What vitamin in the body corresponds to dry skin. Vitamins from dry skin. Preparations with the most important vitamins for skin

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, the skin is a lactum paper, an accurate indicator physical health and reliable external barrier. With age, it loses its elasticity and requires additional moisture. Often, even the highest quality cosmetics give only a temporary result. The problem lies from the inside. Stresses, lack of vitamins, poor ecology weaken the body. As a result, the skin becomes dry, dim, pulled. To correct this situation, it is necessary to correctly choose vitamins.

Dry skin


  1. Feeling of tightness (cheeks, hands, chin, forehead, forearm, zone decollete, legs and other parts of the body).
  2. Peeling plots early wrinkles. The skin matte, the pores are practically imperceptible.
  3. Redness, increased sensitivity to winter winds, cold air, cosmetics, fabrics.
  4. The feeling of discomfort is enhanced after washing.
  5. Reducing elasticity, pigmentation.

Causes of dry skin:

  1. The condition of the skin is influenced by both external and internal factors.
  2. Unfavorable environment: Aggressive ultra-violet rays, Frost, wind, long stay in rooms with dry air, emissions from industrial enterprises.
  3. The skin can dry when the organism in the work fails: the metabolic disorder (hormonal disorders, incorrect nutrition), aggravation of chronic diseases, age-related changes, avitaminosis (seasonal or chronic), violation of the water balance in the body.
  4. Incorrect skin care: poor-quality cosmetics, regular hot tubs, wash more than two times a day, rigid flowing water containing a lot of chlorine, too frequent use Scrabbs, alcohol-containing means, hard sponges.

Vitamins for dry skin

Vitamin C. Very good antioxidant, updates the cellular composition, participates in the formation of collagen, giving the skin elasticity and elasticity. Also strengthens the walls of the vessels, and improves blood flow. Due to this, the cells and organs are better absorbed oxygen and useful material. Accelerates the processes of hair growth and cell recovery, strengthens immunity. The largest quantity of this vitamin is contained in:

  • rosehip;
  • black currant;
  • grape;
  • grenade;
  • citrus;
  • cabbage;
  • green peas;
  • young potato.

It helps to restore and maintain epithelium tissues, improves metabolism, slows the process of cell aging, helps to get rid of age-related pigmentation. 50% of this vitamin people get from animal products:

Most useful vegetables:

  • bulgarian pepper;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • watermelon;
  • tomatoes;
  • apricots;
  • greens, especially parsley.

From berries is black currant, rowan, rosehip and sea buckthorn.

Vitamin E. Makes the skin soft and elastic, protects against cracks. Slows down the processes of aging in the body, improves the supply of cells with oxygen, reduces fatigue, dissolves blood clots. In large quantities, contained in:

  • vegetable oils (sunflower, cotton, soybean);
  • bread;
  • cereals;
  • broccoli;
  • brussels cabbage;
  • any leaf greenery;
  • whole cereals.

Vitamin H (biotin). Playing important role In the synthesis of lipids, amino acids and nucleic acids. With its disadvantage, dermatitis and skin depigmentation develops. Main sources:

  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • bread;
  • dairy products;
  • unlightened rice;
  • peas.

Raw egg white Does not assimilate biotin.

B. B. Vitamins contribute to the synthesis of essential acids, blood formation, normal liver operation, healing of ulcers. With a lack of vitamin, the skin suffers primarily. Natural sources:

  • meat and fish products;
  • cheeses;
  • almond;
  • walnut;
  • strawberry;
  • spinach;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • wheat.

PP (Nicotinic acid). Important vitamin, which must be used when drying dryness. Responsible for reducing reactions in cells, contributes to the absorption of vegetable protein and proper carbohydrate exchange. Replenish the reserves of this vitamin will help:

  • corn and oatmeal;
  • flour and dairy products;
  • wheat bran;
  • yeast;
  • peanut;
  • mushrooms;
  • fish;
  • chicken eggs.

Vitamin K. normalizes blood coagulation, protects against internal bleeding and hemorrhages. In large quantities, contained in:

  • greenery (cabbage, spinach, dill);
  • soybean oil;
  • fish oil;
  • yogurts;
  • malina;
  • green tea.

Vitamin D. Forms under the influence sun ray on the fat part of the cover. We are needed for absorption of vitamin A, skin elasticity, elimination inflammatory processes both in women and men. Also prescribed from peeling skin. People suffering from acne must drink these vitamins with caution.

They also prevent the destruction of cell membranes. The most natural source is the sun. From food - milk and all dairy products, as well as such types of fish, like a tuna, salmon, herring and sardines.

Vitamin complexes

Of course, it is best to get vitamins in natural form. But, on the advice of the doctor, you can take them in the form of injections and tablets. Injection is better to do in the hospital under the supervision of doctors, and not in the usual cosmetic office. It is also important to consider that in some cases It is allergic to one or another type of vitamin. Between the receptions of tablets from dry skin necessarily need to take a break. Suspension by vitamins is as dangerous for health, as well as their drawback. And one more important moment: Do not at the same time take vitamins inside and do vitamin masks. It can also lead to rebupping minerals.

The most popular names of the vitamins from the dryness of the skin:

  • Aequole;
  • Supradin Roche;
  • Solgar Biotin.

Before buying a drug against dryness of cover and start treatment, you should consult a doctor. After assigned analyzes, the doctor will say which trace elements should not be used to not aggravate the state.

It must be quality formulationswhich moisturize from the inside and do not cause side Effects. So that the skin does not dry, the capsules should be taken a whole course, as indicated in the instructions. Only so she will cease to crack and acquire healthy view.

The health and beauty of your skin directly depends on general status organism. Dry skin is not a sentence. Balanced, enriched with vitamins nutrition, competently selected cosmetics will help you get rid of this problem forever.

In order for the girl to be beautiful and need to make a lot of effort. It will also take time for necessary procedures. But first we will try to find out why dry skin appears. Causes and treatment are two important topicswhich will be further discussed in the article.

Why does the problem arise?

Causes can be completely different. This is bad heredity. Mom suffered from dry skin? This means there are every chance to purchase the same problem inheritance. Also with the age of the skin lack moisture. Then she begins to lose its elasticity and becomes dry. Also peeling can occur due to the deficit of vitamins in the body, which are responsible for sufficient selection silent glares Fat for moisture.

Many women resort to different cosmetics, believing that they will save the situation. And in some cases even use hormonal cosmetics. It is very detrimental effect on the state of the epidermis in the future. If the girl begins to use the creams, hormone-based lotions, then it should understand that when she decides to abandon use similar fundsThe skin can no longer function normally. What does it mean? After a girl used hormone cosmetics for some time and dramatically stop applying it, the skin condition deteriorates sharply. It becomes sluggish, dry, can be gray.

Therefore, before using hormonal cosmetics, consult with a dermatologist, whether there is a need for this or you can do without it. And only after a specialist will appoint you similar drugs, start using them.


The main signs of dry skin:

  • pigmentation appears on the body;
  • the skin becomes inelastic;
  • peeling appears;
  • the skin can be inflamed, becomes red and there is an unpleasant burning sensation;
  • it is felt tension, especially on the face, neck and in the zone of neckline.

Women can be owners of dry skin of different ages. But the older the lady becomes, the more this problem begins to disturb her. At the age of 25 years, the girl may not be suspected of dry skin. Since this problem may remain completely hidden. Pores are not extended, no acne or heavier rashes on the skin, and many take it for normal. And only after 25, signs of dry and rough skin begin to manifest.

In order to reduce dry skin, it is necessary to feed it not only outside, but also from the inside. You must take vitamins and other trace elements.

If you have dry skin, what to do can tell your cosmetologist or dermatologist. The main thing is to recognize the cause of dryness.

Character of manifestations

In order to understand what vitamins are needed from dry skin, you need to know about the nature of the manifestation of their deficit on the body of a woman.

If your skin becomes dry, peeling and appear painful feelingsThis indicates a shortage in the body of Vitamin A. He is responsible for developing skin Sala.

If you notice that wrinkles began to appear anymore and the face loses its clear outlines, then it most likely, that in the body the lack of vitamin C. He is responsible for the production of collagen.

Red irritated skin makes it clear that in the body in excess Vitamin E. Therefore, pay attention to the consumption of products with this element.

Also responsible for the healthy view of your skin vitamins of group B. Its absence is notable. The skin becomes sluggish. She also acquires dark tint, especially under the eyes.

PP vitamins are responsible for better skin regeneration. Therefore, they must be in the diet.

In order to look healthy, you need to add the necessary vitamins from dry skin. You also need to do all sorts of masks and enveloping. Only in the complex can be achieved desired resultAnd your face, hands and body will look beautiful.


We find out what products you need vitamins from dry skin.

If you have started by avitaminosis, then try to eat more than greenery, red and orange products. Also in milk contains a large amount of vitamin A. So drink it more often.

Fill the vitamin with us will help with all the favorite citrus. It may be lemon, tangerines, orange, grapefruit - depending on who loves more. A large amount of this element in the rosehip, currant, rowan.

Vitamin E is the most "harmful" of all. It is possible to fill it by cold squeezing of cereals. Oil, which is mined from them, can be eaten or applied to the face in the form of various masks.

The shortage of vitamins in easily can be filled, regularly by using porridge, different dairy products. Also a large amount of this item is contained in chicken eggs.

PP vitamins are in pork, fish, beef liver, potatoes, tomatoes, also in chicken eggs. Carrots, dates - all this can be used in raw form. It does not prevent well the needed element.


Vitamins from dry skin can be applied in the form of masks on face, neck and zone neckline.

Funds can be made of oil compositions that are sold in a pharmacy, as well as from ordinary products.

What will help if a woman has dry skin. What do you need to do? You can try masks. Before you are going to apply this to the skin, it must be previously cleansed from cosmetics and from any contaminants. After that, boldly superimpose the mixture. The peculiarity is that after you wash it, it is necessary to use a moisturizing cream to secure the effect.

Means with clay

A mask with clay and vitamins A and E. The latter components must be in ampoules purchased in the pharmacy.

Take a couple of drops of vitamin, one tablespoon olive oil. Then mix it all with cosmetic clay. There should be homogeneous thick mass. It must be applied to the face until it is frozen. During the procedure, it is impossible to talk. Since the mask is pulling the skin, and in the mimic movements, the clay will simply fall off from the face. This procedure It will take you no more than half an hour. The mask is washed off with water. Then the face is wiped well until complete drying, and after that cream is applied.

Remember that an open vitamin ampoules must be stored in a cool and dark place.

Funds with vitamin E

The skin around the eyes is the same as on other sites, may be susceptible to dryness. But since under the eyes very thin and delicate leatherThe mask should not be "aggressive." Therefore, apply, as well as wash, it is necessary very neat. Still need to do such masks as prevention to prevent early appearance Mimic wrinkles.

For this, the means is necessary (no more than one tablespoon) and the oil solution of vitamin E. Mix both ingredients and neat movements apply them to the skin around the eyes. Twenty minutes remove cotton disks. You can also use special wet wipes. Remember that when removing the eye mask, it is necessary to produce as little as possible mechanical impact. Since the skin is very delicate and exposed to rapid stretching.

Nutrient with vitamins

One more nourishing mask And very useful for all skin types. It is necessary to take honey and mix it with vegetable oil, at the end add two egg yolks. All ingredients mix to homogeneous consistency. Before applying a mask on the skin of the face a little warm the mixture in a water bath, but so that it is not hot. Then leave the mask on the face for 20 minutes. Then beching warm waterOr you can remove the disk mask moistened in the linden brave.

Do not forget to apply a mask on a face need special massage movements. They will pull up your skin preventing it premature aging.

Not many women have time to prepare masks at home. In this case, you can solve the problems, glowing into a moisturizing cream a couple of drops of vitamins. This method will also prevent the dryness of your skin.


Now you know which skin dryness. We hope that our recommendations will help you in solving such a problem.

Ladies' hands - this is an indicator female health and beauty. Well-groomed fingers and nails, smooth skin And the absence of any problems is a dream. But what to do if the skin of the hands is not perfect? This article will tell you how vitamin is not enough if the skin is peeling on his hands and give valuable advicehow to maintain beautiful condition Hands.

Vitamins for hands

In order to maintain your handles in perfect conditionThe body requires comprehensive nutrition and vitamins. If the first is becoming more and less clear, the question with vitamins remains open. When you do not know what vitamin is not enough if the skin flakes in his arms, comprehensive treatment May be useless. As a rule, for the condition of the skin is responsible large list Vitamins and disadvantage of each can manifest itself differently and, accordingly, requires individual approach to the problem.

In order to female hands Always looked well-kept, the following vitamins are needed:

  1. Vitamin A - is responsible for the youth of the skin and elasticity, which is why dryness and peeling are the first signs of a lack of this vitamin.
  2. Vitamins of group B are needed to regenerate skin cells and nutrition. If the body lacks any vitamins of the B, the skin begins to crack.
  3. Vitamin C - prevents premature aging of the skin, as it supplies with oxygen. As soon as the skin is not to get vitamin C, it will become pale.
  4. Vitamin E is responsible for the normal water-fat balance of the skin, as a result, the lack of vitamin E will immediately appear in the form of dry and peeling skin, including the skin of the hands.

Causes of peeling skin

Most women are lost in guess, as soon as they start any problems with the skin of the hands - what to do? How to quickly bring your hands in order? What caused the peeling? Start from the end.

The reasons for peeling hands can be a lot and all of them are completely different:

  1. winding soap;
  2. dilution resulting in frost without gloves;
  3. contact with irritating skin substances, in particular detergents;
  4. lack of vitamins, especially Vitamin A.

If the majority listed reasons more refers to mechanical damage Skin, then the lack of vitamins is a problem that comes from the inside. First of all, thereby manifests the lack of vitamin A, which is involved in the formation of skin cells. Also, the deterioration of the skin of the skin may indicate the lack of vitamin E.

It is impossible to get rid of peeling quickly. First, you need to pay attention to your nutrition, because beauty skin is coming From the inside and one cosmetics will not be able to put the skin of the hands. Secondly, since you made it, then one-time events will not help. It is necessary to constantly care for the skin of the hands in order not to allow peeling to continue.

And the answer is main question - "what to do?" Very simple - you need to make masks for hands. Simple lubrication cream not enough to all required substances Penetrated in the deep layers of the epidermis, and the baths for hands will be good for the prophylaxis of peeling.

Peeling of the skin on hand:may be a manifestation of vitaminodeficiency

Hand masks with vitamins

To leave the skin for a long time remaining attractive, it is necessary to make masks for hands containing vitamins A and E.

Frequent use mask

In order to prepare a mask that can be applied to the flakes of the hands of the hands several times a day you will need to mix the following oils:

  1. Anyone vegetable oil - 100 ml.;
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - 30ml;
  3. Oil solution of vitamin A - 15 drops.

All oils are mixed and the resulting composition you can lubricate the peeling hands every day several times.

Moisturizing Mask with Vitamins

Of course, the moisturizing cream is necessary for the skin of the hands, which is peeling, but even better if you use a moisturizing mask. For her cooking you will need:

  1. Vitamin A - 10 drops;
  2. Vitamin E - 10 drops;
  3. Almond oil - 1 tablespoon;
  4. Yolk eggs - 1 pc.;
  5. Banana - Half, about 100g.

Banana and chicken yolk are thoroughly mixed, it should be puree, which is then added almond oil and solutions of vitamins A and E. Finished mask You can apply on dry skin of the hands, then wear special polyethylene or rubber gloves and insulate. Holding a mask for 20 minutes. After the laid time, the mask can be flush with warm water.

Moisturizing carrot mask

Everyone knows how much vitamin A in carrots, which is why the mask for hands on its basis will be a real salvation for dry and peeling skin. You will need:

  1. Carrots - 2 tablespoons;
  2. Banana - 1 pc.;
  3. Creamy oil - 1 teaspoon;
  4. Honey - 1 tablespoon.

Carrots are rubbed on the grater, the banana is grinding to the state of the puree, the creamy oil calm, and the honey is heated so that it becomes liquid. Then all the ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin of the hands. thin layerSpecial gloves are put on top. Mask standing time - 30 minutes.

Vitamin mask

To enrich the hands of the hands with the necessary vitamins, you need the following mixture:

  1. Honey - 1 teaspoon;
  2. Vitamin A - 10 drops;
  3. Vitamin E - 10 drops.

Thorough mixing heated honey with oil vitamins A and E, then we appline a mask on clean peeled hands and withstand about 25 minutes, after which we wash the warm water.

The use of nutritional creams, weekly baths and masks for hands with vitamins make the skin velvety, soft and tender. Proper nutrition And reliable care for the skin of the hands will not allow your hands to peel and deliver discomfort, which is so important for every woman.

Our skin is even right daily care And regular cleansing is periodically faced with certain problems. So, on the skin of the face there are dry areas, redness, the skin becomes an unhealthy pale gray shade, peeling. Scrubs, peelings and masks, as well as shift cosmetics Do not help. What is happening? In fact, our skin signals us that it lacks certain vitamins and elements.

Consider the most common problems of the skin of the face and find out which vitamins are not enough and what products it is necessary to urgently include in your daily diet Nutrition.

- The skin becomes dry, begins to peel. Dry areas appear on the skin, lips are peeling. After morning wash Persons seem that the skin is very tight. There is a state of discomfort.

You have a shortage Vitamin A. (Retinol) and Karoto. These vitamins are responsible for normal operation. sweat ironHolding moisture and ensuring the elasticity of the skin.

In the diet, it is necessary to include: liver, dairy products, egg yolk, carrots, pumpkin, red pepper, tomatoes, turf, tangerines, oranges, parsley and dill.

- Rough skin. Disadvantage Vitamin B3. , Proteins and amino acids tryptophan, Nicotinic acid deficiency ( Vitamin PP.). In medicine, such a problem is called Pellage. Pellagra is a disease, one of the vitaminosis, which occurs during chronic malnutrition or with the same type of nutrition. This leads to a frustration of carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

With such a skin problem you need to lean on cereals and bread from coarse grinding flour. Include on the menu dried mushrooms, legumes (beans, peas, soy), garlic, cabbage, bell pepper, potatoes and asparagus.

- Pale skin, unhealthy earthy color Persons. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, peeling around the body Speaks about deficiency Vitamin B2. (Riboflavina). B2 gives the skin blooming view, participates in carbohydrate exchange, the assimilation of proteins and fats, is responsible for hemoglobin.

Sources of vitamin B2 for are milk and dairy products: Prostokvash, kefir, cheeses, sour cream, lean meat, liver, egg yolk, bakery yeast.

Vitamin B12. also responsible for the condition of the skin, healthy color Persons, hemoglobin. The products containing vitamin B12 is a lean beef, liver, sorrel, egg yolk, spinach, cabbage, beets, carrots, radishes, raisins, figs, oranges, tangerines, oatmeal and buckwheat.

- The skin loses elasticity, elasticity, fades. Ranks and abrasions are healing for a long time.

You are lacking Vitamin C and Zinc. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, responsible for skin elasticity, strengthens the capillaries and vessels.

Vitamin C - Rosehip Fruits, Black Currant, Lemons, Oranges, Mandarins, walnuts, sea buckthorn, sauerkraut, parsley.

Zinc It has anti-inflammatory and healing effect, protects the skin from microbes and bacteria. Zinc is contained in almonds, peanuts, walnuts, garlic, sweet pepper, carrots, cabbage.

- The skin loses elasticity, saves, unhealthy color Persons. This often happens in those who are fond of low-calorie diets, vegetarians. Such problems indicate a lack of iron. This element is part of hemoglobin and accepts active participation In tissue breathing.

Iron It is contained in such products as lean beef, liver, sorrel, egg yolk, spinach cabbage, beets, carrots, radishes, raisins, figs, oranges, tangerines, oatmeal and buckwheat.

- Nails break, appears on the body allergic rash, hair is shaking and fall out. Your body does not receive the desired calcium dose. Sources Calcium - milk and dairy products, eggs, cauliflower, salad, onions, parsley, apples.

- Redness of the skin on the nose and cheeks, the skin flakes.

Such skin problems happen if you use in large quantities Spices, pickles, alcohol, they expand the capillaries, which is why skin redness occurs.

- Gnoves and acne rash.

Often it arises due to excessive consumption of oily and sweet food.

- the yellowish color of the face arises due to the hobbies of black strong tea and coffee beverages.

Diverse your diet, add to your daily menu Those products containing you need vitamins and elements will find yourself from those products that provoke skin problems.

Traineer-nutritionist, sports nutritiologist, honored by Evehealth


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Proven information

This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and cosmetologists seeks to be objective, unpredictable, honest and submit both sides of the argument.

Each girl wants to be beautiful and attractive. By no means, many of the weak representatives are confident that beautiful and well-groomed appearance is their passing in a comfortable and measured life.

But how can you be beautiful, without skin care, especially when it undergoes difficulties, and lifeless? Of course, each has its own overall care, limiting, as a rule, washing and applying the feed cream. But this, often, not enough.

Well last method Applications, this is an outdoor impact. Vitamins can be added to a cream or face mask, thus actuating directly on problem areas.

Effectively cope with dry skin special tonic. Thanks liquid formUseful substances quickly penetrate the skin and act instantly. Especially popular uses with Hammamelis. This ingredient has unique properties. It moisturizes the skin, accelerates healing, removes swelling and inflammation, protects against infections. Tonic with Hammelis can be used to treat eczema, acne, cooperosis, facilitate the state after insect bites. They also quickly help cope with bruises.

Today, the sale of sales among funds with Hamamelis has become:

About humidifying skin does not need to forget mature women. With age, the skin begins to lose moisture, it becomes dry, loses elasticity. Therefore, it is important to saturate the skin with antioxidants that will help restore the natural water balance, speed up the update of cells and the production of collagen, thereby returned to the skin elasticity and elasticity. For example, effectively help mature skin. This cream is universal. It can be used as a day or night cream. Natural components Certify S. age-related changes And get the skin to the skin former youth.

Now you know that dry skin testifies to a shortage of some vitamin. Proper nutrition and timely vitamin feeding - the key to beauty, youth and longevity of each body.

In this article we will tell you about what vitamins are best taken to give the skin natural glitter and elasticity. Especially needed such vitamins of beauty, as, and E and C. Consider each separately.

Vitamin A (Retinol) - This is a protector from infectious diseases. It improves eyesight and hormonal system, refreshing skin cells, and also protects nerve cells Brain from negative impact.

If vitamin is enough, the skin looks smooth and elastic, and the hair is not susceptible to falling out. The content of this vitamin in carrots, melon, fish, eggs and liver.

Beneficial influence provides and. An important antioxidant, with its consumption, the length of the cells becomes longer. It does not give oxidizing the fats that are in cell membranes and, displays slags.

Also responsible for reproduction and sex insight. Vitamin can be obtained in sufficient quantity After use walnuts, melons, beans, soybeans, etc.

Great amount vitamin C. contained in citrus summer cabbage, melon, rosehip and other products. It depends on the functioning of the intestines, immunity, the condition of the teeth and skin, the formation of blood shaped elements.

Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant capable of transforming fading skin. With a debt of consumption ascorbic acid It is possible to improve the complexion and strengthen the blood vessels, speeding up the regeneration of small skin damage.

Vitamins Group B. Also important in the youth of the skin. Improve the work of the brain, metabolism, saturate the skin cells with oxygen and ensures normal operation of the semination of the skin. You can list a huge number of vitamins of this group.
Vitamins of group B are among the most important vitamin to combat skin aging, imperfections, wrinkles and skin disease. Vitamins of group B, as a rule, are used separately for better assimilation.

Practically rarely refer to retinol - vitamin R.which prevents the appearance acne, hair loss and bleeding gums. Many vitamins lose their benefit when heat treatment, so if products can be eaten in raw form, it is better not to cook and even more so fry.

Vitamin K., best Assistant For those who wish to get rid of freckles soon. This component is fighting perfectly with pigmentation, as well as removing swelling and inflammation.

Synthetic vitamins are also useful, but better before taking them inside to consult with a specialist. Help the body to receive vitamins from their products with high content, and you will see how beauty and youth increase every day.

The simplest I. effective way The assimilation of vitamin in the body is definitely their internal consumption. If you want the face skin to remain clean and healthy, you need to go to proper nutrition.

Exclude from its diet fried, flour and fat. Consume more fruits, vegetables, fish cooked for a couple, porridge and dairy products.

It is also worth noting that the complexes of vitamin adorning the counters of stores, not an empty sound in the skin care. With their help, you can enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which markedly transforming your appearance.

For vegetarians, people who are often sitting on diets or suffer from food allergies, special biologically will become particularly relevant active additivesSubmitted on the iHerb website. Such drugs are also suitable in winter time when the daily diet is limited.

Famous companies, such as Now Foods, Nature's Way, 21st Century, Life Extension and others, offer balanced and natural supplements that will enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which will necessarily be markedly in the state of your skin.

If you have very dry skin, then vitamins are your saviors. This does not mean that it is necessary to run into the pharmacy for expensive complexes, and you need everything to revise the diet, to make more vegetables and fruits in it, drink more and less use harmful products.

To the question: what kind of vitamins to drink with dry skin can talk a lot, but that minerals and trace elements benefit for your body - it is important to take advice from a specialist and then take drugs.

Dryness I. yellowish color Persons say O. excessive use coffee beverages as well as eating alcoholic beverage without measure. Refuse such addictions, enter into the diet products rich in natural sources of vitamins and get rid of skin problems.

When your skin after washing is very clouded, she lacks life gloss and elasticity, then you can purchase vitamins in a pharmacy for dry skin for the purpose of the doctor or regularly moisturize skin Covers Masks based on natural ingredients, sour cream, honey, various species Oils.

If the skin is also rough, this indicates the emergence of Pellagra, Avitaminosis, which comes in chronic malnutrition, with the same type of nutrition. This leads to a frustration of carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

With such a problem, you need to lean on whole grain cereals, use bread from coarse grinding flour, including dried mushrooms, bean, garlic, cabbage, sweet pepper, potatoes and asparagus.


Dry skin talks about the lack of vitamins and trace elements that our body need so much. Therefore, it is necessary to take a timely action to restore the vitamin balance, in order not to entail more serious consequences that are associated with the functionality of all human bodies.

Take care of yourself and do not start minor diseases! Health to you and all the best!