The best household cleaner. The best detergents for cleaning. Choice of cleaners. The best tools for the kitchen

We all use household chemicals when cleaning the house. It is inexpensive and perfectly removes dirt.

But few people think that cleaning products are unsafe and we pay with our health for a clean apartment.

Read the label before buying a home cleaner.

It is imperative to know how harmful components affect our health. Today I will introduce you, dear readers, to safe detergents and cleaners.

Harmful cleaners and detergents

1) Chlorine and its compounds can cause:

  • heart disease;
  • anemia
  • increase in pressure;
  • allergy;
  • asthma.

Negatively affect hair, nails, skin. Most chlorine is found in bleaching agents. Maybe you should think about what is more important to you health or clean linen?

2) Phosphates and phosphonates soften water in laundry detergents.

They provoke:

  • allergy;
  • destruction of the respiratory tract;
  • an increase in asthma attacks.

Health-conscious manufacturers are replacing phosphates with zeolites and polycarboxylates.

  • anionic;
  • cationic;
  • non-ionic.

The most harmful and dangerous are anionic (A-Pav). They dramatically undermine the immune system, contribute to allergies, lead to damage to the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs.

4) Formaldehyde.

5) hydrochloric acid.

Organic detergents and cleaners

Organic cleaners are a replacement for harmful household chemicals. A product is considered organic if it contains 70% natural ingredients.
It must necessarily pass strict control and receive an environmental certificate, as evidenced by a holographic badge on the bank.

Safe cleaners and detergents are made on the basis of beneficial bacteria and enzymes, they can also include alkalis, essential oils, pure water.

Each manufacturer has its own individual formula.

Detergents even contain ingredients that care for our hands: oils, extracts. When using such products, household gloves can not be worn.

All organic hygiene products should be diluted with warm water, observing the indicated dosage.

Action of organic detergents and cleaners

How do probiotic cleansers work? Also, as in fermented milk products, they do not allow pathogenic flora to multiply. Cleansers create an invisible film.

Live probiotics live up to 8 days, how do they survive in products with a shelf life of more than a year. The fact is that they enter the jar in the form of spores, germs of bacteria that serve to support life in critical conditions.

Thus, survivability is preserved during drying and freezing, and they die when heated to 120 degrees.

Probiotics in the spore state survive well during transportation and storage. Therefore, it is necessary to dilute the cleaning agent with water with a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees and store the diluted one for no more than a week.

Enzymes are non-toxic substances and are used in medicines, food, and modern biopowders.

A combination of protease, amylase, lipase is usually used.

Protease is an enzyme that cleans well from blood, sweat, eggs, that is, from protein stains.

Amylase removes dirt from potatoes, chocolate, dairy food, starch, baby food.

Lipase removes greasy contaminants.

Cellulase - another component used, refreshes the fabric, softens the water, improves the quality of washing.

Organic products are universal, they remove any contamination: fat, oil, berries, lipstick, even chewing gum.

Cheap and effective detergents and cleaners

Always remember the cheap and effective grandmother's detergents and cleaners.

Baking soda is a cheap and most importantly safe means for cleaning dishes, sinks, refrigerators, and tiles.
lemon juice removes rust from dishes, aluminum, porcelain, it is good to use it for washing windows.

Vinegar removes wax contamination, resins, disinfects, removes scale, cleans tiles, glass.

Ordinary soapy water cleans grease well.

It is better if you make safe detergents yourself.

1) Sew a small bag out of a rag and place the remnants there, a convenient self-soaping dishcloth is ready.

2) DIY washing gel:

  • hot water - 0.5 l;
  • household soap - 25 gr;
  • vodka - table. spoon;
  • glycerin - three tablespoons.

Grate soap and pour water, stir and let cool. Then pour in vodka and glycerin. Pour the prepared mixture into a detergent bottle.

3) To clean the kitchen, bath from dirt, prepare the paste:

  • 100 grams of soap, better than household soap;
  • a glass of hot water;
  • soda - half a pack;
  • a little essential oil, but not necessary, just for smell.

Grate soap, pour in water and beat for 15 minutes with a mixer. Then add soda. If you need a liquid mass, then pour in more water (two stacks) and a pack of soda.

When you wash greasy pans, you can throw mustard into the pasta. Store the paste in a closed glass jar.

Harmless detergents and cleaners

4) Safe washing gel.

  • household soap - 50 gr;
  • one liter of water;
  • soda ash - 45 gr;
  • essential oil.

Shake the grated soap well in boiling water. Then add soda, if the mass is thick, pour water. Drip essential oil if desired.

For linen, we take 2 table l for 5 kg of linen.

5) Do not forget about soda ash, you can pour it into the water when washing the floor, clean the tiles, bathroom, sink, prevent scale, soften the water.

6) To remove the mold, take:

  • a teaspoon of alcohol;
  • a few teaspoons of tea tree oil;
  • 0.5 l of water.

Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and spray on contaminated areas.

7) To clean the toilet, pour a glass of vinegar and throw in a handful of soda, let it foam, then clean.

Conclusion: try to do without harmless detergents and cleaners, because every housewife always has vinegar, mustard, soda, laundry soap at hand.

Best regards, Olga

A tidy, fresh and clean house makes life much more pleasant. If you take the time to do a thorough spring cleaning in your apartment, you will notice that a bright and clean home contributes to good mood and motivation. But how to do a quality cleaning of the apartment?

Follow these simple cleaning tips. Use the secrets of housewives how to keep the house clean and our cleaning products for cleaning, and you will achieve a sparkling clean home.

All the necessary tools at your fingertips

When it comes to choosing the right cleaning tools for your home, there seem to be two extremes. First: people buy specialized cleaning equipment - cleaning carts, buckets on wheels, floor cleaning kits, glass cleaning equipment and professional detergents, napkins, rags, cleaning materials, gloves. Second, all cleaning comes down to a mop and a rag that has seen better days. You don't need a lot of tools or cleaning products to clean your house, here are the basic cleaning products you might need.

  • Bucket or special mop tub (with a drying cavity)
  • Broom
  • Mop with microfiber and cloth holder
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Paper towels, rags, microfiber cloths
  • Cleaning products for cleaning

You have two hands - use them

Using your two hands is the obvious secret to a quick house cleaning. Using both hands at the same time is easier than you think. This is how professional cleaners work, and you can. Spray cleaner with one hand, wipe with the other.

When wiping the countertop, use both hands. You wipe one with a wet cloth, dry the other with a dry one, then, without dividing this work into two approaches. Use both hands wherever two parallel actions are needed. Cleaning will be much faster.

Get everyone involved

If you live with a family, you must include other people in the cleaning. In fact, there are two powerful incentives to get the whole family or roommates involved. First of all, it is obvious that daily cleaning of the apartment, cleaning of upholstered furniture, dry cleaning of carpets with a visit to the house, washing windows, dusting, will take much less time if you can get help.

Secondly, when you include other people in the cleaning, they are more likely to respect the results of the work, therefore, they will try to keep the house clean for longer. Half of the routine will disappear by itself.

One room at one time

It may be tempting to clean all the windows at once, or vacuum the floors throughout the house, but it's best not to leave one room until you've finished cleaning it. Wash from top to bottom, starting at the back door of the room.

Motivate yourself and keep motivated:

There are several ways you can motivate yourself and others to clean that will help you keep your house clean and not quit.

Make cleaning as fun as possible. Turn on your iPod and put on some good, upbeat music. Install an audio book so you can work and read at the same time. Turn on your favorite movie while cleaning the hall. However, you must use motivators that will not distract you.

Set a cleaning schedule and stick to it. If you get into the habit of spring cleaning once a month, you won't have to think about it more often.

Reward yourself. Daily cleaning can be a difficult job. You deserve a reward when you're done with it. Order a delivery of your favorite cuisine and enjoy an evening with a good movie, treat yourself to a new pair of shoes - whatever makes you happy, do it for yourself after cleaning. The reward will provide you with positive associations with cleaning, which will be a good motivation in the future.

Types of cleaning products

All-purpose cleaners

This type of cleaner can be purchased at almost any hardware store and comes in either liquid or powder form. Sifon products (Siphon), Pemolux, Dr Max (Dr. Max), Comet (Comet), Mr. Proper (Mr. Proper) are designed to be applied to most surfaces, including bathroom sinks and toilets, kitchen appliances and so on. Universal cleaners Calgon (Calgon), Calgonit (Calgonit), Harpik (Harpic), Silit (Cillit), Tiret (Tiret), Vanish (Vanish), Bref (Bref) are a handy product that you should always have on hand for a quick cleaners, but remember that they are not always as effective as targeted cleaners designed for a specific material or object.

Glass cleaner

These are window cleaners, glass tables and knick-knacks - Cif sprays for bathroom, kitchen and windows, Clin window cleaner "Windows and Glass", Clin, Bagi Window cleaner spray 750 ml, SanoClear Natural (Sano Clear Natural), Chirton wiper.

Floor cleaner

A liquid cleaner formulated specifically for linoleum or hardwoods and tiles - Mr. Proper Universal - 100% clean floor, floor cleaner Glorix "Delicate Surfaces", liquid concentrate with linseed oil for washing the floor Ecover Ecover, 1 l, Pronto cleaner and detergent for mopping, 750 ml. You need to know what type of flooring your home has and read the instructions on the packaging.

Anti-fat remedy

These cleaners are used to remove all kinds of grease from surfaces. Sano Forte Stove, Oven and Microwave Cleaner, Cif Anti-Grease Kitchen Cleaner, Fairy Platinum, Bagi Shumanit Grease Remover, can be used in combination with other cleaners and can be used on most interior surfaces and some exterior surfaces Houses.


Detergents Glorix (Glorix), Frosch (Frosh), Pemolux, TRI-BIO, Bingo (Bingo), Dosia (Dosia), Ideal, Minute, Pril, Pemosuper, Help, Plus (Plus), Fairy (Fairy), Aqualon, Aos (Aos), Drop, Sorti (Sorti), Bref (Bref), Dr Max (Dr. Max) are sold in powder and liquid form, most often they are used for washing dishes and laundry.

Furniture polish

These products are designed to be applied to wooden furniture. Furniture polish Chirton "Anti-dust Classic" 300 ml, furniture polish Pronto "Classic", aerosol 250 ml can be rubbed into the surface to make it clean and shiny. Some of them can also prevent dust from settling on the surface after cleaning.

oxygen bleach

The active ingredient is essentially the same as hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen bleaches for all types of fabrics Amway SA8, 500 g, strong oxygen stain remover Astonish OXY-Plus, 1 kg, ECOVER, stain remover Neon "Oxi White Oxygen", 500 g similar in action to traditional bleaches, but do not contain aggressive chemicals and significantly are softer on surfaces and fabrics.

Natural cleaning products

Natural cleaning products are safe for you and your family, they are made from natural compounds and do not contain chemicals. Some examples of natural cleaners are: lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and vinegar.

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I so want the houses and apartments in which we live to be not only beautiful, cozy and clean, but also safe for health.

We try to surround ourselves with environmentally friendly things, change furniture, get rid of synthetic fabrics, monitor the environmental friendliness of products, but we still don’t always read the composition of the detergents we buy at home.

But manufacturers often change only the name, and not the essence of the product, believing that the very word "ecological" on the label will already make the world cleaner, and consumers healthier.

website found a few home cleaning products that absolutely harmless not only to humans, but also to the environment.

Soda and mustard

Replace means for washing dishes, stoves, plumbing and kitchen worktops.

How to use:

  • 1 tsp mustard powder for several liters of hot water will wash even greasy pans to a squeak.
  • We pour a thin layer of soda on a dirty carpet, lightly three with a brush and vacuum.


An excellent disinfectant that removes grease and dirt, soap stains on tiles.
In addition, it resists mold and is a natural flavoring agent.

Replaces kitchen and bathroom cleaners.

How to use:

  • We wipe the board for cutting fish or meat to disinfect and get rid of an unpleasant smell.
  • A solution of lemon juice and water in the proportions of 3 tbsp. l. 400 ml, placed in a container in the microwave for 10 minutes at the highest power, will completely clean it from the inside.
  • Lemon juice easily copes with limescale on the tap.


A versatile tool that helps keep your home clean and fresh. Perfectly eliminates water scale and stale plaque. To kill the unpleasant smell of vinegar, you need to add a drop of lavender essential oil to it.

Replaces the means for washing mirrors and windows, plumbing, tiles and floors.

How to use:

  • 1 tsp dilute vinegar in 1 liter of water, pour it into a spray bottle and wash windows and mirrors.
  • We apply the product on the tile in the bathroom, wait 10 minutes and rinse with clean water.
  • With strong deposits on the sink, put a cloth soaked in hot vinegar on the contaminated place, and after half an hour remove the plaque with a brush and ordinary soap.
  • Hard-to-remove white plaque on the floor after repair is removed with a solution of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.


Always available in every kitchen. The cheapest cleaning product. Salt has many uses in everyday life.

Replaces kitchen, bathroom, plumbing cleaners, stain removers.

How to use:

  • To clean and disinfect your kitchen sponge and washcloths, place them in a container of salt water.
  • To get rid of an unpleasant smell, before defrosting or washing the refrigerator, we apply salt diluted in carbonated water to the door and internal parts.
  • A woolen bedside rug is easy to clean if sprinkled with salt, sprinkled with water and vacuumed after half an hour.

cola or pepsi

Replaces the means for washing showers, bathrooms, taps, plumbing, tiles, burnt dishes, ovens.

How to use:

  • We boil soda in a saucepan with a burnt bottom - we get almost new dishes.
  • We remove rust and corrosion from any household items with this soda.
  • If you pour soda into the drain pipe at night, you can perfectly clean it of hair and fat deposits.

Vitamin C

Effervescent tablets perfectly clean dirty plumbing. They deal with pollution without any effort on your part.

Replaces the means for washing plumbing.

How to use:

  • To clean the toilet from limescale under the water line, you can throw a few vitamin C effervescent tablets at night, and in the morning remove the plaque with a brush and flush the water.

Olive oil

The best tool even for the most expensive furniture, and very economical - you need a couple of drops for cleaning. The oil refreshes and polishes wood surfaces.

Replaces polish and wood cleaners.

How to use:

  • A couple of drops on a cotton cloth will refresh and polish wooden, leather furniture, solid wood and parquet.
  • So that balcony or country wicker furniture does not dry out, you can wipe it with oil from time to time.

Essential oils

Oils are the best flavorings and an excellent disinfectant. Able to prevent even the appearance of mold and fungus on the walls. They turn cleaning into aromatherapy.
Prevent mold.

Replace air freshener, disinfectant, wood floor cleaner, anti-mold.

How to use:

  • With lavender oil or tea tree oil, we treat any surfaces where bacteria accumulate - kitchen countertops, cutting boards, plumbing fixtures.
  • Add 30 drops to 5 liters of water and wash the floors.
  • Undiluted oil of lemon, lemon balm, fir, juniper, thyme, mint, lavender, spruce will dissolve the greasy stain on the fabric in 3-5 minutes.


Pasta is always at hand. It cleans almost all surfaces effortlessly. This is an excellent stain remover.

Replaces abrasive products, cleaning products for tiles, plumbing, stain remover.

How to use:

  • A single brushing of toothpaste will clean even the oldest silverware and silverware.
  • Removes ink, cosmetics, oil, coffee or tea stains on carpets. Put some toothpaste on the stain, leave for a few minutes and rinse well.
  • To clean wooden furniture from traces of cups, take a soft cloth with a small amount of paste and wipe the surface.
  • Easily removes marker and pen marks from painted walls.

Natural Cleaning Products of the whole house, prepared with their own hands from baking soda, vinegar, castile soap and hydrogen peroxide.

From my childhood, I remember only a few cleaning products - bleach and laundry soap. And if the second is a more environmentally friendly solution, then bleach cannot act in the form of anything natural or at least safe.

Then a new era dawned. The era of all kinds of Domestos and Comets. And these funds were, perhaps, even worse than simple bleach.

Now we are lucky and there are so-called "green" bio companies offering us home cleaning products without chemicals and toxins. And I have a couple of these at home. But I still clean the sink and tub with baking soda and wash the floors with Castile soap. Because it is not only effective, safe, but also cheap.

Well, what kind of natural home remedies you can make yourself in seconds, I will tell you in this post.

Why switch to Natural Cleaning Products?

We don't have Dometsos or any other regular store cleaner at home. Most of these products (read the composition carefully!) contain not only substances that irritate the eyes and skin, but also lead to asthma, malignant tumors, congenital malformations, allergies, autoimmune diseases. These are carcinogens, toxins, substances that mimic our hormones. They are especially dangerous for children and pets.

Chemicals are also dangerous not only for us, but also for the environment: they evaporate into our air and drain into the sewer. They don't disappear without a trace!

The use of homemade natural cleaning products eliminates the disadvantages of packaging and releasing chemicals into the environment.

What can be used to clean the house?

All these ingredients can be found in every home. And they cost pennies! Their big “plus” is safety, naturalness and efficiency.


Simple and plain, it is able to cleanse, deodorize, brighten and fight dirt and grease.


Thanks to its acidic pH, it gently and effectively destroys grease and dirt and removes odors.


Coarse regular salt can be better than any cleaning product, acting as a natural scrub.

castile soap

1. All-purpose cleaner

Which can be used to clean and disinfect kitchen and any other surfaces, toilets, sinks and baths. My favorite recipe.

2. Oven

All this fumes that accumulate during the use of the oven ruffled quite a few nerves for me. Now I clean it with a hard metal sponge and baking soda paste.

3. Stainless steel cookware

This type of dish is perfectly cleaned with a thick soda paste. And to help - a metal or any other hard sponge. And now the dishes shine again and please with their appearance.

4. Sink

In my experience, few things beat baking soda and vinegar to clean your sink! First, I evenly sprinkle the sink with baking soda, scrub with a sponge, and then spray with vinegar (I have it in a spray bottle)! Cleaning and disinfection 2-in-1!

5. Floors

Any floors, be it tile or parquet, I wash with water with a small amount of Castile soap diluted in it. For smell, I also like to add a couple of drops of essential oil (I highly recommend lavender and orange).

6. Dishwasher

Believe me, it does not require expensive means to clean and disinfect it.

Simply place a glass cup filled with 1-2 cups of regular vinegar on the top rack of your dishwasher and run the normal "hot" cycle. It is clear that you do not need to load other dishes :)

7. Laundry detergent

Did you know that even laundry detergent contains chemicals that are not rinsed out and then come into contact with your skin? Therefore, I buy natural washing powder or make it myself - a recipe!

8. For disinfection

Anything that needs to be disinfected - whether it's a toilet bowl or a cutting board for meat - I always treat with hydrogen peroxide. Then I rinse and that's it!

Or, for example, you can pour water into a spray bottle and add a couple of drops of tea tree oil, a well-known antibacterial and antiviral substance.

9. Toilet

In order to “cheaply and cheerfully” wash and disinfect the toilet, I apply soda and give it time to “sit” - at least half an hour. Then I pour 1 glass of vinegar on top, let it “stand” again for 5 minutes, rub it with a brush - and here is a white and clean toilet bowl at your disposal.

10. Cast iron cookware

If someone had told me the secret to cleaning cast iron a couple of years ago, I would have spent a lot less time piercing this cookware. In order to, for example, clean a cast-iron skillet, you need to take coarse salt (I take the cheapest table salt) and a couple of tablespoons of oil to your taste. And wipe the pan thoroughly with this mixture - in the end you will clean it and do not remove the protective layer!

11. Bad-smelling plum

Yes, sometimes food remains clogged in the drain and very soon begin to delight us with a pleasant smell. But this problem can be easily overcome. Pour a few tablespoons of baking soda down the drain and pour in 1 cup of a bite. Then rinse with hot water.

12. Clean the kettle

To clean the kettle from scale, you can simply throw a couple of tablespoons of citric acid and boil it. Then pour out the water and wash thoroughly.

13. Clean the carpet

14. For windows and mirrors

The best way to clean mirrors and glass without streaks is a mixture of water and vinegar. Fill a spray bottle with 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. You can add any essential oil. Don't worry, the smell of vinegar dissipates as it dries.

Household chemicals save us from many problems, but also deliver new ones. A huge number of people suffer from allergies to powders, window cleaning sprays, dishwashing detergents. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to have direct contact with chemistry - someone starts to sneeze from one smell, and someone becomes covered with a rash from the super agent with which the sweater was washed a week ago. Everyone understands that the use of household chemicals in the volume in which it is used now (on average, one Russian has 9 kg of cleaning products per year) negatively affects health, wallet and the environment. Is there an alternative? We are sure that yes, and therefore we give recipes for effective cleaning products that you can make with your own hands.

Drawing: Irina Fateeva

Disinfectant spray for surfaces

Purified white vinegar mixed with olive oil soap is an excellent cleaner and disinfectant for surfaces.


3 art. l. olive oil soap (castile soap)

1 glass of warm water

1 cup refined white vinegar

10 drops mint essence

Cooking method

Mix soap, warm water, vinegar and essence in a bottle. Shake well until a homogeneous solution is obtained. At first it may seem that the soap does not mix with the rest of the solution, but you just need to shake it a little longer.

Glass and stainless steel cleaner

This tool can be done in 5 seconds. And since it's so easy, it's definitely worth a try.


1/2 cup rubbing alcohol

1/3 cup white/refined vinegar

Cooking method

Pour alcohol and vinegar into a glass spray bottle. Add water - so as to completely fill the bottle (if necessary, use a funnel). If you don't like the smell of vinegar (although it disappears once the surface dries), add a few drops of your favorite scented essence. The solution can be stored at room temperature, special conditions are not needed for it. Spray it directly on windows and mirrors, then wipe with a microfiber cloth. Cotton is also suitable, but for the result to be perfect, microfiber is preferable - no streaks will remain with it. On stainless steel surfaces, the solution can also be used - just make sure that it is stainless steel and not something else. Some surfaces need to be washed only with water without any means.

Dust Spray

This simple remedy smells so good you'll want to dust every possible surface in your home. The secret is in the olive oil!


1 glass of water

1/4 cup refined white vinegar

2 tablespoons olive oil

10-15 drops essential oil (fragrance of your choice)

Cooking method

Mix all ingredients in an empty spray bottle. Shake before use, then simply spray onto the surface and wipe with a cloth (preferably microfiber). The dust is gone!

Multi cleaner

Citrus vinegar works wonders in the kitchen, says Country Living, and recommends mixing it with warm water, dishwashing liquid and rubbing alcohol. The result is a wonderful cleaning product for the whole house.


3/4 cup rubbing alcohol

3/4 cup citrus vinegar

3/4 cup warm water

a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid (if you use eco-liquid based on natural plant and mineral components, this will make your cleaner completely eco-friendly)

Cooking method

Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake gently several times.

Wood floor cleaner

Thanks to vinegar, the product has excellent cleansing properties, and a couple of drops of essential oil add aroma. Attention: too much vinegar can damage, so be sure to respect the proportions.


3 tsp white vinegar

470 ml warm water

1-2 drops essential oil (your favorite fragrance)

Cooking method

Just mix all the ingredients.

These are especially helpful if you have pets at home. Those that can be bought in the store do not always smell good, so many housewives rarely use them. Prepare such a remedy yourself - its natural smell will be much more pleasant for you and your household.


Baking soda

Essential oils that you like

Aromatic herbs - an optional but pleasant ingredient

Cooking method

Pour soda into a bowl, add a little essential oil and mix. Then add more soda and oil and repeat the procedure. The proportions depend only on your mood - the more essential oils, the richer the aroma will be. Shake well and put on the shelf with other natural cleaning products.

Non-toxic laundry detergent

Powders from the store smell very unpleasant. At home, you can make it no less effective, but smelling not of chemistry, but of fresh lemon.


1 1/2 cups baking soda

1 1/2 cups baking soda (no additives)

1 cup borax (sodium tetraborate - you can leave it out if you don't have it)

1/2 cup Epsom salt

2 tbsp regular salt

5 drops of essential oil

sealed glass container

Cooking method

Blend all ingredients in a food processor. Then pour into a container. For one load of laundry you need 1-2 tbsp. l. facilities.

Spray for laminate

Water, vinegar and dishwashing liquid - that's all care.


1 cup white vinegar

1 glass of water

a few drops of dishwashing liquid

Cooking method

Mix everything together in a spray bottle. Do not overdo it with dishwashing liquid - if you add too much, then the floors will be slippery. Spray the floor with a spray and wipe with a dry cloth.

dishwasher tablets

When it comes to dishes, there should be no unknown chemicals in the products.


2 cups baking soda or baking soda (great for fat)

2 cups borax (sodium tetraborate)

1/2 cup table salt or Epsom salt

1/2 cup vinegar (strengthens the cleaning properties and also helps to mix the rest of the ingredients)

15-20 drops of lemon essential oil (has antibacterial properties and wonderful aroma)

Cooking method

Mix all ingredients. Take ice cube trays and pour the mixture into them. Pack firmly. Now the hardest part is the waiting. Remove the workpiece in a warm, dry place and leave for at least 24 hours. The tablets should dry and harden. Take them out of the molds and put them in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Use the tablets in the same way as store-bought ones.

Detergent for vegetables and fruits

The main ingredients of this miracle cure are lemon juice and vinegar.


2 glasses of water

1/2 cup vinegar (regular or white)

juice of one lemon

1 glass bottle

Cooking method

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Pour the resulting mixture into the bottle through the funnel. Store in the refrigerator (it contains fresh lemon juice). Spray the product on a vegetable or fruit, and then rinse under running water. Alternatively, pour about half a cup of the solution into the sink and soak vegetables and fruits in it for a few minutes, then rinse with water.

Julia Lyubeznova