Who has the right to reprove retirement. Armor pension

In connection with objective reasons in Russia, the retirement age will only be increased in the coming decades. Most likely, the decision to increase the retirement age will be taken to 2020 and therefore the question of benefits in pension provision, the possibilities of access to a well-deserved rest prior to the said age and preferential terms of the experience becomes particularly relevant.

What does the law talk about early pension?

Changes in social security schemes Russians and new methods for calculating benefits established a new law on pensions, which entered into force on January 1, 2015, to innovations refer to the mandatory attribution of the opportunity to prescribe a retirement to the presence of an individual retirement coefficient in the amount that the law defines the Insured Citizen.

To improve the planning of your learning and further career, the future generation should know who will be able to go to a well-deserved rest. In accordance with the legislation, the list of persons who can do it is quite wide, and the conditions that make it possible to obtain such benefits are different. The list of citizens who may retire early, is given in Articles of Law 30-32 No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On Insurance Pensions".

Most of the occasions on holidays early for preferential categories of citizens provides not only to develop a certain seniority, but also the achievement of a certain age is 45-55 years. For some professions (teachers, doctors), they established such an opportunity according to the length of the years, namely, after a certain experience was accumulated. So who can retire ahead of time and how to do it?

Persons who may claim this benefit

Many people are interested in learn about the possibility of retirement of the previous period. It really exists, but only for certain categories of citizens:

  • For women who have a minimum of five children. They can go to a well-deserved rest at the achievement of 50 years and in the fulfillment of two important conditions - the term of insurance experience should have at least 15 years, and each child needs to bring up at least 8 years. It will be a preferential start-up pension.
  • Men from 55, and women from 50 years old, when they are considered to be the parents of a disabled child since childhood. Mandatory condition is the presence of at least 20 years in a man and 15 in a woman's insurance experience. To do this, you need a raised child to reach the age of at least 8 years old and has an independent service skills. To get into this rate, you can also include guardians raising children with disabilities. To all of the time, from 1.5 years of upbringing such a child, only one year is counted on a decrease in retirement age, and in total - to five years.

Who else is the starting retirement? Unemployed citizens who do not have employment opportunities after the liquidation of the enterprise or reduction.

Exit to a well-deserved rest before the deadline after the reduction is usually offered by an employee of the employment service. This requires the consent of a citizen and fulfilling some of the requirements:

  • the cause of the dismissal should not serve as professional skills of the employee (permissible reasons: reducing the total number of employees, state or liquidation of the organization);
  • achieving men of 57-year-old, and women of 53 years old;
  • the inability to provide an appropriate place of employment;
  • full workability of employment experience, which allows for leisure of old age.

The same category also includes disabled students in vision. It is possible to execute women for this basis from 40 years old, and men - from 50, in the case when they have already developed the experience, corresponding to 10 and 15 years.

Also, the right to the early appointment of a pension is made by men who have worked at least 25, and women of 20 years and subsequently with disabilities due to military injury.

Citizens, which are Liliputs or Dwarfs due to rare diseases and having a working experience of 20 years in men and 15 - in women. They can go to preferential pension at 40 years and 45.

People, at least some time launched in the conditions of the Far North.

As well as 53-year-old women and 57-year-old men who have an insurance experience in 20 and 25 years and capable of confirming the performance of certain types of work:

  • underground work;
  • medical activities;
  • textile production of increased gravity;
  • pedagogical activity;
  • work with extremely difficult working conditions.

How to retire ahead of time and what documents are needed?

For registration and the beginning of the accrual of benefits, you must submit a number of documents. These include:

  1. Certificates of average monthly earnings over the past 5 years.
  2. Passport with attached photocopies of all pages.
  3. Military ID if there is a need for military service.
  4. Employment history.

Additional documents

Based on the circumstance that served as a reason for retirement ahead of schedule, it will be necessary to submit additional documents. It can be:

  • Help confirming activities in the extreme north or belonging to the peoples of the North.
  • Disability certificate.
  • Certificate of birth and upbringing kid to eight years.
  • Confirmation of the disability of a family member and its dependence on dependency.
  • Help on the presence of severe illness or disability.

What needs to be done?

So, how to retire ahead of time? Such a benefit is issued according to the regulations of Article 32 of the Russian Law "On Employment of the Population". Accept such a decision employees of the employment service. Each particular case is considered individually. If a citizen is put on an early honored rest, he needs:

  1. Make up and send an application to the employment service.
  2. Get the direction and proposal for registration of benefits.
  3. All these documents and certificate of working periods, which are included in the work experience, are sent to the authority that is engaged in pension provision.
  4. The pension fund decide on the feasibility of appointing early pensions and notify the employment service about it.


In the event of a positive decision, a person is deprived of the possibility of obtaining unemployment payments. The pension fund assumes the obligations of the costs of the costs that are associated with preferential payment.

In the event that a citizen is employed during this period, the payments for old-age benefits are not carried out, and they renew them when entering into a retirement age.

We looked at how to retire ahead of time. We hope the information will be useful for you.

According to a new law, in accordance with which, from January 1, 2019, a phased increase in retirement age began in Russia, will be provided new pension benefit - The possibility of early retirement (2 years earlier than the secrets). Take advantage of this right women with 37 years and men from 42 years experience.

However, that's does not meanthat the new law is raised by the requirements for. On the contrary, this benefit was proposed by the Government and Russian President as measure to mitigate consequences The pension reform planned since 2019.

If a citizen has been working out the specified number of years, he will be able to retire 2 years earlier established in the corresponding year of retirement age, but not earlier than reaching 55 years for women and 60 years for men. Due to the fact that the retirement age, in 2019, in the presence of a long experience, it will be possible to become a pensioner early half a year before the term provided (So \u200b\u200bthe overall retirement age in 2019 will be 55.5 and 60.5 years, see).

Experience, giving the right to early retirement

Already since 2019 An additional preferential basis is planned for the possibility of becoming a pensioner ahead of time - availability not less than 37 years of experience in women and at least 42 in men. With the adoption of such changes in Russians will have the opportunity to make payments before 2 yearsWhat it will be provided for by the new retirement age (and since 2019 it will begin to rise from 60 to 65 years for men).

It should be noted that initially the government offered to establish a standard for years to retire early retirement 40 and 45 years (women and men, respectively). It is with such parameters a government bill for consideration in the State Duma June 16, 2018

However, the president of the claims for the experience were softened for 3 years - up to 37 and 42 years. Relevant Amendments Vladimir Putin in the State Duma September 6, 2018. During the second reading of the bill on raising the retirement age for Russians, such amendments were approved by deputies, September 27, 2018. The bill was adopted in final content and on October 3 signed by President V. Putin.

It is also necessary to clarify that this standard (37 years of women and 42 years old men) to obtain a pension in the general case - it only allows you to finally issue payments "on preferential grounds". And for registration of the insurance pension, in general, such continuous work not required. For example, in 2019, to obtain the right to become a pensioner by age will need to work total 10 years of experience.

What does it mean 37 and 42 years of experience for early retirement (what is included in it)?

Since 2015, the concept of a citizen has been used to define the right of a citizen insurance experience. But the order of its calculation to determine the right to the initiation retirement will differ from the standard rules - for early pensions, not all insurance experience will be taken into account. Such a limitation was introduced in paragraph 4 of Art. 8 of the new law No. 350-FZ of 03.10.2018, on the basis of which periods are not included in it, which are generally included in the insurance experience (for example, child care up to 1.5 years).

In preferential experience for early pensions only periods of work and (or) other activities in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of Law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013, during which the citizen was officially employed and paid for him, and the period of finding the hospital.

Note that the rules for calculating the general insurance experience with the introduction of the new law do not change in no way - restrictions will be applied only when counting the experience for early retirement, for which you need to have 37 and 42 years of employment.

For reference

According to Art. 12 of the same Law No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions"Now the following non-hard periods are included in the overall insurance experience during which a citizen:

  • (but a total of not more than 6 years);
  • received temporary disability allowance (payments for compulsory social insurance);
  • received an unemployment benefit, participated in paid public works;
  • moved or moved to another locality for employment in the direction of employment service;
  • caring for the disabled I group, a disabled child or a person who has reached 80 years, and others. periods.

    All listed periods are counted only if before them or immediately after them were the periods of official work, during which the employer paid insurance premiums for the employee.

Retirement on experience in Russia (Table)

As mentioned above, the existence of a long experience will allow retirement ahead of time. 2 years ahead of time. But it is necessary to remember about the restriction - age in this case cannot be less than 55 years in women and 60 years in men (which corresponds to the old retirement age, which operated until 2019).

This actually means that in the first years of reformwhen the retirement age will gradually rise in step 1 year (in 2019 - 0.5 years), with long-term experience in retirement it will be possible to leave not 2 years earlier, and for less years (in 2019-2020).

The following is a graph (table) of early retirement retirement by year of birth:

WomenMenWhen will go to an early pension
G.General PVPreferential PVG.General PVPreferential PV
1964 55,5 55 1959 60,5 60 2019
1965 56,5 55 1960 61,5 60 2020
1966 58 56 1961 63 61 2022
1967 59 57 1962 64 62 2024
1968 60 58 1963 65 63 2026, etc.

Note: PV - retirement age, gr - year of birth.

Thus, in the presence of a long period of work on old standards of retirement age (in 55/60 years) will go out:

  • women 1964 and Men 1959 - in fact, the decline only for half a year relative to the new standard of age;
  • women 1965 and Men 1960. - decline for a year and a half (instead of 2 full years).

For women 1968 and men born in 1963 and younger than long labor experience (respectively, 37 years and 42 years or more), according to the new law, according to the table presented above, the final values \u200b\u200bof the preferential retirement age will be established - respectively 58 years and 63 years (What 2 years is less than new regular standards).

Question answer

Mandatory experience will be 37 years old for women and 42 years for men?

No, provided for by law standards in 37 years for women and 42 for men are not obligatory to assign payments, but installed only for the purpose of providing early pensions. If a citizen does not work out such a number of years, he will simply become a pensioner on the general reasons - without benefits on early decoration. And the so-called "mandatory work experience for retirement" on new pension reform does not change.

In general, according to the current legislation in order to exit, enough implementation three mandatory conditions:

  1. The achievement of the established - will gradually change, starting from 01.01.2019, until it is established in the sense of 60/65 years for women / men, respectively.
  2. The presence of mandatory (minimum) is gradually adjusted from 01/01/2015 with an annual increase for 1 year.
  3. The presence of minimally necessary quantity is this value is also adjusted annually with an annual step of 2.4 bala.

For example, to become a pensioner in 2019, it will be necessary to have 10 years of insurance experience and 16.2 pension points. If in 2019 a citizen will miss these indicators in 2019, then it should be borne in mind that next year the requirements will be even higher - already 11 years and 18.6 points.

A graph of increasing minimum (mandatory) requirements for registration of an old age pension in Russia is provided in the table below:

Final mandatory values \u200b\u200bafter completion of the transition period are marked in the table in bold - This is, according to a retirement age of 60 years for women and 65 years for men (from 2023), 15 years of insurance experience (from 2024) and 30 pension points (from 2025).

According to the current legislation, men overlook a well-deserved retirement in 60 years, women in 55 years. However, there are also cases when subject to strictly regulated conditions, it is possible to start receiving a pension a few years before the deadline. We will analyze some of the disrupted situations, such as an early old age pension, early retirement retirement and others.

Categories of persons applying for early retirement

Many people are worried about the question, is it possible to retire before the term? This is possible, but only when attributing at least one of the following categories, which relies with a preferential pension:

  1. Women with at least 5 children have the right to retire from 50 years. It is necessary to perform 2 important conditions: the duration of the insurance length is at least 15 years and the upbringing of each child is at least 8 years.
  2. Men from 55, and women from 50 years old can arrange an early pension if they are parents of a disabled child since childhood. This right is provided only to the mother or father of one unhealthy child. Mandatory condition: the length of the insurance experience is at least 20 years in men and 15 years in women. To assign an early pension, it is necessary that the child has achieved at least 8 years - age when the skills for independent service appear. Subject to this norm, the guardians raising children with disabilities are falling. At the same time, every 1.5 years of the education of a disabled child is counted for 1 year to reduce the retirement age, but a total of up to 5 years. Such a relaxation of these categories of people is associated with significant financial expenses and increased emotional loads experienced in the upbringing of sick children.
  3. The unemployed citizens who have no opportunity to work out after the reduction or liquidation of the enterprise. Retirement retirement, as a rule, is proposed by the employment service. It requires the consent of the worker himself and the simultaneous implementation of the following requirements:
    • achieving a specific age: women of 53 years old, men 57 years old;
    • official recognition of a citizen unemployed;
    • development of complete work experience, allowing to retire old age;
    • the inability to provide the appropriate place of work;
    • the reason for dismissal is not associated with the professional skills of the employee (the liquidation of the organization, the reduction of the state or the total number of employees).
  4. Disabled vision. This refers to the disabled I only group. Women retire on this basis for 40 years, men - at 50, if they have developed an experience of 10 and 15 years old, respectively.
  5. Men who have worked at least 25 years old, and women are 20 years old, which later became disabled due to military injury.
  6. Persons who, due to rare diseases, are dwarfs or Lilliputs and have experience: women - 15 years, and men are 20 years old. They go to a preferential pension, respectively, at 40 and 45 years.
  7. Persons who lived at least for some time and worked in the extreme north.
  8. 57-year-old men and 53-year-old women who have an insurance experience of 25 and 20 years, respectively and can confirm the following types of work:
  • textile production with increased weight;
  • work with very difficult working conditions;
  • underground work;
  • pedagogical activity;
  • medical activities.

Documents for early retirement

To make and start receiving a preferential pension, such documents should be submitted:

  • passport with a photocopy application of all his pages;
  • labor book;
  • military ID (if you need to pass military service);
  • certificates of average monthly wages over the past 5 years of work.

Depending on the circumstances according to which the initial retirement is assigned, documents are additionally submitted:

  • about disability;
  • confirming the disability of a family member and its dependence on dependency;
  • testifying to sufficient insurance experience for retirement;
  • about the place of residence and work in the Russian Federation or beyond;
  • about changing the surname;
  • on the confirmation of the disability of the vision or the presence of severe diseases;
  • about the birth of a child and his upbringing up to 8 years;
  • on attributing to the peoples of the North or confirming activities in the extreme north.

How to retire ahead of schedule?

Registration of a preferential pension is regulated by Article 32 of the Law of Russia "On Employment of the Population". The decision is made by employees of the employment service. Each particular case is considered individually. If the person has the right to claim retirement ahead of time he needed:

  1. Make up and send an application to the employment service.
  2. Get the offer and direction for registration of preferential pension.
  3. These documents, together with a certificate of periods of work included in the work experience, send to the pension authority.
  4. The Pension Fund decides whether the purpose of the early pension is appropriate, and notifies the employment service.

In solving the appointment of early pension, this face is deprived of the opportunity to receive unemployment payments. The Pension Fund assumes the obligation to reimburse the costs associated with a preferential payment of pension. If during this time a citizen succeeds to officially work out, then the early old-age retirement pension is not paid, and upon joining the retirement age, payments are renewed.

Right toretirement - State measure of support for citizens working in severe working conditions, and socially unprotected categories of Russians. In this case, the opportunityearly retirement it should be assessed taking into account changes in the pension legislation that occurred at this point.

How to retire ahead of time, what is the foundation for this?

For objective reasons, the retirement age in Russia will only increase in the coming decades; The decision to enhance it is expected to be made until 2020. Therefore, the question of the benefits in the field of pension provision, including a preferential calculation of the experience or opportunities to retire a previously generally accepted retirement age, especially relevant.

On January 1, 2015, a new pension law entered into force, which establishes a new procedure for calculating pensions and makes other changes in the pension scheme of Russians. The innovation is a mandatory binding opportunities for the early appointment of a pension to the presence of an individual retirement coefficient in the insured person in a certain amount of the law.

To better plan your training and further career, the future generation is worth knowing who is the starting retirement. The list of persons having in accordance with pension legislation early retirement, very wide, and conditions under which it is possible to obtain this benefits, differ. List of persons entitled retirement early, is given in Art. 30, 31, 32 of the Law "On Insurance Pensions" of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.

In most cases for early retirementpreferential categories of citizens need not only to develop a certain experience, but also to achieve a certain age - 45, 50 or 55 years. There are professions (for example, teachers, doctors), for which the opportunity has been made to retire early only in length of service, that is, after the operation of a certain seniority.

An early old-age pension - who has the right to her?

In total, the law provides for about 30 categories of citizens who are retirement. In general, the possibility of obtaining this benefit arises in persons whose working conditions, due to certain circumstances, harder than most of the world's working Russians (employees of locomotive economy, community drivers, doctors, teachers, and so on). The work of these citizens is associated with constant voltage, which leads to early loss of professional qualities. The circumstances giving the right to benefit, and the working conditions are also related: heavy production, work in the conditions of the Far North, underground work.

But the law also provides guarantees and persons who are socially less protected than most of our citizens: Large mothers, abbreviated unemployed, as well as disabled people and raising people with disabilities - for them, an early retirement can become unplanned. These categories of citizens will further talk in more detail.

Early decoration of pension while reducing (early pension unemployed)

The legislation provides for guaranteed state support for those who lost the place of work as a result of the state reduction and liquidation of the organization. Citizen Law early old age pensionin this case, st. 32 of the Law "On Employment of the Population" of 04/19/1991 No. 1032-1.

Citizens officially recognized as unemployed starting Return It can be assigned subject to the following conditions:

  • the remaining time before retirement (including early) in old age at the time of the prescription of the pension is less than 2 years;
  • a citizen who retires has developed work experience (its value depends on working conditions);
  • employment staff apply to the appointment of a pension early due to the lack of suitable work.

Important! When determining the possibility early retirement According to the state reduction, you need to focus on the retirement age and work experience, which corresponds to the working conditions of a citizen.

For the recognition of a citizen in need of appointment early old age pensions He must contact the employment service himself. If the question is resolved positively, the employment service authority will issue an unemployed certificate with which this one should appeal to the Russian Federation Pension Fund with a statement about registration of pension ahead of time.

How to retire a large mother's retirement?

A large mother at birth with 5 and more children, which she brings up for more than 8 years, provided that the insurance experience (at least 15 years) has the right to retirement Upon reaching the age of 50 years. In an indispensable condition at which it is possible retirementis the presence of a large mother of an individual retirement factor of at least 30.

It is worth noting that women who have worked at least 12 years in the conditions of the Far North, in the presence of at least 20 years retirement At the age of 50 years, it is possible if they have 2 or more children. At the same time, at the appointment of pensions, both native children and adopted, in the birth certificate of which the applicant is indicated in the column "Mother".

His right early retirement A large mother can convey to her husband (he has this right since 55 years old), submitting an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Warranties with disabilities and persons containing them

A number of persons with disabilities acquired due to military injury, vision disabilities, as well as leiliputs and disproportionate carlocks, an old-age pension is appointed early to achieve a certain age and, subject to their work experience.

The start-up pension is also appointed one of the parents or guardians of persons with disabilities from childhood who brought them up to the age of 8. At the same time, the parents of persons with disabilities pension is prescribed from 55 (for men) or 50 (for women) years. Guardians of disabled people, upon reaching which it is possible for them retirement early, is calculated with a decrease of 1.6 years per 1 year of guardianship (but not more than 5 years).

To obtain this type of early retirement, citizens entitled to obtain it should be applied to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a statement, a package of documents confirming the relationship between the applicant and the child's disabled person, the disability of the child and the fact that the pension is appointed for the first time, that is, Not accrued to another family member.

We all work on a particular work. But it is impossible to say that everywhere created the same working conditions: someone works in the office, someone in the manufacturing workshop, and someone and in a slaughter or mine. Some professions are relatively safe, the performance of professional duties for a variety of other specialties is associated with exposure to various harmful factors that have a negative impact on the health status of the employee. Accordingly, representatives of more complex specialties have a number of benefits guaranteed by labor legislation. One of the main is the early retirement.

In addition to workers who fulfill their duties under difficult conditions, the preferential retirement is available to other categories of workers. To clarify the question of who has the right to early pension, as well as this article related to this issue is devoted to this article.

First of all, you need to find out what is the starting pension?

The start-up pension is a special type of pension provision provided by the employee who has not reached the legislation of the retirement age established by the legislation of the retirement age, but with a sufficient experience of a specific specialty or relating to a certain category of citizens.

In the previous few years, pension legislation has undergone a number of changes, but the main provisions remained the same. At the moment, this issue is regulated:

Labor Code;

  • FZ number 173 - several of his articles regulate early old-age retirement supply;
  • FZ number 400 - in the sixth article lists groups of persons entitled to preferential pensions;
  • Government Decisions number 188 and 198;
  • FZ number 426 - it is often referred to as a law on a preferential pension;
  • local documents.

In the above legislative acts, a complete list of professions and specialties, giving the right to an employee or to obtain certain benefits or additional financial payments, listed situations giving the right to early retirement.

Possible applicants

Who is the finishing pension? The federal legislation describes in detail the conditions for the appointment of this type of pension, as well as a list of specialties giving the right to preferential pension provision:

  • employees working under the conditions of constant exposure to high temperatures, under the conditions of the dungeon, with particularly severe conditions;
  • women whose labor activity is characterized by increased intensity or use of heavy equipment;
  • working railways;
  • geologic scouts;
  • members of ship teams;
  • mining workers;
  • teachers;
  • medical workers.

In addition to the staff of these specialties, there are several categories of people who are given the possibility of retirement ahead of schedule:

  1. Women who grow 5 children, or more than 2 and operating in the extreme north.
  2. Disabled victims as a result of professional duties.
  3. Dwarfs.

The specific age of the preferential pension is calculated on the basis of the existing experience and conditions.

An early retirement is due to the correspondence of the employee a number of criteria. Consider them in more detail.



When considering whether a citizen has the right to the early retirement retirement, its experience is of paramount importance. It may be several types:

  • insurance;
  • labor;
  • social.

What is the difference between them?

Insurance experience is a general period of time, during which the deductions to the Pension Fund were deducted. It includes not only the time of work on a particular enterprise, but all the time, during which funds received the fund.

Labor experience is the total time of human work, regardless of the organization, place or duration of labor relations.

Special experience - refers to the staff of power structures, accumulates due to the service.

The work experience also turns on:

  • period of urgent service in the army;
  • the time of receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • finding on sick leave;
  • maternity leave;
  • finding in prison.


According to the law, women are retired in 55, and men in 60 years. You can leave before this term. At the same time, the age of retirement of old age on preferential bases depends on the severity of working conditions. There is a possibility of retirement to 50 years, in 55 years, and 58 years for men, as well as 45, to reach 50 and 53 years old - for women.

The early appointment of insurance pensions to certain categories of citizens is possible in the presence of the desired experience, equal to twenty years for men, and fifteen years for women. Citizens who went earlier than the period were before, at least half of the specified period to work in difficult conditions, in rooms with constantly high temperatures or in the underground workshop. The preferential pension provision of this type is also made up by residents of the Far North, which 25 and 20 years old worked as reindeer herders or participated in the fishing and hunting fishery.

Employees who received early pension provision two years earlier than the established period were able to retire before retirement due to the staff of the staff or the closure of the company. Since the employment service could not promptly provide these citizens work, they were waiting for an early old age pension.


The early appointment of pension, as well as any other relevant accruals, is only after registration of the appropriate statement in PF. This action initially implies the consent of a person to the early appointment of an old-age labor pension.

However, it happens that such a proposal comes from the employment service. It is possible if a citizen has the necessary work experience. The presence of the consent of a citizen to care for a well-deserved rest is a fundamental condition.

Variety of preferential security

In old age

The early work retirement pension is provided to employees dismissed from work due to the strength of the state or termination of the activities of the organization providing them. Retirement reproduction is available for men aged 58 years and women in 53 years.

The right to retire the old-age retirement to certain categories of citizens is provided when performing the following conditions:

  • no vacancies from employment service;
  • the presence of a twenty-year experience in a woman and a twenty-five-year-old man;
  • the employee is not against the appointment of early old-age pension.

The obligatory condition is the receipt of the appropriate offer from the employment center.

By harmfulness

The Labor Code has special lists of professions, in which, when fulfilling their duties, an employee is largely exposed to negative or hazardous production factors. These lists from Soviet times it is customary to call "List 1 and 2". The presence of the necessary work experience according to the professions listed in them and the specialties gives the right to design early pensions.

List 1 is dedicated to harmful production. It includes the following groups of professions:

  • relevant mineral mining;
  • working specialties in metalworking;
  • work with chemical compounds;
  • work with radioactive elements.

Leaving for a long time to retire on the second list of employees held a significant period of their work in difficult working conditions. Have the right to go on an early rest:

  • workers of the mining industry;
  • miners;
  • slingers;
  • chemical synthesis devices;
  • medical workers.

The early appointment of a labor pension occurs after granting documents to the competent authority confirming the presence of the necessary work out on these specialties.

When calculating the overall experience also takes into account other labor activities, provided that the occupation of the main profession is at least eighty percent of the total time.

Separate groups of the population

Large mother

Armor labor pension is available to the following groups of women:

  • raising from 5 juvenile children and possessing fifteen years of employment;
  • raising from 2 young children with the condition of work in the extreme north.

This group does not include large mothers who do not have the necessary work out.


Care on rest was previously related to the diagnosis of an employee of a disease that excludes the possibility of continuing work activities.

Other business parents raising disabled children. They also apply to provisions on the provision of early pensions. Parent, raising a child disabled, is spent on a well-deserved holiday for five years before retirement age.

At the same time, the following criteria must be observed:

  • child over eight years old;
  • the presence of a minimum set experience to provide this type of provision;
  • the age of the parent reached the level established to appoint early pensions.


The presence of serious problems with the functioning of the pituitary gland is immediately striking. However, for obtaining relevant benefits, a medical conclusion will be required. Otherwise, this category of citizens is subject to the same conditions for the provision of early pension funds as representatives of other groups, except that for dwarfs there is a possibility of retirement to rest for ten years earlier than the secreted retirement age.

Workers of the northern regions


  • Reducing retirement age regardless of total generation.
  • The use of special coefficients when calculating the experience for a preferential pension.
  • The size of the early pension, leaning to this group of persons, is calculated by special standards.
  • The possibility of leisure care if there is an experience in three years and four months.

The presence of certain preferential conditions depends on the severity of one or another profession or fishery. Workers of the northern regions are retired for five years before their southern compatriots.


Dismissal under the Agreement of the Parties. In this case, the unemployed will have to either look for a new place for employment, or expect the offensive by the legislation of the retirement age. He has no opportunity to retire early.

The worker lost his place as a result of reducing staff or termination of the organization. After that, he is registered with the employment service. With the inability of the latter again, it is possible to employ this person, it is provided with an early pension.