Facial peeling as done by cosmetologists. Benefits and harms of face peeling: chemical, fruit acids, glycolic, hardware, retinol, Jessner, succinic acid, with calcium. Home peeling for wrinkles

Despite the fact that many women trust exfoliation and highly value face peeling, what this procedure actually gives and how harmful it can be to the skin is known only to experienced clients of beauty salons. Disputes about the indispensability of peels and the fact that professional cleaning can cause discomfort, as well as even more aesthetic problems, are still relevant. They are based on the dual nature of exfoliation. Indeed, on the one hand, peels really erase defects and age marks from the face, and on the other hand, they injure the skin, making it thinner and drier.

What chemical and physical exfoliation gives

The benefits of peels are confirmed and undeniable, they are talking about it everywhere: in advertisements, cosmetology clinics, beauty salons, on women's forums and review sites. The Internet space is replete with photographs and stories of magical transformations due to expensive cosmetic manipulations or proven home techniques. Whatever the exfoliation, its mechanism does not depend on the location of the procedure and the type of peeling agent. Any peeling implies a deep release of the skin of the face from the dense layer of the keratinized epidermis.

You can be puzzled by the question: why exfoliate dead scales with peeling, because mechanical scrubbing with natural abrasives also removes old cells and impurities without risk to the skin.

The "crust" of the stratum corneum becomes thicker every day: every day billions of new cells replace obsolete ones and push them to the surface. The skin on its own cannot throw off a dense keratosis "mask", and scrubbing with ground coffee beans, cane sugar or grated fruit pits removes only part of it, leaving microscopic scratches. Over time, the growing epidermal "crust" slows down the natural regeneration of cells, preventing their "respiration" and the saturation of useful microelements from creams, serums and masks. As a result, the complexion fades, the lines of wrinkles deepen, inflammation and pimples form at the site of ingrown hairs.

Peeling procedures help not only to break, but also to completely polish the excess cells of the old epidermis from the face.

The skin perceives physical destruction or chemical "dissolution" of its upper layer as a signal for action: the dermis awakens to regenerate and doubles the formation of collagen and elastin filaments. "Youthful fibers", being the main building material of the skin frame, help smooth out wrinkles and bumps after acne and comedones. Stimulating the internal circulation gives the face a fresh, matte and glowing appearance. Peeling smoothes past aesthetic defects: scars and scars, pigmentation and freckles, spider veins and rosacea, oily skin and acne.

Differences between "physics" and "chemistry" in peelings

Depending on the type of peeling, professional face cleansing is performed using various techniques and peeling products.

Mechanical exfoliation involves the exfoliation of dead skin flakes using scrubbing preparations for peeling or hardware exposure. Among the first are special cosmetic compositions containing coral chips, coffee beans, and crushed fruit pits. Ultrasound, cryotherapy (exposure to the skin with liquid nitrogen), dermabrasion (polishing of the stratum corneum with a cosmetic cutter) or brushing (renewal of the epidermis with continuously rotating brushes) are used as hardware mechanical techniques.

Chemical exfoliation involves the treatment of the skin with acid solutions in a special medical concentration (from 15 to 35%) or enzymes. Acidic compounds, in contact with the skin, cause a provoked chemical burn of the dead cells of the epidermis and their subsequent detachment. Rejected, old cells reveal young and perfect skin, devoid of the former aesthetic imperfections. Enzymatic peels contain enzymes that "absorb" the dead keratin layer. Enzyme peeling refers to gentle and natural methods: enzymes are not rejected by the body, because they are always present in it. But by the age of 35, the production of these enzymes is not enough to remove old cells.

Chemical peels are multifunctional cosmetic techniques. In one acid exfoliation procedure, a woman can get rid of various imperfections in her appearance, from the effects of acne to old scars or burns. At the same time, chemical peels require careful handling and professional execution.

Hardware exfoliation includes laser resurfacing, gas-liquid peeling and microcrystalline dermabrasion. In all cases, skin rejuvenation and cleansing is performed in the salon using expensive cosmetic equipment. Laser skin resurfacing is performed with a neodymium laser with different wavelengths. The laser beam "cuts" old skin, stimulating accelerated regeneration. With microdermabrasion, dead epidermis is removed with the help of diamond-coated brushes, and with gas-liquid peeling - with a stream of saline solution enriched with oxygen molecules. Apparatus exfoliation is considered an expensive pleasure, but at the same time it has a long and noticeable effect after the first procedure.

The depth of action on the skin of a peeling agent or hardware technique finally determines * whether face peels are useful Peeling * can be superficial, middle and deep.

Possibilities of peels of different depths

The effectiveness of peels and the benefits of the procedures directly depend on the depth of penetration of the peeling "agent" into the skin. It can be acidic or enzyme formulations for exfoliation, scrubs or hardware rejuvenation. The deeper the peeling agent touches the layers of the skin, the more problems can be simultaneously solved with the help of such exfoliation.

Superficial peels against "teenage" complexes

Superficial exfoliation is considered a gentle cosmetic procedure, aimed mainly at lightly exfoliating the top layer. Trace elements or abrasives of gentle peels affect only 0.06 mm of the thickness of the keratinized epidermis. This effect is sufficient to gently renew the skin without the risk of side effects. Most often, cosmetologists recommend superficial peels to girls under 25 years of age as the main assistant in the fight against oily skin, "blackheads" and acne.

Superficial peels help to deal with such aesthetic imperfections as:

  • slight pigmentation after prolonged exposure to the sun or tanning in a solarium;
  • a grid of shallow mimic wrinkles;
  • dull complexion;
  • increased skin greasiness;
  • acne and acne;
  • enlarged and clogged pores.

Medium peels: ageless face

In order to determine what the median peeling is useful for, it is necessary to clarify that this technique allows the beautician to act on 0.45 mm of the thickness of the skin. The active ingredients of peeling preparations, ultrasound and light waves affect the epidermal cells and the upper layer of the dermis (papillary). In addition to aesthetic problems, with the help of median exfoliation, it is possible to forget about age-related changes in appearance. Medium-action peels are prescribed for young ladies after 30-35 as a way to eliminate such shortcomings as:

  • age wrinkles;
  • density and burgundy of the skin of the face after suffering dermatological diseases;
  • dark age spots;
  • rosacea and rosacea;
  • omission of facial tissues (age-related changes in its contours);
  • sagging skin.

Median peels with acid solutions and hardware manipulations are considered the "gold standard" of rejuvenation. The effect of such procedures is noticeable after 2-3 sessions. But cosmetologists allow women to use the possibilities of median techniques only after 30 years.

Deep peels as an alternative to plastic

Specialists call deep face peels an alternative to surgical lifting and the construction of a subcutaneous frame made of gold threads. These techniques are painful and have a large list of contraindications, because as a result of the procedures, peeling compositions destroy 0.6 mm of skin thickness. That is, the entire stratum corneum, as well as the papilla and the reticular layer of the dermis. Deep peels are carried out only under local anesthesia and are strictly prohibited for women under 45-50 years of age. Thanks to such major updates, deep exfoliation allows you to get rid of defects such as:

  • deep folds of age wrinkles;
  • loss of skin tone and elasticity, ptosis of the soft tissues of the face;
  • dark hyperpigmentation;
  • scars and scars left by trauma and acne;
  • grayish, yellowish complexion.

The following facts will be indisputable arguments in favor of superficial and middle peelings:

  • peels polish the keratinized epidermis, which interferes with respiration, regeneration and nutrition of the skin;
  • exfoliation courses help to lighten complexion and improve skin micro-relief;
  • as a result of peels, many aesthetic defects disappear: expression and age wrinkles, inflammatory rashes, comedones, brown spots, scars and scars;
  • exfoliation creates the effect of visual rejuvenation: after peeling sessions, a woman can “drop” at least five years.

"Fly in the ointment" or the danger of peels

For the wonderful properties of peels, many forget, and some cosmetologists simply ignore the information that any exfoliation (especially median or deep) causes gross injuries to the skin. An artificially induced acid burn of the 1st degree of severity or mechanical "removal" of the upper layer of the epidermis is a colossal stress for the dermis, giving it a serious load. By activating cell division of the deep basal layer, the skin wastes its resources. The true picture of what happens to the skin as a result of peels can be observed only under a microscope. The scale of destruction and the subsequent regeneration of cells make us think seriously about the "benefits" of peels.

  • regular exfoliation thinns the skin, provoking its dryness and increased sensitivity to cold, ultraviolet light, wind and some cosmetic preparations;
  • constant "provocation" of cells to artificial division reduces their lifespan. Peels prematurely waste resources on genetically inherent limiting cell renewal;
  • frequent peeling, on the contrary, leads to early aging;
  • concentrated acidic formulations of chemical peels cause severe edema, erythema and deep pigmentation;
  • frequent or improperly performed acid peels can provoke the appearance of rosacea (vascular network) and the formation of dense scar tissue at the site of exposure to the composition.

Face peels as the main tool for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin have approximately the same piggy bank of pros and cons. Even professional cosmetologists do not have a definite answer to the question of the unambiguous benefits or exclusive dangers of exfoliation for the skin of the face. Therefore, the "golden mean" will be the decision to leave the peels that are suitable for you as a regular supportive skin care and to observe the measure in their application.

Peeling is a procedure involving exfoliation of the upper keratinized cells of the epidermis. Facial peeling will help to improve and refresh the skin, remove irregularities and other imperfections. But the benefits and harms of this rather aggressive effect on the dermis are not known to everyone.

In the article we will tell you what peeling gives, how it is useful, what are the contraindications to this cosmetic procedure.

Peeling types

The most harmless means for cleansing the skin include face scrubs. They are easy to make yourself. As a rule, the following abrasive particles are included in the composition of scrubs purchased in the store:

  1. crushed apricot pits;
  2. sea ​​salt;
  3. coffee powder, etc.

Today cosmetology offers a wide range of peeling procedures. There are several options:

  • Laser. It is quite expensive and is performed only under anesthesia.
  • Chemical. The procedure uses toxic solutions, the process itself lasts about 2 hours.
  • Physical. Removal of dead particles with laser or cold.
  • Mechanical. For such a process, special equipment is used.
  • Fruit. It is the most common.
  • Ultrasonic. Produced with a special preparation scraper. The exposure process lasts about half an hour.

These types of peels are carried out in beauty salons. It is worth noting that this is not the whole list, because technologies do not stand still. The beauty industry is constantly discovering new means and ways to cleanse the skin of the face. According to its effect, peeling is subdivided into:

  • surface;
  • median;
  • deep.

The latter type is considered the most complex procedure, which involves the removal of almost the entire upper layer of the skin. The choice of the degree of exposure depends on the age and condition of the dermis.

The benefits of a cosmetic procedure

After peeling, the facial skin becomes smooth, firm and elastic. After such exposure, the process of skin restoration begins, that is, it naturally renews itself and looks even better. A competent cosmetologist will tell you what type of this procedure is right for you. Immediately after the first peel, it can be noted that:

  • oily sheen disappears;
  • fine wrinkles disappear;
  • the skin becomes firm and elastic;
  • scars, scars, blackheads become less noticeable;
  • age spots turn pale.

Harm and contraindications

So, what is the benefit of peeling, we figured it out. But this procedure also has contraindications:

  • various inflammations on the skin of the face;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • allergy to the composition of the peeling;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • wounds and damage to the skin of the face;
  • skin cancer;
  • taking certain medications;
  • epilation (after such a procedure, at least a week should pass).

You should also know that after some types of this procedure, you cannot stay in the sun for a long time, and even more so sunbathe. Therefore, it is best to cleanse your skin during the fall or winter seasons.

For women whose skin is prone to scarring and scarring, it is better to refuse this type of procedure. Even a superficial facial peeling should be done no more than 2 times a week, otherwise the skin will become very thin. It is imperative to give the face a rest after this kind of exposure to the dermis.

If you decide to peel your face on your own, then it is imperative to observe sterility and strictly follow all the rules and recommendations of a specialist. Consult a dermatologist before proceeding. Only he will be able to determine what type of skin you have, and choose the right type of procedure, if it is, for example, a chemical effect. In the case of ultrasonic or laser peeling, a specialist should give a guideline for adjusting the device to the required wavelength or laser radiation.

Remember that the miraculous properties of this procedure hide micro-injuries of the skin. The true picture of what happens to the skin after such exposure can only be observed under a microscope.

Excessively frequent peeling leads to thinning and early aging of the skin. An incorrectly performed procedure can provoke the appearance of a vascular network and the formation of a scar at the site of acid exposure. In general, there is a lot of debate about whether peeling is harmful or beneficial for the skin.

Peeling is a rather aggressive procedure, improper conduct can provoke allergies, skin injuries, inflammation and scarring. If this process is carried out in unsanitary conditions, then this can lead to irreparable consequences for the dermis. That is why this procedure should be performed in a clinic or beauty salon with a competent and experienced specialist.

In order not to put your skin at risk, it is much better to pay attention to problem prevention and daily care. Search our articles for the best home remedies recipes that can successfully replace expensive and rather dangerous salon procedures.

Today we will talk about a burning topic: face peeling - benefits and harms. Achievements of modern cosmetology make it possible, without surgery, to get rid of all kinds of defects in appearance, including signs of photo and burial aging. And one of the lauded methods available is exfoliation.

Let's briefly consider what types of peels exist, what functions they perform. And the most important thing is the beneficial and harmful effects on the skin of the face obtained as a result of the procedures.

The benefits and harms of peeling are considered in the context of the type of effect on the epidermis, the depth of penetration of active ingredients, and their aggressiveness. But let's talk about everything in order.

Peeling, or exfoliation, is the removal of the upper dead layer of epidermal tissue. The complex solves problems such as acne, hyperpigmentation and hyperkeratosis, signs of skin wilting and many other undesirable manifestations. With this consideration of the issue, there is no doubt - peeling is useful for the face.

Now let's look at the types of procedures. They are conventionally divided according to several criteria.

By the method of exposure to the skin:

  • physical. The name speaks for itself - it is the loosening of the upper layers of epidermal tissue with subsequent removal;
  • mechanical - mechanical exfoliation of dead cells using products containing abrasive particles;
  • chemical - exfoliation using various chemicals of natural and synthetic origin.

By the depth of impact on the epidermis:

  • superficial - gentle peeling using mildly acting ingredients that remove only the top ball of cells;
  • middle - provides for a deeper cleansing of tissues from epithelium and impurities;
  • deep - the most extreme type of exfoliation, which is sometimes compared to surgical plastic. The entire upper layer of the epidermis is removed

In essence, the depth of impact is often the characteristics of chemical peeling and some types of hardware techniques.

And now directly to the procedures:

  • laser peeling - removal of the upper ball of dead cells together with inlaid particles using laser radiation. It is the most expensive, but at the same time the most effective and safe method with the least side effects. However, it has a fairly wide range of contraindications;
  • ultrasonic - using an apparatus that generates ultrasonic vibrations. Under their influence, the epidermal tissues soften, the cleansing processes occur more efficiently, even deep comedones, milliums, sebaceous plugs are removed;
  • vacuum is carried out by an apparatus that creates negative pressure. The nozzle acts as a "vacuum cleaner", literally sucking out all unnecessary particles from their tissues, removing dead cells and stimulating internal processes;
  • gas-liquid - one of the newest peeling methods. The face is treated with a composition enriched with vitamins, micro and macro elements. But along with this, a stream of purified gas (in this case, oxygen) helps to effectively cleanse the surface of the face;
  • chemical peeling - practically dissolution of epidermal tissues with active ingredients. Using acid facial peels is possible even at home. But remember - this exfoliation can only be superficial.

Undoubtedly, every woman from such a variety of beauty procedures will be able to choose the right one for herself.

The benefits of peeling are primarily measured by its effectiveness. That is, we look at whether the original problem has been resolved, how pronounced and lasting the result will be, how long the recovery period is.

First of all, let's remember in what cases face peels are useful. They are shown in the presence of such problems:

  • signs of photo and chrono aging;
  • grayish, unnatural complexion;
  • oily skin;
  • the presence of comedones, acne, acne, milliums;
  • scars, scars, post-acne;
  • enlarged pores, sebaceous plugs;
  • age spots of varying severity;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • dehydration of the skin.

However, the solution to the above problems is not available to everyone. For whom is peeling contraindicated? The procedure cannot be carried out if there are such pathologies or conditions:

  • damage to the integrity of the skin at the site of treatment. The presence of cracks, wounds, cuts, scratches, inflamed areas;
  • exacerbation of acne;
  • allergic reactions to drugs used during the esfoliation session;
  • exacerbation of herpetic eruptions on the face;
  • somatic diseases, accompanied by a febrile condition and an increase in body temperature;
  • chronic ailments in the stage of exacerbation;
  • oncological processes, regardless of the place of localization and stage of course;
  • the presence of metal implants, pacemakers;
  • "Gold reinforcement";
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • serious ailments of the cardiovascular system;
  • mental disorders;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • dry, thin skin - for chemical methods of exposure;
  • high threshold of pain sensitivity;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

If you do not take into account all these contraindications, then you will hardly be able to avoid side effects or complications.

If we take into account all the problems that such a procedure as peeling can solve, we can conclude that we will do it unambiguously. But many clients of cosmetologists simply do not know, and the experts themselves are silent about how harmful peeling is for the face.

During the manipulation, the skin is subjected to aggressive intervention. This is especially pronounced after median and deep exfoliation. The result of the destructive action is visible only under a microscope.

Yes, undoubtedly, the dermis begins to vigorously produce all the substances necessary for recovery. But she spends her resources much faster than Mother Nature calculated.

Therefore, we will consider the harm of peeling for the face on the points:

  • regular procedures make the skin sensitive to external negative factors - temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, some cosmetics. The epidermis is thinning, there may be an allergy to substances that have not previously caused such reactions;
  • excessive stimulation of regenerative processes forces the skin to waste a genetically inherent "period of action" - that is, the physiologically maximum permissible limit of cell renewal;
  • another harm of peeling is premature aging. If the procedures are carried out too often, without good reason, the face will turn into an "old mask";
  • chemical peeling harm - acid-induced burns, severe swelling, redness. In addition, the production of melanin is provoked, which increases the severity of age spots;
  • often performed peels with an incorrectly selected active substance can provoke the appearance of rosacea and the formation of scars at the site of the strongest effect.

It is logical to ask - then why are we being offered such an aggressive procedure, while promising a miraculous effect of rejuvenation, improving the appearance and solving a whole bunch of problems? Let's find out the opinion of qualified specialists.

A professional will tell you exactly when and to whom it is not harmful to do peeling. Here are some tips on how to anticipate negative consequences, avoid complications and achieve the most pronounced, but safe for health result:

  • it is advisable to carry out procedures in the autumn-winter period, when solar activity drops and the effect on the thinned epidermis after the procedure will be minimal;
  • regardless of the season, use sunscreens with a high UV protection rate;
  • do not abuse both salon and home procedures;
  • follow the rules of preparation and post-peeling care as accurately as possible;
  • tell the specialist about all the available contraindications.

Peeling will help to exfoliate the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis very effectively. So it should be remembered that superficial procedures are not as harmful as middle ones, let alone deep ones.

The most important and necessary advice that should be remembered is that any type of peeling is carried out with a minimum course and no more than once every six months. And some types of cleansing - no more than once a year.

We conclude that peeling procedures are popular with clients of beauty salons for their amazing effect. Many women, inspired by the result, try to carry out such manipulations on their own. But is it always justified?

Taking care of yourself is commendable, welcomed by cosmetologists. But you need to choose the right procedures, their number, regularity and composition for the impact. Only in this case, the appearance will meet high requirements in all respects.

After examining all the pros and cons of exfoliation, each lady will decide for herself whether she needs such a procedure or whether a less aggressive alternative can be found.

However, remember that everything is fine in moderation. You should not completely reject the achievements of cosmetology in this segment. It is necessary to adhere to the rule of the "golden ratio".

Starting from the 9th century AD, representatives of the fair and stronger sex began to visit the first beauty salons. In the struggle for the ideal appearance, many specialized events have been developed, the implementation of which requires the participation of a professional.

Facial peeling in the salon is a cosmetic procedure aimed at cleansing and improving the skin using special equipment and professional cosmetics under the guidance of a cosmetologist.

General information about salon facial peeling

Facial peeling is a method of cleansing and rejuvenating. With the help of special formulations and devices, the professional removes the keratinized layers of the skin. At home, many girls independently carry out a superficial type of dermis cleansing. There are many drugs that allow you to conduct a session with your own hands, they include:

  • essential oils;
  • fruit and glycolic acids;
  • abrasive particles.

At home, only a superficial form of exfoliation is available. The salon session allows for a medium or deep cleaning, depending on the indications of the patient. Only the salon version quickly solves serious aesthetic problems, visibly rejuvenates the face.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure performed in the salon

There are a number of fundamental differences between the salon and home methods. The advantages of the salon include:

  • high efficiency of the procedure;
  • security;
  • the ability to solve serious aesthetic and physiological problems;
  • waste of the minimum amount of time, in some cases one session is enough.

The main disadvantage was the high cost of transformation for professionals. To obtain and consolidate the results, in most cases, it is necessary to undergo a course of procedures. The price of some of them exceeds 20,000 rubles.

Only a professional will be able to choose the best type of peeling based on the features and characteristics of a particular skin type.

In what cases it is impossible to do face peeling

There are absolute and relative contraindications for the procedure. The first group includes patients:

  • with cancer;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • with the presence of allergic reactions to individual components of the drug;
  • with herpes.

Relative contraindications are:

  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • skin disorders;
  • viral diseases.

Types of salon peels according to the method of action on the skin

Peeling is distinguished according to the method of exposure:

  1. Chemical. Biologically active components work.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Enzyme or biological. It is based on the action of enzymes, minerals or lactobacilli.
  4. Physical. The work takes place on devices using physical factors: ultrasound, laser, cold.

Consider the distinctive features and characteristics of each.


The technique is based on mechanical processing of the selected area; during the session, from one to several layers of the epidermis are removed. There are a number of types of exfoliation, depending on the strength of the effect on the skin:

  • Light or brassage - affected depth up to 50 microns, stratum corneum only. The beautician combines massage and cleansing. For the session, use natural bristle brushes, scrubs and special emulsions. The best result is given by a course of 5-10 procedures. This gentle procedure is recommended for young people with problem skin. The result is cleansing of pores, leveling out color and relief, improving blood circulation, increasing elasticity.
  • Gommage - the effect is achieved due to the action of fruit acids, no hard abrasive particles are used. The procedure is suitable even for those with dry and sensitive skin. The gentle action of a professional mask, cream or gel will cleanse the pores, improve the complexion and relief of the face, rejuvenate and heal the skin.
  • Microdermabrasion - removal of dead cells, exposure depth up to 120 microns. The procedure requires special equipment, thanks to which micro-grinding occurs with fine abrasive particles - aluminum dioxide crystals or diamond dust. Recommended for eliminating the effects of acne, scars, first wrinkles. The technique is suitable for women suffering from allergic reactions to acids, it is an alternative to chemical peeling.


Chemical peeling for facial skin is a controlled burn of the dermis. The depth of exposure is related to the concentration of the active substance. The result is the removal of dead cells, cleansing and rejuvenation. It is divided into types according to the strength of the impact:

  • Surface. The mildest, with the use of hydroxy acids and alpha hydroxyl acids. Recommended for people under 30 years old, solves acne and post-acne problems.
  • Median. It is a sensitive procedure involving living cells. A number of acids are used: trichloroacetic and salicylic. It helps to eliminate age spots and the first signs of aging, whitens the skin.
  • Deep. Aggressive phenol technique. Recommended for patients over 55 years old.

Peeling with fruit acids

Refers to a superficial type of chemical peeling. 6 types of acids act as active substances:

  • dairy;
  • grape;
  • glycolic;
  • apple;
  • lemon;
  • wine.

Suitable for solving the problems of young skin and eliminating the first wrinkles.

Enzyme or Enzyme

In terms of depth of impact, it is considered a superficial type of exfoliation. It is based on the work of enzymes of plant, animal or bacterial genesis. Recommended for young skin, for solving problems of excessive work of the sebaceous glands, healing and rejuvenation.

Enzyme peeling is suitable for people with sensitive skin and is performed at any time of the year.


The technique appeared in 2000 and combined chemical exfoliation with an injection method of rejuvenation. During the procedure, a 1% acid solution is injected under the skin, to a depth of 1 to 2 mm. Mesopilling is more focused on eliminating existing defects than cleaning.

The procedure can be done to people of different age categories to solve aesthetic and physiological problems and prevent .


One of the easiest and most painless types of exfoliation. The work is based on the action of a sound wave. It affects a frequency that is not audible to humans. The method has found wide application in cosmetology and medicine. If indicated, it is possible for young and mature skin.


One of the safest methods to combat skin imperfections. To solve the problems, a laser beam is used, which evaporates the surface layers of cells from the selected area. For work, two types of lasers are used: carbon and erbium. The first is distinguished by the possibility of scarring, the second acts more gently. The technique is focused on different age categories, starting from the very young age.

Stages of face peeling in a beauty salon

Each salon has its own distinctive exfoliation steps. The procedure scheme everywhere consists of the following steps:

  1. Steaming.
  2. Application of the drug.
  3. Anesthesia if necessary.
  4. The use of special equipment, in the case of the hardware type of peeling.
  5. Removal of the residues of the applied preparation.
  6. Treatment with anesthetic or sedative.
  7. In case of deep impact application of a bandage or restorative mask.
  8. Compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period.

An example of a session is presented in the video materials of many beauty salons.

When is it better to peel your face

Traditionally, the best period is the autumn and winter seasons. At this time of the year, ultraviolet activity is minimal.

One of the most popular methods of rejuvenation. The action of the procedure is aimed at leveling the color of the epidermis, getting rid of wrinkles and other skin imperfections.

Peels can be used alone, as a preparation for other cosmetic procedures, or as part of a comprehensive care.

What is this procedure

Peeling - translated from English means "cleaning"... This is one of the techniques, the action of which is to cleanse the face of dead skin cells.

The first procedures were carried out in ancient Egypt. Sand, mineral particles, and crushed fruit pits were used as cosmetic mixtures. Even then, the processing was multi-stage.

At the same time, chemical cleaning began to be used, where natural acids were used as a remedy.

Phenol peels were invented about a century ago., which became the prototype of modern methods.

What is useful

The procedure cleans the upper layers of the dermis from dead cells, dirt, sebum.


  1. - under the action of active components, there is a noticeable weakening of intercellular connections. As a result, it is possible to get rid of dead cells, subcutaneous fat, and other contents of the epidermal ducts, the skin acquires an even structure and a healthy color.
  2. - after getting rid of the stratum corneum, active recovery starts, as a result, young cells are formed. After the procedure, cell fibrils of elastin and collagen begin to be produced. As a result, skin firmness and elasticity increase, skin creases and mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.
  3. - important for patients with oily skin. Clogged ducts are cleared of natural secretions, narrowing of the skin canals is observed. Completing the full course of procedures allows you to get rid of acne and acne.
  4. - cleaning sessions help fight acne scars, scars, age spots. The latter factor is associated with the peculiarities of the production of melanin, which is formed in the upper layers of the dermis, the rate of renewal of which increases under the influence of active substances.

There are several dozen types of peeling.

The choice of procedure depends on the functional, anatomical, physiological and other features of the epidermis. The method and depth of exposure to the skin are important.

In case of allergic reactions to active substances, another procedure should be suggested.

What is harmful, are there any contraindications

General contraindications for all types of peels:

  • individual intolerance to the laser, enzymes, acids;
  • pregnancy (including planned);
  • lactation period;
  • herpes virus in acute form;
  • viral infections, respiratory diseases;
  • heat;
  • ARVI, ARI;
  • dark or thin skin;
  • the presence of birthmarks in the affected area;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • period from March to October.

Any peels, despite their obvious benefits, pose stress to the skin., since their action is aimed at the destruction of its surface layer. Cosmetic compositions can be harmful - even cause a chemical burn.

The procedure provides an accelerated start of recovery, the body begins to produce its own collagen and elastin. As a result of natural recovery, a rejuvenating effect is achieved.

But partial destruction of the protective barrier causes the body's immune response, therefore peels are not recommended during diseases (skin, cardiovascular, chronic, oncological diseases).

Pros and cons versus other cleansing methods

Peeling, in comparison with scrubs and face cleansing, has a deeper effect... It is recommended for signs of wilting, helps to get rid of freckles, skin defects.

For young women, such procedures are a good prevention of wrinkles. They help to even out the tone of the face.

The biostimulants, moisturizers and other beneficial substances included in the peelings prevent the occurrence of complications.

Some treatments promote the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin, as a result, natural processes of rejuvenation are triggered in the body.

As a face cleanser, they have a lighter effect. Useful yourself. They help get rid of dead cells.

The purpose of standard face cleansing is to get rid of dirt, secretions and sebum, there is no rejuvenation or renewal effect.

The disadvantages of peels in comparison with scrubs are trauma, the presence of contraindications.

Criterias of choice

It is very difficult to find your way at first, even a specialist cannot always give an answer. It is impossible to predict the individual skin reaction to the procedure.

Taking tests will help you choose a safe type of procedure.... Based on the results, the cosmetologist will draw a conclusion and suggest the necessary procedure.