OGE: arguments for the essay “What are life values. Essay on the topic: Greed What is greed Reasoning 15.3

Greed is a quality of a person, which is characterized by avarice and greed of a person.

This quality is negatively accepted by society, because a greedy person does not share anything, be it objects, knowledge or feelings. Such a person usually moves away from well-mannered and decent people. Hearing about this quality, one immediately gets the impression that a person is stupid, uneducated and impatient.

But not everything is so bad here. Under certain conditions, greed is even beneficial. For example, if a person's stinginess is caused by the fear of losing something, then it will be rather a positive quality, since a person seeks to keep his existing property, and in order to keep it, it is greed that needs to be applied - the desire to keep his property.

An example of greed can be found in The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish. At first the old woman wanted only a new trough. Having received it, she, taking advantage of the chance to get whatever she wanted, made the fish all her unimaginable desires. As a result, due to greed and avarice, the old woman was left without anything, even without the trough, which she wanted from the very beginning.

The instinct of survival is inherent in man by nature. He always strives to take everything for himself in order to satisfy his needs. As a rule, stingy people are richer and better off than those who are content with what they have. Greedy people always want more and they will never be "full". On the one hand, greed in this world is necessary in order to reach heights, since mean people achieve more than those who lead a mediocre life. But on the other hand, you do not need to be too selfish, as you can easily cross the boundaries of decent, which will lead to criminal liability.

And yet, greed is the reason for the changes in life. It is good if a person is aware of this and acts consciously. But if greed controls a person, then he acts recklessly and it is difficult to predict his actions. Avarice destroys a person and forces him to make mistakes. A person simply depends on an external force and acts without relying on his values. And this often leads to negative and disastrous consequences.

Composition 2

This is the trait of a human character that will never adorn him. Greed is a person's excessive addiction to appropriate as much material and other goods as possible. It can also manifest itself in the appropriation of things, attention, power and other spiritual needs. This feeling gives rise to the desire to save money, save and never spend. Such a person will never stop in his desire to take all the good from life.

Greed has never been appreciated in people, because having it, we do not notice anyone around them, but see only ourselves and satisfy our desires. Scientists have proven that this feeling is inherent in absolutely all people, because not everyone has a given for a happy life from birth.

My parents taught me from childhood that greed will never lead me to anything good. I have assimilated this simple truth, and now, when I have a similar desire to appropriate something for myself, I try to protect myself as much as possible from this thing.

I often had the opportunity to communicate with greedy people, and I cannot say that this is a pleasant sight. They have everything they need, but they do not have one most important thing - this is respect from friends and family.

Agree that no one will want to communicate with a person who does not even share candy for a long time, because then, perhaps, he will remember it to you and will demand more from you.

Parents teach their children to first share something with them, of course, they will not accept, but this process will bring up a good quality in the child. Starting with such small steps, a person comes to the conclusion that it will not be difficult for him to give even money. It is worth remembering that the whole foundation is laid in childhood and it should be built correctly and not destroyed later.

I believe that although there is greed in every person, you should not show it, you need to suppress it as much as possible. If we give something to someone, then we will definitely get something more in return. Higher powers will not deprive anyone of their attention, and if you are afraid to tear something away from yourself, then remember that you will not remain naked and barefoot for life. Only by giving can you get more in return.

Essay about Greed

Greed is a quality of a person, the desire to get as much of something as possible. She is often put on a par with anger, cruelty, greed. A greedy person constantly thinks about profit, about satisfying his endless desires. At the same time, such a person thinks only about his own benefit and does not share his wealth with others.

This quality is often referred to as negative character traits. In the literature there are a huge number of works in which the authors ridicule and denounce greedy people. Such characters often suffer greatly from their vice or die, since the author does not see the point in their further existence. Examples of such personalities can be found in the works "The Tale of the Goldfish", "Dead Souls", "The Count of Monte Cristo", "The Master and Margarita" and more. Basically, people are ruled by a lust for money or power. What they have is not enough for them all the time. And in order to get more, greedy people are ready for any action that will lead them to their goal. Greedy people often suffer from loneliness, lack of attention and understanding from others. After all, no one wants to deal with a person who cares only about himself.

However, the word “greedy” does not always mean what was mentioned earlier. Sometimes this definition means a person who strives with great zeal for a good goal. For example, "greedy for knowledge" or "greedy for the truth." Such people show great diligence in their endeavors and often have great success. But you should not assume that they, like possessed, go to their goal no matter what. Usually these people are kind, sympathetic, ready to help. They just have a dream that they want to make it come true. A striking literary example is Arthur Gray from the work "Scarlet Sails". Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a sailor, captain, and for this he made every effort to gain knowledge of maritime affairs.

Thus, the concept of greed has several meanings. The most common is the desire to have as much of something as possible, to be an owner, to think exclusively about your own profit and not to share your wealth with anyone. However, another meaning speaks of a person's desire for a cherished dream, great diligence and a willingness to work hard. Undoubtedly, the first understanding is a negative character trait. Therefore, you should not be greedy, you need to learn to help people, be kind and sympathetic.

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Greed has two faces. The first represents people who are never satiated with desires, who are trying to get more and more.

The second face of greed is the stingy people who lead a joyless life. They are afraid to spend money, although they have it. Very often stories are told when completely poor people die, and then millions are found somewhere in their bed.

What prevented them from spending some of this money on food and a normal life?

Without resisting their lack, they simply drove themselves to pathology.

A typical example in literature is Pushkin's stingy knight.

It is believed that such people strive to make more money. However, I want to show people who are greedy for alcoholic drinks (alcoholics), for women (still those walkers), for power (obsession). In other words, greed is gluttony. Strange, but a person is greedy for pleasures and spends money on them endlessly. But usually you can't beg for snow from such people.

How does this feeling develop?

We already know that one of the two needs of a child in childhood is love. The second is in food, but we will not consider it.

And if he does not receive love, he tries to somehow survive without it. Survive - in the most literal sense of the word. Scientists conducted experiments on monkeys. Animals lived without affection for only a few days. Life without love is not normal for a child. The child grows up with mental disabilities.

To receive such a deviation as greed, the child received a substitute for love. The forms of replacing love are different, but absolutely all of them look like bribery.

Parents do not pay enough attention to their children. Some work a lot, some drink without drying out, others simply do not like to play with children. It is much more interesting to live a social life, chat with girlfriends in a restaurant, go to social events.

Parents feel guilty and instead of going to the circus, for example, they offer toys, sweets, money. In general, who has the ability to offer something based on the pocket.

Often all parents use this method to calm down their child, to bargain for temporary freedom. This is fine. But when this becomes the rule, the child begins to believe that life really is like this. When a child loses contact with his parents, he believes that the material surrogate he receives from them is what he needs. He learned to do without parental affection, love and attention. He is already accustomed to substitutes for love - toys, money, freedom. He wants it all and has learned to manipulate his parents.

Now, in order to buy off a child, parents must accept his terms. The grown up child communicates with other people in the same way. Otherwise, he simply does not know how. This does not mean at all that, starting from school, he has been buying and selling his services.

He is used to the fact that he can get whatever he wants.
And indeed it is. But here's the paradox, the more he has, the more he feels left out. He doesn’t like his job, as he could have had more money and less hard work. In family life, such people also consider themselves to be deprived. Others have wives as wives ... In other words, they are truly insatiable people who are not satisfied with what they have. They are jealous of many, because they are deprived of what they have - a luxurious car, luxurious housing. But once they get it all, they want something more. This greed leads a person to a feeling of deprivation, deprivation.

So we have seven stages of the development of greed.

1 step. The feeling of abandonment, lack of affection causes a painful mental hunger in the child.

2nd stage. The child considers substitutes to be a manifestation of self-love.

3 step. The child desires more substitutes for love.

4 step. The child blames others when he does not enjoy substitutes.

5 step. The child considers himself to be deprived.

6 step. He thinks about what other people have and desperately wants it.

7 step. His desires are enormous and inaccessible.

Of course, we mean a child whose image has been in every adult person since childhood. Children's performances do not change with age.

Where greed can lead

Greed drives a person to devastation. After all, his grown desires become unfulfilled. However, he never admits it to himself. It's hard to admit that your whole life has been a dummy. And he continues to believe that one more bottle of vodka or another piece of cake will bring him a feeling of joy, another open company will ensure his prosperity. Instead of prosperity and happiness, they are disappointed, but they do not give up their attempts.

Moreover, greed concentrates all attention on one aspiration. Such people cease to feel other people, because his concentration on something completely different - on food, drink, work or women. Most people possessed by this deficiency end up in complete loneliness and poverty.

They are not at all happy about money, food, power, because they are very much anxious to get it all. So much so that there is no place for the joy of possession.

How greed can turn into self-destruction

All myths and fairy tales are written on the plots that greed leads to the death of a person. This is actually the case.

Greedy food leads to excess weight. It is unnecessary to explain what the increased weight leads to. Death from cardiovascular disease is number one in the world.

Alcoholism and drugs lead to the complete destruction of a person, and ultimately to death.

Excessiveness will necessarily lead to the fact that a person ceases to control himself and the situation. To survive, you need to get over the situation. This is not available to a greedy person.

If you do not fight this negativity, greed will end in self-destruction.

How to overcome your greed

If you do not overcome your greed, it will feed on life energy and finally drain your strength.

Weapons for the destruction of greed

  • Admit that you have a problem like greed. After that, you will need the help of a psychologist.
  • Realize your focus on substitutes for love - food, sex, power, and others.
  • Discover the real reason for your satisfaction without substitutes - what will make you happy.
  • Try to give.
  • Take responsibility for your life.
  • Be kind and generous to yourself, love yourself.
  • Recognize that you have enough to keep your life full. Enjoy your wealth.

6 Exercises To Help Get Rid Of Or Reduce Greed

1. Determine the subject of your desires

When you want to eat another cake, for example, pay attention to the sensations in your body. Where in your body are they the strongest?

Focus on this spot. Let images or memories pass before your mind's eye. Don't force it. Just let it happen.

If it doesn't work out right away, then don't worry. Over time, everything will definitely work out.

This is the key to the original source of your feelings, to how it all began. Analyze this. It is best to do all this in the presence of a consultant who is able to help you.

2. Make a list of what you currently have.

Make a list like this. This list should include material values, things that are dear to you, your savings, your talents, abilities, spiritual qualities. Anything.

Realize that having this, you need to be able to share with others, to be able to be generous. This is very difficult because you are used to thinking that you are left out. But in reality, you have everything you need. Share your energy, time, money with people. But don't waste it thoughtlessly lest you get hit back. Uncontrolled rash actions are manifestations of gluttony, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. Save yourself everything you need.

3. Have you wanted to get some kind of pleasure for a long time? Deliver it to yourself now.

Give yourself a gift that truly delights you. It can be an expensive item or not very expensive, depending on the possibilities. But you should use this thing often. And every time you should feel the joy of acquiring it.

You have a lot, but you do not know how to enjoy it. Try to fully enjoy what you have. You will always replace the used item with something that can be even better.

4. Make a complete list of what you need to be happy.

The list can include material things, money, abilities, relationships with people, and more.

Now make a list of the things you needed to be happy in the distant past. You once thought that you really needed them. But it turns out that now you have them. For example, once upon a time you wanted a bicycle. Did he make you happy? What about a new car? And for how long?

Compare the two lists. Why do you think you need these things to be happy? Are you kidding yourself?

5. Make a list of the things you can't afford yet.

Include foods such as cakes that you shouldn't eat. There should be something in this letter that makes you feel guilty.

Pay attention to the physical sensations of guilt. Where exactly are these feelings?

For example, say you have eaten a forbidden cake and you feel bad about your conscience. Keep in mind that remorse is a tool that manipulates you. The more you experience it, the more difficult it will be for you to give up the forbidden fruit. It’s only when you stop treating cake as a forbidden fruit will your cravings diminish. You will release the energy that was spent on feelings of guilt, pangs of conscience and you can redirect it to something else. Gradually, you will stop craving for cakes.

6. Examine the subject of your desires

Do you want to quit smoking? But you can't? It doesn’t work because you didn’t know this process to which you are drawn. You don’t feel the taste, smell, wonderful aroma of a cigarette, you don’t know how to fully enjoy it. Your attention, energy is spent on feelings of guilt and remorse when you light another forbidden cigarette. How can you enjoy and feel guilt at the same time?

Try smoking with pleasure, savoring every smoking process. Smell how fragrant a cigarette smells, slowly inhale the smoke. Enjoy the process. You smoke anyway. And your guilt only gets in the way. So get rid of her.

Make this process your greatest pleasure. And gradually your energy will increase, and the urge to smoke will decrease.

From greed to the joy of life

We are used to denying all negative manifestations in ourselves. There is a lot of talk now about self-esteem. A person with low self-esteem tries to improve it. But without understanding the original cause of the negative, it is impossible to remove it. She, this reason, from early childhood works on what leads to low self-esteem.

And don't try to tell yourself otherwise. The time that has passed since childhood, ignorance of the foundations of psychology is working against you.

But there is another way. Negativity can be translated into positive. In this way, greed can be translated into the enjoyment of life, and low self-esteem - to modesty.

Don't want to be humble? Then make it an intermediate link. The main thing is to get rid of low self-esteem, from feelings of guilt and increase energy. And your self-esteem will imperceptibly increase as much as you want.

Another video for you.

Text to work
(1) Young and old hunters, more precisely, uncle and nephew, walked through the forest. (2) Uncle - his name was Vasily Vasilyevich - all his life in the forest. (3) He works on timber rafting and also goes in for fishing and hunting.
(4) The nephew came to visit him from the city. (b) He is a terribly talkative person, he is surprised at everything, admires everything and strives to shoot. (b) It's always like this: a gun fell into the hands of a city dweller, and even one that has never been on a hunt - well, beware, little birds, beware, jackdaws and crows, - the destroyer has arrived. (7) He can't get game, but those birds and animals that themselves land on the fly, such a hunter is very fond of knocking down. (8) Moreover, he will be photographed with a woodpecker or jackdaw, lifting it with two fingers and smiling - this is for the amusement of his own children: here, they say, what your dad is an unprecedentedly well-aimed shooter ...
(9) We walked, uncle and nephew walked - no ducks, they didn’t come. (Yu) Skis nephew, barely weaves.
(I) They turned into a ravine, went out to the mow.
(12) - What is this? his nephew asked in a dry voice.
(13) - Grouse, - Vasily Vasilyevich answered calmly and stepped into the clearing. (14) The hazel grouses snorted with their wings and scattered.
(15) The nephew is behind them. (Ib) Vasily Vasilyevich caught him by the hand:
(17) - Where? (18) Don't you see that the hazel grouses are still small, tailless at all. (19) When they grow up, then shoot ...
(20) - One, Uncle Vasya, for trial.
(21) - I say - you can't!
(22) - One, Uncle Vasya ... (23) Nobody will recognize.
(24) - Ugh you, what a gambler! - Uncle Vasya cursed and narrowed his eyes slyly. (25) - Well, if one, for trial. (26) Won't you regret it?
(27) - What are you? - the nephew swallowed saliva with impatience, and he himself raised the trigger and glanced through the woods, but he could not see the hazel grouses.
(28) - Well, how? - the uncle came closer to the nephew.
(29) - I can't notice. (ZO) I would just for a moment ... (31) I would ... - his nephew whispered.
(32) Uncle glanced sideways at his nephew and grinned.
(33) The boy turned pale from exertion, and his eyes are greedy.
(34) “Well, this must be immediately weaned from forest hooliganism, otherwise a dashing poacher-grabber will turn out of him, he will do a lot of trouble in the forest,” thought Vasily Vasilyevich and showed his nephew to the fir:
(35) - Look, in-oh-he is beside the fir linden.
(36) - Oh, how could I have not noticed this before? (37) Now, now, - the guy is aiming at a gray lump, barely visible through the fir needles.
(38) - Better aim, don't miss, - said Vasily Vasilyevich, and there was laughter in his voice, but his nephew did not pay attention to it. (39) He pressed the gun to his shoulder even more tightly and bang! (40) II the nephew ran to the fir, and Vasily Vasilyevich - to the stone ravine, to the water.
(41) A minute later, he saw: his nephew was rushing along the slope, threw the gun, yelling in a good voice, and a swarm of hornets was posting and buzzing behind him.
(42) - Into the water! - Vasily Vasilyevich commanded. (43) - Don't wave your hands! (44) Into the water!
(45) The guy screamed and flung himself face down into the stream.
(46) And when he got up, Vasily Vasilyevich fell on the grass, struck with laughter, which he could not contain.
(47) The nephew is unrecognizable: his whole face is covered in huge blisters, one eye is completely swollen, and his upper lip is blown to the side.
(48) - Grouse grouse riveted your face!
(49) The nimble hunter had already realized that Vasily Vasilyevich had deliberately embroiled him in this story - he showed a hornet's nest instead of a hazel grouse. (50) And you cannot be offended: do not be greedy, do not cheat in the forest.
(According to V. Astafiev)

Option 1
By greed, I mean the uncontrollable desire to own as much as possible. Greed is a negative quality, it speaks of a person's egoism, and sometimes - of his cruelty. In addition, greed can cause unpleasant events.
For example, in V. Astafiev's story, the hunter's nephew is an impatient, unkind, greedy person who wants to get any prey as soon as possible. He gets upset when he learns that the ducks haven’t arrived - "sour, barely weaving" (Proposition 11), tries to shoot young hazel grouses (Proposition 15), persuades his uncle to allow him to shoot one “on trial” (Proposition 20). The nephew, with his desires, emotions and behavior, causes a very hostile attitude of the reader.
How not to remember that because of her greed, Nastya almost got into trouble - the heroine of the fairy tale - there were M.M. Prishvina "Pantry of the Sun". She was almost bitten by a snake, which the girl, keen on picking cranberries, noticed next to her literally at the last second.
Greed blinds a person, deprives the joy of life, so you need to destroy in yourself the slightest manifestations of this character trait.

Option 2
In my opinion, greed is an irrepressible appetite, a desire to get everything at once. This human vice goes hand in hand with stupidity and impatience.
In the text I have read, it is easy to recognize the hunter's nephew as a greedy person who, for the sake of bragging, can shoot only those “birds and animals” that “sit on the fly by themselves” (Proposition 7).
Greed so blinded and deafened the would-be hunter that he did not even notice the laughter in Vasily Vasilyevich's voice when he pointed out to him the hornet's nest instead of the hazel grouse (preposition 38).
A greedy person is really funny! An experienced hunter did not teach his nephew a lesson in vain.

Option 3
Greed is greed, greed. A greedy person always wants to get more and more, he is not ready to stop, even when his efforts are ridiculous and ugly.
Let us turn for confirmation of this idea to the story of V. Astafiev. The city dweller behaves really ugly. He tries to get even a small hazel grouse, despite the persuasions of his uncle (props. 20, 22), and does not even notice that he is aiming not at a bird, but at a hornet's nest (props. 37)!
This behavior causes nothing but condemnation and laughter.
As you can see, greed makes a person pitiful and unpleasant. It is very ugly to be greedy.

Unquestionably, the worst of human vices is greed. The people whom she possesses simply cannot deny themselves the accumulation of material wealth. They are not able to moderate their appetites, because they are always and everything is not enough.

Greed never comes alone. Most often, it occurs along with a feeling of envy. If a greedy person sees that someone has something that he does not have, he certainly wants to get it, be it money, expensive clothes, jewelry or a car. Therefore, sometimes he is even ready to commit a crime in order to take away the things he likes from another.

The classic manifestation of greed is stinginess. Stingy people know the value of their wealth and will never share it with anyone around them. However, they also deny themselves a lot of things, just to save and set aside one more pretty penny for a rainy day.

In the poem of N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" on the example of the landowner Stepan Plyushkin, it is clearly shown what greed can bring a person to, and how it can ruin his life. Once Plyushkin was a completely normal person and he had a loving family, but now there is only a huge pile of rubbish in the corner of the room, which is replenished every day with new and new awkward exhibits.

Of course, the image of this stingy landowner was created by Gogol with the help of the grotesque, but, unfortunately, there are many such Plyushkins in our modern life. I usually sincerely feel sorry for such people, because from the manifestations of their greed not only others suffer, but also they themselves.

  1. (40 words) One of the basic values ​​of any person is time, and you need to use it wisely. This is what E. Schwartz's "Tale of Lost Time" teaches. The main character has learned from his own experience that loafers will not notice how old they are - and then it will be too late to achieve something.
  2. (54 words) The hero of the famous myth, King Midas, rendered a service to the god Dionysus, and he promised the king any gift as a reward. Midas asked for everything to turn golden at his touch. Greed nearly killed him, because food and wine were also turning to gold. This is a vivid example of the fact that the choice of certain life values ​​determines our destiny.
  3. (39 words) Animals, like humans, have their own life values. Let us recall the dog Kashtanka from the story of the same name by Chekhov: she remained loyal to the previous owners, although the new one treated her much better. Not every creature is capable of such devotion to its own detriment.
  4. (55 words) It is very easy to find out what is most important for a person - just ask. So did the music teacher from the story by V. Dragunsky "What the Bear Loves". One of the boys in response listed a lot - "the whole world", and the second - only his favorite food. It is understandable why the teacher was dissatisfied with his words: an exclusive commitment to the material is especially terrible if the hero is a child.
  5. (54 words) Story by I.S. Turgenev's "Khor and Kalinych" is an example of the difference in the life orientations of people belonging to the same class. Khor and Kalinich are both peasants, but for the first the main thing is a strong life, and the second is "in the clouds", but he is a sincere person, close to nature and art. What's better? According to the author, the heroes complement each other, personify the two sides of life.
  6. (43 words) Some values ​​are called "eternal" - they are common to most people and have not changed for centuries. For example, friendship. The Fox, the hero of Exupery's The Little Prince, speaks very well about her. Thanks to friendship, he explains, a person is saved from boredom and loneliness, feels needed and can know true happiness.
  7. (55 words) Gleb Kapustin, the hero of the story by V.M. Shukshin "Cut", saw his vital value in "knocking down arrogance" from noble people who came to visit their native village. He publicly caught them in ignorance of some scientific fact and rejoiced at their embarrassment. It is not surprising that no one loved Gleb - the one who likes to humiliate others will sooner or later be left alone.
  8. (50 words) Life values ​​easily give out an egoist in someone. For example, the Pig from the fable by I.A. Krylova "The Pig under the Oak" tore up the roots of the Oak in search of acorns, not caring at all that this might dry out the tree. Unfortunately, people sometimes do not think about how their actions can affect those around them.
  9. (45 words) Home is dear to everyone. Its walls are salvation from all the hardships of life. This is shown allegorically in the poem by J.P. Polonsky's "The Road": the lyrical hero is on the road and envies the driver, who "will find peace, hello and supper ... under his roof" and will be happy, even though he lives in a poor hovel.
  10. (54 words) It is sad when the importance of something is directly related to the material value of this thing or even a living being. For example, in the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" dog bit the drunkard Khryukin when he poked a cigar at her. The policeman first orders the dog to be exterminated, but upon learning that its owner is the general's brother, he blames Khryukin himself for the incident, and already affectionately addresses the dog.
  11. Examples from life, cinema, media

    1. (39 words) 2018 in Russia is declared the Year of the Volunteer, or Volunteer. Such people are worthy of respect, because they disinterestedly help those who need it. We can say that the value for them is the well-being of others, for which they are willing to sacrifice their own benefit.
    2. (45 words) Education has always been important to most people, but a true example for me is the stories of my grandparents about how they, small children, walked to school, which was a few kilometers from home! And they did not complain, because they understood: without education, there is nowhere in life.
    3. (42 words) For the sake of true values, you can take risks. This is what D. Kiselev's Russian film "The Time of the First" is about. In the situation of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA, every achievement was counted. Soviet cosmonauts were the first to go into outer space, but this could cost them their lives.
    4. (59 words) "Better a bird in the hands than a pie in the sky" - this means that sometimes you need to be content with what you have. A friend of mine was offered a very lucrative position, but it was necessary to urgently move to another city. He made up his mind, quitting his former job and elderly parents. As a result, it did not work out in the new place, and he was no longer accepted back, and relations with relatives deteriorated for a long time.
    5. (57 words) Many people cannot imagine life without sports. But what about those whose physical capabilities are limited? To not give up! We all know about the Paralympic Games, where athletes demonstrate real miracles. But not only professionals are capable of this: for example, in my city there is an amateur basketball team for wheelchair users. These people prove that you need to fight for what is important to you.
    6. (43 words) It is known that children learn the values ​​of adults. There is a popular picture on the Internet: the boss shouted at the man; he came home and quarreled with his wife; she scolded the child, and the child also "brings up" the kitten. The drawing is funny, but instructive: it shows that you need to teach good things by example.
    7. (49 words) Everyone chooses life guidelines, but upbringing, including spiritual education, plays an important role here. In any religion there are rules that determine what kind of person should be, what to strive for. Usually these are traditional values: respect for elders and care for the younger ones, love for work, kindness, honesty and other virtues.
    8. (38 words) One of the main values ​​for me personally is friendship. With friends, I can share any experiences, knowing for sure that they will support me and give me advice. Communication with these people energizes me, gives me confidence and inspires me to new achievements.
    9. (42 words) In our century, it has become popular to "make a career" - often to the detriment of everything else. The nationwide Family Circle program aims to remind people of the value of a strong marriage and having children. With the help of television, cinema, theater, the organizers of the program show the advantages of a large friendly family.
    10. (60 words) The life values ​​of even the same person change over time. As a child, my brother was greedy, and I was afraid that this quality would remain in him forever. But everything changed when he liked the girl classmate - he began to save on entertainment in order to buy her a gift, and in general, he became more attentive to the people around him. Now this is a wonderful, generous person, and that girl is his bride.
    11. Interesting? Keep it on your wall!