Reasons for low blood pressure. Physical development of the child

As they say, all the best for children. Including films for children, they are the best in some ways, because the creators invest in them only the best, most positive emotions. Cinema for children, although it looks at the world through pink glasses and closes its eyes to many details, yet all films are great teacher life for the little ones.
Basically, in this category you will find cartoons, since they are intended primarily for children, although some of them can be watched with great pleasure by an adult. But it doesn’t matter at all whether it is an animated film or real actors starred in it, they all prepare children for adult life, help you look at the world, taste different problems and try to solve them all. Although in every cartoon or movie, even if it is intended for kids, there is important meaning that the viewer needs to think about. But children cannot always catch this special idea of ​​the work, therefore, in such films, more attention is still paid to more simple truths: friendship, love. good and evil, faith in goodness, faith in magic and magic, faith in something better. And as a last resort, if you can’t find anything, the creators simply make films intended for children fun and exciting - you also need to keep that impatient viewer with an open mouth at the screen.
The creators of the children's film are trying to keep their works on the same wavelength with the minds of children. So, they do not have a drop of the experience of the past years - these films are as pure as fresh leaf papers and the main characters fill it out as they see fit, and not as it should be done. Children believe in magic and magic, which means that films for children should have plenty of both. And almost all children believe in goodness and, moreover, they themselves are good and try to do only good, which means that children's films should all be kind and only positive. Happy watching movies!

We can say that by the age of nine, the child finally said goodbye to the role of a baby, he grew up and matured. The development of a child at the age of 9 and beyond refers to adolescence, when the personality is actively formed, and physiological changes in the body. The development of a child at the age of 9 is characterized by the fact that he has become not only more balanced, but also responsible, he is well versed in many issues and understands more. The development of an 11-year-old child is characterized by the fact that a teenager actively begins to explain and defend own point view, his opinion prevails over the opinion of others and seems to be the only true one. Also developing, a 12-year-old child “reclaims” his personal space and asserts himself. In order for the development of a child at the age of 10 and throughout the entire teenage period to proceed painlessly and correctly, parents should understand the changes taking place in the body and mind of their child and be able to adapt to them in a timely manner.

Physiological development of a teenager

In spite of early development contemporary younger generation, nevertheless, the period of puberty is usually attributed to 10-13 years. Physiological development a child at 9 years old usually proceeds without any pronounced metamorphosis. But a child of 10-12 years old usually already enters the stage of teenage changes that affect not only the body, but character and self-awareness. Some children given period passes painlessly, while others experience a lot of unrest and difficulties. Since it will not be possible to avoid this “restructuring of the body”, programmed by nature, it is important to be aware of its features. After all, many children cannot understand their condition and what is happening, and therefore this stage parents should help.

  • Development of a 10 year old child. A ten-year-old child is just entering teenage years. In girls, physiological changes in the body usually occur earlier and faster than in boys. In most cases, hormonal changes are accompanied by a sharp change in emotions, the emergence of a pronounced interest in opposite sex, active formation intersexual relations. With the onset of puberty, the sex hormone enters the blood intensively.
  • Child development 11 years old. By about 11 years of age, girls begin to gain weight, while boys do not yet experience significant changes in weight. Often at this age, the first signs of personality changes appear, the child becomes quick-tempered, moves away from his parents.
  • Development of a 12 year old child. There is a development of secondary sexual characteristics and a redistribution of fat on the body. In boys, the size of the testicles increases sharply, voice breakage occurs, hair appears in intimate areas, and nocturnal emissions occur. Girls also have hairline in intimate area, the chest grows, the figure is outlined. The main authority for a child at this age is peers, adolescents have less interest in learning, values ​​and hobbies may change. The child can join youth subculture. This age period is preparatory stage to social and sexual relations, so parents should discuss topics of concern to a teenager and just talk at ease about family, interpersonal and sexual relations.
  • Development of a 13 year old child. During this period, the so-called growth spurt occurs, when the teenager quickly stretches. The increase in body weight continues, boys can weigh from 38 to 50 kg, and girls 43-52 kg. Boys are growing muscle mass, while girls continue to develop a female figure.

What can parents do to proper development child 10 years old and throughout adolescence? First, parents need to understand and maintain a friendly tone of communication. It is necessary to continue talking with the child, and not to lecture, but to conduct a dialogue, talking when the child is open to communication. It is important not only to discuss the differences between men and women and discuss the nuances of intersexual relations, but also to show the child various aspects social relations. Feel free to discuss sexual aspects, impulses and attraction with your child, helping him understand himself. If the child does not want to have frank conversations, you can offer him high-quality literature and films on this topic. It is important for parents to understand that during this period the child actively learns about himself and tries to build new relationships with others, he should be helped to find harmony between his own and the public.

Psychological development of a child 10 years old and 11-13 years old

By the age of ten, the child looks really grown up, and by the age of 12-13, the formation of the child's personality is almost completely completed. During this period, it is important to maintain the connection between parents and children, since it is at this time that it is the weakest and most fragile, because the child is ready to listen to anyone, but not the parents.

The development of a 10-year-old child is characterized by an increase in sociability and independence. The child easily makes acquaintances, feels comfortable in the company of peers, spends a lot of time with friends. All attempts to reduce the child's communication will be perceived with indignation, so prohibitions will not help here. Express your requests and wishes not in an ultimatum form, but in the form of friendly advice or a statement of fact.

For the right psychological development a child of 11 years old needs to be given a greater degree of freedom. For example, you can send him to a good pioneer camp, where he can safely rest without parental control.

The psychological development of a 12-year-old child is characterized by a distance from his parents, a teenager tries to "fence himself off" from others. During this period, it is important to loosen control, but in no case remove it. Talking to your child should be a method of negotiation and compromise.

The development of a 13-year-old child refers to a period of greater psychological stability, a teenager has already formed basic values ​​and views on life, he has his own beliefs and is ready to reckon with the opinions of loved ones. Understanding the developmental features of a 13-year-old child, it is important for parents to treat him as an equal, taking into account his opinion and wishes, but still continue to follow the rules established in the family and raise the child.

At the age of 10-11 years, significant physiological and psychological changes which must be taken into account when communicating with the child and parents and teachers.
Stormy work of the glands internal secretion causes the processes of puberty, which affects the work of the whole organism.
The growth of bones and blood vessels does not always correspond to the growth of the heart muscles, therefore, at this age, doctors often record murmurs in the heart of a child. Hormonal adjustment the body affects memory loss, intellectual abilities child. The work of the endocrine glands increases excitability nervous system: excitatory processes predominate over inhibition processes. Adults record increased irritability, irascibility, excessive resentment, harshness in the manifestation of emotions in children of this age.
The negative emotional manifestations in the domestic behavior of children 10-12 years old, especially 11 years old. Peak occurs at 11 years of age emotional instability. The behavior seems to be falling apart. In relation to parents, especially to the mother, the child behaves rudely and defiantly. In the expression of emotions, eleven-year-olds go to extremes. The anxieties and fears of these seemingly impudent boys and girls are quite strong and can become a source of internal feelings of unhappiness.

Outside the family, especially in the families of their friends, these children may look very different - friendly, well-mannered and cheerful. At school, the greatest unevenness in diligence and success is noted, the most low level attentiveness, extreme restlessness, distractibility, forgetfulness, explosiveness and withdrawal into fantasy, "waking dreams". It is no coincidence that teachers working with this age group, often feel like tamers or servants of the menagerie.

A child at this age experiences a carefully hidden from adults, but a very strong need for approval and support. At this age, psychologists note the most low self-esteem children, frequent rejection of themselves, low value of themselves for themselves.

If in primary school teaching was the leading activity for the child, and everything related to school affairs was in the center of the child's interests, but now the situation is gradually changing. Until this age, the child associated self-assessment with his studies. Studying well means being good. His classmates also judged him by his progress in learning.

Now everything will depend not on how he studies, but on how he will be able to establish himself among his peers. The child begins to fight for his personal status in the classroom, in the yard. Communication becomes the leading activity. Therefore, after school, he has some business with friends, in the evening he cannot be driven home. He calls someone, disappears somewhere and does not consider it necessary to inform his parents about his affairs. "How are you at school" - "Good", "Where are you going?" - "Mom, leave me alone, I'm with the guys."

The child begins to test the boundaries of what is permitted. And sometimes these boundaries are extended to the articles of the criminal code. Therefore, "leave me alone, mother" should be analyzed by parents. And do not be complacent that your son or daughter is friends with "good" guys who will not teach bad things.

The fact is that adults quickly stop paying attention to children who behave well and study diligently, having learned the science of conformity early. What is in his soul? What values ​​does he choose, what beliefs does he appropriate? Under the influence of what emotional experiences values ​​of culture become facts of consciousness? All this is hidden from the view of adults. Therefore, they sincerely wonder how these prosperous girls from good families brutally beat your classmate?

Those guys who are good at learning "nerds" no longer enjoy the respect of their peers. There is a redistribution of roles: "leader", "neither this nor that", "scapegoat". Everyone has to reinvent themselves.

The main psychological contradiction of this age is the simultaneous desire to be like everyone else, to have what others have, to wear what peers wear, and the need to stand out, be noticed, recognized. The opinion of other guys about him is a motive for working on himself. All this is accompanied by an unformed sense of taste and proportion. Boys assert themselves through friendship with older guys, jargon, smoking, causing appearance, rudeness or clowning, foolishness, helpfulness to a stronger one.

Increased demands for normative behavior can lead to incidents. An adult is no longer an authority. The actions of an adult are analyzed from the point of view of the morality of the reference (significant) group for the child. Of all the values ​​previously imposed on the child by adults, he now begins to choose his own. And these, their own, albeit still vague values, the child begins to defend. He argues with adults, objects to parents, can start a senseless, from the point of view of an adult, argument. Children of this age are not particularly inclined to cooperate with adults.

The middle school meets the child with a variety of requirements, assessments, and labels. What one teacher praises may be criticized by another. And in general, the opinion of teachers and parents is gradually fading into the background. The child enters the "no man's land" (G. Zuckerman's term) in developmental psychology.

The period of self-affirmation is different for everyone. Stubbornness, insisting on one’s own, even if erroneous, opinion, committing actions that are directly opposite to the requirements of an adult - all this has one meaning: to feel one’s own existence, to experience one’s own independence, to know one’s capabilities, their strength and limits, to affirm one’s life authorship - subjectivity. From the variety of moral requirements and norms of society, a teenager chooses those that will later become the basis of his personality - a system of personal meanings.

Consideration should be given to the preparedness of the consciousness of modern children by watching television series and reading. romance novels to the possibility of experiencing strong feelings towards the opposite sex. At the same time, the polar stratification of interests is observed in girls more strongly than in boys. Among children of this age, with the naked eye, you can see girls who still feel like children, and girls - girls whose interests have long been out of the scope learning activities. The difference between physical and psychological age huge. In grades 5-6, the gap in psychophysical age between girls with early sexual development and boys with late development often reaches 6 years. The image of peers as equals turns out to be untenable. Girls are looking for communication with older boys.

A person at this age is actively experimenting with himself. He checks own abilities in different areas: in communication, in any activity. Tests his courage, attractiveness, willpower. This is a wild and very risky experiment. The child is preoccupied with constantly evaluating himself. For the first time, he begins to think about what qualities of his character help or hinder him in life, tries to correct himself, sometimes not having the necessary knowledge and skills for this.

He becomes interested in psychology. The personal structures of the child are crystallizing, and many social and personal characteristics give grounds for reliable forecasts for 4-6 years ahead.

The tasks of personality development during this period are successful socialization among peers, feeling like a full member of the reference group.
Successful upbringing can be considered that which will give the child the means of this socialization, will help to highlight the effective aspects of the growing personality for communication and will help to correct the shortcomings leading to interpersonal contradictions.

Otherwise, the child’s unsuccessful self-assertion will provoke the development of one of the following types character:
cruel, strong, aggressive (asserted cruelty in response to cruelty: "all people are bastards!";
cruel, strong, cynical (asserted on the heartless use of human weaknesses: “people are garbage”, “fools carry water”);
weak, hypocritical, vile (asserted due to meanness, deceit, hypocrisy, intrigues: the line of behavior is built depending on the circumstances and the nature of the partner, inferior to the strong immediately, with the weak impudent and cruel);
weak, lost dignity ("six"). Forced to seek a patron and adapt to him. Capable of any crime, if only not to arouse the wrath of the "owner". Lost notions of moral and immoral.

At this age, the child's behavior is determined by two leading needs:
1. The need for communication, which manifests itself in non-business communication in the classroom, children do not disperse for a long time after school, write notes to each other, keep diaries of friends, fill out all kinds of questionnaires.
2. The need for self-affirmation, which manifests itself in the choice of clothes, jewelry, hairstyles, the presence of admirers among girls, video equipment, a computer, prestigious games among boys.

Therefore, it is very important for parents to be able at this age to rebuild their relationship from a relationship of authority - obedience, to a relationship of partnership with a child. Otherwise, the family is waiting for fights and an increase in hostility. Adults need sensitivity and caution in their actions.

Children of this age will feel most comfortable in those families where the child is free from suffocating parental love, in relations between relatives there is warmth and understanding, combined with clear, jointly developed rules of conduct and fairly strict, but not dogmatic control over their implementation. Parents may reserve the right to control the choice of education and extracurricular activities of the child, but let peers determine the style of clothing and recreation, aesthetic preferences. Greatest dependency children whose parents are either too authoritarian or too indulgent find out from the peer company.

If you want to remain friends with your children, do not lose their trust in this difficult period their lives, keep the following commandments of family education:
1. Love is patient. How often do we say: “How much can you endure bad temper my child?" Answer: "Unlimited".
2. Come to the aid of children in difficult times life situations. But when helping, do not scold the offenders, but help the child figure out why he was in this situation.
3. Do not envy those parents who, in your opinion, have better children than your child. Envy gives rise to aggression towards your child. God gave you such a child, accept this gift with gratitude.
4. Do not reproach the child with the fact that you do a lot for him. It's insulting. Often, when you remind them of their investment in a child, children will respond: “Who asked you to?”
5. Don't deprive your child of freedom of choice. Let him decide what to wear and with whom to be friends. Explain all the prohibitions, motivate the child to think not only about his desires, but also about yours.
6. Do not put yourself above your children. Avoid arrogance and swagger when communicating with your child!
7. The child has not only duties, but also rights. He has the right not to hear insults and humiliation from his parents, has the right to express his opinion and be heard.
8. Don't get irritated. Don't take your frustrations out on your child. When we lose our temper, we lose control of ourselves and lose everything. Irritability is the worst enemy of family education.
9. Know how to forgive and forget. Do not blame the child for the mistakes that he makes. Development is a drama, and our task is not to exacerbate this drama, but to help to survive with the least trauma to the psyche.

And remember the parable of unconditional love:
The mother rocks the baby in the cradle and sings: "I love you, my baby." A few years later, the child is naughty and naughty, and the mother repeats: "I love you, my baby." Son grew up, dyed his hair in Orange color, started smoking, and his mother still tells him: "I love you, son." And now an adult son at the bedside of a dying mother, shedding tears, whispers: “I love you mom. Only you knew how to love me in any way and always understood. How will I live without you, mother?

Your baby hasn't just grown. By his first birthday, he begins to position himself as an independent, although still very dependent on his mother, personality. He learned to separate his body and his mother's, he begins to understand what his mother feels and what he himself feels.

It's no secret that many mothers find it difficult to believe that yesterday's lump already has its own own desires, tastes, emotions. They are still so tender that it is easy to suppress them, to trample them, to forbid them. Force to do, "as it should", "as it should", "as it is right", "as I said" ...

The child at this time reacts sharply to prohibitions, sometimes you can even notice a regression in his behavior: he throws himself on the floor, refuses to walk, crawls or asks for a pacifier. In general, they protest. And interestingly, it is during this period, separating himself from his mother, that the baby most often does not let her go a single step!

These are not whims. little man he is really afraid to be left without his mother: he understands her “separation” and is afraid of losing her forever. In addition, he does not understand what time is: five minutes and infinity are the same for a one-year-old baby.

Baby 10 months

  • At 10 months, the child can, at the request (without showing), perform pre-learned actions. Understands the words "go", "sit", "lie down" and others.
  • Play on their own in company with other children, if adults will provide assistance.
  • Independently with a support rises and falls from a low ladder.
  • Repeats new syllables after adults, uses pseudo-words expressing his attitude to what is happening. At this stage, he uses in communication at least 1-2 “babble words” (such as lala, baba), understandable in a particular situation. Imitates an adult articulation exercises, tongue games.
  • At 10 months, the child knows how to use a spoon and drink from a cup or sippy cup. Good for biting and chewing small pieces of solid food.
  • Calmly refers to planting on a pot.
  • At the request of an adult, he can make a choice between toys, items of clothing, dishes, determining what he likes more and what he likes less or is generally unacceptable. Develop this skill in a crumb - it is vital for the formation of his psyche.

At 10 months, the child willingly carries out various assignments, and they themselves come up with many “important” things for themselves. If you want your child to be just as proactive in the future, this behavior should be encouraged. And so that the crumbs do not have a feeling of helplessness and resentment because the chosen business is not up to the task (and this is how it most often turns out), the mother should come to the rescue in a timely manner. And very much to praise for the little that the child still managed to do himself.

The independence of the baby should also be encouraged. A child, for example, may have his own responsibilities, with which he is already quite able to cope. You set the table - the little one puts the spoons. You are going for a walk - he chooses which tights or sweater to wear: red or blue. In addition, with this approach, the baby will know what awaits him in the near future - lunch, a walk or reading fairy tales.

A predictable environment is always more comfortable for a child, and he cannot guess what is in his mother's head. Is it necessary to be surprised at the protest on the part of the baby, when he suddenly has to throw his favorite ball and go to the table? ...

Baby 11 months

  • By 11 months, the child can independently stand up with support, rise to sit, walk with support or independently, climb and descend a short ladder.
  • Give the baby a box with a balloon. Then open and close it several times, showing the ball. Then take out the balloon and give the child an empty box. The baby will notice the absence of the ball and will look at you in surprise.
  • Can purposefully ring a bell, use a comb, drink from a cup, eat independently from a spoon, bring light objects upon request, wash hands and face.
  • Give the kid blocks, show how to build a tower out of them, and then destroy it. The child himself folds a tower of cubes, assembles and disassembles a pyramid of rings with wide holes.
  • Able to make generalizations: shows dolls, cars, cubes, balls, parts of his body. Distinguishes objects by shape (cubes, bricks, balls).
  • First attempts appear story game: leads, feeds, cradles the doll. Scrolling and looking bright pictures in a book.
  • He likes to play with children, but treats different children selectively.
  • Performs the first simple instructions, understands the word "no", very well oriented in the room.
  • By the end of the year, he utters “special” words that are understandable only to him and his mother: “bang” - a fall, “fa” - a hat, etc .; can pronounce individual words with an understanding of their subject relationship. The first simplified words appear: “kis-kis”, “av-av”, “give”, “bye”. Uses at least 3-5 babble words that are understandable in a particular situation.

Baby 12 months

In the first year of life, tiny creatures are waiting for a lot of crises - transitions. This is the identification of oneself as a being separate from the mother, and recognition of oneself, the search for one's own "I". What can I say, every new movement mastered is already a kind of leap! Moreover, in some children, even these “mini-crises” cause a “failure” in behavior. So, for example, a child who has just learned to crawl or walk is naughty for some time more than usual and sleeps worse ...

Psychologists say that the only time when tantrums are allowed for a person is the age of about a year. Firstly, the baby does not yet know the words to explain what he wants. Secondly, it is tantrums that are his usual way of behavior.

After all, quite recently, it was worth the baby to cry, to jerk his arms and legs, and his mother immediately came to find out what had happened. She calmed, comforted, fulfilled what she wanted. Now the child is older, but the method of attracting mother's attention is the same.

What to do with hysteria? First of all, don't wait for it to go away on its own. Swearing, shouting, spanking, trying to reason - it's useless. They still don't hear or understand. Just take it in your arms, hug you, shake it, calm it down.

If the tantrum happened on the street, take it home. In this situation, it is important to remember that the baby himself will not be able to calm down. His muscle tone is still too high for this, he will only strain harder and scream.

Crisis of the first year

The main problem of any crisis, and especially the first year, is that parents do not have time to reorganize after the rapid development of their beloved child. Just yesterday, the child lay quietly in the crib and was content with rattles, and today he has awakened an interest in the buttons of the tape recorder, medicines and a hammer.

And it’s a disaster on the street - it’s always such a neat one, now it climbs into a puddle, buries itself in the sand, rolls on rotten leaves ... At the table, the little one tries clumsily, but on its own to act with a spoon, smears itself in porridge and cries desperately when mom wants to take feeding into her own hands.

The first reaction of adults is to stop this disgrace. But after all, such “whims” and “bad behavior”, the desire to grab everything and demonstrate inept independence so far are not signs of a bad character and spoiledness that need to be fought. These are natural manifestations of the stage of growing up. Behind each of them is something very clear, understandable and important for the baby.

It is easy to suppress them - we adults are much stronger. But then we must be prepared for the fact that in ten years we will get a rotten and mumbled who, until the end of his (or our) days, will hold on to his mother's skirt, not being able and not wanting to live independently, to show character and willpower.

Signs of the crisis of the first year are:

  • "difficulty in education" - stubbornness, persistence, disobedience, requirement heightened attention;
  • a sharp increase in new forms of behavior, attempts at independent action and a resolute refusal to perform necessary procedures;
  • hypersensitivity to comments - in response to resentment, discontent, aggression;
  • increased moodiness;
  • conflicting behavior: the baby can ask for help and immediately refuse it.

Problems of the second half

  • persistent self-harmful behavior;
  • non-stop masturbation;
  • inability to imitate sounds and gestures;
  • general apathy;
  • lack of favorite toys and activities;
  • permanent absence signs of dissatisfaction when confronted with strangers.

If you have at least one of these signs, you should contact a specialist!

Many experts believe that today's children reach much earlier than past generations: not at 13-14, but from 11 to 13 years. What is "being a teenager" is clear to everyone, because any adult has gone through this period.

It is from 11 to 13 years old that parents can still influence the formation of the personality, character and habits of the child. How to prepare for the "most difficult age”, says I am a Parent.

Child development at 11-13 years old

Physical development of the child

The child's body begins to change rapidly. For girls, this process is faster, for boys it is a little slower. A child can very sharply increase in height, body weight can either increase or decrease. Begins puberty. Some children have changes in physiological level may start earlier, others later. Due to the fact that the body has changed dramatically, the child's coordination is disturbed. Teenagers can be a little awkward because they are just getting used to their new look.

intellectual development

A child at this age learns to argue, prove his point of view, he develops abstract thinking more actively. However, teenagers often live for today. They don't think about the consequences of their actions. For example, they may try to smoke, although they know how bad it affects health. But the child does not think that these consequences will affect him.

Psychological development

Most often, the child focuses on communication with their peers. Education fades into the background. In addition to communicating with friends, there may be a craving for the opposite sex. Friendship at this age is very expressive, any quarrel can destroy it. In general, the child may become more emotional. Or, on the contrary, "withdraw into yourself."

From 11 to 13 years old, a lot of things happen to a child. various changes. Of course, a growing person wants to be sure that everything is in order with him. Many things parents can tell themselves. Sometimes children ask questions on their own. But often moms and dads are afraid to go too far with unnecessary revelations. Therefore, the easiest way is to give a child, in which it will be written in simple language about the physiology of adolescents.

2. Watch your diet

At an early age, girls feel the need to be attractive to boys, and vice versa. But there are obstacles on the way to beauty - excess weight, acne. For a teenager, it is very important to choose the right nutrition. Keep track of what's in the fridge a large number vegetables and fruits. But baking, fried and spicy is better to exclude. In pursuit of ideal weight, a teenager may begin to starve - this is best avoided.

3. Monitor your mood

Rapidly changing under the pressure of hormones emotional background is the ideal environment for . Do not "shrug off" the child's problems, even if they seem trifling to you. At the same time, you should not bring a teenager to a heart-to-heart talk.

Give the child the initiative. In case of protracted bad mood pay more attention to him, spend a day off together. If a child walks gloomy for a long time - perhaps this is a reason to contact.

Children between the ages of 11 and 13 tend to exaggerate their own problems. Any trifle can be a tragedy. Let the child know that all his difficulties can be solved. Pick a few good books and films about teenagers with a positive ending.

If the feelings are strong, you can write with your child about how a child-like hero finds a way out of a difficult situation.

What is the role of parents in the process of sexual self-identification and what films are worth watching for growing boys, will tell the site's expert, clinical psychologist Ekaterina Blukhterova.

5. Keep what you promise

Teenagers tend to doubt everything. He understands differently. the world. In order to keep the child's trust, adults need to keep their promises. Both punishments and rewards should be implemented within the time frame specified by the parents. This applies not only to the triangle "mom-dad-child", but also the parents themselves, relationships within the family.

6. Be interested in the child's life

Parents of a teenager should be interested not only in grades at school, but also in other matters that excite the child - relationships with friends, teachers, his first love. Do not impose on a child straight Talk and then, learning something that is not with better side characterizes a teenager, scold him. Appreciate any confidential conversation with the child. If he talks about something, it really matters.

7. Let your child decide

The greatest talent of a parent is the ability to start letting go of your child in time. Of course, children from 11 to 13 still require guardianship and control. However, there are decisions that a teenager must make on their own. After all, it is at this age that the personality of the child is formed. Let the student choose his own clothes, decorate the interior of his room, listen to his opinion.

8. Keep track of sleep

Teenagers need eight to nine hours of sleep. Without observing the sleep regime, it is impossible to study and perform physical exercise in the amount that falls on this age. The teenager himself may not understand this. In order not to go into conflict, it is worth designating within the family. One of them is the break time. It is important that parents also follow this rule. The words “we are adults, and you must obey” will only widen the gap between parents and child.

9. Prevent bad habits

Unfortunately, tobacco smoking, drug addiction and substance abuse in Russia are constantly “younger”. Children often try cigarettes or psychoactive substances for the first time at the age of 12-13.

Do not start to suspect the child from scratch. No need to swear and scare dire consequences. All conversations on “hot” topics should be balanced and take place at those moments when both parents and the child are calm and emotionally relaxed.

10. Keep Showing Your Love

Of course, a teenager should be aware that he is growing up, his responsibility is increasing. But this is not a reason for parents to distance themselves from the child. Parents can name the student affectionate words, as before, and unobtrusively show their care. A teenager needs love no less than small children. Often it is this love that serves as a reliable rear, which allows the child to resist problems, temptations and grow into a self-confident adult.

Elena Kononova