When amniotic fluid is formed. Why amniotic fluid is needed. Isolation of amniotic fluid before delivery

Pregnancy is a period not only joyful, but also hectic, it does not always pass serenely. Expectant mothers often face a wide variety of complications. Some of them cause only slight anxiety and go away on their own, others can lead to serious consequences and require immediate medical attention. One of these complications is the leakage of amniotic fluid.

“The reasons for the leakage of amniotic fluid can be very different. Most often, the release of amniotic fluid is due to some kind of inflammatory process in the body. Also, leakage can be provoked by isthmic-cervical insufficiency, anatomical anomalies in the structure of the uterus, abdominal trauma and many other factors. Sometimes it is not possible to establish the exact cause, "explains Aza Balova, obstetrician-gynecologist of the network of centers of reproduction and genetics "Nova Clinic".

According to our expert, leakage of amniotic fluid is very dangerous, since it is associated with a high risk of stillbirth, death in the perinatal period, as well as the development of various diseases in newborns.

“The further tactics of pregnancy during the leakage of amniotic fluid largely depends on the period. The larger it is, the better the prognosis, ”the doctor adds.

The role of amniotic fluid

First, the amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) fills the fetal bladder, creating a comfortable and safe environment for the developing fetus throughout pregnancy. Thanks to the amniotic fluid, the fetus can move freely and actively, while the waters soften its movements, protecting the mother from sudden jolts.

Secondly, the waters form a kind of shock-absorbing barrier that protects the child from external influences, from being squeezed by the walls of the uterus.

In addition, sterile amniotic fluid is involved in the child's nutritional processes and does not allow pathogenic organisms from the external environment to enter the fetal bladder. The waters are renewed every few hours, while constantly maintaining the optimal chemical composition.

By the end of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid reaches 1.5 liters. Normally, the fetal bladder ruptures and water is poured out during the first stage of labor at a gestational age of at least 38 weeks. In 10-15 percent of pregnant women, the integrity of the membrane of the fetal bladder is disrupted long before the due date of birth, which can lead to serious consequences for the mother and the baby.

Signs and diagnosis

Massive discharge of water is difficult to confuse with something, since a large volume of liquid is poured out at the same time. But in some cases, a hidden rupture of the fetal bladder occurs, the membrane tears in its upper or lateral part and water can leak in a small amount. Sometimes a woman does not notice the leak for a long time.

The main sign of amniotic fluid leakage is watery discharge, which intensifies with physical exertion and a change in body position.

Sometimes, especially in late pregnancy, water leakage can easily be confused with normal vaginal discharge, which can become more abundant and thinner than usual towards the end of pregnancy. It is also not uncommon for water leakage to be confused with urinary incontinence - the increased volume of the uterus presses on the bladder, and with physical exertion, laughter or sudden movements, urine can be involuntarily excreted in small quantities.

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If the water leaks in large quantities, the belly of the pregnant woman may decrease in volume, sometimes there is also a decrease in the height of the fundus of the uterus.

Due to the fact that amniotic fluid does not have a color and a specific odor, their slight leakage can go unnoticed for a long time, and even a doctor is not always able to recognize the problem. For diagnostics in this case, special tests are prescribed. Most often, this is a cytological analysis of a smear from the posterior fornix of the vagina, designed to determine the presence of elements of amniotic fluid in the vaginal discharge.

With profuse leakage, diagnostic methods such as a regular vaginal examination and a test of a cough impulse can be informative (physical tension when coughing causes an increase in leakage).

If other methods do not give an accurate result, in cases where the condition of the pregnant woman inspires fear for her and the fetus's life and health, the amniocentesis method is used - a safe non-toxic dye is injected into the cavity of the fetal bladder, and a clean tampon is placed in the patient's vagina.

Staining the tampon with one hundred percent probability indicates the leakage of water, but the amniocentesis method is dangerous in itself, since during its implementation the integrity of the membrane of the fetal bladder has to be forcedly violated.

Photo: Tetra Images - Jamie Grill / Brand X Pictures / Getty Images

A woman rarely manages to independently determine if amniotic fluid is leaking. If suspicions have arisen, the “clean diaper” method is the easiest way to confirm or deny them. To do this, the pregnant woman needs to simply wipe herself dry and lie down on a clean, dry diaper for 30-60 minutes after completely emptying her bladder and thoroughly washing herself. If, after this, a damp spot is found on the diaper, you should immediately seek medical attention.

There are also special tests that allow you to determine the leakage of water with a high degree of probability at home. The test consists of a swab, reagent bottle, and test strip. A tampon is inserted into the vagina for a while, and then placed in a bottle with a solution. After that, a test strip must be lowered into the vial, on which lines appear, indicating a rupture of the membranes or its absence.

One line means there is no gap, two - confirm its fact

Causes and consequences of amniotic fluid leakage

The reasons for rupture of the membranes are usually the following:

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs, causing the membranes of the membranes to thin and lose elasticity. These can be such common diseases as colpitis or endocervicitis.
  • Isthmico-cervical insufficiency. If the cervix does not close completely, a fetal bladder can protrude into the cervical canal. In this state, it can easily become infected and damaged.
  • Multiple pregnancy. In this case, the walls of the uterus and membranes of the membranes are exposed to great stress.
  • Developmental abnormalities, benign or malignant formations of the uterus
  • Significant physical activity, physical abuse, abdominal trauma

Leakage of amniotic fluid is a serious complication of pregnancy, requiring immediate medical attention and hospitalization. The fact is that a violation of the integrity of the bladder threatens with a premature onset of labor and infection of the fetus - the baby is not protected by an airtight bladder and a barrier of amniotic fluid against infections.

The embryo in the uterus develops inside a special bladder - the so-called amnion - and is surrounded by amniotic fluid. Its second name is amniotic fluid. They have nutritional and protective functions. For any problems associated with amniotic fluid (leakage and others), the pathology of pregnancy can be diagnosed.

More about this substance

Amniotic fluid is formed by "sweating" of blood plasma from the woman's vessels, and at the last stages of their production, the embryo itself (its kidneys, lungs and skin) begins to take part. The composition of this liquid includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, micro- and macroelements - everything that is necessary for nutrition and full development of the fetus.

On the other hand, the embryo itself gives up into it the products of its vital activity, which are then excreted by the excretory system of the mother. In the early stages of pregnancy, amniotic fluid is close in composition to the blood plasma of a woman, and closer to childbirth, more and more fetal urine, its epithelial cells, vellus hair, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands become in them.

The volume of this important substance normally ranges from 0.6 to 1.5 liters, increases with the course of pregnancy, and slightly decreases before childbirth. The amniotic fluid fills the bladder completely, but allows the embryo to move freely. It looks like ordinary water, sometimes with a pinkish, greenish or brownish tint, but normally it is always colorless and transparent.

The main functions of amniotic fluid:

  • saturation of the developing child's body with all the necessary nutrients;
  • removing slags from it;
  • thermoregulation;
  • protection from mechanical damage, including squeezing the umbilical cord, and harsh sounds;
  • prevention of any infections: the liquid is always sterile and is completely renewed every 3 hours, which prevents its stagnation and the growth of bacteria;
  • diagnostics of the course of pregnancy, including the ability to determine the blood group, Rh factor and gender of the unborn child;
  • stimulation of labor: they begin when the amniotic fluid pours out and presses on the cervix, from which it opens and lets the baby out;
  • washing the birth canal, which makes it easier to pass through them.

Possible problems

If during pregnancy there is some kind of threat to the fetus, this will necessarily affect the state of the amniotic fluid. The main signs that there are pathologies:

  • polyhydramnios: the volume is more than 1.5 liters, the reasons are problems in a woman with the heart, liver, kidneys, Rh-conflict;
  • lack of water: the volume of fluid is less than 0.5 liters, as a result, the embryo moves a little, and the pregnant woman experiences abdominal pain;
  • green, yellow or brown color of amniotic fluid: indicates fetal hypoxia (the baby throws out a lot of meconium, which is why this color occurs) or intrauterine infection;
  • pink or red: appears with placental abruption;
  • leakage is one of the most serious violations that threaten premature birth.

What amniotic fluid looks like is a very important question. Its features help to identify pathology.

For diagnostics using this substance, the following methods are used:

  • Ultrasound (quantity and homogeneity are assessed);
  • amnioscopy (the color of the liquid is examined);
  • amniocentesis (puncture of the bladder and taking its contents for various studies (biochemical, hormonal, etc.)).

To avoid complications, a woman needs to regularly go for an examination to the gynecologist who is observing her and in good faith take all the necessary tests.

If liquid leaks

Normal amniotic fluid leakage begins after 37 weeks of gestation. Pathological often occurs in the second trimester, when the fetus has not yet fully formed and may not survive outside the mother's body. The reasons for this:

  • inflammatory diseases suffered by a woman (especially of the genitals) or viral infections;
  • neoplasms in the uterus;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency (the cervix is ​​not tightly closed);
  • incorrect position of the fetus and a narrow pelvis of the mother;
  • bad habits of women and chronic diseases.

Also, the thinning of the membranes of the membranes and fluid incontinence can provoke mechanical stress (fall or strong blow), physical activity. Often this pathology also occurs with multiple pregnancies.

A sign of leakage is vaginal fluid discharge, similar to urinary incontinence. Sometimes it comes out a lot, which scares the lady. However, the liquid can be released literally drop by drop and not cause any inconvenience to the pregnant woman. All this does not always indicate pathology. By the end of pregnancy, the discharge normally becomes more, and due to the relaxation of the muscles of the pelvic organs, urinary incontinence is indeed possible.

Symptoms that should alert you:

  • discharge increases with a change in body position and movement;
  • they cannot be stopped by muscle tension (urination is possible);
  • it is the liquid stain that remains on the linen or panty liner, while normal discharge has a thick consistency.

To find out if this is really a leak, you need to empty your bladder, wash yourself, wipe dry and lie on a clean diaper. If a wet odorless spot appears within 15 minutes, then the fears were justified. In this case, you urgently need to go to the antenatal clinic.

More precisely, the problem is determined by a special test, which is similar to an ordinary gasket. You need to walk with him for 12 hours. If during this time it turns green-blue, it means that amniotic fluid is really released.

Only a doctor can definitively determine the leakage with the help of a cervical smear or urinalysis. If, during the study, elements of amniotic fluid are found, hospitalization is necessary. In no case should you refuse it, because if the bubble is sealed, an infection easily penetrates there, the fetus dies, and the woman has serious complications (sepsis).

Taking action

The simplest and most effective solution to the problem of leakage is to stimulate labor, because the embryo inside the uterus is no longer protected from bacteria. However, this is not always possible. In the second trimester, his lungs have not yet formed enough for him to breathe on his own. Therefore, if leakage is detected at this stage of pregnancy, you need to try to keep it until the fetus is ripe for independent life. Accordingly, the woman remains in the hospital until delivery.

In such a situation, the following are carried out:

  • antibiotic therapy to prevent infection;
  • constant monitoring of the state of the expectant mother and child: the woman's temperature is measured, various laboratory tests are carried out and at the same time the blood flow, fetal movement are assessed;
  • the introduction of hormonal drugs to quickly prepare the lungs of the embryo for spontaneous breathing (but this is not always possible, but only if there is no infection).

In this case, the pregnant woman must observe bed rest, complete rest and follow all the doctor's prescriptions (every day is important!). Often it is possible to extend the gestation period to the optimal time, and the baby is born relatively well.

However, if the leakage of amniotic fluid occurs in the early stages, an abortion has to be done.


To avoid such a pathology, a woman needs:

  • carefully monitor your health, ideally, do it all your life: give up smoking and alcohol, do gymnastics, strengthen immunity;
  • at the stage of pregnancy planning, you should visit a gynecologist and carry out all the necessary examinations, it is very important to check the condition of the genitals (whether the cervix is ​​closed, whether there are hidden tumors or cysts);
  • when conception has already occurred, you need to eat right, observe the daily regimen, avoid stress and physical exertion;
  • observe hygiene, including antiseptic treatment of the genitals;
  • at the slightest discomfort (not only if there are symptoms of leakage), consult a doctor.

Amniotic fluid is an essential substance that helps the embryo live and develop inside the uterus. If they start to leak or some other problem, you need to go to the hospital to stimulate labor or maintain pregnancy.

We do not remember what happened to us before birth, but, apparently, we felt good.

  • Firstly, warmth: the temperature of the amniotic fluid is always kept at around 37 ° C.
  • Secondly, it is quite quiet: the liquid absorbs shocks well and drowns out noises coming from the outside world.
  • Thirdly, due to the tightness of the bubble, nothing superfluous gets into it.
  • Fourthly, in the amniotic fluid there are immunoglobulins that protect the little man well from possible troubles.
  • Fifth, the amniotic fluid can be compared to a kind of buffer that protects the baby from pressure from the outside world and makes sure that the main means of communication with the mother - the umbilical cord - is not pinched.
  • Sixth, the child is not deprived of freedom of movement (especially in the early stages) and swims in the amniotic fluid.

Experts note that during the first bathing after birth (its purpose is to wash off the original lubricant), children perfectly relax, feeling themselves in a familiar environment. And this is very important before starting a completely new life in a completely different world - the world of fresh air.

Where does water come from and what is it made of?

When a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and begins to divide, the constituent parts of a complex mechanism are formed: fetal membranes, placenta, umbilical cord and embryo (future baby).

Fetal membranes (amnion and chorion) form a sealed bladder with an absolutely sterile liquid inside. By the end of the second week of pregnancy, the bladder completely fills the uterus, and up to 14 weeks, the amniotic fluid seeps into the baby's body through the skin. Then his skin is enriched with keratin and becomes thicker, and from that moment the water gets inside through other channels. For example, in the digestive tract: the baby absorbs fluid and removes it from the body along with urine. Over time, the volume of water processed by it reaches several liters per day, despite the fact that there is always about one liter of fluid in the uterus.

Where does it come from? Amniotic fluid is formed due to the sweating of blood plasma from the mother's blood vessels. In late pregnancy, the baby's kidneys and lungs begin to take part in the production of amniotic fluid. By the end of the term, its quantity reaches 1-1.5 liters, and every three hours it is completely renewed, and one third is processed by the baby.

Almost 97% of amniotic fluid is water, in which a variety of nutrients are dissolved: proteins, mineral salts (calcium, sodium, chlorine). In addition, skin cells, hair cells and aromatic substances - alkaloids can be found in it. It is believed that the smell of amniotic fluid is similar to the smell of breast milk, which allows a newly born baby to accurately determine where the mother's breast is.

In the West, in some maternity hospitals, newborns are not washed their hands so that they can suck on their fingers, "scented" with amniotic fluid, to the smell of which they are so accustomed to.

How are waters involved in the birth process?

The amniotic fluid is a living environment, thanks to the presence in which many vital functions begin to work in the child. The kidneys of the little one begin to work due to the fact that he swallows water, processes and removes them along with urine (in the baby's bladder, amniotic fluid is found already at the 9th week of pregnancy). Over time, the child, like a fish, begins to "inhale" the liquid, doing the first and very important exercise for the lungs, preparing them for breathing in a normal atmosphere. During childbirth, the lungs contract, the remnants of the amniotic fluid come out, and immediately after that, the baby takes his first breath.

At the end of pregnancy, the fetal bladder begins to press on the cervix, which helps it to open. On the day of birth, after the rupture of the membranes (regardless of whether it happens naturally or artificially), fluid enters the birth canal and washes them, which helps the baby move forward. If the baby lies with his head down, then at the beginning of labor, only those waters that are in front are poured out, while the rest protect him further, and come out only with the birth of the child.

Water volume

Since everything related to the state of amniotic fluid is very important for the health of the child, doctors closely monitor everything that happens to them. Both polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios can negatively affect the development of the embryo.

Isolation of amniotic fluid before delivery

According to statistics, every fifth woman loses some amount of amniotic fluid even before the rupture of the membranes. When the amniotic fluid begins to "leak", mothers get scared: it seems to them that they did not have time to reach the toilet (so as not to be mistaken with conclusions, tighten your muscles: the flow of urine can be stopped by an effort of will, but amniotic fluid cannot).

Because the amniotic fluid leaks into your baby, it is in your best interest to see a doctor. He will take a swab from the cervix for elements of amniotic fluid, and then he will decide what to do next. If it all started before 34 weeks and the baby's lungs have not yet "matured", doctors will prolong the pregnancy, protecting the baby with antibiotics. At this time, the expectant mother will be prescribed medications, with the help of which the baby's lungs "ripen", and the cervix will prepare for childbirth. If the leakage of amniotic fluid is accompanied by an infection (the expectant mother's temperature rises, there are many leukocytes in the blood test and vaginal smear, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) accelerates), the woman immediately begins to prepare for childbirth.

Everything in the body of a pregnant woman is arranged in order to safely bear and give birth to a child. For example, amniotic fluid is an amazing environment in which a baby lives for all nine months of pregnancy and which helps him to be born gently and comfortably.

Where does amniotic fluid come from?

Let's start with the fact that the child swims in the womb for a reason: around him, as well as around the astronaut, there is a kind of space suit - special shells, they are called that: fetal membranes. Together with the placenta, they form a fetal bladder, which is filled with amniotic fluid..

At the very beginning of pregnancy, it is the cells that produce amniotic fluid. In the later stages, amniotic fluid is additionally produced by the child's kidneys. The baby first swallows water, they are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and then leave the body together with urine back into the fetal bladder. Fluid in the bladder about every three hours completely renewed... That is, "waste" water comes out, and their place is taken by new - completely renewed. And this water cycle continues for 40 weeks.

Why do children and mother need amniotic fluid

It would seem that man is a land creature and cannot be under water for a long time. So why is the baby in the water during pregnancy? It's very simple: a child needs a harmonious environment to develop at any stage of life. And water is great for this. It softens the action of the law of universal gravitation, too loud noises of our world do not reach through the water. And the amniotic fluid is always at the same temperature, which means that the child will not overheat or overcool, even if the mother suffers from the heat or, conversely, freezes from the cold.

Amniotic fluid: quantity and quality

At each ultrasound scan during pregnancy, the doctor also assesses the amniotic fluid: their quantity, transparency, the presence of foreign matter.

Quantity. If there is less or more water than it should be in a certain period of time, then, perhaps, something is wrong in the woman's body. But, fortunately, this is rare, but the conclusion "Moderate" after ultrasound is found all the time. The expectant mother is always worried about this diagnosis, but usually it means that the amount of amniotic fluid has decreased slightly. If additional examinations (dopplerography) show that everything is in order with the baby, then there is nothing wrong with moderate lack of water, perhaps this is such a feature of the course of pregnancy.

Quality. Normally, amniotic fluid is clear, like water. By the end of pregnancy, they sometimes become a little cloudy due to the fact that epidermal cells from the baby's skin get into them, particles of primordial lubricant - they give a small suspension in the waters, which can be seen on ultrasound. This is also a variant of the norm.

In Latin, the fetal bladder is called "amnion", hence the fluid surrounding the baby is called amniotic. It is believed that the smell of amniotic fluid is similar to the smell of breast milk, so a newly born baby can accurately determine where the mother's breast is.

When and how water flows

All expectant mothers have heard that at some point in childbirth or right in front of them, amniotic fluid is poured out. And naturally, the questions of pregnant women are the same: how and when does this happen? how will i feel? what to do after the waters drain?

When the waters leave. Ideally, the waters are poured out during the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​completely or almost completely open... The fetal bladder becomes thinner and ruptures during the contraction. Immediately after this, the contractions intensify significantly, and the birth of a child is just around the corner. But the waters can leave before the start of the contractions, so to speak, "out of the blue." This moment is called the premature outpouring of water. If there are contractions, but the cervix is ​​not yet ready, then such an outpouring of water is called early.

How water leaves. Amniotic fluid is poured out in different ways. They can like in feature films - suddenly, in a public place, water begins to flow down the legs of the expectant mother. Yes, it happens, but still the drama of the situation in the cinema is somewhat exaggerated. The amniotic fluid does not always pour out in a strong stream, very often not all waters come out, but only the so-called front, that is, those that are located in front of the baby's head, and they are usually 100-200 ml. The remainder of the amniotic fluid - rear water - poured out after the birth of the child.

So usually the expectant mother feels that her underwear has suddenly become very wet, or it seems to her that she has had involuntary urination. But there may be such an option: the fetal bladder did not rupture completely, but only ruptured somewhere and the water leaves in small portions. Then the woman will only feel that the discharge has become more abundant and watery than before. This is called amniotic fluid leakage.

What to do after the waters are gone. It doesn't matter whether there are contractions or not, a lot of water has moved away or just a little - all this is a reason for immediately go to the hospital. There is nothing to be afraid of: today it is believed that a safe waterless interval is no longer 6 hours as before, but much more. But, nevertheless, if the waters are poured out, mom needs to be under the constant supervision of doctors.

Fears during pregnancy about amniotic fluid

Expectant mothers are often worried, and various horror films from the Internet and stories of good friends only increase anxiety. What usually worries a woman when it comes to amniotic fluid?

The fetal bladder will burst (burst) ahead of time, but I will not notice it... Usually, this fear appears at the end of pregnancy, when the amount of vaginal discharge increases under the influence of hormones. Often there are so many of them and they are so abundant that it seems to a woman that her water is leaking.

In fact, water and discharge can be distinguished: the discharge is slimy, denser or thicker, leaves a characteristic white color or dried stain on the linen. The amniotic fluid is still water, it is not viscous, does not stretch like a discharge, and dries on linen without a characteristic trace.

But if doubts remain, whether it is water or just liquid vaginal discharge, you should not sit at home and be afraid. It is better to go to the doctor for a consultation - he will certainly see what it is. If the situation repeats itself, you can buy a special test at the pharmacy that shows whether there is a leakage of water or not (it can be in the form of a regular strip, similar to a test to determine pregnancy, or even in the form of a special pad).

In childbirth, all women are pierced with a fetal bladder, and what if they do it to me too? The opening of the fetal bladder is very actively discussed and condemned on the Internet, and this is understandable: many women do not understand why they did it. Yes, this manipulation is really carried out often, but rumors that the fetal bladder is opened in maternity hospitals to everyone in a row are somewhat exaggerated. So why is it still being opened? Here are the most common cases.

  • If the contractions have weakened, then opening the fetal bladder can intensify them and then you will not have to prescribe stimulation with the help.
  • Sometimes the fetal bladder does not have anterior waters, such a bladder is called flat. As a result, its shells are pulled over the baby's head, and the bladder not only does not help normal labor, but also delays it.
  • Rarely, but it happens that the membranes are so dense that even with the full opening of the neck, the bladder itself does not open. If it is not opened, then the tense period is delayed, since such a fetal bladder interferes with the advancement of the child's head. Previously, if the bladder was not opened, the child could be born in the membranes in a state of asphyxia. They said about such children: "Born in a shirt, will be happy!" And happiness here is in one thing - he was able to get him out of this "shirt" alive.


Comment on the article "Amniotic fluid during pregnancy and childbirth: how much and why?"

Currently, the optimal management of childbirth in infected women has not been fully determined. To make a decision, the doctor needs to know the results of a comprehensive virological study. Natural childbirth includes a whole range of measures aimed at adequate pain relief, prevention of fetal hypoxia and early rupture of amniotic fluid, reducing trauma to the birth canal in the mother and the skin of the baby. Only if all preventive measures are observed does ...


I totally agree. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no consensus on the safest management of childbirth with hepatitis C. According to statistics, the likelihood of a child becoming infected with hepatitis is slightly lower with a planned caesarean section than with natural childbirth. However, none of these methods can guarantee the safety of the child in terms of infection with hepatitis. Therefore, the choice of the method of obstetric care is based more on the obstetric history than on the knowledge of the presence of this infection.

What is oligohydramnios? This is a special condition during a woman's pregnancy, of a pathological nature, in which the amniotic fluid surrounding and protecting the child in the amniotic cavity is significantly less than its recommended indicators. As a rule, the diagnosis of oligohydramnios is made in pregnant patients much less frequently than polyhydramnios. The low content of amniotic fluid, in the overwhelming majority of cases, indicates various abnormalities occurring in the development of the fetus, and can cause ...

Pregnancy at 37-40 weeks is full-term and labor can begin at any time. And there are three main signs that indicate their imminent approach. Discharge of the mucous plug. It can occur 2 weeks before delivery, but most often within a day. The cork looks like a small lump of pinkish, brown or yellowish mucus. Often, the cork does not come off entirely, but in parts. During pregnancy, she closes the entrance to the cervical canal, protecting the fetal bladder from ...

Amnishur [link-1] According to various authors, the frequency of preterm birth is from 5 to 12% per year and over the past 20 years has tended to increase, and this is despite the rapid development of medicine. About 40% of all preterm births are the result of early rupture of amniotic fluid, which leads to functional underdevelopment of organs and systems, perinatanal mortality and, in more than half of cases, to intrauterine infection of the fetus. However, all unwanted ...

Amniotic fluid during pregnancy and childbirth: how much and why? When does the water drain during labor? Leakage of amniotic fluid.


You can order an AmniSure test on an Internet, it is done at home, the issue price is 900-1000r, I had a similar paranoia, starting from your term to 32-33 weeks. I did this test three times - the water is ok)))

a week ago I was discharged from the hospital ... got there on the same suspicion ..
it was like this: starting at 2 am and up to 12 noon four times after using the toilet, I did not manage to get to bed, as something poured down my legs. called my doctor. She recommended not to sit at home, go to the hospital and do a water test. I arrived, the test showed a negative result, but they didn’t let me go, they gave me a gastric hospital. For 11 days they watched me, did an ultrasound, everything was ok there too, the bubble was intact. TTT.
It seems to me that it is better not to risk it, but to see a doctor as soon as possible! since if it really is leaking water, then this is very bad. I was told that perhaps it threatens premature birth! therefore, for your own peace of mind, it is better to lie in the taxiway.
Also, are your kidneys healthy? it may not be water, but the reaction of diseased kidneys. My kidneys on the ultrasound were in order, that it was not clear! did not repeat itself any more.

Amniotic fluid during pregnancy and childbirth: how much and why? Popular discussions in 2009. For some reason, as soon as the theme of giftedness is Red Sun. How surprised I was today!


The fact that poop gets into them (original feces, as you saw in the first couple of days after the birth of a child, is black and green). This is due to the fact that the child no longer has enough oxygen that gets to him through the blood and he tries to breathe with the lungs and this triggers mechanisms that, ideally, should be started immediately after childbirth. I think that it is difficult to influence this, oxygen may not be enough with a low hemoglobin, but again, while you pass the test, until you get the result, you drink the drugs, the process has already started. And just for prevention, you can't swallow pills, an excess of iron is also bad, and besides, they usually fix it. Vicious circle. I even went with my eldest to oxygen cocktails, put ascorbic acid in my vein and one fig the water turned out to be green

Well, the fact of the matter is that I didn’t go over the deadlines for everyone! And infections - are they somehow detected? Analyzes? Mine never showed any infections ... Thanks for the answers! :)

04.24.2009 15:44:50, beginner))

Amniotic fluid during pregnancy and childbirth: how much and why? When does the water drain during labor? Leakage of amniotic fluid. Puncture of the fetal bladder. Where does amniotic fluid come from?


dangerous ... if you do not provide the child with treatment and depending on how much he swallowed, the consequences of course will still be from hyperactivity to allergies, but children of the first year of life are extremely viable and easily recover, usually such children in the future do not differ in anything special from all children But it is necessary treatment, then breastfeeding is mandatory - i.e. preserve it with all possible forces.

It was so with my friend. Her daughter is now 2.5 years old, a healthy, beautiful, smart girl - mmm.

The fetal bladder in which your future baby grows and develops is called the amnion. From the very beginning of pregnancy, it provides the baby with conditions for intrauterine life. And one of the most important tasks of the fetal bladder is the production of fluid called amniotic fluid. It fills the entire amnion cavity and performs a number of functions vital for the fetus. The waters form the first habitat of the fetus, so their importance can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to the amniotic fluid, the baby feels comfortable (there is always a stable temperature of 37 degrees, quiet and cozy) and protected (water prevents the ingress of microorganisms from the outside world, as well as any other negative effects on the fetus from the outside).

Amniotic fluid is released continuously, but unevenly. With an increase in the term, its volume also increases, reaching its maximum at approximately 36 weeks of gestation, while averaging 1000-1500 ml. Then, just before childbirth, the amount of fetal fluid may decrease slightly, which is explained by the increased excretion of fluid from the mother's body.

Composition and properties of amniotic fluid

At different stages of the baby's development, not only the amount but also the composition of the amniotic fluid changes. He's also fickle and quite complex. Fruit waters contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, trace elements, carbon dioxide, oxygen, antigens that determine the blood group of the fetus and other substances. They can also get the products of the sebaceous glands (flakes of original lubricant that covers the baby's body), skin, hair, and also substances from the mother's blood. There is a constant exchange of substances between the fetus, amniotic fluid and the mother's body.

The child urinates directly into the amniotic fluid, which, by the way, is updated every 3 hours, all the while maintaining the composition necessary for a small one.

What are the functions of amniotic fluid?

The role of amniotic fluid in the intrauterine development and life of a child is simply enormous! Throughout the entire period - from the very beginning of pregnancy until the moment the baby is born - they perform a number of important functions:

  • Metabolism: a significant part of the substances necessary for life enters the child's body just from the amniotic fluid. In return, the child secretes processed products into amniotic fluid, which is excreted through the mother's excretory system.
  • Mechanical protection: the fetal bladder and water protect the child from a variety of mechanical damage. They create a reliable "safety cushion". Also, amniotic fluid prevents compression of the umbilical cord and tissue fusion. In addition, the waters make possible the free active movement of the crumbs, which contributes to its intensive development.
  • Sterility: amniotic fluid is always sterile and maintains a perfectly clean living environment. They protect the little one from penetration and exposure to infections. Interestingly, throughout pregnancy, fetal fluids are renewed every 3 hours, always maintaining the required chemical composition. And this process continues until their complete outpouring, when after the birth of the child the so-called backwater flows out.
  • Participation in childbirth: amniotic fluid plays an important role not only during gestation, but also directly in childbirth. Actually, with the outpouring of the so-called anterior waters, which are located in the lower part of the fetal bladder. They put their weight on, forcing it to open up. The waters preserve favorable conditions for the fetus during labor, and when it flows out, they wash the birth canal, which then contributes to the easier movement of the child along them.

Amniotic fluid analysis

The amniotic fluid contains a lot of important information about the condition and development of the fetus. What matters is the volume, composition, transparency, consistency, color of the amniotic fluid, which can be determined during laboratory studies.

The analysis of fetal waters can determine the blood group and sex of the child, warn about probable hereditary diseases, metabolic disorders, and the occurrence.

If you suspect the development of abnormalities, pathologies and genetic disorders in the fetus, I also recommend that a pregnant woman have an amniocentesis to make sure that everything is fine with the child.

The composition of the amniotic fluid notifies of the degree of readiness of the baby for birth, when it becomes necessary to carry out an emergency birth, in particular, it determines the stage of maturity of the respiratory system and lungs of the child.

The main pathologies of amniotic fluid

For a child to develop safely, the amniotic fluid must be and maintained in a certain amount and condition. A change in its volume and chemical composition in a number of cases indicates violations and pathologies:

  • Polyhydramnios. They say about when the volume of amniotic fluid exceeds 1.5 liters. Why this happens, doctors cannot figure out for sure, but still identify a number of probable reasons: nephritis, cardiovascular diseases, intrauterine infections, Rh-conflict. Most often, this pathology is found in the second and third trimesters. If polyhydramnios has developed suddenly, then childbirth must be carried out urgently.
  • Low water. Low water is less common, but it is also dangerous for the fetus and negatively affects its development. Childbirth with oligohydramnios often occurs prematurely and passes with complications. With oligohydramnios, the volume of amniotic fluid does not exceed 500 ml. At the same time, the woman experiences constant abdominal pain, aggravated by, and the child's activity is reduced.
  • Leakage of water. The fetal bladder must maintain its integrity until the birth itself, otherwise, the baby will not be able to survive. The rupture of the fetal bladder and the outflow of amniotic fluid mark the beginning of labor and, ideally, should occur in a timely manner. Premature discharge of water speaks of an early onset of labor and should be a reason for an urgent visit to the hospital. You should also tell your doctor about leaking water immediately if you suspect it. In this case, the fetal bladder tears in the upper lateral part, and amniotic fluid leaks from the opening in small portions.
  • Green waters. Normally, the fetal waters are clear, like water. By the end of pregnancy, they may become a little cloudy and contain whitish flakes, because the baby "sheds": lanugo's vellus hair and epidermal cells, as well as primordial lubricant, come off the skin. These waters are normal and create a favorable environment for the baby. But when the baby experiences a lack of oxygen (which doctors call fetal hypoxia), a reflexive release of meconium from the rectum can occur. In this case, the waters turn green or brown and pose a certain danger to the crumbs.

Any of these conditions requires medical attention, so if you suspect any violations, you should contact your gynecologist. And for more peace of mind - do not miss scheduled regular examinations and do not neglect directions for examinations. I help to monitor the state of amniotic fluid, ultrasound, CTG, blood tests for intrauterine infections, for Rh antibodies, for TORCH infections.

Specially for- Elena Kichak