The program of Maslenitsa festivities in Nizhny Novgorod has been published. How and where will Shrovetide be celebrated in Nizhny Novgorod "Adults and children met in a duet"

Maslenitsa week in 2017 will take place from 20 to 26 February. During the holiday week we are expected 4 days off at once- February 23, 24, 25 and 26, which can be interesting to spend both in the city and outside it. We will tell you where to go and go to Maslenitsa in Nizhny Novgorod, where folk festivals are more fun and where to eat pancakes on Maslenitsa.

The Maslenitsa celebration program has always included festivities, eating a large number of pancakes and fun. The program of festive events for Maslenitsa 2017 in Nizhny Novgorod will help you plan your leisure time.

Maslenitsa - 2017 in Nizhny Novgorod

Maslenitsa in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Maslenitsa on Gorky Square

Nizhny Novgorod, M. Gorky Square

In 2017, Maslenitsa festivities in Nizhny Novgorod will be held on Gorky Square. The festive program will start at 13:00. An entertaining amusing program will unfold simultaneously at two venues:

The first one is in the stage area with an interactive program and performances by ethnic and folk groups from Nizhny Novgorod,
the second - in the zone of "folk festivals", where the participants of the event are waiting for the performances of folklore and game groups and fun from the buffoon animators.

On the territory of the square there will be a sports zone with ancient Russian amusements, such as "Tug of war" and "Running in bags". In addition, a festive trade and an exhibition of thematic products of craftsmen will be organized. Masters of art crafts will hold master classes for everyone. Nizhny Novgorod residents and guests of the holiday will also be able to taste traditional Shrovetide treats - pancakes, pies, tea.

For the smallest Nizhny Novgorod residents there will be a children's holiday zone. Volunteers and animators will work with the children. Prizes are provided for participation in the competition program for children.

The culmination of the holiday will be the ancient Russian ritual of burning an effigy, after which a disco will take place.

Maslenitsa in the children's library on Zvezdinka

the date of the: February 25, 2017, 17:00-22:00

Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Zvezdinka street, 5,

The regional children's library will host the first Party in 2017 at Zvezdinka, 5 "To the library porch, but to Shrovetide!". On this Maslenitsa evening, theatrical folklore venues and workshops for creative reading and literary arts will be launched.

In the program of the evening:

"Bogatyr fun" platform of Russian street Maslenitsa traditions with the team of the Grand Master in Slavic-Goritsa wrestling (head - Honored Coach of the Russian Federation in hand-to-hand all-around Oleg Skorodumov)
"The Stolen Sun or Rhyming Games" - creative platform "Poeticus" with writer Irina Tsvetochnaya and illustrator Elena Dyakova
"Etudes of Spring Awakening" site of the Constellation Art School with master classes in plastic improvisation
"Morozko" performance of the children's puppet theater "Folk motives"
Party participants will be able to attend folk bowling with pancakes, art trainings, buffoon games, and pancake races.

Especially for the Party, special literary exhibitions have been prepared in all departments of the library. Fans of interactive recreation will also enjoy a variety of workshops on paper plastics, three-dimensional postcards, making folk "Maslen's Dolls" and much more.

Maslenitsa in the estate of the Dobrolyubov family

the date of the: February 20-26, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Lykova Bamba st., 2,

Cultural and entertainment program "Our Maslenitsa is wide and cheerful"

1. The story of the folk carnival in the house of the Dobrolyubovs
2. Shrovetide treats: "Only today and with us drink warm Vyatka kvass, eat pancakes and remember our museum"
3. Games, round dances, contests
4. Rolling down the hill
5. Burning an effigy of carnival

Maslenitsa at the Blue Bird Center

the date of the: February 24, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod, B. Panin st., 5, building 3, "Blue Bird", tel. 8-920-294-34-05, 413-12-42

In a programme:

11.00-12.00 Fun performance on the street with contests and games, with prizes and treats! Venue: Panina st., playground in the yard, 5, bldg. 3 and 2
- 11.30-13.00 Free open classes in the psychological center "Blue Bird"
- for children 1-3 years old
"Mom + baby"
- For children from 3 years old
Musical theatre, Creativity, Dancing, Physical therapy, Chemistry experiments, Boys' club, Fairy tale therapy, Speech therapist
- for adults and children from 6 years old Paid master class on painting wooden toys.

"Shchelokovsky Maslenitsa" on the Shchelokovsky farm

the date of the: February 26, 2017, 12:00-16:00

Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Gorbatovskaya st., 41,

"Shchelokovo Shrovetide" is an opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of a real Russian holiday with Petrushka and "Nativity scene", fisticuffs and wandering actors, the capture of a snow fortress and the burning of a Shrovetide effigy - a symbol of the passing winter. Everyone who loves to sing, dance, and dance will be able to get into a special world, reminiscent of both urban entertainment of the 19th century and a peasant holiday.

Photo source:

Shrovetide in Prioksky district

Maslenitsa in the park "Switzerland"

the date of the

Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Ave., 35, .

The holiday will include traditional Maslenitsa festivities, theatrical shows, games, sports and competitions.

Shrovetide in the Sormovsky district

Maslenitsa in Sormovskiy Park of Culture and Leisure

the date of the: February 26, 2017, 14:00-16:00

Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Engels str., 31,

To celebrate Maslenitsa, park workers have prepared a bright interactive program for Nizhny Novgorod residents and guests of the city, drawings, gifts, burning a stuffed Maslenitsa, a disco with a DJ.

Pancake Day will be held at the Limpopo Zoo

the date of the: February 26, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroshenko st., 7b, (stop Sormovsky park),

12:00 - the beginning of the Maslenitsa celebration on the stage of the Limpopo Zoo, the performance of folk song and dance theaters
12:30 - entertainment and game program with prizes from the partner of the holiday
14:00 - burning of the Shrovetide effigy
14:10 - Conquest "Conquest of the Maslenitsa Pillar"
15:00 - program "We meet spring with "Children's Radio"!"
17:00 - end of the program
During the day:
- pancake roam on the main square of the zoo: we invite you to treat yourself to freshly baked pancakes!
- attractions are open all day long!
We are waiting for everyone at the Wide Maslenitsa at the Limpopo Zoo!

Shrovetide in the Kanavinsky district

Shrovetide at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair

the date of the: February 19-26, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Sovnarkomovskaya st., 13, pavilions No. 1, 3, Nizhny Novgorod Fair

The exhibition will bring together more than 400 participants from various parts of Russia, as well as from neighboring countries. Temples and monasteries will be presented in the 1st pavilion, and the 2016 harvest honey, beekeeping products from apiaries, all kinds of sweets, hats, women's and men's clothing, jewelry, food, household and health products, cosmetics and much more.
Traditionally, the exhibition is accompanied by a bright entertainment program. Concerts and master classes, games and Shrovetide sports competitions, quests, horseback riding and cooking shows will be organized at the street site of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. For those who are hungry, a field kitchen will work: we will treat visitors to hot pancakes with honey, fragrant tea and non-alcoholic grog.

Shrovetide in the Park. 1st of May

the date of the: February 26, 2017, 11:00-18:00

Location: Nizhny Novgorod, October Revolution street, 31,

The central platform "Ay, yes Maslenitsa!"
11:00 - competition "Kanavinskaya Chastushka"
12:00 - theatrical performance of the children's theater "Vera"
13:00 - opening of the holiday, pancake competitions, performances by creative teams.
14:30 - fun competitions, variety program
16:00 - disco from the bus station "Autoradio"

Site "You are our strength, you are a hero"
12:00 - sports competitions (tug of war, arm wrestling, darts tournament, kettlebell lifting)
13:00 - folk fun (pole climbing, sack fight, snow figure competition)
15:00 - burning of an effigy

Playground "Courageous Cossacks"
12:00 - exhibition "History of the Cossacks", performances by folklore groups
13:00 - saber-cutting competition, demonstration performances
14:00 - sports competitions for children and adults (jumping in bags, throwing boots, riding on cheesecakes).

All participants of games and contests - prizes, free pancakes, gifts.

Shrovetide in the Avtozavodsky district

Maslenitsa in Avtozavodsky Park

the date of the: February 26, 2017, 12:00

Location: Nizhny Novgorod, Molodezhny Ave., 33a,

During the day, Pancake stalls with treats and souvenirs will operate in the park, competitions for children and adults, a disco, as well as a concert and entertainment program with the participation of creative teams of the Palace of Culture of OAO GAZ will take place in the park. The culmination will be the solemn burning of the Maslenitsa effigy.

Shrovetide - 2017 in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Maslenitsa in Semenov

the date of the: February 20-26, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Semenov
Semenov, Lenin Square, Historical and Art Museum
Semenov, st. Vaneeva, 5
Semenov, st. Chkalova, 18, Museum of Folk Life "House of Semyon Lozhkar"
Semenov, Chkalova st., 18, ITC "Golden Khokhloma"

"Shrovetide carousel". A game theatrical program with funny buffoons, games, round dances, a "fair" of traditional Shrovetide treats, a costume performance, folklore songs, burning a carnival effigy. Visiting the expositions of the Museum of Folk Life "House of Semyon Lozhkar", MBUK "Historical and Art Museum", MTC "Golden Khokhloma" (optional). Acquaintance with the folk traditions of celebrating Shrovetide, demonstration of crafts, immersion in Russian flavor.

Photo source:

Shrovetide in the museum and tourist complex "City of Masters" in Gorodets

the date of the: February 26, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Gorodets, Aleksandrovskaya emb., 1. Museum and tourist complex "City of Masters"

Folk festivities dedicated to Maslenitsa will be held at the site of the City of Masters. In the festive program: folklore Maslenitsa events, burning of an effigy, tea drinking and treats with pancakes.

Maslenitsa in the Volodarsky Museum

the date of the: February 20-25, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Volodarsk, Klubnaya st., 6

Children's thematic event "Maslenitsa". Guests are waiting for folk festivals in Russian traditions with games and fun on the territory of the Volodarsky Museum, burning an effigy, attending a master class, as well as tea with pancakes.

Maslenitsa in Knyaginino

the date of the: February 23, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Knyaginino, District House of Culture

Inter-district festival of patriotic song "Dare to glorify the Fatherland with courage". Annual competition for young authors and performers of patriotic songs in age nominations from 14 to 30 years old, married couples up to 35 years old.

Maslenitsa in Sergach

the date of the: February 26, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Sergach, Central city square

Maslenitsa. Traditional festivities in the city square. Holiday trade. Theatrical performance with concert numbers, competitions.

Shrovetide in the city of Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region

the date of the: February 26, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Bor, the area near the TsVR "Alisa"

"Shrovetide Razgulay" Shrovetide festivities. Carnival festivities, with a theatrical performance, a concert of creative teams, games, competitions.

Shrovetide in the village of Bolshoe Boldino

the date of the: February 26, 2017

Location: Nizhny Novgorod region, Bolshoe Boldino village, Centralnaya sq.

"Walk, wide Maslenitsa." Maslenitsa has been known as the most cheerful and wild folk holiday since time immemorial in Russia. For a whole week she sang and danced, ate and drank, baptized Mother Rus visited each other, rode from the mountains, rolled in pancakes, bathed in oil. But “not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat”: there were also farewells when they saw off the winter. Participants of the program will learn in detail: what it is - this folk custom, how it was celebrated in Russia. They will appreciate the dishes of the Shrovetide table, become participants in games and fun, hear ritual songs and ditties and, of course, spend the winter burning her effigy.

In addition to the traditional Maslenitsa festivities, Nizhny Novgorod will host the XI International Orthodox Exhibition-Fair "Wide Maslenitsa", which will be held from February 11 to 18, 2018 at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.

Every day in the chapel of the first pavilion in front of the shrine, prayers will be served at 12.00, 15.00 and 18.00. The exhibition will occupy the first ("Orthodox") and third ("secular") pavilions of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.

The selection of natural honey is traditionally huge and wide at the exhibition. More than 30 beekeeping farms will present ordinary and exclusive varieties of honey, perga, propolis, beeswax, royal jelly.

Of course, it will not do without Maslenitsa festivities. More than 60 thematic events will be held in Nizhny Novgorod during Maslenitsa week from 12 to 18 February

Venues and program of events for Maslenitsa in Nizhny Novgorod in 2018

Markin Square

Markin Square will become the central platform for Maslenitsa: on February 18, the traditional festival “Blinovsky unnulyay” will be held here.

In the evening, Nizhny Novgorod residents will see the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa with a spectacular fire show.

In the Avtozavodsky district

Mass celebration "Maslenitsa"

When: February 16, 2018 at 12.00
Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Novoe Doskino, line 19, 25, school site No. 145

Guests are waiting for a thematic program, sports, game competitions, a concert program.

Festive festivities "Spring-Red"

When: February 17, 2018 at 12.00
Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Bakhtina st., 1a, DK microdistrict Doskino

Concert program with the participation of the choir "Rossiyanka", sports competitions, quizzes.

Mass festivities "Are you my soul, Maslenitsa"

When: February 18, 2018 at 12.00
Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Zemlyanichnaya st., 1a, playground of school No. 114

Thematic theatrical program.

In the Avtozavodsky park

On the central stage of the park:
12:00-14:00 – Game program
14:00-17:00 – Concert and entertainment program
17:00-19:00 – Disco
And also: contests, rides, slides, malls and hot pancakes
In the town of Cipollino attraction:
12:00-14:00 - Children's game program
14:00-17:00 - Games and fun
On the dry lake of the park:
13:00-15:00 - Well done fun
17:00 - Fire-show, burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa.

In Sormovskiy park

Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Engels str., 31

Guests will enjoy an entertainment program, hot pancakes and contests.


When: February 15, 2018 15:00-19:00
Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Lyadova sq., sports ground of the hostel No. 3 of the campus

– mini-football cup (beginning at 15:00)
– cycling
- interesting contests
- great prizes
- delicious pancakes
- hot tea
- burning of the effigy of Maslenitsa

Where to go with children to Maslenitsa in Nizhny Novgorod

Zapochainje Historic District

16.02.2018 Events February 16–18

Wow, what a wonderful weekend awaits us - they will not let you sit at home and be bored. Firstly, at the sites of the city will be organized. Secondly, another Restaurant Day is on the way. Thirdly, there will be many interesting concerts. And also festivals, lectures and online communication with Dr. Komarovsky himself!

Winter Cup of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin in dressage

If you love equestrian sports, bring your kids to a dressage championship and marvel at the competitions of skill and grace. Dressage, by the way, is a high school of riding and an Olympic sport. The competition will run until Sunday inclusive. About 60 sports couples are expected to participate in six events (children, youths, juniors, adults, adult athletes on young horses, amateurs) from the leading clubs of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Where: KSK "Passage", st. Ovrazhnaya, 62, closed arena.

Price: free for spectators.

Lecture "How to make the whole Universe habitable?"

Anton Pervushin is a science fiction writer and science journalist, researcher of the history of science, astronautics and science fiction, Master of Technical Sciences, member of the Union of Writers of St. fantastic books, and also assists in the creation of scientific and journalistic films about space. An interesting lecture on space expansion awaits you.

Where: Kremlin, Arsenal, left wing, 2nd floor, cinema and concert hall.

What time: 19:00.

Price: admission is free. Limited number of seats. Free tickets are available at the box office up to an hour before the start of the event.


Vespercellos call themselves cello punks, promoting progressivism and freedom from academic boundaries. At Vespercellos concerts, you can hear songs from the entire cross-section of Russian-language rock - from DDT to King and Jester, from Civil Defense to Aria, and all this without words, but extremely eloquently. The rich timbre of the cello and its mastery allowed the musicians to convey the emotionality of the songs and the charisma of the vocals in an exclusively instrumental sound. For the first time the band will present its NashRock concert program in Nizhny Novgorod.

Where: Tommy Gan, Bolshaya Pokrovskaya st., 21.

What time: 19:00.

Concert "Okay"

"Okay, okay" is a musical Slavic group that performs cheerful, sunny author's songs of Slavic themes: close to the Russian folk style, perky ditties in dance arrangements and patriotic Slavic songs about Russia, Russians and the Russian spirit, as well as just good songs about Love , Family, Friendship and, of course, about faith in yourself and your Path! The solar bard Roman Mokrousov will take part in the concert.

Where: Yoga Center "Firebird", st. Medical, 1a, 3rd floor.

What time: 18:00.

Maslenitsa, part.1

Mass carnival festivities will begin on Saturday. The main venue on this day will be the Shchelokovsky Farm, where the townspeople will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of a real Russian holiday of the middle of the 19th century with a nativity scene and buffoons, fist fights and a siege of a snow fortress, songs, dances and round dances. (More about the holiday). For the guests of the event will be organized free bus transportation.

Where: Museum of Wooden Architecture "Schelokovsky Farm", st. Gorbatovskaya, 41.

What time: 12:00.

Price: adult - 300 rubles, preferential - 150 rubles, school - 50 rubles, preschoolers (children under 6 years old) - free ticket.

"Mamaslet" with Dr. Komarovsky

The MamasletNN Family Festival is a place for mothers and babies to communicate: at each event there is a feeding and swaddling room, a beauty space, lectures for the whole family, photo zones, a fair, entertainment and play locations for children of all ages! Children are waiting for creative workshops, animators, games, dances and gifts. And at 16:00, festival guests will have a unique opportunity to take part in a teleconference with a famous pediatrician - Dr. Komarovsky, get up-to-date information on seasonal children's diseases, ask questions - and get answers to the most exciting topics related to children's health!

Where: Mega shopping center, s. Fedyakovo; area near the IKEA store.

What time: 10:00-20:00.

Price: admission is free.

Citywide open drawing lesson

The reason to unleash your inner artist is to participate in a unique and very interesting drawing lesson. You will try different drawing techniques - pastel, watercolor, pencil, acrylic and linocut, see the show of the etching machine, personally communicate with artists and make new acquaintances in a pleasant company. There will also be a children's drawing area.

Where: School of drawing "Art-Opening", Ilyinskaya, 13/2.

What time: 16:00-18:00.

Festival "30 years of the group" Gas Sector "

In honor of the anniversary of the legendary Russian punk rock band, Mongol Shuudan, Red Mold, Gas Attack Sector and Black Tuesday will perform on the same stage.

You will hear a real collective-farm punk, you will be 30 years old again, and you will be able to invite a lady to a lingerie to “a cigarette flickers in the dark”, and also hear the rest of the hits of this band. The dress code is loose, but rocker styles are encouraged to get the most out of the 90s rock vibe. The one in which we cannot return, but we can remember all together.

Where: MILO CONCERT HALL, st. Rodionova, 4.

What time: 19:00.

Oleg Mityaev

For tourists and the sociable public, Mityaev is “How great that we are all gathered here today!”. For the restaurant public, he is "Unsharpened Knives". Fans of the author's song unconditionally assign him the first place in the "new wave" of bard songs, but there are those who say that Mityaev is not an author's song at all.

Concerts by Oleg Mityaev are always a pleasant surprise for the public. He sincerely and simply communicates with the audience, he is unpredictable, witty and lyrical. And for everyone, he reveals something that makes the soul brighter and warmer in the heart.

Where: Youth Theater, Gorky, 145.

What time: 19:00.


The legend of Russian chanson, a musical group created by the famous songwriter Mikhail Tanich, comes to Nizhny Novgorod with his concert.

What is "Lesopoval" singing about?
Yes, about everything - about this, about that ...
And not about who said what
On the gangway of authorities.

About how bad it is to steal,
And spend stolen money.
And no matter how life is missed,
And how to shovel it.

How we were left with nothing
When such changes
And also about everything that
Do not hear from the pop scene.
(Mikhail Tanich)

Attention, concert tickets are sold at a huge discount!

Where: DK Krasnoe Sormovo, Yubileiny Blvd., 32.

What time: 19:00

Maslenitsa, part.2

Traditional Russian folk Maslenitsa festivities and seeing off winter will be held in different parts of the city. The central platform on this day will be Markin Square, where from 12:00 to 19:00 Nizhny Novgorod residents and guests of the city will be able to enjoy performances of folklore ensembles, accordionists, a fire show, as well as take part in winter fun and enjoy pancakes. The holiday will end with the burning of the symbol of the outgoing winter - the effigy of Maslenitsa. Detailed program

In Sormovskiy park from 12:00 to 16:00 there will be a festive program with competitions and relay races, which will end with the burning of an effigy.

Traditional festivities with treats start at 12:00 and Red Hill Microdistrict "Usilovsky"

At 11:00 on site park them. 1st of May in the Kanavinsky district, all participants in the festivities will have a concert program, competitions, round dances, horseback riding and pancakes.

Residents and guests of the Leninsky district will take part in the farewell to winter in the park "Dubki" At 12:00. Those who wish can ride horses, eat pancakes, take part in competitions. Animators will work at various playgrounds.

V park them. A.S. Pushkin Sovetsky district, guests of the farewell to winter will be met by animators and buffoons, who from 12:00 will offer park visitors of all ages to participate in various games.

Avtozavodsky Park invites at the same time to the regional holiday program "Cheerful Maslenitsa" with traditional Russian fun and entertainment for children and adults. The festivities on the central stage of the park will end with a concert program and a disco.

The holiday "Maslenitsa came to Nizhny" will be held on the territory zoo "Limpopo" Moscow region from 12:00 to 16:00.

The main festive events of the Prioksky district will begin at 12:00 on the territory park "Switzerland". Priokchans and guests of the district will enjoy a festive program with concert performances and sports competitions. A fair of folk souvenirs will open in the park.

By the way, especially for you, we have compiled and compiled a map (to make it easier to navigate).

“Adults and children met in a duet”

Duet is the most common genre of music-making, and what could be more exciting when an adult mentor becomes the second musical half! In the concert program, duets of young students and adult teachers will perform on the same stage, who will play guitars, button accordions, piano, organ, violin, flute and saxophone for you, as well as sing. This program is ideal for families.

Where: Conservatory. Glinka, st. Piskunova, 40, large hall.

What time: 13:00.

Price: 150 rubles.

Performance "Talk about something else"

A man, tormented by internal contradictions, enters the elevator and gets stuck between floors. Trying to get out, the hero is divided into two characters with a diametrically opposite position, who argue inside one person about the most disturbing issues. The main fracture of society takes place inside the hero. Trying to convince each other, the characters resort to a variety of genres. Stand-up monologue and monologue-sermon. Piercing storytelling and hardcore rap battle. Playing other personalities and theater within the theater. The characters need to come to an agreement, otherwise the doors won't open...

The talented actor Konstantin Potapov, the winner of the eighth All-Russian Delphic Games in the nomination "Theater", the winner of the Filatov Prize - 2015 in the nomination "Poetry" plays in the solo performance.

Where:"Mayakovka, 10", st. Rozhdestvenskaya, 10.

What time: 18:00.

restaurant day

What activities are of interest to you?

  • Winter Cup of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin in dressage
  • Lecture “Images of space expansion. How to make the whole universe habitable?
  • Concert "Okay"
  • Maslenitsa
  • "Mamaslet" with Dr. Komarovsky
  • Citywide drawing lesson
  • "Gaza Strip". 30 years
  • Oleg Mityaev
  • "Lesopoval"
  • “Adults and children met in a duet”
  • Performance "Talk about something else"
  • restaurant day
Vote Sorry, your browser is very outdated and does not support voting technology

Reads: 8459

In addition to the traditional Maslenitsa festivities, Nizhny Novgorod will host the XI International Orthodox Exhibition-Fair "Wide Maslenitsa", which will be held from February 11 to 18, 2018 at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.

Every day in the chapel of the first pavilion in front of the shrine, prayers will be served at 12.00, 15.00 and 18.00. The exhibition will occupy the first ("Orthodox") and third ("secular") pavilions of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.

The selection of natural honey is traditionally huge and wide at the exhibition. More than 30 beekeeping farms will present ordinary and exclusive varieties of honey, perga, propolis, beeswax, royal jelly.

Of course, it will not do without Maslenitsa festivities. More than 60 thematic events will be held in Nizhny Novgorod during Maslenitsa week from 12 to 18 February

Venues and program of events for Maslenitsa in Nizhny Novgorod in 2018

Markin Square

Markin Square will become the central platform for Maslenitsa: on February 18, the traditional festival “Blinovsky unnulyay” will be held here.

In the evening, Nizhny Novgorod residents will see the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa with a spectacular fire show.

In the Avtozavodsky district

  • Mass celebration "Maslenitsa"

When: February 16, 2018 at 12.00
Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Novoe Doskino, line 19, 25, school site No. 145

Guests are waiting for a thematic program, sports, game competitions, a concert program.

  • Festive festivities "Spring-Red"

When: February 17, 2018 at 12.00
Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Bakhtina st., 1a, DK microdistrict Doskino

Concert program with the participation of the choir "Rossiyanka", sports competitions, quizzes.

  • Mass festivities "Are you my soul, Maslenitsa"

When: February 18, 2018 at 12.00
Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Zemlyanichnaya st., 1a, playground of school No. 114

Thematic theatrical program.

In the Avtozavodsky park

On the central stage of the park:
12:00-14:00 - Game program
14:00-17:00 - Concert and entertainment program
17:00-19:00 - Disco
And also: contests, rides, slides, malls and hot pancakes
In the town of Cipollino attraction:
12:00-14:00 - Children's game program
14:00-17:00 - Games and fun
On the dry lake of the park:
13:00-15:00 - Well done fun
17:00 - Fire-show, burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa.

In Sormovskiy park

Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Engels str., 31

Guests will enjoy an entertainment program, hot pancakes and contests.


When: February 15, 2018 15:00-19:00
Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Lyadova sq., sports ground of the hostel No. 3 of the campus

- mini-football cup (beginning at 15:00)
- cycling
- interesting contests
- great prizes
- delicious pancakes
- hot tea
- burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa

The celebration of Maslenitsa on Gorky Square on February 25, 2017 will not take place due to the tightening of anti-terrorist security requirements. This was announced on February 22 by the press service of the city administration.

The Department of Culture recalled that the festive events dedicated to Maslenitsa will be held this weekend in every district of the city. The equipment that was prepared for the celebration on Gorky Square will be used on them. And on Shchelokovsky farm, specialists from the architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve prepared a special program dedicated to seeing off winter - on February 26 from 12:00 to 16:00. Here, the guests are promised the atmosphere of a real Russian holiday with Petrushka and the Nativity scene, fisticuffs, itinerant actors, the capture of a snow fortress and the burning of a Shrovetide effigy.

In the Prioksky district at 12:00 in the park "Switzerland" the festive program "Wide Shrovetide" will begin. Nizhny Novgorod residents who come to the park will be able to take part in competitions and traditional carnival fun, as well as watch a theatrical performance. At 15:00, the burning of the effigy of Winter will take place. The holiday will end with an open-air disco from Russian Radio.

In the Kanavinsky district from 11:00 to 18:00 "Pancake week - 2017" will be organized at three sites. The festivities will open at 11:00 am with the Kanavin Chastushka competition program. More than 150 copyright works have already been sent to this creative competition. Among the ditties there are “on the topic of the day”: about the weather, the construction of the stadium, snow clearing and blue fences. There are topics about the work of the administration and about love for his native Kanavino. The best of the best will be chosen by open popular vote.

In the Moscow region at 12:00 in Sormovsky Park on the territory of the Limpopo Zoo, Vladimir Kropotin, the head of the administration of the Moskovsky district, will open the Maslenitsa holiday. The program of the festivities includes games and competitions for children and adults, theatrical and gaming events with the participation of the characters "Spring-Red" and buffoons, a concert by groups of children's music school No. 17 and the Volga Souvenir dance theater. Then Nizhny Novgorod residents will be invited to take part in the traditional Conquest of the Shrovetide Pillar competition and watch the burning of the Maslenitsa effigy. The park will organize a festive trade in souvenirs and pancakes.

In the Avtozavodsky district 11:00 on the square named after I.I.Kiselev, the holiday "Madame Shrovetide" will begin. The main entertainment venue will be a professional stage, which will be installed on the porch of the GAZ Palace of Culture. A fair of folk crafts will unfold on the central square of the district, where you can buy unique products and try to make something with your own hands at various master classes. “Delicious tents” will be located nearby, where pancakes, pies, gingerbread, lollipops, hot tea and coffee will be offered to residents and guests of our area.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region at 12:00 in the open area "Little Country" on Fruktovaya Street, activists of the TOS of the Usilovsky microdistrict organize a big holiday "Pancake Day" for residents. The program of the event includes a theatrical performance, contests and competitions for all ages, hot delicious pancakes and "Farewell to Winter" with the traditional burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa.

In the Leninsky district at 13:00 Shrovetide "Razgulay" for residents of the private sector is organized by activists of the TOS "Privolzhsky" in the microdistrict "Derevnya Novaya". And in the park of culture and recreation Dubki from 12:00 will be held at several sites of the park at once. Fair tents with pancakes, hot tea and souvenirs will open. There will also be a traditional pancake competition.

In the Soviet region from 11:00 to 15:00 in the park named after A.S. Pushkin, the farewell to the winter "Wide Maslenitsa - 2017" will take place. As part of the event, several thematic areas will operate in the park. A concert of creative teams of the city will take place on the stage. Residents of the district and guests of the holiday will meet with a cheerful Maslenitsa, buffoons, life-size puppets and mummers.

in the Sormovsky district at 11:00 in the club "Nadezhda" will be held a festive program "Hello, Shrovetide". As part of the event, residents of the microdistrict will enjoy an entertainment program with the burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa, competitions for the best pancakes, and winter fun. In addition, there will be a Pancake Contest for foster families. At 14:00, on the site in front of the branch of the Nadezhda public and leisure center, everyone will be able to take part in the farewell to winter, watch a theatrical performance and eat pancakes.

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