A synopsis of the experimenting nodes in the older preparatory group. Lesson outline (preparatory group) on the topic: Lesson outline for experimental activities in the preparatory group "Amazing salt

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive", "Socio-communicative", "Speech"

Objectives: To teach children to empirically determine the presence of air around us and show a way to detect it.

Tasks by educational area:


  • Teach children to determine empirically the presence of air around us, to reveal the ability of air to move, to move an object,
  • Establish cause-and-effect relationships, put forward hypotheses based on an elementary experiment and draw conclusions.
  • Promote the development of the organs of vision, hearing, smell, sensorimotor abilities.
  • To develop the ability of children to independently find answers to problematic questions, to solve problem situations.
  • To intensify the speech activity of children.
  • Socio-communicative
  • To foster a respect for nature.
  • Develop cooperation skills, the desire to work in a team, the ability to listen to each other.

Methods and techniques:

  1. Practical (Experiments, experiments, didactic games)
  2. Visual (Consideration of the results of experiments)
  3. Verbal (Questions, explanations, conclusions)

Preliminary work: viewing encyclopedias, observing on walks, conversations "What are the benefits of plants" , "How the environment is polluted" .

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities:

Motor: breathing exercises, physical minutes

Game room: game exercises

Cognitive research: solving problem situations, experimenting

Communicative: questions, conversation, discussion, conclusions

Material: fan, bags for each child, glasses of water according to the number of children with a straw, glass jar, candle, plastic glasses, straws for cocktails, small bottles according to the number of children, scales, balloons, CD recordings, tape recorder.

The course of educational activities:

(sit on chairs in a semicircle or at tables)

Educator: Guys, listen carefully and guess the riddle:

We need him to breathe
To inflate the balloon.
Every hour is next to us
But he is invisible to us!
What is it?

Children: Air!

Educator: That's right, it's air! Today we will talk about air, we will conduct experiments with it. What will we conduct ...? (Individual answers 2-3 children)... Let's answer the question in chorus. What will we conduct? (Choral answer)

  • Guys, sit down comfortably, today we will have a very unusual lesson, which I hope you enjoy and remember; But for this you need to be very careful. To get started, I need to find out if you know who scientists are and what they do? (Answers of children.)

That's right, scientists are people who study everything in the world: animals, birds, starry sky, earth, water - everything that surrounds us. For this they have premises - laboratories and a lot of laboratory equipment that helps them to conduct experiments.

Laboratory equipment is shown.

Now we are going to be scientists.

Vp: Children, I've never seen air, have you ever seen air?

Children: No.

Vosp: Why do you think? (If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher continues) The air is transparent, it is invisible. (Choral and individual children's answers)

How can you catch the air and see that it really is?

Children: You can catch him with a bag.

1 experiment: (with package)

Vosp: Distributes a packet to each. What's in the package? (It's empty)... Now catch some air (fill the bag with air, see who has, how much air is in the bag, who has the most)

Vosp: Guys, do you think there is air everywhere around us or not?

Children: Options for answers.

Vp: Yes, there is air everywhere. Our group is unusual today. She is a laboratory. The laboratory is the place where (set, experiments (go up to the teacher and stand in a semicircle around the table)

Vp: (shows the children a glass and asks) Do you think the glass is empty or is there something in it?

Children: It's empty.

2 experiment: (lowering an inverted glass into water)

Vospe: I'm sure there is air in this glass. And now I will prove it to you. (Shows experience. Lowering an inverted glass into a container of water, keeping it straight. The glass can be lowered to the bottom with force, if you release it, the glass quickly and independently rises. It gives 1-2 children to try to release the glass into the water)

Vosp: Does the cup fall easily? (No) Do you feel that something is preventing the glass from dropping to the bottom? (Yes) What do you think prevents the glass from sinking to the bottom?

Children: (if the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher says that this is the air in the glass that does not let water into the glass and the glass is difficult to sink to the bottom. He offers to prove his words again by experience. He lowers the carefully inverted glass not straight, but obliquely)

Vosp: What do you see? (Bubble) Where did he come from? (From a glass) What is it? (Air) Water displaces (pushes out) air out of the glass, taking its place.

Conclusion: The air is transparent, invisible, it is everywhere.

Vosp: asks the output from children (Individual answers of children)

Children: (get up and go to the tables) They repeat the experiment themselves and repeat the conclusion.

Educator: What do you guys think we inhale through our nose?

Children: Air.

Vospe: Prove it with cocktail sticks.

3 experiment: (blow into a tube dipped in a glass of water).

Educator: Take a breath, take in air. Let the air out into a tube dipped at one end into a glass of water. What's happening?

Children: Bubbles come out.

Educator: You see!

Conclusion: it means that a person breathes air. We blow into the tube and it comes out. But in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through the tube and bubbles are formed again.

Physical education: outdoor game "Blow up the bubble"

Children stand in a close circle, holding hands. Pronounced in chorus "Blow up the bubble, blow up, big" , they retreat backward, forming a large space in the center. At words "Stay like this and don't burst." - stop, raise their joined hands up. Then, the teacher says "Clap" , take another step back, separating their arms and pretending to burst the bubble.

Vosp: Didactic game: "Where is the air hidden?" ? (stood in a semicircle at the table) There are objects on the table; you need to arrange them into 2 trays; 1- objects with air inside; 2- objects with no air inside. Or you can name these objects, and the teacher puts up pictures of these objects. (In an inflatable ball, in a balloon, in an inflatable mattress, in a wheel chamber, a wooden brick, a metal spatula, a clay toy, etc.) Well done you did this task (pass and sit at the tables)

Vosp: Children, can you feel the air?

4 experiment: (with a fan)

Vosp: If you work with a fan, how do you feel?

Children: (breeze).

Vospe: And the wind is the movement of air.

Vospe: Do you think the wind is good or bad? (children's answers)

Vospe: The wind can be a friend and helper, but it can be an enemy and destroyer.

In this case, do you think the wind is good or bad?

Children: In this case, the wind is good, as it helps the sailboat float on the water.

"Strong wind" or "Hurricane"

Vosp: And in this case, is the wind good or bad?

Children: In this case, the wind is bad, as it destroys: breaks garages, carries boxes along the street.

5 experiment:

If you add a little other substance to the air, you can smell it. (Sprinkles with deodorant.) What smells? (Answers of children.)

Air is everywhere and everyone needs air. Man, animals, plants, insects, fish breathe air. What happened if the air suddenly disappeared?

6 experiment: "Without breathing" : children cover their nose and mouth with their hand. No more than 30 seconds.

You can't live without air. Clean, good air is very useful for man and all living things, even for fire it is needed, but only very clean.

7 experiment: a candle burns inside a closed flask.

The fire will burn as long as there is air. As soon as it disappears, the candle will go out. We will put a flask with a candle and watch when it goes out. In the meantime, it is burning, I will show you one more experience.

8 experiment: balloons are weighed.

First you need to weigh two non-inflated balloons. They balance each other. Then weigh one balloon not inflated and the other inflated. The inflated balloon will overwhelm.

Why did one pan of the scales go down? Which ball is heavier? Why? Pay attention to the flask in which the candle was burning. It went out because the air ran out.

- Now, guys, remember what you learned today?

  • The air is invisible.
  • He is everywhere.
  • Air is needed for the breathing of people and animals. Even fire needs clean air.
  • Air moves and makes other things move. They call it the wind.
  • The air can be weighed.)

These are the interesting discoveries that scientists are making in laboratories. You will soon go to school and learn a lot about air and much more. Perhaps one of you will become a scientist.

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Participants- children of the preparatory group 6-7 years old. Number of children: 10-12 people.

Target: Expanding the horizons of children in terms of elementary ideas about the world around them. continue acquainting children with the materials from which various objects are made. Tasks:

Educational area:


1. To acquaint children with glass, its production, properties, use, types of glass. Strengthen the knowledge of children about the properties of glass, its use.

2. To consolidate the concept of “substance, to distinguish it among various objects.

3. To form the ability to compare two substances (glass and ice) with each other, highlighting common and different signs.

4. To learn to examine objects using all analyzers: visual, auditory, tactile.

5. Formation of the skills of setting up elementary experiments and the ability to draw conclusions based on the results obtained.

6. To consolidate the skill of research activity: the ability to identify the properties and purpose of glass through experiments.

7. To form an idea of ​​the history of glass formation.

8. Continue teaching children to use algorithms and observation maps in their work.

9. To cultivate a careful and careful attitude to glass.

10. Form the ability to work in a strictly allotted time, using an hourglass.

Social and communicative development:

1. Formulate rules for handling glass objects based on the received ideas.

2. To develop an interest in experimentation, to develop a desire for search and cognitive activity.

3. To develop the skills of mental activity, the ability to analyze, identify cause-and-effect relationships.

4. To educate in children curiosity, accuracy, seriousness when performing experiments.

Educational area:

Speech development:

1. To develop the vocabulary of children through the words: substance, words denoting the properties of glass.

2. To develop the ability to reason, prove your point of view, using speech - proof.

3. To form the ability to highlight in words a hard and soft syllable in words.

Equipment: Glass, ice, algorithms: rules of behavior, glass properties, glass production, substance research, success cards, pencils, 2 scales, 2 hourglasses, ball, soap bubbles, cards depicting various objects, aprons, a wonderful bag with objects in the name of which there is a hard and soft syllable.

Preliminary work: Bubble games. Acquaintance with the profession of glassmaker, examination of glass objects, acquaintance with a magnifying glass, hourglass.

Joint activities

Teacher: The bubble has a brother. (Bubble display) Not at all like him. You have known him for a long time, are accustomed to him and do not even suspect that next to us is a real miracle.

Go to the window. See? (Children's answers) What is this? No, not a pine tree. And not a birch. We will talk about them later. Take a closer look. Can't you see anything? Window frame? Again, not that. Extend your hand slowly. You feel rested. That's it, this is it. Glass.

Why a miracle? Yes, if only because it is not visible. And not only to us. Both the keen-sighted bird and the big-eyed fly do not notice the glass, and from the fly, with a fell swoop, they beat against it. It is as if it is not in everything, but it does not allow the cold or the wind to pass through. But the light passes through almost without any delay. Guess the riddle and you will find out what will be discussed today.

Sounding, transparent, I'm not afraid of water, but if you hit, I'll break. (Glass)

Today we will talk about glass.

Guys, what comes to your mind when you hear the word "glass"? (Answers of children)

Glass is an environmentally friendly, natural material that does not impede the access of light to the room.

Glass is a supercooled (very thick) liquid. It was first received a long time ago, presumably in Syria. Glass is known to be made from sand, lime and soda. Slide number 2

Glass is a substance. Remember what a substance is? (children's answers)

That's right, substance it is what things and things are made of.

Let's stand in a circle. Whoever I throw the ball will name a familiar substance. Correct: salt, sugar, air, water, sand, clay, ice, wood, rubber, etc. Go to the table and take one card each, where the objects are depicted. Roma, why did you take this card? (This card depicts a table that is made by human hands - an object). By analogy, the teacher asks the rest of the children.

Guys, when you and I look at an object, material or substance, what can we define? (As the rules are pronounced, cards with the properties of objects are displayed, or algorithms can be set in advance) Correct:

1. The name of the material or substance

2. Condition,

5. Transparency.

6. Then you can smell it and identify the smell. Remember to take precautions.

7. If the substance is edible, then determine the taste.

8. Light or heavy (if in doubt, the teacher conducts the experiment on a demonstration table).

9. Solubility.

10. What can be made of this material or substance?

Slide number 3

Teacher: Here we have two substances in front of us. What are their names? That's right, glass and ice. Today we will compare these two substances with each other and help our scientists determine their properties. Our observations will help scientists to make new discoveries. The success cards indicate the tasks that we must complete. In order not to forget the results, we will mark our observations on success charts.

Physical education.


Up and down jerking hands,
As if we were waving flags.
We knead our shoulders.
Hands move towards. (One hand up, the other down, jerking hands change.)
Hands on the hips.

Lean left and right. (Bends to the sides.)
Start squats.
Don't rush, don't lag behind. (Squats.)
And at the end - walking in place,
Everyone has known this for a long time. (Walking in place.)

Well, we are in a good mood again. And we will be divided into 2 groups. One group will conduct research with glass, while the other will investigate ice. And then we'll compare the results.

Let's remember the rules of conduct that must be followed during work: Do not shout

  • Do not touch without permission
  • Work only in your place
  • Don't taste without permission
  • Be careful

Slide number 4

Now let's split into groups. Here I have in my hands a wonderful bag, which contains objects with hard and soft syllables in their names. Those children who come across words with a soft syllable will come to the table with a green card. Those who have objects with a solid syllable in their names go to the table with a blue card. Children pull out objects and clearly name the word, highlighting the need for a syllable.

In each group, we will select a supervisor. At the end of your work, the supervisor of the group will tell you about what they learned, how they did it.

So that the research does not drag out, I suggest using an hourglass. Do you understand everything? Then get to work.

Independent activities of children under the guidance of a teacher. And now our scientific advisers will tell about the work of their comrades.

1st group

We experimented with glass and found out that glass is also hard, but fragile. We looked at items with small cracks. Glass transmits light well, it is transparent, because objects are clearly visible, cold, has weight, if you hit it quietly, it emits a melodic sound and can have a liquid state, has a shape, have applications. Slide number 5

2nd group

We have experimented with ice. We took ice and decided to check if it was solid. We learned that the ice is hard, but it crumbles, therefore, it is fragile, it melts from heat, if you touch it, then the ice is cold, transparent, but we do not see objects clearly, it transmits light, has weight, makes a sound if you hit it quietly ... And most importantly, ice is obtained from water, has a shape, and has applications.

Slide number 6

And now all together we will note that glass and ice have something in common and in what way they are not similar to each other. Slide number 7

General: transparency, both substances are cold, have weight, transmit light, emit sound, can have a liquid state, have a form.

Difference: ice is impractical because it melts. But glass is not. The transparency is different. Glass is more durable than ice. (Children mark on the board with a marker)

Where can glass be applied? (Crockery, frame, TV screen, shop windows, etc.)

Slide number 8

Where can you use ice? (When freezing food, in medicine, on ice in winter, you can cross the river, in sports, etc.)

Slide number 9

Teacher: Guys, what can be the conclusion?

Output: The use of these substances is also different, although they have common properties.

Now let's play. What do you see on my desk? That's right, various items. What are they made of. That's right, glass. The game consists in the fact that by ear you have to determine which glass object sounds. (Before the game, the teacher suggests listening to how each object sounds.)

Rules for handling glass objects.

What do you think should be done if we have something broken?


Be careful with glass
After all, it can break.
And it crashed - it doesn't matter.
There are true friends:
Nimble broom, brother - scoop
And a cistern for garbage -
In an instant, the fragments will be collected,
Our hands will be saved.

Now let's take a large envelope, put our research into it and send it to scientists.

The GCD uses techniques and methods:

  • The work of small children in subgroups, the whole group, individually.
  • Reception of joint activities of an adult and a child.
  • Reception of reading algorithms.
  • Reception of comparison.
  • Reception of research actions.
  • Verbal method using speech - proof.
  • Observation method
  • Independent activities of children.
  • Game method.

Abstract of the GCD for experimentation in the senior - preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

Targets and goals:
To draw the attention of children to such an activity as experimentation; To acquaint children with some of the properties of water, to teach how to carry out simple experiments using simple tools and objects;
Teach to reason, analyze, draw conclusions and explain "miracles" from a scientific point of view; Learn to negotiate with each other; Let children feel the joy of discovery, develop curiosity, thinking, cognitive interest.
Equipment and materials:
oilcloth tables, salt, soda, potassium permanganate, disposable transparent cups, 2 jars with yellow and blue watercolors, 2 raw eggs, measuring spoons, pipettes, a column with calm music.
Recommendations for conducting: before starting experimentation, it is necessary to conduct a safety briefing; it is necessary to involve as many children as possible in conducting experiments and experiments, therefore, at each stage of the experiment, an assistant who has not previously participated from among the volunteers is called; it is necessary to try to get independent answers from children, giving prompts and asking leading questions, it is important to avoid prolonged hitching. Educator: Hello guys. Today we will work with you in the laboratory, conduct experiments. And with what, we now find out. Close your eyes and listen ... What's that noise? (the noise of a stream sounds, when the children guess right, a picture appears on the board). Right. It is about water that we will talk with you today.
Educator: Water is one of the most amazing substances on the planet.
Tell me, what does a person need water for? (children's answers.) Do you think animals need water? (children's answers). A living organism cannot live long without water, because we are more than half of water. You can drink only clean water, always wash vegetables and fruits before eating. Water needs to be conserved, but how can we conserve water? (children's answers) Water can do us both good and bad. You can not drink cold water, in the rain you can get wet and get sick. While swimming in the water, one must not forget about safety. Guys, you already know a lot about water, and today we will get acquainted with its states and some of its properties. Go to the laboratory.
A laboratory is a place where scientists conduct experiments and set up experiments. Let me be a scientist today, and you are my laboratory assistants and we will conduct experiments on the study of water.
(The teacher puts on a robe)
But before we start the experiments, I will tell you the safety rules in the laboratory:
You need to clearly follow my instructions, listen carefully and remember. We take only those items that I name.
Experience No. 1 "Water is a liquid that has no taste, color or smell"
Educator: Water is liquid. A liquid is a substance that has mobility, fluidity. How to prove that water is liquid? (children's answers) Take an empty glass and a glass of water. Now try pouring from one glass to another glass. What kind of water? (liquid). Now take a sip. Is the water sweet? Is the water bitter? Is the water sour? Is the water salty? (no) Does the water taste? (means the water is tasteless). Now smell it. Does the water smell? This means that the water has no smell. Let's now put the bead in our glass of water. Do we see this bead? (yes) So what kind of water? (transparent, colorless) Well done, now put the glass back.
Conclusion of children: Water is liquid, transparent, odorless and tasteless.
Experience No. 2 "Water has a solid property"
Educator: Guys, take a small glass now. What is there? (ice) Take it in your hand, what is it? (children's answers) Look, he's melting. What does the ice turn into? (into the water) So ice is water. Water can be solid. We put ice in a glass, wipe our hands with a napkin.
Conclusion of children: Water has a solid property.
Educator: Making scientific discoveries is not easy, so there are rest breaks in laboratories. It would be nice to have a little rest for us too. Let's leave the laboratory for a while and stand in a circle.
Physical education: the teacher asks questions, and the children answer, if "Yes", then they clap their hands, if "NO", then they shake their heads.
The game "It happens - it does not happen."
Is the air warm? (It happens).
Is the air clean? (It happens).
Is the air fluffy? (Can not be).
Is the air light? (It happens).
Is the air dirty? (It happens).
Is the air angry? (Can not be).
Is the air cold? (It happens).
Is the air striped? (Can not be).
Experience No. 3 "Water has floatability"
- I know another very interesting buoyancy experience. Raise your hands, who of you likes to swim. (Children raise their hands). Tell me where do you swim? (Children: in the pool, on the river, in the sea, in the lake, on the pond). Where is the easiest place to swim? (Children: at sea). And why? (Children: the water is salty in the sea, it holds better), absolutely right, my friends, and we will confirm this with you with the next experiment.
In one jar - plain water, and in the other - salt is added. In fresh water, the egg drowns, and in salty water, it floats. Adding either salty or fresh water to the jar makes the egg float and sink to the bottom of the jar, and makes the egg hang in its middle.
Conclusion: buoyancy is easier in salt water.
Experience No. 4 "Palette of colors"
- And now we begin experiments on water coloring. In the art classes, you learned how to mix paints and get new colors. What paint loves water, dissolves well in it? (Children: watercolor). I have two cans of yellow and blue paint here. What color will you get if you mix them? (Children: blue). Check it out! (Two children go on stage and, using a pipette, make a yellow and blue solution in transparent glasses; at the same time pour their solutions into a third glass, and instantly it turns out green).
Experience No. 5 "Coloring water"
- But not always the color in the water is what we expect to see. Some substances, when combined in water, react in a special way.
(I dissolve potassium permanganate crystals in water, children admire, bewitched by this spectacle).
What color is the solution? (Children: crimson). What happens if you add a clear liquid there? (Children: nothing, the color will fade slightly. I add a little hydrogen peroxide to the solution with a pipette and the liquid becomes transparent).
Now we need to rest again. (We stand in a circle)
Physical education "Stream".
Once upon a time there was a stream
(wavy hand movements.)
It gurgled and flowed.
(Walking in circles)
Turned into a cloud
(Draw a circle in the air)
A drop went down
(Sit down.)
Here is the circuit
(Spun around you)
The observant will understand
(Hands to the side) .
Educator: Well done! Have a rest? We return to our laboratory again.
Experience No. 6 "Steamy water - steam"
Educator: And now I'll show you the most amazing trick! (water is poured into the flask, then a small amount of manganese and soda is added, and steam is obtained). Guys, what is this? (steam) Where have you met couples in your life? (children's answers)
Conclusion: water can be in a vaporous state.
Educator: Also, guys, I would like to tell you one very interesting story about the "Water Cycle in Nature". Take a pot of hot water and cover with a lid. When it opens, droplets appear and children are explained the water cycle in nature.
The result of the GCD.
Educator: we have learned that water is one of the most amazing substances. Water can be in three states (which): liquid, solid, vapor. It has many properties: transparent, odorless, tasteless. The water is in constant motion.
Water is very important for human life. Water gives us life. Did you guys enjoy working in the lab? Let's talk about the amazing properties of water.
Educator: Water is a good friend and helper of man. I suggest listening to Natalia Ryzhova's poem "Magic Water".
Have you heard about water? They say she is everywhere! You will find her in a pond, And in a damp forest swamp. In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean, And in the tap. Like an icicle freezes, It creeps into the forest with fog, It boils on your stove, The steam of a kettle hiss, We can't wash without it, Don't eat, don't get drunk! I dare to report to you: We cannot live without her!
Educator: Indeed, without water, it is impossible to live on earth, therefore water must be protected and protected. Turn off the tap on time, do not waste too much, do not throw garbage into the river yourself, prohibit others.
Educator: Well done boys! Our experiments are over. Thank you for your work, you were real laboratory assistants.

Novikova Lyubov Gennadevna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MDOU "KINDERGARTEN №9"
Locality: Ukhta
Material name: methodical development
Theme: GCD for experimentation in the preparatory group "Magic Stone Magnet"
Date of publication: 24.09.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Open lesson on experimentation

in the preparatory group

"Magic stone magnet"

Educator: Novikova L.G.

MDOU "D / s No. 9"

Target: development of cognitive abilities of preschool children

through experimentation.



1. To form children's ideas about a physical phenomenon - magnetism.

2. Expand the knowledge of children about the properties of a magnet, empirically reveal it

properties (to attract objects; the action of a magnet through glass, cardboard,

3. Replenish the children's dictionary with the terms: "magnetism", "magnet poles".


1. To develop activity, curiosity, striving for independent

search for reasons, ways of action, manifestation of creativity and

manifestation of individuality.

2. Develop free communication with adults and children, oral components

speech of children in various forms and activities.


1. To develop artistic perception when getting acquainted with artistic

word on the topic "Magnet".

To shape




conducting experiments.





Material and equipment:

Demo: 2

magnet a,

little k and e,

"Highway", cups with snakes, an aquarium.

Dispensing: 2 small magnets for each child, a set of items








a glass,


blanks for fish.

The logic of educational activities

The group includes a teacher dressed in a white robe, glasses and a box.

Educator:- Hello boys and girls! Hello guests! I AM

senior researcher at the scientific laboratory. I was advised by you boys and

take girls to their scientific laboratory. But I only accept those who

wants to be my helpers. But every job has rules. And in

my science lab also has its own rules. Now let's put on our robes

and let's get started.





work in the laboratory ". Conducts a conversation “How to behave in a scientific

laboratories ". Learn the rules.

The educator acts as a senior researcher, since he

already visited this laboratory and knows what interesting things you can do here

to do. Children are offered the roles of little scientists.




which he brought with him) Our task, colleagues, is to study the subject that

is inside.

The magnet takes out a stone.

Educator- Who has a guess what it is?

Children's answers ...

Educator- A



cold), determine the weight (heavy - light?), color ...


- "Magnet




smooth, has a weight ... .. ".

Educator asks


distinguishing it from ordinary stones? "

Children's answers ... ..

Educator: There are natural magnets, these are natural magnetite stones

(shows pictures and asks children to repeat their name). What

natural stones?

Children: These stones were created by nature.




man cannot use them forever. Then people decided to make from





to name the stones that man makes, and not nature?

Children: These are artificial stones.

Educator: Yes. So, permanent magnets are what kind of stones?

Children: Permanent magnets are artificial stones.

Educator: - Colleagues, what do you think, but how can we prove more that

Is it a magnet? And what properties does it have? Dear colleagues, what experiences

can we spend?

Children's answers….

Educator:- To test your assumptions, I suggest you go through

all junior staff to laboratory number 1 ...

See what items are on your tables?

Children list ...

1.stuffed toy

2.wood pencil

3.plastic button

4.plastic jar

5. metal clip and washer.

Experience number 1.

“I suggest you choose those items that, in your opinion, can

pull a magnet to you. " Children are doing the task ...



made?" Children


solution to the problem (using a magnet).

- "What objects were attracted by the magnet?" (Paperclip, washer).

attracted? "



plastic button).

« What conclusion can be drawn? "

Conclusion of children: The magnet attracts only metal objects.

The study of the following properties of the magnet can be continued in the laboratory

"Magnetic poles".


Each of you has a magnet. Let's touch

with its magnet on opposite sides with the magnet of its neighbor. Let's see,

What will happen.

Children: Our magnets are connected and repelled from each other.

Educator: Right.

going on


the sides of the magnet are "north" pole, and on the other - "south". Where else can

be the "south" and "north" poles.

Children: Our planet Earth.




the poles of the Earth and mark the "south" pole with a red circle, and the "north"

Educator: Tell me guys, what shape is our Earth?

Children: Round.

Educator: Why don't people, objects, houses fall from it?

Children: The earth attracts everything.

Educator: The Earth, like one big magnet, attracts everything to itself, it

possesses magnetism. She has, besides these geographic poles,









the pole with a blue rectangle, and the "south" - with a red).

You have magnets on your table with labeled poles. Connect them


What do you see? When do magnets attract and when do they repel?





are attracted. The north poles push off each other and the south



poles, then our magnets begin to be friends. And if we connect them

the same sides - poles, then they run away from each other, do not want

be friends. You can now identify the poles of your magnets with

magnet with marked poles. Try it. And I will determine the poles of

our magnet.

Children identify the poles.

Conclusion of children: Magnets have poles. They are either attracted to each other

friend, or repel.

Dynamic pause

The teacher offers to go to the airfield. - Look, I brought

the airplanes you made: blue and red, like the poles of a magnet. Pay

attention - our airfields also have two colors (red and blue). How

as soon as the music starts playing, you will fly in a circle, when the music stops, you

you need to land the plane at the airfield that will attract it. 2-3 children

explain why the planes landed at this or that airfield.

Colleagues, look, in laboratory No. 3 there are some vessels, and in them

something is located. How to find out what is in the bank without putting your hands there?

What is your hypothesis, colleagues?

Children:- Shall we try to reach the inhabitant of the bank with a magnet?

Experience No. 3. Get the snake out of the jar with a magnet.

Educator:- You each have plastic cups in which

snake-clips lie. Use a magnet to pull the paper clips out of the jar.

Educator:- Colleague, what conclusion can be drawn?

Conclusion of children: The magnet acts through plastic.

Educator: -







Children's answers.

Experience number 4.


metal cars and magnets. A magnet is installed behind a typewriter,

which moves her along the track.


try it


try to control them with a magnet. What conclusion can be drawn?

Conclusion of children: The magnet acts through the cardboard.

offered the game

"Fisherman". Magnetic

fishing rods

catch fish from aquariums.

At the end of the game, the following property is discussed.

Conclusion of children: The magnet acts through water.

Educator:- Dear colleagues, today we had a difficult one, but

interesting day. We studied the properties of a magnet.

After that, the educator

conducts a survey of children by pictures. There are cards on the table.

Educator: I ask questions, and you find the card on which,

yours, the correct answer is shown.

Choose from the pictures the one that depicts a natural stone

What object attracts a magnet?

In what case will magnets be "friends"?

What does a magnet work through?

Children show cards with pictures.

Educator: That's right, everyone did it.

1. The magnet only attracts metal objects.

2. The magnet has two poles: different poles attract, and the same


3. The magnet acts through glass, cardboard, water.

Educator: -And now I suggest you, my little scientists, go to





a fascinating film about the use of magnets in our life.

The teacher and the children leave.

GCD summary for experimentation in the preparatory group

"Sorceress water"

Target: development of research activities.

Tasks: Consolidate knowledge about the basic properties of water. To educate the basics of a humane and value-based attitude to natural resources.Develop the ability to organize an experiment and get results.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about water, its role in human life.

2. Consideration of illustrations on the theme "Water".

3. Reading fiction.

4. Observing the water while walking.

Materials for GCD:

- Transparent disposable cups, disposable plastic spoons, milk, drinking water, paints, brushes, drinking straws, juice, lemon, sugar, aprons, cards - diagrams with an algorithm for performing experiments.

GCD move

Educator: Guys, while I was airing the group, a snowflake flew into our window ... and something was written on it. Who can read it?

I am a cloud and a fog

Both the stream and the ocean

I fly and I run

I can be motionless.

Me and a blue piece of ice

I and a raindrop

And the snowflake is carved.

You learned without difficulty

I am called ... (water)

Guess what we're going to talk about today?(children's answers) We'll talk about water.

Show the globe on the table, ask the children:

What is it? (children's answers)

What is a globe? (model of our Earth)

What colors is the globe painted in? What color are the land and mountains? And what do you think is marked in blue? (water)

And if I spin the globe strongly, what color will our planet become?(children's answers) That's right, the whole globe seemed to turn blue.

Now look at the screen. This is how our planet Earth looks from space(slide 1 with the image of the Earth from Space)The picture shows that our planet is called the blue space traveler for a reason. That's how much water we have on Earth!

Please tell me guys, where can we find water on earth?(children's answers) That's right, these are rivers, lakes, seas, oceans(slide 2 depicting rivers, lakes, seas, oceans)

Guys, who do you think needs water?(children's answers) (needed by everyone: plants, animals, birds and humans)(slide 3 depicting the need for water for all living things)

And why does a person need water?(children's answers)

Where does the tap water come from? (slide 4 where does the water come from)

We use this water every day, but it still flows, does not end (from the river). She went a long way before she got to the tap - through the pipes, then through the filter to get clean. The water must be treated with care, do not leave the taps open.

Many scientists work in laboratories to channel the power of water for the benefit of humans.

What is a laboratory?(children's answers)

How should you behave in the laboratory?

Do you want to visit such a laboratory and conduct your own experiments with water? We leave for the Water Laboratory(magic music):

Turn right, left,

Find yourself in the Water Laboratory!

Here we are in the Laboratory! To get started, what do you need to do? (put on aprons). We will conduct 4 experiments, we need to divide into groups. How many groups do you think should be divided? (for 4)

Guys, how can you divide into 4 groups?(children's answers) Offer to split by count (1, 2, 3, 4th).

And in order for group work to be effective and organized, you need to choose ... who? (head)

What do you think, what are the responsibilities of the supervisor?(children's answers) Consult and choose a leader.

Let's remember the rules when conducting experiments(rules: Listen carefully to the leader. Exactly follow the instructions of the leader. Carefully work with the equipment. At the end of the experiments, draw conclusions.)

(On the tables of each group there are cards with the algorithm for performing the experiment, equipment for conducting the experiments)

Before work, we need to stretch our hands: (finger gymnastics)

Let's get to work, you have cards on your tables that show the sequence of the experiment.

1 experiment "Is the water clear?"

How can this be verified by experience? (put spoons in both glasses with liquids, in a glass where you can see the spoon - water, where you can't see - milk)

2 experiment "What color is the water?"

(you need to dip the brush in paint and rinse the brush in a glass of water, the water is colored). Draw a conclusion: the water will take on the color of the substance that was dissolved in it.

3 experience: "Does water have a taste?"

Do you think water has a taste? Take straws and taste the juice in a glass. What does it taste like? (sweet) Now try the water, what does it taste like? (tasteless) What needs to be done to make the water sour or sweet? (add a drop of lemon or a lump of sugar) Conduct an experiment, draw a conclusion. (If you add any substance to the water, then the water will acquire the taste of what was dissolved in it)

4 experiment "Does water have a smell?"

Guys, smell the clean water in a glass, what does it smell like? (nothing) And if you add some substance with a smell to the water, what will happen? Conduct an experiment, draw a conclusion. (Pure water has no smell. But if you dissolve any substance with a smell (lemon) in water, then the water will acquire the smell of what has been added to it).

We are done experimenting. Let's take off the aprons. And in order for us to return to the group, we need to say the magic words again:

Turn right, left,

Find yourself in the group again... (magic music)

Musical minute(to the song from the cartoon "Barbariki" "About friendship").

Sit on chairs. And now I invite each of the "scientific leaders" to tell about the experiments being carried out. The “leader” of the first group will talk about the first experience, the second about the second, and so on.

Tell us what experience we have conducted, what conclusion have you made?

What will you tell us tonight at home, where have you been? What new have you learned?

Will you believe me if I tell you: does water hear? (children's answers) I didn't believe it either, but it turns out that scientists conducted experiments with frozen water and found out: water hears. Scientists spoke kind, good words to the water, turned on beautiful music, sounds of the forest, singing birds, then froze the water and examined the water crystals through a large microscope (slide 5 with the image of beautiful water crystals).

Then they gave the water to listen to rough music, said a bad word, froze the water again. Look at the screen, the water crystals have become ugly (slide 5 with the image of a broken water crystal).

So it turns out that our water is able to hear, which means that it is alive. And all living things require a careful attitude towards themselves. How should we conserve water? (children's answers)

Guys, please come to the table. There are glasses of drinking water on the table. Let us say kind words to the water. Wish her health and wellness. And now let's drink it, and in return she will share her health and goodness with us. Never swear!

What happened to our guest, the snowflake? (children's answers) That's right, she melted and turned into water droplets, which she left you as a keepsake (hand over medal droplets)