallion or creating an intimate setting with an aroma lamp

Any girl likes male attention, so the fair sex is trying in every way to achieve it. However, not all girls need a lot of time and money to care for their appearance in order to win the favor of a mass of fans.

The thing is that in any organism, whether female or male, special natural substances are produced - pheromones. These are substances that induce sexual attraction in the opposite sex.

They are produced by the sweat glands, but do not have any specific odor. Men feel attracted to a woman, whose body produces a significant amount of pheromones, thanks to the glands in the organs of smell.

That is why you can often observe how many gentlemen are curling around an unremarkable girl in casual clothes, without tons of cosmetics and with the most ordinary hairstyle.

But what about girls, whom nature has not endowed with a rich supply of pheromones? It would seem to fall into despair. After all, they try to carefully monitor their appearance, dress beautifully and behave in society as befits a decent person, and men still do not pay special attention to them.

In fact, there is a way out. And it is quite simple. It is enough to resort to the help of special aromatic oils that contain pheromones and stimulate the body to produce its own. Then you can see how your success among men will suddenly increase. The main thing is to start by remembering which essential oils attract men.

There are no women who do not love perfume, there are women who have not found their scent ...

Even in ancient times, girls learned to use the wondrous gifts of nature - fragrances to attract male attention. There are many legends and stories about this. Thanks to them, modern mankind was able to create a unique magic tool that can give women the attractiveness and delight of men.

Popularly, such substances are called essential oils, or in a scientific way. There are attractive scents for men and women.

Therefore, if you set out to win the attention of the stronger sex, then you should not hover in the clouds in search of that single scent that will solve all your problems and throw crowds of fans at your feet.

In fact, there are essential oils that attract most men, but for some they have no effect. Therefore, choosing an essential oil is an important step in shaping your attractiveness. It will take time to test the effectiveness of this or that.

Your personal tastes and preferences are also an important part of this. If you choose an oil that smells unpleasant to you, then no matter what effect it has on men, you still won't get the satisfaction you need.

Greater success with men can be achieved by creating your own personal unique scent by mixing several essential oils.

And, of course, the most important point will be to determine the purpose of using the scent. Decide whether you need essential oils to attract a man, or to bring new sensations into your family life, or something else. And depending on this, choose a scent.

Essential oils bring not only a wonderful aroma into everyday measured life. They affect people at the subconscious level. If men like your feminine scent, then in the future they will associate it only with you and cause warm feelings.

What essential oils are able to attract men:

1. Rose. This oil has a delicate and delicate aroma that men are crazy about. Thanks to the rose, female sexuality is revealed, feelings are heightened. This scent is best suited for young ladies. If you add a drop of essential oil to the bathroom, then your body will acquire the most pleasant aroma and will act as a stimulant on men.

2. Ylang-ylang. The oil obtained from the flowers of this plant is able to stimulate the pituitary glands to produce endorphins. Thus, a person feels a sense of euphoria, bliss, strong attraction and is able to freely open up his feelings.

And the woman who will exude the scent of desire will not be able to go unnoticed. The scent of ylang passion can be added to any bouquet of other essential oils to attract a man.

3. Cinnamon. It is not surprising that the oil of this spice occupies a leading position among similar ones. As has been known since ancient times, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Therefore, oils of all kinds of aromatic spices attract and excite the stronger sex so much.

Miracles have long identified and recognized her oil as capable of increasing male strength. Cinnamon oil is relaxing and inspiring at the same time.

If there are notes of cinnamon in your body scent, a man who smelled them once will strive to see you again and again.

4. Lavender. Lavender oil awakens strong and gentle feelings in men on an intuitive level. The scent of the "herb of love" allows you to relax and gives confidence in yourself, your strengths and personal attractiveness.

Best of all, stimulating are revealed in combination with the aromas of patchouli and cedar wood.

5. Geranium. Geranium-based aphrodisiac causes success in the struggle for the attention of the opposite sex in mature women. It evokes a more relaxed reaction in women and makes them feel young again.

The smell of this essential oil can give the opportunity to be loved even to those women who have lost all hope and faith in themselves.

6. Rosemary. Rosemary essential oil not only causes physical sexual attraction in men, it brings them closer on a spiritual level. Hearing such a smell, a man becomes more energetic, more active, more persistent in his behavior with a woman.

The scent is able to inspire men for romantic actions and deeds.

7. Citrus essential oils that attract men, go well with other fragrances. Fresh notes of orange, lemon, tangerine or lime awaken the interest of the opposite sex, win over and stimulate trust.

Often, sexual coldness in men is caused by fatigue at work, stress and other emotional disorders. The miraculous aphrodisiac oils will help to cope with the problem.

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love passion and feminine race. Therefore, aphrodisiacs are substances that enhance the energy of the senses and promote sexual activity. Food products include bananas, chocolate, and even insects in some eastern countries. Essential oils can also excite men - due to their unique properties, they are the most effective way to create a romantic evening.

Properties of essential oils - aphrodisiacs

What smells attract men?

Aromatic oils, acting on receptors, stimulate the release of endorphins - "hormones of happiness", thereby having a beneficial effect on the human psyche. Esters have a beneficial effect on the body, relieve emotional stress and promote relaxation.

In addition, they:

  • remove toxins from the body;
  • refresh the skin and have a rejuvenating effect;
  • increase vitality;
  • regulate the work of the endocrine system;
  • improve hormonal levels;
  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • restore potency;
  • relieve frigidity;
  • anesthetize, and much more.

How to choose the right oil?

The right choice of aphrodisiac is the key to success, the wrong one is a headache

Choosing an aphrodisiac essential oil is a fun creative process. You need to find out from your beloved what scents he prefers? And also to know what type of aromas the phyto essence belongs to.

Groups of aroma oils of aphrodisiacs and their combination

Floral scents include geranium, rose, rosewood, and jasmine oils.

They are in perfect harmony with the following broadcasts:

  • tart-spicy aroma of cinnamon, ginger;
  • smoky woody accord of cedar, eucalyptus, juniper;
  • refreshing citrus notes of orange, lemon, bergamot.

Try to create an aroma composition yourself, relying solely on your taste.

Advice! When choosing an aphrodisiac ether, choose one that will spark your passion and sweet erotic fantasies!

Odor characteristics

Below is a list of essential oils that will help make your sex life brighter and more harmonious:

  • Cypress - an aphrodisiac oil for men, helps to tune in a love mood, perfectly increases potency;
  • Orange - promotes relaxation, intoxicates with passion;
  • Bergamot - light scent, refreshes, invigorates, gives a feeling of joy, arouses sexual attraction, excites the imagination;
  • Carnation - awakens desire, enhances receptivity;
  • Geranium - stimulates, improves mood, brings novelty to routine relationships;
  • Jasmine is an exclusively feminine scent that allows you to enjoy intimacy;
  • Ylang-ylang - reveals sexuality, makes a woman receptive to affection, and gives her partner strength, restores an erection;
  • Cedar - makes intimacy spicy, allows you to get joy from intimacy;
  • Cinnamon - creates a truly romantic mood, increases self-confidence, encourages the opposite sex to action;
  • Juniper - helps to innovate sexual relations, goes well with other essential oil crops;
  • Nutmeg - liberates, fills partners with passionate desire;
  • Neroli - adjusts to the wave of love, makes the erogenous zones more sensitive;
  • Patchouli - a warm aroma that awakens the senses, improves the potency of men, relaxes, allows you to enjoy the atmosphere of a magical oriental fairy tale;
  • Rose is a feminine aroma oil that strongly excites and gives tenderness;
  • Sandalwood - slightly intoxicating, warms up ardent desire;
  • Pine - adds confidence, creates coziness, enhances erogenous susceptibility.

Please note! A fragrant "love spell" product should not have obsessive, repulsive and sugary-harsh shades.

A romantic mixture should be light, subtle. Use aromatic oils in love magic that will excite a man and will please him. And an excess of ethers can lead to headaches.

Recipes for the use of energizing oils for men

The right scent can do wonders!

There are several ways to use essential oils to arouse men. They are added to cosmetics, shampoos,

perfumes, aroma lamps, aromaculons, used for taking baths or performing erotic massage. Let's consider these recipes in more detail.

Hair care products

Shampoo and hair conditioner, enriched with an aromatic ester, will improve the condition of the hair, enveloping it in a light energizing scent.

Room aromatization

The exquisite scent in the room is a powerful seductive agent that sets you up for an intimate mood. For a romantic setting in your bedroom, fill it with an ethereal scent. Light the aroma lamp with 3 drops (for 20 m² of the room) of sandalwood ether. Your night of love will be passionate and unforgettable.

Aroma medallion

The fragrances are mostly worn by women. If you fill the accessory with an ethereal aphrodisiac, then a corresponding reaction from the opposite sex will follow. The alluring amazing scent emanating from the pendant will set both partners on a romantic wave.

  • Recipe for a stimulating mixture for aroma medallion: 2 drops each of rose, ylang-ylang, bergamot, 1 drop each of cloves, patchouli.


Before meeting your lover, take a warm bath with five drops of peppermint oil. Your body will become velvety and have a delicious scent. For a bath (200 liters), one of the following compositions is perfect:

  • 4 drops of ylang-ylang, 2 drops of cloves and geraniums, 1 drop of lemon;
  • 5 drops of rose, 3 - geranium, 2 - any citrus extract;
  • 3 drops of patchouli and ginger, 2 drops each of geranium and orange.


Massage is the most effective aphrodisiac, an excellent prelude to intimacy. The successful combination of aphrodisiac oil with the scent of a clean body gives an amazing aroma. Slowly, slowly knead and stroke your partner's body using one of the above aromatic oils.

You will be happy with the result!

If you want to make your intimate life brighter, find that fragrant ensemble that will excite both of you.


Add a dewdrop of fragrant oil to your perfume to attract men - the alluring scent will envelop you in a magical trail and will surely attract a representative of the opposite sex.


When using any phyto essence, it must be remembered that this is a rather aggressive bioactivity substance. Some oils can damage upholstery or clothing, leaving stains on them.

Tips for using fragrances:

  • First, you need to check with your partner if he has any allergies. Otherwise, an idyllic evening may end up in the hospital.
  • It is not recommended to mix 6 or more different oils, as well as to apply pure esters to the body (they should be added to base oils or cosmetic preparations).
  • Do not increase the dosage. More is not better!
  • After three weeks of use, it is recommended to take a ten-day break.
  • Do not use undiluted aphrodisiac oil, as it can burn the mucous membrane, cause dizziness, nausea, and rash.
  • Esters should be added to base oils.
  • Keep oils out of the reach of children.

Using quality oils from trusted manufacturers, you will get incomparable pleasure and amazing effect. Thus, with the right choice and use of aphrodisiacs, your love relationship will become more vivid and harmonious.

Be desirable, sexy and happy!

For several millennia, many perfumers have spent years of their lives searching for a unique scent that would drive both men and women crazy. However, they failed to find a universal formula for aphrodisiac spirits, because each of us has our own desires and preferences. Today, there is no need for magic perfumes, as ordinary essential oils can ignite passion between partners and diversify their sex life.

The range of aromatic oils that can enhance sexual desire in males is quite diverse. The most popular of these is Ylang Ylang. Breathing in its scent helps:

  • get excited quickly;
  • feel a surge of strength;
  • achieve a persistent erection;
  • relax;
  • concentrate on your feelings;
  • get rid of a stressful condition.

In addition, inhalation of particles of this essential oil normalizes the functioning of the respiratory system, levels out blood pressure, and also relieves muscle pain, which often occurs after heavy physical activity.

  • bergamot;
  • vetiver;
  • cloves;
  • patchouli;
  • Orange;
  • geranium;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon.

All of them have a beneficial effect on the condition of the male body and contribute to the rapid increase in sexual desire.

Before using this or that essential oil, you need to make sure that your partner is not allergic to it. Otherwise, it can lead to serious consequences.

Aphrodisiac mixes

In order to be completely confident in the effectiveness of aromatherapy, experts recommend that a woman buy a mixture of essential oils. Today, such drugs are in special demand as:

  • Erotica;
  • Natural Aroma Oil Intim;
  • Nikitsky Garden;
  • Magic love;
  • Temptation;
  • Zeitun.

They include plants such as:

  • verbena;
  • limet;
  • cinnamon;
  • grapefruit;
  • patchouli;
  • neroli.

The main advantage of purchasing mixtures of essential oils is that they can prompt a man to take action in bed in a short time, and also have a number of beneficial effects on the body of both lovers. Their regular use will even out the hormonal balance, relieve skin problems, normalize metabolism and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

A tool for attracting a partner with your own hands

If there is no desire to purchase ready-made mixtures, then you can prepare the pathogen at home. To do this, you should use a recipe that includes the following essential oils:

  • lemon;
  • patchouli;
  • sandalwood;
  • ylang-ylang.

In a clean container that is tightly closed, mix ¼ bottle of each product. Next, the resulting mixture is added 5 drops to the aroma lamp half an hour before the start of the alleged intercourse. This will allow the couple to tune in to intimacy and better feel each other.

Aphrodisiac essential oils to attract women

The list of essential oils that can cause a sharp rush of arousal in the fair sex is slightly more varied than the list of aphrodisiacs for men. You can attract your partner and make her interested in sex with the help of aromas of plants such as:

  • the Rose;
  • lavender;
  • jasmine;
  • marjoram;
  • juniper;
  • avocado;
  • Melissa;
  • rosemary;
  • ginseng;
  • Strawberry;
  • raspberries;
  • chamomile.

Their scent is able to calm the nervous system, relieve anxiety and complexes, give self-confidence, and also make it possible to feel beautiful and desirable.

In addition, aromatherapy using the listed plants has a large list of beneficial properties:

  • normalization of estrogen biosynthesis;
  • reducing the risk of developing infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • increased production of natural lubrication;
  • increased libido;
  • weakening of PMS symptoms (irritability, apathy, sudden mood swings);
  • relief from pain during menstruation.

The best mixtures for women

To get good results from using aromatherapy, experts recommend purchasing one of the following aphrodisiac mixtures:

  • Pichtol;
  • Gunna;

  • Tender feelings;
  • Aphrodite's Blend;
  • Nikitsky Garden (for women);
  • Erotica Mix.

They include a large list of different essential oils that can instantly arouse a woman and make her more relaxed in bed.

Some of them contain additional ingredients:

  • Pine;
  • lemon;
  • sage;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus.

These components help to get rid of stagnant processes in the body, treat colds, improve metabolism and promote blood flow to the brain.

How to use aroma oils

The effectiveness of essential oils depends on how they are used. To get rid of minor ailments and improve the quality of sex, you just need to inhale their smell, and to solve more serious problems in intimate life caused by diseases of internal organs, you need to organize direct contact of their components with human skin.

Some aromatic oils are highly phototoxic (orange, lemon, tangerine). Therefore, before going out into the open sun, they must be removed from the body with soap.

Oil burner

The easiest and most convenient option would be to purchase a special aroma lamp, to which a few drops of an essential oil are added. The instructions for this device indicate that the dosage of the fragrance is no more than 10 drops per 15 square meters. Exceeding this norm is fraught with allergic reactions, headaches, nausea and even dizziness.

  • before starting aromatherapy, it is necessary to ventilate the room;
  • average session duration - no more than three hours;
  • if the fragrance evaporates quickly, then add the following in the same dosage;
  • candles for heating the lamp must be odorless, otherwise they will interrupt the aroma of essential oils;
  • after the end of the session, it is necessary to open the windows and let fresh air into the room.

Water procedures

A more effective way to use essential oils is to add them to a warm bath. However, it must be remembered that dripping pure aroma is prohibited. It is pre-mixed with an emulsifier that is sold at any beauty supply store. If he was not at hand, then milk cream or natural honey will become his replacement.

To prepare an aromatic bath, which will really please both the man and his beloved, you will need 15 drops per 100 liters of water. Do not add more essential oil, as too much essential oil can cause rashes, skin redness and itching.

After taking a bath, rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry off with a dry towel. If desired, it is allowed to add one drop of the fragrance to the neck, wrists, chest and back of the head. This will prolong the effect of water procedures and enhance the sensations at the moment of intimacy.


Another good way to use essential oils is to mix them with massage cream. During the massage, all the components of the aromatic substance will quickly penetrate the skin and begin to act almost immediately. In addition, this method will not only increase sexual desire and improve the health of the partner, but also make his body silky and give him a good color.

In order for massage with essential oils to bring maximum benefits to human health, experts insist on observing the following recommendations:

  • before the procedure, you need to go to the shower and cleanse the skin of dead cells with a hard washcloth;
  • massage cream, in which a few drops of aromatic substance are added, is preheated to body temperature;
  • a few hours before the massage, do not use perfumes and antiperspirants;
  • after the completion of the procedure, the body is rinsed with clean water without the use of detergents.

In addition, doctors advise against combining alcohol with the use of essential oils. Alcoholic drinks reduce their effectiveness and can provoke a sharp increase in blood pressure, which is very dangerous for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Video in the topic

Aphrodisiac drops from pharmacies have a good effect on the mental and emotional health of partners, increase sexual desire in women, and provide physical capabilities for men.

Female pathogen

The use of a female pathogen in the form of drops is very convenient - they can be taken by dissolving in any drink, of course, non-alcoholic! If you are not comfortable using the drops, you can purchase a powder that is also easy to dissolve in water or juice; this will not change their taste.

Taking a female aphrodisiac in drops allows the lady to escape from routine thoughts, emotionally and physiologically tune in to sexual satisfaction. The substances of the pathogen provide a rush of blood to the genitals, increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones and make bodily intercourse of partners inevitable.

This is about the benefits, but there are a few drawbacks as well.

Composition... Think for yourself, what natural substances can dissolve without taste and smell? The answer is obvious - the chemical components in the droplets-pathogens clearly predominate.

Price... The cost of the powders themselves, plus the promotion of pharmacies, turns out to be an impressive amount, from which tiny discounts are offered on the number of units purchased.

Security... Aphrodisiacs are substances that affect the nervous system. In a woman who has reached the age at which artificial pathogens are needed, the nervous system is often unable to perceive them. Consultation with a gynecologist is required before use.

Male pathogen

Aphrodisiac drops for men, in addition to improving the emotional and sensual mood, provide blood flow to the genitals, increase the duration of sexual activity and the amount of erotic pleasures.

If you do not want to tire yourself with a long choice, then we recommend staying on lavender - a universal oil for arousing men. In order not to run into a fake, we recommend purchasing only in large specialized online stores, for example. This is a direct link to the essential oils section.

However, as in the case of female pathogens, the issue of their safety is relevant. The use of higher doses, the intake of pathogens in parallel with alcoholic beverages, too frequent use can cause a hypertensive crisis, interruptions in the work of the heart and the effect opposite to that expected.

Aroma oils

If you don't feel like bothering yourself with reading, you can watch this video about aphrodisiac oils:

To experience the effects of natural stimulants without any risk, try aromatic oils. There is nothing artificial in their composition, and the correct application will give high-quality excitement and pleasure to a man and a woman. The maximum inconvenience that you can experience when using an essential oil is that you will not like the scent, and it will not have an aphrodisiac effect on you. But is this really a problem with so many fragrances, mixtures and uses?

What oil to choose for arousing a woman?

For young girls, drops of rose oil, bergamot, jasmine are preferred as an aphrodisiac.

The most powerful stimulating oil for girls and women of all ages is NEROLI! It is very important not to skimp when choosing an oil, otherwise your attempt to turn into dust. Never take Neroli oil from a pharmacy or hypermarket! There will only be overpriced budget items. A good stimulating oil costs 800-2000 rubles. From personal experience, we recommend buying essential oils in trusted online stores, you better wait for delivery for 2-3 days, but be sure of the result. Here is a verified store. Please note that this store sells oil very quickly.

For middle-aged women, the oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang, neroli will help to liberate themselves and reveal their sensuality.

Mature women need warming, sensual warmth, rich aromas of geranium, cloves, myrrh, cinnamon.

Which oil to choose to arouse a man?

To make a man more attentive to the desires and feelings of a woman, use the aromas of ylang-ylang, marjoram.

If you want to feel the unbridled passion of a man, use oils of ginger, patchouli, nutmeg, and the most versatile - allspice.

The aromas of cypress, juniper, rosemary, sandalwood help to tune the adult partner for long-term sexual interaction.

How to use aromatic aphrodisiac oils?

You can use one type of oil:

  • add 7-8 drops to the aroma lamp per 15m 2 of the room;
  • combine with base oil (for example - olive, sunflower) 3-7 drops per 15 ml (3 teaspoons) and make an erotic massage;
  • to scent bed linen - apply a drop of energizing essential oil to the corners of the sheet and pillows.

When you are convinced of the efficacy of essential oils, you can prepare a mixture of them and apply a little to the body in the same way as perfume - on the neck, wrists, hair.

A mixture of oils that awakens desire in a man, the number of drops:

  • patchouli - 2;
  • ylang-ylang - 2;
  • cedar - 3;
  • sandalwood - 6.

The number of drops can be varied, added or subtracted in the amount you like, while maintaining the basic composition.

A mixture of oils that excites women, the number of drops:

  • bergamot - 2;
  • jasmine - 4.

A mixture that arouses men is applied by women, a mixture that arouses women - men.

It has been well known since ancient times that the odors of some plants have amazing properties. There are fragrances that can preserve intimate love relationships and even contribute to their development. Essential oils aphrodisiacs are uhrotic aromas, they increase attraction, evoke romantic fantasies, develop sensuality. Listed below are both mild and strong aphrodisiacs, female and male. At the end of the article, you will also learn how to make perfume from essential oils at home.

Aphrodisiac essential oils are named after the goddess of love Aphrodite. By calling on them for help, you can enrich and prolong your sex life, paint it in any color, give the relationship newness, passion and awe. Some of them are pronounced female aphrodisiacs, others are known as male aphrodisiacs. Still others are universal. So…

Essential oils of aphrodisiacs

Calamus Is a mild aphrodisiac. The essential oil of the aphrodisiac Calamus helps to reveal sensuality, endows with sexual strength. Promotes the creation of an erotic mood. Calamus gives a vivid, inimitable feeling of love play. Calamus is especially known as a male aphrodisiac, it helps to eliminate erectile dysfunction, awakens interest in the opposite sex.

Attention: Calamus ordinary has contraceptive and abortive properties! Therefore, married couples who decide to have a baby, the essential oil of the aphrodisiac Calamus should be used with extreme caution or temporarily refrain from using it.

Amiris - a bright representative of this family of oils. It is better known as a male aphrodisiac because it eliminates erectile dysfunction. However, as a female aphrodisiac, it also works great - it helps a woman to cope with coldness. Soothes, relieves stress, relaxes. Gives the opportunity to reveal sensuality. Promotes an erotic mood.

Anise Even the ancient Greeks considered it a strong love drug and constantly added it to food and drinks. Anise aphrodisiac essential oil has a mild effect.

Anise contains a plant hormone - estrogen, so it is more often used as a female aphrodisiac. Eliminates sexual coldness in women. It is used to regulate the monthly cycle, helps to create an erotic mood, attraction. Anise also contributes to the formation and addition of milk in lactating women.

However, it is no coincidence that some alcoholic drinks, popular among the male population, are flavored with this essential oil. As a male aphrodisiac, anise is also effective. In addition, it significantly improves male reproductive function, treats erectile dysfunction.

Orange. In ancient Greek myths, there is a story about how Paris brought an orange to the goddess Aphrodite as a sign of her victory in a dispute with the Hero and Athena. The subject of controversy was female beauty. In ancient times, orange fruits were considered a symbol of innocence and fertility. Orange is not a direct aphrodisiac, but this scent can attract the attention of the opposite sex. He gives enthusiastic, characteristic of young natures, emotions. May be present in erotic mixtures as a top major note. An orange tone will add a bright, unforgettable and joyful mood to any mixture. Will leave a pleasant impression of the time spent with your loved one.

Basil- an undoubted and, moreover, a strong aphrodisiac. It is believed that it is more suitable for the female half of humanity. As a female aphrodisiac, it significantly increases sexual energy and develops sensuality. Relieves stiffness, liberates, increases attraction. Although there is a lot of evidence that he influences men with no less force.

Basil is known to be used by women in Italy as a bewitching remedy. And it is no coincidence: as a male aphrodisiac, it has an incredible aphrodisiac effect on men. It awakens passion, accelerates blood flows through the body, enhances erection. Allows you to increase the duration of intercourse.

Bay also has properties that bring it closer to the category of essential oils of aphrodisiacs. Like any tonic scent, bey oil has the ability to stimulate reproductive processes. It improves erectile function in men, eliminates frigidity in women. The oil does not have a very pleasant aroma (similar to pepper), but in all other characteristics it can be compared to black pepper and ginger.

Bergamot well known as aphrodisiac essential oil. It awakens bright, quivering emotions, erotic fantasies, reveals the sensual side of a person. With its aroma, Bergamot creates a romantic atmosphere, evokes the most tender emotions for a loved one. It works especially well when mixed with ylang-ylang, rose and neroli.

Vetiver (vetiver) - bright and strong aphrodisiac. Although, when you first meet this scent, you may not like it. But as you use it, you don't notice how you dissolve in its spell. Works both as a male and female aphrodisiac. It absorbs, relaxes, pacifies, and then leads to ecstasy. Possesses a unique attraction property. Arouses the wildest fantasies, liberates, awakens stagnant juices. Gives unique erotic emotions. Promotes rapid discharge. This scent brings chic to a relationship. It remains in the depths of memory for a long time, and it is enough to breathe it in for the old passions to flare up again.

Galbanum - a rare aphrodisiac on the aromatic market. In small doses, the essential oil of the aphrodisiac galbanum awakens "dreams of love". It is a musky, alluring, green flirtation scent. Stimulates erotic fantasies. Helps in foreplay and lovemaking. Relaxes, liberates, carries away to heavenly groves. A woman who uses galbanum in her perfume is always a beauty in the eyes of a man. The scent of galbanum is known to have a positive effect on the female reproductive system. However, despite the pronounced characteristics of the female aphrodisiac, it can and should be considered universal.

Aphrodisiac essential oil carnation- soft and stimulating, enhances libido, sharpens sensuality, relieves stress. Helps to cope with awkwardness, eliminates nervousness in communication between partners. As a male aphrodisiac, it helps to cope with setbacks, helps to eliminate erectile dysfunction. In combination with the essential oil of ginger, clove gives sexual indefatigability, awakens passion, and allows you to achieve victories on the field of love games.

Geranium is an amazing, almost unique, powerful aphrodisiac. It magically restores reproductive function. More famous as a female aphrodisiac. Carnation revives erotic fantasies, awakens passion. It is often called erotic oil for mature women. Geranium restores hormonal levels, eliminates congestion in the reproductive organs. Awakens the imagination. The oil is also effective as a male aphrodisiac, since it significantly improves blood circulation, including in the genitals, and helps restore erectile function.

Grapefruit are also referred to as aphrodisiac essential oils. But he, rather, creates an emotional background in the relationship between lovers, rather thanaffects the physiological functions of the body. The peculiarity of grapefruit is that it liberates, creates ease and ease in communication. Opens the eyes to the positive sides of the partner and gently masks the shortcomings. The aroma of this citrus fruit gives happiness, joy, enthusiasm. A woman seems much younger in the eyes of a man. This is the scent of flirting, flirting, starting a relationship.

Jasmine- a symbol of mystery and the moon shining in the night for lovers. Essential oil is an aphrodisiac, unique in its effects, especially as a male aphrodisiac. This scent is able to improve blood circulation and significantly increase the level of the male hormone testosterone. It excites passion, helps to fill the genitals with blood. Improves erectile function, increases the duration of intercourse. Helps to achieve the highest pleasure. Combined with sandalwood oil, jasmine prolongs a man's sex life for years to come. However, you need to understand that this is not a one-time measure like Viagra. To achieve a positive result, you need to use aromatherapy in your life constantly, and you need to start as early as possible.

Jasmine also works as a female aphrodisiac. It affects women in a special way. The aroma liberates, removes excessive shyness. Helps a woman become more desirable, feminine. Prepares her for pregnancy, cleanses the female body, balances the level of hormones. After childbirth, jasmine supports in the fight against depressive conditions, helps to feed an infant, and increases the amount of milk.

Ylang-ylang- a powerful, erotic stimulant, an undeniable and strong aphrodisiac. Solves many sexual problems, especially those associated with inferiority complexes and mental disorders. The scent has a special gift for drawing attention. As a male aphrodisiac, it enhances attraction, stimulates sperm production, and increases sperm motility.

However, men themselves adore this fragrance, so you should not cross it off the list of female aphrodisiacs. Men, like bees to honey, flock to the trail of ylang-ylang scent. The aroma awakens fantasies, contributes to the awakening of passion. Helps to achieve sexual records. Creates the aesthetics of relationships, ennobles, inspires. He puts everything in its place: a woman becomes more feminine, calm, obedient, and a man shows nobility and admiration for beauty.

It is a versatile powerful aphrodisiac. The aroma of ylang-ylang paints erotic communication in bright, unique colors, gives confidence and helps to guess and fulfill the partner's innermost desires, enhances the intuition and psychologism of love play, increases the potency of a man and a woman's susceptibility, and raises to the highest peaks of orgasm.

Ginger - it is a very bright and effective masculine scent. In aromatherapy, it is used as a tonic, stimulating male aphrodisiac. In China it is called the “root of courage”. It eliminates sexual impotence, improves reproductive performance. The scent of ginger ignites passion and makes a man passionate.

As a female aphrodisiac, ginger is also effective, since it also gives its strength to women: it eliminates frigidity and saves from infertility. Ginger also has a kindling effect on a woman. She becomes more feminine, responds more easily to a man's sexual fantasies.

Hyssop does not have pronounced aphrodisiac properties, but is able to positively affect the female reproductive system. It increases the tone of the uterus, relieves of a number of infectious diseases. Helps to weaken lactation if the baby has refused to breastfeed or there are contraindications to breastfeeding.

Cardamom since antiquity it has been famous for its magical properties as an aphrodisiac essential oil. It has a tonic effect on the human body as a whole. Cardamom warms up, disperses heat throughout the body, drives away the streams of sexual energy, ignites the fire of passion.

As a male aphrodisiac, cardamom is an effective remedy for erectile dysfunction. It preserves the health and strength of a man for many years, replenishes the energy supply. Restores strength after love joys.

As a female aphrodisiac, cardamom acts in a special way, it shows activity in a woman, removes false shame, eliminates undesirable conditions during physiological monthly processes.

Kayaput It is not considered a direct aphrodisiac, but it revives consciousness, purifies energies, including sexual ones.

Atlas cedar gives a spicy, somewhat "prickly" shade to sensations, removes stiffness and discomfort, fills partners with a joyful sensation of erotic victory. Inspires noble deeds.

Virginia cedar (Mahogany) as an aphrodisiac essential oil, it has a universal effect. It has a very beneficial effect on the sexual sphere. It relieves tension, eliminates nervousness, excessive excitability. Prolongs the act of love. Promotes an even relationship, adjusts to a romantic mood. Introduces eroticism and sensuality. Paints relationships with languid, piquant shades, awakens sexual fantasy. Invariably leads to a vivid, unforgettable eruption of sexual energy.

Cypress- this is an effective essential oil aphrodisiac of a universal nature, known for opening the "second wind of love" in people of mature age, in those over 50, increasing endurance and flexibility of the body, optimizing blood circulation in the pelvic organs, "exposing" erogenous zones, increasing their sensitivity. Pay close attention to it as a male aphrodisiac: it helps to strengthen blood vessels, which ensures a long sexual life for a man.

Coriander has a mild stimulating effect. It is not a pronounced aphrodisiac. This is the oil of family comfort. Coriander creates a feeling of a family hearth, brings together spiritually, and bonds emotionally. Allows you to feel the warmth of a loved one, a kindred spirit.

Cinnamon Is a pronounced, strong aphrodisiac. It has a tonic and stimulating effect on the genital area. Resurrects sexual energy even where it has not manifested itself for a long time. Cinnamon awakens imagination, defrosts sensations, promotes sensory perception. Gives the delight of possession.

Since ancient times, cinnamon has been known as a male aphrodisiac, it is considered the aroma of male gigantism - it can significantly increase the time of intercourse. Cinnamon gives strength, determination, naturalness to feelings and actions; ennobles, makes pure and unique every minute of love play. Strengthens male strength, eliminates coldness in relationships, makes it easy to carry out multiple sexual contacts.

Lavender is a recognized, powerful aphrodisiac. It stimulates the awakening of sensuality. Its expressive aroma relieves tension, relieves complexes. Lavender essential oil improves cerebral circulation, has a pronounced antispasmodic and sedative properties.

In ancient times, it was believed that lavender relieves women of infertility, helps with childbirth. As a female aphrodisiac, she awakens in women an interest in the intimate side of life. This is one of the most erotic, subtle and gentle aphrodisiacs. It fosters relationships and intuitive understanding between partners.

Incense not considered a direct aphrodisiac. This oil helps to restore energy potential, heals, soothes, instills joy and happiness in the soul.

Lime can also be attributed to essential oils aphrodisiacs. It enhances libido, harmonizes relationships, excites, improves overall health. Has a beneficial effect on sexual activity. A woman relaxes, calms down, makes her more desirable and feminine. The aroma of lime helps to awaken vivid erotic emotions. This oil works great in erotic blends, especially for erotic massage. Lime ennobles relationships, clears emotions, enhances eroticism.

Lemon It is not a direct aphrodisiac, but due to its tonic and stimulating properties, it has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, which contributes to an increase in sexual interest in the opposite sex. Lemon pairs well with other vibrant aphrodisiac aromas. It enhances their scent and enhances their properties.

Mandarin is not a direct aphrodisiac. It has a relaxing effect on the body. Allows you to recover from an active night and gain strength for new achievements.

Lemon melissa- a bright, strong aphrodisiac. Significantly increases the duration of intercourse. As a male aphrodisiac, it enhances potency in men, awakens activity. It brings some novelty to the relationship and "drives you crazy" a little. Lemon melissa removes complexes, reveals sensuality. As a female aphrodisiac, it is also worthy of attention:Women become more relaxed and confident.

Myrrh. In ancient Judea, ointments from Myrrh were used for rejuvenation and sex appeal. Myrrh has a balsamic, magical effect. It strengthens the body, protects it from diseases, prevents infections, including sexually transmitted infections.

Scent Myrtle Is a strong aphrodisiac. Fills with passion and strength. Helps solve erectile dysfunction problems. Eliminates inferiority complexes, instills self-confidence and masculinity. Prolongs orgasm, increases the time of intercourse.

Juniper Is a very energetic, tonic aroma, an aphrodisiac of the universal group. It has a positive effect on the potency and on the general condition of the body of both men and women. The juniper scent is considered a strong aphrodisiac.

Carrot Is a mild aphodisiac essential oil. It is believed that the aroma of carrots activates the function of the sex glands and improves spermatogenesis. It prepares for conception, improves blood, cleanses the body. With its mild floral scent, carrot essential oil is well suited for erotic compositions.

Nutmeg- a bright, strong aphrodisiac. The oil stimulates blood circulation, restores erectile function. Increases, sharpens sensuality. Makes sensations bright, enchanting. Leads to a violent and prolonged orgasm. Promotes "marathon" sexual intercourse, lengthens its duration. Helps to recuperate after a stormy night.

Clary sage undoubtedly refers to aphrodisiac essential oils. It sharpens sensuality, evokes euphoria, and relaxes. Promotes fertility. Makes the partner more self-confident. Suitable for both men and women. As a female aphrodisiac, it has been known since ancient Egypt, when priests forced women to drink sage decoctions for fertility. This made it possible to restore the population after wars and epidemics.

Peppermint is considered a mild aphrodisiac essential oil. Better known as a male aphrodisiac. Interestingly, in ancient Greece, soldiers were forbidden to use mint, so that nothing could distract them from military tasks. This plant is included in the recipes of many love love drinks. She gives masculine strength, energy, excites and promotes ardent passion. At the same time, yata clarifies the mind and forces one to be guided by a sense of reason, and not by a frivolous decision of a clouded mind. This scent allows a man to perform male acts, helps to take and bear responsibility for a relationship with a woman.

Neroli- a strong aphrodisiac that opens the door to the magical and mysterious world of all-consuming passion, enhances potency and sensitivity, allows you to experience long-term enjoyment of orgasm. Legendary aphrodisiac, which is part of the brightest, trail, erotic perfume compositions. Thanks to the chemical elements indole and jasmon, the aphrodisiac Neroli essential oil has an incredible attractive power and a unique erotic scent.

The scent of Neroli is a symbol of the revival of passion. He is able to awaken sensuality and affect libido even in adulthood. As a male aphrodisiac, it solves problems of erectile function in men, as a female aphrodisiac - eliminates frigidity in women. Significantly increases libido. It excites, opens up new horizons, evokes tender feelings for a partner.

Palmarosa- intoxicating aroma, mild aphrodisiac essential oil. Better known as a feminine aphrodisiac, it is believed to be more suitable for women. Palmarosa is a natural plant estrogen. It eases the condition of women in menopause. Palmarosa has a mild effect on the sensory sphere. Helps to relax, open up in the arms of a man. Palmarosa prolongs a woman's sexual longevity.

Palmarosa is under the influence of Venus. It is often used as a love amulet. It is used in magical love rituals. Palmarosa will help protect what you have: it will keep your love, family, your home, your children from the evil eye and any encroachment.

Patchouli is a miraculous, powerful aphrodisiac. The oldest oriental erotic scent that awakens enthusiasm and erotic generosity. It actively influences the sexual relations of partners. As a male aphrodisiac, stimulates sexual desire, enhances potency in men, as a female aphrodisiac - eliminates frigidity in women.

Essential oil aphrodisiac patchouli rejuvenates the body, improves the functioning of the endocrine system. A woman smells the scent of patchouli from a man and cannot resist the temptation to spend time with him in an intimate setting. No wonder that most perfume compositions for men contain this essential oil - an aphrodisiac patchouli. This low, dense note attracts sexual energy, ties it into a tight knot that is difficult to untangle even over long marital years.

Petitgrain - very exotic aroma, strong aphrodisiac. As a male aphrodisiac, it enhances sexual desire. Restores potency in men, gives energy, vigor. Prolongs the time of intercourse. Helps to achieve sexual release. As a female aphrodisiac, it relaxes a woman, makes her more feminine, attractive and youthful in the eyes of a man. Strengthens desire and allows you to trust a man, open up completely.

Petitgrain is often used to make erotic perfume. It is often combined with ylang-ylang, rose, neroli. This essential oil is an aphrodisiac - a divine fragrance to attract love passion and tender, quivering love. It strengthens the marital relationship. A woman who has accustomed her husband to this aroma reliably keeps him near her for many years.

Parsley not considered a direct aphrodisiac, but in small doses it can work wonders. Love magic claims that parsley evokes passion and love, promotes childbirth. It restores hormones in women. He takes care of men's health. The scent is designed to eliminate fluid stagnation in the body. Parsley "flushes" diseases from the genital organs, drives away stagnant phenomena.

Attention: parsley can cause unwanted miscarriage! Parsley in the old days was scared, called it poison, so that young girls avoid this plant and do not do stupid things.

Siberian fir is not a direct aphrodisiac. But she remarkably restores strength, relieves overwork. A massage with fir oil will relax your back muscles and quickly put your partners in order after a stormy, passionate night.

The Rose. The scent of the rose is associated with rebirth and happiness. It is a very powerful aphrodisiac. The scent of this aphrodisiac essential oil helps mature people to conceive. He works miracles, revives extinct flesh and revives it to life. It is considered to a greater extent a feminine aphrodisiac, since it is more in line with the feminine principle. ... At the same time the scent of a rose stimulates the formation of sperm and makes them very active, so it should not be excluded from the list of male aphrodisiacs.

The scent of a rose is able to settle life everywhere, fill the world around you with love, joy and awe. It is in his power to decorate with bright emotions and tender feelings both newly emerging and mature relationships. Delightful sophistication of the senses blossoms under the influence of rose oil. Rose improves understanding and gives a reverent attitude towards a partner. Ideal for young shy natures.

Pink tree is a very strong aphrodisiac. Its smell intoxicates, uplifts, fosters sensuality. Considered a male aphrodisiac, this fragrance is often used to make a perfume for men. Helps with impotence, impotence. However, it is no less effective as a female aphrodisiac. Women often use rosewood essential oil to eliminate inferiority complexes. This aroma helps to get rid of shyness, extinguishes the shame on the face, allows you to relax and relax. The scent of rosewood attracts men like a bee to a flower. It relaxes, calms, improves mood.

Rosemary- a bright and strong aphrodisiac. Refers to "sprint fragrances", contributes to a very long-lasting love affair. Rosemary is able to influence both the body and the soul of lovers. As a male aphrodisiac, rosemary helps men cope with impotence. Makes them active, energetic. Warms up the body, makes it more enduring.

However, the aphrodisiac essential oil of rosemary has strong aphrodisiac properties for both men and women. Useful as a female aphrodisiac as it regulates female mood swings due to hormonal changes.

Rosemary helps to sort out feelings. Allows you to distinguish light love from deep feelings. Returns to the real world, eliminates dreams, eliminates mistakes in relationships between partners, but at the same time inspires romantic actions. It inspires, warms, enhances receptivity, inspires relationships, allows you to open the most beautiful sides of the soul. Promotes the repetition of erotic contacts, increasing their duration and intensity. Makes relationships more sensual.

chamomile... Not a direct aphrodisiac, but may relieve physical and emotional discomfort. Relieves pain in women of different etiology, in particular, eliminates migraines and headaches. Balances emotional outbursts. Soothes an overly agitated organism. Promotes relaxation and rest after love pleasures.

Sandal. A strong aphrodisiac of a universal nature, that is, it is suitable for both women and men. It is a powerful love stimulant. As a male aphrodisiac, he is able to wake up the masculine principle literally from scratch, while giving enough energy for victories on the marriage bed. By using mandalas as a feminine aphrodisiac, a woman becomes more sensual. A desire for intimacy flares up in her. She becomes liberated, becomes desirable for a partner. This oil makes it easier to achieve orgasm.

If you make aromatic sandalwood oil and apply it directly to the "active organs" before closeness, you will notice that the size increases significantly, as there is a congestion of blood to the genitals. The oil exacerbates the sensory properties of the personality, revealing the most intimate motives of the partner, enhances fantasy, gives intoxicating, sophistication to erotic contact, gives a blues rhythm to sexual play and bright excitability from slow, gentle caresses. Increases potency. Maintains the health of the reproductive organs for many years.

Pine- essential oil, a strong male aphrodisiac. Pine helps against sexual impotence. Promotes the birth of healthy offspring. Makes men more energetic, courageous, determined. Gives a burst of energy, diversifies erotic gestures. Promotes self-confidence, increases the duration of sexual contacts, saturating them with fire and recklessness. As a female aphrodisiac, it helps women feel comfortable and protected in their partner's arms.

Thyme. This oil is not a direct aphrodisiac, but indirectly eliminates personal problems associated with tightness, complexes, self-doubt. Helps men cope with premature ejaculation, women - to become more sensual, deal with frigidityduring menopause. The aroma helps to open up insecure, nervous natures, restores strength and awakens emotions, enhances potency, facilitates erotic revelations of partners.

Thuja. This essential oil aphrodisiac restores strength, gives sexual energy, promotes mutual understanding between partners. Prevents the transmission of infectious venereal diseases. Suitable for both women and men. Eliminates sexual impotence, promotes the development of sensuality in women.

Yarrow is not a direct aphrodisiac. It is designed to protect the body, especially the female. Promotes the purification of sexual energy, cleanses body fluids, maintains health, improves reproduction. Brings the relationship of lovers to a higher level. Protects relationships, protects the union.

Dill seeds. The scent of dill is more of a female aphrodisiac. It allows a woman to be more liberated in intimacy with a man, to become herself. Includes her feminine principle, brings feminine energy back to normal. Allows her to open up to the chosen one, to see his best sides in him.

Fennel Is an active, strong aphrodisiac. Suitable for both men and women, but has a more significant effect as a female aphrodisiac, since it contains a large amount of plant estrogen. Fennel lets a woman prolong her sex life, makes her more attractive in the eyes of a man, movements - smooth, and character - docile. Helps increase lactation for those who do not have enough milk to feed their baby.

Citronella. A bright, strong aphrodisiac. As a male aphrodisiac, it significantly increases the duration of intercourse. Strengthens the potency in men, awakens activity. It brings some novelty to the relationship and "drives you crazy" a little. It is also used as a female aphrodisiac: women become more relaxed, self-confident, citronella removes complexes, reveals sensuality.

Thyme - an aphrodisiac essential oil that awakens sexual energy. Prolongs the act of love. Awakens passion in a woman, the ability to reproduce. Makes a couple harmonious and active. Restores the strength of lovers.

Black pepper- another active, powerful aphrodisiac of a universal character. Black pepper gives you sexual energy for years to come. Stimulates sexual activity. Awakens passion and desire. Prolongs the time of intercourse. Good for both women and men. Equally effective in eliminating frigidity and impotence. Causes erotic euphoria.

Salvia officinalis This aphrodisiac essential oil sharpens sensuality. Causes euphoria, relaxes. Promotes fertility. Makes the partner more self-confident. Suitable for both men and women. In ancient Egypt, priests forced women to drink sage decoctions for fertility. This made it possible to restore the population after wars and epidemics.

Eucalyptus- mild aphrodisiac essential oil. Increases sexual energy, instills confidence, gives strength, restores lost strength.

To heighten sensuality, develop and strengthen love relationships, it is convenient to use aphrodisiac essential oils as perfumes. Let's see how to make perfume from essential oils at home. Such natural perfumes not only have a pleasant aroma, but also have healing properties.

To make a perfume from essential oils with a harmonious scent, you need to adhere to some rules:

1. Decide for yourself what emotional effect you want to receive from perfume.

2. Correctly combine essential oils according to the notes of aroma.

3. Use only 100% natural essential oils to create perfumes.

4. When mixing perfume components, do not use metal objects.

5. When composing a composition, always write down what and in what quantity of essential oils you use.

Perfume classification by type

Perfumes are classified according to the type of aroma into 5 main types: coniferous, citrus, floral, chypre, oriental.

Coniferous (green) aromas. Perfumes of this type consist mainly of coniferous essential oils such as cedar, juniper, pine, to which citrus aromas or essential oils of sage and lavender are added. This perfume has a cooling and invigorating scent that is popular with men.

Citrus aromas. Perfumes of this type have a light, fresh scent and are composed of citrus oils that are combined with spice aromas or floral essential oils. This type of scent is popular with men, but also suitable for women.

Floral armata. Perfumes of this type are created from floral essential oils such as rose, neroli, jasmine and ylang ylang. This type of scent is suitable for women.

Fragrances of the Chypre type. Perfumes of this type are based on combinations of moss, woody and floral essential oils. This perfume has a deep warm scent mixed with floral or citrus notes. Often the smell of such scents resembles the smell of a forest after a rain. The composition of such perfumes, as a rule, includes the scent of patchouli and oakmoss, which are often combined with essential oils of bergamot, sandalwood, jasmine and rose. Such perfumes can be both masculine and feminine.

Oriental flavors. Perfumes of this type tend to contain warmth and secrecy. They are quite heavy and tenacious. The essential oils of vetiver, patchouli, and sandalwood are often used in this type of perfume. Women's fragrances tend to have a sweet heavy floral scent, while men's fragrances are less sweet and have a greater emphasis of citrus and clary sage and lavender essential oils.

Once you have decided on the type of perfume, you can start creating your own fragrance. In order to make a balanced and harmonious mixture, it is necessary to consider the aromatic properties of essential oils.

Classification of essential oils by notes

According to their aromatic qualities, all essential oils are divided into top, middle and base notes.

Top notes (opening notes)- these are the smells of perfume that you feel first when you inhale the scent. They unfold and sound during the first 5-10 minutes. These are citrus, green notes of freshness.

Heart notes (middle notes) - these are the aromas that unfold over the next 10-20 minutes and sound from 1.5 to 3 hours. These are floral, spicy, fruity, woody aromas.

Base notes (trailing or trailing notes) are those aromas that open along with the heart notes after the top notes disappear and reach their pronounced sound after 2 hours. For some spirits, the sounding of the end notes can last up to 6-8 hours. These are musky, amber, heavy balms, resins, mosses.

Table of top, middle and base notes for creating perfumes

Top notes

Middle notes (heart notes)

Base notes (end notes)










pink tree

carrot oil





black pepper


tea tree





oak moss

This table is not final. It so happens that the aromas of the middle note pass into the aromas of the top notes and vice versa, it all depends on the overall composition.

To make a perfume from essential oils at home, to create a harmonious and balanced perfume, you must use the aromas of all three notes. The main proportion of the combination of fragrances in drops is 3: 2: 1. That is, 3 drops of top note oils, 2 drops of middle note oils, and 1 drop of base note oil. But other combinations are also acceptable, for example, 2 top notes and one middle or 2 top notes and one base, etc. When combining aromas, you should focus not only on the rules, but also on your own feelings. So…

Before you start creating your perfume, you need to decide what effect you want from the scent: soothing, refreshing, romantic, invigorating or exciting.

Soothing essential oils: cedar, chamomile, incense, geranium, lavender, patchouli, sage, neroli, vetiver, basil, jasmine. These essential oils have significant calming effects and help relieve depression, stress and insomnia.

Refreshing essential oils: mint, pine, cypress, cedar, lemon, lime, melissa.

Romantic atmosphere can be created using floral scents: neroli, rose, jasmine, lavender.

Cheer up essential oils of orange, mandarin, lemon, lime, bergamot, basil, grapefruit, petitgrain and orange will help.

To aphrodisiacs with stimulating properties, include essential oils of patchouli, ylang-ylang, neroli, sandalwood, jasmine.

Perfumes can be oil, alcohol and wax based. Oil based perfumes work well for scenting rooms and can also be added to shampoos, balms and creams. Alcohol-based perfumes are best applied directly to the body. Wax-based perfume has a solid consistency and has a persistent scent.

Both oily and solid perfumes should be applied carefully, in small quantities - behind the ears, at the bend of the elbows. Otherwise, these types of perfumes can leave a greasy mark on the skin and stain clothes.

How to make an oil based perfume

Jojoba oil works best as a base for creating oily perfumes. It does not have a pronounced odor, so it will not overpower the main aroma of essential oils. This oil also has a high permeability, is well absorbed and does not leave a greasy mark on the skin. Perfumes made on the basis of jojoba oil can be stored for up to 6 months.

To create an oil based perfume, take a dark glass bottle and fill it with 10 ml of jojoba oil. Next, add 15 to 20 drops of essential oils to the base oil. Add the base note oils first - slowly, drop by drop. Then add the oils in the middle notes - drop by drop, stir each time and inhale the scent to feel the scent change. Finally, add the top oils and mix everything well. Label the bottle and hide it in a cool, dark place for 1-2 weeks for the perfume to mature.

You can increase or decrease the amount of essential oils, depending on the intensity of the scent you want.

How to make perfume with alcohol-based essential oils

To create an oil-based perfume, it is better to use pure ethyl alcohol, but as a last resort, you can take vodka. If you decide to use vodka, you should choose a quality product that is odorless.

- Perfume: about 12-20% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

- Eau de parfum: 7-12% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

- Eau de Toilette: 4-7% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

Cologne: 2-5% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

For example, if you take 60 drops of essential oil and 100 ml base (100 ml x 20 = 2000 drops).

It is necessary to determine what percentage of the mixture will be 60 drops. We will use the knowledge from the school curriculum:

2000 drops - 100%

60 drops - x%;

So, to get a light cologne, we need to mix 60 drops (or 3 ml) of essential oil and 100 ml (or 2000 drops) of the base substance.

After you have decided on the concentration of the perfume, mix the essential oils with alcohol in a glass bottle. Adding essential oils is the same dropwise as when making oil perfumes. In doing so, evaluate the aroma every time. When the perfume is ready, close the lid and leave to “mature” in a cool dark place for 15-30 days.

How to make a solid perfume with essential oils

For solid perfumes, beeswax and base oils are used as a base. The base oils for solid perfumes can be olive oil, almond oil, grape oil, and jojoba oil. The classic ratio of base oil to wax is 1: 1.

Mix 2 teaspoons of the base oil and 40-45 drops of the essential oil blend. In this case, the aroma will have a rich smell, but you must take into account that the resulting mixture will be further diluted with wax.

Then melt 2 teaspoons of wax in a steam bath. Once all the beeswax has melted, add the oil mixture and stir well. Do not keep the mixture on fire for too long, as warmed essential oils evaporate quickly. Remove container from heat and stir again. While the mass has not hardened, pour it into a prepared container. A small jar with a plastic or glass lid can be used as a container for solid perfumes.

Making your own perfume from essential oils at home is a creative process, and you should primarily focus on your own feelings. Experiment and create your own scent that suits you and your goals.