Beauty is a terrible power meaning. Beauty is a terrible power! Who owns these words

The beauty - horrible power whoever said this had no idea how much! And she said this catch phrase Faina Ranevskaya in the film "Spring". The desire to be beautiful pushes us to do incredible things. Who invented these standards of beauty that we so thoughtlessly love to chase after them?

Did you know that Asia accounts for 80 percent of all whitening creams. Asians dream of being white, while we spend certain sums of money on tanning, so we dream of having a chocolate or golden hue... Solariums, self-tanners and even to the sea we go just for the sake of tanning. And the less wealthy residents of the city effectively use the roofs of high-rise buildings, pouring water from bottles (haven’t heard such stories?), Or on the balcony they take sunbathing... Believe me, this is very popular in cities where there are no ponds and beaches.

Sunburn is bad for health, but we turn a blind eye to it, because beauty requires sacrifice. And we all know how scary a girl smeared with cheap self-tanner looks.

Korean women, for example, wear umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun, and they always use sunscreen is a plus. But sometimes they choose toning agents for the face too light color and it looks like a mask - that's a minus.

The beauty industry would surely have gone bankrupt if it had not imposed various standards of beauty on us and then successfully earned money from our desire to meet these standards.

Women extend eyelashes, nails, hair, enlarge their breasts, pump out fat, insert colored lenses, change the shape of their noses ... Sometimes men do the same. This is some kind of tireless race for an unknown ideal, the end and the edge is not visible to it, and the ideal does not exist.

Ideal human beings are children. Look at them: they are beautiful, they are perfect. They smile back with a smile; when they are sad or something hurts, they cry; they look at the world with interest, rejoice simple things; they are real, they don't play games, they live without masks, they don't try to look their best. They can teach us a lot!

They do not look at themselves in the mirror, looking for flaws, and they do not perceive others based on external beauty, they feel people on a completely different level, which we forget about growing up. We accumulate so many different filters (cultural, social, professional ...), it is already very difficult to evaluate a person as God's creation.

Audrey Hepburn spoke very aptly about beauty. She said:

to be beautiful look, be able to see the good in people;

To have beautiful lips, say nice kind words;

to have good posture, go knowing that you are not alone.

All beauty comes from within. Therefore, in order to improve your appearance, you can just start doing good deeds, instead of another procedure in a beauty salon, you can donate the same amount to charity and love yourself the way you are, because we were created perfect and only our way of life can change that.

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Beauty is a terrible force!

Beauty is a terrible force!

First, beauty! The more charm a woman has, the faster she will achieve what she wants. The main thing is to choose a target, and then apply your feminine charm. You don't have to be blue-eyed blonde or green-eyed brunette. Attractive femininity turns men on much faster than correct features faces. A simple example is the famous Pushkareva. A frightened look, a bear gait and a Soviet schoolgirl's hairstyle. The ugly duckling, not the girl. What do we see at the end? A little makeup stylish haircut and, of course, a complete wardrobe change. And from a clumsy girl, Katyusha turns into a real businesswoman. No plastics, tooth replacements and hair extensions. All ingenious is simple. Men love well-groomed women... And women love to take care of themselves.

Physiologically, female beauty is subordinated to one function - the birth of a child. Visible features female body designed to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The sameness of people would not allow further life... However, some physiological features female embryonic development remained with men. For example, in the form of nipples that do not perform any physical function in the male body.

Naturally, beauty is an individual concept, but any man is able to distinguish a beautiful woman from a masculine one. Although someone likes that. Homosexual relationships are generally difficult to explain, except perhaps as a developmental disorder. It turns out that the concept female beauty laid down in male thinking... Of course, stereotypes of the time are forming new criteria for beauty, but the main thing is still that a woman should arouse desire.

The question remains: why are some women born very beautiful, while others suffer from a lack of male attention? What is the beauty gene?

Undoubtedly, heredity is not the last component beautiful appearance... But it happens that not very pretty mom and dad have a child with a model appearance. In this case, we are considering two options: either dad stayed away from the process, or the beauty gene was laid in previous generations. It is impossible to guess how beautiful your child will be, even if you are sure of paternity. Genetic changes can also turn a beauty into a monster.

Here's another fact negative impact modern medicine on female appearance... During menopause, doctors advise taking a course hormonal treatment. Female body enrich with male hormones, preventing premature aging... What's the bottom line? There are no wrinkles, but light "unshaven" becomes a companion of the remaining years. It's scary to think what an overdose of the hormones "happiness" can lead to. Some contraceptives, by the way, they act on approximately the same principle. Therefore, alternate between contraceptives.

It turns out that beauty is on the present stage life becomes a pass in better life considering the crazy pace of development fashion business... On the other hand, people are not always ready to perceive the combination of beauty and intelligence in a woman, because this simply cannot be! If a woman is beautiful, then she fits perfectly into the interior of a luxurious mansion. Intellectual ability such a young lady does not interest anyone, even if they are high level... Delusion? Or the intrigues of "enemies" with eyes full of envy? No matter. The main thing is that the woman herself really recognizes beauty and mind as a killer cocktail. You should not dwell on innate data, because there is no limit to perfection.

A change of image sometimes becomes the beginning of a new life. Why do blondes suddenly turn into hot brunettes? The woman decides to take this step for a reason. There are several reasons.

Unhappy love. Unrequited, tragic ... Call it what you want. But it is precisely because of this unfortunate life "incident" that a woman is ready to change her hair color. For what? At least in order to turn from a fragile and windy blonde into a bitchy and purposeful brunette. Now it's up to the small thing: to establish internal correspondences. And you're done!

But there are also reverse reincarnations. For example, when enough Strong woman wants to hide behind a mask of naivety and emptiness. Then from fatal brunette she turns into a pretty blonde. If a woman decides to drastically change her image, she will never return to her old life.

Don't be discounted female offense and disappointment. These sensations never go unnoticed. It is highly likely that new color hair is a weapon of revenge. Former lovers, once in the network to the "new" "old" friend, beware! This is just a retaliatory step to betrayal and lies. Beauty becomes an excellent weapon in skillful hands the fairer sex.

Life realization. Folk art in the form of anecdotes always finds its admirer. It is then that stereotypes begin to take shape. Blondes are naive, stupid and simple-minded. Brunettes are lonely, cruel, but smart. Redheads are windy and fickle. What's going on in real life? Do intelligence, beauty and upbringing depend on hair color? And why does this stereotype only apply to women? After all, men also have different shades hair or not at all. After all, for some reason, it never occurs to anyone to compose another tale about mental abilities brunettes, brown-haired or bald. Although there is a lot to say and in different ways.

Due to stereotypes, some owners of white curls become "smarter", repainting in dark color... But the mind is either there or not. No change of hairstyles will add or take away from it. When you are not hired for some incomprehensible external criteria, you should not fight for a place. Don't cheat on yourself. If you're comfortable with being blonde, be that blonde. Take your time to get rid of red curls just because they pissed off your boss's wife. This is silly. A woman's thinking does not depend on the color of her hair, but on the level of education of the young lady. Look for compromises. Apply feminine charm and cunning. Try to match your image and emphasize with your appearance. inner sensation the world.

I'm so comfortable. This is how you should answer true lady... Why did you change your hair color? Because I feel that way. Why did you cut off your chic long braids? because fashion haircut fits the oval of my face. It is a pity that women change less and less often just because they want to discover a new self. Most often they do it because of some life stress. This is a woman's nature. Excessive emotionality manifests itself not only through a scratched face young man but also through dyed hair, a changed haircut or a bold wardrobe.

Every woman has her own sense of beauty, and he often needs to be trusted. The beauty of a woman is not in ideal figure and a pretty face - we create beauty ourselves. One thing is indisputable: beautiful woman- a confident woman, and it costs a lot.

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Faina Ranevskaya is an amazing actress and incredible woman... I will never stop admiring her.

She played a huge number of roles, but at the same time there are very few main ones in her filmography. these are films such as:

  • "Today is a new attraction" (1966);
  • "Easy Life" (1964);
  • "Careful, grandma!" (1960).

Most of her characters were secondary. But what an outstanding talent must be possessed so that the audience will remember and love her precisely for these roles. The phrases of her heroines became popular, they were quoted. With the words "Mulya, don't make me nervous" - the fans rushed towards their beloved actress.

The wonderful comedy "Spring" was directed by Grigory Alexandrov in 1947. Main role more precisely, the role was played by Lyubov Orlova, who is irreplaceable in his films. The cast, script, music - everything and everyone is good in this film, especially Faina Ranevskaya. The great actress never considered herself a beauty. Although I disagree with her. In my opinion, beauty is mental qualities person. And in in this case for me she is much more beautiful than Lyubov Orlova.

Faina Ranevskaya played an adult lady, deprived male attention who runs the household the main character... And when a selfish admirer appears in her life, the woman literally blooms.

And during the period of such flowering, the heroine of Ranevskaya tries on near the mirror fashionable hat, admires his reflection and says "Yes! Beauty is a terrible power." The audience liked the comedy. This phrase became famous literally in an instant. She is associated with this film or F. Ranevskaya.

At the same time, everyone unanimously forgot that in fact this is a quote from a verse by the pre-revolutionary poet S. Ya. Nadson (1862-1887).

He lived a short life. He was very talented and famous at the time. Now - undeservedly forgotten. This is understandable, the officials did not include him in school christomathies, his poems were not about the hard life of a peasant or hard work worker. Therefore, it is very pleasant that thanks to one talent they remember another, no less talented person.