Consultation for parents "We develop the child's speech from an early age" consultation (younger group) on the topic. Consultation for teachers and parents: "The development of the speech of young children: games, exercises, manuals The development of speech of young children for

Advice for parents

« The development of speech in young children».

Early age very important for speech child development. It has enormous potential for forming the foundations of a future adult personality. AT early childhood speech rates much higher development than in subsequent years. Tasks parents in this period: to help children master their native language, accumulate a significant vocabulary, teach them to pronounce sounds.

The more parents will talk to the child, the better it will be develop. Attention to the child has a positive effect on increasing the level of his intelligence. Reversed speech is the main stimulus brain development at an early age.

The child understands well the speech addressed to him and the content of fairy tales.

The child has early age increases need for companionship and peers. The child understands simple questions, for example: "Where is the ball?", "Where did we put the toys?"... Interest in surrounding objects prompts him to turn to adults with questions type: "What is it?", "Why ?", "Where ?".

Vocabulary increases 3-4 times. The child knows the names of many items: toys , dishes , clothes , that is , those items that are in the immediate environment . The child begins to use verbs, adjectives, denoting not only the size of objects, but also their color, shape, quality, for example: red, green, round, long, green…

Speech children by the end of the third year of life characterized the emergence of complex sentences. The child perceives fairy tales that are simple in content and small in volume, can answer some of them according to what they have read. "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok","The wolf and the seven Young goats "- these works are understandable children, but when retelling they able only to say for adults separate words or groups of words. Small texts that have been read many times, kids almost completely remember by heart, but they usually cannot build a coherent retelling on their own, although some children can easily cope with such a task by the end of the third year.

Age from 0 to 3 years - the sensitive period of speech development - the period most sensitive to the impact, whether it is education or development. Speech development child is closely related to his general mental development. Pursuing speech development, we contribute intellectual development.

So that the speech of the baby fully developed, needed relevant terms . Speech arises in the presence of certain biological prerequisites and, above all, normal maturation and functioning central nervous system. However, speech is the most important social function, therefore, for its development biological prerequisites alone are not enough. The need for communication is formed in the life practice of the child's interaction with other people.

It is very important at this age to develop the child's active and passive vocabulary.

When you walk with your child, try not only to observe and name objects, but also help to distinguish objects by their appearance.

(this is oak, and this is birch).

Try not only to name, but also to designate the components of different objects to the baby, the ability to compare objects, compare them in size, shape, color, because the roofs are red and gray, the walls are high and low, the windows are small and large.

Try commenting on everything your baby does.

If you are playing with a child, try to involve him in active actions and pronounce them together.

Toddlers are very fond of games related to the search for a hidden toy, etc.

The task is not only to find and say what happened where. In general, it is very useful to be interested in who does what.

Try to use the same word in different contexts as often as possible.

Good emotional contact is very important at the stage of formation of a child's speech.

with the adults around him.

Hours of daily television viewing and speech delay in children are closely linked. They have problems concentrating, delayed speech development. Their vocabulary is very limited. At first glance, these data seem paradoxical- after all, children constantly hear human speech from the TV screen. However, the child's brain is designed in such a way that the child simply cannot learn with the help of technical devices. For full development, babies need live communication, when not only the hearing organs are involved, but also the feelings and thoughts of the baby.

Scientists believe that television has a negative effect on the development of a child's speech, primarily because parents are distracted from communicating with their children. The longer the TV is on in the house, the less attention mom and dad pay to the child.

As a result, children experience a lack of communication at an early age, when it is simply necessary for the development of all mental processes, primarily speech.

The development of speech during this period significantly depends on the attention and efforts of parents. At this age, children have a great tendency to imitate - this is a favorable factor for the development of active speech.

Significantly increases

vocabulary, the child uses almost all parts of speech in communication, understands the meaning of simple prepositions and plural forms, masters elementary grammatical native language skills.

Respiratory and articulation apparatus only develops, by the age of three there are some imperfections in the pronunciation of sounds, polysyllabic words, words with a confluence of several consonants, which is why the speech of children is still not clear and intelligible. Children of this age do not always know how to use their vocal apparatus correctly: for example, they cannot answer an adult's question loudly enough and speak quietly when the situation requires it.

It is very important that such conditions are created in the family for the child so that he feels satisfaction from communicating with adults, receives from them not only new knowledge, but also enriches his vocabulary, learns to build sentences correctly, pronounce sounds clearly, and tell interesting stories.

« Self-talk"

When the baby is close to you, start talking out loud about what you see, hear, think, feel. You need to speak slowly (but without stretching the words) and clearly, short simple sentences - accessible to the perception of the child. For example : "Where is the cup?", "I see a cup", "The cup is on the table", "In a cup of tea", "I will drink tea".

"Parallel Conversation"

This technique differs from the previous one in that you describe all the actions of the child nka: what he sees , hears , feels , touches . Using "parallel conversation", you seem to prompt the child with words expressing his experience, words that he will later begin to use on his own.

"Provocation, or artificial misunderstanding of the child"

This technique helps the child to master situational speech and consists in the fact that the adult is in no hurry to show his understanding. For example , if a baby points to a shelf with toys , looks at you pleadingly and you understand well what he needs at the moment . Try giving him the wrong toy. Of course, the first reaction of the child will be indignation at your dullness, but this will also be the first motive that stimulates the baby to name the object he needs. If you have a problem, tell me baby:"I don't understand what you want: a cat, a doll or a car? In such situations, the child willingly activates his speech capabilities, feeling much smarter adult . This technique is effective not only for naming objects, but also for verbally denoting actions performed with them.

« Spreading»

Continue and supplement everything said by the baby, but do not force him to repeat - it is quite enough that he hears you. For example: Rebbe nok : "Soup". Adult:"Vegetable soup is delicious", Soup is eaten with a spoon… Responding to a child widespread with a sentence using more complex language forms and rich vocabulary, you gradually lead him to ensure that the child completes his thought and, accordingly, prepare the ground for mastering contextual speech.

« Sentences »

The use of game songs, nursery rhymes, sentences in joint activities with children gives them great joy. Accompanying the actions of the child with words promotes involuntary learning to listen to sounds speeches, catch its rhythm, individual sound combinations and gradually penetrate into their meaning. The important value of folklore works is that they satisfy the baby's need for emotional and tactile (touch and stroke) contact with adults. Majority children by it's nature - kinesthetics: they love to be stroked , pressed to themselves , holding hands .

Oral folk art is just promotes to saturate the need for affection, in physical contact.

« Choice "

Give your child a choice. Formation responsibility begins from the moment when the child is allowed to play an active role in what concerns him personally. Implementation of the opportunity choice generates at child sensation own significance and intrinsic value. (« You want play With doll or bear cub,« You pour half a glass milk or whole cup)

« Games With natural material»

Huge influence on the growth speech and cognitive activity child render diversity and availability objects, which he time from time maybe research : watch, touch, try on the taste, experiment… (child torn to sand, water, clay) . AT « fuss» With them concluded big meaning : child busy deed, he gets acquainted With material, studies his properties…

« Productive kinds activities»

On the early stages speech development child takes possession most diverse languages, replacing the words - gestures, facial expressions, onomatopoeia. More accessible are productive kinds activities : modeling, drawing, applique. They are develop not only speech capabilities child , but and sensory, which havespecial meaning in formation mental activities. try any picture child turn in story, a story- in picture, to to whom need repeatedly come back, « read» , to complement. When such stories and drawings will be typed sufficient amount, can sew them in book and « read» their friends and relatives.

« substitution»

« Imagine, what…"- these the words filled for child attractive force. AT thisage child With pleasure represents, what cube - pie, box from- under shoes - house…In this age children very like games - pantomime, games - imitations, which activate observation and curiosity child. Engage child can in game question - offer : « Guess, what am I now do start With simple action : comb your hair, clean teeth, pour juice in cup...

« role-playing the game»

This view children's activities only yet formed.

For example, the game in telephone, when child, using toy apparatus, maybe call mom, dad ... Such the game stimulates speech development child , shapes confidence in yourself, raises function communication. Encourage inclination children to imitate- this is develops attentiveness to details, awareness direct and portable meaning words.

« Musical games»

Meaning musical games in speech development child difficult overestimate. Children With pleasure sing along, adore musical tools, games, type, « Loaf» , « By bumps» Encourage a wish child move under music, sing along. Nothing terrible is not that child pronounces only graduation or recent the words. Subsequently child will start sing along small songs entirely; help to him, sing together With « main performer» . Child dancing and sings that sees around, hears, invents own songs and melodies- So is born creator!

Highly important remember that speech adult is exemplary for speeches child !

That's why, how more child will be communicate With adults and peers, topics faster and better will be develop his speech .

Speech adult must to be :

- clear, unhurried;

- accessible for understanding baby, then there is not overloaded unpronounceable words and complex proposals;

- literate, not containing babble words and distortion sound pronunciation.

At absence such sample, reduction and impoverishment communication between child and adults, normal speech and mental development slows down , that's why, very important communicate With child, read to him poetry and fairy tales.

So way, how more often parents will speak With child, of course, not overworking him and accessible, correct language, tell to him fairy tales, learn together with him poems, nursery rhymes, play, topics quicker he will master correct speech!

Consultation for parents on the development of speech of young children.

Early age is the most important in the development of all mental processes, and especially speech. The development of speech is possible in close connection with the adult. For a baby at this age, parents are the most important, dear and close people. And therefore, one of the main tips for parents is that you need to talk with the child and be sure to listen to his answers. The child needs an interlocutor - i.e. a person who not only talks to him, but also reacts to what the child wants to say.

The child must learn to call himself by name. Point to the baby and ask: "What's your name?" Say his name. Repeat this many times. Have your child say their name with you when you ask, "What's your name?" From time to time, ask him this question again, and so on until he learns to pronounce his name on his own. Call the child by name when you talk, play with him.

Encourage your child to tell you about what he wants and what he does. Show the child on a walk new objects for him and talk about them.

Speak to your child correctly, pronouncing words and phrases clearly. Pronounce a new word for him not only separately, but also in the structure of the sentence.

Read poems and fairy tales to your child in which words and phrases are repeated several times. As an example, we can recall the favorite children's fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, in which the repeated repetition of the phrases “beat-beat did not break”, “pull-pull, they cannot pull”, leads to the fact that after a while the child begins to pronounce them with your mother. Also useful are rhymes in which there are lines ending in a simple word that the child can repeat. Read books with illustrations to your child. Teach him to show you the pictures that you call him. Sing along with your child simple songs, tapping out their rhythm.

Develop a child's understanding of adult speech, the ability to accurately imitate words, support the baby's desire to talk with others, introduce him to the names of objects and phenomena, teach him to express his thoughts and desires using words and short sentences.

In games with a baby, learn to correctly name the surrounding objects (mainly household items: clothes, furniture, dishes, toys), understand and perform simple tasks; learn to make phrases from several words. So, mom shows the doll and says: “This is Lyalya. Lyali has eyes. This is a nose. These are arms and legs. Then she asks the child and invites him to show (first at the doll, then at her place): “Where is Lyalya? Where are Lyalya's eyes, nose? And where are Tanya's eyes, nose?

To develop understanding of speech, expand vocabulary, invite the baby to choose one among several toys. Lay out toys in front of the child: a pyramid, a doll, a rattle. Offer to find among these toys, for example, a pyramid and give it to you, shift the rattle from one place to another, etc. Gradually complicate the tasks.

To develop the active speech of the child, create situations in which he will be forced to address adults with speech. For the development of speech, it is necessary to use all the favorable moments when the child is forced to contact you. If the baby silently reaches for a toy, an object, ask him: “What can I give you?” If the child cannot name the object (does not know what it is called), name it yourself several times: “Would you like a ball, a pyramid?” Get the child to name the object, if possible. Work out with him a short dialogue "daina". For example: give the ball - on the ball; give juice - for juice, etc.

To stimulate speech, the child needs to ask questions that the adult answers himself at first. Mom, sorting out Andryusha's bed, asks him: “Where will Andryusha go? Go to bed, sleep." Over time, the child will begin to answer such questions.

It is also possible to evoke speech activity in this way: an adult shows a toy puppy and asks the baby: “Is this a kitten?” Such provoking questions cause the child to have speech activity, the desire to correct the adult, to name the object correctly, and teach to listen to the speech of others.

By the end of the second year, it is already possible to talk with the child not only about those objects that he sees at the moment, but also about those that he does not see now, but already knows. This exercises not only speech, but also memory, teaches you to listen and understand speech without visual accompaniment.

The enrichment of the vocabulary should come at the expense of not only nouns and verbs, but also other parts of speech. Children learn not only names, but also some qualities and properties of objects: round, soft, hard. Adults should exercise the baby in mastering new concepts, ideas. Any situation is capable of introducing a baby to a new quality of an object. So, putting her daughter to bed, the mother can say: “Our Tanya has a big bed, and Lyalya has a small one.” When you indicate the size of objects, it is necessary that the objects proposed for comparison be nearby and the child sees them. Invite the child to show where is the big cup, where is the small one, where is the big spoon, and where is the small one. The child should also be pointed out the color of objects: “What a beautiful dress Sveta has! Red!

Introducing the baby to new words, make sure that he clearly pronounces vowel sounds in them, strives to use consonants correctly. In this case, special attention should be paid to the hardness of pronouncing consonant sounds (say "give" and not "day"). To do this, it is useful to use onomatopoeic words. So, showing a toy goose, an adult says to the child: “This is a goose. He screams ha-ha-ha. Now tell me how the goose screams. If the baby makes mistakes and pronounces it softly (“gya-gya-gya”), you need to correct him.

The more often the child begins to pronounce sounds, words, phrases, the more perfect his speech apparatus will be, the faster he will consolidate the newly learned words in his speech.

Therefore, parents should ensure that the child's communication with other people is carried out only with the help of speech!

Leyla Halimova
Consultation for parents "Speech development of young children"

Early age is the most important in development all mental processes, and especially speech. Development speech is possible in close connection with an adult. It has great potential to form the foundations of a future adult personality. AT early childhood, the rate of speech development is much higher than in subsequent years. Tasks parents during this period.: to help children master their native language, accumulate a significant vocabulary, teach them to pronounce sounds.

The more parents will talk to the child, the better he will be develop. Attention to the child has a positive effect on increasing the level of his intelligence. Reversed speech is the main stimulus brain development at an early age.

For the kid in it age - parents, these are the most important, dear and close people. And so, one of the main tips parents, lies in the fact that you need to talk with the child and be sure to listen to his answers. The child needs an interlocutor - that is, a person who not only talks to him, but also reacts to what the child wants to say.

The child must learn to call himself by name. Point to the baby and ask: "What is your name?" Say his name. Repeat this many times. Have your child say their name with you when you ask: "What is your name?" From time to time, ask him this question again, and so on until he learns to pronounce his name on his own. Call the child by name when you talk, play with him.

Encourage your child to tell you about what he wants and what he does. Show the child on a walk new objects for him and talk about them.

Speak to your child correctly, pronouncing words and phrases clearly. Pronounce a new word for him not only separately, but also in the structure of the sentence.

The development of children's speech in the first years of life is very intense. Throughout preschool childhood, children's speech undergoes many changes, forms and develop all aspects of speech - phonetic, grammatical, lexical. Only with the full possession of a preschool child age in native language, we will be able to productively solve the problems of his comprehensive education in the most appropriate period development. The sooner we start teaching the baby the native language, the more familiar he will feel in communication in the future. Laying a solid foundation for development speech in childhood itself, we prepare the child for the systematic study of their native language. Preschool age is a period of intense growth and child development. It is in this age develop all mental processes in the body. Speech is no exception, because a preschooler actively learns the spoken language, communicates with people around him, and establishes connections with the world. All this happens due to the fact that the child's brain has the ability to quickly absorb information in large quantities. Therefore, in the first few years of life, our speech is formed to the level of an adult.

Development speech of preschoolers occurs within a few age periods. The most important period is age from one year to four years, when the child masters the basic laws of the language.

Tips parents on the development of children's speech.

1. When talking to your child, constantly pay attention to your own speech: it must be clear, correct. Always speak in a calm tone. Do not forget that the child first of all learns to speak from you, so watch your speech, its correctness.

2. Communicate with your child as often as possible. Remember that the main interlocutors in the family are mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather. And if you notice that your child is having speech problems, do not be afraid to contact specialists. (speech therapist, psychologist, neuropathologist).

3. Read to your child often. Reading at night plays an important role in child's speech development, he learns new words, turns, develops hearing. And remember that your pronunciation should be crisp, clear, expressive. And be sure to discuss what you read.

4. Pay more attention development of coherent speech: telling fairy tales, retelling fairy tales, compiling creative stories (the child comes up with them himself, compiling stories from pictures. Offer the child a competition "Whose story is better", "Whose story is more interesting" with the participation of all family members.

5. Buy books with colorful illustrations, pictures, board games.

6. Improving sound pronunciation is facilitated by tongue twisters, tongue twisters.

7. Children are very fond of guessing and guessing riddles. Riddles teach children to draw conclusions, analyze, develop thinking. Be sure to ask your child questions:"How did you guess?", "Why?"

8. Don't forget that the leading activity children is a game through the game the child learns faster and faster.

Related publications:

Consultation for parents "Speech development of young children" In the methodology of language teaching, two main forms of work on the speech of children are adopted: teaching in the classroom and directing the development of children in everyday life.

Consultation for parents and educators "Development of fine motor skills in young children" Development of fine motor skills in young children What is fine motor skills? These are movements of the small muscles of the hands. It is very important to develop the small muscles.

Consultation for parents and educators "Speech development of a child 5-6 years old" Prepared by: educator MADOU No. 21, Veliky Novgorod Volodina Svetlana Aleksandrovna Speech is one of the main lines of child development.

Consultation for parents "Cognitive and speech development" The speech of the teacher himself, which has a general and educational orientation. When working with children, we must remember that the children who come to the nursery.

Consultation for parents "Development of fine motor skills of hands in young children." The level of development of the child's movements determines the level of his physical and mental development. The higher his motor activity, the.


"We develop the speech of a child from an early age"

educator MBDOU "Rodnichok"

n. Savinsky

first junior group


Speech plays an important role in the mental development and behavior of children.

Under its influence, the nature of the perception of the child changes.

A child who has mastered speech is aware, first of all, of the meaning of objects.

It is rebuilt under the influence of speech and memory processes, the nature of the child's activity changes.

First, as we know, a game for a child is an action with objects

Under the influence of repeatedly repeated and various external stimuli received from the environment, the child's actions become more complicated. The child communicates with adults, speech becomes a means of communication, i.e. begins to perform its main, main function.

Through the word, the relationship of a small person with others occurs: obedience is developed, the ability to obey the requirements of adults, the ability to reckon with the interests of other people is brought up. For the timely and full development of speech, the kindergarten takes into account the following factors:

Enrichment of sensory experience in its correct combination with verbal accompaniment;

Establishment of positive contact, mainly individual interaction of the educator with children and children among themselves;

Creation of favorable conditions for the development of imitation and independent speech activity.

Communication between children, especially older ones with younger ones, has a great influence on the development of speech. Such mutual communication begins to positively influence the development of the speech of young children from the period when they learn to reproduce audible sounds and words relatively well.

What is the role of parents in children's speech development?

Your baby is developing well, he began to sit and walk on time. He is healthy and cheerful, clearly understands what others are talking about, is well oriented in the usual situation, and yet he does not talk. Many mothers begin to worry, comparing their “silent ones” with glibly speaking peers, is it worth worrying or waiting a little longer?

It is likely that if in the period from 1.5 to 2 years the child develops well in other directions, perhaps his energy is spent precisely on this, and not on speech development. Most likely, this is an acceptable variant of the norm. But if after two years the baby does not speak, you need to understand the reason and help the child. Here are some tips to help you as a parent.

1.Check your child's hearing

If there is the slightest suspicion that the child has hearing problems (he comes too close to the sound source, does not immediately respond to the speech addressed to him), do not put off visiting the clinic. Your baby needs an audiogram. It has been established that even a slight hearing loss interferes with the development of speech.

Comment on all your and his actions, discuss everything that happens around, ask the baby as many questions as possible and carefully “listen to his answers”, even if they are not expressed in words. Respond to it using simple short phrases consisting of repeated keywords. The child's need for verbal communication with adults should be supported in every possible way. An important role is played by the educational tactics of parents, who should encourage the child to clearly, if possible, clearly express their desires in words, and only in this case fulfill them. A child imitates an adult, so it is important for parents to monitor their pronunciation. Speak slowly, clearly pronounce all sounds and words. You can’t “fake” a child’s speech, pronounce words distortedly, pronounce truncated words (bibika, lala), you can’t lisp

Deviation in the development of teeth, malocclusion is a reason to turn to specialists in order to identify the pathology of the dentoalveolar system in time and prevent speech defects.

Excessive talkativeness of adults can be the cause of a lag in the development of a child's speech. Among the abundance of incomprehensible words, unfamiliar words, the child cannot grasp what refers to what. It is necessary to speak with the baby slowly, not to clutter up the speech with words inaccessible to the understanding of the child. Teach your child to have concrete content behind words and expressions.

The level of speech development and the quality of fine motor skills are closely related. The training of fine finger movements is stimulating for the overall development of the child, especially for the development of speech. Active formation of speech begins when the movement of the child's fingers reaches sufficient accuracy and strength.

You need to start training your child's fingers as early as possible. You can:

Massage fingers and hands. Perform massage movements in the direction from the fingertips to the wrist. It is good if a professional massage therapist shows you the massage techniques.

Do finger exercises. Remember the folk games, nursery rhymes, such as "Forty-white-sided", which in Russia were played with children from infancy, and which surprisingly harmoniously combine speech and movement. Their waving value is often underestimated by parents. Now many popular manuals have been published, in which you will find a variety of useful and fun exercises for the development of fingers.

For the development of fine motor skills, everyday exercises such as buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying shoelaces (it’s a pity that more and more children’s shoes have Velcro), and untying knots on shoelaces will also be useful. For the same purpose, use drawing, coloring (only not with felt-tip pens, but with pencils), modeling from plasticine, clay and even dough. Work with paper, cereals, ropes, collect beads, mosaics, don't forget about constructors. It is difficult to list all the possible activities for the development of fine motor skills.

The simpler ones are tasks to repeat a word or pronounce a particular sound, when an adult learns to pronounce the word correctly. More difficult - when the child is asked: “Go to your grandmother and tell her: “Grandma, please give me my hat”

Thus, an adult gives the child a sample of speech (an example of the use of speech in specific communication conditions), contributes to the formation of grammatical, lexical correctness of speech. And also the child learns to consciously, consciously build his speech. The culture of speech communication, speech behavior of the child is brought up.

Already at an early age, the child likes to listen to stories and fairy tales. He learns to understand the speech-story, the content of which is not currently in front of his eyes. The child gets the opportunity to know reality through words. Use subject and plot pictures for viewing. The kid, with the help of an adult, by answering his questions, learns to consistently, coherently tell, which is a prerequisite for coherent speech.

1. Do not demand the impossible from your child. Do not pester with a constant request: “Say, “repeat”, “name.” This will definitely not help the child speak.

2. Do not reproach him for still not speaking. In no case do not punish the baby for this. Punishment does not stimulate the development of speech, and the relationship between you will be spoiled. In addition, the feeling of failure gives the child a feeling of anxiety.

3. Do not set him as an example of other children who already speak well. Everyone has their own pace of development. A child can only be compared with himself, noticing his successes and rejoicing at even insignificant achievements.

4. Do not blackmail or intimidate the child with the terrible consequences of his temporary failures. Adults sometimes do not even suspect what kind of mental trauma even one careless phrase can cause to a child. Worst of all: "Tell me, otherwise mom will not love."

Now I suggest you conduct a game training. You can play the proposed games anytime, anywhere. For a while, you will be my children.

  1. "Write a story." Parents are offered a set of subject pictures arranged in a chain: a camomile, a rooster, a river, a cow, children, etc. You need to compose a fairy tale or story using these pictures.
  2. "Find the treasure." In a dry pool (a box filled with dry peas), bury some small toy. Invite the children to find it. In summer, you can look for treasures in dry, warm sand.
  3. "Who's doing what?". Cards are offered with the image of people of various professions: a doctor (heals, listens, looks, writes down), a cook (cooks, rezhit, cooks), etc.
  4. "Great box." Hide 4-6 toys in a box. Remember what toys are hidden in the box
  5. “Tell me a word” Say the first syllable of the word - the child says the ending (machine, mother, malina, masha)
  6. "Remember and name." View a bright, colorful picture with a simple plot for one minute. Hide and ask: "What did you see?"
  7. "Confusion". This child knows any blue color in an orange (children name the correct answer). The cat is barking, the duck is barking, the plane is swimming, the grass is red, etc.
  8. "Hide-and-seek-guesses". Put the toy in different places. Where is the bunny hiding? (under the chair, under the table, on the chair, behind the door, in the closet
  9. "One is many." Use household items. (one plate, many plates, one chair, many chairs)
  10. "Finish the sentence."

Mom bought in the store ...

Dad brought it from the forest...etc.

I would like to end my speech with a poem by Sh. Amonashvili:

Do not spare time for children,

Look at the adults in them.

Stop fighting and getting angry

Try to make friends with them.

Try not to blame them

Learn to listen and understand.

Warm them up with your warmth

Let their home be their fortress.

Together with them try, search,

Talk about everything in the world.

Always direct them invisibly

And help them in everything they do.

Learn to trust children

Each step does not need to be checked.

Respect their opinion and advice,

Children are wise, don't forget.

And always look to the children

And love them with all your soul

Like it's impossible to describe

Then you won't lose your children.



Consultation for


"We develop the speech of a child from an early age"

Educator MBDOU "Rodnichok"

P. Savinsky

First junior group



Speech plays an important role in the mental development and behavior of children.

Under its influence, the nature of the perception of the child changes.

A child who has mastered speech is aware, first of all, of the meaning of objects.

It is rebuilt under the influence of speech and memory processes, the nature of the child's activity changes.

First, as we know, a game for a child is an action with objects

Under the influence of repeatedly repeated and various external stimuli received from the environment, the child's actions become more complicated. The child communicates with adults, speech becomes a means of communication, i.e. begins to perform its main, main function.

Through the word, the relationship of a small person with others occurs: obedience is developed, the ability to obey the requirements of adults, the ability to reckon with the interests of other people is brought up. For the timely and full development of speech, the kindergarten takes into account the following factors:

Enrichment of sensory experience in its correct combination with verbal accompaniment;

Establishment of positive contact, mainly individual interaction of the educator with children and children among themselves;

Creation of favorable conditions for the development of imitation and independent speech activity.

Communication between children, especially older ones with younger ones, has a great influence on the development of speech. Such mutual communication begins to positively influence the development of the speech of young children from the period when they learn to reproduce audible sounds and words relatively well.

What is the role of parents in children's speech development?

Your baby is developing well, he began to sit and walk on time. He is healthy and cheerful, clearly understands what others are talking about, is well oriented in the usual situation, and yet he does not talk. Many mothers begin to worry, comparing their "silent" with glibly speaking peers, should I be worried or wait a little longer?

It is likely that if in the period from 1.5 to 2 years the child develops well in other directions, perhaps his energy is spent precisely on this, and not on speech development. Most likely, this is an acceptable variant of the norm. But if after two years the baby does not speak, you need to understand the reason and help the child. Here are some tips to help you as a parent.

1.Check your child's hearing

If there is the slightest suspicion that the child has hearing problems (he comes too close to the sound source, does not immediately respond to the speech addressed to him), do not put off visiting the clinic. Your baby needs an audiogram. It has been established that even a slight hearing loss interferes with the development of speech.

2. Talk to your child more and more often

Comment on all your and his actions, discuss everything that happens around, ask the baby as many questions as possible and carefully “listen to his answers”, even if they are not expressed in words. Respond to it using simple short phrases consisting of repeated keywords. The child's need for verbal communication with adults should be supported in every possible way. An important role is played by the educational tactics of parents, who should encourage the child to clearly, if possible, clearly express their desires in words, and only in this case fulfill them. A child imitates an adult, so it is important for parents to monitor their pronunciation. Speak slowly, clearly pronounce all sounds and words. You can’t “fake” a child’s speech, pronounce words distortedly, pronounce truncated words (bibika, lala), you can’t lisp

3. Pay attention to the structure of the articulatory apparatus

Deviation in the development of teeth, malocclusion is a reason to turn to specialists in order to identify the pathology of the dentoalveolar system in time and prevent speech defects.

4. Get rid of unnecessary talkativeness

Excessive talkativeness of adults can be the cause of a lag in the development of a child's speech. Among the abundance of incomprehensible words, unfamiliar words, the child cannot grasp what refers to what. It is necessary to speak with the baby slowly, not to clutter up the speech with words inaccessible to the understanding of the child. Teach your child to have concrete content behind words and expressions.

5. Develop your child's fine motor skills

The level of speech development and the quality of fine motor skills are closely related. The training of fine finger movements is stimulating for the overall development of the child, especially for the development of speech. Active formation of speech begins when the movement of the child's fingers reaches sufficient accuracy and strength.

You need to start training your child's fingers as early as possible. You can:

Massage fingers and hands. Perform massage movements in the direction from the fingertips to the wrist. It is good if a professional massage therapist shows you the massage techniques.

Do finger exercises. Remember the folk games, nursery rhymes, such as "Forty-white-sided", which in Russia were played with children from infancy, and which surprisingly harmoniously combine speech and movement. Their waving value is often underestimated by parents. Now many popular manuals have been published, in which you will find a variety of useful and fun exercises for the development of fingers.

For the development of fine motor skills, everyday exercises such as buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying shoelaces (it’s a pity that more and more children’s shoes have Velcro), and untying knots on shoelaces will also be useful. For the same purpose, use drawing, coloring (only not with felt-tip pens, but with pencils), modeling from plasticine, clay and even dough. Work with paper, cereals, ropes, collect beads, mosaics, don't forget about constructors. It is difficult to list all the possible activities for the development of fine motor skills.

6. Give children speech tasks

The simpler ones are tasks to repeat a word or pronounce a particular sound, when an adult learns to pronounce the word correctly. More difficult - when the child is asked: “Go to your grandmother and tell her: “Grandma, please give me my hat”

Thus, an adult gives the child a sample of speech (an example of the use of speech in specific communication conditions), contributes to the formation of grammatical, lexical correctness of speech. And also the child learns to consciously, consciously build his speech.The culture of speech communication, speech behavior of the child is brought up.

7. Read books to your child, look at pictures

Already at an early age, the child likes to listen to stories and fairy tales. He learns to understand the speech-story, the content of which is not currently in front of his eyes. The child gets the opportunity to know reality through words. Use subject and plot pictures for viewing. The kid, with the help of an adult, by answering his questions, learns to consistently, coherently tell, which is a prerequisite for coherent speech.

It's important to know what not to do

1. Do not demand the impossible from your child. Do not pester with a constant request: “Say, “repeat”, “name.” This will definitely not help the child speak.

2. Do not reproach him for still not speaking. In no case do not punish the baby for this. Punishment does not stimulate the development of speech, and the relationship between you will be spoiled. In addition, the feeling of failure gives the child a feeling of anxiety.

3. Do not set him as an example of other children who already speak well. Everyone has their own pace of development. A child can only be compared with himself, noticing his successes and rejoicing at even insignificant achievements.

4. Do not blackmail or intimidate the child with the terrible consequences of his temporary failures. Adults sometimes do not even suspect what kind of mental trauma even one careless phrase can cause to a child. Worst of all: "Tell me, otherwise mom will not love."

Now I suggest you conduct a game training. You can play the proposed games anytime, anywhere. For a while, you will be my children.

  1. "Write a story." Parents are offered a set of subject pictures arranged in a chain: a camomile, a rooster, a river, a cow, children, etc. You need to compose a fairy tale or story using these pictures.
  2. "Find the treasure." In a dry pool (a box filled with dry peas), bury some small toy. Invite the children to find it. In summer, you can look for treasures in dry, warm sand.
  3. "Who's doing what?". Cards are offered with the image of people of various professions: a doctor (heals, listens, looks, writes down), a cook (cooks, rezhit, cooks), etc.
  4. "Great box." Hide 4-6 toys in a box. Remember what toys are hidden in the box
  5. “Tell me a word” Say the first syllable of the word - the child says the ending (machine, mother, malina, masha)
  6. "Remember and name." View a bright, colorful picture with a simple plot for one minute. Hide and ask: "What did you see?"
  7. "Confusion". This child knows any blue color in an orange (children name the correct answer). The cat is barking, the duck is barking, the plane is swimming, the grass is red, etc.
  8. "Hide-and-seek-guesses". Put the toy in different places. Where is the bunny hiding? (under the chair, under the table, on the chair, behind the door, in the closet
  9. "One is many." Use household items. (one plate, many plates, one chair, many chairs)
  10. "Finish the sentence."

Mom bought in the store ...

Dad brought it from the forest...etc.

I would like to end my speech with a poem by Sh. Amonashvili:

Do not spare time for children,

Look at the adults in them.

Stop fighting and getting angry

Try to make friends with them.

Try not to blame them

Learn to listen and understand.

Warm them up with your warmth

Let their home be their fortress.

Together with them try, search,

Talk about everything in the world.

Always direct them invisibly

And help them in everything they do.

Learn to trust children

Each step does not need to be checked.

Respect their opinion and advice,

Children are wise, don't forget.

And always look to the children

And love them with all your soul

Like it's impossible to describe

Then you won't lose your children.


1) “The world of childhood. Preschooler / Ed. A.G. Khripkova

2) "Development and education of young children in a preschool educational institution" Educational and methodological manual.

3) "The development of speech of preschool children" Author O. Ushakova

4) Material from the website

Early age is very significant for the speech development of the child. It has great potential to form the foundations of a future adult personality. In early childhood, the rate of speech development is much higher than in subsequent years.

From one to three years there is a particularly intensive development of children's speech. The content and form are improved: the volume of the dictionary increases significantly, some children begin to pronounce words correctly, change them in accordance with the meaning of the sentence, use not only simple, but also complex sentences, and begin to master speech-description. A child of this age is interested in many things, more often turns to an adult with questions, which contributes to the improvement of dialogical speech.

Speech becomes a means of communication not only with adults, but also with children.

All this determines the main tasks of speech games.

  • Develop speech as a means of communication.
  • To form an interest in active interaction with adults and children.

The theme of games can be very diverse. The game should have a plot, content, thought out ways of interacting with an adult, which should not interfere with the development of activity and independence of children. Children's games with objects should be varied, and ideally turn into independent games.

When determining the content and methods of guiding speech games and exercises, children's experience should be taken into account, since children 2-3 years old already know quite a lot, see what is the basis for the formation of independent actions and initiative statements. This provides positive game motivation: children speak and act with great desire (feed the doll, horse, talk to them as they saw it in life).

Children with age begin to better understand the speech of others addressed to them and respond accordingly. It is all the more important to use such a technique as questions in the development of speech and thinking, but they should be quite diverse. Unfortunately, in practice, questions of the same type are often used ("what?", "who?", "what?") and children easily answer them, and most often in one word. To teach them to speak in sentences, including more complex ones, it is necessary to ask appropriate questions, for example: “Why is the hare crying?”, “Why does Petrushka ask for the ball?” etc. Or, for example, ask not only who came to visit the children, but also where they came from, where they live (for example, a bear), what we feed the bear, etc. The question "what?" is very important, as it requires a change in the form of the word (not just “loves bread, carrots”, but “feed with bread, carrots”). This should be taught to children immediately with the introduction of a new word. It is necessary to encourage the children themselves to ask questions, turn to each other: “Ask Tanya what kind of toy she likes, with whom she will play (lay down or bathe the doll)”, etc.

Vocabulary increases by 3-4 times. The child knows the names of many items: toys, dishes, clothes, that is, those items that are in the immediate environment. The child begins to use verbs, adjectives, denoting not only the size of objects, but also their color, shape, quality. For example: red, green, round, long, etc.

You can play games such as Call Petrushka, Friendly Family, Who Lives in the House?

The movement of the fingers and hands is of particular developmental importance. The influence of manual actions on the development of the human brain has been proven for a long time. Fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, massaging which can affect the entire body, including the brain. Throughout the world, for centuries, nursery rhymes, jokes with finger movements, which we now call “finger games”, have been created. Our native folk pedagogy created the games "Ladushki", "Magpie - White-sided", "Horned Goat" and others. Simple movements of the hands and fingers help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also from the lips, relieve mental fatigue. They are able to improve the pronunciation of many sounds, and therefore develop the child's speech.

Techniques for activating the speech of children 1–3 years old

  • A jointlooking at objects.

An adult, together with a child, is watching something, someone. At the same time, he very expressively describes everything that they see. For example: “Look, what a cat, what paws he has, a tail. Touch the soft gray fur of the cat. The cat sits quietly. At the same time, it is important that children can show their activity - perform simple movements, combining, linking them with familiar and unfamiliar words. And, of course, all manifestations of the child's activity in the subject should be encouraged and supported.

  • Readingjokes, poetry.

The adult repeats the rhyme or nursery rhyme several times. When the text is well known to the child, the adult makes a pause at the end of the lines (in rhyme), prompting the child to complete the phrase with this. This is how a dialogue in verse arises, which brings joy to the baby and the adult. This is how both speech and the child's memory develop - this is how the baby begins to read by heart.

  • Introduction to a new word.

A new word meaning an action is introduced together with familiar words denoting the subject or subject of this action, thus increasing interest in the word and reinforcing certain phrases. For example, “Vanya is eating, and the chicken is pecking, and the chickens are pecking ... What is the chicken doing? Show how she pecks ... ”In this case, pictures are considered or actions are performed with toys.

  • Looking at pictures.

An adult and a child look at familiar pictures together. "Who is this? And who is this, - the adult asks, - and what is he doing? Where is the bird? Show me the tree? If the child is silent, you can suggest an answer, but you still need to ensure that later he answers himself, looking at the same picture. In the third year of life, questions can be more complex.

  • Orders that require a response-action.

The adult asks the child to find, bring or show something. The complexity of such an assignment depends on the development of the child's speech (passive and active): the assignment should be clear and accessible to him, but require concentration and non-mechanical actions from him. The simplest request is to bring a toy in plain sight when nothing distracts the child's attention. More difficult - to find and bring a toy, selecting it among others: first two, then three ... It is even more difficult to find a toy that is out of sight, a targeted search is required. Subsequent tasks include the search for not one, but two items: "First bring the bear, then the ball." So, gradually complicating the instructions, you can teach the child to regulate his actions with a word - still the word of an adult. You can help him by repeating the word. It is desirable that the child himself repeats what he needs to bring, and having fulfilled the request, he said that he had brought it. If the child does not want to follow your instructions, do not force him - this is a game.