The mood for health really heals! The mood for the beauty of the face, body, hair. Attunement to good intuition work

My heavenly father, beloved, informs me now that I always have a cheerful, cheerful mood in the morning. My heavenly father, dearly beloved, informs me that he has now created me, a pristinely beautiful, beautiful young girl, who has a whole long life ahead of her.

My heavenly father, dearly beloved, informs me now that in the morning I have a cheerful, cheerful mood. I really like to wake up in the morning as a cheerful, joyful, happy, young beauty, full of health and strength. In the morning, with great pleasure, I clearly feel like a Divinely healthy, cheerful, cheerful beauty, full of health and strength.

In the morning I really like the great state of health, the cheerful mood. In the morning, with great pleasure, I clearly feel that my whole soul is singing with happiness and joy of life. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly feel that all the wonderful, happy long-term life is ahead of me. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly feel that the whole long, cheerful, wonderful life is ahead.

In the morning I am very pleased to know that I am a cheerful, cheerful, primordially beautiful girl, a beauty, full of health and strength. In the morning it is very pleasant for me to feel great health, cheerful mood. In the morning I am very pleased to see that there is not a wrinkle or a fold on my girlish face, on my throat, that my whole face is childishly full, smooth, ruddy, pristinely beautiful, untouched by disease, time or life.

My heavenly father is informing me now that he has now created me as a cheerful, happy, full of health and strength, a young beautiful girl, who has a long and happy life ahead of her. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly feel that the whole long, wonderful life is ahead of me.

In the morning, with the brightness of lightning, I feel, I feel like a cheerful, cheerful girl, a beauty, who has a whole long life ahead of her. In the morning it gives me great pleasure to feel clearly that the whole long-term, divinely beautiful life is ahead of me. In the morning it is so pleasant for me to wake up as a cheerful, happy, cheerful girl, a beauty, who has a whole long, wonderful life ahead of her.

In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly feel that I am truly divinely beautiful, full of health and strength, a beauty girl, who has a long, wonderful life ahead of her. I am very pleased to know, to feel every moment, to feel like a cheerful, cheerful girl, a beauty, full of health and strength. I am very pleased to know, to feel that my beloved heavenly Father has created me as a divinely healthy, cheerful, happy beauty girl, who has a whole long, divinely beautiful life ahead of me.

In the morning I am very pleased to wake up as a cheerful, joyful, happy, divinely healthy, young beauty, full of health and strength. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I brightly feel primordially beautiful, I feel vividly: there are no wrinkles or folds on my face, on my throat. The face is childishly full, smooth, ruddy, pristinely beautiful. In the morning I feel with the greatest pleasure that my lips are childishly full, bright red, like poppies, like a flower on my face.

In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly feel: young, girlish, healthy, strong, beautiful hair stands like a wall on my head. In the morning, with the greatest pleasure, I clearly see, feel, feel like a cheerful, cheerful, happy, young beauty, who has the whole divinely beautiful, happy long-term life ahead.

I am very pleased to feel, to feel like a perfectly healthy, absolutely healthy, young beauty. I am very happy, joyful when I brightly feel perfectly healthy, full of health and strength, a beautiful beauty.

I really like to feel my strong, fast, tireless, young girlish legs. It gives me great pleasure to vividly feel, feel my young, strong, fast, tireless girlish legs. It gives me the greatest pleasure to feel brightly divinely healthy, indestructible healthy, pristinely beautiful girl, beauty, full of health and strength.

My heavenly father informs me that he has now created my soul, a cheerful, happy, absolutely carefree, youthful, girlish soul, untouched neither by diseases, nor by time, nor by life. It gives me the greatest pleasure to feel brightly my young, cheerful girlish soul, untouched neither by diseases, nor by time, nor by life.

My heavenly father, dearly beloved, informs me that he has now created my physical body, young, girlish, Divinely healthy, untouched neither by diseases, nor by time, nor by life. And it gives me great pleasure to feel vividly my primordially beautiful, Divinely beautiful, young, girlish body.

It gives me great pleasure to feel and see clearly that there is not a wrinkle or a fold anywhere on my face, on my throat, that my whole face is childishly full, young, girlish. The cheeks are childishly full, round, rosy. Cheerful, joyful blush on all cheeks. I am very pleased to see brightly, feel, feel my young girlish big, bright, expressive, Divinely beautiful eyes.

I am very pleased to see, to feel my young, light, flexible, slender girlish figure, thin young girlish waist. The whole body is strong, elastic, you cannot pinch it - you cannot collect a fold.

My heavenly father informs me that every moment I feel vividly, I feel like a Divinely healthy, indestructible healthy girl, a beauty, full of health and strength. And it gives me great pleasure, great pleasure constantly, every moment it is bright to feel perfectly healthy, indestructible healthy, cheerful, joyful, happy, a beautiful young girl, full of health and strength, who has a whole long life ahead of her.

It gives me great pleasure to feel clearly that the whole long-term, Divinely beautiful life is ahead of me. It gives me the greatest pleasure to see myself after 5 years, and after 10 years, and after 20 years, and after 50 years as a Divinely beautiful, forever Divinely healthy, forever young, forever untouched by any disease, time or life, a beautiful young girl, full of health and strength.

I am very pleased to see vividly, to feel vividly, to feel that my physical body does not bear any signs of age. I am very pleased to know that my physical body is eternally Divinely healthy, eternally youthful, beautiful, eternally untouched neither by diseases, nor by time, nor by life.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into my soul, into my head, into my whole body, light-bright, forever new light-bright Divine joy. The whole soul is filled with an eternally new, very pleasant light Divine joy.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into my soul, into my head, into my heart, into my whole body, a bright, bright healing Divine light. The whole soul is filled with a bright, bright healing, very pleasant Divine light. The head is filled with a very pleasant bright, bright healing Divine light. My beloved heart is always, eternally filled with a very pleasant bright, bright Divine light.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into my soul, into my head, into my whole body, an eternally new light-bright Divine joy.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into my beloved heart an eternally new, very pleasant light-bright Divine joy. My beloved heart is always, eternally filled with a very pleasant, very pleasant light-bright Divine joy.

I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring into my soul, into my whole body a bright, bright healing, very pleasant Divine light. The whole soul is always, eternally filled with a very pleasant bright, bright Divine light. The whole head is always, forever filled with a very pleasant bright, bright Divine healing light. The head is always, forever, all through and through, bright, bright, light, light, weightless. Always, always bright bright light in the eyes.

I live in this world Divinely free, absolutely free. My heart lives divinely free. My heart lives absolutely free, divinely free.

My whole body lives Divinely free, absolutely free. In the whole body there is eternally divinely free, wide free blood circulation. The whole body always, eternally lives a Divinely free, full-blooded, full-blooded bright Divine joyful life.

My soul is always so light, so light, so light. The whole soul is always filled with eternally new light-bright Divine joy. The whole head is filled with eternally new light-light Divine joy. My beloved heart is always, always filled with an eternally new light-bright Divine joy. My heart is always so light, so light, good.

And the blood flows in a wide, free flow through all the blood vessels of the heart, through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a wide, wide free flow. Blood brings perfect nutrition to the beloved heart. My heart lives in complete contentment, provided for everything, Divinely free. Eternally new, very pleasant light-light Divine joy fills my heart.

The whole soul calmed down. The whole soul is absolutely calm. Serenely calm, completely calm.

I calmed down all through. I am all through and through, absolutely calm, serenely calm.

The cerebral circulation center relaxed, calmed down. All blood vessels of the head along their entire length have divinely expanded, expanded. The head is spacious, infinitely spacious, as in the Universe.

The soul is so light, so light, good, absolutely calm, serenely calm.

And I, from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into my soul, into my head, into my heart, into my whole body, eternally new bright Divine joy. I am always, eternally, all through and through, filled with eternally new light-light Divine joy. The soul is always so light, so light, so light.

The eyes are always bright, bright light. The whole soul is eternally filled with bright, bright healing Divine light. The whole body is always, eternally filled with bright, bright Divine healing light.

I live in this world Divinely free, absolutely free. Divinely free, wide-wide free blood circulation throughout the body. The whole body lives a divinely free full-blooded, full-blooded joyful life. The whole soul, the whole body is eternally filled with light, bright, very pleasant Divine joy.

The cerebral circulation center in the medulla oblongata calmed down, relaxed. All blood vessels of the head relaxed, expanded along their entire length. The head is infinitely spacious, the head is brightly bright, absolutely calm.

All blood vessels of the heart relaxed, expanded along their entire length. Through all the blood vessels of the heart, blood flows in a wide, free, cheerful stream. The heart is so easy, good.

The cerebral circulation center in the medulla oblongata calmed down, relaxed. All brain centers in the brain have calmed down, relaxed. Pleasant serenity fills the whole body. All blood vessels throughout the body relaxed, expanded. Throughout the body, wide-wide free blood circulation. The whole body lives a divinely free full-blooded, full-blooded life. The whole body was filled with healthy, very pleasant calmness.

I present two attitudes for each day. The settings can be conventionally called "Light feelings" and "Always". They are short but very effective. Read the moods daily, will help to cheer you up for the whole day and direct your thoughts to the constant strengthening of the soul, self-improvement and development of the body.

Here is an annotation by G.N. Sytin to these attitudes:
Read on and try to internalize two very short but incredibly effective attitudes. They will prolong your life, and you will not want to part with them ...
It's good to always have these attitudes with you, place them above your desk, remember and repeat from time to time so that they are always in your soul.

"Light feelings"

My Father, Heavenly Lord God Almighty Beloved God, informs me that my soul is immortal, eternally young, kind, angelic, cheerful, playful, playful, absolutely carefree, eternally Divinely healthy, eternally untouched by disease, time or life.

The feeling of love in me is amplified millions of times. I love God with great Divine love, I love all God's wonderful white light with great Divine love, I love the whole Universe with great Divine love, the beautiful earth created by God. I feel with the brightness of lightning: love becomes brighter, stronger, bright Divine feelings intensify. I love people, children, my family with great Divine love.

Light feelings intensify, become brighter and brighter, in the soul all thoughts are Divinely pure. I love my physical body with great Divine love. In the rays of my great Divine love, the physical body revives and blossoms, revives an energetic young life. All internal organs come to life and blossom, live a young, energetic, joyful life. I am a cheerful, upbeat energetic person. Every moment I love all of God's white light, I enjoy life every moment. I live happier, happier, happier. Everything is fine in my life. I live divinely free in complete contentment.

With great Divine love I heal the physical body. Great Divine love and pure thoughts create an impenetrable protection of the soul and body from all the harmful influences of people, weather and climate. My great health and cheerful mood are indestructible.

I live happily, joyfully, happily.

"Is always"

I am always a young developing youth (young, young beauty).

I am always developing, always improving, always getting healthier and stronger. My great health is always becoming more and more persistent. My cheerful mood is always becoming more and more persistent. My health is always becoming more and more resilient. My defense mechanisms are always getting stronger. My spiritual strength is always increasing. My abilities are always developing, sight and hearing are always enhanced. My healing powers for myself are always increasing.

Always happy, happy thoughts. Always bright feelings. Always pure thoughts. Energy is always added. Thought is always accelerated, thought is always accelerated. Physical strength is always added. My creative thoughts about myself are always amplified. My creative thoughts about myself are always amplified. My healing powers for myself are always increasing. My healing powers for myself are always increasing.

You can download and print these settings by clicking on the button below.

In these attitudes, the energy basis of the old Karelian conspiracies has been preserved unchanged. With the difference that with this energy we awaken not unknown and beyond our control Higher forces (or some other external forces in relation to man), but our own Energetic Universe. Those huge energy resources and healing powers that are inherent in every person.

Tune in A. Levshinov's health

The verbal part was translated by A. Levshinov into modern language. The guarantee of the strength and effectiveness of Levshinov's moods is also the fact that, in addition to the energy of the word itself, the energy of places of power is also connected to them, one of which, as we know, is Karelia.

Rules for reading tunes.

  • The settings can be read anytime, anywhere, and even every day. The settings are applicable not only in case of emergency, in situations that seem hopeless, but in general for any reason, and even for no particular reason, if, for example, you want to improve your psychological state
  • The tunes can be read aloud and silently, thunder and quiet, fast and slow. Read aloud only when you are alone. In all other cases - to yourself. You do not need to learn by heart, it is enough to read from the book. If you really want to, you can, of course, learn. If at the same time you miss some words, or replace one word with another, close in meaning, nothing terrible will happen, the attitude will still work in the same way. It is better to read each mood 3-5 times in a row. You don't need to read many tunes at once during one day. Limit yourself to one or two.
  • The settings can be read while sitting, lying down, on the go, at work, etc. They do not require any special settings. But if you are at home, and no one and nothing bothers you, then you can strengthen the action of the mood: retire in peace and quiet, relax, close your eyes, breathe a little calmly. Then you can immediately start reading - at any pace, aloud or to yourself, as you like.

Attitude to strengthen the immune system.

Strength awakens in my body, in my soul - this is the strength of the spirit, the power of the body, the invincible energy of remarkable health. Strength, energy wakes up in my body, activates, gains power and begins to act. Like a ray of light, like a flash, the protective forces are turned on! A flash of light, a flash of energy - and the whole organism is engulfed in light, the energy of health. The defense grows stronger, the power in the body grows. All defensive systems are getting stronger. My protection is strong and reliable! From now on, I am firmly and reliably protected from any enemy, from disease, from infection. My protection envelops me in a powerful, energetic, light cocoon! Disease just bypasses me. They don't even get a chance to get close to me! My protection shines so brightly that it scares away everything dark, painful, negative. I am full of health! I am full of energy! I am full of energy! All the body's defenses are mobilized. They work clearly, powerfully, energetically. They do an excellent job of their function. I am well! I'm strong! I'm energetic! I'm protected!

Attitude for the health of the heart and blood vessels.

My heart, you are beating and beating in your chest, you drive blood through your veins as God decreed, as Mother Nature decreed. Exactly, you are beating hard, my heart, you work joyfully, you fill the blood vessels with blood, you accelerate the life force through my body so that I am always cheerful, cheerful, healthy! You are full of love, my beautiful young, strong, healthy heart. The energies of love gently and gently touch you, filling the heart muscle, every vessel, every cell. The energies of love spread throughout the body, fill the heart and blood vessels, and bring powerful indestructible health! I am young again, I am cheerful and cheerful! My heart is healthy and young, I have healthy, young, strong blood vessels! They briskly carry blood, oxygen and food to my entire body. And I am becoming healthier, more cheerful and more cheerful day by day!

Mood for hypertension.

Forces are light, heavenly energies enter my body, spill through my veins, pacify the blood, direct me in the right direction. The blood flows through the vessels correctly, evenly, quietly, calmly. Vessels, like the banks of a river, are even, smooth, blood is freely passed through. Nowhere blood congestion knows. It flows calmly like a smooth, quiet river. The vessels are elastic and strong, they relax gently and smoothly. The pressure drops. Blood pressure is normal. Quietly, smoothly, but at the same time, blood flows strongly - as nature intended. Everything in the body returns to normal. I calm down, and the blood calms down, flows smoothly, without congestion. Vessels calm down, relax. The heart beats evenly, smoothly, calmly. I'm fine, everything is fine. Everything is fine, everything is going as it should. I'm on the right track. I overcome everything easily, calmly, without tension. My heart and my blood vessels work calmly and easily. Calmly and easily blood flows through the vessels. Light, calm, relaxed vessels are filled with the energy of health. Blood flows freely through the vessels - it brings me the strength of health, vitality, peace and joy. The pressure is normal. Vessels are normal. The heart is normal. I am well.

The mood is from hypotension.

A new young energetic force awakens in me. As if a spring sprout breaks out of the ground, so I shake off the lethargy, heaviness, apathy, inertia! I am reborn to a new fresh young energetic life. Every cell of my body revives and is filled with strength. Blood revives and rejuvenates. Blood gaily and joyfully fills young, fresh, elastic vessels. Blood runs merrily and joyfully through the vessels to every cell of the body! The vessels are filled with blood as nature intended. The pressure rises exactly to normal! The pressure is normal. The vessels fill with blood, heal, rejuvenate. My body receives new nourishment, new blood, is filled with oxygen, and along with this desire to live, the joy of life! I have so much strength for new achievements! Like a sprout that has broken out of the earth turns into a flower, so I softly and smoothly bloom, open in joy and strength towards the world, the sun, a new day and a new, vigorous and cheerful stage of my life! New strength is pouring into my heart. The heart becomes powerful, strong, vigorous! It joyfully and energetically drives blood through the vessels. Vessels happily and energetically carry young fresh blood throughout the body. I am reborn to a new vigorous, young energetic life!

Headache mood.

Peace surrounds me. I'm safe. Above me is an endless sky, full of peace. A soft light is pouring down from the sky. It calms me down, pacifies me. He touches my head lightly and gently. As if a gentle cool hand falls on my forehead. I feel love and tenderness emanating from her. A soft gentle touch brings me into a comfortable, pleasant state. Soft light flows easily and calmly into my head. It fills the head with a pleasant soft glow. Everything that interferes dissolves in this glow. Everything solid, hard, prickly dissolves softly. The pain goes away. Everything unpleasant goes away. Soft, enveloping light soothes every cell of my head. I am relaxing. The tension goes away. There is not a drop of tension. Only peace, softness, gentle enveloping touch of healing light. It’s like a light breeze blows away everything that interferes from my head. I breathe easily, freely. A soft, quiet breath - enveloping tenderness dissolves the remnants of pain. A soft, quiet exhalation - everything painful is easily carried away. Silence…. Calm… .. Softness… .. Calm soft-blue sky above me.…. A soft healing light in my head. Peace…. Comfort… .. The return of health…. The return of power…. Return of vivacity…. Joy…. Harmony…. Health….

The mood for osteochondrosis.

I am like a strong, strong, young tree, full of strength to stand up to full growth, to be straight, strictly vertical, slender, and at the same time flexible and mobile. My spine is strong and firm, and elastic at the same time. The energies of health fill my spine. Flowing into the spine, they cleanse and strengthen it, while at the same time giving it elastic soft mobility. My spine carries my body easily. My neck is straight, straight, flexible, healthy. Young healthy cervical vertebrae easily support the head. The load on the cervical spine is exactly what nature intended. My neck is light! The back is easy. Easy to the whole spine. It is easy and joyful for me to walk, stand, move. Health flows into the spine. The mobility of the vertebrae is restored. Elastic ligaments between the vertebrae are restored. The health of the nerves, blood vessels, and muscles adjacent to the vertebrae is restored. My young spine is healthy, strong, elastic, strong.

The mood for the beauty of the face, body, hair.

Nature is eternally young, every spring it is renewed, reborn anew, filled with the strength and energy of youth! From now on, I am a part of nature, the same energies that renew the world every spring are now playing in me! As the earth awakens from winter sleep, as spring waters seethe, as young green sprouts are filled with strength and youth - so I revive, renew, reborn to new youth, to eternal unfading youth! Young spring energies seethe in me and transform me inside and out. The whole body glows with youthful energies! They are cheerful, active, joyful, stormy and fresh! They shape my new youthful body. Strong young muscles are being formed. The figure becomes slim fit. The skin is reborn, becoming firm, firm, youthful. Thick beautiful hair grows quickly. Gray hair completely disappears. Young spring energies work wonders with me! I'm getting younger, younger every day! My body is getting younger, my soul is getting younger. My soul is young and beautiful. Young spring energies fill it. The beauty of my soul is reflected on my face. I have young beautiful eyes. There is a young, cheerful smile on my lips. I enjoy life as in my youth - because my youth has returned to me forever. The beauty and youth of my soul forms my young, beautiful, strong body. The youthful forces in my soul only grow, strengthen, multiply. A young ageless soul is reflected in my eyes, a smile, in my even posture, in a fast, young, impetuous gait. A young ageless soul helps me to become younger and more beautiful every day. Life boils in me, transforming my face, hair, figure, posture, gait. The beauty of the soul blooms, and the further, the more it will bloom. And along with the beauty of the soul, my outer beauty blooms! Beauty, youth, health are wonderful gifts of nature, which I enjoy by right. Beauty, youth, health are always with me from now on!

From the book by A. Levshinov "The conspiracies of the Karelian healer and the mood of Andrey Levshinov."

33 ways to reprogram yourself and your life events

Your Ideas of Yourself Program Your Life

Thoughts program our life. I think you have heard about this more than once. First, they create an imaginary reality, which is then gradually embodied into reality.

If you think of yourself as an unlucky person, a loser, then adverse events themselves are attracted to you. You really won't be lucky, because you have absorbed these events with your thoughts and expectations of something negative.

And if you are open to the world and consider yourself lucky, then in most cases events will turn out favorable for you, because you are sure that life you love and has prepared only the best for you. Compared to a loser, you live in a different world because you love yourself and are convinced that the world was created for you.

The environment you grew up in

Why do our thoughts depend? On the one hand, from temperament and character. For example, sanguine people program themselves for a positive outcome of events, amelancholic people for a negative one.

Our thoughts also depend on the environment in which we were formed. If parents praised, approved, supported, then we grow up with healthy love for ourselves and the feeling that we are worthy of happiness, and everything in our life will be good. If our parents constantly pulled us down, criticized us at every step, emphasized our worthlessness and awkwardness, then we grow up as frightened people who believe that we do not deserve to receive anything good from life.

In addition, the social environment is important: kindergarten, school, institute, work colleagues, etc. If negative stereotypes reign in your environment ("life is terrible!" etc.), then they also make a negative contribution to the formation of your personality.

You can change the program!

However, there is good news. We have a mind, which means we are able to reprogram ourselves. We can "erase" a bad program and instead introduce a positive, constructive one, which will bring completely different colors into our life and open the way to joy and happiness.

This book is about avatarization - the reprogramming of the three constituent parts of each person: body, soul, mind. I will tell you how you can set yourself up for happiness and success and start enjoying life.

Your attitude towards yourself will change, and you will begin to perceive what is happening around you from a different angle. As a result, your life will be transformed. Do you want this? Then go ahead!

Thoughts can work miracles

I have traveled a lot in Asia. During these travels, I saw with my own eyes what the power of thought is capable of and what amazing results people can achieve when they are able to program themselves correctly. They are healed of diseases (sometimes even from the most severe), noticeably younger, their eyes shine, and the body is distinguished by strength and harmony. Properly programmed people develop unprecedented flexibility of the body and joints, as a result of which such people are able to perform exercises that seem impossible to others. They can withstand enormous workloads beyond the reach of many.

And all this is achieved exclusively with the help of the power of thought.

A little patience and everything will work out

Of course, it would be naive to think that everything will work out right away: one, two, and you're done. To achieve results, you need to work hard, sometimes more than one year, but you will achieve incredible results.

Traveling through Asia and meeting people who have made great strides in programming their thoughts, I have learned a lot. However, I will not immediately reveal all the secrets, otherwise you may not believe me. Gradually, step by step, I will begin to talk about this in my new books.

I strive to teach you how to program consciousness, to show that it is possible, and you will see from your own experience how it works.

33 ways to improve yourself

In this book, I give 33 ways to work on yourself in order to reprogram your consciousness. We operate in the world through our physical body, soul and mind. Accordingly, the proposed reprogramming methods are divided into three groups: 11 for each of these components.

The book provides attitudes for solving most bodily, mental and intellectual problems. The tunings are not at all complicated, and there is nothing mystical in them, each person is able to perform them. The only condition is that these tunings must be practiced regularly. You yourself know very well that perseverance is necessary to achieve results. It is a mistake to expect that everything will work out immediately. Ridiculous excitement is nothing here. On the contrary, you will need a calm, constant effort, and success will come.

How to Perform a Reprogramming Ritual

An appropriate setting is needed for reprogramming rituals to create privacy, peace and quiet. Unplug your phone, TV, doorbell (if possible).

Sit in a comfortable chair with a straight back. Calm your breathing. In order for new thoughts to penetrate into the depths of your being, you need to relax your body and muscles. If any muscles are tense, this will interfere with you, thoughts will scatter and reprogramming will not work.

Start counting your in-breaths and out-breaths: one, two, three, four, etc. If you get lost, start over. Simulate the slow deep breathing of a sleeping person. When you feel completely relaxed, start speaking the words of the mood.

As you gain experience, you will be able to perform rituals anywhere, even with a crowd of people, but first you need to be alone.

The programming ritual is sufficient to carry out from one to three times a day. Do not try every minute to check: how, is it already working or not yet? Give your subconscious a task, and it will cope with it. It knows how to prepare a new program and when to put it into operation.

Don't rush yourself, just do the exercises, and gradually a new program will enter your consciousness and begin to change your life. The impatient are eliminated at the beginning of the race, and those who are in no hurry reach the finish line and receive a prize.

How to slander the mood

Say to yourself: "Now I am giving my body a new program, I am entering the code for good health, strength, energy, vigor." By this you will give yourself a task, let your body do it.

Inhale deeply, then breathe out the words mood. Feel how they enter every cell of your body, permeate it from top to bottom.

The ritual should last at first 5 minutes (during this time, repeat the tune as many times as possible), then increase the time to 10 minutes, then an additional half hour.

Use only affirmative sentences, exclude the "don't" particle, witches need positive programming. For example, you can't say, "I'm not sick anymore." This statement should be replaced with a positive one: “I am getting healthy,” and so on.

You can say the right attitudes to the tape recorder: sit down, relax, calm your breath, turn on the tape recorder, close your eyes and listen. The effect will be the same.

Don't be afraid of resistance

At first, your attitudes can give you resistance. For example, you say the words: "Everything is good for me, I am healthy, vigorous and I look great." An offensive voice whispers: “Why is that good? Look at yourself: you look disgusting and your health is failing. " This is a normal phenomenon - there is a struggle between the old and the new programs. If new programs were so easy to be introduced into consciousness, life would be extremely easy. The old defends its boundaries, there is a struggle between good and evil.

Do your thing, keep saying the mood. And the result will gradually begin to appear. The less you wait for it, the faster it will appear.

Watch your resistance, laugh at it: “I see that you are trying to lead me astray. It won't work, and don't try. I will still program myself for health, joy, positiveness! "

Ignore the resistance, then it will gradually give up and go away.

Body work. We program ourselves for health and youth

The body is the temple of the soul

You've probably heard the expression: "The body is the temple of the soul." And indeed it is. We live on this earth thanks to our physical body. Much depends on the state in which it is. The quality of our life, its duration, the joys that we experience, the pleasures that we receive, depend on this.

When the body is healthy, it works well until old age and we live a happy, fulfilling life. And if a person does not take care of his body, which is harmed by unhealthy habits and lack of rest, then gradually life becomes suffering. And not only for him, but also for the people around him. In addition, the work of the intellect deteriorates in such a person, since the latter switches to problems related to the body.

A healthy, obedient body is the best instrument for our soul. Indeed, only with his help the soul can express itself in this world. If you are healthy, vigorous, energetic, you can do a lot of good deeds, maximize your creative abilities, and benefit yourself and people.

Correcting previous mistakes

Why does our body often stop being the way Mother Nature intended it? This is due to our mistakes and neglect of the needs of our physical shell.

Do you want your body to be healthy? Eat healthy food, crystal clear water, breathe fresh air. Exercise, give your muscles the necessary load. Without this, the effect of attitudes, rituals and programming will be incomplete.

When you start reprogramming yourself, you will gravitate towards a healthy lifestyle. This will come by itself, in addition to your efforts. Gradually, you will begin to be drawn to a healthy diet, physical activity, you will become more often in the fresh air.

1. The mood for excellent health

Create a calm environment so that no one will disturb you. Allocate 15 minutes for this.

Sit down, calm down, relax. Deep, slow breathing, counting in and out, will help you with this. When you feel relaxed, start driving a new program.

My health is getting better every day.

My body knows how to make me strong and healthy.

I listen to my body and follow it.

My health is constantly improving.

All my organs are working perfectly.

I easily resist infections and viruses.

I always stay healthy.

I thank my body for excellent health.

May it be so!

2. Attunement to optimal weight and harmony

Many are hindered by excess weight. It is nothing more than a way of self-defense from the outside world. We accumulate a layer of fat, subconsciously believing that it will save us from external "shocks". But by consuming excess amounts of food, we deal a blow to our health.

Excess weight complicates the work of the heart, gives an additional load to the spine, bones, joints.

As a result, instead of dealing with external problems and effectively solving them, we prefer to hide in a “fat” blanket, spoil our health and shorten our lives. It's time to reprogram yourself in a new way.

Sit down, make yourself comfortable, relax. Start speaking the words of the new program.

The world is safe.

He is friendly to the room.

I easily deal with difficulties and problems.

I can easily solve any problem.

I am losing weight.

My figure is getting slimmer every day.

3. Attitude to preserve youth

Of course, the biological clock cannot be completely stopped, but its course can be slowed down.

My body remains young and healthy.

My body tells me what to eat, what exercises to do.

I feel strong, vigorous and young.

I am overwhelmed with strength and energy.

Any tasks are subject to me.

I enjoy health and youth.

May it be so!

4. Attitude for beauty and attractiveness

Nature has endowed all of us with beauty and attractiveness in different ways. However, everyone can be attractive. The basis of external attractiveness is good health, cheerfulness, and a positive attitude. If we are open to the world, if we accept life and ourselves, then we are beautiful. We expect only good from the world, and this makes us attractive in the eyes of other people.

I am open to life, I am open to the world.

I accept life, Iona accepts me.

People like me, they approve of me.

I look great.

Every day I am becoming more attractive.

I radiate charm.

People like me, I charm them.

May it be so!

5. Endurance mood

Endurance helps us cope with many of life's challenges. But this does not mean that we have the right to overload our body so that it wears out prematurely. The body needs to be restored, it needs to provide both work and rest in time, then it will serve us for a long time and well.

My body is strong and healthy.

He is able to fulfill the assigned tasks.

I sense when the body needs rest, and I provide it to the body.

My body signals when to work and when to rest and recover.

By giving my body time to rest, I increase my stamina.

I am a strong, healthy, hardy person.

May it be so!

6. Attitude for the strength of muscles and bones

Bones and muscles allow us to move in space, be active and do any kind of work. To do this, they must be healthy and strong.

My muscles are strong and healthy.

They retain their youth for many years.

My bones are strong and healthy too.

They are getting stronger every day.

My body knows how to keep bones and muscles healthy.

I am getting stronger and healthier every day.

Every day I feel more and more strength.

May it be so!

7. Attitude to the strength of arms and legs

Through our hands we express ourselves. With the help of our hands, we can create, create, caress loved ones and children, take care of people. Feet give us the opportunity to conquer space, to see the Earth in all its diversity and beauty.

My hands are healthy, reliable and strong.

They hold the steering wheel of my life.

They allow me to embody any intentions.

They grow stronger every day.

My legs are strong and healthy.

With their help, I can go wherever I want.

I give my legs exercise and rest.

I protect my feet, I take care of them.

They are getting stronger and healthier every day.

My arms and legs are strong, young and healthy.

May it be so!

8. Set up the strength of the spine and joints

The spine is the skeleton of our body. It connects the lower, earthly, part of the body with the brain, that is, it is a connecting link between the mundane and the spiritual in man.

With the help of many nerve endings, the spine is connected to all organs of our body, which is why its health is so important to us.

My spine is strong, strong, healthy and flexible.

I give him the workout and rest on time.

Every day my spine is getting stronger and more flexible.

My joints are also strong and healthy.

Thanks to the joints, my body is flexible and obedient.

Every day the Moses are becoming stronger and healthier.

I love a light, healthy body.

May it be so!

9. Mood for the health of the digestive and excretory systems

Thanks to the digestive and excretory systems, an exchange of substances occurs in the body. Both of them are responsible for life, so they must be healthy and clean.

My digestive tract is working great.

He is healthy, strong and clean.

I give him the best products.

I deliver healthy and clean food to him.

My excretory system is working flawlessly.

She is strong, young and healthy.

It keeps my body perfectly clean.

She immediately takes the waste out.

My digestive and excretory systems are working better every day.

May it be so!

10. Attitude to the health of the genitourinary system

For men, first of all, potency is important, the possibility of procreation depends on it. For women, the ability to become pregnant, bear fruit and safely give birth to a child is important.

It is clear that in this case the attitudes for men and women are different. However, whole programming is aimed at the health of the organs necessary for procreation.

Attitude for women:

My organs are kind of strong and healthy.

I am able to conceive, bear a fetus and give birth to a healthy child.

Every day my organs are working better.

They are getting stronger and healthier every day.

I enjoy my feminine essence.

I am proud to be a woman.

I am proud that I can perfectly fulfill my feminine task on Earth.

May it be so!

Attitude for men:

My genitourinary system is working great.

I am able to conceive healthy strong children.

I am able to continue my lineage.

I am proud of my masculine origin.

I enjoy being a man.

My male organs are strong, strong and healthy.

They work better every day.

I am proud of my masculine strength.

May it be so!

11. Attitude for the strength and health of teeth, nails, skin, hair

Teeth and nails originally helped a person to protect themselves from external danger, live and survive, teeth help to process food. Skin and hair protect us from the effects of the environment.

My teeth and nails are strong and healthy.

They help me survive.

I eat foods that are good for my teeth and nails.

My skin and hair are strong, young, healthy.

Every day they become healthier and more beautiful.

I take care of them, give them healthy, wholesome food.

I enjoy the beauty and health of my hair and skin.

May it be so!

Working with the soul. Programming ourselves for a happy life

Soul is a connecting link between us and the boundless Universe or God (call it what you like best). The harmony of the soul gives us a happy life and the joy of being. If you want to enjoy life, you must develop a positive approach to it, understand that you and life are one.

Our soul is primordially pure, there are no vices and sins in it. We are born beautiful, kind, striving for harmony and light. Look at the little children; by their appearance they prove that it is so.

When the soul is devoid of harmony, internal discord occurs in it. All physical organs suffer from this. Diseases begin, we cease to feel pleasure from life. Therefore, it is so important to put things in order in your soul, to adjust its harmony.

1. Attitude to protect against negativity

Accepting negative or not is our personal choice. This statement may seem controversial at first. Who in their right mind wants to catch the negative? He clings himself!

In fact, this is not the case. We can refuse to accept negative messages, turn away from them, then the negative “ping pong” will stop by itself.

Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Imagine that you have drained all the dirty, muddy water from the pool, then filled it with crystal clear water.

Perhaps now it is difficult for you to accept this statement, and your whole being opposes it. It often happens (there is a struggle between good and evil). Start reprogramming your mind and gradually the negativity will go away.

The world is full of goodness. !

He is friendly to the room.

I am in everything good, bright, good.

I consciously choose a positive attitude towards the world.

Moiworld is getting better every day.

Every day more and more good people and events are attracted to me.

My world is getting brighter every day. May it be so!

2. Set up your intuition to work well

Intuition- one of the main manifestations of a person's spiritual strength. Intuition is believed to be the voice of God in the soul. She saves us in difficult and dangerous moments of life, suggests solutions in difficult situations, allows us to make the right choice.

Some people complain that their intuition is silent and does not tell them anything. They say, "I can't hear the voice of my intuition!" Why it happens? Because some people drown out her thin, barely audible voice. When intuition tells them something, they tell her: "Shut up!" and they begin to list the arguments of reason, they say, they will follow him. Over time, intuition becomes completely silent; it simply cannot break through the tough obstacles erected by the mind.

If you want to have a developed intuition, you need to listen to it, catch its very first impulse. In order to hear intuition, you need to tune in how we tune a radio receiver to the desired wavelength.

My intuition helps me.

She protects and keeps me safe.

I always listen to my intuition.

I always follow her prompts.

Thanks to my intuition that it tells me the right decisions.

Thank her for guiding me through life.

May it be so!

3. Attitude to get rid of useless experiences

Life is a long road. There are areas on this road that are smooth, even, when the sun is shining, birds are singing, flowers are fragrant. And there are areas that are difficult, rocky, when you can hardly look for a way in the dark.

Difficult parts of the life path must be treated accordingly: try to pass them as quickly as possible, get out on a wide, safe road and leave them behind, forget about them.

But some people get stuck in memories, carry them for a long time. What for? It only poisons life. It's time to stop dwelling on bad experiences and forget about them. The time has come to lay down a new program in yourself - to get rid of the negativity.

I pass a difficult section of the path and shake off the memories of it.

I am going through a difficult situation and moving forward.

I learn valuable experience and forget about the problem.

Unnecessary worries leave me like water off a duck's back.

I easily get rid of negative experiences.

My life is wonderful.

May it be so!

4. Attitude to get rid of irritability

Irritability- this is an excessive sensitivity to the little things of life. It takes away strength and energy, distracts from business, spoils health. It's time to get rid of her.

I am comfortable with the little things in life.

I know they will pass without a trace.

I leave trifles without attention.

My life is full of good events.

Trifles pass me by

I see them disappear.

May it be so!

5. Nast, swarm to get rid of anger overflow

Anger and anger-destructive emotions, indicating that you do not accept the world, reject it. It's pointless. If the world sends you a negative situation, it is only for you to gain experience and learn a lesson. Negative situations are our teachers, so we should be grateful to them for the lessons they teach us. It makes no sense to be angry, to be angry with them, because in this case we are angry and ignore ourselves.

I get rid of the badness.

Instead of getting angry, I ask myself: what should I learn from this?

I answer this question and release my anger and anger.

Peace and quiet reign in my soul.

Bad situations are my teachers.

They help me to understand what is happening and rise to a new level.

Thanks to them, I become more experienced and wiser.

I am calm, everything is fine in my world

May it be so!

6. The mood for self-confidence

We come into the world with unlimited self-confidence. We believe that we are good, loved, deserving of all the best. Let's remember small children, because they are just like that, from birth they believe that the world revolves around them.

Where does this verap disappear over time? As soon as we start walking and talking, they immediately begin to assess us: you are good, you are bad, you are smart, stupid, handsome, ugly, right, guilty, etc.

But we have grown up a long time ago, so why should we accept other people's assessments? Of course, you can listen to them, because we live among people, so we strive to understand how they want to see us.

But what does this have to do with our self-confidence? She must not leave us.

I am good, I deserve all the best in life.

I love life, and she loves me.

I am confident in myself no matter what happens.

Life itself knows what I need.

She keeps and protects me.

I am doing the right thing.

If I am wrong, then I correct my mistakes.

I believe in myself and I will know that everything will be fine.

May it be so!

7. Attitude to confidently defend your point of view

In life, sometimes you have to defend your opinion. It happens that at the same time we experience difficult feelings: we are afraid that by doing so we will cause trouble to someone, ruin our relations with people.

Of course, it's best to try to find a compromise. But sometimes it is impossible and it is necessary to make a choice, at this moment you need to insist on your point of view. There is no need to be afraid of this.

If the relationship has become obsolete, it will end anyway. And if they are strong, the divergence of views will not interfere with them.

I defend my point of view to move forward.

I try to find a compromise that suits everyone.

If necessary, I will yield.

If necessary, I make my choice.

I boldly choose my path and go forward.

My life is going right.

May it be so!

8. Attitude to the ability to say "no"

This is a continuation of the previous topic. But now we are talking about the ability to refuse. I repeat: you should always try to find a compromise that suits both sides. You need to help people, fulfill their requests, etc. But when this is impossible, you have to say a firm "no." Learn to do this. You need to be able to stand up for your interests, especially if you protect your loved ones, their well-being.

I try to help people.

I try to avoid rejection.

But sometimes you have to refuse.

If this is not possible, I still wish the person well.

Refusal is the need to choose your own path.

I have to choose my path. My life is going right.

May it be so!