We invite you to the classes of the early development group. Early Development Centers

Now there are many centers that offer classes with babies, starting from 6 months. As a rule, the remark that such activities are more necessary for the mother than for the child is true.

What will be offered to you in the classes for the little ones?

Usually, the lesson lasts from an hour to an hour and a half and may include finger games, elementary dance movements to music, drawing, sometimes elements of lectures for mothers and tea drinking. Classes can be built according to two principles: classes in a free environment, where the child and mother interact with developing materials at a pace and sequence that is convenient for them. The second option involves a predetermined structure of the lesson. The teacher offers alternately this or that activity. Usually given 5-10 minutes per task.

It is difficult to say for sure that babies up to a year and a half develop certain skills in such classes, but if classes help mom to be distracted, give certain knowledge about the needs of the child, then this is also for the baby. time will go for good. At a minimum, classes will teach you how to diversify the time spent with your child.

Classes with children from one and a half to three years old, as a rule, are built on the basis of a certain developmental methodology or set of methods. Among the most famous are the Montessori, Zheleznov, Zaitsev methods, Waldorf pedagogy, training using Doman cards or Manichenko's manuals. Classes for this age include a selection for development fine motor skills, speech, creative and logical thinking. The program also includes games that strengthen the health of the child (outdoor games, physical training), as well as developing musical ability. As a rule, during the lesson or at the end, children watch a puppet show.

If you are promised to teach a child under the age of three to read or write, be careful. Since this activity is not age appropriate, its benefits are ambiguous.

All classes should be built in the form of a game, moreover, active and mobile.

Up to three years is optimal if the mother is present in the group with the child. Otherwise, the child, instead of solving the problem of development, will solve the problem of adaptation in a team without a mother.

How to choose good educational activities?

1. It is very important that the center is spacious, the classrooms are equipped with all the necessary methodological materials, the presence of natural light, a room for relaxation, a room where parents can wait for their child without crowding.

2. The number of children in groups should be limited, no more than six people, so it is easier for the teacher to implement individual approach which is most effective in teaching preschoolers.

3. The lesson program should be versatile and interesting in order to keep children's attention. Teachers should teach how to handle this or that developmental material, track what this moment development is interested in the child and offer new activities that will help the child expand his knowledge.

Some kindergartens have a free early development group - CIPR (Child Play Support Center). The group is designed for children from 1.5 years. Children go to classes with their mother 3 times a week. The CIPR program alternates between music, drawing, physical education, modeling, the development of fine motor skills, the study of poetry, sometimes massage, swimming pool, oxygen cocktail. To find out which kindergarten to contact, call the district recruitment commission

Why choose us

The lesson includes many games aimed at developing small and gross motor skills, memory, attention, thinking. Children actively get acquainted with the world around them, develop speech and form the simplest mathematical representations. At the end of the lesson, the baby and mother often do original craft that you can take with you and keep as a keepsake.

Musical blocks are created in the child strong positive emotional response to music, laying the foundations aesthetic development from the early age. This part includes mobile, finger and role-playing educational games, simple dance movements, playing children's (noise) musical instruments and much more. Music blocks complete the task strengthening the psyche of the child, creations from him strong inner harmony.

Early development classes are held in a spacious and comfortable room. Variety of games and methodological material makes them bright and memorable. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that each group accepts no more than six children. This means that the teacher will be able to give due attention to each kid and each parent!

Price. Schedule. How to enroll

2. Write to us in the form feedback on the site: you can specify your name, contact phone number and age of the child, as well as the time convenient for the call. We will call you back.

3. Write a letter to email [email protected] or to the "old" version - [email protected] .

Come! We are waiting for you!

From the head

How "evil" teachers deprive kids of childhood

Everyone has heard of early childhood development these days. However, few people can explain what it is - early development. And the main objections of parents are connected precisely with the lack of information and they come from the usual parental fears. They are very simple and known to everyone.

  • "Why take away a child's childhood?". Why did you decide to take it? The yard is not hungry twenties and heavy forties of the last century. Try to seat the one-year-old at the desk and force ... yes, at least draw or sculpt, if he does not want to. In the first years of a child's life strives for everything new absolutely naturally. Early development not only does it not take away childhood: it fills him with joy!
  • “I was brought up without any early developments - and what am I, worse?” ... "Let me have normal child without any newfangled stuff!”. You will not believe it, but in America at one time they also thought so ... though not everyone. And now in the US society is divided into "average Americans" and smart, Very smart people . The latter govern the former. Early development is a strategic "chip" of the people! Now they are working on early development methods scientists around the world. I repeat once again: the goal of early development is not to “sculpt a child prodigy”, but to develop a harmonious Little Personality with stable psyche And a keen interest in learning!
  • “Smart children are often unbalanced…” How did you measure this balance? The amount of information in the world is growing all the time and from its flow the head is spinning not only among children. Our task is to adapt the child to a world overloaded with information. Early development develops in the baby the desire to learn everything new, gives him inner harmony , stabilizes his psyche. How does a person usually behave immediately after returning from the sea? Have you noticed that he loses his temper much less often than before the holidays? Here is a similar stability of the baby and is one of the goals of early development! The stable psyche of the child and his spiritual harmony is a powerful foundation, on which you can then build a fortress sports spirit, and a skyscraper of intellect, and anything at all! Exactly on harmonious development the child is directed by our method.
  • "I'm lazy". Not many people are able to admit it. Unfortunately, this is often the main reason.

Child development - a purchase or an investment?

The early development of children can be compared not with the regular purchase of bread in the store, but with investing in the construction of a bakery. The main thing is not to overdo it and prepare in the future to answer the many questions of the little why, many of which may not be appropriate for his age.

The main result of early development is not a child prodigy that the family will be proud of. This is a child who for many years will not lose a steady desire to constantly learn something new. At expensive trainings personal growth"specialists" try to "turn on" this property again ... occasionally they succeed. But it's much easier "insure" baby from such "ossification" at a very young age! Naturally, almost effortlessly and with pleasure! By 8 months, the child's brain has about 1000000000000 nerve connections, and then many of them begin to rapidly disappear. Why? Yes, because the brain develops on the principle of "use it or lose it." By the age of six, the brain is fully developed., and almost half of these connections are lost. And the most the right way preserve the powerful potential of the brain is comprehensive development up to six years old.

Still not early, but timely!

Early development is not building a house, but laying the foundation. Many "patriarchs" of early development - Glen Doman, Masaru Ibuka, Cecile Lupan, Nikolai Zaitsev, Evgenia Tropp and others - did not like the word "early". What is it "early" when it is just timely? Who starts building a house without really finishing the foundation?

The developed child lives in harmony with himself, with his family, independently strives to explore the world, to learn something new. This is his free choice, and not the fruits of acquaintance with his father's belt. But it is very difficult for peers to force him to do what he does not want. In other words, little personality grows which can make its own choice.

Finally - one more reason to think for the opponents of everything "newfangled". Remember the expression "soak with mother's milk"? What do we even know about how kids were raised 100 years ago? In any case, what is laid in our "personal foundation" in the very early childhood, will remain inviolable throughout our lives. We can then do nothing to develop some ability acquired in early childhood, it will still remain with us for life.

When I was a little boy and we lived in a communal apartment, my father made a horizontal bar and a removable swing in the corner for me. A colorful political map of the world hung on the wall. I could not read then, but I already understood the names of colors and knew how to swing. It was a great game: "I got to Brazil ... I got to Mexico ... but Africa ... ". Later, at school, I never had a problem with geography. With the vestibular apparatus - too. This example, of course, does not directly relate to early development methods, but is it really my fault that in the 80s there were no children's centers in our city?

Best regards, leader children's center"Amadeus" Alexey Sergeevich Shigaev

Developing classes in a group for children from one to three years old

At the age of one to three, the child has a particularly active knowledge of the world. Children are interested in everything, they are trying to touch everything, try it, understand “how it works”. Everything that children of this age come into contact with surprises them and requires knowledge. Many children at this age do not yet speak, accumulating a passive vocabulary and gaining inner experience. The task of our early development groups is to help kids make their discoveries and their first steps on the path of knowledge, avoid "stuffing" with knowledge and dry information. Experienced knowledge is knowledge acquired in the process of direct experiences, impressions, observations, practical actions. Only personal experience child helps him grow and develop.

Therefore, our task is to create conditions for the baby, a developing environment in which it would be interesting for him to learn and discover this world.

And yet, it's not a secret for anyone that a child, in the process of his development, takes behavior patterns from the environment in which he finds himself. Everything that surrounds him becomes the Norm for him, Correct behavior! Therefore, we tried to create conditions in early development groups in which the child will be surrounded by a beautiful and real: we introduce children to folk tales, we listen to classical music with them and look at paintings by famous artists.

In life, the baby develops most of all thanks to the parents. Therefore, we interact a lot with parents. We will try very hard dear mothers and dads, so that for you classes also become a new experience and help in the development and upbringing of your child.

Our classes in the early development group are based on the principle of comprehensive education, which contributes to the development of all aspects of the child's personality. Classes consist of two blocks, and are held in two different rooms.

cognitive development

Speech development

Development of fine motor skills

Development of elementary mathematical concepts

Free environment using the methods of Maria Montessori

Aesthetic development

Musical education

Introduction to oral folk art(fairy tales) and small folklore forms (chastushkas. nursery rhymes, chants ...)

Visual activity: modeling from plasticine and dough, modeling, mastering brushes and paints, applique from paper and fabric

Gross motor development

Acquaintance with the paintings of famous artists and classical music famous composers

Comprehensive early development classes are held 2 times a week, the duration of one lesson is 1 hour, in groups of up to 7 people.

Program group lessons for parents and young children is based on the PEKiP program (Prague Parents and Children Programme). These are gentle activities aimed at maintaining natural development child and strengthening harmonious relations baby with parents. We support parents in their natural sensitivity, in the ability to understand the needs and characteristics of the baby. The program has proven to be effective method prevention early deviations in the development of children. In the "I + MOM" group, parents will be able to: Choose games that are most suitable for their child. Get the opportunity to communicate with your baby without being distracted by household chores. Strengthen the relationship with the child and get more joy from communicating with him. Share experiences with other parents. Give your child a unique experience of interacting with other toddlers. Program objectives: 1. To promote positive development the relationship between parents and the child through joint experiences, games, movement, the joy of communication. Through targeted observation of their children, parents will better understand the needs of their children and respond appropriately to their behavior. 2. Support the development of the child. infant he can show his parents in what rhythm, pace and direction his development is going. Outdoor games- This active forms learning, from which the infant "shapes" his own game program according to their capabilities and needs. 3. Facilitate the exchange of experience between parents. The group is going intensive exchange experience in relationships and child development. 4. Keep children in touch with each other. The program provides young children with the opportunity to be together with their peers and for the first time develop social connections in the presence of parents. Thanks to regular meetings, trust is built not only in parents, but also in other adults. Conditions of carrying out: 6-8 children of the same age with mothers or fathers are engaged in the group. The age of children is from 1 to 24 months. The course consists of 10-12 lessons, which take place once a week. The lesson lasts 1.5 hours. The basis of the lesson is the games proposed by the psychologist Yaroslav Koch. The structure of the lessons The lessons contain games and exercises aimed at the consistent development of the main types of cognitive activity child. 1. Games that promote the development of emotional interaction between a child and an adult. 2. Games that develop visual, auditory, tactile perception. 4. Games that stimulate and develop sound activity and the prerequisites for understanding speech. 5. Games and exercises that develop movements and normalize motor activity. 7. Games that develop the first objective actions. First year of life. One of the most valuable acquisitions in the first year of a child's life is special connection- attachment that connects him with his mother and father or other closest adults. Early attachment, as a special kind of emotionally warm relationship between a child and mother, is an innate need, no less important than the physiological needs of an infant. Intuitive behavior of parents, based on sensitivity and empathy, supporting the innate competence of children, the best way contributes to the development of communicative, emotional, social and verbal intelligence of children. Movement is one of the most important forms physical and mental development child in early childhood. By creating a variety of game situations according to his abilities and interests, we awaken in him the desire to independently discover the world around him. Five steps for success joint game(according to Yaroslav Koch): 1. The mother, watching the child, offers the game that, in her opinion, is most desired by him at this moment. 2. She watches his reaction. 3. Interprets it. 4. Decides what to do in response to the child's reaction. 5. And acts without wasting time. The program is run by Elena Nikolaevna Bulatetskaya, a teacher-psychologist of the "Optimist" center. Registration by phone: 551-09-05, 551-09-03.