Why are nails thin and soft. Exfoliating, brittle nails are the causes of the symptom. Olive oil and lemon

Greetings, my readers!

They say that hands are an important criterion that characterizes a person. Therefore, it is so necessary that they be beautiful and well-groomed.

Brittle nails are a problem for many, but you really want to have your own, long and natural claws.

Consider all the recipes for strengthening them, as well as find out the causes of brittle nails.

From this article you will learn:

Brittle nails - causes and ways to strengthen

When such a problem overtakes, this is a kind of wake-up call that you need to reconsider your lifestyle and change the menu. After all, the reason must be sought not on the surface, but inside.

It should also be noted that it is not necessary to turn to a professional for help - you can cope with soft nails and you can do it at home.

But first, about the reasons why brittle nails become:

  • Avitaminosis is one of the most common causes. In other words, it is a lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Disturbed hormonal background
  • Washing hands in very hot water
  • Problems with internal organs, endocrine and nervous systems.
  • Constant contact of nails with chemicals.
  • Constant use of nail polishes without "respite", as well as the use of poor quality varnish.
  • Lack of care.

The reason may be both too simple and not very pleasant. If, in addition to brittle nails, there are other factors that are no less disturbing, it is better to go to the doctor, get tested and assess the condition of the body.

Foods to help strengthen your nails

Proper nutrition is a guarantee of health not only for nails and hair, but also for all internal body systems.

Therefore, it is very important to establish a diet so that the necessary microelements and vitamins are also supplied with food.

Particularly important are foods rich in silicon, calcium, iron, vitamins A, E and D.

For example, these could be:

  • liver;
  • beans;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • butter;
  • milk;
  • a fish;
  • meat;
  • bird;
  • parsley;
  • leaf salad.

Ways to strengthen nails

Baths for nails

Preparing baths for brittle nails is not difficult, but the result is a stunning effect.

There are quite a few recipes for preparing such baths, but consider the most effective ones that can strengthen brittle nails:

  1. FROM . Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of warm water. l. sea ​​salt and add 2 drops of iodine. Hold the handles for about 20 minutes.
  2. Grind sour berries, for example, red or black currants, then dip your fingers into the porridge and leave for at least 10 minutes.
  3. One of the best answers to the question of how to strengthen nails is baths with. Moreover, they are good for whitening. Divide the lemon in half, dip the fingers of both hands into each of the halves and leave for 15 minutes. You can also wipe the nails with slices of this fruit.
  4. 4. With iodine. Mix: 3 drops of iodine, 2 tsp. salt, 1/3 cup water and the same amount of orange juice. First, water is heated, then salt dissolves in it, and only after that everything else. Keep 5-10 minutes.
  5. Wonderful recipe with Pour a couple of tablespoons of crushed flowers with a third of a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse. After about an hour, strain, warm slightly and add 3 tablespoons of white wine. Mix well, immerse fingers for 20 minutes.

Oils for nails

This is another remedy rich in vitamins and trace elements that requires less time to prepare than baths.

However, you can make them too.

For example, vegetable oil is a product that is in every home.

Vitamin A can be added to it in liquid form and lemon juice, or plain.

The procedure lasts 10 minutes, you need to do such baths every two days for 14 days.

Baths can still be done with oil (for example, olive), moreover, use it as the only component.

If you do not want to bother with them, you can simply rub it into the nail plate.

Varnishes and other means

On the shelves of shops and pharmacies there are a lot of varnishes, gels, creams to improve the condition of nails.

It is worth paying attention mainly to those with keratin supplements.

Of course, they are not cheap, but they give an amazing effect for thin nails.

Many talk about the benefits of simple. It's a whole chest of vitamins. The wax must be dissolved, then immerse your fingertips in this mixture for half an hour.

You can prepare a nutrient mixture to strengthen and subsequently apply it to the nails. For preparation, you need to mix vitamins A, D and E in liquid form with a nourishing cream in a ratio of 3: 3: 1: 20, respectively.

Or mix the yolk with 4 g of peach oil and the same amount of beeswax, and apply on exfoliating nails before going to bed.

This mask is left on the hands all night.

You can also drink a vitamin complex, the choice of which is very wide today. The only negative is that you can’t drink them “with your eyes closed”, but you must first talk with the doctor. After all, hypervitaminosis is no better than beriberi.

Brittle Nail Care

This part can also be called “preventive”, because if you follow the tips that I wrote above, brittle nails will become strong, and healthy ones will not deteriorate.

Moreover, such an effect will be achieved in a fairly short period of time, and you won’t have to think about how to treat weak nails at home.

To stop brittle nails from bothering you, you need to:

  1. Eat well - more vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, berries, sour-milk and dairy products in the diet. All of them are saturated with useful substances, so necessary for the body every day.
  2. Give your nails time to “rest” from polish, and use acetone-free nail polish removers.
  3. Hands are very fond of oils. Therefore, it is recommended to lubricate them with peach, almond and olive.
  4. When using chemicals, be sure to wear gloves, do not wash your hands in very hot water.
  5. Carry out maintenance regularly.

Almost all of our external problems are signs that the body gives us, as if informing us that it is time to pay attention to ourselves.

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When communicating, the interlocutor involuntarily pays attention to the person’s hands. They tell a lot about the owner.

If the hands are well-groomed, it means that the person is neat, if brittle nails on the hands, then the reason lies in the deviations of the body from the normal state, and we have a sick person in front of us.

However, brittle nails happen to people who do not take care of themselves, who are unfamiliar with the concept of hygiene. Untidy, dull, brittle nails give an untidy and unkempt appearance to the hands.

Causes of brittle nails

The impact on the nails of external and internal factors leads to their fragility. They begin to crack, peel off, break off, they cannot be grown back and, moreover, it is impossible to make a high-quality manicure.

The impact on the nails of external and internal factors leads to their fragility.

To understand the reasons for this process, it is necessary to turn to the achu. It will help to identify or exclude chronic and fungal diseases, check the amount of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Comprehensive treatment of brittle nails includes the elimination of all causes of this phenomenon: the use of therapeutic baths, special creams, paraffin therapy, etc.

The main reasons for the fragility of your nail plates include a number of factors.

Genetic Causes

Such causes of brittle nails on the hands are quite common. The ability of the body to produce keratin and a certain amount of sulfur to harden it is transmitted to a person from parents.

To exclude a genetic cause, it is recommended that a small part of the nail part be taken to the laboratory.

It's not worth giving up. It is necessary to take better care of the nails and carry out medical procedures as preventive measures.

Bad care, manicure

If suddenly a woman discovers that she has brittle fingernails, often the reason for this lies in improper and illiterate care.

If suddenly a woman discovers that she has brittle fingernails, often the reason for this lies in improper and illiterate care.

The use of cheap varnishes and liquids based on acetone, low-quality care products leads to the penetration of harmful substances deep into the nails, damages their structure, making them more vulnerable.

If girls often do manicures or nail extensions, this has a detrimental effect on them. The nails begin to fade, exfoliate and become brittle.

Not everyone knows how to do a manicure at home and learn on their own, while performing manipulations that negatively affect the nails.

Pay attention to the most common mistakes:

  1. Do not use metal and glass nail files;
  2. The nail file must be held strictly perpendicular to the nail, then you will correctly form the shape of the nail plate;
  3. If detachment is already taking place, it is necessary to process such a nail first on the sides, gradually moving to the center;
  4. The movements of the nail file occur in one direction;
  5. Prefer the tool with a fine abrasive and do not grind.

Playing musical instruments

Any mechanical impact on the nail plates, whether it is playing a musical instrument or typing on a computer, leads to damage to the nail at a microscopic level and, thereby, to a violation of the natural exfoliation.

Any mechanical impact on the nail plates, whether it is playing a musical instrument or typing on a computer, leads to damage to the nail.

Working with aggressive substances

When cleaning the house, a person cannot do without chemicals, which greatly improve and simplify washing.

Even if a woman is engaged in washing dishes, then even there you can’t do without a chemical detergent. Therefore, it is recommended all housework related to chemistry should be done with gloves. They will protect the nails, and hands, from the effects of aggressive substances.

Hormonal disruptions

Hormonal disruptions associated mainly with adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause. During such a period, brittle fingernails often appear, and the reason for this lies on the surface.

Hormonal disruptions associated mainly with adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause. During this period, brittle fingernails often appear.

During a hormonal failure, the level of estrogen decreases, and this adversely affects the condition of the nails.


Avitaminosis, a lack of vitamins and microelements in the human body, leads to the fact that the nails look dull, exfoliate. Brittle nails on the hands look unpleasant. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of this phenomenon.

The composition of the nail includes keratin, so that the body produces it, it is recommended to include poultry meat, eggs, sea fish in the menu.

daily use, these products will have a beneficial effect on the health of the nail plates. For the prevention of beriberi once a year, you can take a complex of vitamins.

Nail fungus

This problem occurs for many people. If treatment is not started in time, the nails will lose their shape, color and become brittle.

outside interference

Many people bite their nails or remove them with nail clippers, this is strictly prohibited. Under the influence of improper mechanical intervention, they break.

Water shortage and dehydration

The lack of water in the body leads to the fact that the marigolds become yellow, dull and brittle.

chronic diseases

This reason, due to which brittle fingernails appear, occupies a leading position. Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver, problems with the endocrine system all affect the health of the nails.

All of the above causes of fragility of the nail plates can be eliminated. Some are removed quite easily and quickly, with others you will have to be patient, treat the disease under the supervision of a doctor.

All of the above causes of fragility of the nail plates can be eliminated.

The main thing is that the result will be healthy, dense and elastic nails.

Features of brittle nails

Now let's look at what brittle nails look like, and what makes them special.

Except them, contains keratin, which is responsible for the density of the nail, and water, which is responsible for elasticity and healthy shine. At the base of the nail there is a light zone - the matrix. Cells divide in it, and due to this, it grows.

Let's analyze the structure of the nail. It consists of a large number of horny plates, which are strongly pressed against each other.

With a negative impact on the nail plates, tiny cracks and gaps form between the layers. Over time, a void is formed from them, which exfoliates the nail.

Please note that brittle nails look bad, their structure becomes soft, and under mechanical stress they bend and break.

The tips look sloppy, lifeless, and can exfoliate. If you try to grow them, then this, most often, is not possible. With such nails, the hands look unkempt, and the person himself looks sloppy.

How to strengthen nails

In order to put your nails in order to minimize their fragility, you need to properly care for them, strengthen them.

Nails are filed only with an emery file, metal and glass spoil the nails.

Proper care includes the following:


Most often, brittle nails are a message from the body so that a person thinks about his diet. If the body experiences a lack of trace elements and vitamins, then it is the nail that immediately reacts to this fact.

The body may lack elements such as:

Strengthening nails with special preparations

Many people have brittle fingernails, so there are many products on the market that fight the causes of their occurrence.

Such funds are purchased at pharmacies:

Folk methods

Also, in addition to special preparations, you can try on yourself the methods of their traditional medicine.

Folk methods that fight fragility:

Prevention of brittle nails

In order not to run your nails to the previous, unfavorable state, you must remember to take preventive measures.

It is important to remember a number of tips:

Thus, observing all the necessary measures, constantly caring for your hands and nails, you will forever forget about the problem of their fragility.

This video will show you what you can do to strengthen your nails.

From this video you will learn about three effective recipes for strengthening nails at home.

This video will show you how to deal with brittle nails and nail fungus.

To get rid of this problem, you need to find the cause of its occurrence.

Nails can be called a natural formation that has a dual function: protective and aesthetic. On the one hand, the nail plates protect the fingertips from adverse physical effects, on the other hand, they decorate them. Often we even subconsciously evaluate the other person by the condition of their hair, skin and nails. Neatly trimmed, well-groomed, without visible damage, nails definitely add a few points to other people's assessment of us. However, nails can be problematic. Then the nail plate often does not look aesthetically pleasing and cannot fully fulfill the protective function assigned to it.

A variety of defects in the nail plate are possible: changes in color, thickness and structure, etc. A fairly common problem with nails is hapalonychia.

What is hapalonychia?

Gapalonychia is a softening of the nail plates, which leads to their excessive fragility. Simultaneously with softening, thinning of the nails is also often observed. Both the thickness and softness of the nail depend on the state of the matrix from which the plate is formed. Gapalonychia occurs when, for various reasons, the structure of the tissue of the nail plate changes, becomes more loose and brittle.

Gapalonychia true and acquired

This disorder can develop due to endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) factors. In this regard, this disorder is divided into:

  • True hapalonychia developed as a result of endogenous factors
  • Acquired hapalonychia, the impetus for the formation of which were exogenous factors.
Most often, the appearance of true hapalonychia leads to:
  • Chronic diseases such as arthritis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Diseases of peripheral vessels.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Improper nutrition, which leads to a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal condition of the nails. Softening of the nails often occurs if the body does not have enough vitamins A and B, as well as calcium, iron and sulfur.
Factors contributing to the appearance of false hapalonychia include:
  • Prolonged exposure to the nail of aggressive chemicals.
  • Injury to the nail plate.
  • Improper nail care, in particular the wrong manicure.
Find and eliminate the cause!

If you notice that your nails have become too soft and brittle, you need to find out the cause of this violation. This is very important, because the way to deal with the problem will differ depending on what exactly provoked it. To find out, you should consult a doctor. It will help to find the cause and think over a set of measures aimed at eliminating this nail defect.

It will not be superfluous to analyze the causes of the appearance of such a defect in the nail plates yourself:

  • Consider whether your nails have been in contact with harmful substances. They may have suffered from frequent contact with detergents. To avoid this, do all your homework with gloves on. They protect nails from aggressive substances.
  • You may have recently injured your nail plate. In this case, over time, the nail will grow back and everything will be normal.
  • Do you often paint your nails and use false nails?. These procedures can harm the structure of the nail plate. Polishes and false nails made from poor quality materials can have a negative effect, in which the nails can change color, thin, soften and become more brittle. The first thing to do in this case is to temporarily abandon these manicure manipulations. You can also use special cosmetics to restore the structure of the nail plate.
  • Pay attention to food. If you eat few vegetables and fruits, and abuse fatty, overly sweet, refined foods, then it is likely that nail problems arose as a result of a lack of vitamins and minerals. Diet-related nail problems are often seasonal, because in winter and spring we especially often "deprive ourselves" of ourselves. If you suspect that it is malnutrition that is causing problems with your nails, adjust the menu.
  • Find out about the condition of the nails from relatives. If your ancestors had hapalonychia, then there is a high probability that you will also have it. This does not mean that you need to sit idly by. But when taking measures to restore the condition of the nails, it is worth doing an amendment “for genes”.
  • Pay attention to whether you have chronic diseases. Many sluggish chronic diseases affect the metabolism and provoke disturbances in work in different parts of the body. If you know about the existence of such a chronic disease in yourself, then pay attention to its course. Take tests, conduct other diagnostic studies to find out the state of health at the moment. If a violation in the nail plates provokes a chronic disease, then it should be treated first.

Take care of your nails and be healthy!

Hands give out a person's age. Improper care and unbalanced nutrition lead to the fact that the skin becomes flabby, and the nail plate begins to exfoliate. Soft fingernails are the topic of this article.

Stratified nails are the first sign of some diseases. It should not be ignored, but it is necessary to rationally look at the essence of the problem. Most likely, you will need complex therapy aimed at eradicating the cause of the disease. Insufficient attention and thoughtless actions lead to serious consequences and complications. It is easier to recognize the causes at an early stage of the disease than to carry out debilitating therapy in a neglected form. Only a professional doctor can help in this situation.

Soft fingernails: causes

Not only a failure in the body affects the condition of the nails, external factors also adversely affect them.

Exogenous factors

The most common causes of the disease include:

  1. Regular use of modern manicure products. This includes all kinds of varnishes, false and modeling nails, nail polish removers and artificial nails. Their frequent use is disproportionate in time with the natural recovery process. The risk increases several times if you use a low-quality product produced in violation of technology, proportional ratios of substances, as well as their continuous application, which does not give time for tissue regeneration.
  2. Mechanical impact on the nail plate. The reason most often becomes unprofessional care with the use of traumatic devices for manicure. This also includes the habit of biting nails, removing dirt and plaque mechanically, uncorking metal covers, unscrewing screws, thinking that nails are the most suitable tool for this.
  3. Systematic exposure to chemicals on the nail plate, which leads to its dehydration and degreasing of the surface. In addition, the frequent use of household chemicals, aggressive cleaning products is not only harmful to nails, but also adversely affects the skin of the hands. Therefore, cleaning must be carried out with rubber gloves so that only microbes suffer from detergents, and not your health. Doctors are also susceptible to this disease, who, by virtue of their official duties, very often disinfect their hands.
  4. Wet environments are the enemy of the fingers. Being in water for a long time, the nail plate swells and deforms. This misunderstanding can happen with constant prolonged contact with the liquid, which leads to irreversible consequences - delamination of the nail.

Nails become ugly as a result of external damaging factors. As we found out, the reason does not always lie in health, it is also necessary to take into account the lifestyle, professional employment and social status of a person.

Endogenous factors

Approximately half of the reasons can be safely attributed to endogenous signs of deterioration in the condition of the nail plate. Unfortunately, not all of them are quickly diagnosed and give themselves out symptomatically. In addition, there are combined cases, consisting of external and internal causes.

What to do? You should immediately consult a doctor in cases where all external factors have been excluded, and the nails continue to exfoliate. This means that there are reasons due to which damage occurs, and they are rooted inside the body. In order to find the optimal treatment, a diagnosis is first made.

What can lead to nail problems?

  • Paronychia is an infection of the periungual space with the possible formation of pus. An infection of the growth zone is not ruled out. The abilities of pus are endless, it easily penetrates under the nail plate, separating it from the base, which leads to exfoliation.
  • Chronic diseases of the internal organs leads to an incorrect balance of nutrients, intoxication. This problem should be carefully considered by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the chronic stage and endocrine diseases are also the cause leading to detachment of the stratum corneum.
  • Fungal infection (onychomycosis). The causative agent is all kinds of dermatophytes, molds and yeast-like fungi. Their favorite place of deployment is the interlayer horny level, dividing it, they form a small, crumbly substance.
  • Deficiency of the vitamin-mineral complex is the main reason leading to problems with nails. Polyhypovitaminosis occurs in pregnant women and starving people. If you eat raw fruits and vegetables every day, then the vitamin balance in the body will be restored on its own. People living in cities with a small number of sunny days a year receive less vitamin D3, which is replenished with the help of special medicines, as well as vitamin B12.

Eliminate, if possible, exogenous factors and pay attention to endogenous ones. It is important to remember that the damaged area of ​​the stratum corneum cannot be completely restored if the problem is not diagnosed in time.

Video on the topic of the article

Many of us are faced with such a problem as brittleness and delamination of nails. This forces us to bashfully hide our hands and look for ways to eliminate this seemingly cosmetic defect. A variety of external or internal factors can negatively affect the condition of our nails, and the appearance of such a symptom should not be left without due attention. Sometimes, to eliminate such a cosmetic defect, it is enough just to put on rubber gloves or refuse to use aggressive household chemicals, but in some cases only a course of treatment of the underlying disease that provoked a change in the structure of the nail plates will help restore health and beauty to the nails.

That is why, in order to eliminate such a problem, it is always necessary to accurately determine the cause of brittleness and delamination of nails, and only after that proceed to their restoration, and in some cases to the treatment of the underlying disease. What causes can lead to a violation of the structure of the nail plate? How can you get rid of them? How to restore the beauty and health of nails? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

What external causes lead to brittleness and delamination of nails?

Violation of the structure of the nail plate can be caused by such aggressive external causes, leading to dryness and brittle nails:

  • prolonged contact with water;
  • frequent exposure to low or high temperatures (dry and hot air, hot water, etc.);
  • aggressive exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • contact with aggressive chemicals (household chemicals, nail polishes, nail polish remover, building materials, etc.);
  • use of low-quality nail files;
  • improper care of hands and nails;
  • improperly performed manicure or nail extension;
  • mechanical injury.

The above external factors lead to overdrying of the tissues of the nail plate or its mechanical damage. As a result, the nail begins to delaminate, becomes dry and brittle.

What internal causes lead to brittleness and delamination of nails?

Violation of the structure of the nail plate can be caused by various internal causes that provoke malnutrition of the nail tissues. These include:

  • malnutrition or aggressive diets, leading to insufficient intake of minerals and vitamins from food (deficiency of vitamins B5, B3, B1, A, C, E and D, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron);
  • period of active growth of children or adolescents;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • onychomycosis (caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton schoenleinii, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermaphyton floccosum, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Alternaria, Aspergillus and other types of fungi);
  • hormonal disorders and endocrine diseases (, dysfunction, etc.);
  • psoriasis;
  • diseases of the kidneys and digestive organs (intestines, etc.).

The above reasons lead to malnutrition of the nail plate and a change in its structure. As a result, the nails begin to exfoliate and break, furrows, depressions or areas with a changed color appear on them. In such cases, it is not possible to improve the appearance of nails with the help of external agents, and you can get rid of the problem only after eliminating the cause of its appearance (i.e., treating the underlying disease, giving up bad habits, normalizing nutrition).

What do nails look like with some diseases?

Overdrying of the nail plates, caused by insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals into the body or exposure to aggressive factors and chemicals, is manifested by delamination and increased brittleness of the nails. They lose their integrity, become dull and grow poorly. In such cases, a person needs to eliminate aggressive external factors, normalize nutrition and properly care for nails.

With the development of diseases of the internal organs, in addition to delamination and increased fragility, the state of the nail plates can change in the following way:

  • the appearance of dents and depressions on the nail - with;
  • yellowish tint of the nail - with;
  • cyanosis or paler color of the nail - in diseases associated with circulatory disorders;
  • shiny, brittle and soft nails without a hole (sometimes with tubercles) - with hyperthyroidism;
  • thickened, exfoliating nail with transverse grooves in the form of stripes - with latent or recently transferred infectious diseases;
  • a yellowish nail with white spots and tubercles on the surface - with diabetes;
  • yellow spots on the nails - with lung diseases;
  • concavity of the nail (the surface looks like a spoon) - with;
  • a nail with a small scattering of white (pearl-like) convex tubercles - with a hidden course of a viral infection;
  • discoloration to yellow, gray and blackish, porosity, delamination and flaking of the nail (up to its loss) - with fungal diseases.

According to the above signs, the doctor may suspect a particular disease of the internal organs and prescribe a number of additional studies that will determine the true cause of the change in appearance and delamination of the nail plates. After that, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment for the underlying disease, which will not only lead to the elimination of dysfunctions of organs and systems, but also guarantee an improvement in the appearance of the nails.

General recommendations for eliminating delamination and brittle nails

When splitting and brittle nails, it is important to eliminate external aggressive factors that may affect their health:

  1. When in contact with aggressive detergents or other chemicals, earth, building materials, hard or metal sponges, use rubber gloves.
  2. Avoid prolonged contact with water.
  3. Limit exposure to high and low temperatures (wear gloves, use protective creams, etc.).
  4. Careful use of graters for cooking.
  5. Wearing comfortable shoes.
  6. Accurate trimming of nails with high-quality manicure scissors. The optimal shape for nails is oval or rectangular.
  7. Use only high-quality nail files (it is better to purchase glass ones). When filing nails, movements should be directed from the corner of the nail to the center. Do not file the nail plates on the sides.
  8. Learn how to do a manicure correctly or contact only an experienced specialist.
  9. Do not use poor quality nail polishes and nail polish remover containing acetone.
  10. Do not paint your nails constantly (it is advisable not to apply varnish more than once a week). 1-2 days a week to give the nails a complete "rest" from the varnish.
  11. Before applying lacquers in bright colors, apply a special base for colored lacquer.
  12. Do not abuse the frequent procedures such as acrylic nail extensions and painting with shellac coatings. It is better to refuse such procedures completely if you have brittle and exfoliated nails.

For a more effective restoration of nail health, these recommendations must be supplemented by the following activities:

  • normalization of nutrition;
  • replenishment of the lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • proper nail care
  • salon procedures (if possible).

How to balance nutrition with brittle and delamination of nails?

With increased brittleness and delamination of nails, you definitely need to think about the quality of your diet. It is an unbalanced diet and the abuse of strict weight loss diets that often lead to the fact that the body receives an insufficient amount of those substances that are needed for the normal development of the nail plate.

To prevent and eliminate delamination and brittle nails, the introduction into the daily diet of foods that are rich in such substances can:

  1. Keratin: eggs, sea fish, poultry and meat.
  2. Calcium: Cheese, dairy products, sesame seeds, egg white, spinach, legumes, cabbage and cauliflower, nuts and figs.
  3. Magnesium: buckwheat, oats, beans and soybeans, nuts, whole wheat grains, brown rice and spinach.
  4. Silicon: radish, radish, lettuce, nettle shoots, mushrooms and leeks.
  5. Sulfur: oats, buckwheat, seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, milk, legumes, garlic, onions, radishes and radishes.
  6. Phosphorus: seafood, meat, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts and whole grains.
  7. Iodine: sea kale, seafood, sea fish, feijoa.
  8. Zinc: liver, meat, poultry, legumes, pine nuts and peanuts, wheat, oats, barley and buckwheat.
  9. Iron: liver, lentils, pistachios, buckwheat, barley, whole wheat, oats, cashews, peanuts, corn, dogwood and pomegranate.
  10. Vitamin B5: kidneys, beef liver and beef, eggs, sea fish, milk, brewer's yeast, legumes, rye flour, mushrooms and nuts.
  11. Vitamin B3: liver, chicken, peas, porcini and button mushrooms, eggs, nuts, corn, whole wheat and oats.
  12. Vitamin B1: pork, liver, nuts (pine nuts, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, cashews), lentils, cereals and pasta.
  13. Vitamin A: liver, butter, garlic greens, wild garlic, broccoli, melted cheese and cheese, sour cream, viburnum, seaweed and seafood.
  14. Vitamin C: bell pepper, rosehip, blackcurrant, kiwi, sea buckthorn, oranges and broccoli.
  15. Vitamin E: nuts, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, whole wheat, rose hips, spinach, viburnum and sorrel.
  16. VitaminD: eggs, liver, sea bass, butter, sour cream and cream.

How to make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals with exfoliated and brittle nails?

For faster restoration of nails, it is recommended to take special vitamin and mineral complexes that contain the “building material” necessary for the formation of normal nail plates. Only a specialist can establish a lack of a particular vitamin or mineral, and that is why the selection of such drugs should be carried out by a doctor or agreed with him.

The most popular and effective vitamin-mineral complexes for restoring the structure of nails are the following preparations:

  • Vitasharm (Veropharm, Russia);
  • Perfectil and Perfectil plus (Vitabiotics, UK);
  • Revalid (Biogal, Hungary);
  • Lady's formula (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Healthy hair and nails (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Ageless skin (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Volvit (Kusum Healthcare, India);
  • Biotin (NOW Foods, USA);
  • Medobiotin (Medopharm Arzneimittel, Germany);
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed (Nycomed Pharma, Switzerland), etc.

The duration of taking such vitamin-mineral complexes is determined individually and depends on the degree of lack of vitamins or minerals. Before taking the drug, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions and follow all the rules of admission.

How to properly care for exfoliated and brittle nails at home?

Despite the fact that the separation and brittleness of nails is a purely medical problem, proper cosmetic care and medical procedures can be a significant contribution to the restoration of their structure. There are many recipes for strengthening the nail plates that you can use at home and cook yourself from foods, medicines and oils.

Therapeutic nail bath with vegetable oil and green tea

Mix in a bowl vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) and green tea (1:4 ratio). Heat the resulting solution to a comfortable temperature and lower your hands into it for 15-20 minutes. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed. Pat your hands dry with paper towels and put on cotton gloves.

The oil and tea solution can be reused. It must be stored in the refrigerator (but not more than 3 days). The procedure is carried out daily for 10 days.

Salt baths for nails

Dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of very warm water and dip your fingers into the resulting solution. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Gelatin baths

Dissolve ½ tablespoon of gelatin in ¾ cup of warm water, warm and dip your fingers into the resulting solution for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week for a month.

Bath of infusions of pine needles and green tea

Pour a teaspoon of chopped pine needles with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Add ½ cup of strong brewed green tea to the infusion. Heat the resulting solution and dip your fingers into it for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out every other day for 1-2 months.

Applications with burdock oil, iodine and lemon juice

To 200 ml of burdock oil add 8 drops of iodine and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Perform the procedure before going to bed. Moisten cotton pads in the resulting oil solution and fasten them to your fingertips with an elastic band or thread (without pinching your finger). Put on cotton gloves and do not take them off until morning. Wash off the oily solution with soap and water. Applications to perform 2-3 times a week for a month.

Applications based on olive oil, lemon juice and vitamin A

Take 10 ml of olive oil and add 10 drops of lemon juice and vitamin A to it. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed. Lubricate the nail plates with the resulting oil and wrap them with cling film. Put on cotton gloves and do not take them off until morning. Such applications should be performed 4-6 times a month.

Applications of vitamins A and E

Buy AEvit capsules at the pharmacy. Open the capsule, apply the oil solution to the cuticles and nails. Rub with massage movements. This procedure is carried out daily (preferably before bedtime). The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Applications of olive oil, iodine and lemon juice

In 20 ml of olive oil, add 4 drops of lemon juice and 3 drops of iodine. Mix, apply on the nail plate and rub. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and wipe off excess product with a paper towel. Such procedures can be carried out daily for a month.

Cranberry juice applications

Apply cranberry juice on nails and rub with massage movements. The procedure is carried out daily before going to bed. The course of treatment is a month.

Instead of cranberry juice, you can use lemon juice, black or red currant juice.

Applications from cactus juice

Apply cactus juice to the nail plates and rinse with warm water after 10 minutes. The procedure is performed 2 times a week for 10 days.