Dangerous weeks of pregnancy: how to reduce threats to the fetus. Dangerous terms during pregnancy: how to survive them calmly

The concept of dangerous periods during pregnancy is associated with periods of bearing a baby, in which, according to statistics, under the influence of various factors, the risk of its spontaneous interruption increases. During intrauterine development, the child is constantly under the influence of external factors from the mother's body, but it is in her power to reduce negative risks. To do this, you should strictly follow medical prescriptions, undergo the necessary examinations in a timely manner, independently calmly monitor changes in your well-being.

What are dangerous terms of pregnancy

Dangerous or critical periods of pregnancy are moments at which, due to a number of negative external and internal factors, the threat of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion increases. During these periods of fetal development, all the vital organs and systems of the child are formed, under the influence of changes in the intrauterine and external environment, the risks of the formation of deviations and various pathologies increase. The expectant mother needs to be especially attentive to her health and condition. The provoking factors are:

External conditions Conditions related to maternal health
  1. Nutritional deficiency.
  2. Lack of oxygen.
  3. Temperature overload (overheating, hypothermia).
  4. Bacterial, viral infections.
  5. The impact of drugs.
  6. Exposure to toxins, chemical compounds.
  7. Radioactive, electromagnetic and other types of radiation (including the minimum doses received in the process of diagnostic studies (X-ray, fluorography).
  1. Genetic anomalies.
  2. Bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking, using drugs).
  3. Herpes, candidiasis and other chronic fungal diseases.
  4. Endocrine diseases.
  5. Pathology of internal organs.
  6. Stress, increased physical activity, nervous strain.

Dangerous periods of pregnancy by week

Dangerous months during pregnancy occur in all its trimesters. In terms of the threat of miscarriage, the development of a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, the first trimester is considered the most dangerous, during which the embryo is implanted in the uterus (2-3 weeks) and the foundations for the formation of all organs and systems are laid. The geoplacental barrier in the first trimester is poorly developed, it begins to fully work only from the 12th week. Until this time, the body of the embryo is practically unprotected from external influences.

The second trimester is relatively safe, with the mother-to-be by this time, as a rule. toxicosis ends, she feels good, because the size of the fetus is still small, and it does not cause her any tangible discomfort. At this time, there is only one critical period, during which, for a number of factors, there is a possibility of a late miscarriage (18-22 weeks).

The third trimester is dangerous with late toxicosis (preeclampsia), especially if it is accompanied by symptoms that can provoke premature birth, the threat of which exists from 28 to 32 weeks. This is the last dangerous period of bearing a baby. At these times, the child's body is formed almost completely. Thanks to modern medical advances, most babies born during this period survive and develop fully in the future.

For pregnancy after IVF (in vitro fertilization), the critical periods of pregnancy fall at the same time as in normal. The danger points are:

  • 2-3 weeks;
  • 4-6 weeks;
  • 8-12 weeks;
  • 18-22 weeks;
  • 28-32 weeks.

In the first trimester

Dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester are the second and third weeks (implantation period); the moment from the second to the sixth week (the time when the formation of the rudiments of the key systems and organs of the embryo occurs), the time from the eighth to the twelfth week (active formation of the placenta). In the first critical period, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. At such a short time, a woman often does not know about her situation, therefore she may not follow the regimen and precautions to prevent spontaneous abortion.

The factors due to which the implantation process is not successful, which can eventually lead to the rejection of the embryo, are:

  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Emotional overload, stress.
  • Anomalies and pathologies of embryonic development.
  • Defective uterine endometrium (due to an infectious disease or surgery).
  • Myoma of the uterus.
  • Scars on the uterus after surgical interventions, anomalies of its structure.
  • Critical doses of toxic substances (ethanol, nicotine and others) in the mother's body.

The second dangerous period of the first trimester is the time from the fourth to the sixth week. During this period, the risk of fetal malformations increases. If they are incompatible with life, an involuntary termination of pregnancy occurs. For this reason, a woman should try to minimize the possible impact of any negative factors (bad habits, stress, disturbed daily routine) and strictly follow medical prescriptions and recommendations.

The third dangerous period - from the eighth to the twelfth week - is the time of the formation of the placenta. If this process occurs with violations, there is a risk of developing a missed pregnancy, often ending in its spontaneous interruption. The main causes of pathologies at this time are hormonal imbalances associated with the following factors:

  • impaired thyroid function;
  • increased production of progesterone;
  • an increase in testosterone production, which lowers estrogen levels.

In the second trimester

Dangerous terms of pregnancy of the second trimester is the period of time from the eighteenth to the twenty-second week. During this period, the following pathologies carry the threat of late miscarriage:

  • incorrect position of the placenta;
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • sexually transmitted infectious diseases.

Disturbances in the location of the placenta that occur during the period of its formation are manifested in its partial or complete presentation, too low attachment, location in the area of ​​scars or other neoplasms on the walls of the uterus. In such cases, there is a threat of placental abruption, dangerous for the development of bleeding or intrauterine fetal death.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is a phenomenon in which the cervix opens during pregnancy due to muscle relaxation under the influence of the weight of the embryo or the tone of the uterus. This condition can lead to premature labor. This violation is rare, it is possible to avoid negative consequences with the help of simple medical manipulations (several stitches on the neck or the use of an obstetric pessary).

Sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, herpes, ureaplasmosis) are able to penetrate the placental barrier, provoke partial or complete leakage of amniotic fluid. All these factors are a direct threat to the life of the fetus, therefore, during pregnancy, a woman should pay special attention to protection measures against genital infections, carefully protect herself during sexual intercourse.

By the end of the second trimester, the formation of the skeleton of the fetus is completed, the child can move his arms and legs. By this time, his skeletal system is practically ready for the process of completing the intrauterine period and for the process of birth. And although this trimester is considered relatively safe in terms of spontaneous abortion, a woman needs to be no less attentive to herself, her health and condition.

In the third trimester

The most dangerous period of pregnancy in the third trimester is the time from the twenty-eighth to the thirty-second week. By this period, the future baby has already formed the brain and nervous system, the process of its intrauterine development is coming to an end. Premature onset of labor activity at the last critical period in most cases is associated with the following phenomena:

  • late preeclampsia (toxicosis);
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • anomalies associated with insufficient or excess amniotic fluid;
  • hormonal disruptions.

The most dangerous weeks of pregnancy

Critical weeks of pregnancy are associated not only with physiological and external factors, but also with the psychological state of the woman. If a pregnant woman has one or more spontaneous abortions in the anamnesis, the period in which they occurred is also considered dangerous for this gestation. Regardless of the reasons that caused the miscarriage (fetal development of the embryo, ectopic pregnancy, etc.), the woman is subconsciously afraid of a repetition of that situation, experiencing serious stress. In some cases, hospitalization is recommended for this period.

A small risk for some women is the timing of the expected menstruation, that is, the time at which monthly bleeding occurred at the time of conception. In the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of pathologies at the hormonal level, on such days it is necessary to keep calm and the diet and rest recommended by the doctor.

How to behave during critical times

Dangerous periods are not risk factors for the loss of a child for the vast majority of women. According to statistics, during these periods a greater number of spontaneous abortions occur, which is the reason for the increased attention to oneself and one's health at these moments. One should not fearfully expect the onset of dangerous weeks, one should try to calmly survive them. by observing the following medical recommendations:

  • refusal of increased physical, mental and emotional stress;
  • maximum reduction of stress and increase the level of positive emotions;
  • sexual rest (especially if there is a direct medical recommendation);
  • full sleep;
  • developing the ability to fully relax;
  • compliance with the daily regimen, nutrition;
  • refusal of flights, long-distance trips.

When to urgently call a doctor

To prevent critical situations during dangerous periods, it is necessary to undergo scheduled examinations and examinations (ultrasound, blood and urine tests) in a timely manner. The doctor leading the pregnancy in this case has a complete picture of the woman's condition, can foresee and prevent the development of complications and adverse events, prescribe a course of therapeutic preventive treatment in case of a chronic infection or other pathology. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen (at any time);
  • scarlet or brown spotting from the vagina, spotting or profuse.


The rhythm of life of modern women is distinguished by vanity, tension, an abundance of information, people, emotions, deeds and situations. Not having much importance for the usual life, with the onset of pregnancy, all these factors become important and require attention. After all, during all nine months a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the little man growing inside her.

Any negative factors right now can lead to the most sad consequences. However, there are times when you need to be especially attentive to your health and the environment. Such critical periods of pregnancy can be identified in any of the three trimesters.

First three months

In a woman's pregnancy calendar, this is the period from the moment of conception to the 12th week inclusive. Outwardly, nothing is noticeable yet, all changes occur inside the body. The fertilized egg begins to move towards the uterus and around the seventh day is attached to one of its walls. A mucous membrane grows around it, forming the future placenta. The entire hormonal system is being rebuilt, the main task of which is now the preservation of pregnancy.

Trimester Features

By the end of the first month, the length of the embryo is one centimeter. It is at this moment that the future organs of the baby begin to be laid, bone, muscle and cartilage tissues, the circulatory and lymphatic systems are formed. In just two months, the embryo doubles in size. He has tiny arms and legs, ears and nose become noticeable. By the 12th week, all organs and tissues are almost fully formed, the baby can move his fingers, open his mouth and hear sounds. True, these movements are not yet felt by a woman, because his height is only 9 cm, and his weight is approximately 10-15 grams.

The main danger of this period is the likelihood of malformations in the embryo, which in the first trimester is much higher than in all subsequent ones and can lead to miscarriage.

Dangerous weeks

The importance of the first months lies in the fact that at this time the formation of almost all the organs of the baby takes place. But it is precisely during these periods that some women may not even be aware of a change in their situation, of course, if the pregnancy was not planned, and not change their life habits. There are several most important periods:

  1. The second week - the time when the embryo is attached, is dangerous with a high probability of spontaneous abortions. They can be caused by stress, high physical activity, too active rest, developmental anomalies, or infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  2. The time from the 4th to the 6th week is dangerous with the likelihood of the formation of malformations and, as a result, termination of pregnancy.
  3. The end of the third trimester, namely the period from the 8th to the 12th week of pregnancy, when the active formation of the placenta occurs and any negative effects can interfere with its normal development. In addition to this, hormones begin to be intensively produced in the body and disturbances in this process can also lead to developmental abnormalities.

Precautionary measures

At this time, any infectious and inflammatory diseases, even a banal cold, which many are used to enduring on their feet and at work, pose a danger to a woman. Under the ban falls the intake of most drugs, especially hormonal, antidepressants and antibiotics. The use of which, in cases where it is impossible to do without drugs at all, is now agreed with the doctor without fail.

Even some of the herbs can be dangerous, such as comfrey or coltsfoot.

Second three months

The period from week 13 to week 24 is called the second trimester. Usually this is the most pleasant time when toxicosis, fatigue and lethargy have already receded. The body has adapted to pregnancy, and the barely emerging tummy does not interfere with living at the usual pace.

Trimester Features

By the 16th week, the laying of all organs and tissues of the baby is completed, and he begins to feed through the placenta. His height at this time is approximately 16 cm, and his weight reaches 100 grams. In another two weeks, the crumbs will form a skeleton with all joints, their daily rhythm of sleep and wakefulness will be established, hearing will become more perfect. Now mom may well begin to read fairy tales and sing songs, he hears all this perfectly. By the end of the second trimester, the baby's height is approximately 30 cm, and the weight is about 500 grams. He can no longer freely tumble in the uterus and constantly listens to his mother and her emotions.

Particular attention should be paid to secretions, which can become harbingers of an infection that represents the greatest danger in this period.

Dangerous weeks

The second three months also have their own critical periods of pregnancy, in which a woman needs to be especially careful.

The pregnancy time is from the 16th to the 17th week of pregnancy, when any infection, including the common cold, can have a negative impact on the final formation of the baby's skeleton. In addition to this, starting from the 16th week, uterine hypertonicity sometimes manifests itself.

If you are expecting a girl, then at the 19-20th week, infectious diseases can adversely affect the process of laying eggs in her body.

The time from week 18 to the end of the second trimester, that is, up to the 24th week inclusive, is of particular danger, since pregnancy can be complicated by the appearance of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Due to the increasing mass of the fetus, the length of the cervix is ​​reduced and the pharynx opens. The reasons for this may be previous injuries of the cervix, for example, as a result of abortions.

More often this pathology affects women expecting twins or triplets.

Precautionary measures

At this time, a pregnant woman should carefully monitor her diet and lifestyle. Try to avoid large crowds, cramped, poorly ventilated spaces and public transport. Especially if the second trimester fell on the winter period, rich in colds.

As a rule, with the threat of miscarriage due to increased tone or in the presence of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the doctor prescribes strict bed rest, sometimes at home, but more often in a hospital.

Last three months

The final stage begins from the 25th week and lasts until the actual birth, that is, until the 40th week of pregnancy. A significantly grown tummy prevents a woman from walking and sleeping freely, and the added kilograms can cause pain in the joints and lower back. The enlarged uterus compresses the internal organs, causing shortness of breath, heartburn, problems with digestion and urination. Physically, this period is the most difficult.

Trimester Features

At the 28th week, the baby's height is approximately 35 cm, and the weight is already 1100 grams. However, he does not intend to stop there. The brain and nervous system continue to develop, the sense organs are improved. By the end of the third trimester, he can grow up to 50 cm and gain weight up to 3500 grams. The uterus gradually descends, and just before the birth, the baby's head also descends.

The greatest danger during this period is premature birth and the birth of a premature baby.

Dangerous weeks

All the troubles associated with this period fall mainly on the 28th and 32nd weeks. It is at this time that premature birth can occur, caused by disruptions in the hormonal background, provoking late toxicosis or cervical insufficiency.

One of the most dangerous complications of this period is placental abruption. Strictly speaking, this pathology can manifest itself in any trimester, but it is in the later stages, when all the compensatory capabilities of the body have already been exhausted, that it is most difficult. Any signs of detachment serve as a reason for emergency hospitalization. If the detachment occurred immediately before or during childbirth, then either labor is stimulated or a caesarean section is performed.

Another complication may be fetoplacental insufficiency, which has arisen due to previously transferred infectious diseases. The development of this pathology causes a violation of the functions performed by the placenta. She ceases to supply the baby with nutrients and oxygen, cannot cope with waste products and cannot protect the baby from adverse factors that can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Precautionary measures

Do not anxiously wait for the approach of the term prescribed by the doctor. If your baby did not show up clearly on the scheduled date, this does not mean at all that something went wrong. Avoid stressful situations, get plenty of rest, give up long trips and pay special attention to any changes that appear in the body.

Starting from the 34th week, the born baby is considered quite healthy. Such termination of pregnancy, a little ahead of time, as a rule, does not carry any danger. If the doctor has discovered any of the conditions that threaten the health of the mother or baby, then the woman lies down for preservation until the birth.

Maximum attention to yourself and a timely appeal to a doctor for advice or help will help to avoid most of the threatening factors. And the expectation of the birth of a son or daughter will be pleasant and happy.

Waiting for the birth of a baby for each patient is considered a rather exciting life period. This time is filled with pleasant expectation and the hassle of preparing a dowry for the crumbs. But besides the pleasant expectation, there are always some risks of spontaneous abortion, miscarriage or premature delivery. Many obstetrician-gynecologists warn patients that the most dangerous weeks of pregnancy are in the first trimester. It is at this time that interruptions and miscarriages most often occur. What dangers lie in wait for mommy at the initial stage of gestation, and what to do when a threat appears?

The support of a loving spouse plays an important role

When mommy learns about the upcoming motherhood, she begins to pay much more attention to her health and lifestyle so that the baby is born strong and healthy. But during the dangerous weeks of pregnancy, you need to be much more careful than usual and pay a lot more attention to yourself. Such negative factors as the environment that leaves much to be desired, unhealthy nutrition or frequent stressful situations and psycho-emotional overload only harm the woman, and if she also catches some kind of infection, this can even lead to intrauterine death of the fetus or interruption.

The first trimester is one of the most dangerous stages of gestation, because the probability of a miscarriage at this time increases three times than in the rest of the weeks of gestation. It is in the days of the 1st trimester in pregnant women that the intraorganic structures and systems of the fetus are laid. In the third obstetric week, the fetal egg is implanted into the endometrial layer, after which its normal development continues. After that, the rudiments of the umbilical cord, placental structures and the fetal bladder begin to form.

By the fifth week, according to obstetrical calculations, the formation of heart tissues and the spine begins in the baby. Usually at this time, toxicosis begins, weakness and other ailments are observed. If there are adverse factors, then under their influence, the formation of malformations in fetal development, for example, in the cardiovascular structures or the brain, can occur.

The most dangerous are:

  • The first days of the third week, it is at this time that the embryo is implanted to the uterine wall.
  • The period from 8 to 12 weeks, when cardinal changes occur in the hormonal background of pregnant women, and sudden disruptions in hormonal structures can provoke extremely negative consequences.

In addition to natural factors typical of gestation, there are also pathological conditions that can lead to an extremely unfavorable outcome of pregnancy. These include factors such as medications, infections, and exposure to x-rays. About a quarter of all successfully fertilized eggs cannot implant in the uterine endometrium and die, leaving the uterus along with menstruation. Sometimes a woman does not even realize that she has had a miscarriage.

Therefore, the first trimester is very important for the future baby and the mother herself, therefore, a pregnant woman must avoid all kinds of negative factors, this is the only way to avoid negative consequences. By the way, the baby by this time reaches about 6 cm.

Causes of anxiety

At the slightest discomfort, you should consult your doctor

There are many reasons for anxiety in the first trimester. One of these is the patient's ignorance of the presence of pregnancy in the first weeks. It is especially dangerous if the patient takes medications without knowing that she is pregnant. In such situations, an additional examination will be required during obstetric registration in order to exclude possible fetal pathologies.

Large-scale hormonal changes also threaten the baby and pregnancy in general. Such hormonal changes are fraught with the development of susceptibility to viral pathologies, which ultimately leads to the danger of pathologies, up to the death of the child. Moreover, if the mother takes any medications, then they can also affect the formation of the baby in a bad way, causing all sorts of deviations in his development.

There are enough hidden and obvious dangers in the first trimester, but almost all of them can be successfully prevented if the pregnant woman herself follows certain rules. The real threat comes from the child comes from viral and cold infections, especially at the initial stage of fetal formation.


According to experts, the mother's catarrhal pathologies in the first weeks of gestation can have the most unpredictable result. They are able to provoke the most tragic consequences in the formation and development of the fetus, especially in the advanced state of the pathology or its incorrect therapy. The category of the most dangerous pathologies includes SARS and various strains of influenza. If they are not treated, they seep into the fetal tissues and provoke a variety of anomalies, which most often lead to fetal death even at the stage of intrauterine development. This is due to the fact that in the first weeks the baby is not yet protected by the placental barrier, and therefore he experiences the harmful effects in full.

After the first stage, for example, during pregnancy in the second trimester, if the mother has caught a viral disease, then it will no longer be able to directly affect the fetus. Although in this situation there is a risk of developing placental insufficiency. Such a pathology leads to a violation of all placental functions, which leads to fetal hypoxia or interruption. With prolonged fetal hypoxia, delayed development occurs, the activity of its main functions and intraorganic systems is disrupted.

In addition to SARS and flu-like variations, pathologies like pneumonia or bronchitis are considered critical for the crumbs. These pathologies are fraught with premature discharge of water or intrauterine bleeding. The consequence of such conditions are different lesions of the nervous system structures of the child. When pneumonia or bronchitis is neglected, the blood flow of the placenta is disturbed, which is fraught with the same fetal hypoxia.

Another extremely dangerous pathological condition for the mother and the fetus growing inside her is rubella. A characteristic symptomatology of such a pathology is a hyperthermic reaction with a runny nose and a pronounced cough, as well as a noticeable swelling of the lymph node structures.

What you need to know

Therefore, in order to eliminate possible risks, it is recommended to take preventive measures. To do this, even before the girl became pregnant, that is, at the planning stage, she already needs to start preventive measures:

  • Drink vitamin complexes to increase immune strength;
  • It is necessary to avoid crowded places, especially when any epidemic is raging;
  • If the patient is already carrying a baby, then it is recommended to use preparations with sea water for the treatment of the nose;
  • Also, during the epidemic season, it is recommended to wear special protective masks, changing them more often;
  • Also, mommy needs to constantly keep her legs and body warm, because hypothermia is extremely contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • And after staying in places where there is a large crowd of people, it is necessary to rinse the nasal cavities and gargle thoroughly so that possible viral agents die and cannot provoke the disease.

The consequences of a cold for a baby can be very deplorable, so it is extremely important that mommy takes all measures to prevent influenza and SARS infections.


It is very dangerous to self-medicate

With colds and flu in pregnant women, hyperthermic or hypothermic conditions may occur. Sometimes such phenomena are considered only features of the patient's body. Although most often such thermodynamic fluctuations pose a serious threat to the fetus, especially if there are sharp fluctuations in the first weeks of gestation. The situations in which temperature changes occur can be different. If hyperthermia does not exceed 37 ° C in the first month of pregnancy, then this phenomenon should not seriously frighten the girl. This condition is often associated with hormonal changes, but if there are other symptoms that indicate the development of a cold infection, it is necessary to take measures to treat the pathology.

If the thermodynamic indicators have risen above 37 degrees, for example, 37.5, and do not go astray, then you must definitely go to an obstetrician-gynecologist. A similar symptom may indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, which is extremely dangerous for a woman and sometimes ends in death. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, then this is already a real threat to the baby. It is especially dangerous if such a temperature is not eliminated by taking antipyretic drugs.

Such a high and long-lasting temperature in the weeks of the first trimester is dangerous for serious nervous system disorders, which are manifested by muscle hypotomy, mental developmental disorders, syndactyly or microcephaly, various malformations or miscarriage, etc. Hyperthermia negatively affects the baby and placenta, because it contributes thrombosis.

In addition, hyperthermic conditions provoke uterine contractions in pregnant women, which is fraught with abortion due to involuntary rejection of the fetal egg. Therefore, in the weeks of the first trimester, a woman must refuse to visit infrared cabins, saunas or baths in order to prevent overheating. When a pregnant woman is exposed to ultraviolet or thermal exposure, the patient's body temperature rises, which is categorically unacceptable for a weak and still unprotected fetus by the placenta. If the temperature of a pregnant woman during an 8-hour period is increased by at least one and a half degrees, then this leads to a negative effect on the development of the crumbs.

It is considered normal if the temperature is 37.2 ° C in the first weeks of gestation. It’s just that serious changes occur in the patient’s body during this period, which are accompanied by minor hyperthermic reactions. But at the same time, the patient should have no signs of any infections or inflammatory processes. Moreover, such an increase in performance is considered normal only during the first trimester. In the future, it is reduced to the standard 36.6.

Dangers by week

So, doctors warn that the first trimester (up to 12 weeks) is considered the most dangerous period of gestation, when the threat of miscarriage triples. The danger exists due to the fact that at this time the very fact of conception occurs, and then the crumbs actively lay and begin to form intraorganic structures.

  1. At the beginning of the 3rd obstetric week, the embryo is implanted in the uterine endometrium. If at this time you do not take care, then irreparable things can happen and the fetus will not take root, but will die and come out with menstruation.
  2. The vertebral structures and the heart are laid by the 5-week period.
  3. In the sixth week, the risk of developing various kinds of fetal defects increases. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, heart disease can develop at 3-7 weeks, but cerebral defects can develop as early as 2 weeks of pregnancy.
  4. In the period from 8 to 12 weeks, a rapid hormonal restructuring occurs, during which the production of androgens increases and the production of estrogen hormones decreases. Such a drop is dangerous by fading fetal development or miscarriage.

According to statistics, about 25% of fertilized eggs never implant, die and come out with menstrual blood, and the woman does not even know that she was pregnant.

Dangerous time with IVF

If a girl could not conceive for a long time and became pregnant only with the help of in vitro fertilization, then the probability of having twins is high. And when carrying two children, all the risks double. The time of the first weeks is especially dangerous, when the probability of interruption is seriously increased, therefore, hormonal agents are prescribed for girls after IVF for prevention. Sometimes factors that prevent a girl from conceiving in a natural way can negatively affect the development of crumbs from an artificially fertilized and transplanted cell.

The most dangerous in IVF are the first weeks after embryo transfer. After all, these days it should properly gain a foothold in the uterine body, placental tissues need to fully develop. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the girl takes hormonal drugs, the conception takes place outside the box, by means of the addition of a fertilized egg, and sometimes the immune system itself rejects the baby, actively producing antibodies. As a result of the influence of these negative factors, the risks of bleeding and spontaneous interruption increase in the first weeks after in vitro fertilization.

Each trimester has dangerous periods of gestation, but the first is considered the most alarming, because at this stage the very conception and implantation take place, the systems and intraorganic structures of the crumbs are laid. The slightest negative impact at this stage can provoke a fetal defect, fading or miscarriage. To protect yourself from possible dangers, the patient is advised to monitor her own well-being as closely as possible, because timely qualified assistance will prolong gestation and save the baby's life.

During pregnancy, there are periods that are critical for the development of the fetus. Also the highest is the threat of termination of the pregnancy itself, in other words, miscarriage. At this time, you should be extremely attentive to yourself, to the state of your health, in order to help the future baby feel comfortable in his first universe - his mother's tummy. Telling you in detail when you need to be careful and for what reasons is the main goal of our article.

"Critical periods" - what does it mean?

Pregnancy is one of the forms of coexistence of two organisms, two worlds that merge into a single whole: a woman and a child developing in her womb.

The successful course of pregnancy is ensured by the adaptation of the mother and the unborn child to each other. The thing is that the processes of this adaptation are very complex and at certain moments they function extremely intensely.

Critical periods of pregnancy, or critical periods in the development of the embryo and fetus, are those periods when their sensitivity increases, and adaptive capabilities decrease and the embryo becomes especially vulnerable.

These periods are characterized by active cellular and tissue processes and a significant increase in metabolism.

The effect of adverse environmental factors:
A) lack of oxygen (hypoxia),
B) hypothermia,
B) overheating
D) medicines
D) toxins
E) chemical products,
G) pathogens of viral and bacterial infections, etc.,

depending on the stage of development of the embryo, it can be extremely dangerous and even fatal for him.

So let's highlight each trimester has its own critical periods in parallel with the characteristic causes of abortion.

I trimester (from the first to the 15th week of pregnancy).

The first critical period falls on the 2-3rd week of pregnancy, when a woman may not yet assume that a new life is starting to develop in her body.. At this time, implantation of the fetal egg occurs, i.e. its introduction into the uterine mucosa. The implantation process may be disturbed:

  • with anomalies in the structure of the uterus (infantilism, bicornuate or saddle uterus, the presence of a septum in the uterine cavity);
  • with endometrial injuries, i.e. the inner layer of the uterus as a result of artificial abortions and inflammatory diseases (chronic endometritis);
  • in the presence of uterine fibroids;
  • with a scar on the uterus after caesarean section and other operations.

Another reason for abortion at the earliest stages is chromosomal and genetic abnormalities in the development of the embryo. There is a kind of natural selection of future offspring.

Besides, implantation can be prevented by any failures in the activity of the maternal organism, stress, anxiety, heavy physical exertion. This and how to try to prevent the threat was discussed in the article “Threat of miscarriage - what to do?” .

And yet I would like to note once again that it is in the early stages that it is most vulnerable. Jobs like lifting heavy bags, moving furniture, or washing bulky items by hand are not for you right now. Even if the problem is the lack of helpers, some things can be done after childbirth. Not too fresh curtains on the windows will obviously endure a few more months before the change. The whole point is that you now realize that you yourself must endure them for the sake of yourself and the future of the crumbs.

I promise that after his birth, you will be so grateful to yourself that you did not once again take risks for the sake of maintaining perfect cleanliness and other beloved, but dangerous things!

The second critical period is 8-12 weeks of pregnancy.

During this period, the placenta begins to develop, and the main reason for interruption during these periods is hormonal disorders.

The main hormonal disorders leading to miscarriages:

  • dysfunction of the ovaries,
  • increased production of male sex hormones in the body of a woman,
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Often, these hormonal disorders can occur simultaneously in one woman. In case of miscarriage, we are usually talking about erased forms of endocrine disorders that do not have distinct symptoms. Outside of pregnancy, these disorders, as a rule, do not manifest themselves in any way, but during pregnancy they lead to a violation of the mechanisms that ensure its preservation.

Ovarian dysfunction may be congenital or the result of abortion, inflammatory processes, or dysfunction of other endocrine glands. - pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland. Most often, there is a lack of progesterone - the ovarian hormone necessary to maintain pregnancy in its early stages.

A decrease in progesterone levels leads to the threat of termination of pregnancy. In some cases, both the level of progesterone and other ovarian hormones, especially estrogens, may be initially reduced. The latter, in particular, affect the growth and development of the uterus. With a lack of estrogen, there is an underdevelopment of the uterus and its mucous membrane - the endometrium. After fertilization, the fertilized egg is introduced into the endometrium. If it is not developed enough, then the process of implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall may be disturbed, which leads to miscarriage.

An increase in the production of male sex hormones in a woman's body may be the result of an increased formation of male sex hormones (androgens) both in the ovaries and in the adrenal glands. . In any case, an increase in androgen levels leads to a decrease in estrogen levels and often causes a miscarriage or leads to a non-developing (“frozen”) pregnancy in the early stages.


Thyroid dysfunction is often accompanied by ovarian dysfunction.

II trimester (from 15 to 27 weeks of pregnancy).

The critical period is 18-22 weeks of pregnancy.

  1. Now the main cause of interruption are infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.

The causative agents of infections:

  • chlamydia,
  • toxoplasma,
  • ureaplasma
  • herpes viruses, etc.,

insidious in terms of the possibility of impaired function of the placenta, infection of the membranes, premature outflow of water.

Attention! I will stop here specifically to say: please do not panic if you have one of the listed diseases, also called “latent infections”. Obstetric practice shows that a huge number of children are born absolutely healthy if the mother has similar problems, and in reality there is every chance of a successful pregnancy outcome. If the disease could not be treated in advance (which mainly occurs in unplanned pregnancy), you can be treated now. There are drugs (including antibiotics) that are allowed during pregnancy and do not harm the fetus.

    At this time, the uterus is actively growing. And they pose a danger of anomalies in the location of the placenta, for example, low attachment.

    Isthmic - cervical insufficiency.

The cervix during pregnancy serves as a kind of "constipation" that keeps the pregnancy in the uterine cavity.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is a pathology of the cervix, in which it is unable to perform this function. Under the influence of gravity, the fetal egg gradually descends, the cervix opens and ... the pregnancy is terminated.

To eliminate isthmic-cervical insufficiency, it is necessary to suture the cervix before the critical period. You should not be afraid at all, usually this manipulation is carried out after passing the necessary tests, with anesthesia.

the health of your child is not an easy task, and even more so far from pleasant.

But the important thing is that with timely treatment, many diseases and pathologies can be treated with available means during pregnancy. If there is a lot of housework, then during critical periods try to distribute your forces, postpone or “drop” the most dangerous activities. With excessive stress at work, a clear knowledge of modern legislation that regulates the rights of pregnant women will help.

Knowledge in our age is a serious, powerful weapon that allows you to avoid much more difficult problems if you use it in time. And may you be all right!


Critical periods of pregnancy- this is the most dangerous time when carrying a child, when the risk of spontaneous abortion under the influence of various negative factors increases significantly.

information In terms of the threat of miscarriage and non-developing pregnancy, the first trimester is considered the most dangerous, because at this time all the organs and systems of the child are being laid and formed, and a full-fledged hemoplacental barrier capable of retaining at least some of the dangerous substances is still missing.

Dangerous terms during pregnancy:

  1. 2-3 weeks;
  2. 4-6 weeks;
  3. 8-12 weeks;
  4. 18-22 weeks;
  5. 28-32 weeks.

First critical period

At 2-3 weeks, the implantation period occurs, during which the fertilized egg begins to invade the uterine wall. At this time, the woman does not yet know about the onset of conception, so spontaneous miscarriage remains unknown and, to some extent, the most favorable psychologically.

The main causes of embryo implantation failure:

  1. Strong emotional stress;
  2. Heavy physical activity;
  3. Anomalies in the development of the embryo;
  4. uterine fibroids;
  5. Scar on the uterus after surgery;
  6. Defective after inflammatory diseases and curettage of the uterus;
  7. Anomalies in the structure of the uterus.

Second critical period

important The second dangerous time during pregnancy falls on 4-6 weeks. This period is dangerous not only in terms of interruption, but also in the formation of severe fetal malformations, often incompatible with life. Often, pregnancy is terminated precisely because of these developmental anomalies.

Third dangerous period

Dangerous weeks for the development of the fetus also occur at the end of the first trimester (weeks 8-12), primarily due to the active development of the placenta at this time. Any negative factors can cause violations of its formation and the occurrence of developmental anomalies, which can lead to the fading of pregnancy or its spontaneous termination.

The most common causes of miscarriages during this period are hormonal imbalances.:

  1. Thyroid dysfunction;
  2. Decrease in the amount of progesterone produced in the body;
  3. An increase in the amount of male sex hormones, which leads to a decrease in estrogen.

Fourth dangerous period

Pregnancy during the second trimester in most cases proceeds safely and is rightfully considered the calmest time, but dangerous periods are also present in these months.

The fourth critical period falls on 18-22 weeks, The main causes of premature termination of pregnancy at this time are:

  1. Sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, herpes infection, etc.);
  2. (inferiority of the cervix);
  3. Pathology of the location of the placenta (full and partial presentation, location in the area of ​​the postoperative scar, etc.).

Fifth critical period

At 28-32 weeks, the last critical period of pregnancy begins, which can lead to premature birth.

The most common reasons for abortion:

  1. Late ;
  2. Anomalies in the amount of amniotic fluid.

Other dangerous periods of pregnancy

Additional risks of miscarriage are also present if the pregnant woman has a history of one or more abortions. In this case, the critical period is the week of pregnancy during which a miscarriage, embryo freezing or premature birth occurred earlier.

The main reason for the allocation of such a stage is considered, first of all, the psychological moment. A woman, having survived even one interruption of pregnancy, is always afraid of a repetition of this situation, especially at the appropriate time. Most experts recommend hospitalization of a pregnant woman in a hospital for a given time, where, under the constant supervision of medical personnel, she will feel more protected.

Also, the days of the expected menstruation are considered risky times, i.e. the time at which a woman should have had her menses if conception did not occur.

How to behave during critical times

additionally The allocation of dangerous periods in no way says that every woman in a position is subject to an indispensable risk of abortion. All this is individual: many expectant mothers quite calmly carry their baby without all sorts of complications.

You should not wait with fear for the onset of a critical period, at this time you just need to be more attentive to your health and follow some warnings:

  1. Exclusion of excessive physical and mental stress;
  2. avoidance;
  3. Sexual rest;
  4. Good sleep and rest;
  5. Avoid long trips.

If any pathological signs appear (pain in the lower abdomen, spotting in any amount), you should immediately contact your doctor.