Masks after staining. How to quickly restore damaged hair (natural color and shape) after frequent dyeing at home? - recipes for masks and a video tutorial. The use of regenerating masks

The main advantage appearance a woman is considered the condition of her hair. For their ugly appearance, it is enough just not to undertake wellness and moisturizing treatments. But it takes a lot of attention and effort to care for and protect them. To determine the methods of strengthening the scalp, it is necessary to identify the reasons for the deterioration of their health. Key symptoms indicating damaged condition hair, will manifest itself in the form of dandruff, intense hair loss, dryness, nondescript color, brittleness. This is a consequence of exposure to aggressive chemical elements of coloring agents. Downgrade Negative influence it is possible with the help of professional preparations of cosmetology, in a beauty salon. It is possible at home, using methods of caring for weakened curls.

After staining, the structural base is damaged, the position of the hair scales becomes elevated.

The mask for dyed curls is aimed at strengthening the structure, increasing the moisture content of the scalp.

During staining, to protect the hair, it is better to adhere to these tips:

  1. It is recommended that you apply proven methods of moving away from quality manufacturers.
  2. Abuse perms, frequent painting, the use of thermal exposure significantly aggravates the condition of the curls.
  3. Before staining, you need to check yourself for allergies to paint elements. You can put a small amount of dye on the inside of your elbow. When after 15-25 minutes the skin does not turn red, the selected paint can be used fearlessly.
  4. To stop hair loss positive effect produces a gentle massage of the scalp.
  5. Comb the curls should only be done with a wooden comb or a brush with natural bristles.
  6. After staining, it is categorically impossible to use hot styling, hairdryer.
  7. You can paint no more than once within two months.

Production care products

Hair after dyeing becomes stiff. Moisturizing cosmetics for curls can restore silkiness, facilitate combing, and reduce the intensity of hair loss. Any development renowned manufacturers cosmetics are made according to specially developed formulas. Restorative products for colored hair basically contain active biological components created from natural products... Clarified and dark strands equally require additional nutrition with vitamins and proteins.

The mask makes this process much easier. A similar product is in the assortment of any cosmetic store, beauty salon, pharmacy. So that the cosmetic product has the most positive influence, it is recommended to use it in combination with the use of vitamin medicines.

Using products from the same cosmetic brand can produce the most productive effect.

However, the mask famous brand often has considerable value. Consideration should be given to homemade mixes. Self-prepared cosmetic medicine does not require a large number time for cooking. Spent minimal amount finance, a small amount natural oil, certain types products available to any housewife.

Home care methods

After dyeing curls the best method for recovery, a mask prepared with your own hands at home is considered. Each natural ingredient qualitatively strengthens the follicles, optimizes functions sweat gland, strengthens the structural base of the strands. There are recipes for making a repair mixture at home great amount... But there are several universal recipes.

  1. A simple homemade mixture can be prepared as follows. Grape and burdock oil is thoroughly mixed in a ratio of 1: 3. Then two or three capsules of vitamin E are added to the mixture. The maximum effect is achieved if the mask is applied overnight, then wrapped in a warm towel. It is allowed to apply the product on light and on dark curls any types.
  2. Glycerin-based Hair Firming Blend is easy to prepare. It is necessary to mix well Burr oil(20 ml) and glycerin in the same volume. The product evenly covers the dried hair. Then the head is wrapped in a plastic cap and a thick towel. After an hour and a half, the mixture is thoroughly washed off. After painting in dark color Burdock oil is recommended.
  3. For self-cooking next drug you need gelatin. 45-50 ml of slightly warmed water is poured into the container, one large spoonful of gelatin is added. It is mixed with a balm or conditioner, enriched with vitamin E, A. The mask covers all strands from ends to roots with a duration of 40-45 minutes. A mixture of this composition is recommended specifically for clarified hair.

In order for the medicine for dyed curls to produce the most positive effect, the tool must be used systematically. The hair structure will be under reliable protection, will recover natural shine, silkiness of curls. Firming cosmetics can be either professional or self-made.

The main requirement is to regularly take care of hairline scalp and not abuse of coloring pigments.

After one or two months, it is recommended to change the indicated recipes. Skin covering, curls are able to get used to certain ingredients, the benefits of the method are gradually decreasing. It is not worth increasing the change in recipes, the result does not rise higher, it may worsen. It is necessary to carefully monitor the intensity of the use of any means. It will be enough one, two times throughout the week to achieve maximum effect.

After the dyeing procedure, the hair needs special care. Even when using expensive high-quality paints, the color fades, the shine is gradually lost. After repeated dyeing, the hair dries up, begins to break and split. They need to be rebuilt additional food and strengthening. To heal the colored curls, you can contact a beauty salon, but not always free time and money for going to a specialist. Modern women are increasingly using masks based on natural ingredients homemade.


Colored hair care

In the process of applying the dye, the hair is exposed aggressive impact which violates their structure. As a result, they begin to break, become like a "wire" or "washcloth", and split dry ends appear. To reduce the effects of staining, it is worth using some tips:

  1. Frequent staining should not be abused, 6-7 weeks should pass between procedures. To less frequently expose hair to chemical attack, it is necessary to alternate dyeing along the entire length with root treatment. If the roots grow back too quickly, you can paint them a little more often - once every 3 weeks.
  2. The first day after the procedure, a fixing balm is used, which is evenly distributed along the length, so that the pigment is fixed as much as possible and the scales are evened out. Complete assimilation of the pigment occurs within 2 days. At this time, you should refrain from washing your hair.
  3. The first time it is not recommended to subject the hair to heat treatment. Do not brush while wet, as this will damage the structure.
  4. Nessesary to use natural masks for colored hair to improve health and color stability.

Video: Caring for colored hair

Effectiveness of masks

Using our own natural masks for colored hair, it is possible to provide them with additional care and prolong the life of the acquired shade. Curls will not be exposed to chemical attack, since all components home cosmetics natural and safe. At regular use the brightness and saturation of the hue remains long time, the color will not fade and fade.

With this method, the structure of the hairs is significantly restored after an aggressive staining procedure, and the roots are strengthened, the bulbs are saturated with vitamins and microelements. This stimulates the metabolic processes of the scalp. Colored curls are moistened and softened, become obedient, voluminous, easy to comb.

Mask recipes

Today you can find many different recipes for colored hair masks. Choose suitable remedy you need depending on the needs and the selected shade.

Nourishing masks

Nourishment is necessary not only for colored hair. However, the dyeing procedure is quite aggressive, and it is precisely such hair that most of all needs an increased supply. essential substances... Nourishing the roots can prevent problems that occur after staining such as dry scalp, dandruff, split ends.

Bread mixture for hair growth

Oregano - 1 tsp
Plantain - 1 tsp
Sage - 1 tsp
Nettle - 1 tsp
Celandine (flowers) - 1 tsp
Black bread - 1/3 loaf

1. Pour boiling water over 1 small spoonful of dried herbs and brew for 1 hour.
2. Strain the broth and add the mashed crumb of black bread.
3. Ready remedy rub into the roots and spread evenly over the entire head.
4. Wrap your head with a bag and a towel. Keep the mask up to 2 hours.
5. At the end of the procedure, wash your hair without shampoo.

Egg honey remedy

Egg - 2 pcs.
Honey - 1 tsp
Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Onions - 1 pc.

1. Squeeze the juice out of a small onion.
2. Thoroughly mix all components of the mask.
3. Wash your hair and apply the resulting mass to wet strands, gently massaging the scalp.
4. Put a plastic cap on top and wrap terry towel.
5. After half an hour, wash off the mask with cool water without shampoo.

Firming agents

Most frequent problem is weakening and depletion hair follicles colored hair. Masks allow you to restore the hair structure, strengthen the roots, prevent and stop hair loss.

Yeast mask

Yeast (dry) - 1 tbsp. l.
Egg - 1 pc.
Water - 50 g.

1. Dissolve yeast in water.
2. Add one egg.
3. Bring the consistency of the mask to a mushy state. More yeast can be added if necessary.
4. Spread the resulting mixture on the hair along the entire length and massage the scalp.
5. After 25-30 minutes, when the mask is dry, wash it off warm water.

Radish mask

Radish - 1 pc.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 2 tsp

1. Grate the radish on a fine grater.
2. Squeeze out the juice and mix it with sour cream and butter.
3. Instead of sour cream, you can use kefir, yogurt and any other dairy products... They are great for moisturizing.
4. Rub the mixture into the scalp and put on a shower cap.
5. Keep the mask for 25-30 minutes.
6. The mask can be easily removed with warm water without using shampoo.

Revitalizing masks

The structure of the hair is often disturbed, from which it becomes brittle, dull, begins to puff up and split. Restoring masks will help to solve these problems. Dyed hair will become obedient, liveliness and shine will return, the color will last longer.

Dry ends balm

Olive oil - 100 g.
Burdock oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Vitamin A - 1 capsule
Vitamin B - 1 capsule
Vitamin F - 1 capsule

1. Stir the oils in the specified proportions.
2. Add vitamins.
3. Warm up the mixture a little and apply to the head.
4. Put on a hat and wrap a towel around your head.
5. Keep the mixture for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.
6. This procedure is recommended to be done every week.

Mask for fine hair

Oatmeal - 5 tbsp. l.
Water - 2 tbsp. l.
Almond oil - 3 tbsp. l.
Ylang-ylang oil - 3 drops

1. Grind the oatmeal in a blender.
2. Empty out oat flour into warm water and let it swell.
3. Add almond oil and the ylang-ylang ether.
4. Apply the mask to colored hair and wait one hour.
5. Rinse your head with water, shampoo and balm.
6. This procedure is recommended to be carried out a couple of times a week.

Mask for damaged hair

Linseed oil- 1 tsp
Yolk - 1 pc.
Cognac - 1 tsp.
Henna - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tsp

1. Flaxseed oil and honey should be mixed and slightly heated.
2. Grind the butter-honey mass with 1 yolk.
3. Add henna and cognac, stir until smooth.
4. Apply the mask to a clean head and rinse off after 30 minutes.

Color preservation masks

It is very important to keep saturated color colored hair, since without proper care, the pigment is quickly washed out of the structure, as a result of which the curls become dull and ugly. Many people solve this problem by dyeing their hair much more often than it should. To keep the color for 5-6 weeks without additional staining, it is enough to use means to preserve it.

Mask for colored blonde hair

Chamomile - 1 tbsp l.
Water - 1 glass
Egg white - 1 pc.

1. Brew chamomile in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours.
2. Beat the white of one egg.
3. Strain the chamomile broth and mix with the whipped egg white.
4. Apply the mixture to the hair, giving a gentle scalp massage.
5. Keep the mask until dry.
6. Finally, rinse hair thoroughly.
7. The mask can be done once a week.

Mask for colored dark hair

Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
Coffee - 1 tsp.
Yolk - 2 pcs.
Castor oil - 1 tsp

1. Mix coffee with cognac and yolks.
2. Add castor oil.
3. If the mixture comes out too thick, it is better to dilute it with water.
4. Spread the mask over the strands and keep for 5-7 minutes.
5. Wash off the composition with warm water with the addition of shampoo.
6. This procedure can be carried out no more than 1 time per week.

Video: Masks for the care of colored hair

In order for the procedures for caring for dyed hair to meet expectations and not disappoint, you should not carry them out immediately after dyeing, it is better to wait a week for the pigment to fix. It is necessary to select a recipe depending on the problem, type and color of hair.

The mask for colored hair you like is worth testing. V small amount apply the product to the skin behind the ear or treat an individual section of hair. After such a test, it will become clear how the skin reacts to the components used. When choosing ingredients, you need to give preference only to fresh and natural products.

All components should be thoroughly mixed so that undissolved lumps do not get stuck in the hair. It is recommended to slightly warm oils, honey and dairy products in a water bath. Thus active substances will perform their functions better.

When rinsing, do not use vinegar or lemon: they can suddenly change the shade of the hair. After applying the masks, the hair is dried naturally, without the use of a hair dryer.

Colored hair often looks messy - it is dull and brittle, damaged and coarse. Aggressive dyes in the dye composition negatively affect the health of the hair, as a result, they lose moisture and need nutrition. A hair mask after dyeing at home according to folk recipes will help to restore the beauty and natural shine to the curls.

Hair restoration at home

To restore hair, you will need to provide good nutrition damaged curls, as well as adhere to simple preventive measures:

  • do not injure hair with electrical styling appliances;
  • protect curls from frost and UV rays;
  • use silicone-free shampoos and styling products;
  • Massage the scalp daily.

Colored hair restoration masks are simple and efficient way return beauty and health to curls at home.

There are several recipes that will allow you to prepare a regenerating agent. Masks prepared according to the following recipes for hair restoration after dyeing should be used regularly 1-2 times a week and kept for at least half an hour. To enhance the effect, you will need to additionally warm your head with a towel.

Nutrition for colored hair

Hair needs nourishment, so you need to prepare a product that will cope with this task and nourish your hair.

    Vitamin-oil hair mask after coloring prepared on the basis of any base oil... The composition is enriched oil solution vitamins A and E. For preparation, you need two tablespoons of oil and one teaspoon of a mixture of vitamins. The mixture is applied to the roots with massaging movements and evenly distributed over the entire length. It is recommended to use burdock oil or castor oil - they additionally stimulate hair growth.

    Honey mask will provide the scalp with adequate nutrition and make the hair thicker. For cooking, you need a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of any base oil and one yolk. Owners oily hair it is recommended to give up the yolk and use a mixture of honey and butter.

    Burr oil- this is irreplaceable remedy for the health of hair of any type, which should be present in the beauty arsenal of every woman. To restore colored hair, burdock oil is used in pure form... It is recommended to warm it up a little before applying.

Hair restoration after dyeing is impossible without stimulating their growth. Therefore, it is recommended to use burdock or castor oil as a base oil for any mask.

Moisturizing colored hair

Only A complex approach will help restore colored hair. Hair care should include adequate nutrition, hydration and strengthening of curls along the entire length.

Olive oil, fermented milk products and freshly squeezed juices are used to moisturize hair.

    It is recommended to use olive oil in its pure form. As masks, heated oil is applied along the entire length, rubbed into the skin with massaging movements. It is also recommended to apply it only to the ends daily at bedtime. This mask will help protect the ends from damage.

    Olive oil and honey will nourish and moisturize your hair. To prepare the mask, you will need two tablespoons of oil and one spoonful of honey.

    Honey contains a lot nutrients which also stimulate hair growth and saturate the roots with essential vitamins.

    From time immemorial, fermented milk products have been used to strengthen and moisturize curls. They can be used both in pure form and enrich the composition of the mixture with additional products.

    Owners of dry hair and dry skin head fit kefir mask recipe high fat content and egg yolk... The mixture is prepared in a 2: 1 ratio and applied over the entire length of the hair.

    If your hair is prone to oily and gets dirty quickly, it is recommended to use pure sour kefir. This mask not only moisturizes the hair, but also regulates the work sebaceous glands, as a result of which the hair will stay clean longer.

    Freshly squeezed grape juice with the addition of honey will beneficial influence on the condition of the hair. The product is prepared in 2: 1 proportions and promotes the growth of curls.

    Cucumber juice is used to moisturize colored hair. For cooking, you need to grate a few cucumbers, strain thoroughly and apply along the entire length, rubbing into the roots.

Strengthens colored hair

The aggressive substances that make up the hair dye weaken the curls, make them brittle and split. Strengthening hair plays an important role in comprehensive care behind dyed hair.

Folk recipes for strengthening hair are based on the use of medicinal herbs. Broths are used as a rinse, rubbed into the skin or used as a spray.

    The infusion of nettle helps nourish the roots and strengthens the hair along its entire length.

    The broth must be rubbed into the skin without rinsing. Ideal for brunettes, but for blondes it is better to refuse to use nettle, as it dyes hair in a dark color.

    A decoction of burdock will help heal the scalp and strengthen the hair along its entire length.

    If you add a tablespoon of honey and a few drops to a decoction of burdock lemon juice, it will turn out good mask to restore colored hair, which will provide nourishment and strengthening of the roots at home.

    If, after staining, itching and irritation of the scalp is observed, it is necessary to rub a decoction of chamomile into the roots.

    A decoction of calamus root will help solve the problem of split ends and brittle hair.

    It needs to be rubbed into the hair roots, and also used to rinse the curls after washing.

    A decoction of plantain, sage, chamomile and nettle will help strengthen hair and accelerate growth.

    Add brown bread to the cooked broth. The proportions are selected individually, depending on the length and thickness of the hair. This mask is applied once a week. For additional care it is recommended to use a spray from a decoction of these herbs. The spray is applied to the hair after washing and does not rinse.

  1. Masks for hair restoration after dyeing should be applied regularly. Important role plays an integrated approach, therefore it is recommended to alternate a nourishing, moisturizing and firming mask.
  2. After dyeing, restoring hair masks are applied in a course, this will help to avoid the addiction of hair and scalp to the components of the product.
  3. In addition to using masks, it is recommended to apply to the ends an oil mixture of olive, burdock and castor oil with the addition of a vitamin E capsule. This will help protect the ends and prevent them from stratification.
  4. It is necessary to protect the hair from the action ultraviolet rays... For this, sunscreen sprays with SPF are used, which can be purchased at any cosmetic store.
  5. Do not change your hair color too often and use the dye more than once a month. It is recommended to give preference to gentle coloring agents, ammonia and peroxide free.

Use mask recipes and useful tips from HeirFace, so that your hair is always healthy and beautiful.

Greetings to you readers and blog guests! This time I want to talk with you about one topic that is very relevant in the spring and at any other time of the year for many girls: restoring hair masks after dyeing. After all, it is in the spring that we want transformations, changes and something new.

A month ago I was in the mountains, snowboarding and I must say, I was very lucky with the snow! But my joy from a vacation in the mountains was replaced by a slight disappointment due to the fact that I was rolling for joy with my hair loose, and did not even bother to put it in a pigtail! And the results after riding in the powder were completely deplorable: my curls got wet due to the snow, then froze and turned into icicles. And of course, it didn't go unnoticed on my hair. The ice simply “tore apart” their structure from the inside, and they began to split, break and get confused. The colored strands turned yellow, brittle and dry. In general, my once well-groomed curls were very similar to indistinct straw ...

And after I returned to Moscow, the first thing I did was to run to my favorite hairdresser to save me. But unfortunately, she completely refused to highlight my strands so as not to “kill” them, and she specially tinted them to remove the ugly yellowness.

Yes, after toning the hair began to look more presentable, but the condition itself was simply deplorable ... I had to restore my curls on my own. And, I managed to restore them literally in 20 days! Notice enough less than a month to bring them to healthy state! So, are you wondering how I managed to do this? Then let's get started!

We repair damaged hair

Here I will tell you what products you can use at home to improve the structure of damaged hair. Sometimes hair has a deplorable appearance after partial or unsuccessful bleaching. Such lightening is not in better side changes the condition of the hair, they become weakened with split ends. And about brittleness and dryness, I am already silent. So let's get into action and save precious strands!

I can also recommend you one of the most effective masks for hair restoration. It consists of 100 ml of kefir, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. castor oil. Kefir and oils are heated in a water bath in separate bowls, after which the ingredients are mixed. And before you apply this mask, it should be rubbed into the hair liquid vitamins in ampoules - B1, B6 and B12.

List of products with which I saved my hair

So, now I will briefly tell you about how I was able to "reanimate" my hair so quickly! A list of the means that helped me out in this difficult struggle.

  • Surya Henna, Color Fixation- Revitalizing Hair Mask, 7.6 fl oz (225 g)

This mask is very good, as it perfectly retains the color of the colored strands, and at the same time perfectly restores and moisturizes them. After the mask is made, the curls are well combed and retain a pleasant and unobtrusive aroma. The mask itself, it seemed to me, smells like lilies.

This tool really saved my hair, after I mocked it in the mountains and tinted it, and also restored its ends. The mask does not weigh down the strands, and does not give a greasy effect after use. And, most importantly, these products are not tested on animals. Another bonus: after the mask, the hair is very easy to comb and shine. The mask has a cumulative effect, although I noticed the result after the first application.

Of the minuses, I can note that her consumption is quite large. For my hair, the packaging is enough for about a month and a half, if used 1-2 times a week. I alternated it with the next mask.

  • Giovanni, Revitalizing Hair Mask Nutrafix Hair Reconstructor, 6.8 fl oz (200 ml)

I wrote about this mask in previous articles, and as I said, I did not feel the "wow" effect from it. I take my words back. If you just want to pamper your hair that is in normal condition, then you will not see much of the result. But if you, like me, completely "killed" your hair, then this mask simply works wonders!

In general, when I used it on my unfortunate hair, this mask helped me a lot! It is really best used for damaged hair, and so after the third application I already saw a significant result and was able to style my hair. They ceased to be so monstrously tangled, the hair itself became smoother. It changes the structure of the split ends into positive side, moisturizes the hair, and makes the hair supple and nourished. Action at this tool cumulative. A tangible result appears somewhere in the 3rd application. Her consumption is small.

To be honest, at first I did not understand her and decided to simply “finish off” her, because at first I did not understand her. But how much I was glad when after each application my hair was filled with life.

I recommend both masks for purchase, as they provide quick result, and after the first applications, a significant result is already visible . And I liked that both masks have a cumulative effect! The main thing is that these masks have positive reviews... And of course, both of them relate to ethical cosmetics, which is very important to me.

Now I want to point out why I decided to use these 2 masks at once. I alternated them and did it 3 times a week. Firstly, usually all restorative masks wash pigment out of the hair. And I really didn’t want my hair to turn the color of dirty straw again, so I ordered Surya Henna after reading the positive reviews. Secondly, I already had Giovanni mask, and I decided to just "finish" it, not really hoping for a result. And thirdly, many probably already know, I took myself a dog from a shelter, and raising my dog ​​and walking take a lot of time. That's why I didn't hand made masks made of oils, otherwise I simply would not be able to walk the dog on time and at home unpleasant "odorous" surprises could await me.

PS If you need a discount on where I ordered these masks, then keep the promo code MQG930! It can help you save between $ 5 and $ 10.

This concludes my post, you now know how to properly restore damaged curls. Do not forget to subscribe to my blog, and share useful posts with your friends in social networks! Bye Bye!

Modern stylists and image makers dictate their own canons of beauty and modernity, girls can only obey and follow them in order to look fresh, relevant and fashionable. To achieve the set task, you need to fantasize about your image all the time, add new details and colors to it. Of course, nothing can change the image of a woman as dramatically as dyeing her hair.

On this moment there is a huge palette variety of colors, which is absolutely impossible to resist. In addition, the happy and radiant smiles of the beauties from the paint packaging beckon to buy the coveted bottle. And so, yesterday the girl was air light blonde, and today she is already conquering crowds of guys in the form of a burning brunette.

But at such moments, girls very often forget about the main drawback of such transformations, namely the harm. No matter how hard paint manufacturers try to minimize the damage they take, there is no absolutely harmless paint. As a result of numerous experiments, the curls fade, become brittle and lifeless, split and break. Not every fashionista can afford expensive salon procedures, so in order to save damaged curls you need to learn how to make masks for colored hair from natural ingredients at home. Numerous reviews indicate the effectiveness and availability of such masks.

Colored hair needs care in several directions at once:

  1. First of all, Special attention it is necessary to give nutrition to the follicles. With regular replenishment, you can prevent excessive shedding hair and maintain natural pigmentation.
  2. Do not forget about moisturizing and protecting dry and damaged curls from sharp drops temperature, ultraviolet radiation and heat exposure.
  3. Very carefully you need to approach the issue of maintaining a rich and deep color strands that they received as a result of dyeing.

All of these tasks can be achieved with the use of regenerating masks and following the instructions. The main thing is to choose the product that suits your hair type and color.

Rules for using masks at home

If you want to get nice results, then you must follow some rules that can save you from dry and damaged hair:

  1. Regularity of use. It is this factor that plays key role... Regenerating masks for colored hair must be done at least 2 times a week, otherwise positive result you will not achieve what the girls' reviews say.
  2. Fresh ingredients. Use only fresh and high quality ingredients to prepare the regenerating agent. This is the key to your success.
  3. Clean dishes. Use only clean cooking utensils.
  4. Shower caps, as well as terry towels. For achievement the greatest effect it is necessary to warm up or insulate the mask. To do this, you can use shower caps, terry towels, scarves, etc.
  5. Time. After dyeing, hair masks should be kept for about 30-40 minutes, after the time has elapsed, it must be washed off under warm water using shampoo and balm.

Recipes and subtleties of making regenerating masks

Recipe number 1 Honey and egg

Such a mask will become great alternative dear salon procedures to restore dry hair. It contains simple ingredients, making it fairly easy to prepare at home.

The honey-egg mask perfectly restores dry and weakened hair. It is also effective for damaged and brittle curls. To prepare it, you will need two chicken eggs, a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of slightly warmed honey. Honey can be heated in a water bath or steamed, after which it must be mixed with honey and beat with eggs.

The restoring agent is first applied to the roots with a hair dye brush, and then evenly distributed over the entire length of the strands. To achieve the maximum effect, you can put on a plastic bag or a shower cap over the mask, tied on top with a warm terry towel. After 40 minutes, the mask must be washed off using shampoo. It is necessary to use this remedy 2 times a week.

Recipe number 2 Lemon - chamomile mask

To prepare a lemon-chamomile mask, you will need the following ingredients: a tablespoon of chamomile flowers, half a lemon, a tablespoon of burdock oil and half a glass of warm water.

Chamomile flowers must be placed in an enamel bowl and pour cold water and then put on water bath for 20 minutes without letting it boil. After that, the liquid is removed from the heat and cooled for 10 minutes. Next, the juice of half a lemon and burdock oil are added to the resulting chamomile solution. The mixture mixes well and is applied to the strands along the entire length of the hair. The mask is quite liquid in consistency, so it is best to apply it in the bath with a brush. After application, the hair is warmed with a scarf or towel, and the mask is left for an hour.

This mask is ideal for dry hair of all types. As evidenced by reviews, with regular use, it is able to give hair shine and shine, as well as strengthen them and restore vitality.

Recipe number 3 Oil mask

Very often, after dyeing, the hair becomes dehydrated. In this case, it is necessary to use a complex of vitamins and oils from natural ingredients.

It is best to use burdock and castor oil. The two ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, then heated in a water bath and, if desired, vitamins A, B and F are added. The resulting oil mixture is applied to the entire length of the curls and left overnight, warming with a towel or scarf.

The oil mask is able to regenerate any hair, prevent hair loss, splitting and brittleness, and you can completely forget about dry hair once and for all.

Recipe number 4

This mask will not only restore dry and damaged curls, but also enhance hair growth, “glue” the ends, ”saturate the strands with all the necessary microelements. A definite plus mask is that it is able to get rid of dandruff and oily hair. Numerous reviews indicate high efficiency and the effectiveness of the tool. Plus, it's easy to make at home. To prepare the mask, you will need a collection of dry herbs (sage, plantain, celandine, oregano and sage), black bread or black bread rusks (300g).

First of all, mix all the herbs (one teaspoon at a time) and place them in an enamel bowl. suitable size... After, received herbal collection poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for about two hours. Next, the infusion must be filtered. Bread is added to the resulting liquid. As a result, you should get a mushy mixture that is applied to the entire length of the hair and washed off after two hours. It is not recommended to use shampoo or any other hair care products while rinsing the mask.

Recipe number 5 Sour milk mask

If, as a result of numerous dyes, your hair has become lifeless, then various fermented milk products can be used as masks. It can be kefir, yogurt, natural yoghurt etc. The product is applied along the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots, insulated and lasts for about an hour, after which you need to rinse your hair with warm water using shampoo and balm. This mask for colored hair will nourish your hair from the inside out, giving it healthy shine and silkiness. In addition, fermented milk products contain many useful elements for dry and weakened curls.

Regular use of these masks will help to restore even strong damaged hair in a matter of weeks, which is also served by numerous positive reviews. If you decide to make masks for colored hair at home, then do not forget about the regularity of use and the freshness of all the ingredients. By following all the instructions, you will become the owner of chic, beautiful, and, most importantly, healthy curls that cause the envy of all the girls around you.