What are the criteria by which women evaluate men as potential life partners?

    I don’t choose! As the heart says, so be it !!!

    the main thing is not to look like a maniac

    What does the egoist have to do with it? Just a superficial person. It is not from the face to drink water. Over time, you cease to notice your appearance, but the rest, both good and bad, creeps out. So this person will be lucky if the external coincides with the internal. And if not, then it is his own fault!

    War. War never changes ...
    © Fallout

    by the amount of memory and ease of use specifically for you

    ZZK is not a manufacturer, but a shop and workshop. By the way, not the cheapest. And to say that there are the most reliable is stupid. Whichever you choose, so is the reliability. Cheap kebabs are never tasty
    Climb better to http://www.mtb.lv there professional enthusiasts sit and the guys have their own workshop. Not very expensive, good quality. They will help you to choose and if they can collect anything.

    Personally, my opinion is that you need a frame from mtb (aka a mountain man), some kind of lightweight. Of course, the road bike is even lighter, but you will go with your things, you need a margin of safety. Either a light mountain bike or a sturdy road bike. Because Most of the way will be on asphalt. Therefore, the tires are chosen not very wide and aggressive. Semi-slick, slicks. 1.9 maximum width. The narrower the tire, the easier it is to roll on the asphalt, but the harder it is in the forest.
    The frame is matched to the size. For your height and the length of your legs. The saddle is also a purely individual thing, it must be treated with great attention. It is better to go and try on where they give to try on, ride. In women, the pelvis is wider than the male, the saddle should also be of good size and firm. The size is determined as follows - a person sits in the sand and the width of the saddle is calculated at the lowest points in the pits. These are the so-called ischial tubercles. They must fit completely on the saddle. Bad saddle and you won't go anywhere. You will drive 40 km and that's it, the priest hurts and falls off. Therefore, some people still put a shock absorbing seatpost under the saddle. Well, they argue about him, some like it, some don't.
    You DO NOT NEED a large double suspension. It is for descending mountains and jumping up hills. This one with a spring inside and a large shock absorber in the middle of the frame. It has low reliability and good double suspensions are very expensive.
    But a shock-absorbing fork is possible. It is adjusted to the weight of the athlete. There is imitation in Maxim and Rimi.
    Longer ... body kit, aka all sorts of switches and stars, put the middle class. This is Shimano Alivia - Shimano Deore LX. The deor is better. Wheels, bushings, connecting rods from good manufacturers.
    Do not put on the Shimano Altus, Tourney, Sis body kit, this is the level of amateurs and is not designed for long trips, so ride in the park.

    The GT Avalanche has good frames, the Merinda too .. and a lot of people.
    All together in latik 300. You can keep within 200 if you save a lot and assemble by yourself .. 100-150 only with the use of many used parts

    Can you buy a bike in Moscow? There is half the price

Any woman chooses a man to create a romantic relationship with him or a family for a reason. Her head already contains certain criteria, thanks to which a woman gives a man certain conditional assessments. The nature of all women is such that their choice falls on those of the men who could take care of her, protect her, as well as possible offspring. This choice will be the same even when the woman is not going to start a family with a man. It's just that all female representatives are initially focused on the relationship with the strongest of the "males". The criteria for choosing a man are formed in a woman's head since childhood. Of course, very young girls, if asked to voice a number of such criteria, will say that they want to be friends with a handsome, intelligent or cheerful boy. But masculine strength and a kind of "perspective" in a person is assumed as a matter of course. For adult women, the criteria for being an interesting man will differ. In general, the criteria are not manifested as conditions that a woman puts forward to a man so that he has the opportunity to start a relationship with her.

The criteria are understood as those qualities in a man that in a woman are capable of causing a spontaneous reaction of sympathy and attraction to him. The so-called everyday choice can be determined, for example, by such criteria regarding a man as the presence or absence of a car, education, own housing, experience of long-term relationships with women, style of clothing. Such criteria are conventional yardsticks. But they are fundamentally important for most women. If a man lacks any of these factors, then an intelligent and self-respecting woman will consider him unworthy of herself. Even if the relationship does begin, then after the passage of a period of violent passion, a woman will most likely be burdened by the absence of such a set of qualities in a man. Such of the listed male criteria for any woman, of course, are important and desirable. But if we consider a woman as a natural biological creature, then we can safely establish that she will be subject to various kinds of reflexes and subconscious reactions.

The latter begin to act when a woman discovers a number of latent criteria in a man, that is, those that are not so obvious and obvious. It is on these criteria that not a woman's head and mind will make a choice, but her sensual side, emotions and heart. Meanwhile, in practice, women more strongly trust their own feelings, and not some kind of objective or logical assessment. And a woman will make such a sensual choice in relation to a man if her nature reacts to one of the following factors. First, the so-called genetic factor will play a leading role. Conditionally, it can be described as the transfer of the skills that his parents possess to a child in the process of conception. If a woman sees that the parents of a potential partner are successful people, she will project such achievements onto a man. Even if he himself has not yet been able to achieve anything. The genetic factor can be compared to a kind of halo or spirit that envelops a man in an invisible shell as a result of his belonging to a certain genus. Women catch such a halo very quickly and subtly.

Of course, the son of simple parents who grew up in a poor family can be very talented. And he, too, in adulthood can achieve great success. But for a woman's nature, or rather for the possibility of her potential reaction, such a prospect will not be too tempting. A woman needs to know right now that a man has a ready-made potential. The second strongest motive for the emergence of a woman's attention to a particular man will be his enthusiasm, as well as a high concentration on something. In the process of being carried away by any things or deeds, a man concentrates on them completely. Of course, for this they must be really interesting to him. It is believed that the greater the degree of concentration of a person, the more chances he has for solving the necessary problems. In practical life, enthusiasm is often the main evidence that its owner is sufficiently energetic. Such vigor will allow him to keep his brain activity in one direction for a long time. And this is nothing more than a manifestation of stability.

It is the stability in a man, which he unconsciously, for example, through passion for something, demonstrates in everyday life, that will be so attractive to women. Therefore, men who are very keen on any activity in some way have an advantage over the rest. The third important factor stimulating increased female attention to a man will be his sociability and skill to influence other people. A woman will definitely observe and analyze how exactly a man communicates with service personnel, waitresses and simply with the people around him. If a man at the same time shouts and in every possible way demonstrates anger or discontent, the woman will shun him and diminish her interest. Conflictness men are considered by women to be not the best quality for their ability to survive in the world of harsh reality. To some extent, women perceive male conflict in the role of antisocial behavior.

Subconsciously, a woman feels that it will be extremely difficult to be in society with such a man. And the man himself will find a job in a career and other areas much more difficult. According to women, the less a man is trained in the skill of smoothing out sharp corners, negotiating with people and avoiding problems, the more often he will use his fists. And this is a direct signal that a woman should run away from such a man as far as possible. Therefore, loyalty to people and diplomacy will give advantages to men. The important criteria for women, to which they also react, will certainly be luck in life and an optimistic attitude of a man. Many people can go in the chosen direction for years, but they still cannot succeed. And it would seem that there are no serious objective reasons for this. The person is simply unlucky. Meanwhile, simple luck, as such, does not exist in principle. There is simply a certain inner mood that a lucky person radiates into the outside world.

This attitude creates energy of a certain frequency. And as a result, even unfamiliar people around them begin to truly believe in a person. This attitude gives a man the opportunity to remain optimistic under any circumstances. Of course, women do not analyze the above, seeing a particular man. But luck and optimism are reflected in a person even outwardly. As a result, he seems to glow and emit an alluring light, which will certainly be caught by an intelligent woman who needs a promising man for life. Facts and objective life situations are always neutral in themselves. The emotional shade, as well as the charge of polarity, is given to them by the person himself. And all men will benefit from changing their attitude towards life in general to a joyful and positive one. Of course, any woman will pay attention to what habits a man has in terms of work, and whether he is endowed with responsibility. It is habits along with a person's experience that make it possible to make a forecast for his future. People really rarely change, almost never. And habits formed over the years are an excellent reflection of a person's inner potential.

It is foolish for those women who tolerate an unreliable man with a bad character and a set of habits next to them in the hope that he will one day change. It won't happen. If a man is accustomed to spending a day at work, then he will continue to act in the same way. If a man at one of his life moments demonstrates laziness and indifference to everything that happens, then global changes will not happen in the future. A woman is able to influence the external environment. In other words, she can teach a man to drive a car, live in his own home. But if a man before her has already turned into a workhorse, then he will remain it for the rest of his life. Likewise, a slacker will not bother with a career search in the future. In her assessments of a man, a woman will not limit herself only to her own opinion and the impression received at first. She will definitely ask for recommendations from other people who know the man she is interested in.

She will ask them what kind of specialist, good or bad, they think he is. This female addiction is due to the fact that she clearly understands that much is much more visible from the outside. It will also be of great importance for a woman whether the man has large-scale personal ambitions. If a person has many talents and is a wonderful worker, but at the same time he has no ambitions, then with a high probability he will just stagnate in one place. Women think so. And this is indeed true and true. It is important for a woman that a man wants to achieve heights in life, in other words, to progress. If a man does not initially have such a desire, then neither perseverance, nor talent, nor great luck will make him successful. It is ambition that is the driving force in a man, thanks to which he embodies the true essence of a reliable getter and protector.

The above criteria are perfectly reasonable and logical. If you ask a woman whether she evaluates men precisely by such factors, then she can give a negative answer. But this will not mean that the described factors do not matter for a woman. They are the essence of the choice of any woman. If a woman herself evaluates and chooses a man for other qualities and motives, then her life with him simply will not work out or will be unhappy. Therefore, it is directly recommended to analyze a man from this position. Men, on the other hand, can adopt such principles for themselves and also begin to take steps towards their own happiness.

The wedding is one of the most important days in the history of the family, this event will be remembered by the newlyweds themselves, as well as by all relatives and friends for many years to come, so it is very important that this day passes "without a hitch." So what are the criteria to understand that the wedding was a success? Let's figure it out, moreover, it is advisable to study this information long before the wedding in order to take into account all the important points and make the wedding perfect. It is also important who in this case evaluates the wedding, because for the newlyweds it can be a compromise with relatives, and for all guests it can seem ideal. Still, the main evaluators are the bride and groom, and the main criterion will be their emotions after the wedding.

Fitted into the budget

Keeping within the budget is one of the most important points of any wedding, but very few people manage to achieve this, unexpected expenses always pop up. And the overspending of the wedding budget often affects the further expenses of the young family - there is less money left for travel, important purchases, the planned payment for housing.

Therefore, it is very important to fit into the preliminary budget as much as possible, while incorporating unforeseen expenses into it. When fulfilling the budget, it is better not to skimp on quality, otherwise, as a result, vague pictures or videos will remain in memory, guests will be unhappy with the food, and the bride will be uncomfortable in a dress. You shouldn't skimp on things that are important to you.

Often, after the wedding, they try to take stock and understand whether the celebration paid off. This question is not entirely pertinent, since the wedding is usually done for themselves, and not for the sake of collecting money. It's rash to start a wedding with the last money and hope for a payback of the event, the negative balance at the end can greatly disappoint you, it may be worth thinking about a more modest celebration.

Like notes

A good wedding is that it does not bring unpleasant surprises to the participants. Some unexpected moments of the wedding can amuse everyone, spice up the wedding, become a highlight, if it's some trifles or trifles. Try to psychologically tune in in advance that such moments may arise and you will not make a tragedy out of it, you will treat with humor.

But being late at the registry office, forgotten rings, a fight at a wedding and a toastmaster who does not appear can cause a bad mood. Therefore, it is important to plan everything carefully and allow time for possible traffic jams. A competent organizer or agency will help you schedule the entire wedding day in minutes.

For some nuances, it is possible to provide a fallback. For example, changing a dress or suit in case of damage during a wedding or having several free seats in the cars, suddenly there will be more guests than planned or there will be a breakdown in one of the cars.

Avoid me

There are many wedding signs and many of them did not arise from scratch. How to relate to signs, everyone's business, they do not always come true. But if you believe in omens, then you should take them into account so as not to worry later that the marriage will turn out to be unhappy.

Adverse omens include: seeing the bride to the groom in a wedding dress before the wedding, a ring that has fallen in the registry office, putting a ring on his left hand, a friend or boyfriend is already married. Auspicious omens include rain on your wedding day.

Let's repeat?

A very indicative criterion for a successful wedding is the desire to repeat everything after the wedding. If you want to change something, then these are nuances and little things, but in general you liked everything so much that you savor and savor the details, see photos and videos.

This usually happens if the young spouses initially agreed on how to hold the wedding, if the relatives did not pressure them and did not force them to hold the celebration according to their vision, but entrusted the bride and groom to plan their ideal wedding themselves. Then there will be only long-awaited guests at the wedding, contests will not be on the verge of a foul and the host will not announce aloud the amount of gifts.

Love and relationship of spouses through time

The most important secret of a successful wedding is the presence of love and understanding between the newlyweds. If this is present, then the bride and groom seem to glow, being together, all the guests are charged with the atmosphere that has arisen and the wedding is going great.

Also, the indicator is the relationship of the spouses after the wedding. Many get divorced after six months, and some even earlier. Then someone will surely remember that the ring fell, that the groom saw the bride in a dress before the wedding and forgot to read the hem of the bride's dress with black threads.

If the relationship is strong, the spouses have a good family, then they will say about the wedding that it was successful, but no one will remember about the signs in this case.

What criteria can be used to determine the psychological age of a person?

The concept of psychological age is one of the most complex and therefore little developed concepts. An objective chronological measure of a person's age is insufficient to determine the age-related patterns of development and does not coincide with the self-assessment of a person's age. Self-assessment of age is a complex education, since it is a generalized reflection of the characteristics of the life path as a whole and its individual stages. The psychological age of a person includes many components, depends on many variables and is generally associated with a subjective idea of ​​the level of the person's fulfillment. In modern psychology, some techniques and methods have been developed for the diagnosis of individual components of psychological age. Thus, Russian psychologists E.I. Golovakha and A.A. Kronik are offered to conduct a thought experiment: “Imagine a situation in which you suddenly find out that the age recorded in your passport, birth certificate or any other documents is incorrect, and it is not known in which direction the error occurred - you are younger in fact or older. Imagining yourself in a similar situation, try (focusing on the inner feeling of your age) to answer the question: "How old are you in reality?" We can confidently assume that your true “calendar age” will not always coincide with the estimate prompted by your inner feeling ”.

E.I. Golovakha and A.A. Kronik proposed the following criteria for assessing their own psychological age. 1) causometric indicators; aimed at diagnosing the deep layers of psychological time, which are not always adequately realized by the individual. According to the condition of the proposed methodology, the subject notes 15 of the most important events in life and conducts a causal and targeted analysis of inter-event relations and, on this basis, builds a kaufzomatrix; 2) evaluation of five-year intervals according to the degree of saturation with significant events. The subject evaluates each five-year interval of his life according to the frequency of significant events and compares the total indicator to the expected degree of the level of fulfillment based on the expected duration of his own life; 3) dichotomous scaling of the life path, aimed at a mental search for milestones, significant events separating one half of the life path from the other. As a result of the procedure, the degree of realization of psychological time is calculated; 4) self-assessment of fulfillment is aimed at assessing the personality of his own fulfillment.

In general, according to the authors of the causal-target concept of psychological time, "the methods of measuring the psychological age of a person make it possible to determine quantitative indicators of the subjective realization of life, on the basis of which a qualitative interpretation of the relationship between psychological and chronological age is possible." The indicators highlighted by the authors are the basis for realizing the irreversibility of time and its rational planning on the biographical scale of the life of each individual person.


1.Holovakha YE., Kronik AA. Personality psychological time. Kiev, 1984.S. 163-186.

Is there a yardstick for copywriting professionalism? In most cases, the customer's opinion is the criterion for the quality of the work of a specialist in writing articles. At the same time, there are certain canons, according to which it is possible to very objectively establish the level of professionalism of a copywriter.

Professional copywriter: what is he like?

It should be noted right away that the presence of a specialized philological or journalistic education does not act as a guarantor of success in the field of copywriting. Of course, an article cannot be of high quality if the author does not have a good vocabulary and ability to write articles, and also does not know the rules of the Russian language. At the same time, if there is a desire, you can become a demanded copywriter even with low initial indicators. Often, the desire to gain new knowledge, perseverance and perseverance are able to work miracles.

A copywriter who claims to be a "Professional" cannot do without:

  • knowledge of the principles of working with text, basics of stylistics, punctuation and spelling;
  • understanding the principles of website promotion and search engine optimization processes;
  • experience with various text editors;
  • the ability to find the required information, process it, getting the basis for writing a quality article;
  • ability to analyze;
  • special knowledge (NLP, psychology, sales);
  • knowledge of the basic foundations of marketing;
  • high print speed.

What are the principles of a professional copywriter?

A professional copywriter aims to generate a steady income from the sale of high quality articles. In addition to the informative load, the creations of such an author can increase sales, build brand confidence, attract visitors to the site, and increase customer confidence.

A professional author is simply obliged to systematically improve, improve the quality of his texts and get acquainted with relevant information. Self-study is the bulk of a copywriter's job. Such a specialist can write articles on almost any topic. For him, there are no areas in which it is impossible to understand. However, for the execution of this or that task, the copywriter allocates time for the preparation of information. It is thanks to this approach that he can create decent texts.

A professional copywriter will not waste his time on trifles, because it is not cheap. At the same time, such a specialist focuses primarily not on the price, but on the usefulness of his texts. And this is what allows him to get good money for his work. A professional author works with customers on an equal footing. He is not afraid to say no and argue if necessary. Also, such an author differs from ordinary copywriters in that in his work he, like the customer, is aimed at a positive result.

How to assess the level of professionalism of an article writing specialist?

The professionalism of a copywriter should be assessed by his texts, and not by some personal and business qualities of this specialist. This can be a test task or work from the copywriter's portfolio. What should be given importance when familiarizing with the works of the author?

Here it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • The structure of the text. A quick glance at the text is enough to understand that it is of high quality, that is, it has paragraphs, subheadings, lists.
  • Literacy. The copywriter is simply obliged to write without errors. At the same time, the error can be found in the works of almost any professional author. It is important what kind of errors they are. If the author skipped Russian lessons, then you will immediately understand this, because his articles will simply be impossible to read. It is important that the author is able to correct his few mistakes.
  • Expertise of texts. For the user, each text has its own value. If the author has in his portfolio works on a topic that is closely related to your field of activity, then you can easily assess the degree of expertise of the text. If there are no such articles, then invite the author to do a test task, and then analyze the opinion of the audience.
  • The author's ability to work with information. A copywriter must be able to clearly articulate his thoughts and apply intonation.
  • The ability of the author to write selling articles. Of course, someone doesn't need it. In addition, every product needs a certain type of selling text. At the same time, a copywriter should have a general idea of ​​this category of articles.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of a copywriter, you need to learn how to evaluate the professionalism of this specialist. Risks are not excluded here, but most often they are fully justified.