Mary Magdalene “On the Sexual Magic of the Cult of Isis”. Isis, Isis, goddess Isis, energy channel (dedication, initiation) - Temple of Truth

Jul 31, 2016 | 887

Now I want to talk about the term "magic".
Why do we use this term? The point is that we are talking about the transformation of an individual into God. This is the magic symbolized by the god Horus (half man, half falcon). Through alchemical practices, he ascends to the level of the Supreme God Horus. This means that a person has reached the highest states of consciousness.
Isis Sexual Magic - a method of expanding consciousness (which is magic in itself) - is achieved through the energies and ecstasy that arise during sex.

Magic are techniques that help a person with enhanced Ka to influence reality in various ways that seem magical to others. Take, for example, the main practice of the Alchemy of Horus - raising the Black and Golden Serpent up the spine, creating the Chalice, activating the inner fire of RA, and mixing the Red and White Serpentine Drops. These are all magical acts, acts of intention, acts of personal and spiritual will. This is why it is called magic.
Returning to the paradox faced by the male Initiate, we find that his nature to a certain extent interferes with his practice of Sexual Magic. When the Ka of a male Initiate is charged, he strives to act, to do something. However, if he, overpowering himself, can rest with his Beloved, he will plunge with her into the magnetism created by their love, their sex, and charge his Ka even more.
There is another obstacle that the man-Initiate encounters in this process, preventing him from revealing his nature to Horus. We in the Temples call it "Flying Hindrances". These are existing attitudes, beliefs, emotional habits - that is, what you call psychological problems. Only by removing this obstacle, the Initiate is able to fly up to higher states of consciousness.
It is here that a difficult transition, requiring great skill, awaits a man-Initiate.
A mother carries a son in her womb and then nourishes and protects him. But the moment comes when the boy gains independence and the ability to act independently. At this time, it may seem to him that his mother limits him, hinders him. And he kind of pushes his mother away to meet the world face to face. At this stage, a confrontation may even begin between them.
An Initiate man may still carry the associated emotions. In this case, it will be difficult for him to relax and rest in magnetic fields, because on a psychological level, he perceives this as surrender to a woman. If a man-Initiate has unresolved problems with his mother, he can consciously or unconsciously repeat them with his partner.
Both Initiates participating in the Isis Sexual Magic must understand that they are embarking on a long journey, and that this is, by its nature, an alchemical process, the goal is the transformation of one substance into another. This is achieved by burning out toxins (or negativity) so that pure substance remains or appears.
The substances that are transformed in the process of Isis' Sexual Magic are sexual secretions, hormones, neurotransmitters and others that are still unknown to your science. This process also includes changing the psychology of the participants.
By its very nature, Isis' Sexual Magic accelerates the alchemic process. The heat increases, the slags burn out; what needs to be cleaned becomes painfully visible.
If a person does not understand that this is one of the side effects of alchemy, he may be concerned that complex psychological problems are surfacing. But this is one of the results of alchemy, because the pressure arising from the powerful alchemical process caused by the Sexual Magic of Isis makes the body of Ka to excrete, squeeze out all impurities to the surface and cleanse itself of all Obstacles to Flight.
For those who practice alchemy without a partner, the Alchemy of Horus also creates pressure to push all unclean things outward. But for them the task is more difficult, because they themselves must make every effort to maintain the required level of energy. Those who work in pairs see all their advantages and disadvantages in their partner, as in a mirror; those who practice alone do not have this opportunity. However, you can do without it.
This is the basic knowledge required to practice Isis Sexual Magic. In the preceding pages, I have revealed to you the secret of the ages, one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Temples of Isis.
Only the most advanced were trained in these practices.
It does not matter whether you are practicing the path of loners through the Alchemy of Horus or the path of Sacred Union through the Sexual Magic of Isis - you are embarking on the path to the disclosure of your Divine Nature.
The most important thing in this journey is the strengthening of Ka through ecstatic states of consciousness. It doesn't matter if they are created by the person himself or created during sex; It is fed and enhanced by ecstatic states, regardless of their source.
But know: shame is a poison for the Ka body, reducing its vitality and power.
I, a dedicated Isis, consider it a tragedy that the church shamed women and men for their sexual nature and closed one of the most direct paths to the Realization of God. Whatever you do along the way, my advice is to get rid of the shame.
Look closely into yourself, look for the dark corners in your mind and heart where shame lurks, and remove it.
Seize every chance to induce a state of ecstasy, as it strengthens you and makes your Ka body more powerful.
May hindrances to your flight be rare and blessings in your path frequent.
Mary Magdalene.
(to be continued)

Initiation is an ascent to a higher level of understanding and ability. Initiations are given to individual people; not many are allowed to touch this secret. It is a dedication as the art and science of transforming one form into another.

Initiation is the process of transition from one level of consciousness to another. Initiations are milestones on the path, marking the achievement of a certain level of mastery.

The inner energy transforms the energy of consciousness and the life force of embodiment into expanded consciousness, giving the practitioner unusual abilities. In the process of the Egyptian technology of the ancient priests, the life force of a person is amplified, so that it can then be transformed into an expanded consciousness.

There is definitely a rejuvenation of the body, an energetic rise. This increased life force is used in energetic processes to acquire special powers of consciousness. This practice reveals a wide variety of unusual talents.

Among them are clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairvoyance. These also include the ability to heal and the limited ability to predict the future. Some will show the ability to be in two places at the same time, teleportation and levitation. These abilities of consciousness can be manifested only in persistent practices.

A separate practice for men, and a separate one for women.

Male and female energies have differences, moreover, not only differences in energy, they are, in principle, different keepers of energies, different Supreme Guides during initiation. .This is the secret practice of initiated priests. It's time to reveal to you some of the most closely guarded secrets in the hope that you can expand your consciousness in time. The sexual energy of Isis is built on the innate ability of a female being to use magnetic energies to open deeper levels of consciousness, subjecting herself to the power of sexual energy. Know that in the heart, consciousness and wisdom of a woman's body lie some of the greatest secrets and most powerful forces - and they are waiting to be discovered. For almost two thousand years, this knowledge has been hidden from people. Only initiates had the power and knowledge that could expand consciousness in the shortest possible time and use sexual energies not only for their intended purpose, but in spiritual practices.

Probably there is a special value in the dedication of spouses who have problems with conception. An Initiate woman needs a sense of security and love, or at least respect. When it is there, something within her being relaxes and allows conception to take place.

This practice can lead to a significant enhancement of a person's abilities.

But I hope you can read between the lines, and if you are ready for this practice, you will understand.

I know one thing clearly, that not everyone is given to go through this practice, obstacles will be created on the path of life, as a test of readiness.

By its very nature, practice speeds things up. Slags burn out; what needs to be cleaned becomes painfully visible. It also creates a pressure that pushes all impure outward. But this task is difficult, you yourself must make every effort to maintain the required level of energy. If a person does not understand that this is one of the side effects of the practice, he may be concerned that complex psychological problems are surfacing. But this is one of the results of the practice, because the pressure arising from the powerful energetic process caused by the Sexual Energy of Isis makes the body excrete, squeeze out all impurities to the surface and cleanse itself of all obstacles. So a person must be ready for initiation psychologically, emotionally and energetically. And I must understand that life will never be the same, since this is a completely different level of energies or "ascent" This is a spiritual practice and there is no going back. It is the secret of the ages, one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Temples of Isis. Only the most advanced were trained in these practices. Initiation is a designation of the threshold, the transition from ordinary life to sacred.

If you have suffered a head injury or stroke, then these practices are not for you. For people with manic-depressive psychosis, these technologies are also prohibited.

This rite has a very interesting story-message from its author, which I want to cite here:

“Some time ago I started my monthly column for Goddess During my work, news from the next room constantly sounded in the background. And I paid no attention to them until the name of Isis was mentioned. I immediately listened and felt a painful prick in the very heart. I think that most people who practice divine mysteries with the call of an Egyptian goddess will find it traumatic that her name has become the name for a terrorist organization (in English ISIS sounds like "ISIS" and completely coincides with the name of Isis).
At that moment, I realized that the goddess Isis will be the topic of my column this month. I also realized that I didn't want to just sit back and do nothing, watching her name take on a negative meaning. Therefore, this ritual was created, which aims not only to rehabilitate the bright name of Isis, but also to reduce the forces of terrorist organizations. Unfortunately, at the moment this is the only way of struggle available to me, but it will be better than inaction.
This rite is available to everyone, so feel free to share it. The more people will do it, the more effective will be its impact on this world.
I wish you all the best "


Image of Isis (statue, photograph)
White candle to "clear the name of Isis"
Black candle to reduce the influence of terrorists who stole the holy name
Green candle, because green is sacred to Isis
Incense (musk, cinnamon, incense, or special liqueur)
Incense burner
Rose or geranium essential oil
White robe with elements of green, red, black and / or gold in the form of drawings or additional accessories
Bell (optional)
Cleansing Bath Sea Salt

Carrying out:

1. Before starting the ritual - take a sea salt bath to cleanse your body and energy.

2. Put on your ritual attire and use scented oil.

3. If your tradition requires it, create a magic circle.

4. Ring the bell, thus marking the beginning of the ceremony.

5. Stand or sit in front of your Isis altar and close the claza. Meditate on your breath for a while, breathing in and out through your nose. Concentrate on the image of Isis and "breathe in" her. Exhale. Fill with the breath of Isis. Exhale. Ask the Goddess for a blessing and open yourself to her, continuing to breathe her strength and power!

6. Light a green candle with the words:
“Greetings, Isis!
Virgo, Mother and Old Woman,
The one that was before the beginning of time
And which gave birth to all the variety of things,

What makes up this world.
I challenge you!
Bless my sacred space
By your presence!
Greetings, Isis!

You are known by many names
And you are present in everything that surrounds us,
In the air we breathe
In the water that flows through our veins
In the ground beneath our feet
The fire that burns in our soul.
I challenge you!

By your presence!
Greetings, Isis!

You give life and rebirth
You are the one whose magic created this world.
I challenge you!
Bless my sacred space
By your presence! "

7. Pause briefly and concentrate on your breathing again, then continue:

“Greetings, Isis!
I appeared before you today
To restore the sanctity of your name.
Reborn and be stronger than before
Like the light of this candle
With every moment become
Stronger and more stable
So is your presence in this world,
Becomes a shining beacon again
Leading the path of life
Our souls.

And so be it! "

8. Light a white candle.
“Greetings to you, Isis!
Get your name back
What was stolen
And it is used for evil!
The flame of this candle, may it burn up all the darkness,
Which was sent to your name,
And she will melt and disappear,
Together with wax that melts under the influence of fire.
Isis, bless my magic!
And so be it! "

9. Light a black candle. Contemplate its flame carefully, concentrating on your intention. When you feel “enough,” then take a deep breath and say:
"Greetings Isis,
The one known by many names
Many peoples.
You were before the beginning of time
And gave birth to all many things,
What make up this world.
I thank you for your presence
In my sacred space.
Be in the world
Be in the world! "

10. If you created a magic circle, then it is time to close it and thank the summoned forces.

11. Extinguish the candles using the cap or fingers. Perform the ceremony using them for 9 days in a row.

Translation: Alexander Luzin

From childhood, I was brought up with an understanding of magic. My father was from Mesopotamia and my mother was from Egypt. She prayed to Isis to bless her with a child. This child is me. I was known as Mary Magdalene.

At the age of 12, I was sent to the secret community of Initiates under the wings of Isis. I was taught the secrets of Egypt, the Alchemy of Horus and the cult of the Sexual Magic of Isis. I met the one whom you call Yeshua when I had already passed all the stages of initiation. I was ready to meet at the well.

The Gospels call me a whore, because all the Initiates of my order wore a bracelet in the shape of a snake on their wrists; everyone knew we were practicing sex magic, and to the Jews we were libertines.

When I saw Yeshua and our gazes met, I realized that we were meant for each other.

The story that I will tell you was known only to my companions. There are many legends about this. But I will tell you about the deepest love, and not about the new vision that Yeshua brought into the world. My story is a love story.

Yeshua was constantly accompanied by people, and we rarely had the opportunity to be alone.

The Gospels do not say about what was known only to a few people close to us. Not long before the events in the Garden of Gethsemane, Yeshua and I conceived a child. Our daughter was given the name Sar "x.

What I am about to tell you will seem incredible to you.

I remember the reeds at Marie-de-la-Mer, although the name of the place was, of course, different then. There our boat moored to the shore. Sar "x was still very young, she was not even a year old. Remembering recent events, I was bursting with grief and amazement.

I was present at the crucifixion of Yeshua. I saw him in the tomb. I swaddled Yeshua's body with his mother. I have always remembered the smell of myrrh - this is one of the incense we used.

Yeshua appeared to me in a bright glow. I couldn’t believe my eyes and touched his wounds. His disciples were jealous that he came to me first.

It was strange to realize that my beloved had passed to another world while my daughter and I were crossing the Mediterranean Sea alone. In Egypt, where we first went, it became unsafe, and we had to set off again.

We landed in the wilderness, which later became known as France. There we were met by the priestesses of the cult of Isis. We then went north, protected by the Druids, who heard Isis call to protect her daughter, Sar. We crossed another large body of water, heading for the country later called England.

We were hidden in the most sacred place for the druids, on Glastonbury Tor. Although England was safer than Israel or Egypt, the influence of Rome was felt there too, so we had to go into hiding.

We have lived in this area for many years. Sar "x married a man whose descendants became Knights Templar. I went north to Wales and lived on the seashore until the end of my days.

During the years when I lived alone by the sea, Yeshua often visited me. Of course, his body was now more energy and light than flesh; and yet it was delightful to be with him again.

When I was dying, he was with me and took me to that land, which many call paradise, but in fact it is just a place in the soul.

I begin my story by meeting at the well, because in many ways my life really began there. All the previous years were just preparation for this meeting.

That morning, I felt excitement, delight - trembling in my arms and legs - even before we met. When he approached the well, I had already lowered my jug into the water, and he helped me to get it. Seeing my gold snake-shaped bracelet, some of the apostles decided that I was a whore, and were amazed that the Master was helping such a woman.

But it didn't bother me. Yeshua's eyes took me to another world. When our gazes met, it seemed to me that I was looking into eternity, and I realized that he was the one for whom I was prepared; he understood the same.

I followed the crowd of his students. In the evenings, Yeshua and I were alone; not every evening, because it was constantly needed.

Those who taught me the Alchemy of Horus and the Sexual Magic of Isis considered me an advanced student. But for the first time in the arms of Yeshua, I felt like just a quivering woman, and it was not easy for me to find my way through the passion for the highest throne, although this is what I was taught.

The techniques I was taught, as well as the techniques that Yeshua learned in Egypt, helped us to charge his Ka (energy body) b O with greater light and greater power, which made it easier for him to work with those who came to him.

The Gospel mentions that I was at the well when Yeshua came make me smile, because on those nights when we were alone, he came to my “well” to draw from it the power of Isis and gain additional strength ...

Now it all seems like a dream, and yet the memories are still bright and clear. When I talk about this, my heart flutters as if everything was yesterday. I remember the first night with Yeshua as clearly as the sky over Jerusalem.

Having overcome the desires of a woman and ascended to the level of spiritual alchemy, I saw the spiritual form of Yeshua, already shining brightly with light.

There was a dove over his head, golden rays of light pouring out of him. In his spiritual form, the seals of Solomon, Hathor, Isis, Anubis and Osiris shone. These were signs of the stages of initiation he had passed. There were also other symbols, incomprehensible to me, belonging to cultures about which I knew nothing and which I had not studied; but judging by the Egyptian seals I know, he was on the path of the Supreme God Horus.

But he had not yet passed the initiation through death, and my trembling heart knew that I was destined to strengthen his soul with the power of Isis and the Cosmic Mother so that he could pass through the portal of darkness and reach Horus.

After we made love for the first time, mixing the energies of our spiritual bodies, an alchemical process began between us, and Yeshua dozed off. Holding him in my arms, I felt the desire to protect him, to always be with him - and the cold confidence that forces would separate us many times stronger than my desire.

The church calls me a whore, but I will tell you that the church is just a whore, because it seeks to convince you that a woman is unclean, and that sexual attraction between a man and a woman is evil. But it is the magnetism of passion that is the cradle of ascension.

This secret of secrets was known to all Initiates of Isis. However, I never thought that it was me who would fully express this in alliance with Yeshua.

It was a journey of my spirit and heart.

But for those who want to learn about the physical journey ... After Yeshua's crucifixion, we with his mother Mary, two other young women, Joseph of Arimathea and his 12-year-old son Aaron set off from Northern Egypt.

Our route deviated to the east before we could turn west, and since our boat was very small we had to stop and stock up on provisions. We visited Malta, the small islet of Oudis, Sardinia and the land known to you as the Cinque Terra. Finally we landed at Saint-Marie-de-la-Mer and set off through René-le-Château to northern France and further across the strait to what is now England. We lived there in Glastonbury until Sar was 12 years old.

On her twelfth birthday, we returned to the place among the reeds where we once landed. Since it was unsafe for us to return to Egypt, I was forced to initiate my daughter into the cult of Isis in this place and bathed her in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, following the instructions given to me.

We then returned to Glastonbury. At the age of 16, Yeshua and I had a daughter married to a man from a well-known family, whose descendants became Templars.

The blood of this family was inherited by the Templars. When Sarah got married and gained confidence, I traveled north to Wales and lived there in a small stone house for the rest of my days.

Behind my house there was a stream flowing down the hill. I spent many days in the place where it split into two sleeves. Two streams flowed side by side, and then one went to the right and the other to the left. I sat between them, contemplating the flow of my life and the flow of Yeshua's life - that our lives did not flow together for long and then parted.

I will forever remember how Yeshua appeared to me after the resurrection for the first time.

It was a new moon, the sky was clear. A light mist lay on the moor, and everything was silver with the light of the moon and stars. I saw a figure approaching me along the path that led to my house.

He came just as I went out to fetch water from the well. It looked the same as before, but emitted a distinctly visible light! My eyes filled with tears; my heart fluttered.

I ran to him, but stopped, remembering the words that he said to me immediately after the resurrection.

Don't touch me yet- he said, - for I have not yet ascended to the Father.

Oh, how I, an Initiate of Isis, all these years dreamed of telling the whole truth about this!

What did he mean by these words? After all, Christians have inherited only part of the truth. B O the greater part of it is hidden in the mysteries of the Great Mother; and since the church sought to discredit the feminine principle, it hid it.

And the truth is connected with the Ka body itself, which we, as Initiates, called the etheric or spiritual double (because the Ka body, being charged with a sufficient amount of vital energy, looks like a physical body). But, unlike the physical body, the Ka body does not consist of flesh, but of energy and light.

When Yeshua appeared to me immediately after the resurrection, he was in his Ka, but it was still energetically unstable, because he had not yet ascended to the Father - that is, to the Great Spirit of his own soul. In order to do this, he had to overcome the portal of death and go through the underworld of his being.

As I understand it, he did it for two reasons. The first is that such an accomplishment gives a great soul a tremendous power of Ka. The second is to pave the way through death itself so that others, following his light, can more easily pass through the darkness.

That first night when we met again - I feel it now, everything is just as alive, pure and strong - my heart was filled with joy that I was with him again. He came to me before midnight and left before dawn. During these hours we lay together, our Ka bodies intertwined again, and we did not need to speak. We communicated telepathically. Even without physical intercourse, our Serpentine Forces, having united, ascended up the sacred path in our spines to the crown throne on our heads, which caused me ecstasy and bliss.

He came to me in this way several times a year for many years. Sometimes we talked. We were just together most of the time.

I asked him where he was between our meetings. He replied that he visited holy places all over the earth and met with different peoples, paving the path of light.

During one of his visits, I asked him to explain this rather strange concept.

Yeshua drew a circle on the earthen floor of my house, and then a figure of two intersecting triangles that make up the Seal of Solomon or the Star of David. He said that there are many lands about which we know nothing. In those parts there are places corresponding to the points of the Seal of Solomon. By visiting them, he made sure that his spiritual work filled the fabric of this world.

Of all Yeshua's visits, I remember most vividly the time when his visit coincided with the arrival of Sar "x.

She became pregnant and wanted to see me in order to receive a blessing. I was very glad to see her and her companions. Sar "x sent me the news of her visit through the druids, but their message came to me only the day before her arrival. She stayed with me for three days. On the second night, Yeshua appeared.

I don’t know if you will understand how strange it was. After all, Sar "x never saw her Father, and Yeshua never saw her daughter. And so they met for the first time! But her father's physical body disappeared in a flash of light at the moment of resurrection, and now he was in his body Ka, which emitted a clearly visible light.

They were both moved: Sar "x to tears, and Yeshua to great delight. They spent an hour alone walking in the street. I do not know what they were talking about. But from the beginning of their conversation to the end, the sky was full of shooting stars.

Before dawn, before leaving, Yeshua put his hands on Sar "x's stomach and blessed the child. Sar" x left the next day, filled with a sense of peace.

So, I have told you everything I wanted to say about my life as a mother, and now I will tell you about myself as an Initiate, about the Alchemy of Horus and the secrets of Isis.

Now I will tell you about my beloved spiritual sister, Mother Yeshua, also known as Mary.

Mary was also an Initiate of the Cult of Isis and was brought up in Egypt. That is why, fleeing from the royal wrath that threatened them in Israel, he and Joseph hid in Egypt: there they were safe among the Priestesses and Priests of Isis.

Mary's teaching was different from mine, and yet we served the same purpose. To explain to you who Mary was to me, I must reveal one of the greatest secrets of the Cult of Isis. It was believed (and I agree with this) that under certain circumstances the Goddess herself can incarnate into a woman through birth or through spiritual initiation.

Mary, the mother of Yeshua, at a very young age was recognized by the Great Priestesses of the Temples of Isis for the purity of her spirit. She trained as an Initiate and reached the highest levels. But she was destined to become the Incarnation of the Goddess, not the Priestess.

In order to become the Incarnation of the Goddess, you need to be an advanced soul, as this requires the most difficult spiritual training and discipline. At the last stage of initiation, Mary became the keeper of the flow of energy coming directly from Isis herself. In this sense, she was the embodiment of the Cosmic Mother. As if there were two of them: Mary-man, pure in spirit and heart, kept inside herself a direct portal to the Great Mother, who created all matter, all time and space.

Figuratively speaking, this is how the table was set for conceiving a creature with remarkable qualities - her son Yeshua.

From the point of view of the Cult of Isis, during the process that the church calls the Immaculate Conception, Mary witnessed the Divine and galactic fertilization, when the Father's Principle, or Spirit, places its seed in Mother Isis (Matter that receives the impulse of the Spirit). This subtle and powerful spiritual energy concentrated in Mary's womb and gave birth to Yeshua.

When the apostles came to me at the well, Mary was among them. She recognized me as the Initiate of Isis by a gold bracelet in the shape of a snake, and being a clairvoyant, she also saw the Seal of Isis shining in my body Ka.

First, I looked into Yeshua's eyes, and, as I said, his powerful presence transported me to other worlds. Then I looked into the eyes of his mother. In her eyes I read that she recognized me as an Initiate of the Cult of Isis. Although Maria was not trained in Sexual Magic, she realized that I was being trained for Yeshua.

With these two I flew on the wings of transcendental love, feeling my spirit soar.

However, when I looked into the eyes of Yeshua's disciples, I saw condemnation in them. They thought I was a whore (and so have countless generations after them).

But I tell you that for Yeshua and his mother I was not a whore, but a pure vessel of the healing and nourishing energy of Isis herself.

In the life of a man - no matter whether a person or a god - a moment comes when the mother can no longer give him what he needs. Her love does not disappear, but he needs the energy support of another woman. I was such a woman.

There, at the well, Mary recognized me and gave me her son.

Maria and I spent a lot of time together discussing Yeshua's work, his needs and my place in his life. We both knew that I was serving a higher purpose. Despite the fact that I was prepared for this, this knowledge amazed me. I am still in awe of this.

As we spent days and nights caring for the needs of Yeshua and his disciples, Mary and I became very close. I fell in love with her, and I still love her - for her physical beauty, for the purity of her heart and spirit, and for the tenderness with which she treated the world.

I can say that Mary, who served as the vessel of Isis, as the Incarnation of the Goddess, was already a highly developed Master. And after such service, her skill and spiritual perfection are simply overwhelming.

Mary dwells in the divine worlds, and her compassion and love are constantly poured out on everyone. It is available to all people, regardless of their faith. When you call her, know that she hears you.

Time, as you know, is drawing to a close, and I received the permission of the Goddess (the Goddess herself asked me) to reveal to you some of the most closely guarded secrets in the hope that you will be able to expand your consciousness in time.

Alchemy of Horus is the methods of changing the Ka body. When Ka gains b O With greater energy and light, the Initiate's magnetic field is intensified, and what he desires happens sooner.

However, when a person completely surrenders to his Divine Soul (Ba), the pursuit of personal desires, if not stopped, is no longer the meaning of all existence. Instead, a person seeks to develop higher qualities of his self, following the instructions of the Ba (Divine Soul).

The Divine Soul (Ba) exists at a much higher vibrational level than the physical body (Khat) or Ka (the spiritual or etheric counterpart of the physical form). There are channels in the Ka body that can be stimulated and opened. Developing these secret paths in Ka strengthens it. The alchemy of Horus is intended to strengthen them, to activate the potential of the Initiate through the Jed (the ascending seven seals, what the yogis and yoginis of India call chakras).

We Initiates have been taught to activate the Serpentine Force by directing it along energetic pathways in the spine and opening certain areas of the brain. This created the so-called Urey.

Urey is a flame, often blue in color, which spreads vertically and horizontally along channels in the spine and brain. It fluctuates in waves, following the changes in energy in these channels. The activation of Urey strengthens the potential of the brain in everything that concerns logic, creativity and, most importantly, sensitivity, since the task of the Initiate is to change the quality of his being so that contact with the Ba (Divine Soul) is pure and free.

When I first met Yeshua at the well, his proximity activated my inner Alchemy. The Serpent Power rose up my spine, as if I were using the practices I was learning.

That night, when we were alone for the first time, we practiced Isis Sexual Magic. This form of magic energizes the Ka body with tremendous magnetic force through the power of orgasm, as during orgasm a tremendous release of energy occurs in the cells of the body. As it spreads, this energy releases a magnetic potential that you can use.

I want to talk about this in more detail, but for this it is necessary to give you a basic understanding of sex and spiritual awareness, since the church has hidden this secret from you.

Uniting with Yeshua, I, as an Initiate of Isis, had to open some channels in myself. It struck me that many of these channels spontaneously opened in his presence. At the beginning of my story, I mentioned that I was in awe as a woman, and was forced to fight my passions and desires, since the path of the Initiate is to use the energy of passion in a certain way, and not just let it carry you. Alchemy requires holding back energy so that it can be transformed.

Very quickly, Yeshua and I reached the state known as the "Four Serpents." This occurs when both partners have mastered the inner Alchemy of Horus and can activate the Solar and Lunar Serpent in their spine.

Clairvoyants know that there is a central channel running up the back. To the left of it is the Lunar Chain, and to the right is the Solar Chain, which yogis and yoginis call Ida and Pingala.

In the Alchemy of Horus, a person causes these two circuits to be activated using magnetic fields similar to snakes.

The Moon Serpent on the left is absolutely black, the color of the Void; she is the embodiment of the Void itself and contains the potential of the Goddess, the Mother of all that exists.

The Solar Serpent is golden.

The Initiate makes these Two Serpents rise upward. As they rise, they pass through the chakras and intersect. In Alchemy of Horus, the Two Serpents intersect in the fifth seal (at the throat), and all seals below the throat.

After that, they find themselves opposite one another approximately where the pineal gland is - in the center of the head. Here the Initiate imagines a bowl with a pineal gland at the bottom.

These Two Serpents are not static, they vibrate and sparkle. The energy vibrates them, and the twists of their bodies in Ka cause an increase in the magnetic potential.

While making love, Yeshua and I simultaneously lifted the Two Serpents up the spine, along the Jed Channel. With a simultaneous orgasm, the discharge released from the first seals in the pelvic region rose to the Throne, that is, to the upper part of the head, stimulating the higher centers of the brain.

At the same time, in the moment of sexual ecstasy, we completely transfer our attention to our Ka bodies, as ecstasy intensifies Ka. The state of ecstasy nourishes and strengthens the Ka body, and, as I said, the strengthened Ka becomes a more powerful magnet, attracting what he or she wants to the Initiate.

Isis Sexual Magic is built on the innate ability of a female being to use magnetic energies to open deeper levels of consciousness, subjecting herself to the power of sexual energy.

When a woman feels deeply loved and respected (as I was loved and respected by Yeshua), something is released at the deepest levels of her being, and at the moment of orgasm there is an uncontrollable shiver. If a woman, feeling safe, allows this tremor, this tremor, to take possession of her, then a huge magnetic funnel opens, the center of which is in the uterus.

Two Initiates who practice Isis Sexual Magic can strengthen their Ka and quickly expand their consciousness through the power of this magnetic field.

In the advanced Isis Sexual Magic practices, the male Initiate causes both of his Serpents to rise through the female's Ka body, and the female causes her Two Serpents to rise through the male's Ka body. The power of this practice is like the energy released by an atomic bomb. Huge magnetic "tidal waves" can incredibly amplify the Ka - or destroy it if you don't do it right.

It was this kind of advanced practice that Ka Yeshua did that night in front of the Garden of Gethsemane. This powerful increase in Ka's magnetic potential gave him the strength to face the challenges ahead and to accomplish the task presented to him when he was initiated through the death portal. Thanks to this, his physical body returned to its constituent elements in a flash of light (the church calls this the Resurrection). But that was the result of a process deep within him. This was caused by the magnetism of his Ka body, since it was with the help of the powerfully charged Ka that he was able to pass through his personal underworld, through death itself.

While practicing Isis Sexual Magic, Yeshua and I understood that this is our goal.

For Yeshua, every connection with me was a means of strengthening his Ka. That is why I said earlier that he came to my "well", because the "well" that the Initiate offers to a man is an infinite magnetic potential. But it only opens when a woman feels loved and safe. Only then will these practices be effective. Because without care and love, these practices become just techniques and do not give the desired results.

But I was both a woman and an Initiate. I studied for years and knew what to do with these channels. But it surprised me that I was captured by passion as a woman.

I noticed that I looked forward to every look and touch of Yeshua, and the time we spent alone was the most precious of my life. His touch, the feeling of him, made something inside me open up, and sometimes I wanted to laugh at myself.

I, who had been taught the secret practices of Isis's Sexual Magic, whom the Priestesses considered a very advanced student - this Riissed One - turned out to be a beginner in the presence of a woman.

Know that in the heart, consciousness and wisdom of a woman's body lie some of the greatest secrets and most powerful forces - and they are waiting to be discovered.

And all this is revealed at the touch of a man!

When I talk about Yeshua, I am filled with love and feelings that I have for him at all times.

Isis' Sexual Magic is based on the knowledge that the feminine principle contains an alchemical key in its sexual nature. This alchemical key manifests itself during lovemaking - during intercourse. When activated strong enough, the Alchemy of Horus occurs spontaneously.

I was taught that, alchemically speaking, there are two ways to achieve the same goal.

The Alchemy of Horus was the foundation of both practices as they used the same channels. For those who did not want to enter into partnership, the Alchemy of Horus was a means of strengthening and activating the Ka body to the levels of High Initiations.

For those who entered into partnership, Isis' Sexual Magic gave wings with which they could climb the Jed and enter the Throne of Higher Consciousness.

It is a great tragedy that the church has blackened the secrets and sacredness of our sexual nature. For almost two thousand years, the most dynamic and one of the fastest paths to Understanding God was considered evil. Unfortunately, the church called him sinful - and scared away those who might accidentally discover him.

Although the miracles performed by Yeshua seem extraordinary to many, for the Initiate they are natural manifestations of the potential of consciousness. They are a sign. Miracles don't just happen, and I want to talk about it in terms of the knowledge that Yeshua and I possessed.

When I met Yeshua, he was already working miracles.

I had to help him strengthen his Ka for the last Initiation through the portal of death - the initiation of the Great God Horus. As I said, for this we practiced Isis Sexual Magic and Horus Alchemy.

Of all the miracles that Yeshua performed before my eyes, the miracle of loaves and fish is dearest to me.

It was a very long and hot day. The apostles, Mary and I, as always, followed the Master. A very large crowd gathered, listening carefully to every word of Yeshua. We were all captivated by his vision of the world and amazed at the expressiveness of his speech.

We seemed to be transported directly to heaven for several hours, and I noticed that the Ka Yeshua increased to include everyone present. It was another sign for me.

When he finished speaking, the day was already approaching evening, and, filled with compassion for the people who listened to him, realizing that the way home would take them a long time, he asked to collect and share the food.

The disciples, Maria and I, as well as some people in the crowd, began to collect food.

But when everything was collected, it turned out that this was not enough for everyone: we had only a few fish and small loaves.

And then I witnessed a remarkable event.

Yeshua sank into himself and closed his eyes. I could sense the intensity of his prayer, although I did not hear the words. I saw a stream of light going along the entire height of his Jed, from the base of his spine to the crown of his head, directed upward through the crown, into Ba, the Divine Soul. Soon the energy dropped, as if in response to his request; he stretched out his hands over two small baskets and began distributing bread and fish, breaking them into pieces and dressing each of those present.

It was wonderful; more than a thousand people were fed, but bread and fish did not run out. After feeding the crowd, Yeshua gave food to his disciples, Mary and me. This bread was the sweetest and the fish the most delicious I have ever tasted.

Miracles are natural for a Master of such a level as Yeshua, and from the point of view of an Initiate, anyone who performs the necessary practices can create them.

Yeshua often said: "I and my Father are one"... This phrase was later misinterpreted. From the standpoint of the Initiate, "Father" is simply another name for the Spirit. By this, Yeshua noted that he merged with his Spirit, and this is how miracles are performed.

He constantly wavered between two ideas, which the Gospels later interpreted in their own way.

Yeshua sometimes said: "I and my Father are one"... And another time he said: "Without my Father, I can do nothing"... This happens in the process of Initiation, when the Enlightened One vacillates between the conviction of his connection with the Spiritual Source and the state when he realizes that he is nothing and can do nothing without the Spirit.

One state of mind carries with it a sense of omnipotence, while another carries a feeling of helplessness. The initiate must pass between them. The fact that Yeshua used these phrases several times meant for me as an Initiate that he was faced with this paradox.

With this paradox in his mind, he lived up to the Garden of Gethsemane. Before leaving for the Garden, he came to me and we practiced Four Serpents for the last time. Our meeting was intense, for we both knew that the hour was drawing near.

The power released by this practice on our last date energized Ka Yeshua's body, and it shone with the conviction that he retained until the last minutes of his life, which allowed him to pass through death. But before that, he often spent time ... I find it difficult to find the right words ... in a kind of self-examination.

The followers of Yeshua, who call themselves Christians, think that he confidently walked forward and always knew exactly what his destiny and his mission were; that he never doubted. But I, who spent the nights with him, tell you that it is not so.

The fact that a person has achieved mastery does not mean that he is able to overcome doubts, that they do not bother him.

Yeshua felt the pressure of his Divine Soul, which is characteristic of the Initiated. After all, the Initiate is a person, with all the qualities inherent in a person, but he increasingly unites with his Divine Soul, eventually becoming a part of it.

Yeshua saw the potential of Divine Awareness in other people and spoke about it several times. The Gospels mention his words: "You will do greater things than me."... He understood that miracles are a natural manifestation of consciousness, and that in the process of expanding the consciousness of mankind, miracles will become commonplace.

And at the same time, he clearly saw the limitations of the people around him - their hatred, ignorance and bigotry - and this deeply worried him. We spent a lot of time talking about this. Even a few days before the Garden of Gethsemane, Yeshua was not sure that he would gain the confidence needed to complete the final Initiation.

I don’t know what made such a change in him, but a few days before the Garden and our last joint act of Initiation through the Four Serpents, a deep sense of peace descended on him, and he became more confident than I have ever seen him.

Almost two thousand years have passed since Yeshua's crucifixion, but I still tremble at the thought of it. It is very strange to be both an Initiate and a Woman at the same time.

I was next to Yeshua during the crucifixion, holding my Ka in fervent prayer - in other words, I was unshakable in my intention to be by his side when he made the transition to death. This was for me an act of Initiation that required impartiality.

Such a task was easy for the Initiate, but it broke the heart of a Woman who loves Yeshua as a Man. And I stood on Calvary, torn between the power of the Initiate and the torment of a woman in love, whose beloved is suffering.

At that moment, I did not think about Initiation. I was not interested in Yeshua blazing a path of light through the realm of death for all those who follow him.

I even yelled at Isis.

How dare you!- I said.

When I could no longer bear the suffering, Mary touched my hand. I was alone in my agony and did not notice her pain. Our gazes met and we cried in each other's arms. She - according to her son, I - according to my beloved.

The Gospels say that immediately after Yeshua's death there was an earthquake, and I can confirm this. It seemed that all nature was writhing in agony, and the earth shook with anger and rage at the fact that such a Master had suffered at the hands of people like him.

But such is the paradox of life on earth.

A great storm swept over the city - I have never seen such a wind. The sky was filled with dark clouds and lightning, thunder shook everything around. This terrifying performance seemed to last forever, but I think it only took an hour or two.

At the crypt, Mary and I washed Yeshua's body in accordance with Jewish customs and traditions, swaddled it and left the crypt. We did it in silence. The only sound was our suppressed sobs.

It was strange to me that he had resurrected Lazarus, but he could not help himself.

I didn't understand what he was doing.

But after the resurrection, seeing him in the body of Ka, shining and beautiful as always, I understood this.

When the Initiate becomes the Supreme God Horus, it means that he has activated the highest potential of consciousness in human form. But traditionally this was done only for oneself. Yeshua did it for the sake of all mankind. This is his legacy.

But I say that religion has nothing to do with it! It's about physics and alchemy.

Yeshua's teaching was simple: we are all Gods, we all have the potential to love and heal. He himself demonstrated this in the best way available to him.

In the early days of the church (in the communities that formed around Yeshua's teachings) a beautiful ritual arose. Wanting to feel his energy or presence, people shared bread and wine. Sometimes men participated in the ritual, and sometimes women. This simple act of mutual generosity was in the spirit of Yeshua's teachings, but over the years this simplicity was lost, and only priests could perform this rite (called the Sacrament). I knew Yeshua very well and I can tell you that he would find it just disgusting.

The truth and power of Yeshua's teachings were perverted by the church, and the secrets of expanding consciousness through Sacred Sex, as Yeshua and I practiced, were simply destroyed.

By sharing my story, I realize that only a handful of people will understand me - but that's enough.

As I already said, it is possible to reach the heights of consciousness alone, without a partner; Alchemy Horus was created to assist the Initiate in this process.

However, to those who are in partnership - in the Sacred Union - the Sexual Magic of Isis was revealed. I want to discuss some of its aspects.

The first is the understanding that magnetic fields are generated at the time of orgasm. In fact, these fields arise during the so-called "flirting" - when the senses are stimulated by touch. This stimulation gives rise to the construction of magnetic fields and is extremely important for the alchemical practice of Sexual Magic.

There are several methods available to Initiates, and I will talk about some of them. But for practice, it is necessary to understand the nature of the interaction between the two alchemical elements in a man and a woman.

At the physical level, a man's seed carries information about his genetic lineage, which is passed on to a child. When sperm combines with an egg, life occurs, and life is a complex interconnection of magnetic fields. A child growing in the uterus develops organs and systems, but at the magnetic level they look like complex interconnected vibrational and magnetic fields. This means that the sexual act somehow creates new magnetic circuits.

Initiates familiar with alchemy also use sexual energy to create complex magnetic fields - but these fields do not become a new being, a child. They are woven into the bodies of Ka of the Initiates themselves, strengthening and elevating them. This is the first thing to understand.

The task of the Initiate in the system that Yeshua and I learned is to make the Ka body stronger and get rid of the limitations of physical form (Khat).

The next level of knowledge is associated with the emotional attunement of the Initiate woman, because her receptivity depends on the emotional state. This is part of her nature and cannot be ignored if you want these techniques to be effective.

An Initiate woman needs a sense of security and love, or at least respect. When it is there, something inside her being relaxes and allows alchemy to happen.

The alchemical process takes place when the Ka of the male Initiate and the Ka of the female Initiate are combined. When they make love, their Ka bodies interact, and this helps the woman to open her Magnetic Field. This strange term comes from the language used in the Temples of Isis.

Floor is the foundation on which a person stands. When we want something to stand firmly, we put it on the floor. The word "floor" in Temples was used to denote the most essential element. So when I say "Woman's Magnetic Sex," I mean a fundamental element that cannot be dispensed with.

When Initiates make love, powerful chemicals are released in the brain and body, which transport Initiates from their ordinary world to another space. This further opens up the magnetic fields and generates an increase in magnetism.

At the moment of orgasm, the male Initiate can either ejaculate or retain sperm. If he ejaculates (and all the previous conditions have been met), an instant reaction occurs in his partner's uterus. When the energetic quintessence of sperm comes into contact with the walls of its inner sanctuary, an explosion of magnetic energy occurs - rotating worlds within worlds. And the higher the level reached by both Initiates, the more powerful will be the magnetic energies released during such contact of sexual fluids. It is important to understand that this contact creates complex magnetic fields that both man and woman can pull into their energy body.

Sometimes there is a phenomenon in which the Initiate woman begins to tremble uncontrollably. The center of this vibration is usually the uterus, which causes cascades of tremors in the pelvic region. It also creates very complex magnetic fields that both Initiates can pull into their energy bodies.

When Initiates raise the Serpentine Forces along the spine during a sexual act, the Two Serpents, meeting, magnetize the chakras, enhancing the corresponding abilities and forces.

That is all I am allowed to say, as this practice can lead to a significant increase in a person's abilities. But I hope you can read between the lines, and if you are ready for this practice, you will understand how to do it.

Studying the Sexual Magic of Isis and the Alchemy of Horus, the Initiates practiced the basic exercises of the Two Serpents.

By practicing these exercises, the Initiate alone generates energy through the power of RA (inner fire) to expand consciousness (to become aware of the complex magnetic fields in his body), in order to then bring them into Ka.

I want to talk about this method. This is the basic practice both for those who want to do this work alone and for those who want to do it with a partner.

Basic practice requires the Initiate to sit upright and breathe rhythmically and calmly.

Then the Initiate should concentrate his attention on the base of the spine and, with his breath, raise the Black Serpent on the left and the Golden Serpent on the right, up the spine.

Moving up to the crown, the Two Serpents cross at each chakra. In this practice, the Two Serpents only go to the center of the head, to the pineal gland.

As a result, under the influence of the strength of the breath and the intention of the Initiate, the Snakes should begin to move, wriggle.

At this moment, inside the head, you need to imagine a Cup with Two Serpents, looking at one another over its edge. The pineal gland should be at the bottom of the Cup.

The next stage raises the RA energy upward. The initiate imagines a living ball of fire, like the sun, in the solar plexus, and with each exhalation he repeats or hums the word "RA" to himself. This causes the light, the fire of the inner RA to be activated, and it spontaneously begins to rise upward.

This light and heat moves upward, passing through the center of the Chalice between the Two Serpents and further to the crown. This is where a wonderful phenomenon arises.

On the left side of the crown is a fluid-like energy called "Red Serpentine Drops". From the right side of the crown, another liquid-like energy descends into the Chalice, called "White Serpentine Drops". The warmth and light of the inner RA causes the corona to release these substances.

The Red Serpentine Drops are associated with the biological mother of the Initiate, and the White ones with the father. When these Drops are mixed, it can have several effects. There may be a sensation of sweet taste in the larynx - what yogis and yoginis call Amrita, and in the Cult of Isis it is called "Spring Waters", because there is a feeling that they come from a spring inside the head. When the Initiate focuses on the sensation of the Spring Waters, ecstasy arises. Sometimes the Initiate feels the light in his head. If you focus on this light, ecstasy also arises.

Sometimes, when the Red and White Serpentine Drops are mixed, ecstasy arises spontaneously. This ecstasy - no matter what caused it - is necessary for alchemy, because ecstasy is food for the Ka body.

Ecstasy, as a rule, remains in the upper centers, since in this practice it is there that it arises. But in this method, as soon as ecstasy arises, the Initiate must transfer his consciousness into the entire Ka body. This causes the ecstasy to spread throughout the physical body, Khat, and then it is absorbed by the Ka, which intensifies and revitalizes it.

This is the basic practice.

For those who practice Isis Sexual Magic in partnership, ecstatic states arise naturally. Those who walk the path of loners must independently induce this state in themselves.

However, both practices require Initiates to focus their attention on the Ka body during ecstasy so that it can be saturated with the magnetic fields that arise at these moments.

The male Initiate who practices Isis Sexual Magic faces the greatest trials because she seems to be asking him to go against his nature. From an alchemical point of view, the masculine is electrical, while the feminine is magnetic.

In the nature of electricity - to move and act, while in the nature of magnetism - to rest, envelop.

In this practice, the main thing is to strengthen the Ka body through weaving into it the magnetic fields that arise during sexual intercourse. Immediately after orgasm, the magnetic fields released by the female Initiate continue to spiral and circulate. At this time, you need to rest, resting in these magnetic fields. However, men tend to either get up and start doing something, or fall asleep.

An Initiate man must accustom himself to rest, allowing the created magnetic fields to spiral into his Ka and physical body.

This usually does not happen, because in men the orgasm is limited to the pelvic area, and only in some cases it spreads further. But in an Enlightened woman, an orgasm spreads throughout the body and can continue at different levels of intensity for several hours, especially if she can relax and not interfere with it.

Some male Initiates worry that by changing themselves, learning to be at peace, they lose their masculinity - but I can assure you that this is not at all the case.

When a male Initiate rests in magnetic fields, his Ka body becomes stronger and his sexual energy becomes more powerful. One of the tasks of the male Initiate is to become more sensitive to new levels of sensation in order to weave the magnetic fields released through sex into his physical body and Ka.

The term "rest" does not mean that the man's member should remain inside the woman. This means that the man stays close to the woman - touching, stroking, plunging into the physical sensations and emotions after orgasm. This can give the male Initiate access to the feminine mysteries of creation.

Another important detail that a male Initiate should pay attention to is the Adoration of the Beloved.

There are indications that the alchemy of Sexual Magic is increasing. One of them is the worship or adoration of the Beloved.

This happens in both the male Initiate and the woman. When Beloved Worship occurs in both partners, alchemy and Sexual Magic are enhanced, for the harmony and magnetism evoked by this emotion promote magic.

Now I want to talk about the term "magic".

Why do we use this term? The point is that we are talking about the transformation of an individual into God. This is the magic symbolized by the god Horus (half man, half falcon). Through alchemical practices, he ascends to the level of the Supreme God Horus. This means that a person has reached the highest states of consciousness.

Isis Sexual Magic - a method of expanding consciousness (which is magic in itself) - is achieved through the energies and ecstasy that arise during sex.

Magic are techniques that help a person with enhanced Ka to influence reality in various ways that seem magical to others. Take, for example, the basic practice of the Alchemy of Horus - raising the Black and Golden Serpent up the spine, creating the Chalice, activating the inner fire of RA, and mixing the Red and White Serpentine Drops. These are all magical acts, acts of intention, acts of personal and spiritual will. This is why it is called magic.

Returning to the paradox faced by the male Initiate, we find that his nature to a certain extent interferes with his practice of Sexual Magic. When the Ka of a male Initiate is charged, he strives to act, to do something. However, if he, overpowering himself, can rest with his Beloved, he and her will plunge into the magnetism created by their love, their sex, and charge his Ka even more.

There is another obstacle that the man-Initiate encounters in this process, preventing him from revealing his nature to Horus. We in the Temples call it "Flying Hindrances". These are existing attitudes, beliefs, emotional habits - that is, what you call psychological problems. Only by removing this obstacle, the Initiate is able to fly up to higher states of consciousness.

It is here that a difficult transition, requiring great skill, awaits a man-Initiate.

A mother carries a son in her womb and then nourishes and protects him. But the moment comes when the boy gains independence and the ability to act independently. At this time, it may seem to him that his mother limits him, hinders him. And he kind of pushes his mother away to meet the world face to face. At this stage, a confrontation may even begin between them.

An Initiate man may still carry the associated emotions. In this case, it will be difficult for him to relax and rest in magnetic fields, because on a psychological level, he perceives this as surrender to a woman. If a man-Initiate has unresolved problems with his mother, he can consciously or unconsciously repeat them with his partner.

Both Initiates participating in the Isis Sexual Magic must understand that they are embarking on a long journey, and that this is, by its nature, an alchemical process, the goal is the transformation of one substance into another. This is achieved by burning out toxins (or negativity) so that pure substance remains or appears.

The substances that are transformed in the process of Isis' Sexual Magic are sexual secretions, hormones, neurotransmitters and others that are still unknown to your science. This process also includes changing the psychology of the participants.

By its very nature, Isis' Sexual Magic accelerates the alchemic process. The heat increases, the slags burn out; what needs to be cleaned becomes painfully visible.

If a person does not understand that this is one of the side effects of alchemy, he may be concerned that complex psychological problems are surfacing. But this is one of the results of alchemy, because the pressure arising from the powerful alchemical process caused by the Sexual Magic of Isis causes the Ka body to excrete, squeeze out all impurities to the surface and cleanse itself of all obstacles to flight.

For those who practice alchemy without a partner, the Alchemy of Horus also creates pressure to push all unclean things outward. But for them the task is more difficult, because they themselves must make every effort to maintain the required level of energy. Those who work in pairs see all their advantages and disadvantages in their partner, as in a mirror; those who practice alone do not have this opportunity. However, you can do without it.

This is the basic knowledge required to practice Isis Sexual Magic. In the preceding pages, I have revealed to you the secret of the ages, one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Temples of Isis.

Only the most advanced were trained in these practices.

It does not matter whether you are practicing the path of loners through the Alchemy of Horus or the path of Sacred Union through the Sexual Magic of Isis - you are embarking on the path to the disclosure of your Divine Nature.

The most important thing in this journey is the strengthening of Ka through ecstatic states of consciousness. It doesn't matter if they are created by the person himself or created during sex; It is fed and enhanced by ecstatic states, regardless of their source.

But know: shame is a poison for the body of Ka, reducing its vitality and power.

I, a dedicated Isis, consider it a tragedy that the church shamed women and men for their sexual nature and closed one of the most direct paths to the Realization of God. Whatever you do along the way, my advice is to get rid of the shame.

Look closely into yourself, look for the dark corners in your mind and heart where shame lurks, and remove it.

Seize every chance to induce a state of ecstasy, as it strengthens you and makes your Ka body more powerful.

May hindrances to your flight be rare and blessings in your path frequent.

Now I want to fill in some of the gaps regarding the practice of Isis Sexual Magic.

An Initiate man needs to understand that it is the magnetic field created by caresses and touches of the Initiate woman, his Beloved, that gives rise to a cascade of magnetic fields that increase in intensity until the moment of orgasm.

An Initiate man must also learn to rest in magnetic fields.

It is very important for both Initiates to focus their attention on the Ka body in the ecstatic states of consciousness that arise during lovemaking. This strengthens and energizes the Ka body, which is necessary for the type of alchemy that Yeshua and I practiced.

At the time of physical orgasm, the magnetic flux tends to move either upward through the crown of the head or downward through the soles of the feet - but in either case, this magnetic field eventually leaves the body and dissipates. At the moment of orgasm, it is important to keep it. Ideally, Initiates place their consciousness in the Throne (crown chakra) or in the higher centers of the brain. This will cause the orgasmic stream to rise up into the head, sending energy into the brain itself and into the Ka body.

Sometimes an Initiate man wants to hold back the ejaculation. In Isis Sexual Magic, male Initiates were taught a special practice called the Lower Nile Stopping.

From the point of view of the Initiates of Ancient Egypt, the Nile existed both outside and inside. The outer Nile is a physically existing river, and the inner Nile is the Jed and its flow through the seven seals or chakras. At the moment of physical orgasm, when a man ejaculates, the forces of creation are released, descending from the upper Nile to the lower Nile.

The seed carries a powerful potential to create magnetic fields in the form of new life or alchemical reaction in the womb of the Initiate woman.

However, in some cases, ejaculation can lower the level of personal vitality of the male Initiate, and then it is better for him to keep his seed. For such cases, the Lower Nile Stopping technique was developed.

The man puts his finger on the prostate, in front, so that at the moment of ejaculation, the semen goes back, not forward, and the magnetic fields of his sexual nature continue to circulate in his physical body and Ka. But even at such moments, his Ka body generates magnetic fields that react with the fields of the female Initiate, and partners can rest in their interaction.

I want to mention a relatively rare form of partnership that sometimes arose among the Initiates of Isis. You would call this same sex partners.

Although the emergence of magnetic fields and the ability to rest in them, as well as the state of ecstasy, can be achieved by partners of the same sex, there is no interaction of the seed with the uterus, so this aspect of alchemy is absent.

However, all other aspects of Alchemy and Sexual Magic remain unchanged.

Finally, I want to draw your attention to the term "Initiate" because I used it all the time in this material. The term “Initiate” refers to a person who has decided to leave everyday life in order to expand their consciousness.

Overcoming the threshold between ordinary and sacred life is marked by the ritual of Initiation. In ancient practices, the candidate was initiated by a Priest or Priestess, capable of transmitting to him the power of the lineage to which they belonged.

For some types of transition, an external Initiator is required.

However, for the first stages, a person can initiate himself, because Initiation is a designation of the threshold, the transition from ordinary life to sacred.

For those who are attracted to the practice of Horus' Alchemy, and who wish to devote themselves to a sacred life, I suggest the following simple ritual (I am giving these instructions because there are very few people qualified for the Enlightenment in the lineage of ancient Egypt).

This ritual will require a candle and two glasses or cups.

One cup is filled with water, the other is empty. You can add flowers and incense if you like to make the ritual aesthetically pleasing, but at its core, the Self-Initiation process is an act of intention, personal and spiritual will.

A ritual is simply an outward reflection of what is happening in the depths of the soul. In fact, an inner choice can be made without an outer ritual at all, and a ritual without an inner choice is completely useless.

For this ritual, you will light a candle and then say the following words:

- Spirit of all living things, become my witness. For the sake of my ascension and the ascension of all living things, I will strive to be harmless to myself and others.

Then, holding a glass or other vessel of water in your right hand, pour the water into an empty vessel or glass in your left hand and seal this action with these words:

- By pouring this water, I mark the transition of the sacred waters of my life from the ordinary to the sacred. Spirit of all living things, become my witness. Amen, amen, amen.

I want to close my story by thinking about my beloved Yeshua. As Isis Risen, I was being prepared for the moment of our meeting. When our gazes met, I was transported to other worlds.

I understood teachings that seemed hazy. I comprehended the deepest secrets of Isis when she revealed them to me not through the scriptures, but through the living presence of my love for Yeshua.

When the alchemy between us intensified, I began to worship him, and he began to worship me. It was very difficult for him to part with me.

He wanted to stay with me instead of going through the Death Initiation; yet as a soul of a very high level, he blazed a path of light through the dark realm of death. He did it for himself and for the sake of all mankind.

Many misunderstand what? he did, and why he did it.

Some people think that it is enough to believe in him, but from them no effort is required. Yeshua never thought so or believed in it. He came as a pointing light, as a beacon of love, at a time when the world was still in the shadow of a jealous deity. Yeshua, as a soul of a very high level, has shown incredible courage and strength in teaching love at such a time.

For me it was a strange experience, because I was both an Initiated and a woman in love and I understood that my task was to help him strengthen his Ka so that he would have enough strength to face the kingdom of death.

As an Initiate, I understood my task; to a certain extent, I also understood Yeshua's views. But as a woman in love, I was absorbed in my feelings for the Beloved.

I remember the time we spent together; these are bittersweet memories.

The sweetness of Yeshua's presence will forever fill and sustain me, but the bitterness of our parting will also always be with me.

In my last days on this earth, Yeshua came to me again in his Ka body, just as he had done for many years. He was with me when I took my last breath, carried my Ka through the realm of death, along the path of light that he blazed with the power of his intention, and took me to that place in my soul that you would call paradise.

I am there with his presence throughout time and space.

I was pleased with my stay there with his presence that I carry in my heart and mind. But Isis herself appeared to me and said that now I must tell my story ... that the lie of the last two millennia must end ... that the feminine principle again comes into harmony with the masculine ... that the Cosmic Mother manifests itself at the beginning of the end times.

That is why I am revealing one of the mysteries you have lost: Spirit, the masculine, needs the help of the feminine to return to itself from its journey through Matter.

But from the point of view of the solar, full of light masculine principle, the feminine principle carries a dark, wet and dangerous abyss. The solar aspect fears the darkness of the lunar aspect. But only in the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon, in the union of the masculine and feminine principles, in balance, in the energy balance, can real enlightenment be achieved.

When Yeshua prepared with me for his test in the Garden of Gethsemane, I was the embodiment of Isis. I was her. There was no difference between me and her. The practices I have been taught have made this possible. Yeshua, like the Sun, as a manifestation of the solar principle in the kingdom of matter, united with me, the Moon; he merged with Isis herself; his ascent would have been impossible without her. She is the Cosmic Mother. Other cultures call it by different names, but it remains the same.

To the extent that a man-Initiate is able to rest in magnetic fields with his Beloved and receive their vibrational energies, he comes into contact with Isis herself, the Cosmic Mother, Who Created all time and space.

To the extent that an Initiate woman is able to surrender to the will of magnetic fields and relax in her nature, so much she becomes Isis herself.

When these two events take place at the mythological level, the man-Initiate is energetically attuned to Osiris, and the woman-Initiate to Isis, and Horus is born from the mixing of their magnetic fields. But in this case Horus does not clothe himself in flesh, does not become a child. Horus takes shape and takes off inside the bodies of Ka of the Initiates themselves. They can soar into the divine realms of their own being.

But Osiris cannot rise without Isis, just like Isis without Osiris. The Supreme God Horus is born from the magnetism of their merger.

An Initiate man (by nature an electrical entity) thinks he can achieve this on his own, but in fact it is impossible.

Isis waits for him to admit it, but he does not admit it.

She has waited for centuries, and now we are at the beginning of the end times, and the pressure is great. This is one of the reasons for my appearance.

You, Initiated Men, who have discovered in yourself the ability to surrender to the will of the forces of Isis that lie in the nature of your Beloved (or in your own nature, if you follow a lonely path), know that you are doing this not only for yourself, but for everything. humanity.

A person who practices Isis Sexual Magic cannot do this only for himself, because this practice quickly raises the Initiate to the level of a living legend, because at its highest levels, as mentioned above, the man-Initiate becomes Osiris himself, and the woman-Initiate becomes Isis ... and Horus is born from their magnetic fields.

Those who practice alchemy alone achieve this through the magnetic fields of the Lunar and Solar Chain. In the process of mastering the basic practice that I shared earlier, the Black Snake of the Moon, containing the essence of the Void, vibrates and trembles in the body of the Ka Initiate, just as a woman-Initiate vibrates and trembles in the arms of a man in the practice of Sexual Magic.

In the body of an Initiate practicing the path of a loner, the Golden Serpent of the Sun meets the Black Serpent of the Moon in the center of the head, and the magnetic fields created by their mixing, as well as the energy reactions resulting from their intersection in the chakras, create the Mountain.

So it doesn't really matter if it's done alone or as a couple - what needs to happen is the same in both cases. The sun and the moon must be balanced, and then Enlightenment occurs and what we call Horus arises.

I have told you my story and the teachings I have been given in the hope that you will find the path to greatness, because now the world needs it more than ever.

I hope that my revelations will uplift you, that you, like me, will be inspired by that majestic entity that you call Yeshua, and I call my Beloved.

To those who have the courage to practice the Alchemy of Horus, and to those who decide to live in Sacred Union with themselves or with another person, I give my blessing.

May the blessing of the Cosmic Mother be with you on your journey to yourself. May the path between the sun and the moon open to you.

Spirit of all life, be a witness. Amen.

During the magic ritual, you will need a mirror of any size, clothes, jewelry, cosmetics and other accessories that can help you transform into the image of the goddess Isis.
When you are ready, refer to the four parts of the world while standing in the magic circle. The magic circle should be opened first. Information for beginners in the field of magic rituals: the term "open the magic circle" means an appeal to the forces associated with the four cardinal points. They will help you protect your magic circle and fill it with energy. More accurate guidance on this matter is given in detail in witchcraft books or books related to pagan religions, you should refer to them if you want to continue working with magical rituals.

If you are a beginner, follow these steps sequentially to fill your magic circle with the energy of the four cardinal points. After the end of the ritual, follow the same steps, but in reverse order - in order to close your magic circle. As you are in this circle, remember to respect its boundaries and be aware that the circle is a sacred space.

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Note that the power of your thoughts and actions during this ritual triples.
1. Begin the ritual by addressing the forces of all four cardinal points in no particular order: east, south, north or west. In traditional magic, it is generally accepted that it is necessary to start circulation always from the same side of the world. In fact, everyone starts with what he likes best, or depending on the type of magic ritual and the nature of the magic goal. None of the four cardinal points can be considered better or worse. The best result can be achieved only if you refer to them from the side that, in your opinion, more symbolizes the beginning of your ritual.
2. Turn to all the objects in your magic circle and ask them to bless you, help you and join your ritual. Don't ask them for anything specific, just invite them to take part in the ritual. Move clockwise within the circle and, stopping at each of the cardinal points, invite her to join you. The most common combination of elements with parts of the world originates in black magic and is generally accepted:
North - Earth East - Air South - Fire West - Water
3. When you return to the starting point, you need to walk again around the entire circumference of the magic circle, visualizing a wall or environment that can protect the energy within the circle. For best results, you may have to go through more than one circle to feel that the energy contained in it has acquired sufficient strength.
Now your circle is considered open and the appeal to the four cardinal points is complete.
Choose a place where you can freely reach the magical attributes necessary for the ritual, and from where you can clearly see your reflection in the mirror. Turn to Isis with the words, inviting her to enter your magic circle:
“Blessed be, Goddess of the universe,
You are loved by your own creatures,
You, Isis, the mother of all life on Earth,
Please, turn your eyes to me.
Become the core of my circle
And you feed it with creative energy.
I'm your child, bless me
And save me strength for a long time. "
If you haven't lit candles yet, now is the time to do it in honor of Isis. Start your makeover by dressing up, leaving the facial metamorphosis for last. During reincarnation into the goddess Isis, observe your actions in a mirror image, feel how she blesses all your movements, feel how you merge with her into one whole. This ritual is known in pagan magic as reunification - the process during which a deity enters your being, changing it at all levels of existence.

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After you finish dressing up, proceed with the transformation. While applying makeup, symbolizing the appearance of the goddess Isis, try to feel that from now on you are looking at the world through her eyes. Imagine that from now on you are a powerful and revered Lady of the Earth and Heaven. Feel her energy merging with yours, filling you with the divine presence.

Ask Isis to give you her creative energy. This will be useful for you, not only as a magician, but also in the sense that it will help you cope with everyday problems in an unconventional way. It's time to cast another magic spell:
“Isis, you are the divine Mother,
I ask you on this day and at this hour:
Give me your strength, goddess.
They gave me creative energy.
You are sacred, Isis, and I am in your power.
I open my soul, I absorb particles of your power.
Let me be creative
So that I can find the right solution.
Sacred Isis, Goddess of love,
I pray you: keep me always ”.
When the magic ritual comes to an end, thank and bless all the ritual Items, go around the circle in a counterclockwise direction. Thank and bless Isis for her assistance.
Moving counterclockwise in a circle, bring the forces to which you turned during the ritual to their original state. Imagine that the storm calms down and everything comes to rest.

Remember, you are reunited with your first ancestor, Isis, the foremother of all of us. You can appeal to the energy of the goddess when you feel the need to gain creative powers to solve various problems or if you want to endow yourself with divine beauty or power.