What a young mother needs to remember in the first days after returning home from the hospital. A child after the hospital - the first days of the baby Brought from the hospital what to do

Well, behind - mother and child go home. I remember myself on the first day with my newborn daughter: I was driving home with a mixed feeling of joy and anxiety, the latter clearly predominating. On the one hand, I was very glad that I would finally leave the hospital and the government situation, but on the other hand, I did not know at all how to behave in the first days at home with a newborn child.

The books I read (there was no internet in my life then), the advice of my friends and my mother's instructions swirled in my head like a flock of flies. What to do immediately upon arrival? How will the child behave at night, will he cry without breathing? Oh, how worried I was then. Well, of course, I was confident in myself, but on top of my bravado, doubts and insecurities clearly appeared.

I must say that my eldest daughter was a restless child. She was born in the evening, she cried quite loudly and made it clear that her mother would not have to rest much)). The next few days in the maternity hospital only confirmed my fears: my daughter did not sleep well, often groaned, and on the third night she threw such a concert that I, distraught with insomnia and frankly frightened, rushed for the pediatrician at 4 o'clock in the morning. The half-asleep nanny who looked after the children (then the first day the kids were in the nursery) took the child, which, to be honest, only made me happy. I fell on the bed and fell asleep as a baby...
Needless to say, I went home not getting enough sleep, slightly inhibited and a little scared. And, to be honest, it helped me a lot that in my absence, my beloved husband prepared everything that I asked for. It helped me a lot in the early days, so I'm sharing with you.

What does a newborn baby need at home

And you really need a lot of things. It is much easier to come home to a more or less prepared room (part of the room) than to be weakened after childbirth, with a child in her arms in a home unsuitable for a newborn. So, what does a newborn baby need at home:

Place for changing clothes, swaddling the baby and changing diapers (pampers)

It is not necessary to buy a special changing table, because it will be needed for a maximum of 5-6 months, and such a thing is quite expensive. It will be enough to adapt a writing or dining table, a wide chest of drawers for this purpose. In my case, it was an ordinary dining table, on which I laid a blanket, a diaper over it and did all the procedures for the baby on it.

Despite the fact that I do not recommend buying special furniture, you should take responsibility for preparing a place for swaddling a baby, since in the first months you need to change your baby's clothes quite often, and it is very inconvenient to do this on a sofa, bed or other low surfaces. The reason for this is severe back pain, which, as a rule, disturbs more than half of women after childbirth.

Put a soft blanket folded into four on the table, lay a soft flannel diaper. You can buy a special mattress - this is a matter of choice. On the right side, it is better to put creams and powders for diaper rash, put cotton wool or cotton pads. In general, everything you need for the hygiene procedures of the baby. On the left - a stack of diapers, 3-4 vests and the same number of sliders, bodysuits or "little men". This will kill two birds with one stone:

  1. You can quickly change your baby's clothes, especially at night when the rest of the family is sleeping - a minimum of screaming, a maximum of comfort.
  2. When the child grows up, and will actively move his arms, legs and even roll over on his side, you will not have to move away from him, because everything you need is at hand.

Large pack of disposable diapers

Pampers will always be needed until the child sits on the potty. They are especially necessary in the first month, when the baby urinates at least 10-15 times a day. If you do not plan to use this blessing of civilization, then 20-30 diapers and the same number of pants and shirts will be simply necessary. There is another method that is gaining momentum, but I will write about this in one of my articles. Soon))

Clothes for newborns

  • 3-4 vests with closed handles. Size 52. If the baby was born in the summer, then 2 warm, 2 light undershirts, because even in the heat, newborns often freeze indoors (not in the open sun, of course). In winter, everything is warm;
  • 5-6 sliders;
  • 2 hats in turn;
  • 5 diapers;
  • socks)). Yes Yes. they are also useful, the smallest size;
  • a bath soft towel or a large flannel diaper (dry the baby after bathing).

This is the simplest list, which is quite enough for the first time. If the little one was born in the cold season, then you definitely need to buy a warm jumpsuit or envelope, a hat, warm socks and a blouse. Then mom will figure out what she needs. About all kinds of bodysuits, overalls, "little men" and other delights that children's stores are littered with. I practically did not use these “miracles” of the textile industry, since the child grows very quickly and universal pants and button-down shirts were much more practical for me.

Crib and stroller

Of course, you can live without a stroller on the first day, but it’s still better to buy a crib before the mother and child arrive home. Why? Because you can put the baby in the crib without fear that he will fall. If there are older children in the house, then leaving the child on the couch or in the swaddle is dangerous - an older brother or sister can inadvertently injure him.

In addition, while the baby is in the crib, the mother can calmly take a shower or drink tea)) And the stroller helps out if the child does not sleep well. In any case, my third toddler fell asleep only in the stroller for the first week (we hadn't gone outside yet, so it was clean), despite the new crib carefully prepared for him by his dad. It is convenient to rock the baby in the stroller, and I noticed that the little baby is somehow more comfortable at first in the cradle with a hood than in the crib.

Special oilcloth 50 x 50 cm

Why do you need an oilcloth if there are diapers? For one simple reason - the baby needs air baths and it is better to do them several times a day. At this time, it is most convenient to put it on an oilcloth covered with a warm flannel diaper. For these cases, I bought a special tissue-based medical glue in a pharmacy and cut it into the pieces I needed. I didn’t use disposable diapers in principle - enough for the child and diapers, the skin should breathe)).

Bath - is it needed in the first days at home with a newborn baby?

Upon arrival home, the baby will want to bathe in clean water, since in most of our maternity hospitals there are no conditions for this. But the state of the navel should be taken into account: if the wound has not yet healed, it is better to postpone bathing. I bathed my first baby, a tiny daughter, on the very first day of my stay at home. The second, wonderful miracle son, only for the next one. The third, honey-son, and that later - on the third day.

So, the technical part (so to speak) of the article about the first days of a newborn baby at home is over. Perhaps I will add to it by hitting myself on the forehead and saying: “I remembered! After all, we still need this!” But in general, while the result is satisfied)).

Many mothers are familiar with the following condition - you and your baby were brought from the hospital, so he woke up, cried, and what to do next with him? It is especially scary for those mothers who were separated from the baby in the maternity hospital and therefore could not gain valuable experience in caring for the baby under the strict guidance of nurses.

Some parents are even afraid to take the child in their arms, afraid of hurting him or dropping him. Of course, these fears will pass very soon, but for this you need to know how to properly care for a newborn.

Eat, now you can sleep ...

So, let's start with feeding and sleep, as these are the two most important things for a newborn. You need to feed the child "on demand", that is, when he asks. A strict daily routine - to feed after 3 hours - is a relic of the past. Children themselves after some time go to a certain regime. For example, start eating every 2 hours. This is the routine that parents need to follow.

Of course, it is better to breastfeed - it is more convenient for the mother and much more beneficial for the child than artificial feeding. At night, the child is also fed on demand, so it is not advisable to immediately allocate a separate room for him - the mother will have to run back and forth several times a night. Many parents move the baby bed close to their own or put the baby with them.

In the intervals between feedings, the baby, most often, sleeps. In the first month, children sleep 14-19 hours a day, periods of wakefulness increase every month, and by six months the child sleeps 13-14 hours a day. Moreover, if in the first months the baby can wake up every 1.5-4 hours, regardless of whether it is night or day, then at about the age of eight months, many children can already recognize the time of day and sleep from 10 pm to 6 am. And during the day they sleep 2 times for 2 hours. By the age of one, the baby begins to sleep "like an adult" - all night and once a day, after dinner.

To swaddle or not to swaddle a child at bedtime, each parent decides for himself. Many swaddle children so that they do not wake themselves up with their movements, some children are more comfortable to sleep in this way. Now most doctors believe that a child should have free arms and legs, as this is necessary for normal psychomotor development. Therefore, starting from the second month, it is better to wear baby sliders.

Diapers and hygiene

One of the hottest topics in child care is the topic of diapers. The debate about whether they are harmful or not has not subsided so far. The main argument of opponents of diapers is that men who wear diapers in childhood suffer from infertility in the future. And although this information has not been reliably confirmed, pediatricians do not advise wearing them all the time. Of course, this is very convenient for parents, but prolonged contact of the baby's skin and a wet diaper is not desirable. The maximum diaper wearing time is 4-6 hours. It is most convenient to use it for a walk, during sleep and at a party.

When changing a diaper, the baby's bottom must be washed. On the other hand, it is often not necessary to wash the child, as the protective layer is washed off from the delicate baby skin. Babies get dirty a little until they start to crawl and walk. It is quite enough every day, before going to bed, to bathe the baby in the bath. In the water, you can add a means for bathing children, bright toys. The water should be warm, but not hot - 36-37 degrees, after the bath, you can pour cooler water over the child as a hardening procedure. If you wish, you can teach him to swim - the pediatrician will tell you the teaching method. Usually, babies quickly get used to bathing and love it, because the aquatic environment is familiar to them from the prenatal period. Bathed, tired children usually eat very well and fall asleep quickly.

In front of passers-by...

You have to play a lot with your child. You can start walking from the 10th day of a baby's life, while the air temperature outside should not be lower than -10 degrees. The first walk usually lasts 10 minutes, and each subsequent walk is increased by 5 minutes. Ideally, you should walk for 1.5 - 2 hours 2-3 times a day, in any weather, avoiding too hot and too frosty. In cold weather, this hardens the child, and in warm and sunny weather it contributes to the formation of vitamin D in the baby's body, which prevents the development of rickets. It is not recommended to expose the child to direct sunlight, it is better to walk in the shade in the morning and evening.

Naturally, at first a small child only sleeps on a walk. Many mothers do not want to wander the streets with a stroller all day when there are a lot of household chores waiting at home. In this case, a child's sleep on the balcony can be an excellent way out. True, later, when the child begins to take an interest in the outside world on a walk, you still have to walk along the streets and playgrounds.

Children's dowry

In addition to food, sleep and walks, the child also needs to dress in something, sleep somewhere and walk on something. It’s good if there are friends or relatives who have recently given birth to a child who can suggest, advise or give away things from which they “grew up”. If there are no such people in a close environment, then it is usually difficult for parents to decide what to buy for a child right away, and what can be delayed. Therefore, below is a list of "children's dowries." Naturally, parents can reduce or, conversely, expand it at their own discretion.


T-shirts 2-3 pcs.

Blouses with buttons are light and warm 2-6 pcs.

Rompers - 3 pcs.

Body 3-6 pcs.

Light overalls - 3-4 pcs.

Warm suit, for example knitted 1 - 2 pcs.

Warm envelope or overalls for the street (according to the season) - 1 pc.

Socks 3-4 pcs. + warm - 2 pcs.

Hats warm and light - 2 pcs.

Blanket warm and light - 2 pcs.

When the baby is already born, all relatives are in anticipation of a long-awaited meeting with a new family member. Few people think about how to properly transport a newborn in a car from the hospital. Meanwhile, this is a very important issue, which should be resolved even before the birth of the crumbs.

How to prepare for your child's first car ride

According to the established tradition, children from the maternity hospital are taken home by relatives in cars or a taxi is called. The rules for transporting children in a car provide for the mandatory presence of a child restraint. No need to think that this does not apply to newborn babies. Many people think that it is enough that mom or another family member will hold the child tightly in her arms during the trip, this is wrong and threatens with a fine of 3,000 rubles. Carrying a newborn from the hospital should be strictly in a car seat or a special cradle.

In addition to a special cradle, you need to prepare something else to make the baby comfortable:

  • Clothing for the newborn, appropriate for the season and comfortable to use with the car seat.
  • Protective curtains on the windows of the car so that the sun does not shine in the eyes and does not interfere with the child's sleep.
  • Neutral odor interior air freshener. Harsh odors can cause allergies in a child.
  • It is better to wash the car in advance and, if necessary, dry-clean the interior. Dry cleaning is done a few days before the mother and baby are discharged, so that there is an opportunity to properly ventilate the salon.

Car seat or bassinet?

When choosing a restraint for a baby, you need to decide on the model. There are three options:

  • Car seat 0/0+/I/II is suitable from birth up to 18, 25 or 36 kg.
  • Car seat 0+ from birth up to 10 or 13 kg.
  • The infant carrier 0+ is used from birth up to 7-8 months.

The choice is not easy, because you want to ensure the comfort and safety of the child, as well as to purchase a functional thing that will last as long as possible. It is worth considering all the pros and cons of each model in order to finally decide.


  • Most of the models are equipped with the IsoFix system, which provides a good degree of security.
  • Can be used from birth up to 3-5 years, depending on the model and dimensions of the child.
  • Many models have a table, footrest, orthopedic backrest and many other options for the convenience of the crumbs.

Great option for budget conscious parents who don't want to buy multiple restraints as their baby grows


  • The chair is not removable. The baby will have to be carried to the car in his arms.
  • Most quality models are quite expensive.


  • Convenient to use as a carrier.
  • Can be used at home as a rocking chair.
  • Many of these car seats have adapters for the respective company's stroller chassis. That is, mommy can not disturb the baby if he fell asleep, but simply rearrange the car seat on the chassis of the stroller and take a walk.
  • The price is lower compared to universal car seats.
  • Often a similar model is already included in the kit for 3 in 1 strollers.

The most popular option for transporting newborns


  • A lower degree of security, which can be increased by additionally purchasing a base with an IsoFix system. But the price of a car seat-carrier will immediately increase by several thousand.
  • Short time of use. In fact, such an armchair will last up to 7-9 months. After that, you will have to purchase a model in the next category.


  • The child is provided with a completely horizontal position, which is convenient on long trips.
  • The visor and sides protect from sunlight and drafts.
  • Good protection in case of a possible accident.
  • Most cradles can be installed on the chassis of the stroller of the same company.
  • It is convenient to carry the baby in the car.
  • It does not require the purchase of a base, as it is fastened with standard seat belts.


  • Can be used up to a maximum of 6 months. Then the cradle will be too small, and the baby will no longer be interested in lying all the way.
  • The cost of such a device is high.
  • The cradle is quite bulky and heavy, it takes up a lot of space in the car.

Such a device is used quite rarely, but it also has advantages.

Don't confuse a car seat with a carry bag! Ordinary baby carriers cannot be used to carry a baby in a car. The infant carriers are made of durable materials, have internal seat belts and devices for securing them in the car using standard belts. Simple carrying bags do not differ in such characteristics.

By and large, you can use any model for transporting a baby in a car. Each family decides for itself which restraint to buy. But before choosing, you need to weigh all the pros and cons and purchase the safest and most high-quality model.

What clothes for the baby will be comfortable in the car seat

Many parents worry about how to take the baby home: they buy a chair, wash and clean the car, but forget about choosing comfortable clothes for the baby. Not all blankets and blankets are suitable for use in a car seat. In most of them, the child cannot be fastened with seat belts. In this case, the holding device becomes meaningless.

Modern parents know that the main thing is the safety of the child. Therefore, they purchase an extract envelope based on the fact that it is intended to be worn in a holding device. To do this, the product must have a special cut or slots for the seat belt.

An envelope-blanket that transforms into a dungaree for traveling in a car seat

Another model of overalls-bag with a slot for a seat belt

You can pick up both winter and demi-season versions of such outerwear for crumbs. There are a variety of colors to suit both boys and girls. Yes, these models are not decorated with bows and lace, but they are of high quality, comfortable, versatile and will last the whole season, and not just a few hours during discharge.

In the summer, you can limit yourself to a cotton slip and fleece or velor overalls, depending on the weather.

Tip: No need to wrap the child in blankets: this is the last century and has long been irrelevant! In addition, such equipment for a baby is a direct threat to his safety while traveling by car.

How to Prepare for a Taxi Ride

Unfortunately, not all taxi services provide child restraints. Therefore, parents of a newborn child need to think about this. A car seat or bassinet can be purchased, rented or asked from friends.

Even if the family doesn't have a car, buying a baby carrier is a good idea. It will definitely come in handy for taxi rides to the clinic. In the first year of life, visits to the pediatrician and other specialists will be frequent. In addition, it is convenient to use the car seat at home as a deck chair or rocking chair. With it, you can go to nature, relax in the country - the child will always be comfortable and convenient. There is no need to take a bulky stroller with you.

It would also be useful to ask a taxi operator to send a car with a clean, smoke-free interior and a sober, responsible driver. If in big cities all these conditions are not a problem, then in small towns, where there are many private traders in personal cars, you have to be vigilant.

It is necessary to decide how to take a newborn from the hospital even before the birth of the crumbs, while there is time to prepare everything without haste. And then the meeting of relatives and mother with the baby will go smoothly and joyfully without troubles in the form of fines or accidental falls of the child in the car.

Finally, the maternity hospital fuss is over! Roommates scurrying back and forth with crumbs screaming in five small sips, strict doctors and nurses are a thing of the past, and we are going home with the baby!
Now we will get out of the car, take the elevator, open the door and ... What to do next?

First, calm down. After all, when you worry, the child is also nervous. Days in the hospital were not in vain, and, most likely, you already know the main stages of caring for a newborn and are aware of how
wash and feed the baby, change the diaper and change your beloved
baby. And even if you are
Forgotten - no problem! Everything will be remembered, because such skills are quickly developed due to the frequency of repetitions. You will definitely make it. As a last resort, invite a more experienced friend or neighbor, and she will conduct a master class.

Quiet meeting
On your first day after returning from the hospital, you should not throw a party to celebrate the birth of the crumbs. And that's why. You and your baby have experienced tremendous stress from childbirth: from physical pain and fear for your child to euphoria and joy. For example, after giving birth, in spite of extreme fatigue, I could not fall asleep for two nights in a row, I lay and admired my son: such emotions overwhelmed me. You need rest and calm recovery of the body. Therefore, on the day of discharge, it would be ideal if they came for you, congratulated you, took beautiful photographs, brought you home, sat for a short time and left you alone with your husband and child. If you are a single mom, then with your mom or a friend.
It would be very good if, on your return, a few simple dishes for a small buffet were prepared by your assistants in advance and it remains only to put them on the table. Just imagine: you come home with a baby and don’t yet really know what he might need in the near future, so you are very worried and constantly listen to him ... And then relatives are having fun and making noise, popping champagne corks ... And everyone wants to cuddle and kiss the little one ! And now the baby is crying from the abundance of loud sounds and other people's hugs.

Food stock
Ask relatives to take care of the groceries for you for the first time. Let your husband or other relatives make a supply of vegetables and fruits, cereals, lean meat, dairy products. Gas-causing cabbage, legumes, as well as citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts, honey, fruits and vegetables of red hues, harmful and fatty foods (smoked meats, canned food), carbonated drinks and fast food are categorically contraindicated for you.

Full order
For your convenience, take care even before the birth, so that everything in your apartment is ready for the arrival of the baby. To keep the crib in its place, there were ironed things in the chest of drawers, and everything necessary for caring for the newborn was located on the comfortable shelves of the changing table. Once at home, change your baby's clothes, get comfortable and feed the baby, and then you can put him to bed.

Sweet Dreams
Then eat yourself and go to bed - sleeping in your own bed and familiar surroundings will give you strength, and all unnecessary and negative thoughts will go away.
Returning to your home, to your own room gives strength and vigor.
After waking up, you can walk around the apartment and figure out where and what will be most convenient to do.
Choose a chair or bed for feeding, throw comfortable pillows there.
See what your baby will need tomorrow (diapers, clothes, bathing and grooming supplies) and put them in their places. Get ready for your evening swim.
It is better that the first day at home is as calm as possible. Then the change of scenery will pass painlessly and the baby will fall asleep peacefully, having eaten mother's milk.
Slowly sink into your new life at home, and soon it will settle into a rut and begin to bring joy.

The first days spent with a newborn at home are of great importance for his life in the future. It is very important for a baby to feel his own need, to feel the love of mom and dad ... But how to make the first "family" days as comfortable as possible for mother and child? Your baby is a real miracle. It delightfully smells of childhood and something familiar and painfully familiar. He is small, small, and his tiny arms and legs are touching. He, quietly snoring, quietly falls asleep in your arms, but wakes up just as quickly. He constantly requires your attention - and you cannot and do not want to refuse it. But is it easy to constantly be close to the newborn and give all your time only to him, when the husband, for example, wants to eat, you need to tidy up the apartment, rewash the endless diapers-undershirts ... And this means that you need to prepare in advance for the arrival from the hospital. Preparing a dowry Perhaps you have heard the advice of grandmothers and mothers, saying "Do not buy anything for a child in advance - a bad omen!". Any experienced mother will tell you that it is better to forget about this sign. No one knows better than a mother what to buy for a baby, what is useful and what is not. she hasn’t left yet after the birth and can’t leave the baby even for a minute. Dad, in the store, buys the first things he comes across at insane prices, and then it turns out that what he bought will come in handy in a year. We recommend that you buy such a standard set of clothes before giving birth for a newborn: - an envelope for an extract from the maternity hospital on a sheepskin,
- 10-20 thin diapers,
- 10-20 thicker diapers, - 3-4 baby diapers,
- 2-3 "little men" for sleep,
- 2-3 blouses, - 2-3 pairs of sliders,
- 2-3 bodysuits
- 1-2 pairs of socks
- 2 thin hats and 1-2 warm ones. Domestic firms mark sizes according to height. Size 56 is suitable for a newborn, but you can take 62 - the child will grow up to it in just a month. From household items, you will definitely need a sling, a bath for bathing, special baby scissors, baby cotton buds, a first aid kit (hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, string, chamomile, etc.), powder, baby soap and shampoo. And don't forget about diapers! You will fit size 1, for children from three to six kilograms. Do not buy diapers labeled Newborn. They are suitable for small babies, and most babies are cramped by the second week of life. A crib and stroller are useful things, but usually at first the newborn is constantly in her arms and in bed with her mother, especially if you - breastfeeding advocates. These items will be needed, but not immediately. Cleaning the apartment It is believed that the main enemy of a newborn is microbes, so it is necessary to clean the apartment very carefully before the mother and baby arrive from the hospital. It is especially important to do this immediately the day before the mother and newborn return home. It's funny: the future dad, putting his wife in the hospital for preservation before childbirth, immediately brings sterile cleanliness to the apartment; a week or two or three passes - not a trace of cleanliness remains. Finally, when the wife gave birth and returned home, the apartment is far from being as clean as it should be. Dear future fathers, grandmothers, and grandfathers! Let's do everything on time. The wife gave birth - they got together and together carried out a thorough cleaning: they vacuumed and knocked out all the carpets, sofas and armchairs (just don't give the carpets for dry cleaning), washed all the floors, wiped the dust, washed the curtains, cleaned the kitchen, in bathroom and toilet. It is very important for a mother to come to a clean apartment - both psychologically and for physiological reasons. Every woman who has given birth wants to feel that she is loved, needed and taken care of. On the other hand, after giving birth, a woman does not immediately everything heals, and in order not to introduce an infection, cleanliness is needed. As for the degree of sterility, a healthy balance is important here. Practice shows that the first cleaning before the arrival of a mother with a newborn from the maternity hospital should be very thorough - using detergents such as Domestos, and in the first it is necessary to clean every week every day. But cleaning the house in which a newborn baby lives has its own specifics. Washing floors and dusting should be done without aggressive chemicals. In principle, this problem is solved by using environmentally friendly detergents. However, most pediatricians will advise you to refrain from any detergents in the first week after the birth of the baby. Therefore, in the first week or two of the newborn’s stay in the apartment, wash the floor with plain water, ventilate the rooms in which the newborn is not currently located (so as not to catch a cold) , approximately every 30-40 minutes for 10-15 minutes. Meeting from the maternity hospital Many young fathers do not quite understand the specifics of the event. It is very important to realize that after arriving from the maternity hospital, a newborn and a young mother, first of all, need cleanliness and peace. Therefore, it is better only if, after returning from the hospital, a woman sees a clean, ventilated apartment in which she can relax and comfortably accommodate with her child. A meeting from the hospital is not a reason for a stormy feast and receiving guests, because the mother has yet to arrange her life with the baby. Yes and the baby may immediately require care and attention (for example, he has colic). So, despite the fact that the newborn baby is still immune and to the sounds and light, you should not exhaust your mother. She still has many exhausting events, so you need to save your strength. Can I visit you? Often, having learned about a joyful event, relatives and friends tend to come to visit to congratulate family. Some mothers and fathers perceive this as normal, but someone is sharply against such visits. When receiving guests, one must proceed from the fact that the child does not yet have formed immunity. Moreover, he has just begun his “acquaintance” with the bacteria that are in the environment. It follows from this that the newborn does not need contacts with guests. However, this is not a reason to close their doors. After all, people bought gifts and come with kindness! You can explain your motivation not to receive guests in the first days after the birth of the baby and postpone the visits of guests, say, for a month or a half. Usually people are sympathetic to this position of caring parents. In any case , it’s better to be safe than to infect a newborn with some kind of infection out of false politeness. Also, when you plan visits, try to have one or two visits per day. More is tiring for mom and baby. Distribution of responsibilities If the birth was normal, and mom is all right with lactation, often a woman feels a surge of strength after arriving from the hospital. wash the floors, do exercises, take care of herself, and she also finds work on the Internet and in her free minutes she designs websites, writes articles or programs. After a couple of months of such a life, it’s simply hard to believe that at first there were so many strengths. A person begins to function in half-sleep mode and slowly go crazy from a screaming baby, a hungry husband and work partners demanding results. Therefore, it is simply necessary to balance the responsibilities of caring for a baby and home in such a way that the mother does not overwork. In the first month or two, it is necessary to organize the life of a young mother so that she has the opportunity to deal only with herself and the baby - monitor lactation, enjoy spending time with the child, eat well and take care of herself. of course, and vice versa. In the case when there was a difficult birth or caesarean section, it takes more time to recover. And if there are still problems with the chest and the child has colic, the mother generally has a hard time. The golden rule of family life works great here: help and distribution of responsibilities. For example when mom is tired of rocking a screaming baby, dad takes her place. Dad bathes the baby. The grandmother or the visiting assistant cleans and cooks. Tip for family and friends: do not wait to be asked to help. Just take on some of the responsibilities - at least for the first time. Health and happiness to you and your baby, and may only peace and tranquility reign in your family!