Acid peeling at home. Acid peeling, types, stages of implementation, after the procedure. Mechanism of action of peeling

It's called an acid peel. cosmetic procedure, with which you can quickly rejuvenate your face and get rid of many skin problems: improve its color; eliminate acne, black spots or pigmentation (including freckles); smooth out small wrinkles, scars and scars.

Is it possible to make high-quality acid peeling for the face at home? Or must go to beauty salon? Of course, salon service eliminates the hassle, and it is highly desirable to use the services of professionals. But if in this moment there is not enough time or the “financial side” does not allow, the procedure can be done at home.

Advertising sometimes claims that acid peeling for the face is the latest achievement in cosmetic science. If we talk about the production technology of professional products and cosmetic equipment, and there is. However, hundreds and thousands of years ago, women different countries and estates maintained beauty and youth with the help of natural acids obtained from ordinary foods: berries and fruits, vegetables, nuts, milk, etc.

AHA acids

In modern cosmetology, natural acids are extracted in different ways - even from cereals and legumes, but those obtained from fruits, vegetables and milk are considered the softest and most gentle. They are called AHA acids: they are the main "acting force" of acid peeling for the face.

Lactic acid - not only from curdled milk or yogurt, but also from grapes, blueberries, apples and even tomatoes. On the skin, it acts as an acidity regulator, moisturizes and tightens the cells of the epidermis.

Citric acid is obtained from citrus fruits, which has bleaching, antiseptic and antioxidant properties; malic acid - from apples and tomatoes - stimulates cell renewal; wine - from grapes, aged wine and oranges, also starts regeneration processes, moisturizes and whitens the skin.

Grape acid for acid peeling is obtained from tartaric acid, and the popular glycolic acid is obtained from sugar cane, sugar beets and green grapes. In the latter case, many complex chemical processes, but the final product is completely cleared of harmful components.

What effect does it have on the skin

Acid peeling for the face launches a “restructuring” in the epidermis: active regeneration processes begin in its basal layer. Cells are updated; connective tissue proteins are synthesized - collagen with elastin, and associated polysaccharides.

Of course, the results are pleasing: the color improves and the skin turgor evens out, the face tightens and looks younger. After the acid peel procedure, dry skin "remembers" natural hydration, while oily skin produces less sebum. Care products also work more efficiently, because. skin absorbs cosmetics better.

The subtleties of the procedure

In general, the procedure for acid peeling at home is “the same” as in the salon: the steps are the same, although the devices and products used are different.

The skin of the face is cleaned of fat and impurities with their own means (milk, lotion, etc.), but first they wash; oily skin before cleansing, it is desirable to steam. Scrub is used in advance, a day before the procedure.

Pre-prepared tool massage movements apply on the face for 10-20 minutes. They are usually washed off with warm water (you can dilute it with milk) or a decoction of soothing herbs ( Linden blossom, chamomile, calendula, etc.), then a moisturizing (soothing) cosmetic is applied.

What compositions can be used at home

For acid peeling of the face, it is better to choose recipes with ordinary food, and leave highly concentrated salon formulations to specialists. Experimenting with the face, wanting to "kill two birds with one stone" - and save money, and get a stunning effect - is not worth it. The mentioned effect is easy to obtain, but more often “with the opposite sign”: after such experiments, a considerable number of women had to be treated by dermatologists, although few people like to talk about it.

Peeling with glycolic acid

Light peeling with glycolic acid can be done by buying a kit at a pharmacy and doing everything in strict accordance with the instructions. For example, the composition is washed off not with water, but with a special neutralizer. The concentration of this acid in such products is not very high - up to 30%, but for the first time they are kept on the face for no more than a minute. Then gradually (in 2-3 procedures) the duration is adjusted to 3 minutes, and later, if everything is fine and you want to improve the result, you can use the same scheme for products where there is more glycolic acid - 40-50%.

Home recipes and procedure specifics

However, acid peeling for the face with natural ingredients safer, and the effect is not worse; any composition can be prepared in 10-15 minutes.

Lemon peeling with yogurt and cane sugar is kept on the face for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water. The ingredients are mixed in 2 tablespoons; juice is squeezed from a fresh lemon.

Pomegranate-citric acid peeling is suitable for oily skin. Pomegranate seeds (2 tablespoons) are whipped in a blender with lemon juice and liquid honey (1 tablespoon each). Apply to steamed skin, keep for 10 minutes. Take off wet wipes rinse your face with cool water.

Peeling with pineapple pulp cleanses, whitens and rejuvenates the skin of any type. Fruit pulp (150 g) is also whipped, with honey (2 tablespoons) and oat flour(1 tsp). Hold 10 minutes.

Strawberry-sour cream peeling with almond oil suitable for everyone: the texture of the oil is light, and sour cream is used 15%; at oily skin face is not harmful, but especially useful for mature and aging skin. Fresh or frozen strawberries (4 pcs.) Whipped with sour cream (1/2 tbsp.), potato starch(1 tsp) and oil (4-5 drops). thin layer apply on the face, after 5-7 minutes - the 2nd layer, and hold for another 15 minutes.

Grape acid peeling is applied to the face for 15 minutes, and washed off with medium carbonated mineral water. Berries (5-6 pieces) are beaten until smooth with the same mineral water (1-2 tablespoons).

Berries and fruits with the required acid content can be mixed as you like. For example, beat in a blender several currants (black, red), strawberries, a couple of grapes (or 1 tsp lemon juice), add honey and gelatin (1 tbsp each). Heat in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves, cool. This peeling mask is kept for 15 minutes and washed off with non-carbonated mineral water.

Another acid peeling with jelly - rejuvenating and brightening, is prepared with the juice of any citrus (2 tbsp), honey (1 tbsp) and coffee grounds. Honey with juice and so much thickening are added to the gelatin dissolved in a water bath to make a not too liquid slurry. Keep on face for 20 minutes.

Facial peels with "sour milk" are popular. From the same coffee grounds you can cook gruel with sour kefir. Keep on the face until completely dry, rinse with mineral water without gas.

The next sour milk peel includes 4% lactic acid (40-80% acid is usually sold, but can be diluted with water). For 1 tbsp. curdled milk ( natural yogurt) acid will need 5 drops, plus ground cereals(1-2 tsp); Whip it all up and apply it on your face for 15 minutes.

Dry facial skin will like peeling with cream (1-2 tsp) and chopped almonds (2 tbsp). To this add crushed oatmeal (2 tbsp.), Strongly brewed green tea(1 tsp) and rose oil(1-2 drops), beat, insist the mixture for 20 minutes. Keep on the face for 15 minutes, rinse with mineral water.

Professional chemical exfoliation is an expensive pleasure, an alternative to which is peeling for the face with acids at home. The effect of independently performed procedures will not be as radical and fast as from salon methods. But home peels using natural acids are still able to maintain the beauty of the face and prolong youth. We will learn how to do acid peeling yourself and what rules you need to follow when choosing a procedure.

The nuances of chemical exfoliation for the home

Skin cleansing with chemical peels is based on unique properties acids suitable for cosmetic purposes. For safe exfoliation in the salon, only organic or synthesized acids are used, the concentration of which is professional means does not exceed 15-35%. For home peels, it is better to limit the use of fruit and lactic acids from natural foods or pharmaceutical preparations.

Depending on the degree of impact of acid on the skin of the face, cosmetologists divide peels into superficial, medium and deep. The last two types are not suitable for home exfoliation: such radical procedures beauty initially cause significant damage to the skin, so it is better to entrust their implementation to a professional. During medium, and even deeper chemical peels, the action of acid solutions and the number of layers of the peeling agent should be controlled - manipulations require certain knowledge and skills in cosmetology. Otherwise, the result of the procedure may not be the elimination of aesthetic defects, but their aggravation.

Acid peeling at home can only be superficial. The gentle procedure gently affects upper layer keratinized epidermis, without affecting the dermis and subcutaneous fat. The concentration of natural acids is enough to “dissolve” dead cells and stimulate natural process restoration of the protective barrier. In response to a slight “injury”, the epidermis begins to double the production of collagen and elastin protein filaments that form the skin frame. Shattered old cells give way elastic skin already without previous defects, before dull color the face is evened out and acquires a healthy shade, pigmentation is lightened, inflammation and acne rashes become less, work is normalized sebaceous glands.

Unlike salon procedures soft home peeling natural acids does not cause redness, and even more so chemical burns skin. After such exfoliation, the skin returns to normal within 5 days. Therefore, sometimes acid peels for the face at home replace the usual scrubs, gommages and masks, the effect of which is not so long.

Homemade acids and skin age

Self-exfoliation of the skin with acids at home should be properly selected according to the type and age of the skin. Throughout their lives, women are concerned about different aesthetic problems, which are helped by single-component and multi-acid peels.

Young skin

At the age of 20-25 years, light chemical peels allow you to cope with inflammatory rashes, blockage and stretching of pores, comedones, painful pimples, acne, and excessive greasiness of the face.

As the main ways to care for young skin, cosmetologists recommend surface fruit, salicylic and glycol peels, which are performed independently without risk to appearance.

Peeling with fruit acids is one of the simple, affordable and effective exfoliations that allow you to get rid of "teenage" complexes. The composition for it can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to grate and mix fresh fruits or berries: apples, grapes, strawberries, blackcurrants, lemon. Natural fruit acids have a disinfectant, antioxidant and brightening effect. The only rule of such acid peeling is to observe the exposure time on the face of a delicious composition - no more than 15-20 minutes. Repeat procedure fruit peeling possible weekly.

For gentle salicylic peeling in a pharmacy or cosmetic store, it is already purchased ready composition. Salicylic acid is a proven and mild keratolytic agent that dissolves keratin (the dense top layer of the epidermis). Home salicylic peeling gently destroys the keratinized epidermis, while providing an antiseptic and antibacterial effect on the skin. A solution of salicylic acid will narrow the pores, ease the course of acne and make age spots less noticeable.

Home peeling with glycolic acid is also a gentle way to cleanse the skin of the face. The safety of the procedure is associated with the properties of glycolate molecules: due to the micron size, the particles of the compound quickly penetrate into the skin cells without violating its integrity. Glycolic acid intensively moisturizes the skin from the inside, removes toxins and starts rejuvenation processes. The results of home glycol peeling are noticeable after the first procedure: sebaceous plugs disappear, the skin becomes matte, and the complexion is healthy.

maturing skin

At the age of 25-35, acid peeling at home becomes the main tool in the fight against age-related skin changes: a network of small mimic wrinkles, folding into "crow's feet" around the eyes and lips, loss of elasticity, increased dryness and dullness, light brown pigment spots. For a long time to erase the traces of age from the face will help only serious cosmetic techniques, for which it is better to contact specialized clinic or a beauty salon. Home acid exfoliation for maturing skin becomes only a good support.

Mixtures for peeling with lactic acid are easy to prepare yourself. Skin cells absorb "milk" molecules well, so such exfoliation will not result in allergies or other side effects. home treatment course milk peeling smoothes shallow facial wrinkles, brightens pigmentation, saturates the skin with moisture and improves tone.

Peeling with retinoic acid for home use recommended with caution, although for mature skin it is the best superficial technique. Retinol - a synthetic "twin" of vitamin A - is not rejected by the cells of the epidermis, so yellow exfoliation rarely causes allergies. Retinoic peeling composition is a universal antiseptic and antioxidant. The result of its action lasts up to 4 months. Retinol is a universal anti-aging agent, a real panacea for women over 30 years old. It is not difficult to prepare a retinoic peeling mixture at home, the main thing is to clearly follow the annotations to the components of the composition and not to part with the procedures.

Home peeling with acids for mature skin is recommended only as an intermediate treatment between cosmetic lifting, thread reinforcement or plastic surgery. Self-prepared compositions are powerless against deep wrinkles, scars, laxity and hyperpigmentation of the skin. But they help to refresh the complexion and soften the skin.

Prohibitions for home peeling with acids

Despite the safety and softness of superficial procedures, acid peeling for the face at home should not be performed in case of:

  • if the skin has unhealed wounds, abrasions, cracks, painful ulcers;
  • exacerbation of the herpes virus;
  • confirmed oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • development of dermatological ailments: vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, etc.;
  • individual intolerance to the ingredients of the peeling composition;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • work disruptions endocrine system, hormonal disruptions;
  • sets birthmarks on the face;
  • hypersensitivity and dry skin.

Step by step instructions for home procedure

If you have already decided on the type of acid and its exposure time to correct facial skin imperfections, follow this sequence of the home acid exfoliation procedure:

  • remove from face before peeling decorative cosmetics and degrease the skin with injectable alcohol wipes;
  • apply an acid composition to the skin with wide brush or cotton pad, avoid getting the product on delicate skin upper and lower eyelids;
  • after 20 minutes, remove the remains of the peeling mixture from the skin with mineral water or a special neutralizer;
  • calm the irritated skin light nourishing cream, moisturizing mask or serum.

If exfoliation involves the application of several layers of acid peel, carefully observe the reaction. skin. In case of severe stinging or itching, remove the mixture from the face.

Natural home peels

Homemade acid peeling can be self-made from ordinary fresh fruits and berries, or a ready-made complex of acids and neutralizers purchased at a pharmacy. Second option is suitable for experienced clients of beauty salons who have the opportunity to consult with their beautician about the choice of product, the number of procedures and possible consequences. Fruit and milk based peels natural ingredients can be mixed in 15 minutes. Read more about how you can do acid peeling with your own hands.

Sour cream peeling with strawberries

  • 4 fresh or frozen strawberries;
  • 4 drops of almond oil;
  • ½ tablespoon 15% sour cream;
  • 1 tsp potato starch.
  1. mix all the ingredients of the peeling composition;
  2. apply the resulting mixture on the face with a thin layer;
  3. repeat the application after 5 minutes;
  4. wash off peeling after 15 minutes warm water;
  5. moisturize the skin with a cream or mask.

Peeling grapes

  • 5 grapes;
  • 2 tbsp. mineral water of medium carbonation.
  1. grind the grapes into a homogeneous gruel;
  2. apply the resulting peeling mixture on the face;
  3. after 15 minutes, wash off the composition with mineral water;
  4. soothe the skin with a mask or moisturizer.

Sour-milk peeling with oatmeal

  • 1 tbsp yogurt or curdled milk;
  • 5 drops of 4% lactic acid solution;
  • 1 tsp crushed oatmeal.
  1. mix the components of the peeling composition until a homogeneous consistency;
  2. apply the resulting "gruel" to face light massage movements;
  3. leave peeling for 15 minutes;
  4. wash off the composition with warm water;
  5. moisturize the skin of the face with special means.

Lung home cleansing faces with acidic formulations is useful and safe. Surface natural peels help maintain a fresh complexion and are a good prevention of aging. Acid peels at home can also be performed in courses of 4-6 procedures with an interval between sessions of one week.

Hello, dear readers of the site.

Peeling with fruit acids is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in a beauty salon. And not in vain, because such peeling can solve many problems of the condition of our skin. But unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to visit a beautician, this is not at all a cheap pleasure. In order for the effect to be noticeable, you need to go through a whole course of peelings, and then also reinforce the result.

Fruit acids are so popular that many cosmetics manufacturers have begun to produce products with acids in the form of creams, lotions, masks, and the same peels and rolls. The most famous products with acids are Korean for me, and I had a Korean roll with AHA acids, which did not give me such a result as home acid peeling, which I want to tell you about.

By home acid peel I mean peeling with citric acid at home. You can also use lemon juice. These are all acids that help remove dead skin cells, dissolve dirt inside the pores, brighten the skin, nourish it with useful substances and, in addition, narrow the pores.

For me, this is the fastest and most radical way to get rid of blackheads, which I have been using for a long time and my skin tolerates it normally. Of course, I use a variety of cosmetic products and of course I try to solve the problem from the inside. But they do not give the results that I would like.

Lemon is a treasure useful substances for our skin, such as:

Even pineapple can be used as an acid peel, but it's not as affordable as lemon.

I myself use it to fight black dots, prevent their appearance and deep cleansing skin.

Contraindications for lemon peeling.

Please take the contraindication very seriously, because there are quite a few of them. Citric acid is a rather aggressive substance. Yes, this method suited me and my skin, my skin tolerates it well. But we are all individual different features and skin types and such "self-treatment" can do more harm than good.

Peeling with citric acid and lemon will not work:

  • for dry skin;
  • for sensitive skin;
  • for skin prone to irritation;
  • for skin on which there are any rashes or pimples (even if there are few of them);
  • if you are allergic to citrus fruits.

After peeling, you do not need to go out into the sun, especially in summer - after the interaction of the skin with ultraviolet light, pigment spots may appear

If you still decide to repeat "my method", then first try it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face and look at the reaction of your skin. If you feel even the slightest discomfort, burning sensation - this method is not for you.

How often do I do homemade acid peels. Since this is a rather harsh procedure, it is often not possible to use it. I resort to it when I want to quickly remove blackheads. Yes, I want quick results! After I achieve desired result, I support it with different cosmetic products, and most importantly - high-quality and systematic cleansing of the face!

How do I do an acid peel with lemon.

This is a very easy procedure that does not require a lot of money, time and effort. To do this, just buy a lemon or a bag of citric acid.

  1. before the procedure preferably steam out the skin in order to reveal

our pores. When the pores are open, it is easier to clean them of any dirt. Then the lemon will work better and nourish the skin with useful substances deeper.

Also, such a peeling is good to do after a bath, sauna, taking a bath or shower.

How do I steam out my skin? I drop a bag into boiling water chamomile or other herbs. It is possible without chamomile, but it also has the ability to cleanse the skin.

After that, I remove the saucepan from the stove, put it in front of me, lean over the steam, while covering myself with a towel. So I sit for about 7 minutes. During this time, the skin will steam out well and you can proceed to the next step.

The more clogged the pores, the longer it takes to steam the face.

These are the blackheads I have now. But these are only the remnants of black dots, they are not even visible in life. But macro photography betrays them mercilessly. I was surprised by the photo.

2. After steaming, I I wash my face with hydrosol to remove any loose dirt. The first time after steaming, you will be able to see the dirt on the cotton pad, which was inside the pores all the time.

3. On the prepared skin, I apply lemon juice or citric acid, depending on what I decided to use for peeling. I wear only on areas with black dots (T-zone). I put lemon juice cotton pad, and citric acid with fingertips. I don’t rub or massage anything, but just keep it for about 1 minute. No burning sensation can be tolerated, as soon as it appears, you must immediately wash everything off.

Now I applied citric acid to the skin.

After peeling, the skin turns red, but this soon disappears for me. and the forehead becomes as before.

Lemon tightens pores, but to be sure, I always rub the skin with ice cubes, which I always have in the refrigerator.

After an acid peel, it would be nice to make some kind of soothing mask.

And at the very end, be sure you need to apply moisturizer. I apply a cream that also dissolves blackheads.

Results after acid peel:

  • pores are cleansed, black dots become noticeably smaller;
  • pores shrink and become less noticeable;
  • the skin becomes smooth and even;
  • lemon or citric acid whitens acne spots;
  • the complexion is evened out, the skin looks healthier and more radiant.

In the photo, my skin after only one peeling procedure. For more noticeable result One procedure is definitely not enough. It needs to be done in a course.

Well, before and after photos.

The black dots really became smaller and brighter. And it's not surprising lemon acid just eats away the dirt from the pores, cleansing them.

Acid peeling is considered one of the most effective and not dangerous procedures for cleansing, smoothing and rejuvenating the skin, improving complexion, as well as eliminating existing problems and preventing the appearance of new ones.

Acid peels are quite large group chemical peels, their essence lies in the treatment of the skin with acids of various concentrations. Acid peels can be carried out at almost any age, because their effect is only superficial and very gentle. Penetrating into the epidermis to a shallow depth, they effectively dissolve existing impurities, soften and exfoliate dead layers of cells, having a stimulating effect on the synthesis of collagen and elastin, as well as cell regeneration. This type peelings solves the problems of hyperpigmentation (freckles, age spots, etc.), dryness, oiliness, flabbiness of the skin, loss of elasticity, eliminates mimic wrinkles, scars and scars from acne treatment, stretch marks, eliminates uneven skin relief, has a brightening effect and in general gives a noticeable effect of skin rejuvenation, which favorably affects its appearance. Acid peeling also effectively fights enlarged pores, especially suitable for problematic skin types. It is most often used in the elimination of skin diseases.

The result of acid peeling procedures can be observed after about fourteen days. The skin is visibly smoothed, its relief is evened out, tone is increased, elasticity and complexion are improved. Overall, she looks younger and glows with health.

Types of acid peels.
Acid peeling, as noted earlier, refers to superficial types. chemical peeling, has several varieties, depending on the acid and its percentage in the peeling composition.

Retinol (retinoic or yellow) peeling. Retinoic acid is used for the procedure, but in addition to it, ascorbic, azelaic, kojic and phytic acids are included in the peeling composition. It can be used by owners of absolutely any type of skin. In each case, to solve a particular skin problem, the specialist selects the appropriate concentration of acids.

Fruit peeling - natural fruit acids (grapes, mango, etc.) are used during the procedure. The procedure is wonderful and at the same time mild remedy cleansing the skin from dead and keratinized layers of cells, as well as a means of preventing early aging. A small percentage of fruit acid in the composition makes the procedure safe. This procedure increases the elasticity of the skin, has a tonic effect. Recommended even for young skin (teenagers).

Almond peeling effectively eliminates not deep scars on the skin.

Glycolic acid peeling - applied if necessary surface cleaning skin from pollution. In addition, it is recommended to correct some age-related changes skin, as well as hyperpigmentation problems.

Nowadays, the eponymous procedure using fruit acids is especially popular among acid peels. The advantage of this procedure is a quick recovery period, which is very convenient for regular use. Just a few days, and your skin looks clear, smooth and visibly rejuvenated. Feelings of dryness and tightness of the skin after the procedure are easily leveled by applying moisturizers and using thermal water.

Despite the almost complete safety and non-traumatic nature of such peeling, the procedure should still be performed exclusively by a specialist with experience. This will avoid the development of any consequences and side effects.

Stages of the acid peeling procedure.
First, the beautician must remove the remnants of cosmetics from the face and cleanse it of impurities. To do this, he applies specially designed formulations to the skin, which, in addition to cleansing, degrease the surface on which, in fact, the treatment will be carried out. Acid composition applied to the skin in a certain sequence, while the cosmetologist observes the reaction of the skin. I note that during the procedure, there may be a slight burning sensation, tingling or tingling at the site of application of the composition. In case of severe reddening of the skin, the specialist applies an acid-neutralizing composition. In this situation, the effect of the procedure will be low. If the cosmetologist overexposes the composition even a little (if such a situation arises, then only for an inexperienced worker), the skin may react with swelling and the appearance of pigmented areas in the affected areas.

If the client's reaction to the peeling solution is normal, the specialist withstands certain time(in each case, its own), after which it applies a post-peeling mixture to the skin to neutralize the effect of the solution, as well as to moisturize and soothe the skin. The final stage of the procedure is the application of a special composition of nourishing action that accelerates the regenerative functions of skin cells.

After the procedure.
Upon completion of the acid peel, it is important to protect the skin from open sun rays, for this it is necessary to use sunscreen with moisturizing action for ten days after the procedure. After the procedure, the skin is transformed right before our eyes: skin irregularities disappear, the complexion evens out, and the elasticity of the skin improves. As a result, the skin looks toned and smooth, as if you have become several years younger.

Taking into account the characteristics of the skin and its susceptibility, as well as depending on the existing problems, specialists determine the number of procedures for each patient individually. Seven to ten procedures are enough to achieve the maximum effect. Such a course of peeling can be done no more than three times during the year. The effect of the procedure lasts for four to six months.

side effect of the procedure.
After a session of acid peeling, redness, peeling, and swelling may appear on the skin. Don't worry, everything will go away within a week. In rare cases, skin burns can occur, resulting in pigmented areas appearing in the damaged area.

Acid peeling goes well with phytotherapy and aromatherapy.

Contraindications for carrying out:

  • the presence of dermatitis;
  • keloid scars;
  • acute form of urticaria;
  • the presence of herpes in an aggravated form;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The opportunity to look younger has attracted representatives of the weaker half of humanity for many centuries. Modern cosmetology perfected folk ways to restore beauty and freshness to the skin of the face, among which acid peeling is the most common and affordable. There are many methods of peeling, but acid is perfect solution, which helps to even out the skin of the face, get rid of mimic wrinkles, cleanse the pores and give the skin a radiant look.

Types of acid peel

To keep all layers of the skin in good shape, acids of various actions and intensities are needed, therefore, depending on the concentration of the acid solution and the duration of its effect on the skin, there are:

  • superficial peeling;
  • medium peeling;

The effect of acid on the skin can be explained simply - the necessary layers of the skin are burned, in response the body activates the processes of regeneration and restoration of damaged areas. Experts say that what stronger burn the more intense the recovery. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out acid peeling in medical institutions or beauty parlors under the supervision of professionals. All skin cleansing procedures are named after the acids used.

  • Fruit peeling refers to the safest manipulations and is carried out using grape, lemon, apple and tartaric acid. Fruit acids perfectly whiten the skin, disinfect the integument and act as antioxidants. To obtain a greater effect, several acids are mixed in one procedure, which affect the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • Salicylic peeling is carried out using to eliminate the manifestations of hyperpigmentation, seborrhea, acne or acne. Powerful antiseptic action allows you to apply salicylic acid in conjunction with mechanical cleaning face or mixed with glycolic and lactic acids.
  • – sparing effect on the skin to eliminate sebaceous plugs, mud deposits and hyperpigmentation. Glycolic acid, due to its small molecule size, quickly penetrates the skin and has a moisturizing, antioxidant and stimulating effect on it.
  • Retinoic peeling- the safest and effective procedure for any age, since there is no allergic reaction of the body to vitamin "A", the result lasts for four months, and the restoration of the skin occurs in 1-2 days. Good way to bring the skin of the face in order before the holiday or any special event.
  • Milk peeling helps to make the skin more youthful and healthy. Since the cells of the body do not reject lactic acid, this type of peeling does not cause allergic reactions. Soft superficial effect helps to get rid of dryness, flabbiness, shallow mimic wrinkles, increase skin firmness and elasticity, restore healthy color faces.

The use of acids requires care, certain knowledge and skills in order to select the correct concentration of acid, determine the depth of penetration and the number of layers of peeling.


The higher the concentration of the acid, the deeper its effect on the layers of the skin. It is better to carry out several operations superficial peeling at certain intervals than to get complications and burns with high concentration acid.

Before you start using acids for facial care, it is worth determining which defects need to be removed with their help in each case. Moreover, depending on the age of girls and women, various problems are of concern.

  • AT young age with the help of acids, you can successfully get rid of acne, seborrhea, acne, excess fat skin, eliminate hyper-expanded pores that are constantly clogged.
  • Growing up cleaning the face with acids allows you to get rid of freckles, first wrinkles, shallow " crow's feet", eliminate dry skin, improve complexion.
  • AT adulthood peeling with acids is effective for skin stretch marks, numerous wrinkles of different depths, hyperpigmentation, helps to get rid of scars and scars, increases the elasticity and firmness of sagging skin.

At any age, peeling with acids is a quick and effective stimulation of blood circulation, the work of the sebaceous glands, cleansing and renewal of the skin. At serious problems experts recommend contacting cosmetic clinics and offices where professional beautician will carry out the procedure taking into account the characteristics of the skin specific person to avoid unpleasant consequences and complications. Most women prefer to light acid.

Contraindications for acid peeling

In spite of a large number of indications and recommendations for the use of acids as part of peeling, there are also contraindications, as in any medical or cosmetic procedure requiring special approach and gentle means:

  • the presence of damage to the skin, scratches, cuts, open wounds;
  • a tendency to allergies, which manifests itself in swelling or a rash on the skin;
  • infectious diseases: rosacea, herpes, psoriasis and SARS;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of birthmarks, moles, warts on the face;
  • acute inflammation of the skin surface;
  • recent laser or ultraviolet cleaning;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding.

For problematic skin, there are many gentle ways to cleanse and safe means, which an experienced cosmetologist will help you choose.

Peeling at home

Acid peeling at home can be done different ways. The cosmetics market offers many formulations containing active acids. But there are also many recipes for cleansers made from natural products for use at home.

  • Ready-made scrubs and masks based on citric, lactic, mandelic, grape acids are made taking into account age features skin.
  • Blends of grated fresh fruits(apple, strawberry, banana, pineapple) are applied to cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water, followed by a moisturizer.
  • Natural lemon peeling , which has a whitening and degreasing effect, consists in applying freshly squeezed lemon juice with a cotton pad for 10-15 minutes, followed by rinsing and applying a moisturizer.
  • Grape peeling from gruel of grape berries has a very effective effect on mature skin and causes tingling, so it is not recommended for people with hypersensitivity skin.
  • Milk peeling based on sour cream, natural yogurt, sour milk with the addition of pharmacy 4% lactic acid and ground oat bran, it is applied to the skin of the face for 15-20 minutes and washed off.

Better to use at home natural products and safe ready cosmetics, which can not cause burns and complications.

It is desirable to wash off acid masks at home with mineral water, which has a neutralizing effect on acids and soothes the skin of the face.

Mechanism of self-peeling

Except choice desired type acid and its concentration for peeling, it is necessary to fully comply with a certain sequence of actions. At home, the whole procedure takes no more than 30-40 minutes and includes the following steps:

  • cleansing the skin of the face from makeup and degreasing with the help of special products;
  • applying an acid solution or mixture in series cosmetic brush or with a cotton pad for a certain time, excluding the area around the eyes;
  • washing with mineral water or a post-peeling alkaline solution that neutralizes the action of the acid;
  • applying a nourishing, moisturizing or multivitamin cream to stimulate regenerative processes in the skin.

If the procedure requires the application of several layers, one after the other, it is necessary to control the reaction of the skin of the face to the action of the acid before each subsequent one. With redness or severe burning you need to abort the procedure.

Post-peel care

After exposure to acids, special care for the skin of the face, including the daily use of moisturizers and sunscreen With a high degree sun protection (SPF15, 20, 30). It is advisable to give preference nourishing creams with vitamins A and E, seaweed, hyaluronic acid or natural oils. Not recommended throughout recovery period(7-10 days) sunbathing, located for a long time in the cold or in a cold room, as the skin loses its immunity during peeling and becomes vulnerable to external influences.

At the time of recovery, it is necessary to exclude from care all kinds of scrubs and masks with a peeling effect, as well as products containing alcohol. To speed up recovery, experts recommend using herbal medicine and aromatherapy. Cosmetologists advise to carry out acid and other aggressive peels during the cold season (from September to April), when solar activity decreases, in order to avoid the appearance age spots and swelling on the skin.

By secret

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