Sand is a meditative material grounding all negative emotions. Already within an hour of drawing, sand stabilize all physical and emotional processes. Shortbage drawing as a means of creative development of the child. Equipment for busy

Irina Kadomtseva
Sand animation as a tool comprehensive development preschool children

« Sand animation as a means of comprehensive development of preschoolers»

"Best toy for children - a handful of sand"

K. D. Ushinsky

IN modern conditions Education should not only be modified in accordance with public changes, but also to give impetus to innovative processes. Teachers constantly keep searching that are directed to the transformation educational process in kindergarten in interested communication Child with adults and peers in various types of children's activities.

On this stage Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children is the most relevant since it is in preschool The age is laid foundation creative personality. After all, as it is known, "no in creativity right way, no wrong path, there is only your own own way" All children have a certain potential of artistic developmentTherefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the disclosure of creative abilities. On time to notice these talents and try as early as possible to give the opportunity to children to show them. The introduction of the federal state educational standard gave impetus to the search innovative methods and technologies in working with preschool children.

One of these technologies is sand animation or in a different drawing of sand, safety art(Sand-Art). It is this technology that is currently actively introducing the pedagogical team of our preschool educational institution. Drawing with sand, rightly, is considered a unique type of art, because it combines both the game and useful for development of children classes, and educational moments. Sand animation different from classic drawing in that children have no so-called "Fear white sheet» , after all "sheet" Initially "dirty": If you do not like, everything can be fixed easily.

If we consider pedagogical and psychological aspects use of sand, then they are difficult to overestimate - this is the touch material, the subject-gaming wednesday, and material for the visual creative activity, experimentation, design, knowledge. At the same time, favorable conditions are created for the manifestation of focus on the concentration, curiosity, passionism, as well as for relaxation. Thinking and emotional reserves are activated.

In November 2015, our institution was acquired for four groups on one "Miracle- sandbox» - Backlit table for painting Pec. For this relatively short period, it is already possible to say that those forms of work and technology that we began to use when painting sand, indeed, contribute not only to the artistic and aesthetic, but also comprehensive development of children. After all, in addition to the acquisition and development of drawing skills, sandbone Creativity contains outdoor and psycho-emotional component.

In my work, I apply sand drawing for development cognitive processes; development creative potential; development of the furnace; formation of communicative skills; development of shallow motility; Removing emotional tension in disturbing, aggressive and hyperactive children.

Drawing sand I use, conducting correction, educational and educational classes. For example, this is: Educational games (provide the learning process for reading, writing, account); cognitive games (make it possible to learn about the diversity of the world around the world); Projective games (develop child fantasy) .

At the very beginning of use "Miracle- sandboxes» We have the rules of the game with sand. They know and fulfill all children: take care of the sand - do not throw them out of sandboxes; The sandbanks do not like themselves when they are taken in her mouth or rushed in other children; W. young artists There should always be pure handles and spouts. We have our own rules for pedagogues: 1) The child only needs to offer options for games and tasks, and not to force it to follow the strict program; 2) the classes structure must be adapted to the interests of the child himself; 3) it is necessary to create a space for self-expression, and not to install a rigid framework and rules; 4) it is necessary to appreciate the initiative of the child and his opinion; 5) it is important to stimulate development creative situations issues, not ready answers; 6) It is necessary to support the child in finding their own non-standard solutions to the tasks you have.

Before proceeding to classes with children (age 5-6 years old, I spent: Diagnostics of level development Creative abilities preschool children(Methodika "Dorisuy Figure" (O. M. Dyachenko); Diagnosis of shallow motility and fingers; Diagnostic development Creative thinking, imagination, perception.

In my work, I use such sand drawing methods, as: Brush hands, symmetrically with two hands, fingers, palms, cams, brush for watercolor, stacks. And drawing techniques sand: Pulling, imprinting, leveling, sand sharpening around, clipping extra, rash by contour. Technicians can easily combine, combine in the same composition.

Cognitive sand games We divide into several species:

1. Games aimed at acquaintance with the outside world (through them we learn what is near us: animals, insects, forests, fields, seas, islands, city, transport, etc.).

2. Geographic games (Modeling B. sandbox Various climatic zones).

3. Historical games and games and excursions in the native city.

4. Projective games in the sand.

5. Games for acquaintance with folklore (fairy tales, cartoons).

Such games contribute to successful development intellectual abilities, tactful-kinesthetic sensitivity, shallow motility. Progressing his story, the child learns to formulate thoughts, developing speech, finds constructive solutions; Remembering the plot of cartoon / fairy tales - develops memory. Playing with friends, the child learns interaction, becomes communicable and confident. Playing in the sand, children show confidence and curiosity. Sandbox attracts them much stronger than clear sheet Paper. The untouched surface of the sand encourages the child to free and non-standard creativity. In addition, the synchronous use of the hands is very useful for development 2 main types perception: intellectual logical and emotionally holistic. Separately, it is worth noting that when painting sands insecure in itself, children are not afraid of making mistakes with low self-esteem. It is very useful to draw sand and hyperactive children. Engaged This kind of creativity, the child calms down. In progress develops Emotional-volitional sphere occurs development Skills self-regulation.

For more successful work on this technique of drawing classes undergo individual or small subgroups (5 - 7 people). To create the most interesting and creative drawings, a preliminary job: observation, conversation, excursions, projects, experiments, viewing (knowledge, reading fiction. In the course of work, children learn to negotiate with each other, describe their work, make up their stories, fairy tales (Communication and Socialization). Directly Before drawing sand, I am with my children I spend my finching gymnastics. Content finger gymnastics Often corresponds to the subject of classes. At the same time, I apply the following game structure and gaming activities in sandbox: input part - greeting ritual; Introduction to game wednesday, situation, gaming task; Main part - Exercises, games (Drawing with sand, acquaintance with heroes, construction locks, gaming situations); Final part - reflexion, summing up the game, farewell ritual (completing work in sandbox, children disassemble their buildings, clean the toys, smash sand).

Speaking of performance, you can note following:

1. After a year of classes (according to the results of the diagnostics) significantly increased activity and independence in drawing; Children had the ability to find new ways of image, transfer their feelings in the works; The level of anxiety has decreased; Increased the level of shallow motility.

2. Taken out qualitative changes and B. development of connected speech(Children became clearly to pronounce the words, complex and complex proposals appeared in the speech). Through the stimulation of independence and creativity of children in fine activities With the help of painting technology, the vocabulary of the vocabulary occurred.

3. The children expanded the repertoire of role-playing behavior and communicative functions of speech (children can jointly plan the upcoming game, distribute gaming actions, to evaluate the heard, conclude and explain their decision).

4. Sandbone Drawing contributed development Graphomotor skills.

5. Children learned to transfer the form, the structure of the subject and its parts, right proportions Parts using different shades Light and shadow;

6. Children learned how to create sandfish Pictures taking into account the rhythm, symmetry, they have formed composite skills in the image of groups of objects or the plot (the result of the work was the creation of a cartoon film in a technique sand animation).

Light table for drawing sand can be replaced by conventional photo frames (with a glass surface) A4 format or plastic trays.


1. M. Zeitz "We write and draw on the sand. Desktop sandbox» , M. Int, 2010

2. O. N. Nikitina " Sandbone Drawing in psychological and pedagogical practice, "St. Petersburg 2013

3. N. V. Kuzub, E. I. Osipuk "Visiting sand fairy. Pedagogical organization sandboxes and sand games for children before school age " St. Petersburg: "Speech", M.: "Sphere", 2011

4. T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva "Practical practice sand therapy» , St. Petersburg "Speech", 2006

5. N. A. Sachkovich "Game technology in sand. Games on the bridge ", SPb.: "Speech", 2008

6. T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T. M. Grabenko "Wonders in the Sand". Workshop in sand therapy. M.: "Speech", 2005

Educator MBDOU. "Kindergarten № 3"

Kadomtseva I. V.

(Leningrad Region, Sosnovy Bor)

Organization: MKOU Children's House-School №95

Locality: Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk

This article will be useful to teachers-psychologists working with children of preschool and younger school age, educators and caring parents.

Drawing sand is a relatively young and promising type of art, which appeared in about the 1970s. The "pioneer" in this direction is considered to be American Caroline Leaf, which created the animated cartoon film "Peter and Wolf" in the symphony fairy tale Sergey Prokofiev. The film was made in a completely unfamiliar until the technique. A young artist scattered on glass black powder and fingers created some images from it. Its technique used many animators, including Hungarian Ferenz Tsako (Ferenc Cak). This is just his successful experience and lay down the new type of art - drawing sand. Obtained in the West (Sand Art / Sand Animation / Sand Fantasy) Sand multiplification came to Russia a few years ago. Drawing sand like an unconventional direction visual arts- unusually expressive and extremely popular all over the world. What only fascinating sand shows are: when artists make almost magic metamorphoses under beautiful music on a luminous glass with sand. This surprising spectacle like many people like.

Drawing sand is a dive in a fairy tale, a world of fantasies, bizarre images, winding lines. Touching to the sand, the child will feel his warmth, its turnover, his movement.
Creating a picture of sand is a fascinating process, it affects all spheres of feelings, awakens creativity, relaxes and inspires at the same time. Soft flavor of natural shades, the contrast of sand and light, the smoothness of the contours and the sweeping of the lines create magic. Drawing sand - a way to relax. Immersion in a pleasant teaching condition of calm creativity, contact with natural matter relieves stress, any tension, fears. There are no canons here, it is impossible to make a mistake ... Draw with sand you can anything: landscapes and portraits, still lifes and abstractions. The main thing is to give the will imagination and not be afraid to experiment.

In order to create pictures from sand, it is not necessary to have an art education.

Children especially like to draw sand. Sand fitness, his natural magic attracts children from the first minutes.

Sand is a meditative material grounding everything negative emotions. Already within the hour drawing sand stabilize all physical and emotional processes.

How can the child be useful to draw classes on sand?

Like any other occupation of the work, sand painting (Including, as well as communication with natural material) - develops Tactile Sensitivity and Motoric of Fingers, spatial perception, thinking and attention, imagination and fantasy- all this is promoted harmonious development Personality of the child. It is possible to add to this list that when drawing, Pescoming the ability to adapt in changing conditions, research interest, cognitive activity.

But this is still not all!

This is very relevant in our staypit to take psychological stress, avoid depressive states, fears and phobias, calm down, harmonize inner world, raise yourself mood.

These classes especially recommended by specialists for hyperactive and top-clipped children,after all, it helps better understand their feelings and feelings of other people, get necessary skills social communication, work out positive attitude To yourself and others.

Both children, and adults, fond of drawing on the sand - balanced, flexible, sociable and very creative people.

Reducing stress is one of the wonderful effects of the art of drawing sand. Manipulating a bulk material, a child gets rid of negative emotions. Drawing occurs directly to the fingers in the sand, which contributes to the development of sensory sensations, liberates and harmonizes, as well as contributes to the development of two hemispheres (since drawing is happening by two hands).

This type of visual art develops a manual motility of a child, cognitive sphere (perception, attention, memory, figurative-logical thinking, spatial views), the processes of psycho-emotional self-regulation, forms creative potential, improves communicative skills.

You can allocate at least three reasons because of which you should learn to draw sand:

1. Minimum consumables . To try yourself in sandy animation from all necessary requisites Only clean sophisticated sand and glass will be required.

2. Beauty and plasticity . Videos with sand animation will not leave anyone indifferent. Easily changing image details, the finished image smoothly and dynamically flows into the next one.

3. Fighting with stress factors . Any creativity has a side antidepressive effect. Drawing sand it is especially characteristic: manipulating with bulk materials, a person gets rid of negative emotions. Drawing by sand, a person more and more goes into herself - enters a light meditative state, which gives him a certain opportunity to truly relax, relax, bring his thoughts and feelings.

We also note a few important features Shared with a child drawing sand:

  1. The child is only offered options for games and tasks, and do not make it follow the strict program.
  2. The structure of classes is adapted to the interests of the child himself.
  3. This is the space for the self-expression of the child, without the installed hard framework and rules.
  4. Its initiative and opinion is valued, but not silent agreement with the teacher.
  5. The development of creative situations is stimulated by questions, but not a ready-made answer.
  6. Child support in finding their own non-standard solutions to the tasks.

7. The natural wisdom of the child is valued and its uniqueness, but does not teach it to "be like everyone else."

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

Relevance: B. recent times Sand animation (sand drawing on glass) firmly occupies one of the leading places in the development of creative abilities in the child. This amazing process of creating a picture only with sand does not leave anyone indifferent. Original performance and mysteriousness in creating a picture attracts both children and adults.

Number of classes

The program is designed for 2 years of study for children 5-6 (20-25 minutes) and 6-7 years (25-30 minutes). Classes are scheduled to be held 1 time per week in the afternoon.

Program implementation conditions:

Material and technical base:

The presence of lighting table, quartz sand, drawing devices for sand.

The presence of a tape recorder for viewing animations.

Methods and techniques:

    conversations; Practical methods (show); gaming; Using ICT; .

Sand drawing technical techniques:

    Drawing with a fist, palm, edge thumb, maizins, several fingers at the same time, symmetrically with two hands, pouring sand from the cam and cut-off excess, sliding palms over the surface of the sand, perform zigzag and circular motions; perform zigzag and circular movements, putting palm on the edge; Create prints of palms, cams, knuckles of hands, ribs of the palms of all sorts of patterns.
The purpose and task of the program:

The purpose of the program: stimulating the independence and creativity of children in the visual activity with the help of sand drawing technology.

    development of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, figurative-logical thinking, spatial imagination); Development of creative potential, disclosure of its unique abilities, the formation of communicative skills; Training of shallow motors of the hands, coordination of movement, plastics, which stimulates mental processes, improves the memory, develops speech (); The equivalent development and work of the left (thinking, logic) and right (creativity, intuition) Hemispheres of the brain - to develop the intermetal interaction, the child creates drawings with two hands; harmonization emotional state, the ability to relax, get the resource (removal of emotional tension in children).
The age of children on which the program is calculated - 5-7 years
Program implementation deadlines.

The program is designed for 2 years of study.

Forms of study on this program

Expected results of the program implementation for two years of study

By the end of the first year

By the end of the second year

Know how to perform zigzag and circular movements, putting palm on the edge

Ability to pour sand out of the cam and cut off too much

Know how to create images of objects, add decoration materials

Skill draw symmetrically with two hands

Create prints of palms, cams, knuckles of hands, ribs of palms All sorts of patterns

Create customized and collective drawings, applying additional decorative materials (pebbles, twigs)

Use different colors The light table in accordance with the year and the image

The ability to transform, change the parts in the sand image using frame filming with the further receipt of animation.

Forms of summing up implementation additional program:

    Characterization for parents, participation in thematic events, in contests.

Thematic "sand animation"

for children 5-6 years

Topic Title

Number of classes


« Sand fairytale»

Tactile acquaintance with sand, free drawing on the sand using various devices

"Pictures on the sand"

Children are practiced to draw on the sand, using the palm, fingers.

TOTAL: 4 classes


Creating a sand animation "How Pumpkin Grew" (Carrot)

"Forest, exactly by timing painted"

TOTAL: 4 classes

"Inhabitants autumn forest»

Free drawing of forest inhabitants: hedgehog, proteins, etc.

"We are going, we go, we go to the distant edges"

Free drawing of machines, buses, steamboats, etc. According to the plan or using stencils, schemes.

TOTAL: 4 classes

"Dorming a forest under the fairy tale of sleep"

Independent view winter landscapes, drawing winter forest, inhabitants, winter nights, blizzards.

"Winter transformations"

Drawing crystal snowflakes frosty patterns. Transformation of a man's image into a snowman image. Turning the autumn landscape in winter.

TOTAL: 4 classes

"Babushkina Fairy Tales"

Conversation about Russian folk tales, quiz on the plots of Russian folk fairy tales, reading passages of the most famous fairy tales, dramatization based on fairy tales, drawing fabulous houses, fabulous heroes.

"At the bottom of the sea"

View movies, postcards, illustrations, brands on marine Topic, drawing marine landscapes, fish, inhabitants, collective work "Sea bottom".

TOTAL: 4 classes

« Magic transformations»

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Drawing portrait of dad, brothers, grandparents, friends. Exercises for the development of shallow motility.

TOTAL: 4 classes

"In the distant cosmos."

Reading poems, excerpts of works on space, drawing stars and comets, planets, spacecraft, plates, aliens.

"Spring flowers"

TOTAL: 4 classes

"Spring Landscape"

"Easter still lifes"

Drawing of Easter still lifes using different drawing techniques on the sand.

TOTAL: 4 classes


Drawing butterflies different shapesUsing different techniques Drawing on the sand. Drawing up compositions from butterflies.


Presentation of sandy art in the form: sand animation (sand clip in the form of a cartoon); Sand photo (design photo exhibition of children's work "Sand fairy tales").

TOTAL: 4 classes

Thematic planning of classes "Sand animation"

for children 6-7 years

Number of hours


"Sand Still Life"

Recreation of still life using different drawing techniques on the sand.

Sharp image modification in order to obtain animation.

TOTAL: 4 classes

"Sand transformations"

Drawing plots on the plan on a free topic.

"Autumn forest"

Free reproduction of species of trees according to sample, stern, schemes. Recreation of "forest" compositions, landscapes using different methods of drawing on the sand.

TOTAL: 4 classes

"Transport of our city"

Free drawing plots with the image different species Transportation by plan or using stencils, schemes.

"Magic turns of palms"

Modify the imprint of the palm in various images. Independent choice Paking sand drawing.

TOTAL: 4 classes

"Winter forest"

Independent viewing of winter landscapes, drawing winter forest, inhabitants, winter night.

"Misley songs" »

Drawing snowstorms for the music. Drawing the winter plot on the background.

TOTAL: 4 classes

"My favorite characters fairy tales" "

Conversation about Russian folk fairy tales, quiz on the plots of Russian folk fairy tales. Drawing fabulous heroes in motion. Multiplicated animation.


Viewing pictures with images of fish. Drawing fish in aquarium, drawing the scaly. Collective work "Sea bottom".

TOTAL: 3 classes

"Magic transformations"

Drawing based on ready-made forms, tracking the process of transformation of one item to another. Exercises for the development of facial expressions.

"My family"

Drawing a family portrait on representation. Exercises for the development of shallow motility.

TOTAL: 4 classes

"Fabulous locks."

Viewing locks on illustrations in books, drawing fairytale locks with drawing small pieces.

"Spring flowers"

Drawing spring flowers. Compilation flower compositions. Reading poems about the first colors.

TOTAL: 4 classes

"Spring is coming"

Drawing spring landscapes using different drawing techniques on the sand.


Drawing animals on ready-made stencils. Drawing background composition.

TOTAL: 4 classes

"Summer's soon"

Conversation with children, wherever they wanted to relax in the summer. Drawing summer compositions with the transformation of intended images. Using different drawing techniques on the sand.


Presentation of sandy art in the form: Sand animation (sand clip in the form of a cartoon; drawing of sandy drawings in real time); Sand photo (design photo exhibition of children's work "Sand fairy tales").

TOTAL: 4 classes

Total number of classes per year: 35 classes

List of references,

used to work on this program

    Vasilchenko, L. "Sand therapy as a means of developing a child's activity" / l. Vasilchenko / Development and correction - 2001.-Copier. - C.42-47.
    Grabenko, TM "Games with sand, or sand therapy" // / preschool pedagogy.-2004.n5.-p.26-29
    Zhtelieva, S.S. "Sand therapy" / s. C, residents / / child in kindergarten. - 2006.-N4.-S.65-68 Zeitz Mariella "We write and draw on the sand"

Article for parents kindergarten "The meaning and role of fabulous hourged therapy for preschool children."

Author: Valentina Mikhailovna Skripnikova.
This material It will be useful to parents, educators, teachers of psychologists of a pre-school educational institution. Due to the material can be used for children of early, younger, medium, senior preschool age.
Explanatory note:
Fairy tale therapy for children - excellent and wonderful assistant that helps improve mental state child emotional mood Child.
- Development of the cognitive and emotional sphere of children of senior pre-school and younger school age.
- Development of cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking.
- Improving small manual Motorika.
- Development cognitive activity And motivation learning activities.
- Improvement gaming activity and the development of communicative skills.
"When the grave takes off into the sky, they turn into stars.
But when the stars fall down, they are no longer distinguished from the simple sand.
Stars are the grain of the heads that above the head,
And the sands are stars that under their feet. "
Felix Crivine.

Sand is a gift of nature, And this gift of nature, which is available to each of us from early childhood. This sand is very mysterious, it has the ability to endure a child, its ease, plasticity, the ability to take any forms.
People will know the world through 5 senses and the oldest of them tactile feeling. The first sense of the child in the world is a tactile feeling.
Sand games are very useful for mental health and the comprehensive development of children.

All children love to play with sand, they want to draw, and they paint everything that comes across arm, be it a wand or something else, they want to dig a hole, bury their feet in the sand, using the blades, molds, various Sockeys.
Playing with sand for the child is the process itself.
Fairy tale therapy for children is a great and wonderful assistant who helps to improve the mental state of the child, the emotional mood of the child.
With the help of the correct fairy tale, you can "cure" a child from shyness or indecision, compactness, for example, to understand the causes and occurrence of it bad behaviorincorrect behavior.

And with the help of sandboxes and sand and in the manufacture of various figures, you can lose fairy tales. Due to the fact that the kid will endow fabulous heroes with its experiences, anxiety, the character to endow the heroes, they created, all his insults and complexes will come to the light, which up to this point was hiding in the hidden corners of his soul.
And we are adults, realizing that concretely worries the child, we can help him solve his problems arising.
Games in sandbox - One of the most favorite activities of many children. But not everyone knows that this occupation besides interest brings many benefits to children. Sand games allow you to recreate the image real Mira And to convert it, thereby children can freely release blocked energy in the process and intensify the possibilities of self-pecification laid out in the psyche of any child.

One of the main mechanisms of positive effects of sand therapy is based on the fact that the child receives the experience of creating little Mira, which is a symbolic expression of his ability and the right to build their lives, their world own hands.
Building and destroying, and then, reconstructing fabulous locks or simply beautiful picture, child harmonizes his own interior, emotional mood.
Immersing your hands in the sand, a person is transferred mentally for many years ago, when the free creativity and knowledge of the world were for him the absolute norm, and the game with molds - the most important occupation. Playing with sand in the child retreats anxiety, tension, the symptoms of chronic stress disappear, the emotional mood and self-confidence increases, in their own power.

A game with sand contributes to internal relaxation, and activating the creative principle.
Sand therapy - This is a game with sand as a way to develop a child.
Sand therapy is very close to the kids, After all, since childhood, they sit in the sandbox, and the first words, the first of its interpersonal communications and chat with children they occur there exactly there - in the sandbox.
Therefore, sand games help children to liberate, remove muscle tensions, they have a desire to feel protected, the games are developing small motor Hands and can even help in learning letters, mastering reading and writing skills!

The method of fabulous hourged therapy occupies a special place in psychological practice By virtue of its versatility.
Sandbox game, - It's like a fairy tale in which a person is a wizard or a fairy and can convert the current situation that disturbed it, and the acquired experience of building to move into its real life. Through the sandbox you can see the inner world of man. The sand game serves both therapeutic and beautiful diagnostic method For a specialist. For children is simple, natural way To tell about your alarms, fears and other important experiences, overcome emotional tension. Unlike an adult, the child does not always have the words to express his inner anxiety, Share that it bothers him, disturbing.

In this regard, various difficulties in the life of the baby may occur. Children love to build and destroy fabulous cities, love to sculpt letters in the sand, write printed letters Words, drawn fancy patterns in the sand, "go" palms, cams, every finger right and left hand alternately.
Sand therapy - One of the varieties of art therapy. Sand animation, therapy is one of the most amazing and beautiful species Fine art and animation. In the sand therapy, the paintings are created from the bulk material - sand. Images created on the sand are a reflection of an unconscious child. They are like dreams, but they can also be fascinated. With their help, we bring out the experiences, internal problems, child conflicts. They become, are folded, cheerful and inspired: they create their own world, and do it infinitely pleasant.

Sand therapy is well developing fine Motoric of hands, moving with fingers becoming more deft, confident and differentiated.
After reading the fairy tale, ask the child to draw it, make it from plasticine or present in the form of an application. The child draws, sculpts, or works with the plasticine and in his picture embodies everything that worries him, all his alarms, feelings and thoughts, thereby freeing from anxiety or another feeling that he bothered and worried. Image quality does not matter. Child who uses in his works dark colors, experience strong feelings, experiences, and at work there may be some kinds, horror stories, fire. Re-drawing on the same fairy tale, it will already be a little quieter, and the paints will be a little lighter and more paints.
It doesn't matter what the child will paint, be it chopping, pebbles, finger, or even a jet of water, it all brings, of course, great benefits for the child, for the development of his creative abilities, for the development of creative imagination and thinking.
There is such a direction like Land Art - use of sand and other natural materials (twigs, moss, seeds) thereby create interesting compositions and objects.
With children, you can play the game "Magic prints": Leave the prints of your hands and legs on the sand, and then draw or add them to a girlfriend, so that there are meaningful drawings - fish, cats, flowers, etc. It is very helpful to design from sand - the creation of different buildings and everything that will only fall at hand and will come to your child. For example, the child squeezes in his handles of sand, and thus lowers its internal tension, the aggressive state of the child is reduced.

You need only to explain to your child what and how to do so that the construction is stable, reliable, durable and not falling apart at the first blow of the wind, and then give the freedom to choose their further action His child. Let the child thinks himself, what will his design be, and he himself manifests his own ideas about what should be his design: it will be a castle, a fortress or a garage, hangar, or something impossible to fantastic? Built fantastic locks, serve as a good material to create scene-role game, it is worth only to offer a child all this beat, come up with new storyAnd the child picks up and develops this idea, and there are different sticks, twigs, leaflets, flowers. It is important that the child will pronounce the words during the game, the phrases about what he built in a hearing in a sandbox, saying words out loud to hearing himself, and this contributes to the development of speech, thinking, imagination. Games in the sandbox are not only fascinating, but also useful for the baby: according to psychologists, they have a beneficial effect on general Development, stimulate finger Motorika, learn to seek the goal, develop creative skills, fantasy, imagination and, of course, hasten.
Accommodation together with fabulous heroes of all sorts of situations, In the course of which the transition of a child from the real world into the world imaginary, and vice versa.
Playing the situation on the sand, he appears the opportunity to look at her from the side, which allows the child to relate the game in the sand with real life, comprehend what is happening around, and find, or, at least, to look for ways to solve this problem.
Playing in the sand, the child shares with the same children as he thoughts, ideas, develop partnerships between children.
But the most important thing for the child is that playing with the sand - "Rules does not exist!"
Try to arrange With a baby shower from a bucket, and you will see a storm positive emotions, It will be remembered for a long time. Make sure that first was a little rain - a thin trickle of the sand, and then the rain, let it increase, scratch with two sand palms and raw on the child. The child is aware of the idea of \u200b\u200bhis involvement in the events of the surrounding world, then the child ceases to be afraid of rain, and the world will cease to be hostile. This exercise relieves tension, anxiety, aggression, stress at your child.
It is difficult for a child to express in words what happens to him that he oppresses him that he worries him because he had little vocabularyyes what to say, sometimes adults can not find the cause restless behavior Child, to get to the original source.
But anxiety, fears will be given him, his soul, and then the transfer of this alarm, this soulful pain On the body, the child begins to root.
The child begins Enurrez, stuttering, incomprehensible to anyone aggressive behavior.
It is advisable to disroach your inner world from outside, can be drawn, blind, but a child, for example in little Age bad draws, parents are upset, nothing can understand what is happening, and then sand therapy, sand games can come to the rescue, with the help of such games the child is released from grave load Internal experiences, and slowly, but confidently goes on amendment.
Sand will help It is not aware of your child to express your child and does not understand.