Causes of aggression in preschool children. Types of aggressive behavior. Documents for download

Stages of development of children's aggressiveness

Aggression is a frequently occurring and, in general, normal reaction for a child, and aggressiveness is manifested in different forms.

Infancy, or - in the understanding of psychoanalysts - the oral stage. From the first days of the baby's life, it seems to the mother that he was born aggressive, because he bites his chest, pushes the bottle away, burps, everything - as if to spite her. The end of infancy, or - in the understanding of psychoanalysts - the anal stage. Aggressiveness during this period can manifest itself in a cruel, ruthless, up to sadism, attitude towards small pets.

At two or three years aggressiveness is expressed in fits of anger and cries of protest when parents demand obedience.

- At this time, there is often a tendency to destruction: the child breaks everything, primarily for self-expression, and in addition, in this way he learns what a ban is.
- As the baby grows up, aggressiveness and a passion for destruction are limited only to the time when he is dissatisfied with something.
- As a rule, aggressiveness manifests itself more often in conflicts, primarily with sisters and brothers.
Positive side aggressiveness is a way for a child to test the strength of love for him and the reliability of family ties.

From four to five years aggressiveness is manifested mainly in relationships with other children. When a boy or girl enters a group, he or she needs to defend their place there and mark the boundaries of their personal territory. A child of this age, it would seem, even well-bred enough, suddenly demonstrates fits of rage, accompanied by the desire to destroy everything around. The socialization of a child depends on his ability to manage his own aggressiveness and resist the aggressiveness of others.

The aggressiveness of the child is alarming if it becomes for the baby the only means of self-expression or self-defense. In such cases, aggressiveness can be regarded as a more or less serious problem, but do not despair, believing that everything is irreparable.

Kindergarten workers turn to parents only in cases where the child behaves aggressively in the team.

However, one should be just as worried when a child has too much suppression of his own aggressiveness or fear of the aggressiveness of others: both can prevent normal life baby in the group. In both cases, he needs help.

If a child bites other children in the nursery

This behavior is quite common, and both the parents of the child victims and the parents of the aggressor child are equally afraid of it, although in fact there is nothing tragic in the fact that a baby a few months old has bitten other babies.

At this time, your child is going through the first, oral, stage of development, in which the knowledge of the world goes mainly through the mouth. The baby drags anything into his mouth, sucks any toy for real or just sucks, slobbers, “kisses” or “devours”, and it is still difficult to suppress his unconscious oral aggression at this time. However, it is not uncommon when, upon seeing that a playmate, against whom such aggression has been shown, burst into tears, the aggressor child is not only surprised by this, but is frightened, if not horrified by what has been done.

The prohibition must be clearly stated. Françoise Dolto did not hesitate to remind even the tiniest children that one of the foundations modern society- ban on cannibalism!

The child must be explained - and in such a way that he understands: the bitten becomes very painful, and that is why adults immediately rush to protect him. But what an adult should in no case do is bite the aggressor child (“Let him understand what it feels like to be bitten!”): giving change for the offended is very bad example ban!

It is necessary to ensure that the baby does not get used to the image of the aggressor. If, forbidding him to bite, you begin to praise other, calmer children in front of him, calling them "cuties" and "suns", this can only reinforce aggressiveness in your child's behavior.

One of essential conditions for the educator: the problem should be solved within the team, without much intervention from the parents, involving, if necessary, psychologists working in the nursery.

If in kindergarten a child often fights or simply beats other children

The aggressiveness that manifests itself when the baby first comes to kindergarten, that is, when he is around, may be a sign that it is difficult for him to part with his mother or adapt to kindergarten.

An aggressive child often finds it difficult to understand the signals that other children send him.. Sometimes he overreacts to what seems to him a threat or ridicule, and when he is punished for this, he perceives the punishment as unfair.

An aggressive child sometimes feels as if he is being attacked, even when there is no threat.. This fear of being attacked sometimes results in self-identification of the victim of aggression with the aggressor.

Watch yourself, watch your own reactions! Of course, it is very unpleasant when you are called to a kindergarten because your child is behaving badly, and even if the teachers do not dramatize what is happening too much, the parents are ashamed of the child, but this does not mean that after returning home, strictly a baby punish. The punishment can be excessive even if you ask him too excitedly about what happened in the kindergarten. "Scissors" between what, from his point of view, happened and your reaction to it can lead the baby to complete confusion.

- Spend more time with your child, talk calmly with him about what is happening in kindergarten, be interested in how they play there, how they walk, and not just what classes are held.

Look with your child for ways to resolve conflicts without pushing them to fight back or otherwise physically defend themselves.

- Help your baby not to assert himself in the image " difficult child”And do not support this image of him in the eyes of educators.

You will get easier positive results if instead of conflicting with the kindergarten, you will consider the situation with your child critically. However, aggressive behavior should not be seen three year old baby a sign that he will grow up as an asocial type. Sometimes, of course, this happens, but very rarely.

Causes of child aggressive behavior

Notice anything that can fuel your child's aggressiveness

- Favor the manifestations of aggressiveness of the child can violence, of which he became a passive witness, seen in a TV show or video game. Limit the time your baby spends in front of the screen, and strictly select what he watches.

Violence in family. Today it is already well known that the violence that parents show towards each other reflects very badly on children and can affect their behavior in kindergarten.

Try to see what is behind the child's aggressiveness, without focusing only on it.
Behind aggressive behavior, one should look for emotional pain experienced by the child.

- If your child is suffering because of family rivalry with siblings, aggression towards children from his group in kindergarten may be a way of transferring this suffering to them.

- Your child may suffer because of the divorce of the parents.

Aggressive behavior often betrays a hidden vulnerability.

- When during strong experiences there is a "short circuit" of the ability to think, and not find expression in words, aggressive behavior becomes the only means to draw attention to one's adversity.

It also happens that depression is masked by aggressive behavior. The child is reluctant to admit that he is internally vulnerable, and it seems to him that he proves his strength by aggressive behavior.

It takes a lot of patience to learn to think from a child's point of view:

  • but this does not mean that you need to approve of any of his behavior.
  • nevertheless, the boundaries of what is permissible must be immediately and clearly marked.

Consultation with a child psychologist or psychoanalyst

A natural and logical consequence of your thinking about the secret suffering of the baby, which explains his strange or aggressive behavior, may be consultation with child psychologist or psychoanalyst.

- It is necessary that your child understands that a visit to a specialist is by no means a punishment.
- Psychologist, psychoanalyst, child psychiatrist exist not to read morality to a child, but also not to replace you and show power where you think you have lost it.
- It is necessary that your child has full confidence in the specialist you have chosen, otherwise a conversation with him will be impossible. At the same time, it is completely normal if the baby does not immediately accept the need for such a conversation, because, firstly, he may be ashamed, and secondly, it may well turn out that the reason for his true suffering is completely different.

oral stage in psychoanalytic theory 3. Freud - the initial psychosexual stage, the baby receives the main impressions from stimulation oral cavity and areas around the mouth. Oral needs are met primarily during breastfeeding, but also by sucking a finger or putting nearby objects into the mouth. Freud believed that by the end of the first year of a child's life, the oral phase is replaced by an anal one. (Here and further, unless specifically indicated - note. translation.)

anal stage psychosexual development- the second stage of the genetic concept of 3. Freud. This period is characterized by the fact that pleasure begins to bring control over the activity of the intestines. Passes from the second to the third year of life.

Francoise Dolto (1908-1988) - French pediatrician and child psychiatrist, one of the key figures of French psychoanalysis and child psychoanalysis in particular, a subtle and gifted clinician. In addition, Dolto became famous thanks to the huge socially significant work that she did in the name of the "Children's Cause" not only in her homeland, but throughout the world.

Self-identification of the victim with the aggressor (or Stockholm syndrome) is a defensive reaction in which the subject, trying to survive, is likened to the aggressor, that is, he accepts his motives, values, attitudes and life positions.

Many families are faced with the problem of child aggression, and parents often believe that the child's aggressive behavior is unreasonable, there are allegedly no prerequisites for this. They are sure that if mom and dad and grandparents are calm, polite people, then the baby should be the same. Unfortunately, this is not the case: often outbursts of aggression in children appear, it would seem, completely out of the blue.

Most of the tasks of interacting with a child can be solved by taking the right steps in a certain sequence. If you follow the advice of psychologists step by step, it will work. Often, parents theoretically imagine how to behave correctly with a child, but in reality these recommendations are not followed or not all are followed. In such cases, the situation is not corrected, and there is no benefit from theoretical knowledge “as it should be”. Therefore, it should be emphasized that if you want to see results, you need to learn how to act, without waiting for some suitable occasion, special mood. Knowledge in this case means the practice of communication with the child. For example, many parents know that it is desirable to develop uniform requirements for the child on the part of adults and not to quarrel in front of him regarding the methods of education. But most parents turn a blind eye to the fact that they have not done anything, and come to a psychologist in anticipation of some miraculous method, magic reception which will turn the situation upside down. And at the same time, it will be possible to somehow slip through and not notice the fact that the fundamental thing has not been done, an agreement with the spouse regarding the requirements for the child has not been reached. At the same time, parents are not enthusiastic about the recommendation to reach agreement with each other, because it is difficult, unpleasant, requires considerable effort, and perhaps the conversation will end in a quarrel.

This article describes why a child shows aggression, what are the features of children's aggressiveness and how you can use correction methods yourself. aggressive behavior children preschool age.

Aggressive behavior of children: characteristics and features of attacks of aggression

Attacks of aggression are called such actions of the child that are unpleasant and painful for others: blows, bites, pushing, and so on. There are two scenarios in which this can happen:

  1. Aggression in preschool children often manifests itself during play. For example, a child can hit a person with his hand without being angry, but just playing, because babies often knock with their hands on various subjects. He does the same with people. The peculiarity of the aggressive behavior of children is that, causing pain to another person, he can smile, laugh, it is clear that he is pleased. Often it is in this situation that adults make the mistake of starting to laugh in response or somehow flirt with the child. And until the time when the situation becomes completely unpleasant for the parents, the child does not receive a signal that something is wrong, that his actions are inappropriate. It is important to understand that unpleasant actions must be stopped from the very beginning, regardless of the motive for which they occur. How to respond to children's aggression in this case? It doesn't matter if the child hits you out of anger or just plays, these actions must be stopped.
  2. Aggressiveness in childhood can also occur if the child is angry. Usually he fights in this case, this is the result of the anger of the baby. And the little one is angry because something is unpleasant for him. The main characteristic of such aggressive behavior of the child is the obligatory sharp attack: the child, having no other way to react, beats someone who is nearby. Usually (but not necessarily), he strikes the one who caused his displeasure.

Psychology of aggression in childhood and its causes

Aggressive behavior in any person, including preschool children, is inherent in nature. This natural way defending their interests. And in this case, of course, we are not talking about the fact that the child suddenly became some kind of wild or evil, it is simply realized natural mechanism defending their interests.

In the very psychology of child aggression as a kind of force, of course, there is also positive potential. A certain amount of aggression is necessary for a person to be able to protect himself and his loved ones if necessary. In adulthood activities such as sports, business, politics, have a fair aggressive charge, but at the same time are approved by society as useful, constructive. If natural aggression in childhood is dealt with rudely, brutally suppressing it, then there are two fundamental scenarios for the development of events. In the first case, aggression is redirected to the person himself. An angry child beats not the one who is nearby, but himself, as if punishing himself. The reason for aggressive behavior in preschool children, as a rule, is severe suppression, a ban on aggressive feelings and actions. The aggressive impulse does not disappear, but turns over and is directed at the carrier of aggression itself. At an older age, one can observe such types of auto-aggression (that is, aggression directed by a person at himself), such as different kind addictions (alcohol, drugs), frequent accidents, being in traumatic personal relationships and, in the extreme case, suicide.

Thus, the violence that people direct outward becomes less and less, but the amount of harm caused by people to themselves increases critically.

Another variant of the development of events in the severe overcoming of children's aggressiveness, suppression aggressive feelings child is the formation of a passive character, low self-esteem, a tendency to develop feelings of guilt.

Why a child shows aggression and video of outbreaks of children's anger

Psychologists identify two main reasons for the aggressive behavior of children, in which outbursts of childish anger are clearly manifested.

The first reason child aggressiveness is that the child does not own social norms in the area of ​​feelings. Of course, adults tell him that it is impossible to do this, but what is it that is impossible for a child? And does he understand the moral underpinnings of the situation? Of course not. He cannot understand the feelings that a person experiences when he is beaten. Simply because he is generally not yet able to understand that other people have some kind of feelings.

The child does not understand that a prohibition, for example, to put one's hands in one's mouth and a prohibition to hit a person in the face are different prohibitions. For him, everything is "impossible" equal weight. And if you can break some prohibitions, then you can break others. In this case, the situation becomes especially acute when parents abuse prohibitions. If the word “no” sounds too often, then manifestations of childish aggression cannot be avoided. It is clear that in such a situation, prohibitions will be constantly violated, including the prohibition to “beat people”.

The second reason the frequent manifestation of aggression in children under 3 years old is that a child of this age often has a feeling of anger, and there are very few means for expressing this feeling. All activity of children is concentrated around the hands and mouth, so often, expressing anger, they fight and bite.

Whether this form of behavior is fixed or disappears always depends on the reaction of the environment. If you react harshly, rudely suppressing manifestations of aggression in children (shouting, spanking a child, locking him up, etc.), then parents in a number of cases can achieve results, and the child stops fighting. However, this usually has long-term side effects. Such qualities of character are formed as cruelty, aggressiveness, cowardice, isolation, low self-esteem, viciousness.

Parents will not see the consequences of their actions immediately, and sometimes they will not be able to find the cause of such manifestations in the child.

In addition, as a rule, those parents who beat the baby in response to his aggressive actions just cannot cope with the child's aggression. It has been proven that one of the main causes of children's aggression is the model of adult behavior. Children whose parents show aggression, as a rule, are increased aggressive themselves. After all, it is known that children learn better from what they see, and not from what they are told. Mom, forbidding to fight, beats the child herself, so that he supposedly "understands" that it is impossible to do this, and gets into unpleasant situation: contradicts itself. In this case, perhaps the child will stop beating her personally (since she simply gives him back), but most likely he will beat those who are weaker than him (younger or weaker children, animals). So, the educational power of such a maneuver - to spank a child for displaying aggression - is zero. Parents themselves do exactly what they want to wean the child from.

To avoid the causes of child aggression and the emergence of negative scenarios for the development of the situation, you need to remember that in order to prevent outbursts of anger in a baby, parents must ensure two things:

  • set clear boundaries for your child possible behavior to prevent the formation of cruelty and destructive behavior;
  • legalize negative feelings and teach the child to deal with these feelings.

Between the ages of 1 and 3 years, anger manifestations such as screaming, biting, hitting, etc. are normal in children. With varying intensity, this behavior occurs in the vast majority of children. Here we are talking about the norm, not in the sense that this behavior does not need to be corrected or that it should be approved, but in the sense that it is typical and easily explained.

Almost all children have angry outbursts at some point. And it is important to know how to properly respond to the aggression of the child. The main method of correcting aggressive behavior is restraining the child. You should not expect him to understand in words that you can’t fight. Aggressive actions must simply be stopped and restrained. Hold a pen that is ready to strike. This is not difficult to do, especially if you are internally prepared for the fact that this happens to children. The actions of children are inaccurate, slow, so it is usually clear in advance when the baby intends to hit someone.

See how the outbursts of anger and childish aggression manifest themselves in this video:

Features of the behavior of parents in the manifestations of child aggressiveness

Sometimes parents object that they do not notice the moments when the child is about to fight, they cannot prevent blows.

Listed below are several features of the behavior of parents in the manifestations of child aggressiveness.

You stand with your back to the child.

Exit: just ignore it like you didn't feel anything. At the same time, you should not stand with your back to a child who is angry.

You don't understand that the child is angry.

Exit: watch carefully the expression on the child's face, it has to do with your sensitivity. An angry child also begins to play more aggressively: knocking toys, pushing objects, and so on, in general, shows signs of being angry. Bumps usually don't happen out of the blue.

Did you see that the child is unhappy , but hoped that he would not fight. The child has almost no means of realizing his anger except through aggression. Thus, if the child is dissatisfied - be on the lookout. This behavior should not be judged on a good-bad scale, forget about it. You just need to avoid getting hit.

Exit: understanding the state of the child, be prepared for his aggressive actions, that is, do not ignore his emotions, aggressive actions must be prevented, if necessary, limiting the child's mobility.

Child fights too often , and you just get tired of controlling the situation all the time, relax, “wave your hand” - and get hit.

Exit: if the child is angry and fights too often, you need to think that your requirements for him are excessive, not for his age. That is, too many situations in which the child feels bad. Then you need to think about how to reorganize the child's lifestyle.

There are also special hidden reasons anger of the child, in which correction of aggressive behavior is required.

How to respond to the anger of a child and how to deal with manifestations of child aggression

The balance of power between an adult and a child is so obviously unequal that an adult simply should not allow a child to beat him. Physically restrain your child from unwanted behavior.

You do not need to accompany your actions with detailed comments, assessments of the child. Your task is simply to make manifestations of aggression impossible. Briefly say: “It’s not customary for us to fight!” And enough.

If a child hit someone in your presence and you couldn't hold him back, pay attention to the hit person, while ignoring the child's behavior. The child should not receive increased attention as a result of aggressive behavior.

If a child is playing with a group of children and you know that he is prone to be aggressive, you need to take the actions described below.

  • During periods of frequent outbursts of aggression, try to stay close to the child while he plays.
  • Warn the parents of other children, say that now your child has come to such a period that he periodically fights. Do it so that the baby does not hear you.
  • To fight the child's aggression, monitor his mood as closely as possible: if the baby begins to play more aggressively (throw toys, knock toys against each other), take him away, play outdoor or any other games separately with him.
  • If a child hit someone once, apologize to this child, take pity on him, ignoring the actions of the offender.
  • And how to cope with children's aggression, if it becomes too much, and the baby does not stop fighting? In this case, calmly tell him that this is not how they behave, and you are forced to move away from the company. Take and hold the child away from other children for about three minutes.

In general, keep your baby away from aggressive actions, but do not respond to them. heightened attention. Aggressive behavior should not become the center of attention of others.

For correct correction For children's aggressiveness, it is important how you respond to the very first manifestations of anger: you should not be indignant or react theatrically. It is your first reactions that will determine whether aggressive behavior will be fixed in a child.

The following describes cases in which manifestations of child aggression are fixed, and a lot of effort has to be made to correct behavior.

  • Parents are inactive, attributing the aggressive behavior of the child to his age. In fact, adults in this case condone the aggression of the child.
  • Parents are touched by the behavior of the child, it seems to them that this is a charming game or they see this as a manifestation of the child's strength.
  • Parents react aggressively, viciously. They start screaming, hitting the child, and so on. All these actions cause in the child a feeling of fear, depression, and eventually anger grows in him, as a result of which the child again behaves aggressively. Thus, the circle is closed.
  • Parents find out the relationship with the child. In response to the unwanted actions of the child, parents begin to argue about parenting methods. In this case, aggressive behavior becomes an excuse for adults to express their accumulated dissatisfaction to each other.
  • Parents react theatrically: defiantly leave, pretend to cry, or imitate experiences of pain.
  • Parents really want the child to “understand” with his head that his behavior is unacceptable. At the same time, a lot of time is usually devoted to reading morality, which the child is not able to understand.
  • The child's behavior is subconsciously beneficial to one of the child's close adults. It gives him the opportunity to express the accumulated claims to others. Another option is that due to the inappropriate behavior of the child, the adult is eliminated from the process of communicating with him and thus receives additional free time.

Adult task- do not let the child beat and bite people. Do not stop hitting objects, stamping your feet, waving, etc. It is better to just ignore it, that is, do nothing at all, not even change facial expressions.

If you restrain the little evil one without emotions, he will soon simply stop beating you. Any adult, knowing what to do in case of outbreaks of aggression in a child, is able to control the behavior of the baby.

Tips for parents on how to deal with child abuse

Speaking about the causes and ways to overcome children's aggressiveness, it is important to remember that the feeling of anger, rage must have some way out, and by prohibiting aggressive behavior directed at people, you must give the child some way to splash out their feelings.

Anger can be expressed in words and thus make it clear to others what is happening to you. It is difficult for a child, he needs to be taught this. This mainly happens when you voice the child's feelings. He gradually learns to understand what your words correspond to his feelings. Of course, this process will take a very long time, but you can begin to pronounce the feelings of the baby from a very early age. You see that the child is angry, demands something. Before dealing with the demand itself, acknowledge his feelings, tell him: "I think you are very angry when you have to put on so many clothes." Gradually, the child will learn this way of reporting his condition. Naming feelings, experiences is in itself a way to reduce its intensity.

Psychologists often give such a recommendation to parents to overcome child aggression - show the child how to show discontent. When you yourself are angry, name your feeling, say: “I am now very angry at what is happening.” In this way, you will show the child an example of handling anger and let him understand that all people are angry. In this case, you can behave non-destructively. On the contrary, if the main model of adult behavior in anger is screaming or other forms of aggression, then it is impossible to cope with such manifestations in a child. If your toddler often behaves aggressively, check if he is copying one of the close adults. Do not forget that shouting, swearing are also manifestations of aggression (in this case, verbal).

How can you deal with child aggression if you feel that the situation is heating up? Teach your child to relieve tension through games: “Catch me”, “Run to me”, “Step over”, “Jump over” and others. Such games relieve aggressive tension and give positive emotions to kid.

After de-energizing (after outdoor games) offer the child a quiet game. You can lie down and pretend to be asleep, imitate swimming movements, blow on a rustling piece of paper to make it rustle, etc. - provide the child with a state of rest. Relaxation should only take a couple of minutes.

What to do if a child shows aggression: correction of aggressiveness in childhood

Another piece of advice from psychologists for dealing with a child's outbursts of aggression is to use objects that can be handled roughly. Sew or buy soft toy or a cylindrical pillow. Come up with a simple name that is easy for a young child to pronounce, such as ju-ju, bo-bo, etc. When the baby has a desire to bite, push, hit someone, say that you can’t beat people (you need to say it strictly, but without anger). But there is a toy that will always be happy to fight. Teach your child how to fight, bite with this toy. Make sure that the child's aggression is immediately directed at the toy, and not at people.

When a child is angry, you can invite him to tear or crumple paper, kick a ball, draw his anger. It is important to remember that the child is very small and in order for these methods to take root, you need to offer them gently, set an example of how it is done, and show it repeatedly.

In the arsenal of a child of any gender, there should be so-called aggressive toys: swords, pistols, loud musical instruments, Sports Equipment. Playing with such toys contributes to the fact that aggressive tension finds its way out.

Be sure to provide the child with games with such natural materials like sand, stones, water. It also helps relieve stress.

When choosing books for a child, one should not avoid the so-called scary tales(often this folk tales where violence or murder occurs). Some parents, for fear of scaring the child or making him cruel, do not read such stories. This is a mistake, children need some amount scary stories for a prosperous psychological development. Among other things, it helps to process the aggression that inevitably arises in early age and later. Naturally, fairy tales should correspond to the age of the child.

Upgraded aggressive children it is especially important to give the opportunity to move a lot, create conditions for physical activity.

Here's what to do if your child is showing aggression:

  • Stand facing the child and take him by the wrists. You need to hold the wrists firmly so that he cannot escape, but without causing pain to the child. Position yourself so that the child cannot reach you with their feet.
  • Looking into the eyes of the child, seriously say: “You can’t fight!”

You need to say only these words, without adding anything, without subtracting. Try not to have emotion in your voice.

Try not to convey anger, indignation to the child and not suppress him.

  • Turn your head to the side, look away from the child, and silently count to 20 at a normal pace.
  • Turn back to the child and repeat: “You can’t fight!”
  • Release the child's wrists.

If the child immediately hit you, you need to repeat exactly the entire procedure. This is done as many times as needed. You cannot make any changes to this technique, otherwise it will not work.

If the parents do everything exactly, the technique works.

The main reasons why the technique may not work or be harmful:

  • Parents use the technique not every time, but in the most serious cases or in places where it is more convenient. For example, they are embarrassed to do something in front of other people.
  • Parents, at their own discretion, change the actions prescribed by the technique, or the sequence of these actions.
  • Adults argue in front of a child about the appropriateness of such a method.

For effective correction aggression in children, always pay attention to the baby in those moments when he plays well. Tell your child that you like it when he behaves so politely and gently. The kid needs to understand what behavior you prefer and encourage. Otherwise, there is a situation where bad behavior adults give out a lot of reaction, but no good reaction. In this case, firstly, it is difficult or even impossible for the child to understand what is expected of him, and secondly, in those cases when the child behaves correctly, he does not receive any attention. And the behavior that is supported by attention is fixed, that is, in some cases it is just undesirable.

What to do if your child is being bullied

And what should you do if your child has become the object of child aggression from other kids? own child? In this case, the general rule: if your child is being offended in front of you (beating, pushing, tearing out toys) - stand up for him, but do not start verbosely raising someone else's baby. The task of an adult is to ensure the safety of his child: to remove the offender, to delay the blow, to hold the toy that is rudely pulled out. Briefly comment on your actions, say: “This is our toy, ask if you want to play!”, “You can’t fight!”, “You can’t beat people!”, “I won’t let you hurt my son!” Do not shame or scold someone else's child. In this case, by protecting your child and not giving him offense, you show an example of how to protect yourself.

If you are away from the child and someone is hurting him, but the situation is not particularly threatening (your child is not crying, the abuser is not too aggressive), do not interfere, let your child act on his own. The kid needs the experience of facing someone else's aggression in order to learn how to deal with it. You should not strive at all costs to be next to the child in moments of unpleasant collisions, do not let him go a single step, fearing hostile actions from other people's children. By calmly letting go of your baby, you convey a message to him about your confidence that he will cope on his own, will be able to protect himself. Monitor the situation from afar and intervene only if you see a real danger.

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Introduction …………………………………………….. 3-4

Section I Theoretical part

1 Origin of aggressiveness …………………… 5-11

2 Situational prerequisites for aggressiveness ………. 12-13

3 Development of aggressiveness in childhood ……… 14-17 4 Socialization of aggressiveness in childhood … 18-22

II chapter. Mental health issues in

preschool age

1 Mental health term …………………… 23-24 2 mental health at preschool age ….. 25-29

II section. Practical part

1 Description of methods (tests) ………………………… 30-34

Conclusion …………………………………………… 35

Bibliography ……………………………………….. 36


Environmental catastrophe, alcoholism and socio-economic cataclysms occurring in last years in our society, led to a sharp increase in various kinds of somatic, nervous and mental illness in children different ages. These diseases are one of the main causes of indiscipline and underachievement of schoolchildren, and in some cases - crimes. Currently, the topic of aggression is constantly in the field of view of many psychologists, scientists and practitioners. Level check intellectual development and readiness of six-year-olds for school showed that 21% of them have clear signs of certain neuropsychic deviations in their development, 27% showed a low or below average level of intelligence development, and only 52% of children are able to easily master the program material of the first year of study. These children require special approach both at school and at home. But for this it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the possible mental disorders in the development of children, be able to recognize them and organize psycho-correctional work. It is safe to say that the topic of aggression in preschool age will not lose its relevance in the future, as well. The first years of life are the period of the most intense physical and moral development. And the future of the child largely depends on the conditions under which it will proceed.

It should be noted that the topic of “children's aggressiveness” itself for a long time was closed and therefore did not receive proper development in domestic psychology. Even at present, publications on this topic are rare in our country and are mainly a review of foreign studies. I would like to note those researchers who have studied the problem of child aggression. This is I.A. Furmanov, A.I. Zakharov, V.F. Safin and others.

aim this study is to find out what aggression is in preschool age and why it is so important to prevent it in time.

Based on the purpose of the study, the following tasks were identified:

1) study of literature;

2) determine research methods. The choice of methods and techniques was carried out according to the extent to which this technique determines the degree of aggressiveness in children. Since there are several methods, you can be more confident that these results will be the highest.

a) “Non-existent animal”; b) “House, tree, person”; c) “Kinetic pattern of the family”, d) Hand test; e) Bass-Darky technique;

3) to study the origin of aggressiveness;

4) determine the situational prerequisites for aggressiveness;

5) consider the development of aggressiveness in childhood, as well as the socialization of aggressiveness.

Subject of study: aggression in preschool age. The object of the study is a child of preschool age.

The practical significance of the study is very great. The more people know about aggression, the more effective help will be for our children.

Coursework structure. The work consists of an introduction, two sections (a theoretical part and a practical part), two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

I section. Theoretical part

I chapter. Aggression in preschool age

1 Origin of aggressiveness

Aggressiveness is understood as the child's actions aimed at causing physical or mental harm (damage) to another person or to himself. The child may also be aggressive towards animals or material objects.

Aggressiveness of children can manifest itself in punching parents and strangers, as well as in the fact that the child tortures animals, breaks dishes, damages furniture, tears notebooks, books of brothers and sisters, bites, throws stones at peers, etc. Often, children's aggressiveness is directed at themselves: they tear their clothes, inflict wounds on themselves, beat their heads against the door, etc.

1. In the theory explaining the nature of aggressiveness, there are three different approaches from each other. All of them reflect the views and empirical experience of specific researchers and psychological schools of different times.

drive theory

(psychoenergetic model)

One of the founders of this theory, no doubt, is Z. Freud. He believed that there are two most powerful instincts in a person: the sexual (libido) and the death instinct. The first was considered as aspirations associated with creative tendencies in human behavior: love, care, intimacy. The second carries the energy of destruction, its task is to "bring everything organically living to a state of lifelessness." This is malice, hatred, destructiveness.

The emergence and further development of aggressiveness in Z. Freud is associated with the stages child development. In particular, it is noted that fixation at the oral stage of development can lead to the formation of such aggressive character traits as a tendency to sarcasm and gossip. Fixation at the anal stage can lead to the formation of stubbornness, sometimes turning into stubbornness, which is easily joined by a tendency to anger and revenge.

Z. Freud's views were largely shared by other psychologists who consider the aggressive component of motivation as one of the fundamental in human behavior.

This topic received a new sound thanks to the works of one of the founders of ethology K. Porenz, who argued that the aggressive instinct meant a lot in the process of evolution, survival and adaptation of man. But the rapid development of scientific and technical thought and progress have overtaken the naturally ongoing biological and psychological maturation of man and led to a slowdown in the development of the inhibitory mechanisms of aggression, which inevitably entails a periodic external expression of aggression. Otherwise, internal stress will accumulate and create “pressure” inside the body until it leads to an outbreak of uncontrollable behavior (the principle of releasing steam from a locomotive boiler).

However, it should be noted that the "psychohydraulic model" of K. Lorenz is mainly based on the often unjustified transfer of the results of studies obtained on animals to human behavior. Other weak point The theory of instincts is the predetermination of ways to control aggression: it is believed that a person will never be able to cope with his aggressiveness. And since the accumulating aggression must certainly be reacted, the only hope remains to channel it along right direction. For example, supporters of the theory of instincts believe that the most civilized form of defusing aggression for a person is competition, various kinds of competitions, activities. exercise and participation in sports competitions.

However, most psychologists do not share this fatal view of human behavior. First, although they do not deny that human aggressiveness has its evolutionary and physiological roots, they condemn the limited understanding of human nature as something vile. Secondly, opinions also differ as to whether aggression is an instinct or whether it only supplies energy that allows the “I” to effectively implement the “reality principle”, to overcome obstacles to the satisfaction of other drives. Therefore, it is believed that aggressiveness is the force with which a person expresses his love and hatred towards others or himself and with which he tries to satisfy his instincts. Aggression is the mechanism by which these instinctive tendencies are directed to other objects, and primarily to people, mainly with the aim of conquering or conquering them.

Subsequently, even many psychoanalysts moved away from the "rigid schemes" of the Freudian concept and began to consider not only the biological, but also the social side of aggression. For example, according to A. Adler, aggressiveness is essential quality consciousness that organizes its activities. Aggression is understood in a broader context, the tension of opposing principles: life and death, subject and object, carcass and antithesis, love and war. The universal property of living matter is competitiveness, struggle for superiority, striving for superiority. The intention of triumph is laid in the mind. However, these basic drives become authentic only in the context of a rightly understood social interest. Aggressiveness or, in the words of A. Adler, “Agonizing” consciousness generates various forms aggressive behavior from open to symbolic, such as boasting, the purpose of which is the symbolic realization of one's own power and superiority. This is due to the fact that the aggressive instinct includes a female narcissistic component that requires recognition and admiration. Aggression, woven into the context of culture, acquires other symbolic forms (ritual, rituals), as well as other types of social activity. Moreover, according to A. Adler, high counter coercion, i.e. reciprocal aggression is a natural conscious or unconscious human reaction to coercion, arising from the desire of each individual to feel like a subject, not an object. The antithesis of violence, understood as the abuse of power, in individual psychology is “categorical non-violence”.

Novosibirsk State University

Psychology faculty

Types of aggressive behavior in children


2nd year student,

group 13911

Samusev N.A.

Novosibirsk 2015

About the concept of aggression and aggressiveness

First you need to define the concepts of "aggression" and "aggressiveness" and understand why a person is equipped with this response mechanism. As noted by R. Baron and D. Richardson (2002), today many authors agree that aggression is any form of behavior aimed at insulting or harming another living being that does not want such treatment. In their opinion, aggression occurs when the result of actions is any negative consequences. On the differences between the concepts of "aggression" and "aggressiveness" in modern psychology. The first is usually considered as separate actions, deeds, the second - as a relatively stable property of the individual, expressed in readiness for aggression, as well as in the tendency to perceive and interpret the behavior of another as hostile. Longitudinal studies show that aggressiveness is laid down in childhood, becomes a stable trait of character and persists throughout it. later life(A.I. Zakharov, 1982; G. Kraig, 2001). Our negative attitude towards aggression is due to the fact that we constantly confuse two concepts - aggression and violence. Violence is not only and not so much a manifestation of biological behavioral stereotypes as a specific human phenomenon: it goes beyond the limits of expediency and is a targeted, conscious impact on others. The main motive for violent behavior is self-affirmation at the expense of another. On the contrary, aggressive tendencies are inherent in the very nature of man, and the joy derived from the destruction and use of violence is his primordial property.

Erich Fromm noted: “The mechanism of defensive aggression is “built-in” in the brain of humans and animals and is designed to preserve their vital interests from threats ... It is necessary to strictly distinguish biological, adaptive, life-sustaining, benign aggression from malignant aggression that is not associated life" 1 .

[aggressive behavior, activity]

In a structured form, aggression manifests itself in the form of aggressive behavior or aggressive actions. “This is one of the forms of response to various adverse physical and psychologically life situations, causing stress, frustration, etc. states. Psychologically, it is one of the main ways to solve problems related to the preservation of individuality and identity, with the protection and growth of a sense of self-worth, self-esteem, the level of claims, as well as maintaining and strengthening control over the environment that is essential for the subject "2

Aggressive behavior consists of three components: cognitive, emotional and volitional. The cognitive component includes the understanding of the situation, the allocation of the object and the justification of the motive for the manifestation of aggression. The emotional component is a slight occurrence of negative emotions: anger, disgust, contempt, anger. The volitional component is purposefulness, perseverance, determination and initiative.

The form of aggressive actions can be very different.

This includes children's pranks and games, teenage disputes, fights and conflicts; in adults - from such completely socially approved forms as discussions, sports competitions, to social pathology: wars, murders, insults, violence and rape, terrorism, etc.

Functions of aggressive behavior

Aggressive actions act as:

1. Means to achieve some significant goal.

2. Ways of psychological relaxation.

3. Ways to meet the needs for self-realization and self-affirmation.

Types of aggressive behavior

G. Parens (1979, 1997) distinguishes between two types of aggression:

1. Non-destructive aggression - persistent non-hostile self-protective behavior aimed at achieving the goal. This is an innate mechanism that serves to adapt to the environment, satisfy desires, achieve the goals of developing knowledge and the ability to rely on oneself. It begins to work from the moment of birth and encourages a person to compete in the world around him, to protect his rights.

2. Hostile destructiveness - malicious behavior, rejection, hatred, rage, vindictiveness. This is also a kind of self-defense, which is activated as a result of strong unpleasant experiences (pain, distress). This also includes the desire to inflict pain and the pleasure derived from this (sadism).

Classification of types of aggression

Pathological forms of aggressive behavior

They can have the following properties:

Inadequate situations, sometimes unusual and pretentious;

Can persist for a long time or repeat many times;

Excessively expressed (for example, they are brutal in nature);

represent a real danger to the individual or

surrounding people;

Do not cause feelings or repentance in the person who manifests them;

Uncontrollable (a person is not able to control his actions).

Etiological factors of pathological aggressive

Behaviors in children are:

1. Disharmonious education.

2. Neglect.

3. An example of aggressive behavior in the immediate environment of the child.

4. Traumatic experience of violence (moral, physical, sexual) in the family or outside the family.

5. Stress and frustration of the child's basic needs.

6. Social failure of the child, his unpopularity among peers.

7. Congenital physical anomalies.

8. Chronic somatic diseases.

9. Organic diseases and other brain damage.

10. Intellectual disability

11. Neuroses and neurotic development.

12. Behavioral disorders of childhood and adolescence.

13. Emotional disorders.

14. Post-traumatic stress disorder.

15. Psychopathic development and personality disorders.

16. Psychotic states.

Behavioral disorders are diagnosed when there is repetitive and persistent behavior that violates either the basic rights of others or essential age-appropriate norms and rules. This behavior has been observed for at least six months and includes the following general criteria (symptoms):

1. The child exhibits unusually frequent or severe outbursts of anger for his age.

2. Often argues with adults.

3. Often actively refuses to comply with the requirements of adults or violates their rules.

4. Deliberately does things that annoy other people.

5. Often blames others for his mistakes or behavior.

6. Often touchy or easily annoyed.

7. Often angry or indignant.

8. Often vicious or vengeful.

9. Often deceives or breaks promises for gain or evasion.

10. Often starts fights (this does not include fights with brothers and sisters).

11. Uses a weapon that is capable of causing serious physical harm to other people (for example, a club, a brick, a broken bottle, a knife).

12. Shows physical cruelty towards other people or animals (for example, binds the victim, inflicts cuts, burns on her).

13. Deliberately destroys other people's property, breaks into other people's homes and cars, starts a fire with the intent to cause serious damage.

14. Commits crimes in front of the victim (including snatching wallets, snatching bags).

15. Forces another to sexual activity.

Causes of child aggression

The desire to attract the attention of peers;

The desire to get the desired result;

Striving to be in charge

Protection and revenge;

The desire to infringe on the dignity of another in order to emphasize one's superiority.

Age differences in the manifestation of children's aggressiveness

Aggression of children of younger (preschool) age. A small child, being in a group of peers (in kindergarten, in the yard, etc.), tries to become popular or authoritative in this environment. By this he satisfies his desire to be recognized and protected, to enjoy attention. Communication skills at this age are usually not developed enough, excitation processes prevail over inhibition, and moral standards have not yet been formed, so the little man often tries to take leadership positions using aggressive methods. Aggression occurs especially easily and quickly in children with residual organic lesions of the brain, socially neglected, rejected by parents, mentally retarded. Some parental upbringing methods also have increased aggressiveness, for example, when a father instructs a child: “If you want to be respected and feared, beat everyone in a row.” In preschool age, the initiators of aggression are more often individual children. It manifests itself in the form of individual outbursts of rage and anger and is usually instrumental in nature - children simply do not know how to achieve authority and popularity constructively.

Small children move from verbal aggression to physical aggression much more easily than older and, especially, adults, but the aggression of the younger ones differs from the teenage one not only in this. Unlike the older ones, the little ones easily involve adults in their conflicts - parents, educators, teachers. They share their experiences and secrets with them, often ask them to intervene in disputes and conflicts with their peers, sometimes insistently require support.

At primary school age, the initiators of aggression are no longer individuals, but groups of children, aggressive behavior is becoming less sporadic and more and more organized. As the skills of constructive communication are acquired, the ratio between instrumental and hostile aggression changes in favor of the latter. This happens because instrumental aggression is gradually replaced by constructive ways to achieve the goal, and hostile destructiveness - the desire to harm opponents and enjoy it - remains unchanged. In addition, children are increasingly trying to solve problems in their own circle, without resorting to the help and intercession of adults. The formation of groups in general noticeably changes the aggressive behavior of schoolchildren. Staying in a group gives them the opportunity to experience a sense of comfort and security, to increase their capabilities. The consequence of this is the disappearance of the fear of punishment for the manifestation of aggression, a heightened desire to establish itself as a full-fledged participant in events, to take a worthy place in the group. Therefore, cruelty, destructiveness and other manifestations of hostile destructiveness are already sharply increasing among elementary school students.

Adolescent aggressiveness occupies a special place. As you know, some scientists consider the period from 13 to 16 years old as a continuous long-term age crisis. At this time, maturing boys and girls face two competing drives: the need for intimacy and belonging to the Other and the desire to maintain and assert their own identity. The child has a number of existential experiences: a feeling of loneliness and isolation from others, the loss of the integrity of the world, the inconsistency of his real self with ideals (often false). In addition, it is time to break off your dependence on your parents, form your views and start doing independent things. Among real people and in real situations children learn to cope with life's difficulties: solve psychological problems, overcome fear, jealousy, hostility, form moral ideas, learn to sort things out constructively. For growing up

a person's parents should remain only good advisers, comforters, reliable rear. A teenager should know that he has someone to share his worries with, to discuss difficult situations, ask for advice - but he must act himself.

Differences in aggressive behavior of boys and girls

Girls clearly direct their aggression towards a specific person, and precisely in his psychologically vulnerable place. Girlish aggressiveness is often veiled and outwardly less spectacular, but more effective. Boys control their aggression poorly; it is more generalized in them and generously splashes out on everyone around them indiscriminately. The difference between the aggressiveness of the sexes is especially noticeable between ten and fourteen years, when girls in their mental and physical development go further than boys. Having better control, girls quite often “set up” guys.

Example: A little girl says something nasty to her neighbor, makes a few strokes in his notebook and immediately looks at the teacher with an innocent look, as if listening to her very carefully. She, naturally, sees only the boy’s violent response and punishes him, because during the lesson she has no time to find out “who started first”.

The same differences are characteristic of girls' manifestations of aggression in the group. In cases of group “showdowns”, girls are more often ringleaders and instigators than performers. They prefer to "get" the boys, and then at a safe distance to watch how they fight, and even incite the trying fools.


1. Breslav G.E. "Psychological correction of children's and teenage aggression". St. Petersburg, 2002, 97 p.

2. Psychological Dictionary / Ed. V. P. Zinchenko, B. G. Meshcheryakova. M., 1997, 336 p.

3. Fromm E. Anatomy of human destructiveness M., 1994, 447 p.

1 Fromm E. Anatomy of human destructiveness M., 1994, pp. 162-163

2 Psychological Dictionary / Ed. V. P. Zinchenko, B. G. Meshcheryakova. M., 1997, page 11

Hello dear readers! The topic of today's article is aggression in preschool children.

I will try to answer the questions: what are the causes of its occurrence, how does it manifest itself in children, how should parents respond to aggressive behavior, and what methods and games can be used for correction.

Aggression is usually associated with actions: physical and verbal. Physical, when a child tries to push, hit, bite, spit, break something, hurt with his actions.

And verbal aggression is expressed in hurtful words when a child tries to call names, humiliate, while using swear words.

This unpleasant emotion is experienced by all people: both adults and children. The only difference is that most adults can control their behavior, but children cannot, they need to be taught this.

Aggression can be directed at others and at oneself.

The main causes of aggression in children

1. Response to hurtful, unfair actions of other children or adults.

2. It’s unpleasant how they talk to him, criticize him

3. The child is tired or has not had enough sleep

4. Experienced stress

5. Problems in the family or kindergarten

6. Wants to show he's in charge

7. Lack of physical activity

8. Cannot put into words what he wants.

9. Cruel and evil cartoons, TV shows and computer games.

10. A clear negative example of parents.

11. Not enough attention from parents.

What to do and how to respond to child aggression

♦ More often than not, when parents encounter their toddler's aggressive behavior, they begin to demand that he stop this behavior. Sometimes in a very angry tone, with threats of punishment and physical violence.

But such a reaction from parents will only exacerbate the situation.

♦ If the baby is forbidden to express negative emotions, they do not go anywhere, but accumulate, and sooner or later they will break out with even greater force.

And some children, suppressing their emotions, later will not be able to show them when they need to. For example, if you need to protect yourself or express your opinion.

♦ It is important to understand that young children are not able to control and contain their emotions.

The best way responding to aggressive behavior is keeping calm.

♦First of all, you need to teach your child to recognize their emotions and manage them. To do this, say out loud that you understand that he is angry. Explain what behaviors are acceptable and what are not.

♦ Teach your baby to redirect his negativity to other inanimate objects.

♦ Parents need their positive example show how to deal with different life situations.

♦ It is very important that the baby feels that he is loved by mom and dad, just the way he is, without any conditions.

♦ The indefatigable energy of the child must be channeled into a peaceful direction. Sports and others can help with this. active classes. Very helpful joint classes with a child drawing and modeling.

♦Teach your child compassion. Explain that you should not hurt other people, either by actions or words.

Games and activities to correct aggressive behavior

It is important for children to give vent to their aggressiveness. To do this, you can use some exercises and games.

1. Wrestle with a pillow or a large soft toy.

2. Leave pillows at each other.

3. Tear up old newspapers or magazines.

4. Crumple sheets of paper and throw them at a target, such as a box.

5. Draw your offender and do something with this drawing (paint over, crumple, tear)

6. Blind from plasticine the one at whom he is angry, and then knead.

7. Use the "Bag of Anger", you can shout loudly into it, speak out all your discontent, and then tie it tightly with a rope.

8. Active outdoor games.

9. Instead of swear words, use the names of any items, such as vegetables or fruits. You agree that when the child is angry, he can call names of fruits. Also, other family members replace bad words. The result is not offensive at all, but comically and very funny.

By using these games, you help the baby to throw out the accumulated negative energy without harming others or yourself.

Today I told how aggression manifests itself in preschool children, about the causes of its occurrence, and how parents react to its manifestation.

I wish that only peace and tranquility, love and complete mutual understanding with your children always reigned in your family.